Weekly vacation. Rest properly! How to make the most of your vacation? Review from vacation

Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? vacation, why? vacation, (see) what? vacation, what? vacation, about what? about vacation; pl. What? vacation, (no) what? vacations, why? vacation, (see) what? vacation, what? vacations, about what? about vacations 1... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Holiday to care for the child- (parental leave), permission to be absent from work granted to one of the parents to care for a child. Most of Europe countries provide maternity leave before and after the birth of a child with a guarantee of placenta, return to work,... ... Peoples and cultures

weekly- oh, oh. 1. Lasting for a week. N. vacation, term. Nth business trip. 2. Weekly. N. plan. New task. Weekly winding watch. N. ration. 3. Received in a week, due in a week. N. milk yield, earnings... encyclopedic Dictionary

weekly- oh, oh. 1) Lasting for a week. Weekly vacation, term. Nth business trip. 2) Calculated for a week. Weekly plan. New task. Weekly winding watch. Weekly ration. 3) Received within a week... Dictionary of many expressions

NORWAY- The Kingdom of Norway, a state in Northern Europe, in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It ranks second in size (after Sweden) among the Scandinavian countries. Norway is called the land of the midnight sun because 1/3 of the country lies... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

Norway- Kingdom of Norway, state in Northern Europe. Name from other Norse. Norreweg northern route originally belonged to the coastal route sea ​​route, along which the Normans went to the north. seas. Later, this name began to denote the coast along... ... Geographical encyclopedia

weekly- oh, oh. Lasting for a week. Weekly vacation. One week period. || Designed for a week. Weekly plan. Weekly task. Weekly winding watch. || Received in a week, due in a week. Weekly milk yield. □ When… … Small academic dictionary

Labor Code of the Russian Federation- This term has other meanings, see the Labor Code. Federal Law (Russia) “Labor Code Russian Federation» Number: 197 Federal Law Adoption: State Duma December 21, 2001 Approval ... Wikipedia

Boos, Georgy Valentinovich- Georgy Valentinovich Boos Georgy Boos, September 28, 2009 ... Wikipedia

Boos- Boos, Georgy Valentinovich Georgy Valentinovich Boos Georgy Boos, September 28, 2009 ... Wikipedia

Labor Code- federal law “Labor Code of the Russian Federation” Number: 197 Federal Law Adopted by: the State Duma on December 21, 2001 Approved by: the Federation Council on December 26, 2001 Signed ... Wikipedia


  • Where Old Bones Lie, Granger Ann. Meredith Mitchell was going to spend her week-long vacation wisely and with pleasure: go to the hairdresser, visit the dentist, treat herself to shopping. But from excavations in the surrounding area... Buy for 563 rubles
  • Where Old Bones Lie by Anne Granger. Meredith Mitchell was going to spend her week-long vacation wisely and with pleasure: go to the hairdresser, visit the dentist, treat herself to shopping. But from excavations in the surrounding area...

An ideal vacation should last, as expected, 28 days. And not a day less! However, not all employers are ready to say goodbye to an employee for such a long period of time.

And as an alternative, many suggest splitting the 4 weeks of vacation into shorter periods. And if in two weeks, in principle, you can relax and relieve work stress, then what to do if you only have one week at your disposal?

Temporarily unavailable

If you only have a week carefree holiday, even before your vacation, in the evening, turn off your phone. This way you can insure yourself against sudden calls from colleagues who cannot find some documents, files or contacts. If you have explained to your colleagues what and where it is, then you can, with a clear conscience, turn off all phones, leaving only your “home” number on.

If you actively use social networks, then you should either completely exclude your appearance on the Internet, or put a ban on communication with a certain group of people, which includes your employees and management. However, still, the first option is preferable, because you can “hang out” on the social network on weekdays, but it’s better to relax in less familiar ways!

Just a week for vacation is extremely little from the point of view of the physiology of our body. In order to switch from work mode to a calm rhythm of rest, the body needs several days, which, unfortunately, you do not have.

One of best options in this case is breaking the stereotype. Start resting immediately in the evening of your last working day. Instead of slumping tiredly on the couch, go to a party, have a celebration at home, or have active fun in nature. Active fun and the subsequent regime of rest and recovery will immediately “take away” your thoughts away from solving work problems. This way you will get rid of constant worries about how your colleagues are coping without you. The more actively you have fun, the sooner you will completely switch to relaxation mode!

New impressions

It is only at first glance that it seems impossible to fully gain new impressions in a week. Yes, for trip around the world You don’t have enough time, but there are more than enough temporary resources for educational excursions around your city or region.

To begin with, plan several days in a row in such a way that you can almost continuously go on some excursions or independently discover new places in your home and familiar city. Taking pictures of your area from an unusual angle or visiting those places that are associated with your childhood memories is a great idea for those who want to recharge not only with new impressions, but also with vivid emotions.

Change of scenery

You shouldn’t plan to solve economic problems if you only have one week of vacation, but you can still change some scenery. Wherever you go, you will probably take your favorite tablet or smartphone with you, at least to periodically check the navigator in an unfamiliar place. Change the screensaver on your favorite gadget - put on something that is associated with vacation or relaxation. Let it be a beautiful shot photographed by you on the first day of your vacation. Even if you are not going to go anywhere, put photos of your children or a photo of you having fun with friends on your screensaver. The main thing is that you do not associate the picture with the usual everyday rhythm. And don't forget to turn off the alarm!

Course - to make your dreams come true

The rhetorical question about whether a week of vacation is a lot or a little will stop worrying you if you start making your dream come true from the very first day. Of course, it’s worth choosing the one that can realistically be achieved in this period of time. Conduct an audit of your desires - among them there will probably be something that you can manage to do within one or two days.

A long-standing dream of going to a certain performance or concert can be successfully realized during vacation time. And more unusual dreams are best fulfilled when your thoughts are not at work. During this time, you may well jump with a parachute or master the new kind crochet, surprise your loved ones with your knowledge of French cooking, or master a few tango moves. This will give you the feeling that you didn’t just lie on the couch and spend precious seven days aimlessly, but spent this time on personal development and positive emotions.

Sun, air and water

Changing the usual office environment for natural scenery is a great idea for a tired vacationer. Even if you live far from bodies of water, try to spend more time in nature - go to parks, walk the streets more and definitely walk. This is especially useful for those whose work is sedentary.

Many psychologists recommend walking barefoot on grass, dirt or sand as an effective way to relieve stress. Country picnics or real ones hiking trips with tents and river rafting will help you change from a busy city rhythm to another, more suitable for a vacationer.

If you have planned a trip to another city, be sure to take time to get acquainted with the nature of the new place. No matter how wonderful they are architectural masterpieces, don’t limit your experiences to just cityscapes!

You can fully relax and return to work with positive impressions and a renewed attitude even after a short week-long vacation. Just a few days spent wisely can turn out to be much more useful, interesting and emotionally rich than a whole month of passive rest! So - decide what you want, and go ahead, relax!

In many processes relating to life, their quality and outcome depend on how well they are planned. This fully applies to vacations. Especially if you only have 7 days left, which is, unfortunately, a common vacation period these days.

After all, if in two weeks, in principle, you can relax and relieve work stress, then what to do if you only have one week at your disposal? But proper preparation and following our advice will help you spend this week with maximum benefit.

We bring to your attention the TOP 10 life hacks on the topic - how to fully relax in one week

1. Change your scenery

In order for your vacation to be truly successful, it is very important to change your surroundings. This shift may be different for everyone. Some people like to climb the mountains or live in a tent on the lake for a week. Others prefer a trip to an unfamiliar city or country with a rich history and generous attractions. In any case, lying on the sofa with your favorite TV series will not truly relax. Psychologists advise alternating between relaxation and adventure. For example: going fishing is an adventure, but going to the movies is relaxation. By alternating between active activities and relaxation while on vacation, the body is constantly in good shape, and the vacation time is used 100%.

2. No stress

If you are a resident of a metropolis, then from the constant bustle, driving to public transport, traffic jams and other delights of city life, your body is in a constant stressful situation. Therefore, a resident of a city, especially a large one, simply needs to be in silence without unnecessary fuss and haste. But you don’t have to go to the remote taiga or go on a solo voyage; you can simply choose a corner that you have long wanted to visit and decide to travel alone. After all, it’s already a luxury to just be alone with yourself.

3. Forget all-inclusive

Unfortunately, many perceive vacation as an abuse of alcoholic beverages and delicacies, especially if they vacation on an all-inclusive basis. In this case, a week spent at the pool bar turns into Groundhog Day. It is much more interesting to fill your vacation with events, go to a new place, and gain new impressions. Today, many travelers are exchanging the boring buffet for colorful local restaurants, the swimming pool for a cozy bay with a beautiful seascape. If you act this way, you can experience more pleasure in a week than in the entire previous year.

4. Down with popular, well-known routes

If, while exploring the city, you “stupidly” run after the guide, listening to information from Wikipedia about this or that monument, then you will only have boring memories and a certain amount of irritation. It’s much more interesting to feel like an active traveler and, having drawn up a route, discover in a new way what everyone seemed to have known for a long time - turn into narrow streets, go into unknown cafes and completely unexpectedly discover beautiful houses and cathedrals. Forget about time, and then not believe that only a week has passed.

5. Rest while watching

Try not to miss anything interesting on vacation, and carefully study the life around you. You will discover a lot of interesting things for yourself. Headed out to a local restaurant for lunch? Look around - there are probably a lot of locals around, whom you can observe in their natural habitat. This is also a great opportunity to get acquainted with a new mentality and language. Then interesting acquaintances there will be much more, and the vacation week will be eventful.

6. Imagine

Another tip for making your vacation week memorable. Come up with an original route. Doesn't mean new route to a famous place, which we wrote about above, and a trip to mysterious places, where ghosts or vampires are rumored to live. For example, to Bran Castle in Romania, which is commonly associated with Dracula. Or to an incredible hotel - such as Hostel Celica in Slovenia, opened right in a former prison and still equipped with bars. Or you can travel to the filming locations of the Harry Potter films, appreciate culinary excellence in Italy, the art of winemaking in France, the secrets of yoga in Goa, or graduate from diving school in Australia.

7. Don't retreat and don't be afraid

Don’t be afraid to try something new on vacation, because people usually go on vacation just for fresh impressions. Remember your childhood and try to do something you haven’t done for a long time. Do not refuse an invitation to a local holiday or to visit a random unexpected acquaintance. Maybe this will become the most vivid memory of the trip. If nothing is happening around you, have the loudest party in the hotel or a romantic date under the moon.

But don't step on the gas too much. Remember - you only have a week left.

8. Forget about work and the Internet

Unfortunately, the World Wide Web has already firmly entered our lives. Now we can be “getted” anywhere, and for many, answering work emails even on vacation has become a habit, and this can ruin the entire vacation. Today, many managers set a certain schedule for their subordinates, during which they respond to work issues during their vacation. Try to distance yourself from this. Also, don’t look at news sites, it’s better to look through local newspapers. Even without knowing the language, you can understand from the illustrations how the country and city live. It is equally useful to read good books on vacation.

9. Important culinary component

Try it national cuisine is one of the great ways to get to know new country. But don’t limit yourself to the standard and banal culinary set of a particular country - like pizza in Italy and sausages in Germany. It is much more interesting to taste completely unexpected dishes.

For example, in Mexico it is interesting to try the famous “hangover soup” Menudo made from cow stomachs, in Vietnam snake wine, and in Japan treat yourself to cookies with wasps. Another option is to try food from street vendors - everything that is considered a delicacy in this area.

10. Prepare to “exit” your vacation properly

No less carefully than the vacation itself, it is worth considering the process of returning from it to everyday life. Many experienced travelers try to arrange their first working day on Friday. In this case, the process of entering the work schedule will be less painful, and the weekend following Friday will alleviate the stress of the workday that has begun.

An interesting but controversial idea is to stock up on cute “psychological anchors” like souvenirs, photographs or a desktop screensaver that reminds you of the happy moments you experienced recently.

When you return home after a long and stressful day at work, you often cannot fall asleep because your mind is still preoccupied with work problems. If you are faced with such a problem, then you need to relax. Experts say you should take some time off. How long? A week may be a reasonable amount of time to relax and improve your health.

Pull yourself together

Sometimes people just need to calm down. From the first day you should set yourself up for relaxation. Otherwise, it will turn out that everyone around you annoys you. You will constantly be looking for something among your packed things, you will be tired from the flight or the train, and you will not be able to get comfortable. But most importantly, you will be angry with yourself because time is passing, money has been paid, and you are not having fun at all.

Some people spend so long immersed in another type of life, the so-called “vacation routine”, that as soon as they relax, the vacation week is already over! Therefore, you need to pull yourself together and adapt to reality.

7-8 days are enough for rest

Psychologists conducted a special study and found that many people require a certain period of adaptation. And for a person to completely relax and even begin to experience happiness on vacation, 7-8 days will be enough for him.

Scientists interviewed 58 people who were on vacation for at least two weeks. They asked people questions before and after their vacation, and several times during their vacation. The questions were: “What was your mood today?” and “How long did you feel good today?”

The results showed that during the first four days of vacation, people's well-being and good mood improved, and their happiness peaked between the fourth and eighth days of vacation. However, for some people, it takes a couple more days to recover from the stress of work and acclimate to rest.

As a rule, people dream of a month-long “escape from worries.” But scientists believe that a two-week vacation has as many happy days as a seven-day vacation. So keep that in mind.

Go on vacation for the weekend, buy a tour for two weeks, or maybe give up on everything and go on a cruise for 28 days? How much time does the body need to completely disconnect from work, forget about business and have a good rest? psychologist Maria Merkulova.

2-3 days

When we talk about the optimal time to go on vacation, we need to take into account the fact that a lot depends on your personality type and temperament. There are so-called human sprinters with an active nervous system; they quickly adapt to new conditions. Marathon runners are their complete opposite; they are slow to get involved in the process. For the latter, changing the situation takes time. Based on this, 2-3 days of vacation are good specifically for sprinters: a person leaves work, immediately disconnects from work and flies off somewhere to rest. Having returned, he also organically joins the work process. If you are clearly a marathon runner, it is better to spend the few days you have without stress: stay at home and just change your routine a little, take a walk, spend time with your family.

An important point: when you constantly rest for only 2-3 days and refuse a full vacation, at one point you may become exhausted from the road. This factor must be taken into account.

In general, such a vacation is express help for the body. You get a surge of emotions, but there is no need to talk about complete recovery of the body.

One week

When you take a week off, essentially your body gets the same benefits as if you took 2-3 days off. The only plus to this is that you can still gain strength. But “getting ready” does not mean completely recovering and relaxing. Rather, you will simply get more new impressions, you will have the opportunity to take a walk, see something, etc. Some people break their standard 28 days of vacation into four parts. In reality this is not the most good way relax.

Two weeks

In 14 days, the body manages to adapt to new living conditions, no matter whether they are positive or negative. A person comes into a state of readiness for relaxation and rest. The trouble is that usually at this moment many people have to go home.

Often after two weeks you can hear: “I’m tired of resting, I really want to go home, etc.” However, if you still allow yourself seven more days of rest, you will get a buzz, because there will not be a single thought about work in your head.

Three weeks

Spa treatment usually lasts from 21 to 28 days. This period was not chosen by chance. The fact is that 3-4 weeks of vacation is the best option for recovery. The first two weeks we are just adapting to what is happening. Of course, some people need less time for this, for example, several days. But this is rather an exception to the rule. You've probably noticed that when people come to rest, the first days they may not be in a very good mood, because they need to constantly solve some small problems: where to eat, how to plan the day, where to go in the evening, etc. To create new mode, it takes time.

An interesting nuance: after three weeks, there is a high probability that you will have a longer process of returning to your old living conditions and work. And all because during the first 14 days you come to a state of normalcy, peace and relaxation, and there is literally a week left for the rest itself. But it is impossible to completely restore your strength during this time. You may feel rested, but you won’t have time to get enough of it.

Four weeks

This is the optimal time for those who want to restore their strength to 100%. However, even if you can afford a full 28 days of rest, you need to take short breaks every 2-3 months, since the body has time to become exhausted and accumulate negative emotions. Take an extra day at your own expense and relax. How you spend these few days depends on your personality type and the conditions in which you find yourself most of the time. If your work involves active movement and close communication, you are tired of the hustle and bustle and lack of sleep, it is better to stay at home and allow yourself to do nothing. By the way, this is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance.

When to rest

Doctors assure us that it is not very beneficial for the body to move from winter to summer for a short time. When it's -10°C outside and you're flying to Thailand for two weeks, it's stressful. Even if you don’t think so, believe me, the body spends extra time adapting to new conditions. If you have already decided on such an experiment, stay in warm regions at least for a month. Another option is to give preference to places with a similar climate.

In autumn, when the time of heavy rains and slush begins, summer can be extended. For example, go somewhere to Europe (where you can still swim and soak up the sun). And in the spring, feel free to go to more warm countries to meet summer earlier than usual and help your exhausted body.