Business ideas rental pros and cons. However, according to tradition, let's start with quite logical rental business ideas. For example. How to choose the right idea for home production

Scientists will someday seriously study women's wardrobe. It seems like the closet doesn’t close, and there’s nothing to wear to a friend’s party or wedding. But while conferences and laboratories are dedicated to this anomaly in the future, a new business has appeared on the girlish limitless “I want” - rental of things - dresses, suits, outfits for photo shoots.

In Russia it is still in its infancy and many rental companies themselves have little understanding of what they are doing and whether they are doing it correctly. We, out of duty and out of our hearts, work closely with big and small players who have managed to hit their stride. We carefully rewrote them, sorted them and today we are telling you so that you do not encounter obstacles on your way and definitely do not get into a puddle around the first turn.

No need for money - rent!

What items are in demand?

Depending on financial capabilities and ambitions, rentals can choose a narrow specialization or immediately purchase a complete wardrobe of things for all occasions. Both options have a right to exist and vary depending on your business strategy. Most often they offer rentals of things:

1. Evening and wedding dresses. From middle class to designer models costing hundreds of thousands of rubles.

2. Dresses for photo shoots. Not always high quality, but always beautiful things that look great in photographs. They can be made from cheap fabric and are often difficult to wear for more than a couple of hours. But this is not required.

But in fact it stings, pricks and causes itching in inappropriate places :)

3. Carnival costumes. A completely different line of work. The price of the suit is small, so here you can (and should) afford a huge assortment at once. Highly depends on the season and holidays.

4. But the problem is with shoes! The fact is that people are afraid to put on shoes in which someone else's feet have already sweated. The rental company needs to quickly and inexpensively disinfect shoes. Unfortunately, not every pair can last long with constant cleaning.

Part-time job or serious business?

The rental industry has experienced rapid growth. Over the past 2-3 years, the number of rental companies in Moscow has increased tenfold, and by the fall of 2016, there were already more than 200 such companies in the metropolitan area, not counting the many private mini-rentals. This fecundity of the market does not surprise us, because starting a clothing rental business is easy. Staying afloat is another matter. So it turns out that hundreds of newly minted businesswomen, trying to choose the easier path, dive headlong into the rental business, unaware of the possibility of crashing into the first pitfall. It turns out there are a lot fewer pink unicorns in this business than you think!

Don't trust first impressions!

11 problems facing rental companies

Since the business is young, there are still few specialists with practical experience. Often the truth drowns in forums where people who are far from the rental industry write advice that is far from reality. At the time of writing, Next2U cooperates with 73 rental companies, so we received information about how things are in practice from those who already rent out things for temporary use and have gained enough knowledge.

1. A quick contract. No one doubts its necessity, but often rental owners pull from the Internet the first typical document they come across, compiled on their knees during a lunch break. As a result, it practically does not protect you. If you run a business on your own and do not cooperate with rental aggregators who take on the legal hassle, don’t skimp – invest a little time and money in the work of a lawyer. In a couple of hours, he will polish your contract to shine.

2. Small assortment. To build a business, you will need a fairly large selection of dresses. Otherwise, all your investments in advertising and attracting customers will not pay off - people will come, look and leave without finding the right size or suitable style. for a successful start you will need 200 dresses - 50% dark, 30% short, 15% with sleeves. Natalia’s vast experience can be trusted, but we also know rental companies that thrive with about 100 dresses. Their secret is beautiful photo shoots and a well-thought-out corporate style.

10 dresses are clearly not enough

3. Ill-conceived size range. Practice shows that sizes from 50 to 60 are in less demand and are more difficult to choose, because the fullness varies. One dress of size 54 may fit only 1 out of 4 clients (some have large breasts, others have hips or waist), but 42 is a very popular size when a small and slender girl wants to look great, but no money for a designer dress. Another interesting observation is that the most popular height is 165 - 170 cm. If your target audience is not models over 180 cm, this should also be taken into account when choosing dresses.

4. Men and children are a bad strategy. After the first success, many rental stores expand their line to include men's and children's items. Not the best idea - there is almost no demand, and prices in the children's segment are minimal. The only exception is family photo sessions in the “mother and beloved daughter” format.

5. Poor preparation. The owners of many rental companies have no idea how much it costs them to attract a client. They copy their neighbor’s strategy, use traditional advertising methods, sharply go into the red, and then roll their eyes. Count your money, consider whether your investments are paying off, use adequate advertising methods.

6. Marketing and advertising. Most likely, the context will quickly ruin you. Advertising in the media is also very expensive. Work towards partnerships with event organizers, modeling agencies, theater studios, photo agencies and aggregators of rental advertisements. Try to negotiate advertising posts in the feed of a popular blogger by offering rent by barter.

Mutual aid will help you out!

7. Security payment, which is more often called “collateral”. He must be. Even in partnerships, even with free rental promotions. This move creates discipline. If a person receives something for free, then he treats the thing accordingly. In addition, the deposit allows you to minimize the amount of lost profit if your client changes his mind.

8. Seasonality. When opening, be sure to consider the time of year. It’s better to do this in the spring – proms and weddings are just around the corner. In the fall, you can count on a Halloween party or preparations for the New Year. If you open in January, prepare for calm for a couple of months.

9. Brand mania. Your hangers don't always have to be full of super expensive and famous dresses. Today, girls primarily look at the quality of fabric, style and cost. In this light, it is beneficial to cooperate with aspiring fashion designers who are interested in advertising. Some of them may provide you with their items for free. They will be rented based on your rental, and you will divide the profit and dry cleaning costs in half.

10. Payment in cash. The inability to pay rent with a bank card or by bank transfer discourages not only large customers, but also ordinary clients. There is less and less cash in wallets - a fact!

11. Paid Additional services. There are cases in our practice when rental companies offer a low price, but require an additional payment for any additional services. Those. either see it and take it, or pay for a fitting. In our opinion, this approach greatly confuses clients, but there are always those who are ready to sacrifice comfort for the sake of a few hundred benefits.

But these myths are very rare!

Tenants ruin things. Actually this is not true. On the contrary, the fear of putting a stain on a snow-white dress or staining the hem of a designer outfit makes your potential clients change their minds and pass by.

Salons that understand the fears of their target audience have learned to turn them to their advantage. They explain to the client that the fine, if any, will be minimal, that the seamstress or laundress will easily repair the damage, and therefore will not have to pay the full price.

But it also happens...

Items may not be returned. This is also an extremely rare practice. Usually, the very fact of drawing up a contract reliably protects you from losing a valuable dress. Excesses happen, but in the practice of our partners throughout Moscow there were only a few such cases.

To pass or not to pass?

By all indications, the rental business is a profitable business. In some cases, the cost of renting a dress for 3-5 days is 30-50% of the total cost of the outfit. But even with the usual 10%-15%, the return on business is guaranteed if you approach it headlong. Next2U partners only confirm our opinion and update profitable offers on the pages of our website with enviable regularity. The main thing you should know if you want to launch a business of this kind is that you cannot approach it carelessly. We hope our tips will help you at first, and you will share your success with us when you reach heights.

Do you want to organize a car rental business? Then read detailed instructions from the first person from the owner of the car rental point, Natalya Starikova.

Car rental is a business providing vehicles for temporary use.

Subjective view

Before getting into car rental, my husband and I used car rental services ourselves for many years. Be it Moscow, where we lived at one time, renting an apartment, St. Petersburg, Black Sea coast, where the presence of four wheels makes the holiday much more interesting and varied, or my hometown, where we periodically fly to visit.

Communicating with the people who rented cars to us, we gradually became inspired by the desire to get into this type of business, especially since the information they shared allowed us to avoid the mistakes of many beginning car rental companies. Perhaps the idea of ​​having your own car rental point would have remained in the plans if not for a coincidence of circumstances.

Maternity leave, a mortgage and a car loan are wonderful individually, because they mean a family, a separate apartment and a new car. But all together, these three phenomena become a very heavy burden that falls entirely on men’s shoulders. Shortly before I stopped working, we bought me a car, which we had to pay off over three years.

Once, having calculated how much money was left after paying all the fees, I made a website about a new car rental in our city and posted several free advertisements on city boards. The calls came in pretty quickly. Naturally, I explained to the callers that all the cars were in overdrive, and there was only one in stock. Most found it too expensive, but there were also those who were satisfied with everything. A month later, I calculated the results; in 30 days the car brought in one and a half monthly payments. A month later we bought two used budget foreign cars, and things started to go.

Truth of life: car rental market statistics

What is the car rental market like today? What kind of money is circulating there, and who uses car rental services?

For a long time, it was almost impossible to find reliable information on these issues. After a long search, I found a press release from a large marketing agency in FOLIO Research Group, whose specialists researched the car rental market in the first half of this year and published some results.

So, in 2012, 27,200 cars were rented in the country, of which 76% were in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The market volume amounted to 21.8 billion rubles.

It turns out that one car brought its owners an average of 21,800,000,000 / 27,200 / 12 = 68 thousand rubles. per month. Considering that this includes expensive limousines and business class foreign cars for corporate clients, the figure looks plausible.

The share of private individuals (who did not rent cars for special events) among the clients of rental points was 16%. It turns out that outside the two capitals, only 27200 * (1-76%) * 16% = 1044 cars! All over Russia! In my opinion, this indicates huge market potential.

As for the demand structure, it looks like this:

Statistics taken from Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The survey was conducted three years ago, but little has changed since then. Just like then, today most customers turn to car rental to get a replacement car when their own car is under repair, or the old one has been sold and the new one has not yet arrived.

Car rental as a business from my point of view

I think car rental is a great business idea.

  1. First of all, she does not require high investments. You can start with a couple of machines and expand gradually. A fleet of 10 cars will allow you to have a sufficient level of well-being and do exclusively what you love. In the absence of force majeure circumstances, you invest only once in the purchase of the car itself. After this, all that remains is to undergo a timely inspection and pay for insurance. And when the car has worked out a certain amount of resources (after 2-3 years), you can sell it (in the worst case, for spare parts, but they are also not cheap).
  2. Secondly, she does not require a lot of time. You can run a business and work at your main job at the same time. During the day you answer calls, and after 18:00 you only need to drive up to the parking lot a couple of times to accept and return cars.
  3. Thirdly, she does not require unique personal qualities and professional skills. You don't have to be a talented salesman, have creativity or special persuasive skills. Nowadays, a car is an essential item, so the service will sell itself.

Legal issues

Organizational form

You can register as an individual entrepreneur or create an LLC. For a small car rental point, where one person is both the founder and the only employee, it is easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. Registration with the tax service itself will be much easier; subsequently you will not have to keep accounting records and follow the procedure for conducting cash transactions. As an individual entrepreneur, you can freely manage the money you receive.

Another point is related to taxation. You can withdraw the money earned by the LLC as your salary as a director (then you will have to pay another 13% personal income tax) or as dividends (only once a quarter, in which case the personal income tax rate will be 9%). Select OKVED code 71.1 “Rental of passenger cars.”

For more detailed information about all the organizational steps that need to be taken to open your own business, read our material on how to open your own business. And the article on what is better to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC will help you figure out which organizational form is best suited for your chosen activity.


Car rental services allow you to choose one of three special taxation regimes: simplified tax system 6%, simplified tax system 15% and patent system. If you purchase cars under a sales contract, it is more profitable to pay a 6% tax on income. If cars are leased, it is more convenient to pay 15% of the difference between income and expenses, because leasing payments reduce the tax base. Finally, you can buy a patent; its cost is determined in each region separately.

I am registered in Moscow, according to the Moscow city law “On Patent Taxation”, the potential income from the provision of rental services is set at 900 thousand rubles. in year.

The cost of the patent will be 900,000 * 6% = 54,000 rubles. in year. I show less income, I own cars by right of ownership, so it is preferable for me to pay 6% of the income.

Do you want to know how to save money on management? tax accounting? We bring to your attention an overview of the online service “My Business”, which allows an entrepreneur to independently manage all the accounting, without resorting to professional accountants, and without spending a lot of effort and time on it.

Organizational problems

Let's move on to the most important thing - the details. As you know, it is in them that the devil hides. In relation to business, these are those, at first glance, secondary issues that sometimes you don’t pay attention to. Communication with sales managers at Trade-in car dealerships, employees and owners of car rental points where I rented cars myself showed that it is precisely ignoring these “little things” that usually leads to the failure of business endeavors. And yes, this is not written about in articles that flood the Internet with examples of business plans written by people who do not have the slightest idea about the peculiarities of the functioning of a company of a particular profile.

I'll tell you right away: I write only about what I know from the inside, that is, about the activities of a small company located in a prosperous city of regional significance in central Russia. Large metropolitan companies play by their own rules, which I know only theoretically.

Car selection

The most important thing is to choose the models that will make up the backbone of your fleet. In resolving this issue, you should focus on customer requests. People who want to rent a car from us are divided into three categories. Most just want "something cheaper". This is understandable, given that the monthly cost of renting the cheapest car (taking into account all discounts) approximately coincides with the average salary (according to State Statistics Committee data in April of this year it amounted to 29,453 rubles).

A slightly smaller part wants “something cheaper with an automatic”. As a rule, these are women and young people who drove a manual only during training. Considering that it is now allowed to take the driving test directly in cars with an automatic machine, the share of such clients will grow. Finally, 10 percent are ready to take any car regardless of the price. This is the most affluent part of the clientele, accustomed to driving good cars.

Which machines to choose for each of these customer groups?

Just five years ago, the lowest price segment was tightly occupied by domestically produced cars. There were very large players on the Moscow market with fleets of hundreds of VAZ cars. These companies could afford to provide services at very low prices. We ourselves sometimes took a nine at Eleks-Polyus for 700-800 rubles per day, and classics could be found for 500-600 rubles per day.

Now it is not profitable for a rental company to buy domestic cars. Tariffs remained at the same level, but the price of a car increased very much. A used Lada Granta will cost one and a half times more than a Daewoo Nexia of the same year, but you can return it for a maximum of a thousand rubles (the reputation of the Lada has not disappeared anywhere).

Therefore, it is better to make up the backbone of the vehicle fleet from budget foreign cars. Typically, Daewoo Nexias, Chevrolet Lanos (now ZAZ Chance) or Renault Logans are purchased for these purposes. In my opinion, the optimal model is the Daewoo Nexia. At one time, we took Lanos several times and were very dissatisfied with the gluttony of this car (in the city it “ate” up to 14 l / 100 km).

Renault Logan has now become much more expensive, and the “fragility” of this car makes it unreliable. Just the other day in the salon I listened to a story about a man who bought 15 new Logans. All his cars did not last even a year. Remember: people who buy a budget car will not take care of it. Nexia- This is the most durable machine in conditions of intensive use.

One more thing. It is better to take a used car, 2-3 years old. A three-year-old Nexia costs almost twice as much as a new one (after the warranty period ends, the car sharply loses value), which means it will pay for itself twice as quickly.

Of the cars with an automatic transmission, budget Koreans are the best choice. A three-year-old Hyundai Accent costs around 300 thousand, the same price as a ZAZ Chance with an automatic transmission.

When it comes to cars for high-end clients, the choice is yours. I believe that it makes no sense for a small rental company to buy a car specifically for this category. If a person calls who is used to driving good cars and is willing to pay for it, then I offer him my personal car.

Subtleties of doing business

In this section I will talk about the most “problematic” aspects of the functioning of car rental. So, you have chosen and purchased the cars, now you need to insure them. And here the surprises begin. If there are no problems with compulsory motor liability insurance (be sure to put “unlimited number of drivers” in the options), then making CASCO insurance for a rental car is almost impossible. Most major insurance companies officially refuse to insure cars intended for rental, and if they agree, the rate can reach 40% of the market value of the car.

What to do?

Choose the cheapest contract. This year, the Supreme Court of Russia finally protected drivers from insurers and issued a ruling that the insurance company is obliged to reimburse the cost of a stolen car, regardless of where the documents for the vehicle were and who was allowed to drive the car at the time of the theft.

Be sure to install a tracking system in each car. This is a device that tracks all the movements of the car and sends information about its location to your phone at certain intervals. The cost of such a device is 5-10 thousand rubles. depending on the model. A well-hidden beacon will not only help you quickly locate the car in case of theft, but will also let you know if the client has violated the territorial restriction and left, for example, to another region, which is prohibited by the contract.

Where will the cars be parked?

If the total number of cars does not exceed 10, and at least half of them are on the move, it is best to keep unoccupied cars in the open parking lot of a large shopping or office center. It will be good if it is located near the railway and bus stations, because many clients come from neighboring cities. Another option is to rent parking spaces in a paid intercept parking lot.

Next stage - advertising, people should know about your company. It is now generally accepted that the best way to promote a small business is to create an advertising website. Of course, a beautiful website will be a good help, but small town Most people (my husband included) look first at the services section of their local newspaper when in need.

Submit an ad in the newspaper, which is delivered to mailboxes every week, pay for a VIP ad with a photo in “From Hand to Hand” (most new clients come to us from there) and on “Avito”. Another effective way to promote is to register in various local yellow pages. At least when I type “car rental in city N” into a search engine, city industry directories are shown first.

Now that clients have come to you, you need to take measures to minimize risks. To do this, answer a few questions.

  • Firstly, will you rent out cars to residents of other regions? Many rental companies refuse to serve out-of-town customers, citing their reluctance to subsequently look for their car in remote regions. In my opinion, this is a “blow on the water” fear. I myself, when I come to my parents or on vacation, rent a car, that’s what such services are designed for. A law-abiding person will adhere to the terms of the contract under any conditions, and the issue of registration will not stop a potential offender.
  • Secondly, what daily mileage limit will you set? The standard limit is 200 km. This boundary helps weed out taxi drivers who take a car to bomb. However, they usually warn about this right away. Do you need such clients? If the car is old and the person is willing to pay a higher rate, then why not? Another nuance is the territorial restriction. By default, the machine is operated in only one region. If the client immediately warns that he needs to go to a neighboring region, then we meet him halfway without raising prices.
  • Third, will you rent out cars to young drivers, that is, persons under 21 years of age and with less than 3 years of driving experience?

The last question is related to collateral. Typically, a rental company, when providing a car, withholds a certain amount from the client (5-10 thousand rubles), which serves as collateral in case of minor damage due to the driver’s fault and the need to pay traffic police fines. If the client requests, we agree to provide the car without a deposit, increasing the rate by 20%.

Fines for breaking the rules traffic- this is a separate conversation. We had clients who received three notifications per day. Include in the contract a clause requiring the tenant to pay the fine within 10 days (otherwise an obligation to pay a penalty of 300% arises).

If you have an agreement, you don’t have to worry about fines at all. The Administrative Code states that the owner vehicle is not liable if another person was driving at the time of the traffic violation.

There is a room. What business to open? Most businesses, regardless of their size, require specific premises to provide their services or produce their products. Any premises in good condition are suitable for running a business - be it a garage, hangar, basement, Vacation home, apartment or something else. This article takes a closer look at running an apartment and basement rental business.

In order to start your own business, you will need to purchase an apartment or a basement, which will already become a fairly large investment. Do not forget that purchasing real estate is one of the best views investment instruments and that is why the cost of ready-made apartments is quite high. The best options for purchasing would be real estate at the initial stage of construction. At this point, the real estate will save from 20 to 40% of the cost in the future.

Purchase and registration of real estate

Of course, the most popular option for opening an office remains business centers, whose infrastructure is entirely aimed at optimizing the workflow. However, the cost of premises in such centers is quite high and many medium and small businesses cannot afford such acquisitions.

The second most popular option is renting premises on the ground floors of residential buildings and the so-called street-retail (premises on the ground floors with a separate entrance and their own showcases). Former utility premises are also in high demand. Very often you can find various businesses in the basement. Often these are grocery stores, cafes and restaurants, beauty salons and small household appliance stores.

When considering the option of opening a business for renting premises, you should familiarize yourself with the demand and supply of the real estate rental and sales market, the infrastructure of the area in which the planned purchase is located and the “traffic rate” (approx. the coefficient shows a value based on the number of people visiting the adjacent territory over a certain period of time).

Buying real estate involves manipulating large sums of money, and such transactions are often targeted by scammers.

You must buy real estate either from a trusted person (relatives, friends or colleagues), or from agencies (the least profitable option), or with the participation of a realtor (in this case, you will have to pay for his services in the amount of a certain percentage of the purchase amount). To protect yourself when purchasing, you should carefully read all documents and become thoroughly familiar with the seller himself. Safety in such a business should come first. After purchasing real estate, you should register it so that you can rent it out on a commercial basis.

The final stage of preparation will be the renovation of the premises. Rich filling is not required, since many companies redesign the premises to their liking. It should be taken into account that the transformation of an ordinary apartment on the ground floor into a street-retail class premises will require documentary evidence, since the installation of a street door or large display windows will affect the integrity of the building.

Renting out premises

Almost any room in the street-retail category is suitable for the central part of the city. Such premises are gladly rented by various shops or restaurants. In residential areas, apartments on the first floors do not have an established list of tenant companies, which is why the demand here is even lower central regions, but remains at a decent level.

From time immemorial, advertising has been the engine of business. To find clients for your real estate, one of the best ways there will be active advertising. Placing advertisements on Internet resources or in newspapers, placing an advertising sign on the building in which the premises are located, or submitting information about your services to target agencies (although in this case there is a chance that you will have to share a percentage of the income).

The amount of rental income depends on the premises and its location. For example, from a small two-room apartment in the center of Moscow you can get from 100,000 rubles per month. According to statistics, most rental apartments pay for themselves in about eight years. When buying an apartment on credit, monthly payments will be almost the same amount as income, which will allow you to own an apartment with virtually no costs.

Daily rental

Daily rental of apartments as a business arose not so long ago. The main difference from regular rentals is a more frequent change of clients, which will ultimately require greater advertising activity. Initially, daily renting was not considered as a type of business and was exclusively a way to earn money periodically.

Nowadays, renting out your own housing stock is one of the most simple way receive funds commercially without much effort. Long-term rent provides constant income, but in this case the level of profitability is lost. Daily rent will give a good daily profit, but there are a lot of worries with the constant search for clients and more time spent on arranging short-term rentals.

The second most popular way to make a profit from a business based on renting premises is the targeted purchase of real estate for subsequent rental. The process of purchasing, registering and searching for clients is almost identical to the acquisition of premises for business commercial activities with other entrepreneurs and companies. However, in this case, you will need an apartment in a prosperous area, with good infrastructure and within walking distance from public transport. All this will have a positive effect on the amount of profit generated.

The third option for creating a rental business is the so-called subleasing. In essence, the entrepreneur will become an intermediary between two links - the landlord and the clients. This method is suitable for those who do not have enough funds to purchase real estate and do not have their own. The essence of the process is to register housing for a long-term lease and then re-let it on a daily basis. In this way it is possible to “beat off” rental payments in the first ten days. The income for the remaining twenty days will become the entrepreneur’s net profit.

Organization of the process

In addition to the availability of real estate, several aspects will need to be taken into account. Firstly, any commercial activity requires mandatory registration with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation. When registering an enterprise, two types of legal forms are suitable - individual entrepreneurship and limited liability company.

Secondly, documentary registration of real estate for the possibility of conducting commercial activities. If we are talking about sublease, then all agreements with the owner of the apartment should be notarized and all points should be taken into account - cost, terms, possibility of re-letting, etc. Any show Money It is better to do it in the presence of a notary.

Third - arrangement of living space (minor repairs, purchase of consumables, furniture, etc.) and start of an advertising campaign. Advertising should be maximized - active work with newspapers, Internet resources and third parties. Third parties can be understood as various legal and individuals, through which information about services is disseminated (for example: placing business cards and booklets at train stations or transport agencies).

The business of renting apartments by the day is quite a difficult task in terms of the time spent.

A large number of clients will require a lot of attention and caution. In order not to make mistakes and not miss payment deadlines, you should sign an agreement with each new client. The keys to the rental property are handed over after signing. Upon completion of the contract, the apartment should be inspected for damage or theft of property.

Any enterprise is created in order to bring profit to its owner. And more high level profitability will be available only if the entrepreneur is interested in its development and modernization. There are two ways to increase profits - updating the housing stock (purchase of modern household appliances, repairs, improving apartment infrastructure, etc.) and purchasing additional real estate. In the first method, an increase in amenities will cause an increase in rental costs, but the number of clients may decrease due to the high cost. The second method is guaranteed to increase profits, but will also add more work.

Developing a client base

The best client is a regular client. The apartment rental business confirms this rule like no other. The constancy of the client base will reduce the time spent on rent registration and downtime.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when selecting clients is the condition of the proposed premises. If the stated characteristics do not correspond to reality, the entrepreneur will most likely lose the client.

Under no circumstances should communication opportunities be lost. Daily rental Apartments as a business is quite dynamic and clients should be given the opportunity to contact them at almost any time. Timely provision of information and the ability to book premises in advance will play a positive role in the growth of business reputation.

If the business is not limited to one or a couple of apartments, it makes sense to sign up for a client program.

Various promotions, such as free transfer, 2+1 or discount periods will give an increase in customers, as well as increase the number of regular tenants.

Short-term rentals are popular among those who come to the city for short periods. From this we can conclude that the client may be new to the city. This is another plus for an entrepreneur. The release of your own products, which include a logo, contact information and price list, will be a good step in developing a customer base. All this can be combined with necessary things in an unfamiliar city - printing information on city transport maps, calendars, etc.

Rental business is an excellent direction for small businesses. Renting allows consumers to save money, and rental services today are in the trend of the so-called “participation economy,” which has replaced the ownership economy.

For major cities The rental service has long become part of everyday life. They rent out cars, offices, tools, clothes, etc. And all this finds its consumer. The high demand for this service is explained by the popularization of reasonable consumption and the desire of people to save money. The activity of the service increases during crises. What is a difficult time for most industries, is a growth spurt for the rental business.

The idea of ​​providing things for rent is usually implemented by novice entrepreneurs who try to start with minimum costs and a simple operating scheme. In fact, this field of activity can be called a partially passive type of income, since you still have to take care of the things that you offer for rent. Equipment needs repair, clothes need dry cleaning. But these are all minor things. It can be considered that the rental business is one of the simplest in terms of organization and management.

Abroad this type services have long been in great demand. The market is developing along with the idea of ​​the shared economy - the so-called “participatory economy”, when consumers prefer not to own, but to use things.

People are positive about this prospect. In Russia, the idea is actively gaining momentum, entrepreneurs are coming up with new rental services. According to a social survey, 45% of Russians are ready to use other people’s various things.

To open a rental business, you need start-up capital - its volume depends on the cost of the things you plan to rent. Amounts can vary from 10 thousand rubles to 3 million rubles and above. It all depends on the idea and your budget.

How to choose the right idea for home production

To do this, you need to answer several questions:

    What products are people actively renting?

    What is the level of competition in the niche?

    How much investment will be required?

    How much can you really earn from this?

    Does this idea have prospects for development?

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

By answering these questions, you can evaluate any business idea from the point of view of entrepreneurial opportunities, profitability and prospects.

Attachments: 220 thousand rubles.

The idea is to rent out a photo booth for various events. In recent years, paper photographs taken in photo booths have become popular among Russians. In the eyes of modern young people, it’s “old school.” This was influenced by the development of Instagram and the use of photo booths as entertainment for the holidays. The photo booth is equipped with a set of comic props and is used at weddings, corporate events, etc.

To start a business, all you need to do is: buy equipment, rent space, purchase supplies and run advertising. A photo booth with high-quality photographic equipment will cost about 200 thousand rubles. Everything else will cost about 15 thousand rubles. You can earn about 50 thousand rubles in net profit. You can find out more about this type of business.

Attachments: from 20 thousand rubles

Providing dresses for rent is a fairly popular and profitable service, since many representatives of the fair sex apply for it. Every woman wants to look perfect at any significant event. However, you don’t always have the means to buy expensive outfits. Renting dresses is a smart alternative that allows you to save money. And for an entrepreneur this is good idea earnings.

To implement this idea, you don’t need a lot of money and effort. The main thing is an entrepreneurial spirit and a sense of taste: thanks to this, you will be able to buy profitably and successfully earn money. The amount of capital does not play a serious role here. Experienced entrepreneurs claim that you can open a dress rental business even with a budget of 20 thousand rubles. Read in detail about how to do this. This service is relevant only for large cities with a population of at least 500 thousand people.

Attachments: from 50 thousand rubles

An interesting idea for a service that replaces regular libraries. The essence of the idea is to provide a book for rent. The client just needs to go to the website, order books, and the service will send them by mail (or by courier). You can rent a book for any time (paying the rate by the day), and then return it by mail. Given the popularity of reading and the high prices of paper books, this idea can be successfully implemented in the market.

Attachments: from 300 thousand rubles

Jewelry rental services are gaining popularity. It will be relevant for brides, graduates and other girls who are choosing jewelry for an evening out. Income is generated from receipts of daily and hourly rent for rental of jewelry. This method of earning money is in the category of medium reliability, since according to available estimates, business profitability is up to 30%.

Attachments: from 50 thousand rubles

The essence of the idea of ​​​​earning money is to rent out a game console by the day. But before you start such a business, check the demand. To do this, place an ad on sites like “Avito”, “Yula”, “From Hand to Hand”, make posts in city groups on social networks. And then estimate how many people responded to your ad or at least viewed it.

If there is demand, you can buy a game console. The most popular are XBox and PlayStation. Their cost on average is 30 thousand rubles. You also need to purchase game discs. This service will be relevant among young people. You can also provide a gaming console as entertainment at events.

Attachments: from 100 thousand rubles

The popularization of a healthy lifestyle and the emergence of bicycle lanes on city streets are increasing the demand for bicycle rentals. People began to ride bicycles more often and buy them more often. And those who do not have the opportunity to buy a bicycle or simply have nowhere to store it turn to rental services.

Ready ideas for your business

To start a business, you need to enter into a rental agreement with the city hall for a retail outlet and purchase equipment - 10-15 bicycles are enough to start with. This will cost about 100 thousand rubles. Bicycle rental is relevant in the warm season - from May to October. But for the winter period, you can retrain and organize a rental point for sleds, ice skates, etc., so as not to lose space.

The business is profitable and low-cost. Business profitability can reach up to 300% - this allows you to recoup the initial investment in a few months. You can find out more about the opening of bike sharing

Attachments: from 10 thousand rubles

The idea of ​​the business is to present radio-controlled toys for rental. The best place for this is the territory of a shopping center where a children's play area is located. Such toys attract the attention of not only children, but also adults.

You can rent cars, helicopters, robots, flying fish with helium, etc. This rental point occupies only a couple of square meters. WITH minimal investment you can implement a profitable business that will bring 2 - 3 thousand rubles a day. The mini-business pays for itself in the first week and can bring in about 50 thousand rubles a month.

Attachments: from 200 thousand rubles

The essence of the business: provision of music and lighting equipment for temporary use. All this equipment is needed for event organizers: weddings, corporate events, presentations, concerts, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

Professional equipment is expensive, so the amount of start-up capital can vary from 200 thousand rubles to several million. To purchase a mixing console and several active speakers, you will need at least 200,000 rubles. You can earn 50-150 thousand rubles a month from this.

Attachments: from 200 thousand rubles

The idea is suitable for beginner entrepreneurs with a minimal budget. This is an easy to manage and profitable business. The service is popular among children of primary school and preschool age. So, even with a low rental price, you can make good money. Keep in mind that children's car rental is a seasonal business, so be located in a crowded area, such as a park, to recoup the initial investment.

To start, you need about 200 thousand rubles. Of course, you can meet a smaller amount, but you will also earn significantly less. The monthly profit of renting children's cars will be about 70 - 120 thousand rubles. You can recoup the initial investment in 2-3 months.

During the winter season, you can rent sleds and ice skates. Another option to make your business year-round is to open a rental store in a large mall. This way you will solve two problems at once: seasonality and inventory storage. You can read more about the opening of children's car rental.

Attachments: from 300 thousand rubles

Today, many people think about health and lead an active lifestyle. In this regard, the demand for sports and tourism equipment is growing. Tents, boats, skis, skates, rollerblades, skateboards, etc. – few people own all the necessary items. Sports equipment rental works for such people. Every year this direction becomes more and more in demand.

Attachments: from 20 thousand rubles

Freelancers and individual entrepreneurs working from home do not have their own office. But sometimes they have to hold meetings with clients. For such cases, there is a service offering to rent out an office for short-term rent.

You can organize a profitable business by providing such services. The initial capital will be minimal - about 20 thousand rubles. An entrepreneur needs to find a suitable office space with good conditions, with office equipment and rent it with the right to sublease.

Ready ideas for your business

It is advisable that the office be located in the center, because often there is business activity there. You can rent out an office for an hour to lawyers, teachers, psychologists, photographers, and entrepreneurs who sell various products and give presentations. There are many potential clients. Such an office can earn 2-3 thousand rubles per day. Then the monthly income will be 50-90 thousand rubles.

Attachments: from 10 thousand rubles

Why can animals be rented? Firstly for photo shoots. For example, for New Year's photo shoots, huskies, Samoyeds, and Labradors are invited to shoot. Secondly, a service has recently appeared where various animals are brought to children's events. Parrots, rabbits, raccoons, monkeys, mini pigs, etc. are popular. Thirdly, in Japan they came up with a service where you can rent an animal in order to decide whether to get one. After all, very often children ask their parents to get a rabbit, hamster, chinchilla, etc. We found such a solution. However, it is not recommended to rent cats and dogs - these animals have a very difficult time surviving a change of owner.

Of course, there are many nuances in such a business. Not everyone can do it. But with proper organization, this business can bring good income. For example, the cost of renting one animal at a celebration starts from 7 thousand rubles per hour, accompanied by an instructor.

Attachments: 50 thousand rubles

The business idea is to rent out chocolate fountains for celebrations, weddings, corporate events, etc. A chocolate fountain is a multi-tiered metal structure that is powered by electricity. But instead of water, melted chocolate flows through it in cascades. Fruits are dipped into it and the result is not only a spectacular, but also a delicious dessert.

The size of the fountains can be from half a meter to two meters, and include 3-7 tiers. The cost of equipment depends on the size. The device itself is made of stainless steel and is strong, so there is no need to worry about repairs.

To start making money from rent, it will be enough to purchase several chocolate fountains and the corresponding consumables. The initial capital will be 50 thousand rubles. For one event, the fountain brings in 12-15 thousand rubles. This means that it is enough to complete 3 orders for the investment to pay off. If you are planning to start this business, then this one will come in handy.

Attachments: from 50 thousand rubles

To carry out repair or construction work, various tools are needed. Many of them are expensive, or are used once or twice and it is irrational to buy them. In such cases, a person can come and rent the necessary tools. Drills, hammer drills, lawn mowers, etc. are in demand. It is not difficult to organize such a business. Your task is to purchase tools and establish sales channels. The garage can be used as an “office”.

Attachments: from 10 thousand rubles

Many events involve decorating the space and using props. For example, weddings, presentations, outdoor photo shoots, etc. To add ambiance and atmosphere, a variety of things can be used and are available for rental. Vases, paintings, arches, armchairs, vintage items, screens - whatever! It is not necessary to purchase new decor or props. If you are a creative person, you can buy things at flea markets and restore them.

Attachments: from 50 thousand rubles

The business is to rent out quadcopters for filming. Now this service is in great demand. Photographers and videographers, advertising agencies, builders and engineers can contact you - after all, shooting from a height of 30-40 meters is needed not only for beauty and entertainment, but also for work.

To start a business, it is enough to purchase equipment and distribute advertisements. The initial cost of the drone is 15 thousand rubles. But buy the most cheap option Not recommended. Particularly desperate economists can assemble a drone from ready-made parts that are sold on Chinese websites. It will be cheaper this way, although it’s not a fact that it’s better. See for yourself here.

How much can you earn from this? Depends on you! It depends on how actively you search for orders, how you organize your work, and what equipment you purchase. At least similar offers to the markets are in demand and bring stable income to entrepreneurs.

Attachments: 200 thousand rubles

Many holidays require carnival costumes. At the same time, the product is relevant for both children and adults. It is not advisable to purchase a suitable outfit for a one-time event. First of all, it's expensive. Secondly, such a suit is unlikely to be useful again. That's why many people turn to carnival costume rentals.

There is a special excitement before the New Year, so you need to start in early autumn in order to have time to “swing up” to the peak of sales. Read about how to open a carnival costume rental.

Attachments: from 100 thousand rubles

Today, the children's goods market is more saturated than ever. But a service for renting children's things will help you stand out. The following children's things are usually rented: strollers, chairs, cars and toys, clothes, walkers and swings, carnival costumes, cribs, useful gadgets such as a baby monitor, automatic cradle, etc.

You can purchase all these goods in thrift stores, through the Avito website, etc. Some of the goods can be purchased new. In general, starting a children's goods rental business is quite simple. But difficulties may await you already in the process of work. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness, packaging, and serviceability of all things.

Attachments: from 200 thousand rubles

Renting household appliances and furniture is relevant for people who rent housing or an office. It is much easier for them to rent equipment than to buy it for someone else’s premises, and then solve the problem with them when they move.

This area is characterized by long-term lease agreements - usually concluded for a year. The most popular items: washing machines, televisions, refrigerators. For furniture, tables and chairs (can also be rented out for one-time events), sofas and wardrobes are in demand.

If you consider how many people rent housing and how many entrepreneurs rent offices, then the earning potential is limitless! In addition, there is a special group of equipment - professional cleaning equipment: vacuum cleaners, steamers, air disinfectants, etc. All this equipment is expensive, so not everyone is ready to buy it. But I don’t mind renting one for general cleaning.

Attachments: from 250 thousand rubles

Segways, hoverboards, and hoverboards are means of transportation that are now popular among young people. Opening a rental point is a profitable idea. You will need to purchase 2-3 units of equipment. At the initial stage this will be enough. The purchase of electrical equipment is the main expense item. But if you buy used Segways, you can save up to 50%.

Any crowded place is suitable for a rental point: park, embankment, Town Square and other open areas for recreation. Under favorable conditions, daily revenue can reach 10 thousand rubles, and monthly profit can reach 150 thousand rubles. But do not forget that this is a seasonal business, which lasts maximum from April to October.

Pitfalls of the rental business

Before organizing a rental business, it is recommended to contact a lawyer and draw up a competent agreement that you will sign with clients in case of property damage or theft. This will protect your investment. Also, do not forget to insure all property. Such measures of legal support, although they will require a small investment of funds, in the future you will be able to receive compensation in the form of payments from the insurance company or client.

There are many nuances and subtleties in this matter, but they usually depend on the direction of work.

How to look for clients

IN this business It is very important to establish sales channels, since profitability depends on a stable flow of customers. Ideally, a thing should constantly work and generate income.

    Place rental advertisements on various resources such as Avito. Post photos of things from detailed description and rental cost;

    tell us about your services on social media. networks. For example, if you opened a dress rental business, then it would be appropriate to maintain an account on Instagram;

    V big city and with a good assortment, you can create a website, upload a catalog with prices, contract terms and reviews.

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