Law of Return to Israel. What is repatriation? Definition of Jewry at the legislative level

Law of Return(Hebrew: חוק השבות‎ - “hok ha-shvut”) - a law proclaiming the right of every Jew to immigrate to the State of Israel. Adopted by the Knesset on July 5, 1950. This law legally expresses the ideological doctrine of Zionism, which underlies the emergence and existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish nation state. This law encourages the return of Jews from the countries of dispersion to Israel.

In addition, Agudath Israel, associated with the ultra-Orthodox community in the United States, dramatically changed the minister's course. The Law of Return long ago rejected the criteria by which Jewish tradition defined who is Jewish. It is therefore not surprising that Mr. Sa'ar is now also abandoning the Jewish concept of marriage. This only proves the distant departure of Israel as a country from the original Israel, from the nation that accepted the law of God at Sinai. At a time when the State of Israel and its citizens are facing greater challenges from many sides, this distraction is more unfortunate than ever, the Jerusalem Post quoted Avi Shafran, a spokesman for the umbrella organization, as saying.

The Law of Return is legal basis to grant Israeli citizenship under the Citizenship Law of 1952, which provides for automatic citizenship status for every Jew who enters the country under the Law of Return.

The Law of Return does not apply to persons who have been or are engaged in activities directed against the Jewish people or who pose a threat to public order and the security of the country. In practice, the latter category also includes persons who have committed crimes abroad and seek refuge from justice in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews replace gay marriage demonstration

The American Association of Reform Rabbis first elected a lesbian rabbi to its head.

Israel will create a monument to homosexual victims of Nazism in Tel Aviv. A symbolic pink triangle will be installed in Gana Meir Telaviva Park near the Gay Center. Using the pink triangle, the Nazis defined homosexuals.

The first gay couple celebrated their Jewish wedding in Sweden

The first same-sex marriage took place in the Stockholm synagogue. The Israeli government's campaign to convert Israel into Israeli falahmura, the Ethiopian descendants of Hebrew Jews, is provoking disparate reactions in Israel. Some Israelis question the emperors' Jewish origins, while other governments complain they don't care enough about them.

In connection with the mass repatriation from the former Soviet Union, in which about 300,000 people who are not Jewish according to Halakha came to Israel, the need to revise the Law of Return in its current interpretation has been repeatedly discussed in Israeli society.

Article 1. Right to repatriation:

Every Jew has the right to repatriate to the Country.

Ethiopian Jews had to convert to Christianity

The program was suspended for two years. The latest wave of returns to the country has ended with 450 fugitives awaiting flights to Israel in transit camps in Gondar in northern Ethiopia. Many members of the Flemish community lived in poor conditions in northern Ethiopia. Their prophets converted to Christianity after a century under pressure. That's why they don't automatically apply the "right of return," an Israeli law that allows Jews anywhere in the world to automatically receive Israeli hospitality.

Article 2. Repatriate visa:

(aleph). Repatriation is carried out in accordance with the repatriate visa.

(bet). A repatriation visa will be issued to every Jew who has expressed a desire to settle in Israel, unless the Minister of the Interior is satisfied that the visa applicant:

· (1) Acts against the Jewish people; or

They are discriminated against in Israel

The possibility of settlement in Israeli phalarmas has been available for several decades. Select supporters were forced to turn again to Jewish beliefs. Before going to Israel, they also had to prove that they were descendants of Jews, and that Israel had at least some distant relatives.

From this there were thousands of fanatics, people with Jewish beliefs and about a thousand outbursts. Ethiopian Jews, who have dark skin, are among the best-adjusted immigrant groups in Israel and are often subject to severe discrimination. With the possible exception of coffee in the airport car, these donors pay for everything. "But you must meet the conditions for the right to return," she says. Everyone who is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six has the right to the return of "his land" and can claim that at least one of his parents or grandparents is Jewish.

· (2) May pose a danger to public health or national security; or

· (3) Has a criminal history that may pose a danger to public order.

Article 3. Repatriate certificate:

(aleph). A Jew who arrived in Israel and, after arrival, expressed a desire to settle there, has the right, while in Israel, to receive a repatriation certificate.

It won't be as good. Israel is simply trying to lure Jews scattered around the world to sleep. This sentence is a bit of a pressure for me. The signing for Taglit happened unexpectedly quickly. Another significant insight into the reality of Israel was the moment our fourteen-member group of Czech and Slovak Jews left the air-conditioned hall at Tel Aviv airport. The energetic Yuval and the little blacksmith Rachel meet over the next ten days with our guides.

At first glance, it is obvious that they are professional professionals. Smiling and willing, but strict and uncompromising. You have arrived at a time that is very important for this country, and this year Israel will be celebrating sixty years after its creation, and there will be many tourists in the celebration, says our hot-fed Yuval. In this regard, we want to point out that Europeans, accustomed to colder climates, often do not drink enough, but here it can be very dangerous and one person will die one night from dehydration.

(bet). The restrictions specified in Article 2 (bet) also apply to the issuance of a repatriation certificate, but the person will not be considered a danger to public health due to an illness contracted after arriving in Israel.

Article 4. Residents and natives:

Every Jew who repatriated to the Country before the entry into force of this law, and every Jew who was born in the Country both before and after the entry into force of this law, shall be considered as having repatriated on the basis of this law. א תר הכנסת 2

After hearing these words, most of us spontaneously pull out bottles of minerals and give them a scary look. No one should go out unless there is one liter of water and half of it. However, the rules for our trip are even more strict. No drugs, no alcohol at all, no individual free time. “The program starts in the morning, it ends in the evening, and no one films it,” says Yuval. “Whoever breaks these rules expects a home ticket,” he continues, adding that it is our own safety.

We didn't understand what he meant. We are only tourists who came to enjoy the full sun, seas and exotic palm trees. This is only one face of Israel, the other is greenish-green. Imagine two twenty-year-old girls: long hair, still Small child, angelic face. But they have first aid bags on their buttocks and self-loading self-propelled rifles on their shoulders. The last time was relatively safe, but the last month came with an attack on Jerusalem.

Article 4 alef. Rights of family members:

(aleph). The rights of a Jew under this law, and the rights of a repatriate under the "Citizenship Law (1952)", as well as the rights of a repatriate in accordance with all other legislative acts, are also granted to the child and grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew and the spouse of children and grandson of a Jew; except for the one who was a Jew and voluntarily converted to another religion.

A Palestinian went there on a civilian bulldozer and killed three. They used to film a certain Italian in the Arab quarter of Jerusalem because he looked Jewish. Their presence in everyday life makes me feel better. Pretty Rachel Rachel became our Hebrew teacher and evening activities teacher during Taglit. Many of them hated her sincerely, and they prayed in the spirit of prayer that the obligatory group games she took from her bottomless portrait would at least end quickly.

(bet). In determining the right to repatriation, it does not matter whether the Jew, by virtue of whose rights the right to repatriation is sought in accordance with subsection (alef), is alive or dead, has repatriated to Israel or not.

(gimel). The restrictions or conditions established in relation to a Jew or a repatriate in or on the basis of this law, or in the legislative acts specified in subsection (alef), also apply to persons claiming the rights specified in subsection (alef).

But Rachel really took her seriously, and on the first day she put a sign on every bus on the bus with her Jewish appeal. Either way, it's a filler training method, but it works. Our SUV from the airport is developing rapidly, burning about 30 kilometers north of Netanya. As soon as we leave Tel Aviv, all the vegetables will disappear. Everywhere there is only a monotonous, polished crescent. The color green only appears in the presence of army transport contractors and uniformed soldiers straddling the road.

When we arrive at the coastal resort of Netanya, Yuval stops us. We'll look at the waves seabed Strandwood, as well as modern, rapidly expanding high-post construction. However, many times during our pilgrimage, Yuval reminds us that when Israel received a separate territory after the division of Palestine, much of it was desert.

Article 4 bet. Definition:

For the purposes of this law: “Jew” is one who was born of a Jewish mother or converted, and does not belong to another religion.

Article 5. Execution and resolutions:

The implementation of this law is within the competence of the Minister of the Interior, and he has the power to issue regulations relating to the implementation of this law, as well as to issue repatriate visas and repatriation certificates to minors under the age of 18 years. Resolutions regarding the 4th Aleph and 4th Bet require approval by the Knesset Committee on Constitution, Legislation and Justice.

The Reich doesn't know how this happens with nomads, says Miri. Those who don't dare can see the shadowed cabinets slowly disappear and be replaced by aristocratic, granite red mountains. The fact that we are in a country that belongs to us simply reveals random parts of military bases that have been stuffed for a long time.

The impressive high stakes are stunning in the first half hour or so, the rest of the time we hope to end this idyllic valley soon. As it turns out, Yuval is an enthusiastic climber, and we will have the opportunity to share his time in the unbearable heat even several times.

Article 1. Right to repatriation:

Every Jew has the right to repatriate to the Country.

Article 2. Repatriate visa:

(aleph). Repatriation is carried out in accordance with the repatriate visa.

(bet). A repatriation visa will be issued to every Jew who has expressed a desire to settle in Israel, unless the Minister of the Interior is satisfied that the visa applicant:

Finally, an air-conditioned bus opens and we continue to cross the border into Egypt into Israel's simplest quest. It gets darker and we are still climbing through narrow streets high into the mountains. No one hopes that this place, which seems to be the end of the world, will appear under big city. This is Eilat, a tourist resort on the Red Sea. The troops are delighted with the following: “You will finally see the true Israel.” However, Eilat is most reminiscent of Las Vegas. Equal weights of human posters, bars with blaring music, fast-growing mixed-use hotels.

  • (1) Acts against the Jewish people; or
  • (2) May pose a danger to public health or national security; or
  • (3) Has a criminal history that may pose a danger to public order.

Article 3. Repatriate certificate:

(aleph). A Jew who arrived in Israel and, after arrival, expressed a desire to settle there, has the right, while in Israel, to receive a repatriation certificate.

The only small distinguishing feature is the entrance to shopping mall local megalomania. Here the guard with a cautious personal look will remind you that you are not yet in such tourist place. Eilat, however, is one of the specialties. The Israeli government, in order to promote its rapid development, exempted this city from taxation.

This is why it is now one of the fastest growing centers and the centers have the highest turnover in the state. Then another climbing experience awaits us, this time in the so-called Red Canton, which will end with cooling winds in the Dead Sea. What is obviously much more exciting, however, is the night spent in a traditional Bedouin camp throughout the town of Dimona. "Bedu" means the Arabian desert, and these "desert people", of whom the majority are Muslim, live here in a tribal organization, regardless of civilization.

(bet). The restrictions specified in Article 2 (bet) also apply to the issuance of a repatriation certificate, but the person will not be considered a danger to public health due to an illness contracted after arriving in Israel.

Article 4. Residents and natives:

Every Jew who repatriated to the Country before the entry into force of this law, and every Jew who was born in the Country both before and after the entry into force of this law, shall be considered as having repatriated on the basis of this law. א תר הכנסת 2

Apart from modern nomadic men, the Bedouin is a traditional form wildlife, with a history and characteristic customs of which a handful of them still survive in unchanged form. Having completed the camel procedure, we sit in high plain tents, the only equipment of which is a knitted mat. Right on the ground, it serves as a bed, sofa and shelf.

Celebrating freshly made pita bread with meat and spiced raspberries, our local introduction describes the traditions of the Bedouins. The most important thing is to drink the cup of coffee we roasted,” says a tall man with a bearded face in a hoarse voice. “Moon coffee should be as black as the night, as strong as a man, and as strong as your mother-in-law.” However, in a modest tone, he adds that the elements of modern civilization are already here. Today the bride will not go to the wedding on a camel.

Article 4 alef. Rights of family members:

(aleph). The rights of a Jew under this law, and the rights of a repatriate under the "Citizenship Law (1952)", as well as the rights of a repatriate in accordance with all other legislative acts, are also granted to the child and grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew and the spouse of children and grandson of a Jew; except for the one who was a Jew and voluntarily converted to another religion.

The following days include many stops, we spend each night in a different city. Haifa, lying to the north on the southeastern coasts, is the most important position in Israel, and it lists prestigious universities and heavy industry. Israelis often joked that the good thing about Haifa is that you will arrive in Tel Aviv a few hundred kilometers later. This " spring spring", which is the name of the city in Hebrew, is the center nightlife, thousands of dance clubs and tourists. Yuval summed it up once and for all that “Haifa works, Tel Aviv has fun, and Jerusalem prays.”

(bet). In determining the right to repatriation, it does not matter whether the Jew, by virtue of whose rights the right to repatriation is sought in accordance with subsection (alef), is alive or dead, has repatriated to Israel or not.

(gimel). The restrictions or conditions established in relation to a Jew or a repatriate in or on the basis of this law, or in the legislative acts specified in subsection (alef), also apply to persons claiming the rights specified in subsection (alef).

But Rachel really took her seriously, and on the first day she put a sign on every bus on the bus with her Jewish appeal. Either way, it's a filler training method, but it works. Our SUV from the airport is developing rapidly, burning about 30 kilometers north of Netanya. As soon as we leave Tel Aviv, all the vegetables will disappear. Everywhere there is only a monotonous, polished crescent. The color green only appears in the presence of army transport contractors and uniformed soldiers straddling the road.

When we arrive at the coastal resort of Netanya, Yuval stops us. We will look at the waves of the Strandwood seabed, as well as the modern, rapidly expanding construction of high posts. However, many times during our pilgrimage, Yuval reminds us that when Israel received a separate territory after the division of Palestine, much of it was desert.

Article 4 bet. Definition:

For the purposes of this law: “Jew” is one who was born of a Jewish mother or converted, and does not belong to another religion.

Article 5. Execution and resolutions:

The implementation of this law is within the competence of the Minister of the Interior, and he has the power to issue regulations relating to the implementation of this law, as well as to issue repatriate visas and repatriation certificates to minors under the age of 18 years. Resolutions regarding the 4th Aleph and 4th Bet require approval by the Knesset Committee on Constitution, Legislation and Justice.

*The original text of this law (in Hebrew) 1950-י"התש ,השבות חוק , including two amendments to the law, is located on the Knesset website at LawPrimary.aspx?t=lawlaws&st =lawlaws&lawitemid=2000587 - and only this Hebrew text, including both amendments to this law, is the complete, official, binding and legally significant text of this law of the State of Israel.

Translation: © Knesset website in Russian