A reminder for tourists traveling to Morocco. Monetary unit of Morocco. Time, customs, food, phone numbers, shopping. What medications should I take in Morocco? What medicines you can’t bring to Morocco

In Morocco, the weather is comfortable and warm, and at night it is quite cool. Therefore, when traveling to Morocco, you should take not only light clothes, T-shirts, shorts, T-shirts, but also a windbreaker, jacket, and jumper. Don't forget to bring personal hygiene items, beach towels, swimsuit, swimming trunks, hat, sun cream. Morocco is a Muslim country, so you should make sure that in your luggage you have a long skirt and a long-sleeve sweater (for women), as well as a shirt and trousers (for men). You should also take beach flip-flops and hotel slippers to Morocco. For hiking, excursions, and shopping, comfortable low-heeled shoes are recommended, as well as a bag where you can put the things you need.

If you are planning to travel to the country, then do not forget to take a driver’s license, a Russian-French phrasebook, a guidebook, and a map of the country when visiting Morocco. Be sure to bring small dollar bills or euros with you to pay the taxi driver and for tips.

What medications should I take in Morocco?

Some medicines are sold freely in the country, and some require a prescription. Therefore, you should take a first aid kit in Morocco with the medications you need, as well as medicines for stomach disorders, plasters, bandages, cotton wool, painkillers, and antiseptics.

What should a child take to Morocco?

For your child, you should take seasonal comfortable clothing, preferably made from natural fabrics, as well as several warm clothes, a light jacket, comfortable shoes, sandals, flip-flops for the beach, a hat and sunscreen. For a small child, do not forget to take diapers, diapers, bottles, pacifiers, favorite toys and books to Morocco; a portable kangaroo bag will not hurt.

You can see a detailed list of things you need for your trip in the list: what to take to Morocco. You can also add additional items or exclude unnecessary ones.

Have a nice trip.

A souvenir taken as a souvenir of a trip abroad can easily become fraught and result in unforeseen and unpleasant consequences. An ashtray made of a clam, a pendant with coral, a bracelet made of snake skins, or a “chicken god” found on the beach can bring not happiness at all, but a fine or the threat of going to jail. It's all about customs regulations exports, which have their own characteristics depending on the country. Not all souvenirs found on the beach, or, for example, creams purchased in resort shops, will be allowed to be taken home. Even tubes of cosmetics may list an ingredient of animal or plant origin that is protected by the state - and this will also create problems.

So, what you need to know when taking souvenirs from your trip.

Türkiye is not always loyal to tourists. In 2014, one of Russian tourists went to jail because of a small stone in his luggage, bought in an ordinary souvenir shop. Customs officers at Antalya airport considered the find to be of historical value, for the export of which in Turkey they give up to 12 years. The court sentence in this case is 1.5 years probation and a fine of 22,000 rubles.

Prohibited for export
.Antiques, antiques, carpets, if they are more than 100 years old. If less, you must obtain the appropriate certificate from the museum and attach a receipt.
.Historical artifacts include all types of fossils, be they rocks from the beach, cobblestones from the roadside, or shards of marble. They may turn out to be fragments of an ancient Roman column or a splinter from the Hellenistic era.
.Jewelry valued at over $15,000.
.Fragments of soil, wood, any natural, geological, anthropological, archaeological objects.


A couple of years ago, a couple from Britain found themselves under arrest at the Egyptian Luxor airport: a bronze coin from the era of antiquity and a Bible published in the 16th century were found in their luggage. The tourists were released only after an examination proved that these were ordinary souvenirs.
When buying retro items, do not forget to take a receipt from the seller and a document stating that the product has no historical value.

Prohibited for export
.Corals, stuffed crocodiles, sea shells, ivory and other marine flora and fauna. These kinds of things can be exported if they were purchased in a store and there is a receipt. Smuggling coral carries a fine of about $1,000.
.Historical artifacts. Any antique item can be exported only with a special package of documents.
.Gold worth over $3000.


Thai airport customs officers routinely confiscate Buddha figurines and images from uninformed tourists who forget to obtain an export permit and hand them over to the Thalang National Museum. For every hundred cheap figurines, there is one that is thousands of years old.

Prohibited for export
.Images of Buddha and bodhisattva, religious objects (except for neck medallions). Obtain permission from the Thai Department of Fine Arts or National Museum Talanga and feel free to take out up to five Buddha figurines per person.
.Products from Ivory and turtle shell, as well as any jewelry made from the skin and bones of protected animals.
.Clam shells, raw corals and seahorses.
.Platinum jewelry, raw gemstones, gold bars.
.Stamps and antiques without a receipt or permission from the Department of Fine Arts.
.Be careful with Thai pills. Carrying drugs in Thailand is punishable by death.


In 2013, a Russian tourist was detained at Chinese customs: at the control point, an alarm went off about the presence of unpaid goods in her luggage. It turned out that the seller simply forgot to remove the tag from the jacket he sold. And although the store confirmed that the woman purchased the goods legally, the Chinese police kept her in prison for a long time, conducting investigations. Thieves in China face up to ten years in prison.
To avoid misunderstandings, always keep your receipts.

Prohibited for export
.Art objects and cultural values. If you really need it, you can get a certificate from the Chinese Cultural Affairs Administration and indicate the antiques in the customs declaration.
.Endangered species of animals and plants, including seeds.
.Weapons, including souvenirs - swords, sabers, swords, etc.
.It is not prohibited, but the export of Chinese medicines and raw materials for them is limited - only for personal use within 300 yuan.


German customs officers are particularly strict. In 2009, they confiscated an expensive Swiss watch and a branded bag from Vitali Klitschko because he did not include them in the declaration. And in 2014, Justin Bieber’s monkey was taken away because the singer did not provide necessary documents for the animal upon entry into Munich. You should also not try to cross the border with a large amount of money hidden in your luggage. There is a known case when German customs officers seized a check for undeclared €125 million from a Ukrainian tourist.

Prohibited for export

Items of artistic or historical value.
.More than 10 liters of gasoline in a spare canister when traveling by car.


There is a known case when Greek customs officers detained two young Americans at the Athens airport who were bringing six human skulls home as souvenirs. They claimed that they had purchased them legally from a shop on the island of Mykonos for €25 each, believing that they were fakes. The young people were charged with desecrating the remains of the dead. Only two years later, after long trials and hearings, the Greek court found the Americans innocent.

Prohibited for export
All antique objects, including fragments of the ruins of Hellas and pebbles from the Acropolis, which tourists are greedy for, not even aware of the prohibitions. When purchasing a copy of an antique statue, do not forget to take a receipt and a certificate for customs stating that the purchase is not of historical value.


A tourist from Bashkiria had to spend two months under arrest: when exchanging dollars for local currency, one of the bills turned out to be counterfeit. Three more girls from Rostov were arrested at Dubai airport before flying home because of a stack of items left in hotel room souvenir dollars that were given to one of her friends for her birthday. The maid found the bills and showed them to the hotel director. The Russian women were arrested on charges of “manufacturing, storing and transporting banknotes.” They were facing 12 years in prison, but the efforts of the Russian consuls saved the ladies from being forced to spend a long vacation in the UAE.

Prohibited for export

Objects of cultural and historical heritage.
.Palm seeds and fruits.
.Wild animals.
.Carpets, gold and silver items without a receipt.


Finnish customs officers regularly catch tourists with sturgeon caviar, raw meat and fish. Once a resident of Karelia tried to bring 18 kg of fresh frozen fish from Finland, and twice: when the first time he was attracted to administrative responsibility and returned to Finland with illegal cargo, he tried to break into Russia by car again. Although 50 kg of goods per person can be imported into Russia, some craftsmen use the services of so-called kilobabushki - people who accompany traders when passing through customs.

Prohibited for export

Fresh flowers in pots.
.Sturgeon caviar.
.Artworks and antiques over 50 years old without proper permission. Antiques can only be exported with a special certificate from the seller.

One more moment!
Please note that not everything exported from abroad can be brought home.

Prohibited for import into Russia:
(what fits the category of souvenirs)
.Precious stones in any form and condition, natural diamonds, excluding jewelry
.Plants in pots
.Military equipment
Maximum permissible weight imported goods - 50 kg.
The cost of imported goods when crossing air borders should not exceed €10,000, when crossing other borders - €1,500.

From comments on one of the travel sites:

Have a nice trip!

Based on materials:

Visa: Valid for citizens of Belarus visa regime, visa-free regime- for citizens of the Russian Federation

Customs regulations: The import and export of foreign currency is not limited, but its circulation in the Kingdom is prohibited. When exporting unspent currency, you must have a bank certificate of exchange. The export of objects and things of historical and artistic value without special permission is prohibited. There is a restriction on the import of professional photographic equipment (this does not apply to amateur photographic equipment), as well as on the import of alcohol - you can import into the country no more than one bottle of spirits and one bottle of wine, no more than 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars and 250 g of tobacco.


Strictly prohibited!

Followers of other religions are not allowed to enter the mosque. In Morocco, there are rarely mosques open to foreigners.

Taking photographs of someone without their permission. Some believers are convinced that photography steals a part of the soul.

Give money to little beggars. If you want to please children, it is better to give them colored pencils or candy.

Be embarrassed if the Moroccan you are talking to takes your hand. For the people of Morocco, this is a sign of friendship.

Start a conversation about the King of Morocco or the region.

Touch food with your left hand. It is considered unclean, since in Muslim countries it is intended for personal hygiene.

Wear revealing clothes (especially for women). In holy places (mosques, shrines) it is recommended for both men and women to wear appropriate clothing.

Swearing in the presence of Muslims.

Appear in a drunken state outside specially designated places (hotels, bars, restaurants, etc.).

Insult the national, religious and personal dignity of all persons living in Morocco by any form of behavior - action, words, etc.

Express, publish, distribute, and also import into Morocco any materials discrediting the existing system in the country, its top leadership or directed against the foundations of Islam and those who profess it.

In Morocco it is customary:

Eat with your right hand, especially if you are in the company of Moroccans.

Accept an invitation to tea. This The best way expresses his sympathy for the local population.

Time: It lags behind Moscow by 3 hours, from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October - by 4 hours.

Currency of Morocco: Moroccan dirham. You can exchange currency at banks. Official exchange rate against the US dollar: 1$ approximately 10 Dh. Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 11:15 and from 14:15 to 16:00. Saturday and Sunday are days off. During Ramadan, banks are open from 8:30 to 14:00.

Great care should be taken when handling currency. Dirhams are not converted or taken out of the country. It is prohibited to change it on the streets. You can exchange currency at a bank or special airport currency exchange offices. You should always have small bills with you - sellers often pretend to have no change. Large bills in the hands of the buyer encourage sellers to inflate the price. Many small services are cheap, but you still won’t get change from a large bill. The so-called "Berber dirham", which is often manipulated by traders, especially in mountainous areas, does not exist in nature. Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and most large stores; private merchants are extremely reluctant to work with them. American Express travel checks are accepted almost everywhere; checks from other systems are less readily cashed.

Official languages: The official language is Arabic. Second official language in Morocco it is French. In mountainous areas, local dialects are used. Berber and spanish languages. Some of the specialists who once studied in Russia speak Russian.

Communications: To call to the country you need to dial 8 - 10 - 212 - the subscriber number. Payphones operate on cards (machines are a new type, found mainly in tourist areas) and by coins. Cards are sold at kiosks and post offices. After 23:00, as well as on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, a reduced rate applies. There are post offices throughout the country where you can send a letter or fax, as well as make a phone call (open from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 18:30).

Main city codes: Casablanca – 2, Marrakesh, Rabat – 7, Agadir – 28.

Communication: Police: 19
Ambulance: 177
Unified information desk: 16
Fire department: 15

Main city codes:

Casablanca - 22

Marrakech - 44

Agadir - 48

Electricity: The voltage in the electrical network is 220 V in new buildings and 110 V in old ones, frequency is 50 Hz. Standard European sockets, with grounding

Payment method and tips: Tips are usually given little by little, but often - in restaurants and hotels up to 10% of the order amount (often they are already included in the bill, but additional “baksheesh” is welcome), maids - 2-10 MDH per week, car security guards - 1-2 MDH , car washers - 5 MDH, guides, drivers - 10 MDH per excursion. However, these are only general recommendations: in any case, the size of the tip remains at the discretion of the tourist. Tips must be given personally to the person who performed the service.

Car rent: To rent a car you must have an international driver's license and pay in cash or by credit card. Offices of international rental companies are widespread and prices are low. Renting a middle class car costs about 450 MDH per day. Taxes, mileage, insurance, roadside assistance and transportation costs are paid separately depending on the type of vehicle. In large resort areas, it is recommended to reserve a car in advance. Before renting, you should especially carefully familiarize yourself with the technical condition of the car: often cars have hidden defects that will have to be paid for upon return.

Road markings are internationally marked and road signs are usually written in French and Arabic. Seat belts are required. Often cars are offered for rent right on the street, but it is better to refuse this option. Rules traffic local drivers generally comply, but sometimes violations occur. Traffic police are very serious, fines for violations are high, so everyone tries to follow the rules. All cities have parking attendants, they regulate the parking of cars on the streets, and can wash the car if desired. The cost of their services is from 5 to 20 MDH.

Helpful Tips: Morocco is a country that reveres tradition, it is necessary to adapt to local customs and habits. Most Moroccans are very hospitable, and if you show respect to their culture and traditions, they will do the same in return.

When buying something in the markets, you can bargain with the seller, because... Bargaining is accepted almost everywhere, except supermarkets. Pay in cash wherever possible; when paying via credit card may charge excessive prices. It is better to take the goods with you than to mail them home. Some warehouse stores may replace your chosen product with a cheaper and lower quality one when shipping abroad.

There are a lot of pickpockets in Morocco, so you should take the usual security measures - do not carry a wallet in clothing pockets that are easily accessible from the outside, cameras and handbags only on a belt, do not leave anything in the car, or park cars only in guarded parking lots, specially served by security guards (must have uniforms). tokens). Tourist police very loyal to foreigners, and at the same time treats the local population very harshly. Photographing military and police officers is strictly prohibited.

An ornate shell from the beach is a cool souvenir and a free gift for a colleague. And for customs officers this is a reason to issue a fine, thoroughly check your luggage and confiscate souvenirs. Read what items cannot be taken out of resorts, even if they seem harmless to you.

At the airport you will definitely be detained for exporting weapons, drugs, pornography, antiques or cannabis seedlings. Everyone is also aware of the restrictions on tobacco and alcohol. In this article we will talk about unusual things and souvenirs that are easy to come across at the airport.

Of course, customs officers often turn a blind eye to an extra shell or a handful of sand. They may even miss some rare antiquity - not everyone understands them. But according to the law, you can’t do this, and if you get caught, it can lead to big problems for your nerves and wallet.


The cost of souvenirs that you take home should be no more than 5,000 Turkish lira (about $820 as of August 2018). Receipts are required for all major purchases. Customs officers pay special attention to carpets - so do not forget to take a receipt and a certificate with the date of manufacture from the seller.

They will definitely check that you are not exporting antiques made more than 50 years ago from the country - they are allowed for export only with a certificate from the Ministry of Culture. This is more for collectors than for ordinary tourists.

It is strictly prohibited to export corals, shells, and even stones and fossils without receipts of purchase. You can buy it, but you can’t pick it up from the land or the sea.

Officially, stones are not prohibited from being exported, but there are a lot of UNESCO sites in the country, and formally, any stone can be part of the historical heritage. If the customs officer is not in a good mood, he may detain you at least until the circumstances are clarified.

It is also prohibited to export firearms and bladed weapons - you should not even buy modern replicas of ancient daggers, sabers and pistols.


You cannot export medicines, leather goods, souvenirs from palm tree. Buy from olive. At the same time, coconuts or dates can be exported, but wood products cannot.

Henna in any form is prohibited for export and import. The ban arose when they tried to smuggle drugs under the guise of henna. You cannot export the national currency of Tunisia.

Not a single dinar. Customs officers will force you to change everything down to the millimeter. There is no minimum allowed, so don't even try.

To export jewelry or carpets, you definitely need a receipt from the store. In general, it is better to stock up on a receipt for everything that resembles cultural heritage - embossed souvenirs, ceramics, etc. The most convenient way is not to throw away receipts from souvenirs at all.

Here, too, any pebble can come under suspicion - suddenly you took it from the excavations of Dougga or Carthage.

Dominican Republic

Here it is strictly for souvenirs and antiques: you cannot take with you the heart of a palm tree, orchids, ancient artifacts and corals found during diving. Theoretically, shells can be exported, but some species are prohibited for export, and remembering them all is tedious - it is better not to export anything at all. It will be possible to take out a shell bracelet with a receipt. The export of the national currency peso is prohibited. You can only carry 50 cigars.

There are no restrictions on the export of rum from the Dominican Republic. But no more than 3 liters of alcohol per adult traveler can be brought into Russia duty-free. 4-5 liters are allowed to be imported with duty, but more than 5 liters will not be allowed through.


Buddha figurines taller than 13 centimeters, dried seahorses, corals, shells, ivory, tortoise shell and products made from it are strictly prohibited. Stuffed animals can only be exported if you have documents. Corals - only in the form of processed souvenirs. It is prohibited to export postage stamps, but you can stick them on a letter and send them from Thailand.

If you decide to bring cheap Thai fruits to Russia, do not take durian and coconut. The nut shell is not visible through the scanner, so customs officers will not let you through with it. And durian just stinks a lot and can ruin the luggage of other visitors.

There is a widespread belief that it is prohibited to export watermelons. In fact, this is not a legal ban, but a restriction of airlines. Some flights do not allow watermelons on board, as they may not withstand the pressure and explode. So it is better to check this with the airline you are flying with - many tourists freely export watermelons without problems with customs.

White Thai sand or a flower in a pot will also not be simply missed. The land and sand in Thailand belong to the King, not the tourists. They will definitely force you to throw away the sand, but they may let the plant through, asking you to shake off the soil from the roots.


You cannot export stuffed turtles, lizards, scorpions, crustaceans and insects, eggs of rare birds, bird nests, corals, and exotic plants. For violation you will have to pay a fine of about $500. If you are carrying more than 5 jewelry sets per person, you will have to obtain permission from the State Bank. Shells, like anywhere else, are also prohibited from being taken out.

The famous fish sauce cannot be exported from Fukuoka. If you accidentally spill it, then because of the magical aroma you will have to change the upholstery of the plane - the airline will not take such a risk.


No requirements for souvenirs and jewelry Israel does not present it. The only problem is the removal of antiques. Anything made before 1700 is considered an item self made. They can only be exported with written permission from the Antiquities Authority. Plus, the purchase of such valuables is subject to a 10% tax. But the import and export of currency from the country in any quantity is unlimited. At least come with suitcases of dollars.


Everything is standard here - no corals or shells! Only in the form of processed souvenirs, preferably with a receipt. The export of ivory products, stuffed animals, antiques over 100 years old and samples of the flora and fauna of the Red Sea (fish, corals, etc.) is also prohibited. starfish and so on.)


The Emirates have a democratic attitude towards exporting souvenirs from the country - you can even bring corals and shells from here. Jewelry and carpets - with sales receipts. You cannot take with you except wild animals, seeds and fruits of palm trees, objects cultural heritage countries. You also cannot export the same things as import - for example, a deck of playing cards or pornographic magazines or disks. If you managed to smuggle this into the UAE, and on the way back the items were found at customs, you will receive a fine.


Hindus will not forgive you if you take home living plants, animal skins, bird feathers, or antique items made before the 20th century. Gold bars cannot be exported, and jewelry worth more than 2,000 rupees cannot be exported. Indian currency is also prohibited - you will have to spend it at the resort or exchange it back into rubles in advance.


First of all, the bans concern the country’s cultural heritage. You cannot take antique mosaics, marble and stones from Italy. To bring home antique furniture over 100 years old, works of art and souvenirs over 50 years old, you need permission from the Italian Ministry of Culture. There is even an Italian joke: “My grandfather is 101 years old, can I take him out of Italy or do I need permission from the Ministry of Culture?”

You cannot remove sand and shells from protected beaches on the Adriatic Riviera and Sardinia. Get a fine of 1500 euros for trying.

It is strictly forbidden to export counterfeit products - items that imitate branded items. For this you can get a fine of up to 10 thousand euros. Therefore, if you buy branded goods, be sure to ask for a receipt and a certificate.

Transporting delicacies is also not easy. Without permission, they will not be released with meat, meat products, or dairy products. It is impossible to export casu marzu cheese from Sardinia - a delicious product with cheese fly larvae. Maybe it's not necessary?


If you bought a painting, jewelry or calligraphy in China, be sure to take a receipt. Strictly with antiques - only with permission from the Chinese Administrative Department for Cultural Property. Local drugs and Chinese medicines can be carried in reasonable quantities, but only with a receipt.

Radio receivers and radio transmitters are prohibited for export. Technically, radio-controlled toys fall into this category, but in fact they are allowed through customs.

Also, you cannot export pornographic materials that are prohibited and cannot be imported - you may be fined for this.

It is also forbidden to export products without original packaging (for example, meat), as well as seeds and plants without a purchase receipt.

Sometimes there are rumors that it is prohibited to export Chinese tea from China. This is not true - at Chinese customs you can be let through even with 10 kg of tea. But among Russian customs officers, such an amount may raise suspicion of importation for commercial purposes, so it is better to limit yourself to a couple of kilograms.


Antiques, skins and stuffed wild animals and birds, archaeological treasures, and precious metals cannot be exported from here. National currency no more than 10 thousand US dollars equivalent. It is also prohibited to export precious metals and stones unless they are part of the jewelry purchased with a receipt.

Knowing about these restrictions, you will save your money and will not get into an unpleasant situation at customs control. Read our blog to always fly with pleasure!

When planning to enter a foreign country (and then leave it), you should know exactly what can and cannot be transported across the state border.

In any country, the authorities ensure that prohibited items and goods do not enter its territory, and (at a minimum) do not export national treasures from the country. Vietnam is no exception in this regard. In this article, we will provide you with a list of items and products that are subject to restrictions.

Import restrictions:

  • Currency . You can bring into the territory of Vietnam an amount equivalent to $3,000 without entering the declaration. If quantity cash currency exceeds the specified amount, you will have to include it in the declaration.

You can also take out of the country in cash an amount equivalent to $3,000. There are no restrictions on the maximum imported amount. The amount of money you have on your bank card is not limited and is not indicated in the declaration.

  • Tobacco and tobacco products.

Import into Vietnam is also not subject to tax:
- 400 cigarettes;
- 100 cigars;
- 500 g of tobacco.

You can take one thing with you to Vietnam in full. Or a little bit of everything, but so as not to exceed the limit - up to 500 g of tobacco.

Up to 2 liters, strength up to 22 degrees (wine, beer and other low-alcohol drinks);

Up to 1.5 liters of strong drinks: vodka, cognac, whiskey and more.

The total volume of imported alcoholic beverages should not exceed 3 liters.

  • Soft drinks.

Tea – up to 5 kg;

Coffee – up to 3 kg.

  • Other.

Perfumes, perfumes, cosmetics - as much as you need for personal use. So that during the inspection, customs control workers do not have the idea that you want to start a perfume business in Vietnam.

The total value of imported items should not exceed 5 million VND.

  • Pets.

At import When traveling to the country of your pet, he must have a veterinary certificate translated into Vietnamese and notarized.

At export– You must have a veterinary certificate on hand.

Items subject to mandatory declaration:

  • Appliances;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • video and photographic equipment;
  • Jewelry.

If you purchased any of the above in Vietnam, be sure to have your purchase receipt and certificates with you.

For any major purchase in Vietnam, keep your receipt. It will be easier at customs.

  • if more than 300 g of gold (pure or in the form of jewelry) is exported from the country, then you must have a special permit from the National Vietnamese Bank.

Import/export ban:

Regarding the last two points: if you purchased something in Vietnam that looks like it has historical, cultural or antique value, ask the seller for a certificate. Which says that this item is not (listed above) a value with seals and signatures from a store or shop.

  • Cannot be exported precious stones and products with them.
  • Cannot be exported rare species of animals and plants .
  • Cannot be imported/exported any types of weapons. Even cold. Even with permissions.
  • Cannot be imported/exported anti-government materials .
  • Cannot be imported/exported shells and corals . If any of the above are found in your luggage, you will have to pay a fine of up to $500.

Allowed to be exported from Vietnam.

In fact, the list listed in the article is not that complicated. Those who often travel around the world are familiar with many points from it. And therefore it is not difficult to adhere to restrictions. But with some restrictions, you can bring quite a lot to your home from Vietnam. Have a good holiday and have a memorable shopping experience!