Oooh Moby Dick. New equipment installed at the Moby Dick Container Terminal Moby Dick

The Moby Dick terminal is located in Kronstadt on the island of Kotlin, and is in the area of ​​responsibility (the Kronstadt customs post is located here), which makes customs clearance at the Moby Dick terminal an accessible and transparent procedure. Currently throughput The terminal's capacity is estimated at 400 thousand TEU per year; ships from several shipping lines come here, mainly from Finland, and more recently from Germany. Moby Dick Terminal specializes in handling, although the berths are equipped to handle other types of vessels other than container ships, including ro-ro vessels. The port territory is equipped with a storage area for refrigerated containers and a temporary storage warehouse.

Processability various types cargo, convenient geographical position, work with basic sea ​​lines The North Atlantic maritime section makes the Moby Dick terminal attractive to cargo owners. Some restrictions are imposed by the absence of a railway line at the port, which makes automobile transport in the only available form of delivery and removal of containers from the Moby Dick terminal. The Treffi company will undertake obligations to organize the international transportation of goods through Moby Dick, including the organization of the passage of imported and exported goods. We provide a full range of freight forwarding services at the Moby Dick terminal and beyond. These include:

  • search and attraction of the actual carrier, development of the route. We work with sea and road carriers, thanks to regular orders, receiving from them significant discounts, which we pass on to our clients. Our main task at this stage is to achieve minimum cost transportation and optimal delivery times.
  • intra-port freight forwarding at the Moby Dick terminal, including organizing loading and unloading operations, storing goods, engaging port specialists (talmans, stevedores, surveyors), obtaining permission for cars with cargo to enter the port territory, interaction with port and ship administrations. Intra-port service begins from the moment of delivery and ends with the removal of containers from the Moby Dick terminal
  • import and export customs clearance at the Moby Dick terminal (at the Kronstadt post of the Baltic customs), with the provision of all necessary documents: declarations, licenses for goods, certificates and permits, their preliminary receipt and preparation

Our specialists will carry out customs declaration at the Moby Dick terminal, calculate the customs value and, based on it, the amount of customs duties, and pay them. The customs clearance procedure may require the involvement of third-party specialists in order to carry out customs control. All major regulatory government agencies are represented on the territory of the Moby Dick Terminal, which significantly speeds up the clearance process. This is also facilitated by the developed and implemented time slotting system, which makes it possible to accurately calculate the time of delivery of rolling stock to loading and unloading points in order to avoid its downtime and associated costs.

The Moby Dick terminal (part of the Global Ports group) has begun processing ship calls from the Sea Connect container line. According to the press service of the ferry transshipment complex, container ships of the new line arrive in Kronstadt from Hamburg and then proceed to the terminals of the Big Port of St. Petersburg.

Ship calls at Moby Dick are carried out weekly with a rotation of Rotterdam (Wednesday) - Hamburg (Friday) - Port of St. Petersburg (Monday). The Moby Dick terminal is included in the rotation of the line along with other terminals of the St. Petersburg port.

Moby Dick LLC is a marine cargo terminal located in Kronstadt on Kotlin Island at the entrance to the harbor of St. Petersburg. It specializes in container handling and also carries out transshipment of bulk, general, oversized cargo and Ro-Ro cargo. Located in close proximity to Hyundai and Nissan car factories. The project is being implemented by the Global Ports group (75%) and the Finnish corporation Container Finance (25%).

Total area - 13.1 hectares, capacity - 400 thousand TEUs, berth length - 321 m, maximum vessel draft - 8.9 m, container site capacity - 7,500 TEUs, refrigeration zone capacity - 450 outlets

Global Ports terminals are located in the Baltic and Far Eastern basins, which are key regions for foreign trade cargo flows. Global Ports manages five container terminals in Russia ("", "First Container Terminal", "Ust-Luga Container Terminal" and "Moby Dick" in the Baltic, "Eastern Stevedoring Company" in the Far East) and two container terminals in Finland ( terminal "Multi-Link Helsinki" and terminal "Multi-Link Kotka"). The Global Ports group also owns the rear terminal Yanino Logistics Park near St. Petersburg and 50% in the large oil products terminal AS Vopak E.O.S. in Estonia.

The main shareholders of Global Ports are the Delo group of companies, one of the largest private transport and logistics holdings in Russia (30.75%), and APM Terminals B.V. (30.75%), whose main activity is the design, construction, management and operation of ports, terminals and inland terminals. APM Terminals has a global network of terminals in 76 ports and 117 domestic terminal complexes, thanks to which the company is represented in 59 countries. 20.5% of Global Ports' shares are held by shareholders in the form of global depositary receipts listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE ticker: GLPR).

As part of the technological re-equipment program at the Moby Dick terminal (part of the Global Ports group), a new mobile port crane LIEBHERR LHM 420 was put into operation. The crane was manufactured to order by the company at the LIEBHERR plant in Rostock (Germany) and delivered to the terminal by sea assembled.

The new Moby Dick tap is one of the most modern models LIEBHERR. With a relatively low dead weight, the crane has a high lifting capacity and, thanks to the special design of the chassis, can move in any direction - forward, backward and even sideways. The maximum boom reach of 48 meters makes the LHM 420 an ideal crane for handling vessels of various classes. All functions of the crane can be controlled not only from the crane operator’s cabin, but also from the remote control.

The LHM 420 is equipped with an economical diesel engine from LIEBHERR's own production. A hydraulic drive is used as a power drive for all mechanisms, which allows you to smoothly adjust the operating speeds of all movements from zero to maximum.

Main characteristics of the crane:

maximum lifting capacity on hook - 120 t;

lifting capacity on the hook at maximum reach – 35 t;

minimum and maximum reach – 11m and 48m respectively;

maximum lifting height – 45m;

own weight – 380 tons.


Moby Dick LLC is a specialized container terminal located in Kronstadt on Kotlin Island at the entrance to the harbor of St. Petersburg. Located in close proximity to Hyundai and Nissan car factories. The project is being implemented by the Global Ports group (75%) and the Finnish corporation Container Finance (25%).

Total area - 15.1 hectares

Capacity - 400 thousand TEU

Berth length - 321 m

Depth at the berths - 10.3 m

Container yard capacity -- 7,500 TEU

Refrigeration zone capacity - 450 sockets

Global Ports Investments PLC is a leading operator of container terminals on the Russian market. Global Ports terminals are located in the Baltic and Far Eastern basins, which are key regions for Russian cargo flows. Global Ports operates five sea container terminals in Russia (Petrolesport, First Container Terminal, Moby Dick and Ust-Luga Container Terminal in the port of St. Petersburg and Ust-Luga port cluster, Eastern Stevedoring Company in port Vostochny) and two in Finland, as well as the logistics complexes “Yanino” and “Logistics-Terminal” near St. Petersburg. The group includes the oil products terminal Vopak E.O.S. in Estonia. Global Ports is developing in a strategic partnership between the N-Trans group and APM Terminals, part of A.P.Moller-Maersk A/S.

The first regular container train arrived from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg, delivering 64 containers of components to the Hyundai automobile plant. Experts say this marks the end of the Moby Dick port complex.

Sergey Bertov/Interpress

Last call

The first regular container train from Vladivostok in the history of the Trans-Siberian Railway reached St. Petersburg safely. Previously, one-time trains came to our city along the Trans-Siberian Railway, which mainly brought cargo from the port of Nakhodka. On August 26, the train brought 64 large-capacity containers to the Shushary station - according to Fontanka, about 90% of the cargo was auto parts for the Hyundai Motor Company plant, the rest belonged, as the carriers say, to “random passengers.”

The transport company Fesco, part of the battered business empire of the brothers Magomed and Zivudin Magomedov, plans for now 4 such flights per week, later the volume of transportation is planned to increase to 500 containers per month. The political component of the project is one hundred percent - just at the beginning of the week, President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting of the commission on the strategy for the development of the fuel and energy complex and environmental safety, stated that the development of the eastern railway range, debottlenecking on the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway are priority development goals transport infrastructure countries in the coming years.

Employees of the Shusharsky customs post of St. Petersburg customs also set their own record - they completely cleared the entire train in 8 hours thanks to “the use of technology for releasing goods before filing a declaration for goods within the framework of simplifications provided for authorized economic operators.” The North-West Customs Department proudly informed journalists about this.

The coincidence of the new transport project with the statement of the Russian president suggests that there will be more such flights and they will cover new countries. In this case, the cargo for Hyundai arrived by rail directly from South Korea- first from Busan to Vladivostok, and then along our Trans-Siberian Railway.

The 6,000 containers per year that Hyundai is now going to transport in Fesco cars previously entered our city through the sea container terminal owned by Moby Dick LLC - it is located in Kronstadt at the place where the Ring Road crosses Kotlin Island.

The loss of 6,000 containers per year for the terminal in itself seems to be small - according to the SeaNews portal, in 2017 Moby Dick handled almost 170,000 containers. But experts are sure: Hyundai's departure from Moby Dick is the last call, after which the curtain comes down.

They have been uncomfortable there for a long time...

The first bell rang in March of this year, when Moby Dick left the largest international maritime carrier Containerships Ltd Oy (until recently owned by the Finnish Container Finance Ltd Oy). This happened almost unnoticed by the media space, and on the one hand it looked quite natural, on the other hand, the company owns a share in Moby Dick, that is, one of the owners left.

Containerships did not go very far - to the Port Bronka terminal (owned by an affiliate with members of the family of the former head Federal service security of Evgeniy Murov LLC "Phoenix"). Bronka is located near the same ring road, 10 kilometers from Moby Dick; it was initially served by the international sea carrier CMA CGM Group, which acquired Containerships this summer - so the transition was not surprising.

Secondly, Containerships has been upgrading its vessels this year. The company announced a transition to new, larger container ships powered by liquefied gas. These types of vessels are not only less harmful to the environment - they require great depths, which the Bronka has and which the Moby Dick does not.

But both of these circumstances look like polite reasons next to another reason, which is easy to see in the history of Containerships’ relationship with Moby Dick.

This terminal appeared in St. Petersburg in 2002 as the 100% property of Containerships and immediately became the pride of not only regional, but also federal authorities - excursions were literally taken there. For its time, this was a breakthrough - no one in St. Petersburg built berths with private money. Containerships was the first to show that such projects can be implemented in Russia, which was important for attracting other foreign investors to the country's Baltic ports.

Everything was going well until 2006: 4 stages of the marine terminal were planned with a total investment of 150 million euros. 50 million euros were successfully invested, the volume of cargo transshipment by this time amounted to almost 200,000 containers per year, but then the authorities remembered the need to complete the dam.

Supervised the construction of the complex protective structures For the then deputy chairman of Rosgosstroy, Vladimir Kogan, “Moby Dick” immediately began to bother him - he decided that there was nowhere else to store materials for the construction of the gas station, except here.

The conflict took on the shape of an international scandal and lasted until the end of 2007, when Moby Dick, which acquired Containerships Ltd. Oy has a 50% stake in Multi-Link Terminals Ltd Oy, which now owns Moby Dick. Since then, no one has heard anything about the terminal interfering with the construction of the gas station, and some time later, Moby Dick had a new owner - the Global Ports Group.

The St. Petersburg representative office of Containerships refused to communicate with the Fontanka correspondent; Global Ports ignored the offer for an interview.

It is not difficult to assume that the leaders of Containerships have long been uncomfortable in the Kronstadt terminal, so they left there as soon as the circumstances were right.

But it was the departure of Containerships that led to revealing results. In July 2018, for example, Moby Dick handled 2,469 20-foot containers, although quite recently the terminal’s monthly transshipment volume was 11-12 thousand containers. Hyundai's transition to the Trans-Siberian Railway in this sense is not even the beginning of the end - it is a symbol that the end is already very close.

Victim of heavy exports

The well-organized and modernly equipped Moby Dick terminal is absolutely unpromising for Russian conditions basically. The fact is that the peculiarity of domestic foreign economic activity comes down to the fact that numerous container cargoes are imported into the country, and mainly raw materials are exported - petroleum products and metals. This “heavy export”, called in professional circles, is unsuitable for transportation by car; it needs Railway.

The conclusion is obvious: big sea ​​vessels they come to Kronstadt full and return almost empty, which is not profitable for any carrier. Today, ships of the international carrier Maersk Line still call at Moby Dick, they mostly bring there some components for the same Hyundai, but experts have no doubt that this will not last long. The terminal is located in such a way that there is no railway there and never will be able to appear, but there is one in Bronka, and Phoenix attaches great importance to the development railway approaches to your terminal, investing billions in it.

– At one time we were included in a fantastic logistics scheme, when cargo was brought to us by rail, loaded onto trucks and transported along the ring road to Moby Dick. I don’t want to say anything bad about Moby Dick, but such logistics in themselves are absurd, any specialist in this field will confirm this,” Andrei Novikov, deputy head of the sales and marketing department of Phoenix LLC, told Fontanka.

Today, most experts are confident that Moby Dick, like other small container terminals, will begin to lose container transshipment volumes in favor of large terminals due to the fact that small ships are not able to compete with large container ships.

Nadezhda Malysheva, development director of the information and analytical portal PortNews, told Fontanka in detail:

– Moby Dick’s clients have always been Containerships and Hyundai. The first as a co-owner of the terminal, the second due to the proximity of the plant and the lack of alternatives. With the commissioning of the terminal in Bronk, Hyundai has such an alternative, plus Phoenix wins in terms of service quality. Currently, only Maersk calls at Moby Dick with cargo for Hyundai, which for Maersk is associated with serious additional costs due to the forced use of a small vessel capable of calling at the Kronstadt terminal. This situation will continue for some time, because Maersk has certain obligations to Global Ports, which owns Moby Dick. But I think that next year they will offer Hyundai to transfer the entire volume to the First Container Terminal, which would be logical - Maersk has been working there for a long time. And Moby Dick will have to repurpose itself. There are rumors that the Ministry of Defense is looking for a place to house warships during periods of naval parades in Kronstadt and St. Petersburg; Moby Dick is quite suitable for such a project. Or maybe a ship repair yard will appear there. In any case, the final decision will be made by the owner of the Global Ports terminal.

Lev Godovannik,

As part of the technological re-equipment program at the Moby Dick terminal (part of the Global Ports group), a new mobile port crane LIEBHERR LHM 420 was put into operation. The crane was manufactured to order by the company at the LIEBHERR plant in Rostock (Germany) and delivered to the terminal by sea assembled form.

The new Moby Dick crane is one of LIEBHERR's most modern models. With a relatively low dead weight, the crane has a high lifting capacity and, thanks to the special design of the chassis, can move in any direction - forward, backward and even sideways. The maximum boom reach of 48 meters makes the LHM 420 an ideal crane for handling vessels of various classes. All functions of the crane can be controlled not only from the crane operator’s cabin, but also from the remote control.

The LHM 420 is equipped with an economical diesel engine from LIEBHERR's own production. A hydraulic drive is used as a power drive for all mechanisms, which allows you to smoothly adjust the operating speeds of all movements from zero to maximum.

Main characteristics of the crane:

  • maximum lifting capacity on hook - 120 t;
  • load capacity on hook at maximum reach - 35 t;
  • minimum and maximum reach - 11m and 48m respectively;
  • maximum lifting height - 45m;
  • own weight - 380 tons.


Moby Dick LLC - a specialized container terminal located in Kronstadt on Kotlin Island at the entrance to the harbor of St. Petersburg. Located in close proximity to Hyundai and Nissan car factories. The project is being implemented by the Global Ports group (75%) and the Finnish corporation Container Finance (25%).

  • Total area - 15.1 hectares
  • Capacity - 400 thousand TEU
  • Berth length - 321 m
  • Depth at the berths - 10.3 m
  • Container yard capacity -- 7,500 TEU
  • Refrigeration zone capacity -450 sockets

WITH additional information can be found on the website:

Global Ports Investments PLC - leading operator of container terminals on the Russian market. Global Ports terminals are located in the Baltic and Far Eastern basins, which are key regions for Russian cargo flows. Global Ports operates five sea container terminals in Russia (Petrolesport, First Container Terminal, Moby Dick and Ust-Luga Container Terminal in the port of St. Petersburg and Ust-Luga port cluster, Eastern Stevedoring Company in port Vostochny) and two in Finland, as well as the logistics complexes “Yanino” and “Logistics-Terminal” near St. Petersburg. The group includes the oil products terminal Vopak E.O.S. in Estonia. Global Ports is developing in a strategic partnership between the N-Trans group and APM Terminals, part of A.P.Moller-Maersk A/S.