Malyutka Furshtatskaya 58. Malyutka Palace. History of the building of the palace for the ceremonial registration of births "Malyutka"

The birth of a little person is an event that all future parents look forward to. In any case, they will remember it for the rest of their lives. In a few days, the parents will receive the child. And only those who are only a few days old can be awarded a medal. This is done by employees of an institution such as the Malyutka Registration Palace. Where is it located, what is its history and when can you go there? Read - and you will find out everything!

So, the Malyutka Palace is a special department of the St. Petersburg Civil Registry Office. Moreover, there are no institutions of this type anywhere else in Russia. Palace address: st. Furshtatskaya, 58. This building is the former mansion of Spiridonov.

History of the building

N.V. Spiridonov, a collegiate adviser, purchased the plot of land on which a luxurious mansion now stands, virtually untouched by time, in 1894. Only a modest one-story building and a small garden were located here. They clearly did not correspond to this area of ​​St. Petersburg, which was already quite prestigious in those years. And Spiridonov himself dreamed of a mansion that would be in no way inferior to the neighboring houses.

Already in 1895-1896, the building in which the Malyutka Palace is now located was built. The architects who worked on it were A. N. Pomerantsev, V. F. Svinin and I. S. Kitner.

Description of the mansion

The facade of the mansion is made in an eclectic style, the details of which are intertwined with elements of Baroque, Renaissance and German classicism. Strict symmetry balances the luxurious look well. The central risalit is decorated with a wide balcony, which is securely held by the mighty Atlanteans.

The layout of the palace-type mansion of Spiridonov was thought out thoroughly by the architects. The main staircase is surrounded by formal living rooms, in the center of which the dance hall is comfortably located. Special junctions provide the opportunity to see right through the building. On the second floor, the main rooms are located sequentially, one after another. In their interior you can guess the details of various architectural trends. There are elements of elegant Rococo, high classicism, luxurious Renaissance and picturesque. The fact that this is a house created for family life, not without modest holidays and just quiet evenings by the fireplace, is indicated by small details that, however, support its atmosphere. Stacked parquet floors, mirrors, marble finishing, rich modeling, painting - all this makes the mansion cozy and especially attractive.

For just over 20 years, the Spiridonov family owned this house. In 1916, it was acquired by merchant I. A. Malikov. But after the October Revolution, an orphanage was located here. The mid-20s were marked by the opening of an institute within the walls of the mansion, which prepared and existed here before the war. Even the All-Russian Society of Cultural Relations has worked in this building since 1956. And already in 1965, a registry office branch called “Malyutka” was opened here - the Palace of Birth Registration.

Presentation of medals

Since the signing of a special order by the St. Petersburg Government (08/24/2006), every baby born in the northern capital of Russia, who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, can receive a commemorative medal if the fact of his birth is registered in the local registry office. No money is required for this. In addition, if the parents wish, this can happen in a special, solemn atmosphere. At the moment of presenting the baby’s first document, the Hymn to the Great City is played in his honor.

Such a ritual will never be erased from the memory of young parents, because it represents a real holiday. You can't say anything - this is probably the most best start life of a small citizen of the Russian Federation. Nowadays, the staff of the Malyutka Palace registers more than five hundred children every month, and this figure is growing every year.

Application procedure

Who can come to the Malyutka Palace to register the birth of a child here? This is available to any resident of St. Petersburg and does not depend on the area northern capital, in which young parents are registered. If the child’s mother and father are legal spouses, then one of them needs to submit a corresponding application to the Palace before the baby turns one month old. If the parents are not officially married, then statements must be written by each of them.

In addition to this, you will also need the following documents:

  • A certificate from a medical institution stating when and where the child was born. If the baby was born at home, then a witness is needed - a person who can confirm this.
  • Parents' passports.
  • Parents' marriage certificate, if any.

Let us note once again that registering a child at the Palace and conducting a solemn ritual is absolutely free. On this moment The Malyutka Palace in St. Petersburg allows you to submit an application electronically using the city state portal. services.

The last 3 days of the week are reserved for the ceremonial registration - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You can celebrate this event with your family and friends right here by renting a buffet hall.

Opening hours and contacts

The Malyutka Palace is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., breaking only for lunch from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Telephone number for information about submitting applications: 272-83-78.

You can get to the Malyutka Palace in St. Petersburg by walking just a few meters from the Wedding Palace No. 2 or turning right from the Chernyshevskaya metro station.

Like most of the nearby buildings, the Malyutka Registration House does not have its own parking lot, but there are a lot of cars driving here. Parking spaces very close to the institution are very rare, therefore, when arriving in your car or taxi for registration with a small child, you will have to spend a lot of time searching for a “window”.

Palace Layout

First floor

As in any institution, the hall of the Baby Palace on Furshtatskaya leads to the cloakroom, office rooms and premises: after going up several steps and turning right, visitors find themselves in the cloakroom, and turning left - in the office where registration applications are accepted.

Toilets are also here, on the first floor.

The Grand Staircase - one of the many attractions of the Malyutka Palace - is located right in the center of the hall. It has two moves, which is very convenient for visitors with small children. The landing is spacious enough and convenient for group photography.

Second floor

All celebrations held in the Palace take place here.

Invited guests await the beginning of the ceremony in the Fireplace Living Room - a superbly decorated room where the rigor of an official institution and the luxury of an ancient mansion are so successfully combined.

Parents with their babies - the heroes of the occasion - are invited to a special living room, where there is everything to spend time in comfort: changing tables, a sink, screens behind which you can change the child, lots of toys, comfortable furniture.

You can also wait for the ceremony to begin and have a photo session in the Winter Garden, which at any time of the year pleases the eye with emerald green plants and bright flowers.

Before registration, parents and children are invited to the Golden Living Room. Its interior features elegant gilded stucco walls and ceilings, warm pastel colors, an abundance of mirrors, luxurious furniture, and carpets and draperies that perfectly complement the overall picture.

In the spacious registration hall, shining with gilding and luxuriously furnished with antique-style soft sofas and armchairs, certificates and commemorative medals are issued.

After registration is completed, you can celebrate the event in a cafe, of which there are a great many near “Malyutka”.

1. You need to arrive for the ceremony at the Baby Palace about half an hour in advance - during this time parents will be able to swaddle or change the child if necessary, give the baby the opportunity to get used to the new environment and conduct a short photo session with him

2. To photograph the celebration, you can invite both your cameramen and employees of the Baby Palace studio in St. Petersburg

3. Both the ceremonial registration of the birth of a child and the issuance of commemorative medals are absolutely free, no state fee is required.

4. Marriage ceremonies are not held at the Malyutka Palace: parents of children can formalize their relationship as usual

5. To register a marriage, you must pay a standard state fee - 350 rubles


How can I get to

Address: st. Furshtatskaya, 58


Opening hours Mon, Wed, Fri - from 14:00 to 17:00
Tue - from 10:00 to 17:00
Thu, Sat, Sun - from 10:00 to 13:00


from 14.00 to 15.00

telephone days of reception business hours
Accepting applications

Wednesday Friday

Saturday Sunday

from 14:00 to 17:00

from 10:00 to 17:00

from 10:00 to 13:00

Head – Alexandrova Alla Yurievna

from 14:00 to 17:00

from 10:00 to 13:00


Wednesday Friday

Saturday Sunday

from 14:00 to 17:00

from 10:00 to 17:00

from 10:00 to 13:00

Solemn registration of birth

Wednesday Friday

Saturday Sunday

from 14:00 to 17:00

from 10:00 to 13:00

from 10:00 to 17:00
break; from 13:00 to 14:00



Leave a review about the registry office Your review is very
important to us

Iina Left 04/23/2018

We registered our son in August 2017, purposefully went to Svetlana Aleksandrovna Cherkashina - we saw her work several times at the registration of friends' children - no one can speak more touchingly, warmly) every time tears welled up. Thank you very much for your human approach, professionalism, and always keeping high level, starting "from the hanger", as they say. You enter the Palace and you immediately find yourself in a fairy tale! Thank you!

2 pluses

1 cons

  • Interior: Light
  • Ceremony: Quality
  • Parking spaces: No
  • Olga Left 11/15/2017

    I would like to express my gratitude to all the workers of this wonderful Palace! Here, once upon a time, they registered me, my sister, and now I am my second child. everything is so solemn, they really create a holiday. Unfortunately, I don’t know the name of the receptionist, a woman with blond hair, she’s beautiful! And so much positivity! Thank you very much for this St. Petersburg tradition

    3 pluses

    • Interior: Light
    • Parking spaces: Yes
    • Ceremony: Quality
  • Maria Ilgach Left 04/28/2017

    I would like to say a huge thank you to all the workers of this wonderful Palace. Our granddaughter's birth registration was scheduled for April 27, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. At the same time, a rehearsal for the Victory Parade was taking place in the city center. And, accordingly, many central streets were blocked. Our young parents, baby and grandmother and great-grandmother were simply stuck in the city and managed to get to the Palace by the time it closed at 17:00. Despite this, all the Palace employees stayed with us, held the ceremony and even gave us the opportunity to take photographs in the beautiful interiors. We are grateful to each and everyone individually for your kindness, attention and care, you helped us on our significant day. We especially want to thank the wonderful receptionist. Your speech was so lively, kind, non-standard, individual that it was simply impossible to expect from such official place. Thank you very much for these wonderful emotions from parents, relatives and guests and the birthday girl. Good luck and good luck.

    2 pluses

    • Interior: Light
    • Ceremony: Quality
  • Masha, Sasha and Egorka Left 12/21/2015

    Registration at the Baby Palace was wonderful! We received double pleasure from the visit and the registration procedure itself. The design is eye-catching. Service is appropriate! The registrar's good nature and smile never left him for a minute. We were very pleased with our visit and recommend it to all our friends and acquaintances!

    3 pluses

    • Interior: Light
    • Parking spaces: Yes
    • Ceremony: Quality
  • Daramov family Left 12/21/2015

    We probably also found ourselves on bad days... Grumbling, unfriendly behavior of the employee, some incomprehensible complaints... Is it really like that? great place Can such people work? Although it’s hard to call it work... They spoil the whole atmosphere. Personally, we changed our minds about registering our child here, although it’s a pity, it’s so beautiful there. Maybe they are trying to squeeze more money out of young parents in this way? In short, you need to write a complaint or ask for an order - smile at everyone))

    1 plus

    2 cons

    • Interior: Light
    • Parking spaces: No
    • Ceremony: Poor quality
  • The Malyutka Palace of Ceremonial Birth Registration is the only institution of its kind in Russia where you can register a child and receive a birth certificate, choosing whether the ceremony will be simple or solemn. Registration of birth in the palace is free, even if it has already been carried out in another department of the registry office. Children (in addition to the birth certificate) are awarded a medal "Born (born) in St. Petersburg." The Malyutka Palace is located on Furshtatskaya Street, not far from the Chernyshevskaya metro station. Applications are accepted daily from 10 to 18 hours (with a lunch break from 14.00 to 15.00), it is possible to submit an application via the Internet. The Malyutka Palace has a “Mother and Baby” living room and a winter garden. The palace does not have a full-time photographer (as in other departments of the registry office), but it operates the “Malyutka” studio, where you can order photo and video recording of your child’s birth registration. Also in the palace, as in any department of the registry office, you can submit an application for registration of marriage, issuance of repeated certificates and certificates, establishment of paternity and request for documents from countries - former republics THE USSR.

    House of merchant Spiridonov.

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    On the way back from the Tauride Palace we turned onto some street. A boulevard was made in its center. I really liked the street. And what a name - Furshtatskaya! A scenario for the origin of this name immediately appeared before my eyes: Peter I ordered the establishment of Furshtat here, and later the street that formed here began to be called by this name. Well it turned out a little differently. The place where this street arose was one of the first regularly built up in St. Petersburg. But under Peter I, it bore a numbered name - “4th line from the Neva River” (almost like on Vasilyevsky Island). Later, Pushkarskaya Sloboda arose here and the street became the “3rd Artillery”. In 1806 it was renamed Furshtadskaya - the word “Furshtadt” meant a regimental convoy. He, the regimental convoy of the Life Guards Regiment, was located approximately where house number 19 is now. Before the revolution, the name was written with a "d" - "Furstadt" - so closer to the German original of the word. Most of the buildings on the street are expensive apartment buildings, but there are also mansions. My story will be about one of them, which, thanks to the kindness of the workers, I managed to get inside.

    The main facade of the house. The building was made in the eclectic style that prevailed in those years, and was made very magnificently - rustication, atlases, columns, angels, rich friezes, a large balcony. and at the same time, the main house - the one in the photo - is strictly symmetrical.

    In descriptions of the house, the combination “curious Atlanteans” is often found - they are really funny. But in order not to spoil the picture of the mansion, I will not show them close-up.

    At the end of the 18th century, the plot of house No. 58 on Furshtatskaya Street was owned by a silversmith with such a good Swedish surname Carlson.
    In the 1830s the site was acquired by Vera Petrovna Vasilkova, probably of merchant rank. She ordered the architect F Reiberg project of the house and in 1838 he built a one-story wooden house here. Those. as we understand, our Madame Vasilkova was not very rich. However, things were not going badly, and in 1852 another architect, N. A. Sychev, He built outbuildings for her in the yard - a stable, warehouses. Between the manor house and outbuildings there was a small garden. In 1894, the heirs of Vera Petrovna Vasilkova, who had died by that time, sold the house to a collegiate adviser Nikolai Vladimirovich Spiridonov. The new owner rather acquired a plot of land for development, since the dilapidated one-story wooden house located on this site did not correspond either to the status of the new owner or to the houses surrounding it by that time. The new mansion was built in 1895-1897 by a professor of architecture Alexander Nikanorovich Pomerantsev. Architect Pomerantsev is primarily known as the author of the Trading Rows on Red Square (GUM) in Moscow. The interiors of the magnificent mansion were designed by Vasily Fedorovich Svinin- all except one - the winter garden, which was arranged by I.S. Kitner. But first things first.

    Part of a Corinthian column and a window decoration that clearly symbolized abundance.

    A beautiful metal gate is located on the right hand of the main building of the mansion and, fortunately, has been completely preserved. For a long time, only the “NS” monogram at the top was missing, but it has now been returned to its place. V

    On the left hand, an equally beautiful lattice with a gate encloses a small internal garden.

    This is the courtyard.

    As I said, the doors of the mansion were unexpectedly opened and no one was prevented from enjoying its interior decoration. And it's worth it. Here's what the wikipedia website writes about the interiors of the palace: “Spiridonov’s mansion has a masterfully thought-out palace-type layout. The state living rooms with the Ballroom in the center are located around the volume of the main staircase. Thanks to two special nodal passages adjacent to the corners of the staircase volume, the entire mansion can be seen right through.” I don't remember these node transitions. I just walked and looked at the beauty

    You first enter a wide entrance hall with three tall arched doors separating it from the main staircase.

    The same lobby in 1970.

    The room in front of the stairs is decorated with mirrors

    Before we go up to the second floor, a few more words about the first. There were residential, non-ceremonial premises - bedrooms, children's rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms. There was also a basement floor used for household needs.

    The main staircase is incredibly beautiful.

    Having risen, we find ourselves on the second floor, where all the architectural riches of Spiridonov’s mansion are contained. But for now let’s stop to find out who our hero was.

    (photo from the site

    Nikolai Vladimirovich Spiridonov born in 1851, into a military family. In 1877 he graduated from the Military Law School, after which he was seconded to the disposal of the Main Military Loan Administration. Then he was transferred to serve in the Office of the Secretary of State, where he served in accepting petitions for the Highest Name. Then he moved to the Ministry of Agriculture and State property, and in the second half of the 1880s, by the Highest Order, he was appointed Trustee of the orphanage at the St. Petersburg Church of St. Methodius, which was located on Suvorovsky Avenue. At this time he had the rank of collegiate adviser.
    For his service, N.V. Spiridonov was awarded many orders - St. Vladimir IV degree, St. Vladimir III degree (1906), St. Anne III (1897) and II degrees, St. Stanislav II 1st degree and St. Stanislaus 1st degree (1909). In addition, he was awarded a commemorative medal in memory of the reign of Alexander III. For 24 years, Nikolai Vladimirovich went through a career path from a collegiate secretary to the general position of an actual state councilor. This rank gave him the right to hereditary nobility and it was granted to him in 1906, with inclusion in the third part of the genealogy book. At the same time, the family coat of arms was granted. Spiridonov composed the family coat of arms himself - it depicts a lion with a torch in his paw on a black field and a shield crowned with a noble crown and a knight with a sword in his hand. “The lion symbolizes strength and energy,” Spiridonov wrote in “Explanation of my coat of arms,” “the torch (torch) depicts enlightenment. A knight in a crest depicts valor and testifies that my ancestors were military. I choose these emblems as corresponding to my motto - “Strength in light and valor” - and my main activity aimed at enlightenment.” Indeed, his main task was precisely the guardianship of various educational structures. In addition to St. Petersburg, Nikolai Vladimirovich was engaged in educational activities in the provinces. Thus, on two of his estates in the Pskov province, he established agricultural schools - on the Vyazye estate in 1900 and on the Maryina Dubrava estate in April 1903. In Vyazye, Nikolai Vladimirovich himself organized a school - from him it received 68 acres of land, where a one-acre educational garden with berry bushes, a fruit nursery and a botanical garden were located. The school was provided with horses and equipment, and nine-field farming was organized for practical work. Since October 1901, the Vyazevsk Agricultural School was named after A. S. Pushkin. By 1904, the school already had 100 acres. School students produced bricks, drainage pipes (all school tithes were equipped with a drainage system), Marseille tiles, tiles for barnyards and floors. For this purpose, American and German vehicles were purchased. Students were trained to work on the most advanced agricultural implements of that time - a steam mill, a thresher and a grain dryer. The school provided education within the framework of primary public schools. Wanting to expand the cause of education, Spiridonov gives his other estate - Maryina Dubrava - for the needs of a school, which is opened by the Provincial Zemstvo. The school was named Spiridonovskaya. Officially, it was called the Government Agricultural School of the 1st category with one preparatory class and three special ones. The main goal of the school is to disseminate among the people basic knowledge of agriculture, home economics and the necessary crafts, mainly through practical exercises. It is interesting that girls studied at this school.

    Let's walk through the open halls...

    "On the second floor there is a traditional enfilade of ceremonial rooms for a rich house. Decorative elements of the main historical styles are used in their design: luxurious Renaissance, high classicism, elegant Rococo and even picturesque Moorish style. Attractive and cozy home They make marble interior decoration, inlaid parquet flooring, paintings, mirrors, tiles, and rich modeling. It was built for family life with modest home holidays - name days and children's Christmas trees, just quiet evenings by the fireplace, and you can feel it when you enter"*.


    This hall is called the Shtofny Hall.

    The damask hall in the last century.

    It still has a luxurious fireplace.

    On both sides of the fireplace are portraits of the owners of the mansion - Nikolai Vladimirovich Spiridonov and his wife, Maria Afanasyevna.

    The next room is in the Baroque style, with lush stucco moldings and magnificent ceiling paintings.

    The photo is signed as a banquet hall, but I think this is already a Soviet name.
    photo from the site

    Well, this is the main attraction - the Dance Hall, the largest in the mansion. And the most luxurious.

    These three windows open onto the balcony overlooking Furshtatskaya, which we saw in the photo of the facade. The same one that is supported by the “curious Atlanteans”).

    As I said, some of the interiors of the mansion were probably designed by Pomerantsev himself, and the main ones by the architect Svinin. But one of the most interesting interiors was made Hieronymus Sevastyanovich Kitner(1839-1929). Around the same years in which Spiridonov’s mansion was being built, Kitner completed the construction of the Palm Greenhouse in the Botanical Garden, on Aptekarsky Island. Well, perhaps with this greenhouse idea he appeared in Spiridonov’s mansion, having come up with the idea of ​​​​building a hanging winter garden between the house and the service wing. Nikolai Vladimirovich liked the idea. That’s how this winter garden appeared here, with an area of ​​about 80 sq.m.

    But before you get there, you find yourself in a Turkish room

    - a kind of seraglio in miniature, turning into the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Again in miniature.

    photo from the site

    Architectural sketch of the greenhouse in Spiridonov's mansion.
    photo from the site

    Greenhouse in Spiridonov's house. It can be seen that it is indeed located above the passage to the courtyard and serves as a connection between two wings - the main and right wing.

    The right wing is decorated with a niche in which there is a vase with a lion's face.
    photo from the site

    In addition to the Spiridonov family itself, servants also lived in the house in the outbuildings, including probably Nikolai Vladimirovich’s manager, Alexander Grigorievich Ryabinin.
    Nikolai Vladimirovich Spiridonov lived here until his death in 1914.
    Then his widow owned the house, Maria Afanasyevna (nee Vilinbakhova) together with his daughter, Maria Nikolaevna Spiridonova. The daughter married Kirill Vladimirovich Kushelev, in 1909, the former lieutenant of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, and then the headquarters captain, who was at the disposal of the Minister of War. Son of N.V. Spiridonov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Spiridonov, served in the Life Guards Cuirassier Regiment.

    Maria Afanasyevna Spiridonova, ur. Vilenbachova
    photo from the site

    The Spiridonov family owned the house until 1916. It was then sold to the merchant of the first guild Ivan Andreevich Melikov. Melikov was a very large entrepreneur and served on the board of many well-known companies at that time - for example, the oil-industrial trading company "Aramazd", the Partnership of mechanical and iron foundries "Molot", the company "Biochrome" and others. All this brought a lot of money, of course. But I’m much more interested in another company in which Ivan Andreevich Melikov was a co-owner and manager - it was called “Trading house in the form of a limited partnership “S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky and Co” - yes, yes, we are talking about that same Prokudin-Gorsky , a pioneer of color photography, who traveled throughout the Empire and left us with beautiful color photographs of that life...

    Ivan Andreevich Melikov

    After the October Revolution, the house was nationalized, but remained empty for a long time. In 1924, an orphanage was located here. In 1927-1928, the Dental Institute began operating in the mansion, which in 1935 was transformed into the Leningrad Medical Dental Institute. The mansion housed its administration, departments, library, and classrooms. During the siege of Leningrad, a bomb hit the building. Its restoration took place in 1944-1946. In 1954, the institute was transferred to Tver. From 1956 to 1965 - Leningrad branch of the All-Russian Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. In 1965, the Malyutka Palace of Ceremonial Registration of Newborns was opened here, which is still located here. The mansion was restored several more times - in 1965, 1983-1984 and 2004-2005.
    The fate of N.V. Spiridonov’s children after the events of 1917 is unknown. According to some reports, Maria Afanasyevna was shot in 1917 or 1919.
    In conclusion, a few words about the neighboring house - Furshtatskaya 60. At the end of the 1890s, Nikolai Vladimirovich Spiridonov bought a plot adjacent to his mansion and built it on apartment building. The architect was Vasily Shenet, who built a house with a white marble staircase and huge apartments, each of which occupied an entire floor. The house may have been sold along with the mansion.

    incl. information was used from the sites,,

    The Baby Palace is designed specifically for the ceremonial registration of the birth of a child. Unlike places for a regular ceremony, in this department you will find the festive interior of a historical mansion, a solemn speech by the master of ceremonies, gifts, flowers and the opportunity to invite guests. And the beautiful interior decoration will be a wonderful backdrop for your photo shoot. If for some reason the child’s parents have not formalized their relationship before his birth, they are invited to do so, albeit in the usual manner without a ceremony. To solemnly register a marriage, you can apply to another state registration department.

    Information for submitting an application to any registry office or Wedding Palace:

    • Address: St. Petersburg, Furshtatskaya street 58 (metro Chernyshevskaya)
    • Contact number: 786-80-93, 786-40-80, 786-80-98
    • Schedule: Tue-Sun from 10:00 to 18:00; Mon day off
    • Break: from 14:00 to 15:00

    Baby Palace in St. Petersburg

    The Baby Palace on Furshtatskaya Street in St. Petersburg is a majestic, unique two-story building, both floors of which are equipped for preparing and conducting ceremonial registrations of the birth of a child. The Baby Palace in St. Petersburg accepts applications for a festive wedding ceremony, even if the child has already been registered in the usual manner.

    Baby Palace on Furshtatskaya: photos and description of the interior

    The “tour” of the Malyutka Registration Palace begins with the opening of massive beautiful doors, behind which lies a cozy compact hall. There is also a dressing room, an office for receiving applications, and a restroom. A spacious room leads to the second floor main staircase, located in the center of the hall on the first floor. The double entrance to the staircase is equipped specifically for the festive introduction of the child and giving the ceremony a regal atmosphere. Perfect place for photo and video shooting.

    See also

    On the second floor there is a Fireplace Living Room for invited relatives and friends who will comfortably await the celebration. A special room is allocated for parents to prepare the child for the official birth registration. The baby's room is equipped with changing tables, furniture, screens, a sink, toys and everything that is so necessary for the little hero of the occasion. Nearby is the Golden Living Room for parents and children awaiting invitation to the ceremony hall. The hall for the ceremonial registration of the birth of the Baby Palace in St. Petersburg is decorated in the style of the tsarist era: “gilded” decoration, sparkling mirrors, antique upholstered furniture - this is where birth certificates and commemorative medals are issued.

    Helpful information

    The Palace of Ceremonial Birth Registration "Malyutka" of St. Petersburg on Furshtatskaya Street 58 provides full list services:

    • accepting applications for the official registration of the birth of a child;
    • providing information about available dates for registration;

    Details for paying state duty

    Payee's name: UFC St. Petersburg

    (Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg)

    Taxpayer Identification Number: 7838459758

    checkpoint: 783801001

    OKTMO: 40303000

    OKPO: 91956193

    OGRN: 1117847191252

    KBK: 31810805000010001110

    Payee account number: 40101810200000010001

    Name of the bank: North-West State Administration of the Bank of Russia

    BIC: 044030001

    Payment Description: state duty for registration of civil status acts.

    Requests are accepted: electronically on the official website, by phone or at the registrar, arriving at the specified address.

    Registration of birth at the Baby Palace on Furshtatskaya is not only an excellent opportunity to organize a celebration for the whole family. By inviting a talented photographer to the ceremony, parents have the chance to capture important moments in their baby's life, adding some beautiful photos to the family album.

    They are presented here along with photographs, which will give you the opportunity to choose exactly the photographer whose style and “handwriting” you like more than others to order photography for the ceremony at the Baby Palace in St. Petersburg.