Location of toilets in a double-decker railway carriage. One hundred and fourth two-story building. Personal experience: pros and cons. Double decker train photos

For those who missed the post, you can read it first, and now I’ll tell you how I had to ride on the second floor of the Moscow-Adler train.

In general, I ended up on the second floor by accident. The train that goes from Stary Oskol to Adler takes 36 hours, and if you spend an hour getting to Voronezh, then from there Adler will be at your service in 16 hours. That's the math.

We didn't have time to buy tickets for the first floor. I had to figure out what it was like to travel on the train on the second floor.

Photo 2.

Get your tickets straight away. The bottom seat cost 7,000, the top 5,000, and the children's seat approximately 3,600.

Well, actually, most likely, all that I liked are actually the usual requirements for passenger transportation. It's just that things are often worse for various reasons.

So, we sat down in the evening and they brought us a hot dinner. On other trains I remember there was only dry rations.

In general, at first glance, there was as much space on the second floor as on a regular train. Convenient step to the second shelf.

Photo 3.

I expected that there would be some kind of narrow and uncomfortable staircase between the floors. There was no need to worry. Quite convenient. I ran here and there many times. I climbed up with bags, there was enough space.

Photo 4.

The only thing on the second floor that reminds you that you are not on a regular train is how low it is. To see what is there on the street, you literally have to get down on your knees.

Photo 5.

Once again the stairs.

Photo 6.

Mirror, for “movement control”. So as not to try to go down when the crowd is already rising.

Photo 7.

The compartment finally has modern personal lights. And a socket!!! OOOO!!! This is a fucking thrill. We have the only BRANDED train from Stary Oskol to Moscow, so in the COMPARTMENT for a lot of money there are sockets only in the corridors. And here is personal on yours sleeping place.

Hello cinema and laptop.

Photo 8.

Such a big and beautiful box, and inside there are only plastic cutlery and a cupcake :-(, and also a lollipop.

Photo 9.

The first floor of the car goes straight, and the second floor goes to the left.

Photo 11.

From the outside, the carriage seems so high that it will not fit anywhere in the tunnels and under the crossbars. It gets through.

It's amazing why all the other cars are so low :-)

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Conductor's closet.

Photo 14.

In this place in ordinary carriages there is usually a “samovar” with hot water.

Photo 15.

The conductor, in person.

Photo 16.

This is how a mirror works.

Photo 17.

112 seats - decent! It is not clear why the cost of tickets is more expensive than in a regular compartment carriage. After all, they promised that due to the large capacity of double-decker cars, prices would be lower there, especially on the second floor.

Photo 19.

I don't know what it is, but it sounds very impressive.

Photo 20.

Here's an interesting feature. Usually, garbage is piled up in piles in ordinary carriages, but here they are sorting it out. I don't even have one like this at home.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Illuminated steps.

Photo 23.

Well, if we bless rockets, everyone has icons in their cars and amulets in offices and apartments, then why shouldn’t this be in the railway carriage.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

But there is still one drawback. There is still less space on the second shelf of the second floor than in regular carriages. Firstly, as you noticed, there are no shelves for things. And sometimes they really helped out.

Photo 26.

Secondly, now the second shelf is only comfortable to lie on. It’s no longer possible to see something while sitting because of the beveled edges of the car roof.

Photo 27.

The first time I used free Wi-Fi on a train. Cool! This Satellite Internet as I understand? Because cellular communication there was none, but the Internet worked:

Photo 28.

And the speed in general, you will agree, is normal for free Internet on the road.

Once again the second shelf is inconvenient.

Photo 29.

The entire carriage is equipped with fire alarms, alarms and warning speakers.

Photo 31.

I’ve also noticed this in regular coupes, but I still can’t find the time to find out more about it. What kind of cards are these that can be used to open and close compartments? Why are they never given to passengers?

Photo 32.

Has anyone ever used them? If not, then this whole system in each car is essentially wasted and made in vain.

Photo 33.

Well, we are already in Adler. Hello everyone from the shores of the Black Sea.

Photo 34.

The other day I was traveling from Moscow to Kazan on a new double-decker train. Russian Railways has several such trains. They mainly run between Moscow and Sochi, but they also go to Kazan. It was interesting to ride. By the way, the price is cheaper than a regular coupe.

So, in this composition there is no reserved seat. Only coupe and St. Since the carriages are double-decker, it is logical that passenger seats in one carriage there is more than in a regular, single-decker. Accordingly, the price should be lower. Let's see.

1. Russian Railways now new system pricing. If, for example, you look at tickets for this train, then on Friday it will be more expensive than on Monday or another weekday:

2. This is what the diagram of a double-decker carriage looks like on the Russian Railways website. You can choose your seat when purchasing a ticket:

3. On the platform of the Kazan station, the train looks, to put it mildly, unusual. In aviation parlance, this train wears Olympic livery. They launched it for the Olympic Games in Sochi:

4. We go into the carriage:

5. Workspace for conductors. Here, as in the old carriages, there is boiling water. There is no boiling water on the second floor:

7. At the entrance on the left there is a staircase leading to the second floor, exactly the same on the other side of the car. Just below the first floor compartment.

8. Since my ticket was on the second floor, the photos will mostly be from there. The first one is exactly the same. We go up to the second floor. A mirror has been installed to prevent collisions with other passengers. Under the mirror there is a trash drawer:

9. Second floor corridor. There are no sockets in the corridor, because... There are two of them in each compartment:

10. Compartments are opened using magnetic cards. For some reason, these cards were not distributed in our carriage. Perhaps because the travel time to Kazan is only 1 night:

11. I was traveling in the last compartment on the second floor. One:

12. The compartment is a little cramped. This is felt due to the fact that the distance between the top shelf and the ceiling is almost the same as in a reserved seat between the passenger shelf and the luggage rack. Well, maybe a little more:

13. Because downstairs everything is like in a regular compartment. Same volume. Not at all cramped. Sockets on each bottom shelf, very convenient:

14. Probably the biggest disadvantage of double-decker cars is the lack of an upper luggage rack as in a regular compartment. There simply wasn't enough space. All luggage must be placed under the lower shelves:

15. There is also not much space below. There was also some kind of metal casing in my compartment. I suspect that not all compartments have it and, accordingly, there is more space for luggage:

16. One of the advantages is the mattress recessed into the shelf. Now you don’t need to constantly adjust your bed, which treacherously rolled out of its place in the old compartments:

17. There is a mirror on the inside of the door, as before:

18. Electronic lock. There is also a regular, mechanical one:

19. Let's go down to the first floor and look at the toilets:

20. Bio toilets. Does not close at stations. There are 3 of them per car and located in only one place. They are located at the opposite end of the car from the conductor.

21. The toilet itself. Everything is clean, still new and nice:

23. This is what the vestibule with toilets and staircase on the second floor looks like:

22. And this is the conductor’s compartment. By the way, you probably know that smoking on trains is now prohibited. Conductors legally sell electronic cigarettes for 250 rubles/piece. You can smoke with them right in the corridor:

23. If in old carriages the space between carriages was closed and air circulated there, then in new carriages it is practically airtight. You can't smoke on the sly here anymore. In addition, the doors open automatically when you press the button and you cannot close them from the inside:

24. This is already a platform in Kazan:

That's all for now. See my next one. It is also two-story.

It is noteworthy that just a few days ago I had the pleasure of the famous which runs from London. The contrast is very great, I hope you will appreciate it soon. I'm still working on the footage.

An interesting photo report about a trip on one of the first flights of double-decker trains. Let's look further at how everything is arranged inside such double-decker train cars and read further comments about such a trip.

The test drive of the train began on November 2 at 07:50 Moscow time from the first platform of the Kazan station of the capital.

Was I scared? Very scary, because... They write such things that sometimes it’s almost creepy.
And I’m not too young for such tests-)

The carriages are Russian and made at the Tver Carriage Plant.
My ticket is on the second floor and, who knew, suddenly while driving I would fall somewhere with my things...

I went in and was stunned! My first thought was that I was on the wrong train.
For a second it seemed that I was in Europe and on the Paris-Nice route, and not Moscow-Adler.
Since when did they start making such cars in Russia?

On the eve of the Olympic Games, Tver Carriage Works purchased
50 double-decker cars: 38 compartments, four each of SVs, compartment staff cars and a dining car.
Of these, three trains were formed that will go to Adler with stops in Ryazan,
Voronezh, Rostov, Krasnodar and Sochi.

A ticket to the Coupe cost me 3,206 rubles. Thanks to the increased number of seats
in the carriage it was possible to reduce the cost of travel in compartment and SV carriages.

And here is the coupe in which I have to travel 25 hours and 19 minutes.
It does not have an overhead luggage rack, but my rather large suitcase fit underneath.

The compartments have individual electrical sockets
for charging mobile phone or laptop. Two pieces!

The fare includes: bed linen, drinking water
along the route, sanitary and hygiene kits and the press.

The whole train is packed to capacity - there are no empty seats. My mischievous neighbor Vova!-)

The car is made to high European standards using new technologies,
equipment and materials - light, clean, comfortable,

Free hygiene kit

You will be surprised, but the ticket price includes packed rations.
I had to “risk” my health and test it. Survived!
Everything turned out to be edible, although I would have replaced the chicken pate-)

Set contents: waffles, crackers, jam, drinking water, pate, mayonnaise, mustard,
sanitary and hygienic set (paper napkin, knife, fork, boat, salt, pepper, sugar, toothpick), sandwich.

And here is the first stop

The train also includes a restaurant car.
On the second floor there is a dining room for 48-50 visitors

The lower tier houses the kitchen and bar.

Have I tested the restaurant's products for myself?

Of course I tested it. For 350 rubles I ordered a business lunch of salad,
first, second, and drink! And most importantly, he survived again!

Let's take a walk on the train

In double compartments (SV), each seat is equipped with an LCD display for viewing video programs.

There is Wi-Fi on the train, but I admit, its speed leaves much to be desired.

You are not blind - separate waste collection is carried out in each carriage!

All carriages are equipped with three dry closets, which can be used during stops.
I read the following statistics from someone. A regular compartment car has 36 seats and 2 toilets.
This turns out to be 1 toilet for 18 passengers. IN double-decker carriage 64 seats and 3 toilets - 1 toilet for 21 passengers.
Allegedly, the toilets will be 15% busier.

I want to object! With three toilets and a full carriage, I never had to wait in line in 25 hours.
There was always one free toilet. The author of the statistics did not take into account that the toilets are open during stops.

Each carriage has a video surveillance system, control system, access control
and security passenger train, as well as air conditioning and heating systems,
which provides a comfortable microclimate.

People with disabilities have not been forgotten either.
The train has a special compartment and a wheelchair lift

Landscapes outside the window.

The view is better from the second floor!

The cars have a vibration compensation system,
which will allow passengers not to experience inconvenience when the cars rock.
And photos when moving are clearer)

The sea appeared outside the window - we were approaching Sochi

At each station everyone tries to take a photo as a souvenir with the first double-decker train

Are there any disadvantages? Of course there is, it is the lack of opportunity
regulate the air temperature in a separate compartment
(I saw something similar in Europe in Siemens cars).

Arrived in Adler. Please note the difference in the height of the carriages.

I was met by a dog-)

Very beautiful station

I'll have to say goodbye to the train and tell you about the station

The construction of the station in Adler was carried out in the image and likeness of the popular
worldwide intermodal passenger transport hubs- hubs,
where a passenger can not only make a transfer or leave luggage,
but also get a wide range additional services- from purchasing fresh press
to hotel service.

The total area of ​​the seven levels of the terminal is almost 30 thousand square meters. m,
throughput exceeds 15 thousand people per hour.

Everything sparkles inside

When will such stations be in Moscow?

The station can accommodate about 2 thousand passengers at a time

Per day new terminal can serve 56 pairs of long-distance and suburban trains,
and on top of that, four Aeroexpress trains can depart and arrive from here every hour.

The station building consists of three parts: parking for 555 cars,
the sea and city parts of the building, as well as the concourse connecting them (the square where several streets converge)

So Yakunin coped with his task on the roads to the Olympics.

Yesterday I took a ride on the Moscow-Adler double-decker train. Now I'm telling you the whole truth.
It’s good that it’s only 8 hours from Voronezh to Rostov. I have absolutely no desire to ride it anymore.
On the website it is advertised as a Premium class train.
I’ll say right away - Never buy top shelves. Otherwise, your trip will turn into HELL.
But first things first.

If you do not start from Moscow, then you will have to jump on the go. Because parking is about 3 minutes.

The website states free Wi-Fi all the way. It really is there, it connects, but it doesn’t work.
He's not there. Don't get your hopes up like me.

Second floor corridor.

Descent to the first floor

There are 3 toilets per carriage, which is even less than in a regular carriage. There are 2 on one floor.

By the way, there is no place for smoking in the carriages and vestibules. So everyone smokes in the toilets. It's quiet, that's why it's smoky in there.

Waste distribution. Metal, Glass, Paper... Although there is a regular bag, where all the garbage is thrown out.

But let's go up to the second floor again. Here you have to somehow squeeze through with your suitcase.

The coupe is ordinary. But the space for the top shelf is very small. Less than twice as much as in a regular coupe. It is impossible to sit on it. Just lie down. There is no space for luggage at all. And if a person is about eighty meters tall, then there is nowhere to put his legs.

What about legs? On the second floor there is a sloping roof. And because of this, you can’t even raise your head. I really can’t imagine how to sleep there. There is no overhead slope on the ground floor, but the space above is even smaller.

Restaurant. Bar on the first floor. On the second there is a small hall.

Menu with Olympic symbols.

They also give you an amenity kit on the train.

some water.

They could have done it better, like on an airplane, for example.

This is a vestibule.

There are also places for disabled people.

First floor corridor.

1. It is not possible to ride on the upper shelves. Riding them is a complete pain.
2. There is no space for luggage. So there are large suitcases in the aisle.
3. There is no Internet. At all.
4. Parking lots are small. It is impossible to buy anything on the road. All that remains is the restaurant car. Or take food with you right away.
5. There is one place for smoking, near the restaurant carriage. And the rest smoke in the toilet.
6. Even though he Express train. It goes just as slowly and sways.

As for the rest of the Beautiful Marquise... everything is fine...

27.04.2019, 13:00


In the not too distant future, JSC Russian Railways plans to completely replace reserved seat cards on routes long distance comfortable and economical double-decker carriages. It is likely that our grandchildren will never know what a side shelf on a toilet is. In the meantime, we suggest taking a ride on one of these trains together and seeing how it works from the inside.

You will appreciate the most important advantage of double-decker trains at the stage of purchasing travel documents. If you have to pay 3,500 rubles for a ticket in a compartment of a single-decker train, then a similar seat in a two-decker train will cost 1,500 rubles less. It turns out that you can ride in a compartment of a brand new double-decker carriage for the price of a reserved seat.

We go inside, and the first thing that pleasantly impresses is the automatic doors in the vestibule, which open and close automatically when you press a button. In the transitions between cars it is no longer scary, it is warm and light.

Let's go inside. We see various technical rooms and toilets.

Each carriage has three dry closets, which can be used even during stops.

Opposite the toilets there are separate waste collection containers.

We go down the steps and find ourselves in the corridor on the first floor. The ceiling height here is just over 2 meters.

This is what the compartment on the first floor looks like. There is no locker under the lower seat. On the top shelf you can ride lying down or half-sitting; you won’t be able to sit upright here.

The door to the compartment is locked using a magnetic card. All carriages are compartment cars, there is no reserved seat.

The windows are sealed tightly. The air temperature is maintained by a built-in ventilation and heating system, the grilles of which are located on the ceiling and under the window. A sliding curtain protects passengers from the sun's rays in hot weather.

Each compartment has two sockets. They are not located under the table, as in single-decker trains, but in more accessible places.

In order to climb to the second shelf, you will have to step on a small ladder that extends from the wall to the side of the front door.

The usual titanium with boiling water is not here. It was replaced by a regular office cooler installed in the conductors' compartment. There is also a microwave oven here.

We go up to the second floor. The steps of the staircase are illuminated, as if in a movie theater. There are handrails. On the stairs you can see another trash can and a round mirror in which passengers walking towards them are reflected.

The second floor is constructed in the same way as the first, except for the sloping roof and windows located at waist level. To admire the scenery, the passenger will have to bend over.

The numbering of seats raises questions. On the first floor there are seats from 1 to 32, on the second - from 81 to 112. This is strange, considering that there are only 64 seats in a double-decker carriage.

The next photo shows a compartment on the second floor. There is a ventilation grill built into the ceiling, and a speaker with volume control is located in the center. There are two LED lights on each top shelf.

The remaining interior elements are identical to the compartments on the ground floor. By the way, a person 180 cm tall can easily fit on the bed. Tested personally.

Each passenger receives a hygiene kit, water and a small food ration. Hot drinks are traditionally served in branded glass holders.

The dining car is now also two-story. There is a full dining room on the second floor. Sitting at a table and looking at the landscapes passing by outside the window, you realize that you have a simply magnificent view from here.

On the ground floor of the train there is a kitchen and minibar. The kitchen is equipped with last word equipment, there is everything from ovens to a coffee machine. Ready meals are transported from the kitchen to the restaurant using special elevators.

So, in terms of equipment, double-decker trains are several times superior to their single-decker counterparts. It does not matter that when entering the train the passenger will have to overcome several additional steps. But on the train there are dry closets, sockets, the Internet and other amenities of civilization.