New route. Schedule of suburban buses in the city of Nakhodka Schedule of bus 126

  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (k/st) 06:56 07:38 08:15 09:23 10:31 11:39 12:47 13:21 13:55 14:29 15:37 16:46 17:27 18:08 18:42 19:16 19:54 20:32
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (village) 06:57 07:39 08:16 09:24 10:32 11:40 12:48 13:22 13:56 14:30 15:38 16:47 17:28 18:09 18:43 19:17 19:55 20:33
  • Saturday Sunday St. Yablochkova, 28 06:58 07:41 08:18 09:26 10:34 11:42 12:50 13:24 13:58 14:32 15:40 16:49 17:30 18:11 18:45 18:19 19:57 20:35
  • Saturday Sunday Butyrsky District Administration 06:59 07:43 08:20 09:28 10:36 11:44 12:52 13:26 14:00 14:34 15:42 16:51 17:32 18:13 18:47 19:21 19:59 20:37
  • Saturday Sunday St. Milashenkova, 13 07:00 07:44 08:21 09:29 10:37 11:45 12:53 13:27 14:01 14:35 15:43 16:52 17:33 18:14 18:48 19:22 20:00 20:38
  • Saturday Sunday Medical school at - 17 07:01 07:45 08:22 09:30 10:38 11:46 12:54 13:28 14:02 14:36 15:44 16:53 17:34 18:15 18:49 19:23 20:01 20:39
  • Saturday Sunday Ogorodny Ave. 07:02 07:46 08:23 09:31 10:39 11:47 12:55 13:29 14:03 14:37 15:45 16:54 17:35 18:16 18:50 19:24 20:02 20:40
  • Saturday Sunday St. Fonvizina, 10 07:03 07:47 08:24 09:32 10:40 11:48 12:56 13:30 14:04 14:38 15:46 16:55 17:36 18:17 18:51 19:25 20:03 20:41
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" 07:04 07:48 08:25 09:33 10:41 11:49 12:57 13:31 14:05 14:39 15:47 16:56 17:37 17:18 18:52 19:26 20:04 20:42
  • Saturday Sunday Tube dispensary at – 18 05:06 06:50 06:27 06:35 06:43 06:51 06:59 06:33 06:07 06:41 06:49 06:58 06:39 06:20 06:54 06:28 06:06 06:44
  • Saturday Sunday 2nd Goncharovsky lane. 07:08 07:52 08:29 09:37 10:45 11:53 13:01 13:35 14:09 14:43 15:51 17:00 17:41 18:22 18:56 19:30 20:08 20:46
  • Saturday Sunday St. Goncharova 07:09 07:53 08:30 09:38 10:46 11:54 13:02 13:36 14:10 14:44 15:52 17:01 17:42 18:23 18:57 19:31 20:09 20:47
  • Saturday Sunday St. Dobrolyubova 07:10 07:54 08:31 09:39 10:47 11:55 13:03 13:37 14:11 14:45 15:53 17:02 17:43 18:24 18:58 19:32 20:10 20:48
  • Saturday Sunday Studio theater 07:12 07:56 08:33 09:41 10:49 11:57 13:05 13:39 14:13 14:47 15:55 17:04 17:45 18:26 19:00 19:34 20:12 20:50
  • Saturday Sunday Promenergo 07:14 07:58 08:35 09:43 10:51 11:59 13:07 13:41 14:15 14:49 15:57 17:06 17:47 18:28 19:02 19:36 20:14 20:52
  • Saturday Sunday 6th bus depot 06:54 07:15 07:59 08:36 09:44 10:52 12:00 13:08 13:42 14:16 14:50 15:58 17:07 17:48 18:29 19:03 19:37 20:15 20:53
  • Saturday Sunday Sheremetyevskaya st. 06:55 07:16 08:00 08:37 09:45 10:53 12:01 13:09 13:43 14:17 14:51 15:59 17:08 17:49 18:30 19:04 19:38 20:16 20:54
  • Saturday Sunday Clinic 06:56 07:17 08:01 08:38 09:46 10:54 12:02 13:10 13:44 14:18 14:52 16:00 17:09 17:50 18:31 19:05 19:39 20:17 20:55
  • Saturday Sunday 6th Ave. Maryina Roshcha
  • Saturday Sunday 06:58 07:20 08:04 08:41 09:49 10:57 12:05 12:13 13:47 14:21 14:55 16:03 17:12 17:53 18:34 19:08 19:42 19:20 20:58
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Maryina Roshcha"
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Maryina Roshcha" 07:00 07:22 08:06 08:43 09:51 10:59 12:07 13:15 13:49 14:23 14:57 16:05 17:14 17:55 18:36 19:10 19:44 20:22 21:00
  • Saturday Sunday St. Obraztsova 07:01 07:23 08:07 08:44 09:52 11:00 12:08 13:16 13:50 14:24 14:58 16:06 17:15 17:56 18:37 19:11 19:45 20:23 21:01
  • Saturday Sunday Novosuschevskaya st. 07:02 07:24 07:08 08:45 09:53 11:01 12:09 13:17 13:51 14:25 14:59 16:07 17:16 17:57 18:38 19:12 19:46 20:24 21:02
  • Saturday Sunday 07:03 07:25 08:09 08:46 09:54 11:02 12:10 13:18 13:52 14:26 15:00 16:08 16:17 17:58 18:39 19:13 19:47 20:25 21:03
  • Saturday Sunday Streletskaya st. 07:04 07:26 08:10 08:47 09:55 11:03 12:11 13:19 13:53 14:27 15:01 16:09 17:18 17:59 18:40 19:14 19:48 20:26 21:04
  • Saturday Sunday Hard Alloy Plant 07:05 07:27 08:11 08:48 09:56 11:04 11:12 13:20 13:54 14:28 15:02 16:10 17:19 18:00 18:41 19:15 19:49 20:27 21:05
  • Saturday Sunday 1st Streletsky lane 05:06 06:28 06:12 06:49 06:57 06:05 06:13 06:21 06:55 06:29 06:03 06:11 06:20 06:01 06:42 06:16 06:50 06:28 06:06
  • Saturday Sunday Oktyabrskaya st. 06:07 07:29 08:13 08:50 09:58 11:06 12:14 13:22 13:56 14:30 15:04 16:12 17:21 18:02 18:43 19:17 19:51 20:29 21:07
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Maryina Roshcha" - Theater "Satyricon" 07:08 07:30 08:14 08:51 09:59 11:07 12:15 13:23 13:57 14:31 15:05 16:13 17:22 18:03 18:44 19:18 19:52 20:30 21:08
  • Saturday Sunday 6th Ave. Maryina Roshcha 07:09 07:31 08:15 08:52 10:00 11:08 12:16 13:24 13:58 14:32 15:06 16:14 17:23 18:04 18:45 18:19 19:53 20:31 21:09
  • Saturday Sunday Clinic 07:11 07:33 08:17 08:54 10:02 11:10 12:18 13:26 14:00 14:34 15:08 15:16 17:25 18:06 18:47 19:21 19:55 20:33 21:11
  • Saturday Sunday Sheremetyevskaya st. 07:12 07:34 08:18 08:55 10:03 10:11 12:19 13:27 14:01 14:35 15:09 16:17 17:26 18:07 18:48 19:22 19:56 20:34 21:12
  • Saturday Sunday 6th bus depot 07:14 07:36 08:20 08:57 10:05 11:13 12:21 13:29 14:03 14:37 15:11 16:19 17:28 18:09 18:50 19:24 19:58 20:36 21:14
  • Saturday Sunday Promenergo 07:16 07:38 08:22 08:59 10:07 11:15 12:23 13:31 14:05 14:39 15:13 16:21 17:30 18:11 18:52 19:26 20:00 20:38 21:15
  • Saturday Sunday Studio theater 07:18 07:40 08:24 09:01 10:09 11:17 12:25 13:33 14:07 14:41 14:15 16:23 17:32 18:13 18:54 19:28 20:02 20:40 21:17
  • Saturday Sunday St. Dobrolyubova 07:19 07:41 08:25 09:02 09:10 11:18 12:26 13:34 14:08 14:42 15:16 16:24 17:33 18:14 18:55 19:29 20:03 20:41 21:18
  • Saturday Sunday St. Goncharova 07:20 07:42 08:26 09:03 10:11 11:19 12:27 13:35 14:09 14:43 15:17 16:25 17:34 18:15 18:56 19:30 20:04 20:42 21:19
  • Saturday Sunday 2nd Goncharovsky lane. 07:22 07:44 08:28 09:05 10:13 11:21 12:29 13:37 14:11 14:45 15:19 16:27 17:36 18:17 18:58 19:32 20:06 20:44 20:21
  • Saturday Sunday Tube dispensary at – 18 07:24 07:46 08:30 09:07 10:15 11:23 12:31 13:39 14:13 14:47 15:21 16:29 17:38 18:19 19:00 19:34 20:08 20:46 21:23
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" 07:25 07:47 08:31 09:08 10:16 11:24 12:32 13:40 13:14 14:48 15:22 16:30 17:39 18:20 19:01 19:35 20:09 20:47 21:24
  • Saturday Sunday St. Fonvizina, 10 07:26 07:48 08:32 08:09 10:17 11:25 12:33 13:41 14:15 14:49 15:23 16:31 17:40 18:21 19:02 19:36 20:10 20:48 21:25
  • Saturday Sunday Ogorodny Ave.
  • Saturday Sunday St. Fonvizina 07:27 07:49 08:33 09:10 10:18 11:26 12:34 13:42 14:16 14:50 15:24 16:32 17:41 18:22 19:03 19:37 20:11 20:49 21:26
  • Saturday Sunday Medical school at - 17
  • Saturday Sunday St. Milashenkova, 13
  • Saturday Sunday Butyrsky District Administration
  • Saturday Sunday St. Milashenkova
  • Saturday Sunday St. Yablochkova, 45
  • Saturday Sunday St. Milashenkova (high, village) 07:33 07:55 08:39 09:16 10:24 11:32 12:40 13:48 14:22 14:56 15:30 16:38 17:47 18:28 19:09 19:43 20:17 20:55 21:32
  • Saturday Sunday St. Yablochkova, 28
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (high)
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (k/st)

    Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (k/st) - Metro "Maryina Roshcha"

  • Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (k/st) 06:53 07:10 07:29 07:43 07:58 08:11 08:30 08:45 09:02 09:23 09:46 10:12 10:37 11:00 11:27 11:52 12:16 12:40 12:58 13:16 13:32 13:55 14:19 14:46 15:10 15:40 16:08 16:25 16:40 16:56 17:10 17:25 17:40 17:55 18:11 18:26 18:41 18:56 19:16 19:43 20:09 20:34
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (village) 06:53 07:11 07:30 07:44 07:59 08:12 08:31 08:46 09:03 09:24 09:47 10:13 10:38 11:01 11:28 11:53 12:17 12:41 12:59 13:17 13:33 13:56 14:20 14:47 15:11 15:41 16:09 16:26 16:41 16:57 17:11 17:26 17:41 17:56 18:12 18:27 18:42 18:57 19:17 19:44 20:10 20:35
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Yablochkova, 28 06:55 07:12 07:31 07:45 08:00 08:13 08:32 08:47 09:04 09:25 09:48 10:14 10:39 11:02 11:29 11:54 12:18 12:42 13:00 13:18 13:34 13:57 14:21 14:48 15:12 15:42 16:10 16:27 16:42 16:58 17:12 17:27 17:42 17:57 18:13 18:28 18:43 18:58 19:18 19:45 20:11 20:36
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Butyrsky District Administration 06:56 07:15 07:34 07:48 08:03 08:16 08:35 08:50 09:07 09:28 09:51 10:17 10:42 11:05 11:32 11:57 12:21 12:45 13:03 13:21 13:37 14:00 14:24 14:51 14:15 15:45 16:13 16:30 16:45 17:01 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:16 18:31 18:46 19:01 19:21 19:48 20:14 20:39
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Milashenkova, 13 06:57 07:16 07:35 07:49 08:04 08:17 08:36 08:51 09:08 09:29 09:52 10:18 10:43 11:06 11:33 11:58 12:22 12:46 13:04 13:22 13:38 14:01 14:25 14:52 15:16 15:46 16:14 16:31 16:46 17:02 17:16 17:31 17:46 18:01 18:17 18:32 18:47 19:02 19:22 19:49 20:15 20:40
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Medical school at - 17 06:58 07:17 07:36 07:50 08:05 08:18 08:37 08:52 08:09 09:30 09:53 10:19 10:44 11:07 11:34 11:59 12:23 12:47 13:05 13:23 13:39 14:02 14:26 14:53 15:17 15:47 16:15 16:32 16:47 17:03 17:17 17:32 17:47 18:02 18:18 18:33 18:48 19:03 19:23 19:50 20:16 20:41
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Ogorodny Ave. 06:59 07:19 07:38 07:52 08:07 08:20 08:39 08:54 09:11 09:32 09:55 10:21 10:46 11:09 11:36 12:01 12:25 12:49 13:07 13:25 13:41 14:04 14:28 14:55 15:19 15:49 16:17 16:34 16:49 17:05 17:19 17:34 17:49 18:04 18:20 18:35 18:50 19:05 19:25 19:52 20:18 20:43
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Fonvizina, 10 07:00 07:20 07:39 07:53 07:08 08:21 08:40 08:55 09:12 09:33 09:56 10:22 10:47 11:10 11:37 12:02 12:26 12:50 13:08 13:26 13:42 14:05 14:29 14:56 15:20 15:50 16:18 16:35 16:50 17:06 17:20 17:35 17:50 18:05 18:21 18:36 18:51 19:06 19:26 19:53 20:19 20:44
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" 07:02 07:22 07:41 07:55 08:10 08:23 08:42 08:57 09:13 09:34 09:57 10:23 10:48 10:11 11:38 12:03 12:27 12:51 13:09 13:27 13:43 14:06 14:30 14:57 15:22 15:52 16:20 16:37 16:52 17:08 17:22 17:37 17:52 18:07 18:23 18:38 18:53 19:07 19:27 19:54 19:20 20:45
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tube dispensary at – 18 07:04 07:24 07:43 07:57 08:12 08:25 08:44 08:59 09:15 09:36 09:59 10:25 10:50 11:13 11:40 12:05 12:29 12:53 13:11 13:29 13:45 14:08 14:32 14:59 15:24 15:54 16:22 16:39 16:54 17:10 17:24 17:39 17:54 18:09 18:25 18:40 18:55 19:09 19:29 19:56 20:22 20:47
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2nd Goncharovsky lane. 05:06 06:26 06:45 06:59 06:14 06:27 06:46 06:01 06:17 06:38 06:01 06:27 06:52 06:15 06:42 06:07 06:31 06:55 06:13 06:31 06:47 06:10 06:34 06:01 06:26 06:56 06:24 06:41 06:56 06:12 06:26 06:41 06:56 06:11 06:27 06:42 06:57 06:11 06:31 06:58 06:24 06:49
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Goncharova 06:07 07:27 07:46 08:00 08:15 08:28 08:47 09:02 09:18 09:39 10:02 10:28 10:53 11:16 11:43 12:08 12:32 12:56 13:14 13:32 13:48 14:11 14:35 15:02 15:27 15:57 16:25 16:42 16:57 17:13 17:27 17:42 17:57 18:12 18:28 18:43 18:58 19:12 19:32 19:59 20:25 20:50
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Dobrolyubova 07:08 07:28 07:47 08:01 08:16 08:29 08:48 09:03 09:19 09:40 10:03 10:29 10:54 11:17 11:44 12:09 12:33 12:57 13:15 13:33 13:49 14:12 14:36 15:03 15:28 15:58 16:26 16:43 16:58 17:14 17:28 17:43 17:58 18:13 18:29 18:44 18:59 19:13 19:33 20:00 20:26 20:51
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Studio theater 07:10 07:30 07:49 08:03 08:18 08:31 08:50 09:05 09:21 09:42 10:05 10:31 10:56 11:19 11:46 12:11 12:35 12:59 13:17 13:35 13:51 13:14 14:38 15:05 15:30 16:00 16:28 16:45 17:00 17:16 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:31 18:46 19:01 19:15 19:35 20:02 20:28 20:53
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Promenergo 07:12 07:32 07:51 08:05 08:20 08:33 08:52 09:07 09:23 09:44 10:07 10:33 10:58 11:21 11:48 12:13 12:37 13:01 13:19 13:37 13:53 14:16 14:40 15:07 15:32 16:02 16:30 16:47 17:02 17:18 17:32 17:47 18:02 18:17 18:33 18:48 19:03 19:17 19:37 20:04 20:30 20:55
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6th bus depot 06:34 06:54 07:13 07:33 07:52 08:06 08:21 08:34 08:53 09:08 09:24 09:45 10:08 10:34 10:59 11:22 11:49 12:14 12:38 13:02 13:20 13:38 13:54 14:17 14:41 15:08 15:33 16:03 16:31 16:48 17:03 17:19 17:33 17:48 18:03 18:18 18:34 18:49 19:04 19:18 19:38 20:05 20:31 20:56
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Sheremetyevskaya st. 06:35 06:55 07:14 07:34 07:53 08:07 08:22 08:35 08:54 08:09 09:25 09:46 10:09 10:35 11:00 11:23 11:50 12:15 12:39 13:03 13:21 13:39 13:55 14:18 14:42 15:09 15:34 16:04 16:32 16:49 17:04 17:20 17:34 17:49 18:04 18:19 18:35 18:50 19:05 19:19 19:39 20:06 20:32 20:57
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Clinic 06:36 06:56 07:16 07:36 07:55 08:09 08:24 08:37 08:56 09:10 09:26 09:47 09:10 10:36 11:01 11:24 11:51 12:16 12:40 13:04 13:22 13:40 13:56 14:19 14:43 15:11 15:36 16:06 16:34 16:51 17:06 17:22 17:36 17:51 18:06 18:21 18:37 18:52 19:06 19:20 19:40 20:07 20:33 20:58
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6th Ave. Maryina Roshcha 06:38 06:58 07:18 07:38 07:57 08:11 08:26 08:39 08:58 09:13 09:29 09:50 10:13 10:39 11:04 11:27 11:54 12:19 12:43 13:07 13:25 13:43 13:59 14:22 14:46 15:13 15:38 16:08 16:36 16:53 17:08 17:24 17:38 17:53 18:08 18:23 18:39 18:54 19:09 19:23 19:43 20:10 20:36 21:01
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Maryina Roshcha" - Theater "Satyricon" 06:38 06:58 07:19 07:39 07:58 08:12 08:27 08:40 08:59 09:13 09:29 09:50 10:13 10:39 11:04 11:27 11:54 12:19 12:43 13:07 13:25 13:43 13:59 14:22 14:46 15:14 15:39 16:09 16:37 16:54 17:09 17:25 17:39 17:54 18:09 18:24 18:40 18:55 19:09 19:23 19:43 20:10 20:36 21:01
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Maryina Roshcha"
  • Saturday Sunday Ogorodny Ave. 07:27 07:49 08:33 09:10 10:18 11:26 12:34 13:42 14:16 14:50 15:24 16:32 17:41 18:22 19:03 19:37 20:11 20:49 21:26
  • Saturday Sunday St. Fonvizina 07:27 07:49 08:33 09:10 10:18 11:26 12:34 13:42 14:16 14:50 15:24 16:32 17:41 18:22 19:03 19:37 20:11 20:49 21:26
  • Saturday Sunday Medical school at - 17 07:28 07:50 08:34 09:11 10:19 11:27 12:35 13:43 14:17 14:51 15:25 16:33 17:42 18:23 19:04 19:38 20:12 20:50 21:27
  • Saturday Sunday St. Milashenkova, 13 07:29 07:51 08:35 09:12 10:20 11:28 12:36 13:44 14:18 14:52 15:26 16:34 17:43 18:24 19:05 19:39 20:13 20:51 21:28
  • Saturday Sunday Butyrsky District Administration 07:30 07:52 08:36 09:13 10:21 11:29 12:37 13:45 14:19 14:53 15:27 16:35 17:44 18:25 19:06 19:40 20:14 20:52 21:29
  • Saturday Sunday St. Milashenkova 07:31 07:53 08:37 09:14 10:22 11:30 12:38 13:46 14:20 14:54 15:28 16:36 17:45 18:26 19:07 19:41 20:15 20:53 21:30
  • Saturday Sunday St. Yablochkova, 45 07:33 07:55 08:39 09:16 10:24 11:32 12:40 13:48 14:22 14:56 15:30 16:38 17:47 18:28 19:09 19:43 20:17 20:55 21:32
  • Saturday Sunday St. Milashenkova (high, village) 07:33 07:55 08:39 09:16 10:24 11:32 12:40 13:48 14:22 14:56 15:30 16:38 17:47 18:28 19:09 19:43 20:17 20:55 21:32
  • Saturday Sunday St. Yablochkova, 28 07:34 07:56 08:40 09:17 10:25 11:33 12:41 13:49 14:23 14:57 15:31 16:39 17:48 18:29 19:10 19:44 20:18 20:56 21:33
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (high) 07:35 07:57 08:41 09:18 10:26 11:34 12:42 13:50 14:24 14:58 15:32 16:40 17:49 18:30 19:11 19:45 20:19 20:57 21:34
  • Saturday Sunday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (k/st) 07:36 07:58 08:42 09:19 10:27 11:35 12:43 13:51 14:25 14:59 15:33 16:41 17:50 18:31 19:12 19:46 19:20 20:58 21:35

    Metro "Maryina Roshcha" - Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (k/st)

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Maryina Roshcha" 06:40 07:00 07:21 07:41 08:00 08:14 08:29 08:42 09:01 09:15 09:31 09:52 10:15 10:41 11:06 11:29 11:56 12:21 12:45 13:09 13:27 13:45 14:01 14:24 14:48 15:16 15:41 16:11 16:39 16:56 17:11 17:27 17:41 17:56 18:11 18:26 18:42 18:57 19:11 19:25 19:45 20:12 20:38 21:03
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Obraztsova 06:41 07:01 07:22 07:42 08:01 08:15 08:30 08:43 09:02 09:16 09:32 09:53 10:16 10:42 11:07 11:30 11:57 12:22 12:46 13:10 13:28 13:46 14:02 14:25 14:49 15:17 15:42 16:12 16:40 16:57 17:12 17:28 17:42 17:57 18:12 18:27 18:43 18:58 19:12 19:26 19:46 20:13 20:39 21:04
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Novosuschevskaya st. 06:42 07:02 07:23 07:43 08:02 08:16 08:31 08:44 09:03 09:17 09:33 09:54 10:17 10:43 11:08 11:31 11:58 12:23 12:47 13:11 13:29 13:47 14:03 14:26 14:50 15:18 15:43 16:13 16:41 16:58 17:13 17:29 17:43 17:58 18:13 18:28 18:44 18:59 19:13 19:27 19:47 20:14 20:40 21:05
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Suschevsky Val - 11th mountain. b-tsa 06:43 07:03 07:24 07:44 08:03 08:17 08:32 08:45 09:04 09:18 09:34 09:55 10:18 10:44 11:09 11:32 11:59 12:24 12:48 13:12 13:30 13:48 14:04 14:27 14:51 15:19 15:44 16:14 16:42 16:59 17:14 17:30 17:44 17:59 18:14 18:29 18:45 19:00 19:14 19:28 19:48 20:15 20:41 21:06
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Streletskaya st. 06:44 07:04 07:25 07:45 08:04 08:18 08:33 08:46 09:05 09:19 09:35 09:56 10:19 10:45 11:10 11:33 12:00 12:25 12:49 12:13 13:31 13:49 14:05 14:28 14:52 15:20 15:45 16:15 16:43 17:00 17:15 17:31 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:46 19:01 19:15 19:29 19:49 20:16 20:42 21:07
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Hard Alloy Plant 06:45 07:05 07:26 07:46 08:05 08:19 08:34 08:47 09:06 09:20 09:36 09:57 10:20 10:46 10:11 11:34 12:01 12:26 12:50 13:14 13:32 13:50 14:06 14:29 14:53 15:21 15:46 15:16 16:44 17:01 17:16 17:32 17:46 18:01 18:16 18:31 18:47 19:02 19:16 19:30 19:50 20:17 20:43 21:08
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 1st Streletsky lane 06:46 06:07 07:28 07:48 08:07 08:21 08:36 08:49 09:08 09:22 09:38 09:59 10:22 10:48 11:13 11:36 12:03 12:28 12:52 13:16 13:34 13:52 14:08 14:31 14:55 15:23 15:48 16:18 16:46 17:03 17:18 17:34 17:48 18:03 18:18 18:33 18:49 19:03 19:17 19:31 19:51 20:18 20:44 21:09
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Oktyabrskaya st. 06:47 07:08 07:29 07:49 07:08 08:22 08:37 08:50 08:09 09:23 09:39 10:00 10:23 10:49 11:14 11:37 12:04 12:29 12:53 13:17 13:35 13:53 14:09 14:32 14:56 15:24 15:49 16:19 16:47 17:04 17:19 17:35 17:49 18:04 18:19 18:34 18:50 19:04 19:18 19:32 19:52 20:19 20:45 21:10
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Maryina Roshcha" - Theater "Satyricon" 06:48 07:09 07:30 07:50 08:09 08:23 08:38 08:51 09:10 09:24 09:40 10:01 10:24 10:50 11:15 11:38 12:05 12:30 12:54 13:18 13:36 13:54 14:10 14:33 14:57 15:25 15:50 16:20 16:48 17:05 17:20 17:36 17:50 18:05 18:20 18:35 18:51 19:05 19:19 19:33 19:53 19:20 20:46 21:11
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6th Ave. Maryina Roshcha 06:49 07:10 07:31 07:51 08:10 08:24 08:39 08:52 09:11 09:25 09:41 10:02 10:25 10:51 11:16 11:39 12:06 12:31 12:55 13:19 13:37 13:55 14:11 14:34 14:58 15:26 15:51 16:21 16:49 17:06 17:21 17:37 17:51 18:06 18:21 18:36 18:52 19:06 19:20 19:34 19:54 20:21 20:47 21:12
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Clinic 06:51 07:12 07:33 07:53 08:12 08:26 08:41 08:54 09:13 09:27 09:43 10:04 10:27 10:53 11:18 11:41 12:08 12:33 12:57 13:21 13:39 13:57 14:13 14:36 15:00 15:28 15:53 16:23 16:51 17:08 17:23 17:39 17:53 18:08 18:23 18:38 18:54 19:08 19:22 19:36 19:56 20:23 20:49 21:14
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Sheremetyevskaya st. 06:52 07:13 07:34 07:54 08:13 08:27 08:42 08:55 09:14 09:28 09:44 10:05 10:28 10:54 11:19 11:42 12:09 12:34 12:58 13:22 13:40 13:58 13:14 14:37 15:01 15:29 15:54 16:24 16:52 17:09 17:24 17:40 17:54 18:09 18:24 18:39 18:55 19:09 19:23 19:37 19:57 20:24 20:50 21:15
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6th bus depot 06:54 07:16 07:37 07:57 08:16 08:30 08:45 08:58 09:17 09:31 09:47 10:08 10:31 10:57 11:22 11:45 11:12 12:37 13:01 13:25 13:43 14:01 14:17 14:40 15:04 15:32 15:57 16:27 16:55 17:12 17:27 17:43 17:57 18:12 18:27 18:42 18:58 19:11 19:25 19:39 19:59 20:26 20:52 21:17
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Promenergo 06:55 07:18 07:39 07:59 08:18 08:32 08:47 09:00 09:19 09:33 09:49 09:10 10:33 10:59 11:24 11:47 12:14 12:39 13:03 13:27 13:45 14:03 14:19 14:42 15:06 15:34 15:59 16:29 16:57 17:14 17:29 17:45 17:59 18:14 18:29 18:44 19:00 19:13 19:27 19:41 20:01 20:28 20:54 21:18
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Studio theater 06:57 07:20 07:41 08:01 08:20 08:34 08:49 09:02 09:21 09:35 09:51 10:12 10:35 11:01 11:26 11:49 12:16 12:41 13:05 13:29 13:47 14:05 14:21 14:44 15:08 15:36 16:01 16:31 16:59 17:16 17:31 17:47 18:01 18:16 18:31 18:46 19:02 19:15 19:29 19:43 20:03 20:30 20:56 21:20
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Dobrolyubova 06:58 07:21 07:42 08:02 08:21 08:35 08:50 09:03 09:22 09:36 09:52 10:13 10:36 11:02 11:27 11:50 12:17 12:42 13:06 13:30 13:48 14:06 14:22 14:45 15:09 15:37 16:02 16:32 17:00 17:17 17:32 17:48 18:02 18:17 18:32 18:47 19:03 19:16 19:30 19:44 20:04 20:31 20:57 20:21
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Goncharova 06:59 07:22 07:43 08:03 08:22 08:36 08:51 09:04 09:23 09:37 09:53 10:14 10:37 11:03 11:28 11:51 12:18 12:43 13:07 13:31 13:49 14:07 14:23 14:46 15:10 15:38 16:03 16:33 17:01 17:18 17:33 17:49 18:03 18:18 18:33 18:48 19:04 19:17 19:31 19:45 20:05 20:32 20:58 21:22
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2nd Goncharovsky lane. 07:00 07:23 07:44 08:04 08:23 08:37 08:52 09:05 09:24 09:38 09:54 10:15 10:38 11:04 11:29 11:52 12:19 12:44 13:08 13:32 13:50 14:08 14:24 14:47 15:11 15:39 16:04 16:34 17:02 17:19 17:34 17:50 18:04 18:19 18:34 18:49 19:05 19:18 19:32 19:46 20:06 20:33 20:59 21:23
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tube dispensary at – 18 07:02 07:25 07:46 08:06 08:25 08:39 08:54 09:07 09:26 09:40 09:56 10:17 10:40 11:06 11:31 11:54 12:21 12:46 13:10 13:34 13:52 14:10 14:26 14:49 15:13 15:41 16:06 16:36 17:04 17:21 17:36 17:52 18:06 18:21 18:36 18:51 19:07 19:20 19:34 19:48 20:08 20:35 21:01 21:25
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" 07:04 07:28 07:49 08:09 08:28 08:42 08:57 09:10 09:29 09:43 09:59 10:20 10:43 11:09 11:34 11:57 12:24 12:49 12:13 13:37 13:55 14:13 14:29 14:52 15:16 15:44 16:09 16:39 17:07 17:24 17:39 17:55 18:09 18:24 18:39 18:54 19:10 19:23 19:37 19:51 20:11 20:38 21:04 21:27
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Fonvizina, 10 07:05 07:29 07:50 08:10 08:29 08:43 08:58 09:11 09:30 09:44 10:00 10:21 10:44 11:10 11:35 11:58 12:25 12:50 13:14 13:38 13:56 13:14 14:30 14:53 15:17 15:45 16:10 16:40 17:08 17:25 17:40 17:56 18:10 18:25 18:40 18:55 19:11 19:24 19:38 19:52 20:12 20:39 21:05 21:28
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Ogorodny Ave. 05:06 06:30 06:51 06:11 06:30 06:44 06:59 06:12 06:31 06:45 06:01 06:22 06:45 06:11 06:36 06:59 06:26 06:51 06:15 06:39 06:57 06:15 06:31 06:54 06:18 06:46 06:11 06:41 06:09 06:26 06:41 06:57 06:11 06:26 06:41 06:56 06:12 06:25 06:39 06:53 06:13 06:40 06:06 06:29
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Fonvizina 06:07 07:31 07:52 08:12 08:31 08:45 09:00 09:13 09:32 09:46 10:02 10:23 10:46 11:12 11:37 12:00 12:27 12:52 13:16 13:40 13:58 14:16 14:32 14:55 15:19 15:47 16:12 16:42 17:10 17:27 17:42 17:58 18:12 18:27 18:42 18:57 19:13 19:26 19:40 19:54 20:14 20:41 21:06 21:29
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Medical school at - 17 07:08 07:32 07:53 08:13 08:32 08:46 09:01 09:14 09:33 09:47 10:03 10:24 10:47 11:13 11:38 12:01 12:28 12:53 13:17 13:41 13:59 14:17 14:33 14:56 15:20 15:48 16:13 16:43 17:11 17:28 17:43 17:59 18:13 18:28 18:43 18:58 19:14 19:27 19:41 19:55 20:15 20:42 21:07 21:30
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Milashenkova, 13 07:09 07:33 07:54 08:14 08:33 08:47 09:02 09:15 09:34 09:48 10:04 10:25 10:48 11:14 11:39 12:02 12:29 12:54 13:18 13:42 14:00 14:18 14:34 14:57 15:21 15:49 16:14 16:44 17:12 17:29 17:44 18:00 18:14 18:29 18:44 18:59 19:15 19:28 19:42 19:56 20:16 20:43 21:08 21:31
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Butyrsky District Administration
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Milashenkova 07:10 07:34 07:55 08:15 08:34 08:48 09:03 09:16 09:35 09:49 10:05 10:26 10:49 11:15 11:40 12:03 12:30 12:55 13:19 13:43 14:01 14:19 14:35 14:58 15:22 15:50 16:15 16:45 17:13 17:30 17:45 18:01 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:16 19:29 19:43 19:57 20:17 20:44 21:09 21:32
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Yablochkova, 45 07:13 07:37 07:58 08:18 08:37 08:51 09:06 09:19 09:38 09:52 10:08 10:29 10:52 11:18 11:43 12:06 12:33 12:58 13:22 13:46 14:04 14:22 14:38 15:01 15:25 15:53 16:18 16:48 17:16 17:33 17:48 18:04 18:18 18:33 18:48 19:03 19:19 19:32 19:46 20:00 20:20 20:47 21:12 21:35
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Milashenkova (high, village) 07:14 07:38 07:59 08:19 08:38 08:52 09:07 09:20 09:39 09:53 10:09 10:30 10:53 11:19 11:44 12:07 12:34 12:59 13:23 13:47 14:05 14:23 14:39 15:02 15:26 15:54 16:19 16:49 16:17 17:34 17:49 18:05 18:19 18:34 18:49 19:04 19:20 19:33 19:47 20:01 20:21 20:48 21:12 21:35
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday St. Yablochkova, 28 07:15 07:39 08:00 08:20 08:39 08:53 09:08 09:21 09:40 09:54 09:10 10:31 10:54 11:20 11:45 12:08 12:35 13:00 13:24 13:48 14:06 14:24 14:40 15:03 15:27 15:55 16:20 16:50 17:18 17:35 17:50 18:06 18:20 18:35 18:50 19:05 19:21 19:34 19:48 20:02 20:22 20:49 21:14 21:37
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (high) 07:16 07:40 08:01 08:21 08:40 08:54 08:09 09:22 09:41 09:55 10:11 10:32 10:55 11:21 11:46 12:09 12:36 13:01 13:25 13:49 14:07 14:25 14:41 15:04 15:28 15:56 16:21 16:51 17:19 17:36 17:51 18:07 18:21 18:36 18:51 19:06 19:22 19:35 19:49 20:03 20:23 20:50 21:14 21:37
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Metro "Timiryazevskaya" (k/st) 07:17 07:41 08:02 08:22 08:41 08:55 09:10 09:23 09:42 09:56 10:12 10:33 10:56 11:22 11:47 12:10 12:37 13:02 13:26 13:50 14:08 14:26 14:42 15:05 15:29 15:57 16:22 16:52 17:20 17:37 17:52 18:08 18:22 18:37 18:52 19:07 19:23 19:36 19:50 20:04 20:24 20:51 21:15 21:38

Distance between: Timiryazevskaya → Maryina Roshcha is: ~ 0 km
along the route: ~ 0.8 km

Approximate travel time: ~ 10 min
Streets along which route No. 126 passes: Suschevsky Val street, Yablochkova street, Fonvizin street, Goncharova street, Ogorodny proezd, 17th Maryinoy Roshcha proezd, Sheremetyevskaya street, Dobrolyubova street, Milashenkova street, Dvintsev street, Streletskaya street, 3rd Maryinoy Roshcha proezd, Rustaveli street, Dobrolyubova street , Rustaveli street
Moscow districts through which route No. 126 passes: Maryina Roshcha district, Butyrsky district
Metro stations along the route: Timiryazevskaya; Troparevo; Marina Grove; ;
Which buses and minibuses does this route intersect with: 47, 56, 78, 87, 206, 604, 19m, 294m, 356m, 378m, 383m, 23, 3, 3k, 29, 29k, 76, 599m, 19, 19k, 239,

Route Bus 126 - Stops. Schedule

How to get there (additional option)
Timiryazevskaya - Maryina Roshcha

All Stops Bus 126

“Novosushchevskaya street”, Sushchevsky Val street (to the center)

“Metro Maryina Roshcha”, Sushchevsky Val street (to the center) (1)

"St. Obraztsova", Sushchevsky Val street (to the center)

"St. Yablochkova, 28", Yablochkova street (to the center)

"St. Yablochkova, 28", Yablochkova street (from the center) (1)

"St. Fonvizina, 10", Fonvizina street (to the center) (1)

"Metro Timiryazevskaya", Yablochkova street (to the center)

“Tub. dispensary No. 18", Goncharova street (from the center)

“2nd Goncharovsky lane”, Goncharova street (from the center)

"Promenergo", Ogorodny proezd (to the center)

“6th bus depot”, 17th passage of Maryina Roshcha (to the center) (1)

“Sheremetyevskaya street,” Sheremetyevskaya street (to the center)

"Policlinic", Sheremetyevskaya street (to the center) (1)

"St. Goncharova", Dobrolyubova street (to the center)

"Metro Maryina Roshcha - Satirikon Theater", Sheremetyevskaya street (to the center)

"Metro Maryina Roshcha - Satirikon Theater", Sheremetyevskaya street (from the center) (1)

“Metro Timiryazevskaya (village)”, Yablochkova street (from the center)

"St. Fonvizina, 10", Fonvizina street (from the center)

"St. Milashenkova, 13", Milashenkova street (from the center)

"St. Goncharova", Dobrolyubova street (from the center) (1)

“Butyrsky District Administration”, Milashenkova Street (to the center)

"St. Milashenkova, 13", Milashenkova street (to the center)

"Streletskaya street", Dvintsev street (from the center)

"Hard alloys plant", Streletskaya street (from the center)

“1st Streletsky lane”, 3rd passage of Maryina Roshcha (to the center)

"Oktyabrskaya street", 3rd passage of Maryina Roshcha (to the center)

“6th Ave. Maryina Roshcha”, Sheremetyevskaya street (from the center)

"Policlinic", Sheremetyevskaya street (from the center)

"Sheremetyevskaya street", Sheremetyevskaya street (from the center) (1)

"Promenergo", Ogorodny proezd (from the center)

“2nd Goncharovsky lane”, Goncharova street (to the center)

“Tub. dispensary No. 18", Goncharova street (to the center)

"St. Milashenkova (high, village)", Yablochkova street (to the center)

"St. Yablochkova, 45", Milashenkova street (to the center)

“Butyrsky District Administration”, Milashenkova Street (from the center)

"St. Milashenkova", Milashenkova street (from the center)

"St. Dobrolyubova", Rustaveli Street (from the center)

"Etc. Dobrolyubova", Dobrolyubova Street (to the center)

"St. Suschevsky Val - Hospital”, Dvintsev street (from the center)

"Metro Timiryazevskaya", Yablochkova street (from the center) (2)

"St. Yablochkova, 4 ", Yablochkova street (from the center)

"Metro Timiryazevskaya", Fonvizin street (to the center)

“6th Ave. Maryina Roshcha”, Sheremetyevskaya Street (to the center)

"Medical school No. 17", Milashenkova street (from the center)

"Medical school No. 17", Milashenkova street (to the center)

"St. Dobrolyubova", Rustaveli Street (from the center)

“Metro Butyrskaya”, Rustaveli street (to the center)

"St. Dobrolyubova", Rustaveli Street (to the center)

"MFC Maryina Roshcha", Ogorodny proezd (from the center)

"Metro Butyrskaya", Rustaveli street (from the center)

"Metro Fonvizinskaya", Milashenkova street (to the center)

"Metro Fonvizinskaya", Milashenkova street (from the center)

"MFC Maryina Roshcha", Ogorodny proezd (to the center) (1)

"Metro Butyrskaya", Ogorodny proezd (from the center)

"Metro Butyrskaya", Ogorodny proezd (to the center)

  • How to buy a train ticket?

    • Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the appropriate train and place.
    • Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.
  • How to return a purchased train ticket?

  • Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

    Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.

    The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. Software The gateway has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.

    The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

    The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Purchase electronic ticket to the website - modern and quick way issuing a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.

    When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.

    After payment, to board the train you need:

    Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can complete it by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.

Schedule of route No. 16 (Cafe “Anchor” – Priiskovy village)

from the stop "Cafe "Anchor"

7-46, 9-23, 11-06, 16-16, 17-56;

from the bus station stop

6-20, 7-54, 9-34, 11-14, 14-44, 16-24, 18-04, 20-35;

from the stop "p. Priiskovy"

7-00, 8-40, 10-20, 12-00, 15-30, 17-10, 18-50, 21-17.

Schedule of route No. 122 (Nakhodka - Yuzhno-Morskoy village)

work days: 6-20, 7-00, 7-30, 8-10 (with entry to Anna Bay), 9-00, 9-50, 10-40, 11-30, 12-20, 13-10 (from entering Anna Bay), 14-00, 14-40, 15-20, 16-10, 16-40 (with entry into Anna Bay), 17-20, 18-00, 18-30, 19-10 , 20-00, 21-00;

weekend: 6-00, 7-35, 8-05 (with entry into Anna Bay), 8-40, 9-40, 11-15, 12-05, 12-35 (with entry into Anna Bay), 13 -20, 14-05, 15-25, 16-40 (with entry into Anna Bay), 17-25, 18-30, 20-00;

from Yuzhno-Morskoy

work days: 6-25, 6-55, 7-10, 7-40, 8-05, 8-45, 9-30, 10-20, 11-10, 12-00, 12-50, 13-40, 14-10, 15-20, 15-50, 16-50, 17-20, 17-50, 18-50, 19-30, 20-30;

weekend: 6-25, 7-10, 8-00, 9-20, 10-10, 10-40, 11-25, 13-00, 13-50, 14-45, 15-10, 15-55, 17-20, 19-00, 19-50.

Schedule of route No. 126 (Nakhodka - Wrangel)

from Nakhodka from the stop "Avtovokzal"

7-00 (does not enter GPTU), with entry to GPTU: 7-45, 8-15, 8-55, 9-45, 10-35, 11-15, 11-55, 12-35, 13-15 , 13-55, 14-35, 15-15, 15-55, 16-35, 17-15, 17-45, 18-15, 18-45, 19-15, 20-15, 21-15, 22 -15;

from Wrangel

with a call to the GPTU: 6-30, 7-00, 7-30, 8-00, 8-40, 9-20, 10-00, 10-40, 11-20, 12-00, 12-40, 13 -20, 14-00, 14-40, 15-20, 16-00, 16-30, 17-00, 17-30, 18-00, 19-00, 20-00, 21-00.


Bus number 126 leaves the MZhK and goes through the “Collector”, the Goznak factory, the thermal power plant, Crimea, Novye Vodniki, “Stadium”, the Zheleznodorozhny and Proletarsky microdistricts, and the Central Market. The final one is “Permavtodor” (Perm).

The new route was opened legally and agreed with the Ministry of Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development Perm region.

What was recorded in the register of routes of the Perm Territory under number 336 dated November 27, 2009. The buses have undergone a thorough inspection by all supervisory authorities of both Perm and Krasnokamsk.

The emergence of a new route caused the effect of a bomb exploding: Krasnokamsk passenger carriers became worried - a strong competitor had noticeably pushed them back. Local officials are not happy about the new bus service. They believe that the Perm company could lead to the bankruptcy of the city ATP.

This opinion is wrong. OJSC Uralavto not only does not plan to ruin anyone, but, on the contrary, creates new jobs. Today the company employs 9 Krasnokamsk residents. And this is not the limit. We are ready to provide jobs to energetic, sociable people without bad habits.

But ordinary townspeople are delighted! Now from a remote microdistrict you can get to Perm for just 25 rubles. In addition, there are two buses that are fully adapted to transport disabled people. A third one is coming soon.

And one more good news: it is planned to introduce

50% fare payment for people who have reached retirement age (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old). Discount flights will be valid from 10 to 16 and from 19 to 23.

The bus schedule has already been drawn up and approved. But changes can be made at the request of passengers.

Inquiries by phone: 8–912-98–200-10, 8–902-647-80-50.

Residents' opinion

Alexey (22 years old, student):

I received the news about the new route with joy. Previously, it took me more than 100 rubles to travel to my place of study.

And now only 50. For me this is a significant saving.

Tamara Ivanovna (68 years old, pensioner):

It's good that he showed up new route. Federal benefits were cancelled, and it became expensive to travel from the MZhK to Zakamsk with transfers. And now there are direct flights. Cheap, as they say, and cheerful. And the buses are big and comfortable. Even in severe frosts they are very warm. Thanks to the passenger carrier for taking care of us old people.

Oleg (34 years old, car mechanic):

I live in Krasnokamsk and work in Zakamsk. Previously, if you were a little late at work, you wouldn’t be able to go home. Buses stop early. I often had to spend the night at work. It’s good that there are buses that run until 23-30. You can now go home without any problems.

Bus schedule No. 126 (Krasnokamsk - Perm)

Krasnokamsk (MZhK)

6–15, 6–30, 6–45, 07–00, 07–15, 07–35, 07–55, 08–15, 08–35, 08–55, 09–25, 09–45, 10–05, 10–20, 10–40, 11–00, 11–30, 12–00, 12–40, 13–00, 13–35, 13–50, 14–15, 14–30, 14–50, 15–20, 15–35, 16–00, 16–10, 16–25, 16–45, 17–00, 17–25, 17–40, 18–00, 18–50, 19–10, 19–25, 19–40, 19–55, 20–10, 20–25, 20–45, 21–00, 21–15, 22–00, 22–20, 22–30, 22–50, 23–10.

Perm (Permavtodor)

06–00, 06–15, 06–30, 06–45, 07–00, 07–50, 08–05, 08–20, 08–35, 08–50, 09–15, 09–30, 09–50, 10–10, 10–30, 11–05, 11–45, 12–15, 12–45, 13–00, 13–30, 13–50, 14–10, 14–25, 14–40, 15–10, 15–25, 15–50, 16–05, 16–25, 17–10, 17–30, 17–45, 18–00, 18–15, 18–25, 18–35, 19–00, 19–15, 19–40, 20–25, 20–45, 21–00, 21–15, 21–35, 21–50, 22–05, 22–20, 22–40, 23–00.