Giants of the jungle. Mill Quest Druid in the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion. Stone head of Guatemala

Since the beginning of human history, jungles and forests have fascinated people. Who knows what wonders and horrors lurk in those shady depths of mangrove forests and verdant jungles? It is home to prehistoric beasts that still roam the rivers of the Amazon and treasures left behind by ancient civilizations. We now live in an era of rapid scientific advances, with new discoveries being made almost every day. The world seemed to become much smaller in size compared to the jungles, forests and deep waters that were imaged and scanned by satellites. However, we still do not know all the secrets that our planet is tearing away from us. Here are 10 interesting riddles, which are on this moment Scientists can't decide yet.

Rings in the Amazon jungle

The Brazilian Amazon is filled with ancient ring-shaped ditches that were formed long before the advent of the jungle. This happened about a thousand years ago! Archaeologists still cannot understand who, why and why they were created. Some believe that they were used as ancient burial grounds, but there is no more convincing evidence for this theory. Others believe that these are traces of a UFO. Even the fact that they are similar to the Nazca Lines still does not help scientists figure out the origin of these ditches.


South America has its own version of how it came to be big Foot with the name Maricoxi. These creatures look like huge monkeys, their height is about 3.7 meters. They appear primitive, but are quite intelligent and know how to use simple tools and weapons. The first encounter with Maricoxi took place in 1914, when Colonel Percival H. Fawcett, a British explorer, was exploring the jungle South America. The creatures were extremely hostile and did nothing but grumble. Colonel Fawcett and his expedition had to fire cannons into the ground to scare off Maricoxi. In 1925, Fawcett and his expedition disappeared in search of the lost city. Many believe they starved to death or were killed by Maricoxi.

Sentinelese people

The Sentinelese tribe has lived on North Sentinel Island for over 60,000 years. These people are extremely unfriendly and reject all attempts to communicate with the civilized world. While their existence is a mystery in itself, scientists were truly shocked when local people survived the 2004 tsunami as many of the Andaman Islands were destroyed. The tribe followed exactly its own path! But as the helicopter flew over the island looking for survivors, a human guard ran out with a spear and shouted for the helicopter to leave. But how this tribe was able to survive remains a mystery!

Prehistoric stone balls

Hundreds of these huge stone boulders can be found throughout the Costa Rican jungle. Who left them there and why? Scientists still cannot understand how prehistoric people could create these perfectly formed balls and use only ancient tools. Moreover, how did they transport them through the jungle, through thick and dense trees? Some boulders reach 2.4 meters in diameter! This is one of the most perplexing jungle mysteries that still remain unsolved.

Boiling River

In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon there is a river that kills everything with its waters. Temperatures can rise to 93 degrees Celsius, making her driver uninhabitable. There is no information about the origin of this river, but some people believe that it happened after a mistake made by a drilling company that destroyed the geothermal system and released hot gases from the depths of the Earth directly into the river. Local residents consider this place sacred and often gather on the shores to perform rituals and simply sing songs.

Lost City of Giants

Back in 2012, an expedition went to Ecuador to find lost city. Accompanied by a group of natives, the explorers actually found many massive structures, which were called the "Lost City of Giants." Along with the 79-meter-tall pyramids, they discovered many oversized tools that were too large for humans to use. Many are skeptical about these findings, but some scientists believe this is proof that giants once roamed the Earth.

Giant head in Guatemala

In the 1950s, the Guatemalan jungle “gave” archaeologists a huge stone head. Found by Dr. Oscar Padilla, the head looked straight to the sky, the face had Caucasian features (large nose and thin lips), which was impossible since there was no contact with Caucasian people in that area in those days. The head was later destroyed under strange circumstances, but archaeologists are absolutely sure that it was created by ancient civilizations. Hector E. Maggia, an expert from Guatemala, said the head does not have the characteristics of the Mayans or any other ancient civilization. It was definitely built by some very... ancient civilization, which we may not even be aware of!

Disappearance of Michael Rockefeller

Michael Rockefeller, a 23-year-old Harvard researcher, was fascinated by the travels and origins of the tribes. He disappeared in 1961 while traveling in the jungles of New Guinea. While Michael and his partner Rene Wassing were on the water, their boat capsized and they were submerged. Michael thought he could get to the mainland and swim 16 kilometers to the shore. His last words were: “I think I can do this.” And that was the last time he was seen alive. Many believe that Michael Rockefeller drowned on his way to the shore, others think that he was eaten by cannibals of a tribe in New Guinea. In any case, his whereabouts still remain unknown.

Otherworldly objects in the Amazon forest

Back in 2011, a group of explorers stumbled upon the lost city of the apes. Hidden deep in the Honduran jungle of La Mosquitia, it was abandoned by the Aztecs over 500 years ago. A flesh-eating disease that was perceived as a curse has driven everyone out of the city, but what's even worse is the fact that the ancient plague is still alive! One of the explorers was Douglas Preston, a famous writer who even published a book about his adventures in the jungle. During the expedition, he and his team almost lost their faces! They had contracted a flesh-eating disease and needed immediate medical attention or their faces would turn into a big round ball. During the excavations, they were also attacked by poisonous snakes and ended up having to live in a city that contained many artifacts. It was too dangerous to continue my work! But a passionate person is not afraid to do what he loves!

The jungles and forests of Earth have struck terror into the human race for many years. There's just something unsettling about not knowing what might be lurking behind the next tree. That didn't stop us from exploring them and finding the lost cities and the treasures they were rumored to hold. In recent years, the world has become much smaller, since everything is mapped, and nothing can be hidden from satellites. However, the jungle still holds its secrets, as large expanses of the Earth remain unexplored, tribes remain undiscovered, creatures remain undocumented, and previously unseen things are hidden beneath its thick canopies.

Amazonian rings

Throughout the Brazilian Amazon you can find a series of ring-shaped ditches that predate the rainforest itself. These structures remain a complete mystery, and archaeologists do not know what to say about them. It is believed that they served as earthen burial grounds or a type of protective structure, but no one knows for sure. Even more far-fetched is the theory that these are traces left by UFOs that once landed there before the forest appeared. They are similar to the Nazca geoglyphs in that there is no proven reason for their existence. It is believed that these rings were built by the first people to inhabit this area.

Another question is where primitive people got the tools to create them. There is no answer to this question, nor is there any evidence that tools sophisticated enough to create these rings existed at the time they were built.


The Maricoxi are essentially the Sasquatch of South America. They are reported to be huge, ape-like creatures that can grow up to 3.7 meters tall. Although they appear primitive, they are reportedly quite intelligent, able to use a bow and arrow, and even live in villages.

According to British explorer Colonel Percival H. Fawcett, who allegedly encountered the creatures while mapping the jungles of South America in 1914, they were extremely hairy and lived north of a tribe called the Maxubi. They could only moo and were hostile towards people. In his book Lost Roads, Lost Cities, the colonel tells how they were almost attacked by these animals as they approached their village. However, they were able to drive the animals away by shooting into the ground, sending them into a stampede.

In 1925, Fawcett disappeared along with all his men during a search expedition lost city. Some theories say they were killed local tribes or died of hunger. However, some believe that they were killed by Maricoxi, although this assumption is not supported by any evidence.


The Sentinelese are the most isolated known tribe on Earth. They live in the jungles of North Sentinel Island in Indian Ocean, and it is believed that they have lived there for 60,000 years. They rejected all attempts Western world get close to them, and they have been known to kill people who get too close. They speak an unknown language and drive off all exploration teams with arrows and spears.

It is estimated that there are no more than 500 people in the tribe, but they still manage to live very well, making metal tools and remaining apparently healthy. The real mystery is how this tribe was able to survive the 2004 tsunami that devastated many of the Andaman Islands. The tribe was considered dead because it lived right in the path of the tsunami. After the tsunami, the helicopter flew very low over the island, looking for signs of life that it didn't expect to find there. However, a Sentinelese man ran out of the jungle onto the shore with a spear, and with gestures demanded that the helicopter fly away.

It is incredible that while millions of civilized people were affected by the tsunami, the Sentinelese tribe managed to survive without any help at all from the outside world. How they did it will probably remain a mystery forever, since no one is going to get close to them in the foreseeable future.

Prehistoric stone balls

Scattered throughout the Costa Rican jungle are hundreds of these large stone spheres, which are believed to have been made by prehistoric people. For years they have puzzled scientists and archaeologists as to why they are there and how they were made. These spheres reach 2.4 meters in diameter and are almost perfectly round.

It has been suggested that they were made for religious purposes, but there is not enough evidence to support this theory. To this day, it remains a mystery why the stones are there, and how prehistoric people were able to give them this shape using their primitive tools. It is also a mystery how the stones climbed the hills and moved through the densely forested jungle. The resources required to make them could not be found many kilometers away from their locations, adding to the mystery.

Boiling River

In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon there is a river that kills everything that falls into it. Its water temperature can reach 93 degrees Celsius, and steam often rises from its surface. There is no confirmation as to the cause of this phenomenon, but it is hypothesized that the drilling company accidentally ruptured the geothermal system, releasing gases contained in the bowels of the Earth into the river.

Local residents believe that the river is a place of great spiritual power, and they often gather on its banks for chants and prayers. Just the story of this boiling river seems incredible, and its appearance must be breathtaking.

Lost City of Giants

In 2012, a lost city was discovered deep in the Ecuadorian jungle. However, this was definitely not an ordinary one. ancient city. It is known as the "Lost City of Giants".

The exploration team was accompanied by several local residents who were familiar with the area and were very confident of the city's existence. According to reports, upon arrival, the researchers found a complex of massive structures, the largest of which was an unusually shaped pyramid, 79 meters high and 79 meters wide. At the top of the pyramid was a flat, polished stone, which is believed to have been a sacrificial altar.

The size of these structures gives the city its name and leads many archaeologists to believe that it was indeed inhabited by giants, although many others are suspicious of this theory.

What makes this discovery even more unusual is not only the structures themselves, but also the tools and artifacts found there. According to reports, these instruments were supposedly such big size that people would not be able to use them. The team that discovered the city considers these tools to be vital evidence that giants walked the Earth in the distant past.

Stone head of Guatemala

In the 50s of the last century, a colossal stone head was discovered in the jungles of Guatemala. The head's face had unusual features, such as thin lips and a large nose, and was directed straight toward the sky. These features spoke of a person of Caucasian origin, which is not found in any work of art of that time, since there were no contacts with Caucasians then.

Several years after its initial discovery, it was found in a destroyed state by Oscar Padilla, Ph.D. and amateur ancient history. He claimed that the head was destroyed by anti-government rebels who used it as a target in shooting exercises. Recently, this stone head was again remembered by the creators of the documentary “Mayan Revelations: 2012 and Beyond,” who stated that it proves the existence of contacts between aliens and past civilizations.

During the filming of this documentary, a Guatemalan archaeologist was interviewed. He said: “I confirm that this monument does not represent any characteristics of the Maya, Nahuatl, Olmec or any other pre-Hispanic civilization. It was created by an extraordinary and superior civilization with amazing knowledge, the existence of which there is no evidence of on this planet.

The region where this head was found is known for stone heads, but none of them look like the one found by Padilla. This head has raised many questions as to how it got there and who exactly created it. We will probably never know the answers to these questions.

Disappearance of Michael Rockefeller

Michael Rockefeller, son of future US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, mysteriously disappeared in 1961 while searching for tribal art in the jungles of New Guinea. The 23-year-old Harvard graduate was an avid researcher and loved to travel. During his expedition to collect art from different tribes, he visited the villages of 13 tribes.

During the expedition, Michael's boat capsized, as a result of which he and his partner Rene Wassing found themselves 16 kilometers from the shore. Rockefeller decided that he could swim to the mainland and get help. Here are his last words to Wassing: “I think I can do it.”

No one knows whether Michael made it to shore or not, but there are many theories. Some suggest that he drowned on his way to land, while another theory states that he made it to the mainland only to be mercilessly killed and eaten by the Asmat tribe. The Rockefeller family began an investigation into Michael's disappearance and stated that they had found nothing.

This secret is still talked about today, and many are inclined to believe that Michael reached land and fell into the hands of cannibals.

"Alien" in the Amazon Rainforest

In 2011, in the Brazilian region of Mamous, two British tourists accidentally filmed what looked like an alien creature. This creature was spotted in the background of a photograph by renowned paranormal author Michael Cohen.

Its shape is unlike any other life form known to mankind, but it appears humanoid. What makes this mystery even scarier is the fact that UFOs have been seen frequently in the area, with many thinking that aliens are interested in the area because of its biodiversity. The area was also the subject of a high-level investigation by the Brazilian government (Operation Prato), which sent the military there to detect an alien presence there. The government hid this operation for many years until it was finally declassified.

Since then, Michael Cohen has been approached by Hollywood producers for permission to use his evidence. The footage will be used in a future film.

In 2011, a group of researchers discovered the legendary Lost City of the Monkey God in the mosquito jungle of Honduras. The city is believed to have been abandoned by the Aztecs in 1520 after an outbreak of necrotizing fasciitis and has remained untouched since then. Residents of the city believed that it was cursed by the gods, who sent disasters to destroy them. The research team included Douglas Preston, a world-renowned author and explorer who wrote a book about his findings.

During the excavations of the city, researchers also encountered poisonous snakes that snuck into the camp at night. They miraculously managed to avoid terrible poisoning. The researchers took many artifacts with them and decided not to return to the city, considering it too dangerous, although they are sure that many more are hidden in it. unsolved secrets. Perhaps the ominous obstacles that the explorers had to face were attempts by the monkey god to take revenge on them for discovering the lost city. In any case, the city will probably keep its secrets for some time, remaining a real secret of the jungle.

Asian or African?
Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. They come in two types: African and Asian. Asian elephants, which are smaller in size than their African counterparts, live in the jungles of India. They are also distinguished by smaller ears, a rounded back and two bumps on the head.

Asian elephants can weigh up to eight tons and reach a height of 3.4 meters, i.e. twice the height of a human and 120 times heavier! Elephants are herbivores and can eat for 18 hours at a time, chewing up to 200 kilograms of grass, leaves, twigs and fruits.

Unique nose.
In fact, an elephant's trunk is a long nose and an upper lip at the same time, and 60,000 muscles give it flexibility. An elephant does many things with its trunk, but its most important purpose is to collect food. The elephant stretches out its trunk, wraps it around a twig and, tearing it off the tree, brings it to its mouth. And since the elephant’s trunk also has a nose, it sniffs everything before eating!

Water farmers.
Elephants also use their trunk to drink. They fill it with about 7 liters of water, fold the tip and, bringing the trunk to their mouth, pour all the water into it. Elephants can drink up to 160 liters of water per day! Little elephants suck on their trunks like babies suck on their fingers, and when they are frightened by something, they blow the whistle at the top of their trunks like a megaphone!

Scary tusks.
An elephant has two huge tusks - these are its teeth, with the help of which it feeds and defends itself. True, female Asian elephants do not have tusks at all. When an elephant needs to pick up an object, it places its tusks under it and clasps it with its trunk. Baby elephants first grow milk tusks, just like children have milk teeth, which fall out when the baby elephant turns one year old, and real ones grow in their place. Once upon a time, elephants were killed for their tusks, which were used to make beautiful jewelry.

In a menagerie in Sweden as a very small boy. I was completely mesmerized by the sight of the huge animal. Since then, my dream has been to see this giant in the wild. And although I did not really count on the fulfillment of my dream, I, against all expectations, still managed to meet four-legged giants in their homeland, in the wilds. I also dreamed of hunting elephants and killing them. However, this desire disappeared immediately as soon as I saw the elephant up close.

Elephants live in Africa, India and some islands of Indonesia. African elephants are different from Indian elephants. They are larger, they have long tusks, and most importantly, their ears are much larger than the Indian ones. They also say that these elephants are more violent and dangerous. The African elephant reaches a height of three and a half meters. Indians are rarely higher than three.

In Indonesia, the elephant, as an indigenous inhabitant, lives in Sumatra. There are many wild giants roaming the wilds. You won’t find tamed elephants here, as in India. One day, while traveling through the jungle, I wandered into the midst of a herd of two dozen elephants. I walked several kilometers from the river deep into the jungle along an elephant path and saw fresh animal tracks everywhere. So the meeting was not so unexpected.

The elephants grazed over a fairly large area. At first I was a little scared to find myself surrounded by animals on all sides. Some were only ten meters away. True, the jungle grows so densely that you can see at most ten meters, or even a meter or two. I didn’t know then that it was completely safe to walk among wild elephants, you just had to be careful. The fact is that these animals are very inattentive. They can walk two meters away from you and not notice you, as long as you stand quietly. You can easily sneak up close to an elephant, and he won’t even know.


Elephants are very inattentive and carefree, and this is explained by the fact that they have no one to fear in the jungle. There is not a single animal in the forests that would dare to fight an elephant. True, where they live, the striped predator sometimes attacks elephant calves. Elephants eat only greens. Once among them, I saw how they eat branches and leaves, tear off rattans and bend palms to get to the tasty shoots on the top of their heads. Local residents claim that elephants eat day and night, only occasionally interrupting their “lunch” for several hours to sleep. In fact, it takes a lot of food to fill such a stomach!

Some elephants had tusks, but most did not. I followed them for half a day, and the further I went, the less I was afraid. Several times I stopped near a thick tree and let an elephant pass by me. From behind, I approached them so close that I could grab the elephant by the tail.

Two elephants had babies. I did not dare to approach these: the female elephants behaved restlessly, and the baby elephants were running around, and I was very afraid that they might unexpectedly swoop down on me. One of them was two years old, the second was born quite recently: he didn’t even grow a trunk, and he was clinging to his mother all the time. Baby elephants are born with a very short trunk. Obviously, because it is easier for them to suckle milk.


We came to a small river. Here the elephants began to bathe, except for the elephant with her newborn baby. The older baby elephant first stood on the shore, watching his mother flounder in the water. Apparently, he did not like this sight: no matter how much his mother called him, he did not go to her. Then she went ashore, hooked the baby elephant with her trunk and forcefully dragged her into the water. And the baby elephant seemed just happy. He began to roll in the water, splashing, grunting and snorting, and started a desperate fuss. Just like a mischievous and stubborn boy. When his mother came out of the water and called him, he, of course, did not go. No calls helped. Mom had to go back into the river and pull out the naughty girl. The elephant treated him quite strictly and spanked him several times with her trunk. The baby elephant squealed like a pig.

After bathing, the elephants went back to the forest and began to fill their stomachs. I saw a mother elephant bending palm trees and teaching a baby to look for fresh white sprouts that taste like nuts. She pressed her chest against the trunk and tilted it, not paying any attention to the long thorns and thorns.

In the end, it began to seem to me that I had never met such cute animals in my life. True, two days later I was thoroughly angry with them. While we were going to work, they came across our camp on the river bank and destroyed everything. They tore down the sheds we had built and trampled on large tin cans of food and clothing. Elephants are terribly curious: as soon as they notice something new in the jungle, they must examine unusual objects and play with them.

Where there are many elephants, they sometimes amuse themselves by tearing down kilometer after kilometer of telephone wires stretched through the jungle. If they come across a car whose owner has gone somewhere, they can turn it over to see what it looks like from underneath. Of course, those who want to make a phone call or the owner of an overturned car are not amused by such jokes. But those who have not suffered from such antics themselves consider elephants to be very witty!


One day I had to inspect a sawmill located at the mouth of a river. The timber arrived there ten kilometers away along a narrow-gauge railway. railway. The road went downhill, and the carriages ran along it to the river without steam locomotives, by themselves. They were stopped near the sawmill and unloaded. In the morning, when going to work, the lumberjacks pushed empty wagons back into the forest.

Here, one after another, several trailers, loaded to the brim with timber, rolled out of the forest towards the river. And suddenly everything stopped. The carriages no longer rolled up. Five hours have passed since the last carriage appeared. The owner could not stand it, and we went along the rails to the cutting area to check what was the matter. After walking about five or six kilometers, we saw elephants. They stopped, of course, and were surprised to find overturned carriages lying on the ground next to the rails.

At this time, the roar of an approaching trailer was heard from a distance. The elephants listened and began to move. The largest one stood on the rails, and when the carriage rolled up close at a speed of ten kilometers per hour, he rested his thick forehead against it to stop it. Although the elephant itself weighs three or four tons, he had to back away a little until the carriage completely stood together with the cargo, which weighed at least six tons. Then the rest of the elephants arrived, and together they knocked the trailer off the rails. And having fallen off, they began to groan with pleasure. Then we began to wait for the next carriage.

The elephants were clapping and waving their trunks. Their little eyes sparkled with joy. What wonderful new toys they found in the jungle! I involuntarily laughed loudly, and the owner of the sawmill began to shout and stomp his feet. He sent workers to fetch empty cans and a gun. They returned an hour later, and by this time the elephants had knocked down three more carriages. But then we started drumming on cans and shooting into the air. We waved our arms and shouted at the top of our lungs. It worked: the elephants slowly wandered into the jungle. Apparently, they knew the man, they knew that it was better not to mess with this small, unreasonable creature.


Once you get to know these large, intelligent animals, it is hard to imagine that there are heartless people capable of killing elephants. I knew one such European. He decided to kill the elephant solely so that he could brag when he returned to his homeland, and so that he could be photographed sitting with a gun in his hands on the defeated giant.

The full moon has risen. We sat on the veranda of my English friend and enjoyed an indescribably beautiful tropical night, listening to the quiet rustle of those swimming in the moonlight palm leaves. At this time, a servant approached us and reported that elephants had wandered into the plantation.

Elephants usually entered the plantation at night. Of course, they caused harm in the process. They destroyed huts in the dark and damaged plantings. But it was still not worth killing them for this. It was possible to drive away the elephants with noise and torches. However, the owner of the house armed himself with a double-barreled shotgun, loaded it with bullets with a nickel head, and we set off into the enchanted moonlit night.

Soon we noticed three moving shadows among the rubber trees. In the light of the moon they seemed incredibly huge, and I involuntarily shuddered. As we got closer, we saw one of the elephants had shiny tusks.

“This one will be mine,” the Englishman whispered.

I asked him to wait a little while I climbed the tree. I had just started to climb up when a shot rang out. The hunter’s favorite elephant just turned sideways to him, and my friend couldn’t resist: he shot once, then twice. At first he aimed for the head behind the ear, but apparently missed and then sent the second bullet straight into the animal’s side.

The elephant fell - first on his knees, then on his side. His companions immediately became worried, then rushed straight at the Englishman, who rushed away. From the tree I clearly saw him throw the gun aside. The elephants stopped and began to examine the unfamiliar object, then they picked it up with their trunks, broke it and began to trample it with their feet. During this time, the Englishman managed to climb a tree, and the elephants no longer found him.

However, they did not search for long, but returned to their comrade and knelt down next to him, after sniffing him. And then I saw the elephants slowly, slowly rising to their feet. Finally they stood up completely, and the wounded man found himself standing between them. The elephants walked slowly through the plantation. Two of them carefully supported their wounded comrade from the sides. Soon the elephants disappeared from sight, but for a long time we heard their trumpet calls. We got down to the ground. My friend was scared, shocked and ashamed. They didn’t discuss what had happened for a long time, but the next day they followed the tracks to check what happened to the wounded man.

The ground was stained with blood. The trail went straight into the jungle, and it was clear that two elephants were supporting a third on either side. Only after walking a few kilometers did they apparently stop to rest. The wound apparently stopped bleeding. And the trail continued, stretching to the west, towards the mountains. We walked all day, but did not see any other resting places. Here and there the elephants had knocked down trees and trampled bushes: the path they were following was not wide enough for three elephants to walk side by side. Everything said that the path was not easy for three true friends. We never knew what fate befell the injured elephant, but I hope he recovered. In any case, this was the first and last time my acquaintance shot an elephant.

Translation from Swedish.

A slightly crazy deck that combines two rare archetypes at once - Mill and Druid's Quest.

Mill Quest Druid with cards "Knights of the Frozen Throne"

Code for importing a deck into Hearthstone:

This is not a simple deck for beginners, and also, this is definitely not a deck for just taking a Legend. But as an interesting fan deck it is quite suitable. Personally, she won me over. The author is a famous wiRer player.

When the game plan goes well, the deck will look simply divine, but if something goes wrong, the opponent will think that you are an idiot with a set of random creatures and spells, be mentally prepared for this :)

The choice of cards may seem strange, but personally I am surprised by its thoughtfulness, everything is in place here. Your main task is to stuff your opponent with as many cards as he can’t carry, while at the same time breaking away from him in mana crystals and performing [Giants of the Jungle].

Exactly in that order. Thanks to the wild surprise effect, your opponent won't always be able to quickly figure out that your plan is to go through his deck, so he'll often lose key cards, and sometimes even the victory condition.

Always count your opponent's cards, remember that [King Mukla] gives your opponent two useless cards, so play it first, and then, for example, [Vashj'ir Oracle].

This is what the Mill component of the deck is all about. But don’t forget that this all complements the ramp potential in the form of [Insight] and [Exuberant Growth], which allow you to play your valuable creatures before your opponent, as well as [Jungle Giants], which in themselves are so-so, but in this deck they work as the icing on the cake, adding quite a bit of value.

So if you have all these cards, you are lucky. The deck is very interesting and unusual to play.