Saltykovka old photos. History of the village What is retro photography, or how old should it be?

Last week I went to visit friends in Saltykovka near Moscow. Administratively, the village of Saltykovka is part of Balashikha, but has its own identity..
The first thing I saw when I got off the platform was the sign for the "Men's Business" store.

For those who don’t understand, “Men’s Business” means cars and fishing, and not at all what they write about in “men’s” magazines.

Next - this is the establishment

Do the residents of the village really need the help of detectives and lawyers?

And opposite is a cafe-bar under the “original” name “Three Bears”:

Don’t let the Belarusian-style fence bother you. Saltykovka is Russia.

It is exactly these kind of fences - blank and high fences, behind which nothing is visible - that have long become a kind of “symbol” of our country. Every homeowner tries to acquire his own “Kremlin wall”.

The name of the "central" street of the village, which comes from railway towards Nosovikhinskoye Highway - also “original”

But who is this mysterious “Ilyich”? I remember at our school they called our physical education teacher “Ilyich”....

But this “pillar stump” seems to have been preserved even in Soviet times

And here is a full-fledged electric pole

There are different people living in the village - both poor and rich:

A few minutes walk from this hut is the palace of the oligarch Brantsalov with gilded gates and lions. Unfortunately, I was unable to take a photo of this gate - the young people standing near the gate did not allow me to do so. Therefore, I will limit myself to the angle of the fence.

Closer to the oligarch's palace, the houses are newer and richer. But, of course, not palaces.

And the numbers on these houses, as well as on Bryntsalov’s palace, are also “exclusive”:

But this building does not have a solid fence. But pay attention to the wires stretched between the trees and the fence

But some strange building - wooden and at the same time multi-story - either a residential building, or a temple of some Baptists

Perspective of Saltykovskaya street

Announcement on the fence

Local KotE is a serious man.

Saltykov antennas - old and new

And this is a column

Here is such architectural eclecticism:

Paid advertisement stand

I paid the office and they will stick a notice on this stand. And they will put a stamp on the ad. Although four years ago I simply pasted my advertisements on these stands and on fences..

Okay, it's time to go. I'm standing on the train platform

And on the pillars next to the platform there are advertisements for scammers.

Does anyone else believe these advertisements? Probably yes. Otherwise, why would there be a detective agency and a bar association in Saltykovka?

Dear visitors of, you have a collection old photographs of the city Saltykovka? Join us, publish your photos, rate and comment on the photos of other participants. If you recognize a place in an old photograph, an address, or recognize the people in the photo, please provide this information in the comments. Project participants, as well as ordinary visitors, will be grateful to you.

Our members have the opportunity to download old photos in original quality ( big size) without the project logo.

What is retro photography, or how old should it be?

What can be considered old photo worthy of publication on our project? These are absolutely any photos, starting from the invention of photography (the history of photography begins in 1839) and ending with the end of the last century, everything that is now considered history. And to be specific, this is:

  • photographs of Saltykovka from the mid and late 19th century (usually from the 1870s, 1880s, 1890s) - the so-called. very old photographs (you can also call them antique);
  • Soviet photography (photos from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, early 90s);
  • pre-revolutionary photography of Saltykovka (before 1917);
  • military retro photographs - or photos from war times - this is the First World War (1914-1918), Civil War(1917-1922/1923), second World War(1939-1945) or in relation to our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), or WWII;
Please note: retro photographs can be either black-and-white or color (for later periods) photographs.

What should be captured in the photo?

Anything, be it streets, buildings, houses, squares, bridges and others architectural structures. This could be another type of transport of the past, from carts. These are the people (men, women and children) who lived during those times (including old family photographs). All this is of value and great interest to visitors.

Collages, vintage postcards, posters, vintage maps?
We also welcome both series of photographs (using the ability to upload several photographs in one publication) and collages (an elaborate combination of different photographs, usually of the same place using some kind of graphic editor) - of the type - was/has become, one way or another immersing you in a kind of time travel, reflecting a look into the past. Also a place on the project and

Near Moscow region: villages Nikolsko-Arkhangelsk And SaltykovkaBalashikha


Village Saltykovka


The legend that Saltykovka

Saltykovka Saltykovka

Near Moscow region: villages Nikolsko-Arkhangelsk And Saltykovka. These two villages, and now since 2003 (DECREE of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated June 10, 2003 N 128-PG) two microdistricts of the city. Balashikha are nearby and the border between them is not always clearly understood by local residents.

Nikolsko-Arkhangelsk located on the river Serebryanka. In the 16th century it was a village that belonged to the ancient princely family of the Turenins, and was called “Stupishino, Zvorykino also.” In 1641, the estate was bought by boyar V.I. Streshnev. In 1651, Stupishino-Zvorykino was acquired by Prince Yu.A. Dolgorukov. From 1759 to 1768 the village was owned by Prince V.P. Dolgorukov, and then it passes to his sons - Yuri and Vasily.
In 1767, the parish of the village of Nikolskoye was united with the Arkhangelsk parish and began to be called Nikolsko-Arkhangelsk.

Village Saltykovka(founded in the middle of the 17th century) - part of the possession of Nikolsko-Arkhangelskoye - the ancient patrimony of the Dolgorukovs, who owned it from the date of its foundation until 1830. Then Saltykovka was owned by the princes Saltykovs, in 1893 - D.P. Saltykov, then until 1917 - N.N. Kovalev.

During the construction of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway (1858-1863), at the request of Prince Pyotr Dmitrievich Saltykov, a stop was built, named after the owner of these places. According to local historians, this happened in 1863. From that time on, settlement of the village began, and the stop was named Saltykovka.

The legend that Saltykovka once belonged to the fierce Saltychikha, is not true. In the July book of the magazine "Russian Antiquity" for 1874, an article was published about the trial of Saltychikha - D.N. Saltykova - a famous villain and torturer of her serfs. It says that Saltykova lived in the village of Troitsky, Podolsk district, Moscow province. And, therefore, it has nothing to do with the village of Saltykovka.

Saltykovka quickly gained popularity as a place summer holiday. Proximity to Moscow, abundance of ponds, beautiful landscapes And affordable prices led to the fact that at the end of the nineteenth - beginning of the twentieth century Saltykovka was one of my favorites summer cottages Moscow intelligentsia.

Nowadays, a city dweller is even more tired of the bustle of a big city. Polluted air, noisy roads, slushy winters and stuffy summers. Many people want to leave the city closer to nature.
Such villages are the future; people live in them who know how to appreciate comfort and tranquility, but at the same time do not part with all the delights of city life.

The abundance of greenery and water create a real feeling of harmony with nature. There are many ponds in the villages: Peasant Pond, Serebryany Pond (it was lined with silver poplars, which is why it got its name), Knyazhiy Pond (located in the hollow between the Serebryany and Yellow ponds, but in 1812 it was drained by French supply troops in the hope of finding fish in it , was no longer restored.), Yellow (or park Luxurious), Stepan Stepanovich pond (received its name from the name of the tenant-gardener), Sterlyazhiy pond (sterlet was bred in it for the princely table), Tarelochkin pond, or Red, (named by name miller Tarelochkin, who had a mill here), the Golden Pond (received its name from the bottom lined with golden-colored stone; baths were organized on the Golden Pond, which were popular, they were a long closed pavilion, installed on stilts, divided into two halves: the male and a women's room, between them there was a cash register, a waiting room and a small nook with a counter for selling live fish, which splashed in a water tank right there in the bathhouse).