Olx pl in Russian machine language. Delivery from Polish Olx

One of the most popular requests is delivery from Polish olx.pl to Ukraine. How to place an order on the Polish website with free OLH advertisements?

Here we will try to answer all questions.

  1. Security of orders for OLH.

On Polish olx, anyone can put something up for sale, but

just like in Ukraine. Also, this site does not take any commission for its services - which is why many people choose OLH to sell something. The main disadvantage of OLX.PL is that there is no way to check the seller, and there is no review or rating system to read an opinion about someone before placing an order.

When ordering on OLH, we ALWAYS! contact the seller by phone or email,

to get some contact with him and check the availability of the goods, the possibility of shipping within Poland (since some sellers indicate that only “pickup”) and the condition of the goods. Upon request from you, we will ask any additional questions.

2. How do you pay for an order on OLH?

There are two payment options:

prepayment, when bank details are sent to us and we pay for the goods before shipping. This is a risky method, but some sellers do not agree to postpayment.

postpaid, the courier receives the money for the goods when delivering it to us, that is, cash on delivery. As a rule, this option is a little more expensive, but definitely more reliable.

3. Description of the product on the OLH, and its actual condition.

We advise you to carefully look at the photographs provided and read the description. If you have questions, we will translate them into Polish and ask the seller. Advice from us: do not idealize the product. At least try. It’s better to be pleasantly surprised that your order is even more beautiful than you expected, than to expect very good condition from a used part that has been in use for 5 years.

4. Is it worth ordering from OLKh when so many nuances need to be taken into account.

Yes. From our personal experience and from what our clients order – yes again. On Polish olx you can find unique products that people, for some personal reason, do not use and want to sell. You can often find, for example, printers, or printing products, strollers for children, in excellent condition. The main advantage of the Polish agricultural enterprise is that Poles often buy German or Scandinavian goods of excellent quality, and then after some time they sell them as unnecessary. That is, there are many options here, and the quality and prices are better than you can find in Ukraine.

5. Delivery from OLH and how quickly it happens.

Delivery depends entirely on how quickly we receive the order from the seller

vca. Often, for personal reasons, the seller may not send the goods within 3-4 days, which means we will receive it in 4-5, or even more (the post office does not work on weekends). After

Upon receiving an order at our warehouse, we send the order to Ukraine within a couple of days.

If you have questions regarding OLX, write to our email or call 067 501 0890, viber +48 889 338 052

Many people dream of a reliable car with good equipment. If the desire to buy a car is great, but you don’t have enough money to buy a new one from a car dealership, you should look for an iron horse on the secondary market.

In search of the best option, many people think about importing a car from Poland. There better roads, stricter rules traffic and more responsible drivers. All this contributes to the good condition of even cars with decent mileage.

The editors of the site have studied how to buy a used car in Poland, where to find out prices and choose the best option. In addition, we will compare the rules of import and customs clearance in Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus.

Car prices in Poland

The cost of a used car in Poland depends on whether it is sold by the owner or the auto commission (car market). If the seller is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (simply a reseller), then the price will be higher, but there is the possibility of a VAT refund (approximately 20%). The main thing is to immediately discuss with the seller the need to prepare documents for Tax free.

When looking through advertisements, you need to remember that cars of a class not lower than Euro-4 are allowed to be imported into Belarus. But when registering an imported used car in Ukraine, its environmental class must be Euro 5 and higher. True, Ukrainians have learned to circumvent these requirements. Loopholes in the legislation allow you to buy any car in the EU and drive it without customs clearance. The popularity of Polish used cars is facilitated by lower prices than in Ukraine.

Selling cars in Poland - exploring Polish sites for selling cars

The easiest way to find a suitable used car is on Polish car websites. These are specialized sites where they sell not only cars, but also motorcycles, buses, and special equipment. There are also spare parts for vehicles.

OTOMOTO – Polish car site No. 1

The popularity of the site is explained by the huge selection of vehicles for various purposes. Otomoto has cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, agricultural and construction equipment, and trailers. The equipment is presented both used and new.

There are so many ads that it’s impossible to do without proper search settings. Otomoto allows you to select a model and brand, set restrictions on price, year of manufacture, mileage, and engine type. In the sorted advertisements, all that remains is to find the most suitable ones, study their photos, prices, and technical characteristics of the car.

Autoscout24 – more than 10 years in the European car market

The type of advertisements for car sales and the search settings service here are similar to Otomoto. Since Autoscout24 offers equipment from all over Europe, prices here are indicated in euros, not zlotys. You can quickly determine the country of registration of the car by the small image of the flag in the ad.

Autotrader – large selection of vehicles by region

Advertisements for car sales from owners and auto commissions are presented. The main difference between the Autotrader website is the ability to select a voivodeship and even a city. This is important if you don’t want to drive across Poland for the car you like.

Other auto sites

In search of an interesting offer for used equipment, you can also look at the sites AUTOGIELDA, ALLEGRO and MOTO.GRATKA, as there are also interesting offers here. When looking through advertisements on any Polish car website, you need to remember that sometimes sellers inadvertently or on purpose indicate the date of first registration instead of the year of manufacture. There are other inaccuracies.

Polish car markets

Almost every city in Poland has its own car market (avtokomis). They are usually located on the outskirts or just outside the city limits. Cars are sold there by the owner of the car market. That is, he buys used cars and resells them, or takes them on commission.

The advantage of buying on such trading platforms is the opportunity to inspect several cars in one place, rather than meeting with different sellers. In addition, tax free is usually issued at car markets.

How to check a Polish car

In Poland, you have the opportunity to protect yourself as much as possible even at the stage of choosing a car. To do this, it is recommended to find out everything about the car on the website of free reports from the Polish Register of Vehicles.

To obtain information about the car you must enter:

  • registration number (usually visible in the photo);
  • VIN number (check with the seller);
  • date of first registration (taken from the ad or from the seller).

After entering the initial data, the service generates a report about the car. It contains information about technical specifications, all owners, technical inspections with mileage recording (since 2014), insurance up-to-date.

How to bring a car from Poland

Virtual selection of a car via the Internet does not give a complete picture of its technical condition. So, when meeting with a seller in Poland, you must inspect the car for damage.

During inspection, experts recommend paying special attention to the condition of the shields above the airbags. If you suspect that they were “shooting,” you can safely bargain (since the car most likely was in an accident) or go look at another car.

Having selected and paid for the car, you need to obtain the following documents:

  • mowa sprzedazy samochodu (the sales contract is filled out by the seller);
  • registration certificate;
  • “green card” (insurance must be enough to leave the EU, otherwise you will have to buy it additionally);
  • Euro 5 certificate.

After this, all that remains is to issue transit numbers, an export customs declaration and go to the border. Here you need to fill out customs documents and make a mark for a Tax free return.

You don't have to go pick up the car yourself. You can order a car to be driven from Poland to an intermediary. In this case, he himself will carry out the search, conduct an inspection and draw up documents at the border.

How to clear a car from Poland through customs

Having decided to buy a used car in the EU, you need to correctly assess its final cost. To the price declared by the seller, it is necessary to add the costs of travel, customs clearance, and registration. The amount of customs duties is sometimes so large that it makes the purchase unprofitable.

In Belarus, in 2011, rates for customs clearance of cars were significantly increased, and in 2016, customs services for paperwork were also increased to 50 euros. Since there are no loopholes in the laws of the Republic of Belarus that allow the use of cars that have not been cleared through customs, it is better not to play with government agencies and pay. Using the car customs clearance calculator in the Republic of Belarus, you can estimate the approximate amount of taxes.

In neighboring Ukraine, the situation with customs duties is better. Here, from July 2016, preferential tax rates have been in effect for 2.5 years. They only apply to cars older than 2010. The approximate cost of payments can be calculated using a car customs clearance calculator in Ukraine, which takes into account benefits under the 2016 law.

In Ukraine, they have a liberal attitude not only to customs clearance rates, but also to cars with foreign license plates in general. Many people here have cars without customs clearance with the right to drive in Ukraine. To do this, they negotiate with the Pole seller and become a co-owner of the car without deregistering it in Poland. This method is used only by residents of border regions, because you need to cross the border every 5 days, and once a year undergo a technical inspection in Poland and buy insurance.

Cars belonging to non-resident companies can drive in Ukraine without customs clearance for up to a year. In this case, the buyer is registered as an employee sent to Ukraine, and a driving power of attorney is issued to him.

Another option to receive a car without customs clearance is to order its delivery by a foreign employee of a non-resident company. He crosses the border, and in Ukraine a support agreement is concluded that allows him to drive the car. In a year everything will have to be repeated.

No matter how attractive “gray” schemes may be, it is important not to forget about the risks. A Pole, a non-resident company, by law, has the right to demand their car back, or when checked by the police, the company will turn out to be fictitious. So sometimes it’s better to pay the government and ride in peace. Well, or buy a cheap used car and not worry that they will suddenly want to return it.

Finally, be sure to watch the video from the Life in Poland channel about how to choose a car in Poland and where to look for it:

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Nowadays, the Internet solves many of our problems. According to some reports, 70% of people primarily use the World Wide Web to obtain the information they need.

In this article we will look at the most useful Polish sites that will make your life in this country much easier.

1.Jakdojade.pl– one of the most useful Polish sites about public transport. For anyone who comes to Poland (whether a student, a worker or a tourist), this site is the most useful, as it helps to quickly navigate unfamiliar territory. First, select your city, and then simply enter your location (in mobile application your location will be definitely automatically) and the address of the place you need to get to and you will see how to get to the goal. You will be provided detailed information, when, by what means of transport you can carry out your route. In most cases, you will be offered several options, among which you will choose the most convenient for yourself. You can also download the application to your phone for any operating system.
Website jakdojade.pl. There you can download the application to your phone.

2. pkp.pl– site about Polish railway. Timetables for all trains are available. The right site for those who prefer this type transport for your trips.
Website pkp.pl

3. allegro.pl is the largest Polish online auction. One of the most popular Polish sites. A huge number of different offers, both from companies and individuals. You can buy almost any thing you need. There are both new and used goods available. Payment can be made in two ways: online or by paying cash directly to the seller. There is also the opportunity to sell the goods yourself.
Website allegro.pl

4.olx.pl– one of the largest Polish classifieds sites. Previously known as tablica.pl. Using this site you can find housing, work, buy all kinds of things (from cars to textbooks). There is even a special category “Otdam za darmo” (I’ll give it away for free), in most cases this is, of course, unnecessary trash, but you can also find the thing you need. Another interesting category is “Zamienię” (I will exchange), where visitors to this Polish site can exchange their goods. You can place your ad for free, but if you want to make it stand out from others, you must pay. Price for 7 days – 4zl.
Website olx.pl

5.gumtree.pl– another ad service. It is a competitor to the previous one and even surpasses it in popularity. Same a large number of advertisements that relate to work, housing, sale/purchase of goods, and all kinds of services. As in the previous option, it is possible to highlight our ad among others, which will significantly increase the chances that it will be noticed by the people we need. But on this site it will cost more – PLN 9.99. in 7 days. By the way, in the form of advertisements, we can leave our information for employers, and they will call, write, and offer you a job.
Website gumtree.pl

6.gratka.pl- and again announcements. Together with the previous two options, it makes up the top three most popular Polish classifieds sites. It is practically no different from them. The auxiliary service dom.gratka.pl is very useful, with the help of which it is very convenient to choose housing according to the parameters you need and the price that suits you.
Website gratka.pl

7. otodom.pl– a useful site about real estate. If you are interested in finding an apartment, whether buying it or renting it (for students, for example), you should contact this service.
Website otodom.pl

8. otomoto.pl- The largest Polish website for selling/buying cars. Both new and used are available. As you know, cars in Poland are not expensive. Therefore, if you are going to live in this country in the near future, then why not buy yourself a vehicle? This site will certainly help you with this.
Website otomoto.pl

9. cda.pl– This is a purely Polish site (it is worth noting that most other portals came to the Polish market from Western Europe and America). During this time, it managed to become the largest site among its kind. On this resource you will find films and TV series dubbed Polish language or a monophonic translation of the lecturer into good quality. This is one of the best ways listen to how Poles speak and learn the language while relaxing.
Website cda.pl

10.pyszne.pl– “Are you hungry & on the road? Order food directly online!” This is the motto of the most popular Polish website for ordering and delivering food to your home and office. The prices here may surprise you as they may seem a little high to a foreigner. But if you work and receive a salary in zlotys or dollars, then this will not be a problem for you.
Website pyszne.pl

We believe that these Polish sites can greatly simplify your life, make it more comfortable and easier.
There are also many other services. We have highlighted the most useful ones in our opinion.

If you have additional information on this article - write to us!