Golden Gate Koktebel. Road to the Golden Gate

The Golden Gate, in Crimea, is one of the most amazing places in the world. This is one of the calling cards of Crimea, the pride of Koktebel. Thousands of tourists every year strive to get here and admire this miracle of nature.

Geographic coordinates of the Golden Gate of Crimea on the GPS map N 44.9111 E 35.2056

The Golden Gate is located in the Feodosia region of Crimea, between the villages of Koktebel and Kurortnoye, opposite the Karadag Nature Reserve. The Golden Gate is an outcast rock that broke away from the Karadag massif millions of years ago and moved into the sea. This process continues to this day, although it is practically unnoticeable. The Golden Gate got its name because of its golden color, which is clearly visible in sunny weather. The gates acquire the most saturated color from 12:00 to 15:00. Although sunset and dawn have their own charms. The height of the rock is 8.2 meters, width is 6.1 meters, in the above-water part. The total height from the bottom to the peak is 15.3 meters; 7.1 meters - in the underwater part.. Today the Golden Gate of Crimea is open to all tourists. The only restriction on visiting is passing through the gate.

How to get to the Golden Gate of Crimea

Get to the Golden Gate of Crimea, you can from two points: from the village of Koktebel and Kurortnoye. Most tourists choose a boat trip from Koktebel, but you can also walk along the Karadag Nature Reserve. Hiking, on average, costs 1300 rubles. The reserve is closed for independent walks. 800 rubles - cost boat trip on a boat or yacht. From the village of Kurortnoye, getting to the gate will cost 100 - 200 rubles. cheaper. But excursions take place several times less frequently. One of the most extreme and exciting ways to get to the Golden Gate of Crimea is by kayak from Koktebel. Rent will be about 500 rubles, including equipment. The time is about 1.5 - 2 hours round trip. But if you choose the kayak option, then take 4-5 hours to take short breaks on wild beaches and small bays, of which there will be plenty.

Boat excursion to the Golden Gate from Koktebel

Boat excursion to the Golden Gate in Koktebel starts on the street Embankment, near the piers. Tours run from 9:00 to 18:00. The cost of an excursion to the Golden Gate is 800 rubles, 400 rubles for children. Average duration is about 2 hours. Excursions, in summer time, are carried out by a set of groups, on average once every 20-30 minutes. At the beginning of the route you leave Koktebel Bay into Koktebel Bay. The bay offers stunning views of Cape Chameleon, Mertvyaya and Tikhaya Bays.

Next you head to the Karadag massif. Mount Karadag, once active volcano. Its volcanic processes, during the Jurassic period, created stunning cliffs, cliffs and bays. The route runs along Karadag, along its small bays, grottoes and rocks. The most famous bays you will visit are: Frog, Gravel, Livadia and Carnelian. These bays are famous for their quiet relaxation, nudist beaches, and simply for their beauty. In addition to the bays, you will also come across bizarre rocks: the Lighthouse, the Lion, Ivan the Robber and, of course, the Golden Gate. At the Golden Gate, in the summer, they usually offer swimming in the open sea for 15-20 minutes.

The depth is on average 45-50 meters, the water is so clear that up to 20-25 meters you can see the bottom. The feeling of swimming remains amazing. You can jump from a boat or just lie on the warm waves of the Black Sea. Near the Golden Gate, quite often you can see dolphins, and on the way back the entertainment begins with feeding seagulls. The captain throws a piece of bread, and seagulls fly towards it and grab it in flight. To understand how fun and exciting it is, you just have to try it at least once. When planning to attend a sea excursion, you should consider several points: - take water, swimming trunks, and a towel with you. Also take bread to feed the seagulls and, of course, a photo camera.

Legends about the Golden Gate of Crimea

With the Golden Gate of Crimea related a large number of legends and myths. For example, many scientists believe that in the myths of ancient Greece, Hercules and Odysseus descended into the kingdom of Hades through these gates. In the old days, at a time when Crimea was inhabited by the ancient Greeks, the name of this place was “Devil's Gate”, which was later transferred to the Crimean Tatar names. Even in the not so long-gone 20th century, there were many stories that at the gates floating under the arches, clocks stopped, navigation did not work, and incomprehensible groans and exclamations broke through the radio frequencies.

The entire Karadag region- This anomalous zone. Also, many versions can be heard from ufologists. They unanimously insist that in the summer in the Golden Gate area, unidentified flying objects can be observed. They enter the water and disappear under the rocks. The local population will certainly tell numerous stories about the Karadag monster. It lives either under a rock or somewhere in the depths. The monster hunts mainly dolphins - fishermen often catch poor mammals with huge bites, unlike anyone else's jaws. In general, there are a huge number of legends, but an indisputable fact is the beauty of the Golden Gate of Crimea. It's up to you to decide what to believe. If you are planning to visit the Golden Gate of Crimea, then be sure to check it out so that your vacation is eventful and interesting.

Golden Gate Crimea on the map

Today's story is about one of the three visual symbols of Crimea - the Golden Gate rock.
Along with Swallow's Nest and Bear Mountain, this rock can most often be found in various souvenir photographs, postcards, magnets in Crimea, as well as in articles and on the covers of magazines telling about Crimea.
One of the favorite places of tourists is natural natural object, created by an ancient volcano, and then “modified” by sea waves and wind.
In ancient times, the rock was called by a completely different name - the Four Gates (or Sheitan-Kapu) and it was believed that here was the entrance to the Underworld...

The most famous rock of Crimea is located in the east of the peninsula, at the foot of the ancient extinct volcano Karadag.
Volcanic activity many millions of years ago created many incredible formations in this place, some of which I already talked about a few days ago. One of such formations is the Golden Gate.

It was later that the storm and the wind expanded the natural opening to enormous sizes, through which even a small pleasure boat could sail. But first there was a volcano. Just look closely at the structure of the rock.
Remember my recent post about the volcano at Cape Fiolent? Doesn't the rock look like anything?

Why are the gates golden?
First of all, at dawn, they really look golden. Although not everyone can see the sunrise from the right point, because the rock is located on the territory of the reserve and access to wild beach at the foot of Lion's Dyke is prohibited and protected by gamekeepers of the reserve.
But the rock becomes “golden” again during the day - at about 13-14 hours. At this time in the summer, the sun is in such a position that the falling rays of the sun change the color of the rock to close to gold. She is beautiful even at sunset.

Why is this happening?
The fact is that the rock is completely covered with yellow lichens, which play in the sunlight.

However, recently its upper part has become more white than yellow. This is due to an increase in the number of the red-listed crested cormorant, which nests in these places. And his droppings increasingly cover the surrounding rocks.
Despite its seemingly small size, the rock is quite massive. Its height is 8 meters and its width is 6. Just two years ago, almost all pleasure boats that carry tourists from Koktebel, Kurortny or Feodosia passed through the opening, and tourists threw coins for luck.
However, since the beginning of the 2012 holiday season, by order of the Ministry of Nature of Ukraine, a ban on the passage of boats under the Golden Gate was introduced, and the entire a tourist route along the marine part of the reserve, which now runs at least 100 meters from the coastline.
This measure, in my opinion, is quite justified, taking into account the eco-culture of our tourists and the damage that dozens of ships cause in the summer, invading wild nature.
To the opponents of these innovations, I can only say the following: over these few years, which occurred after the tightening of access to the territory of the reserve (and this also affected the mountain-forest part), the reserve has changed a lot for the better. It became much cleaner, dozens of well-trodden paths were overgrown with grass, I again began to see wild animals on the ecological trail with the naked eye, the number of wild birds increased and this is the only reserve in Crimea where I saw absolutely no garbage (!!!). Neither on the shore, nor in the mountains.

The Golden Gate, Lion's Dyke and Devil's Fireplace Gorge are traces of the activity of an ancient volcano.

Minutes when the rock has a golden color.

Dawn at the Golden Gate. Of course, the most famous shots are when it is possible to shoot the sun directly in the opening of a rock, but this is only possible a few days a year...
Who knows, maybe one day you will see this shot in my magazine...

P.S. The filming was carried out with official permission from the Karadag Nature Reserve from a service boat.

This is Koktebel’s business card. The Golden Gate is a huge rock, standing alone in the middle of the sea, not very far from the Kara-Dag rock massif.

The rock has several features. First: this is the possibility of passing through it. The rock resembles a pointed arch. And a large pleasure boat can easily pass under this arch.

The second feature of the Golden Gate is its color.

At the beginning of summer, the golden glow of the rock is caused by lichen growing on the stones. It blooms yellow and the rock looks golden. But the name becomes much clearer if you look at the rock from the setting sun - it suddenly explodes with a golden glow in the middle of the thick blue. Look at the photo below - isn't it golden?

It is not surprising that the image of the Golden Rock is on a variety of souvenirs, on cups and mugs, on coasters, on ashtrays in bars and restaurants.

In general, I’ll be honest: you can visit Koktebel only for the sake of Kara-Dag and travel to it and along it.

Boats with tourists leave for Kara-Dag literally every hour. Tickets are available from numerous distributors.

It's good if you get it good guide: not just smart and knowledgeable, but in love with Kara-Dag. Of course, talking about the same thing every two hours and so on for many days is tiring. And yet, there is a difference between guides and guides.

The boat departs from the pier. The sea, further from the shore, is mesmerizing: the depth literally breathes from under the mass of water, you feel something unusually huge, while peacefully dormant, but can be formidable and merciless. A few minutes of travel - and now the boat is approaching the overhanging formidable rocks. Here the guide will certainly point out one huge rock - from the side it resembles the profile of a person. Everyone claims that this is Voloshin’s profile. The rock is called Voloshina. Well, let another legend live.
Individual rocks stand near the water - they are huge, the size of a house, and bizarre. Each of these got its own name. Everything here has a name: every cove, every grotto.

Kara-Dag from the sea is part of the crater of the volcano. Maybe some fifth. Several kilometers along the sea seem to be inside this vent. And it’s hard to even imagine what a huge, incredibly huge volcano it was! And what kind of power exploded here, throwing down ash and lava in ancient times. What amazing patterns the fiery element left on the walls of the vent. The rocks hang overhead - sharp, tall. Do you remember the movie "Pirates of the 20th Century"? Well, how can we forget him? So from one of these rocks Eremenko Jr. jumped into the sea. Yes, yes, a lot of films were shot in Koktebel during Soviet times.

Looking ahead, I’ll tell you about one disappointment that awaited us at home. We took a laptop with us, in the evening we downloaded photos from the camera and arranged a viewing, as if summing up the results of the day. So, we returned from this trip and sighed: the photographs could not convey even a tenth of the grandeur of the Kara-Dag rocks. It’s all very simple: you look at the stones, but the eye has nothing to compare their scale with... In general, you need to take this into account when shooting in the mountains. Even for the human eye, mountains are very deceptive with their size and distance, and photography cannot convey the full depth of their greatness.

Golden Gate Rock... A very beautiful sight. And at sea, distances are deceptive. It seems quite small, but then you see a boat approaching it - and this boat next to the rock suddenly turns out to be very small, it dives into the arch of the rock, comes out on the other side... Now it’s our turn. The noise stops. It felt like it wasn’t us approaching the rock—it was the rock that suddenly began to grow out of the water and move towards us. It's even creepy.

Everyone takes out coins. This is another Koktebel myth - while the boat is passing through the rock, you need to throw a coin so that it hits the rock, rings and falls into the water. It is important to hear exactly how your coin rings... If you make a wish at this time, it will come true. The boat operates at very low speeds, almost inaudibly.

We leave the cliff, shocked and timid. The guide winks with the air of a conspirator:

– There is one secret: your wish will 100% come true if you dive and get your coin back.

The depth of the Golden Rock is about a hundred meters. It probably decreases by a meter over the course of a year - so many coins fly here. They say, and this is less like a myth, that two guys with scuba gear wanted to profit from these human donations to the god of the sea - they began to dive under the Golden Rock. Both died.

And now - Cimmerian bathing!

There is further into the sea, opposite the Golden Rock, an amazing place. The water there is special. Even in cold weather it is warmer than anywhere else. The ancient Greeks knew this place and came here. This is where Cimmerian bathing came from - swimming in the open sea.

The boat stops at a place known only to the captain. Those who wish to wear life jackets. But most people jump into the water just like that - right from the side of the boat.

The water is an extraordinary blue. Transparent, you can see how it darkens in the depths, saturated with violet. The water beckons, calls with some ancient call, and something long forgotten, ancient, dormant in the genes suddenly comes to life in the soul. We all came out of the water...

And I jump.

To be honest, this was the first time I experienced such a feeling. It was an emotional and physical explosion. In terms of strength and color, the feeling most resembled (don’t laugh!) an orgasm. This is true. And I saw dozens of eyes in which the same delight was read.

I'm not a very good swimmer. But there was not a drop of fear here, the water seemed to support you with the soft shocks of the waves...

Then we swam to the reserve station - after all, Kara-Dag is a nature reserve. A group gathered there, and now we are heading back - along Kara-Dag itself, now we look down as we looked up, now we see other boats carrying tourists. We see the Golden Rock - it splashes with gold, reflecting the rays of the setting sun, and everyone is in a hurry to photograph this spectacle.

The path is difficult, dangerous, but strange: no one complains, even a six-year-old girl stubbornly climbs the mountain path. The guide is cheerful, manages to tell a lot of stories about Kara-Dag, about stones, cliffs, about the robbery of Kara-Dag during the war - one mountain was literally taken from here - the clay shales were used in industry. And the whole mountain was made of these shales. As, by the way, is Cape Chameleon.

7 kilometers of journey. First there is a climb, a path along the top. Devil's Finger Rock. Cliffs. Rocks hanging overhead...

We go down tired, but damn happy. In this part of the bay there are boarding houses, cafes, restaurants, a diving club...

We sit down at a table on the cafe terrace. They bring us coffee and drinks. I light a cigarette with extraordinary pleasure - smoking is prohibited on Kara-Dag. And rightly so...

And Zhenya examines the stones found on Kara-Dag. We still have these stones - stones from the ancient Kara-Dag volcano. And also cups with the image of the Golden Rock. And a hot stand made of juniper wood with a pattern of this rock. And photographs.

We will definitely visit Koktebel again. For some reason it is very important to see the Golden Rock again. And once again experience a feeling of unity with nature, unattainable anywhere else, by jumping from the high side of the boat into the blue depths of the Black Sea at the Golden Rock...

Where is: Resort, Koktebel
Golden Gate coordinates (latitude, longitude): 44°54"52"N 35°13"53"E

History of the Golden Gate of Crimea

Nature gives us delightful moments of pleasure and admiration. Beautiful landscapes inspire creative people - artists, poets, writers, architects... We see in it a source of inspiration and happiness. There is one place on our planet that is definitely worth visiting for those who want to feel the magical beauty of the sea, golden cliffs and amazing sky. We are talking about the Golden Gate rock, magical in its beauty and inner strength. This example of natural art is located on Eastern Shore Crimea, near the village of Koktebel, in the rocks of Kara-Dag.

Features of the Golden Gate of Crimea

Why is this rock so interesting? First of all, by its structure - it floats straight out of the sea, forming a majestic stone arch. And in the rays of the bright sun it shines with a magical golden hue. Undoubtedly, the area around the rock itself fuels the imagination... But first things first.

Secrets of the Golden Gate

Crimea has many of the most unusual and mysterious places, but, undoubtedly, the Kara-Dag rocks occupy a special place among all these attractions. The history of these places begins with ancient name, which the Crimean Tatars gave him - “Black Mountain”, this is how the name Kara-Dag is translated into Russian. Indeed, if you visit Crimea, you will see many different rocks, and most of them will be light, brown and sandy shades. But not Mount Kara-Dag. She towers like a black giant above the surrounding landscape.

The reason for this coloring is the origin of the rocks. More recently, scientists have found out that in the distant past Mount Kara-Dag was a huge volcano and after the eruption it was covered with rocks of volcanic origin - basalt, porphyrite, andesite. On the banks of these rocks there are several monasteries, because here is sacred land, with which many biblical legends are associated. One of them claims that it was on the territory of Koktebel that the famous battle of St. George the Victorious and the Terrible Serpent took place. Local residents and tourists, walking along these banks, sometimes hear the ringing of bells. Legends say that these are the bells of Stephen of Sugdea from distant Constantinople, who sends his blessings to the local monks.

The rocks of Kara-Dag themselves are so fantastic that they resemble a magical and terrifying pirate island from a children's book. Dark gorges, secret coves, picturesque copses, flat boulders and sharp rock peaks - all this evokes certain thoughts. And for good reason, one of the historical assumptions says that perhaps pirates stopped here in ancient times. Secret coves and sharp rocks are an excellent refuge from the royal soldiers. Herself coastline The coastline is so diverse that the locals gave each unusual ledge its own name - Sphinx, Elephant, Gingerbread Horse, Ivan the Robber rock, etc. Behind each rock and cliff there is a special story of its own... How much these rocks have seen and still retain their majestic appearance.

Another legend of these places is associated with mysterious treasures. Since the Black Rock was once a volcano, and after the volcano erupts, many precious stones can be found on the ground around... Legends may exaggerate about precious stones, but semi-precious stones actually do occur; many tourists and local residents have found them in Gems in the mountains. And of course, the most precious and even fabulous island on the coast.

Kara-Dag - Golden Gate.

Lonely golden arch. It has been scientifically proven that the famous Golden Gate rock was formed many millions of years ago, precisely at the time when the mighty Kara-Dag volcano erupted. The golden macaw is nothing more than part of a collapsed volcano, part on land, part in the sea. Undoubtedly, it is its shape that the rock immediately attracts attention. There are many legends and mystical, fantastic stories about her. Ever since Ancient Greece the inhabitants of Hellas believed that this gate was the entrance to the afterlife kingdom of Hades.

The inhabitants of these places, the Crimean Tatars, called this rock Shaitan-Kapu, which translated into Russian means “Gate of the Devil.” It is interesting that it was this name of the unusual rock that attracted the famous Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. On one of the sheets of the manuscript of “Eugene Onegin” he drew a rock-arch and a dancing devil next to it. Of course, such a mystical name evokes the fact that the rock resembles a gate to nowhere, to another parallel world. Already relatively recently, the magical arch began to be called the “Golden Gate”. During sunset, the rock actually glows with purple golden light. The magic of this light has been revealed - all thanks to the specific lichens that cover almost the entire surface of the mountain. But even this prosaic explanation does not make this place any less beautiful or mysterious.

It's interesting that in different time During the day, the rock looks and glows completely differently: in the rays of sunset it is golden, in the morning it is snow-white, during the day it is black with defined edges... This transformation is very fascinating for photographers and artists. Another miracle of this region is the sea around Kara-Dag. It's especially beautiful here! Many claim that only in these parts the sea acquires a simply magical blue color. Geologists explained why this happens many years ago: the entire bottom of the bay is covered with volcanic basalt. It is thanks to him that the water reflects the blue of the sky more strongly and becomes surprisingly blue.

When you look at the bay, where the rock-arch is located, from above it seems that it is simply infinitely deep... In fact, this pirate bay has a depth of 15 m. Many poets of our homeland admired these picturesque landscapes - Marina Tsvetaeva, Maximilian Voloshin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Osip Mandelstamp... Artists painted these places in their paintings. One of the striking examples is the painting of the famous moraine painter - the legendary and unique Aivazovsky. Anyone who can visit Crimea must definitely visit these historical, mysterious and very Beautiful places– here you will be visited by inspiration and happiness. Come to Crimea, to Koktebel and enjoy the sunset on Mount Kara-Dag, peering into the distance through the Golden Gate.

The Golden Gate Rock is a local landmark of Koktebel, a small resort town in the east of Crimea. Every year many vacationers come here and spend their holidays here, but few of them know about the Golden Gate, or rather, about the history of this place, what legends exist and much more. Well, we need to fix this.

Description and where it is located

As mentioned above, the Golden Gate is located in Crimea, in Koktebel, not far from mountain range Kara-Dag. Some tourists who first arrived in Crimea often think that this is some kind of historical and architectural structure, like Arc de Triomphe or something similar, because the name is quite appropriate, but no. The object is of completely natural origin. Once it was a solid rock, but over the centuries winds and waves have made a through hole in it, thereby turning it into an arch under which boats and just vacationers sail.

The Golden Gate rock in Koktebel is about 15 meters high and 6 meters wide, and it received the prefix “golden” because of its natural material - yellow balsamite, which shines slightly in very bright sunshine.

How to get there

In order to get to the Golden Gate rock in Koktebel, you must first get into the city itself. This can be done in only two ways: by personal car or by regular bus. Now in more detail about each of them.

Personal transport

It is mainly Crimeans from other Crimea who travel by private transport. settlements, or tourists from the Kerch region

So, to get to Koktebel from Kerch, you need to take the E97 road, also known as M17. It's easy to do. From the crossing you should head straight to the intersection with the intersection of the street. Kirov. Then you will need to turn onto the street. Marshal Eremenko, and from there go to the street. Gorky and then onto the M17 highway, which will lead to Koktebel itself. The total travel time will be approximately 1 hour 45 minutes or slightly less.

As for the road from other places, for example from Simferopol, you can get here by following the P23 road. This will take no more than 2, and maybe less, hours.


Another equally effective way to get to Koktebel is by bus. From Simferopol, departures go regularly, the only thing is that when the tourist season is nearing the end, the number of flights drops significantly, but you can always get to Feodosia, and from there to Koktebel. Of course, it’s not very convenient, but still.

If we talk about the trip from Kerch, then the situation here is a little worse. Of the direct flights to Koktebel, only 1 bus goes, and then at 9:30 in the morning. In all other cases, you will have to travel with a transfer in Feodosia, which, again, is extremely inconvenient.

That, in fact, is all that concerns the trip to Koktebel. Next on the course is the Golden Gate.

Road to the Golden Gate

Now, after arriving at the place, it’s time to tell you how to get to the Golden Gate in Koktebel. The attraction is located on the territory of the Karadag Nature Reserve. There are several ways to get there:

  • on foot;
  • as part of an excursion;
  • by car.

Looking ahead, I would like to note next fact- although there are several options, they will all ultimately come down to one.

On foot or by car

To get from Koktebel to the Golden Gate, you will need to walk no less - a little more than 6 km. Of course, the journey can be significantly shortened if you use the services of a minibus or regular taxi, which will take you to the entrance to Karadag nature reserve. There you will need to buy an entrance ticket, which costs 300 rubles, and join one of the tourist groups.

Yes, unfortunately, you won’t be able to enter the territory on your own, only as part of a walking tour, but more on that below.

If we talk about how to get to the Golden Gate in Koktebel by car, then everything is absolutely the same as in the previous version. The only thing that can be done is to get to the entrance, where you can then purchase a ticket to visit the reserve. Entry by personal vehicle is strictly prohibited.

Walking excursions

So, after you have purchased an entrance ticket to the reserve, you will need to join any tourist group. There are always people here, so there will definitely be no problems with waiting time. By the way, all walking route is approximately 7 km or a little more, and also requires little physical training, since there are both descents and ascents. Everything is further complicated by the fact that in the summer it is very hot here, even in the early hours. It is recommended to take enough water with you.

On the way, you can admire the beautiful landscapes and a gorgeous view of the Kara-Dag rocks, while listening to the guide’s stories about these places. Honestly, one of the most important disadvantages of any excursion is the limited scope of everything, that is, you only need to move strictly along the route in order to fit within the allotted time frame. Fortunately, during rest stops and small stops you can wander around the surrounding area on your own. Well, okay, not about that now.

The excursion itself is very exciting, and in one such “call” you can completely fill your travel album. The places here are very beautiful, and from some points downright magnificent.

After about half the route, a small parking lot is organized, just in a place where there is a view of the sea and the very Golden Gate. At first it may seem that it is impossible to go down to them, but once you take a good look, the paved path will immediately catch your eye.

The descent is quite normal and does not cause any difficulties. Naturally, you should not talk about your intention to go down, because this is prohibited as part of the excursion.

In general, the main goal has been achieved. The further journey is also quite interesting and allows you to take many more gorgeous pictures, but you need to move on.

Sea excursion

A boat trip is one of the most popular excursions by sea to the Golden Gate in Koktebel. This trip usually lasts 1 hour 30 minutes - 2 hours, it all depends on the place of departure. The ticket is not too expensive - 600 rubles, but depending on many details, such as the size of the ship, its class, etc., the price can vary up to 1200 rubles. and higher.

The route starts either from the pier in Koktebel or from the nearest town of Kurortnoye. As you progress, the guide talks about the history of these places and introduces some of the sights that are clearly visible from the sea. Here, for example, is one of these - the rock or Shaitan Barmak.

During a walk it does not look as impressive as from the sea. By the way, when you pass near this place, equipment (phones or cameras) may malfunction! You can also see the Parus rock, the Roaring grotto, the Mayak rock and the Zmeiny waterfall.

The culmination will be the Golden Gate arch, under which a boat will sail. At this moment, people usually make a wish and throw a coin so that it hits the rock and falls into the sea. Unfortunately, not all excursion boats pass under the arch, so this issue needs to be clarified in advance. After the Golden Gate, tourists are given some time (10-15 minutes) to swim in the sea, after which the boat turns around and goes back.

On this sea ​​excursion ends.


Well, in conclusion, I would like to tell you the legend of the Golden Gate in Koktebel. Crimea, in general, is famous for its legends about various places, so this attraction was no exception. The legend is connected, naturally, with the other world.

Initially, the rock was called Shaitan-Kapu, which can be translated as “devil’s gate” or “devil’s gate.” Legend has it that one day a fisherman was returning home in his boat, but a storm arose and threw him ashore, and the ship shattered into pieces when it hit the rocks. Then the fisherman had no choice but to make a deal with the devil himself.

The condition was simple - to swim under that very arch. The fisherman agreed and immediately did it, as a result of which he immediately lost 20 years of his life. From that very moment, local residents tried not to approach the gate, so as not to bring misfortune upon themselves.

And that's all. Happy travels!