Ordzhonikidze sacred place of Crimea. The city of Ordzhonikidze in Crimea: a unique resort surrounded by sea and mountains. Beach "Under Saddle"

The Ordzhonikidze resort is an urban village located in the southeast of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, between Koktebel Bay and Dvuyakornaya Bay.

On this site you can easily find out what to see in Ordzhonikidze and where to go in Ordzhonikidze. You will learn about interesting places and attractions of Ordzhonikidze. Find out where you can relax in Ordzhonikidze and how to get there. The resort is located 14 km from Feodosia, behind Dvuyakornaya Bay and the Tepe-Oba ridge. The village is also washed by Provato Bay (part of Koktebel Bay). This is a perfect, ecologically clean place, which is washed on three sides by the Black Sea.

On resort Ordzhonikidze There is no industrial production that could spoil the environment. The town is located on a peninsula, there is no transit traffic passing through it, and it is a dead end. The surrounding area is a good place for mountain biking, spearfishing, fishing and diving.


One of the disadvantages of a holiday in Ordzhonikidze is the small number of attractions. These include the current Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, monuments to Sergei Kirov (Soviet politician and statesman) and Sergo Ordzhonikidze (revolutionary, Soviet party and statesman), as well as a local history museum. One of the most interesting excursions is, first of all, the nearby extinct volcano Kara-Dag - a unique geological monument. It was active about 150 million years ago. There is even a legend that a certain “Karadag monster” lives in the sea, at the foot of the massif.

Climate and weather

The Ordzhonikidze resort protects Cape Kiik-Atlama. There is always a choice of sea depending on the situation; if on one side of the cape the sea is stormy, then on the opposite side it is completely calm and vice versa. In summer, the sea water temperature is + 25...27 C. Around the village there are chains of outlandish picturesque bays covered with clear clear water, picturesque mountains and hills, in some places covered with low pine forest, in the vicinity there are several mountain springs with healthy mineral water. In winter and spring, cold northern and northeastern winds blow. The best months for vacation are July, August, September. The heat in summer is almost not felt, as sea winds constantly blow. October water temperature is about + 17 degrees. In November there are already frosts and occasional snowfall.


You can visit a variety of beaches here - these are pebble beaches with azure clear water, pebble and sandy bays, traditional sandy lagoons; For lovers of underwater entertainment, there are bays with huge boulders of volcanic origin. The seabed consists of large algae-covered underwater rocks, sand and pebbles.

The city beach has all the amenities. The bottom is extremely flat. You can walk along the bottom for 20-30 meters. When the sea is rough, the water naturally becomes cloudy. There are cafes near the beach.


Ordzhonikidze offers a wide variety of entertainment for vacationers: mountain biking, beach activities, diving, boat trips, fishing, tennis, shooting ranges and archery, billiard rooms, slot machines, horseback riding and excursions to the nearest attractions of Crimea.

The village is well located. From its farthest outskirts to the sea is no more than 10-15 minutes on foot. In small cozy cafes, you can satisfy your hunger, try European and Oriental cuisine, and local delicious seafood dishes. You can also agree on food in inexpensive cafes such as canteens.

The embankment, towards evening, turns into an endless sea of ​​lights and music, mostly live. Therefore, tourists never get bored.


It’s easier and faster to get from Simferopol, and with a transfer in Feodosia. Because direct buses to Ordzhonikidze go quite rarely (every 15 minutes), compared to transport in Feodosia. In Feodosia from the bus station

Take minibus No. 2 or No. 4 to the internal bus station of Feodosia (in the center)

From the internal bus station of Feodosia, minibuses No. 20A run every 5-10 minutes to Ordzhonikidze (travel time 15 minutes). (do not confuse minibus No. 20A and bus No. 20, bus No. 20 also goes to Ordzhonikidze, but along a longer road, which will take about 30-40 minutes)

The village of Ordzhonikidze is located on the eastern coast of Crimea on Cape Kiik-Atlama, surrounded on three sides by the sea, and protected on the fourth by mountainous terrain, which makes it one of the amazing places on the Crimean peninsula.

Geographic coordinates of Ordzhonikidze on the GPS map 44 57.855 N 35 21.312 E

You can get to Ordzhonikidze both from the city of Feodosia (13 km) and from the village (9 km). Route taxis and buses run almost every hour. The village is 7 km away from the main Kerch-Simferopol highway, combined with the absence of large industries, ports and the presence of treatment facilities in the village, the ecology of Ordzhonikidze is simply ideal.

The population of the village of Ordzhonikidze is 2650 people.

The history of the village began in the 11th century, the Genoese built the Kaygador fortress and a small port on this site. The port was mainly for not rich merchants and for long-term anchorage of ships. In the same century? An Armenian church appeared in the vicinity of the village. The population of the fortress did not exceed 300 people; during the battles with the Golden Horde, and subsequently the Tatar-Mongols, the settlement was destroyed and for many centuries it was a fishing settlement. In 1911, construction of a plant for the military industry began on the territory of the village, and in 1937 the village received its name Ordzhonikidze in honor of Sergo Ordzhonikidze, a famous political figure in the young country of the USSR. Local residents prefer to call the village Orjo. With the collapse of the USSR, all production was closed, and since the 2000s, the village began to develop as a resort.

Attractions in Ordzhonikidze not much, the Church of St. Stephen of Sourozh, built in 2000, a local history museum and a park. The main attractions are in the vicinity of the village, an extinct volcano, and the city's attractions. In the summer, the village has a very developed tourist destination; daily excursions operate in all tourist destinations of Crimea.

Of particular note diving club in Ordzhonikidze, one of the oldest in Crimea, is very popular. Diving in the area of ​​Dvuyakornaya Bay is always an adventure, since from the 11th to the 17th centuries there was a port here, and over these centuries many ships sank; interesting and valuable finds, jewelry, coins, amphorae and more are often found at the bottom of the sea.

There are beaches in Ordzhonikidze for every taste, each beach is a separate small bay, sandy, covered with small pebbles and rocky. All beaches from the village are located at a distance of 50 to 300 meters, wild beaches from 500 meters. One of the features of the beaches in Ordzhonikidze is that they are all isolated from each other.

The main advantage of the village, in addition to its beaches and ecology, is the large offer of apartments and rooms at very affordable prices, always cheaper than in Feodosia and Koktebel.
Holidays in the village of Ordzhonikidze mean harmony with nature, a stunning sea and thousands of pleasant memories.

Ordzhonikidze village on the map of Crimea

Of course, one usually doesn’t expect any special miracles from a village with a population of just over five hundred people. Although in this case you may be pleasantly disappointed. So, what to see in Ordzhonikidze and their description deserve special attention.

A little history

People lived here at least 1000 years ago. This is evidenced by the Armenian monastery and fortress of Kaygador of the 11th century AD. e. In the Middle Ages, the village was called Provato - the Genoese built a port here. After the October Revolution, individual parts of its modern territory were called Dvuhyakorny and Provalny. In 1937, the settlement was given its current name in honor of the famous Georgian Bolshevik. Local residents came up with a shortened version - Orjo. And in 2007, the authorities even wanted to rename it Zurbagan.

City of Ordzhonikidze, Crimea. Sights: wonderful nature

The village is located on the shores of two bays - Provato and Dvuhyakornaya. Therefore, it is protected from large waves; storms often bypass this area. It is connected by a thin isthmus to Cape Kiik-Atlama, from which the tiny island of Ivan Baba is located at a distance of several tens of meters. From above it seems that a piece of land simply broke away from the mainland, although that was probably the case.

It is thanks to this picturesque location of the settlement that vacation in Ordzhonikidze will not be monotonous and boring. Each beach offers a separate panorama. For example, from the shores of Dvukyakornaya Bay you can see Feodosia, and from the opposite side - Koktebel. Especially in the evening it is pleasant to watch the twinkling lights in nearby cities.

And these are just some of the attractions of Ordzhonikidze. What to visit first? It's probably better to start from the coast.

Sights of Ordzhonikidze, Crimea: picturesque beaches

The village is located in an ecologically clean area; there are no enterprises or ports that pollute the environment. Therefore, the main value and also the attraction of Ordzhonikidze (Crimea) is almost virgin nature, steep cliffs, intoxicating air and amazingly clean water.

And there are beaches for every taste. Most are pebble, in particular “Agate”, “Under a horse’s saddle”, “Under the Devil’s Bridge”, “Lavash” and “Krasnyachka”.

The central beach of the town, which stretches along the embankment, is sandy. It is well equipped: cafes, restaurants and other attributes of a comfortable stay are present here. But if you want to stay away from the noisy crowd of vacationers, then you need to get to the Donbass recreation center or to the First Cape. This area is more remote and no less picturesque. If you prefer stones, then you can look for such a coast between “Krasnyachka” and the dacha areas.

Extreme lovers will definitely want to visit Goat Bay. There you can jump into the water right from the rocks. And crystal clear water plus steep banks create ideal conditions for diving.

What do vacationers like most about Ordzhonikidze? Judging by numerous reviews, this is the compactness of the town. You can get to the sea in 5-10 minutes from anywhere. Even a strong storm will be almost imperceptible thanks to the bays, which will reliably protect you from large waves.


The extinct volcano and the reserve of the same name are located 10 kilometers from Ordzhonikidze (Crimea). These sights are worth seeing with your own eyes. On the embankment in Ordzhonikidze they offer a boat ride there. On the way, you can swim in the open sea near the natural arch of the Golden Gate, look at the rock. Walking excursions involve walking through the reserve with a guide. All of the listed attractions can be appreciated from a different angle from a height of more than 500 meters.


It’s simply impossible to be 14 kilometers from the capital of southeastern Crimea and not see it. Take a walk to visit the art gallery of the famous marine painter I. Aivazovsky and the house-museum of the writer A. Green, visit the ruins of an ancient 14th century - and this is not all that you can expect from a trip to this beautiful city.


You can diversify your holiday in Ordzhonikidze with a trip to this city. The distance to Koktebel is small - only 12 kilometers. There is a house-museum of the poet M. Voloshin. You can also go on an excursion to the Koktebel plant. Here you have the opportunity to observe with your own eyes the process of preparing first-class wines, as well as taste different types of wonderful drinks.

Mount Klementieva

This is the most important center for delta and paragliding. Here, with southern and northern winds, unique rising air currents are formed. Therefore, almost all year round, with the exception of the winter season, flights of gliding enthusiasts, as well as world competitions, are held here. Beginners can get trained and feel what it is like to soar in the clouds, and at the same time see the sights of Ordzhonikidze (Crimea) from a bird's eye view.

Horse riding

The stable, called Blazing Saddles, organizes horseback riding tours, the route of which passes through mountain slopes, forest plantings and the coastline. Here you will be taught horse riding and given the necessary equipment.

Bicycle ride

You can rent them at a rental point in the center of Ordzhonikidze (Crimea). This way you can explore the sights of the village much faster. A huge number of paths leading to different beaches and beautiful views will make this walk very exciting.


Catamarans, jet skis, banana boats, tablets, water slides and many other attractions will help enliven the usual sea bathing. There is an opportunity to practice archery, because there is a shooting range here during the summer season. Board and electronic games can be played at the Mississippi Entertainment Center. Children will be interested in controlling fabulous inflatable boats in an artificial pool or tumbling in transparent floating balls. So those who take their children on vacation with them are satisfied.

More or less developed infrastructure does not let tourists get bored. Dozens of cafes and catering establishments are waiting for their visitors. The most popular are “Medea”, “Mana”, “Versailles”.

There is an opinion that in small villages by the sea a vacation can get boring after 2-3 days. But not here. To visit all the sights of Ordzhonikidze (Crimea), and not just glance at them, but thoroughly familiarize yourself with them, you need to have at least a week in reserve, or even more.

Ordzhonikidze is an urban village located on the Black Sea coast in the eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula. This resort area is located at a cape called Kiik-Atlama, clearly between two bays - Dvuyakornaya and Provato.

The village is 14 km away. from the city of Feodosia. For most tourists, this resort oasis is attractive because of one of its features: Ordzhonikidze is located on the peninsula so that it is in a dead end and there is no transit transport through it.

It is interesting that in 2007, the authorities of Ordzhonikidze, in order to attract more vacationers, tried to rename the village, proposing the name “Zurbagan”, but the former “name” was still retained by it.

Ordzhonikidze is not as popular as its famous neighbor - Koktebel, but this does not make it less visited by tourists, especially those who have already had the good fortune to visit it.

Ordzhinikidze embankment

Holidays in the village promise to be calm when compared with other resort areas of the Crimean peninsula. It has its own delightful atmosphere and excellent environmental conditions. Regarding the latter, there is no industrial production on the territory of the village that would pollute the environment.

How to get there

Having arrived in Simferopol, you can get to Ordzhonikidze by bus from the railway station to Feodosia, and from there you can get directly to the village itself. Transport runs approximately every 15-20 minutes. There are also direct buses, but they run much less frequently.

Beautiful places

The territory of the village cannot boast of a large number of attractions, but there are still several places where you can learn more about the resort. Monuments to revolutionaries Sergo Ordzhonikidze and Sergei Kirov stand here. You can visit the local history museum. In addition, there is a functioning temple of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica.

Temple of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica

However, there is always the opportunity to go on a couple of exciting excursions, for example, to visit the territory of an extinct volcano called Kara-Dag, which is not so far from the village.


As for the beaches in the village, they are very diverse. All the beaches here are distinguished by their small size. There are sandy, pebble and pebble-sand bays. A distinctive feature of the beaches here is the fact that almost all of them are isolated from each other. In addition, you can even find rocky beaches here.

Ordzhonikidze Beach

All beaches in Ordzhonikidze are free and are located in close proximity to residential areas (approximately 50-100 m).

Interestingly, in the 80s, research was carried out here, the results of which turned out that the sea water off the coast of the village is the cleanest on the peninsula. This is due to the fact that, as mentioned earlier, there are not only industrial facilities, but also other sources of pollution.

For those who want to go diving, there is an excellent opportunity to dive in the area of ​​bays with impressive boulders of volcanic origin. Some time ago in Dvuyakornaya Bay there was an old pier. Nowadays, diving enthusiasts may well find a variety of “treasures” at the bottom of the bay - anchors, coins, ancient amphorae, etc.

Dvuyakornaya Bay

There are also wild beaches, where mostly vacationers sunbathe topless and basically live day and night.

It will be very interesting to visit the agate beach, which can be found on the shore of Koktebel Bay. Concrete steps lead to the beach, which make it much easier to get to its territory. The beach deserves such a beautiful name because on the shore you can safely find small stones - agates.

In the video - Ordzhonikidze embankment:

On most beaches in Ordzhonikidze you will have the opportunity to ride a jet ski or bicycle, or rent a boat. There are special swimming pools with water cars for kids, so that the little guests of the village will also have an interesting time relaxing. All beaches have changing rooms and showers on their territory.

Ordzhonekidze attractions photo:

What to see in Ordzhonekidze?

The air on the embankment is cool, so when going there, you need to remember to take something warm with you. And also, due to the huge number of people, be careful and monitor the safety of your personal belongings and valuables. There is everything here to pleasantly surprise a tourist...

Ordzhonikidze attractions 2019

Ordzhonikidze is a nice resort located between Feodosia and Koktebel. This village is one of the most environmentally friendly places in Crimea, there is no production here, it is located on a small ledge and is washed by the sea on three sides, located away from busy highways. Ordzhonikidze is a good option for a budget holiday. Due to the fact that the village is small, no matter where you live, the distance to the sea will be insignificant. Nevertheless, there are plenty of attractions and entertainment here. In Ordzhonikidze you can go diving, fishing, and mountain biking.

Crimea Ordzhonikidze attractions 2019

The village of Ordzhonikidze is located on Cape Kiik-Atlama, which looks like a large steep peninsula protruding into the sea for almost 4 km. It is here that steppe Crimea turns into mountainous Crimea. The cape is interesting because

  • gypsum is mined here;
  • traces of Neolithic settlements were discovered on the cape;
  • Some species of rare plants and trees are found on the Kiik-Atlama Peninsula.

Despite the fact that Ordzhonikidze is a calm and measured resort, there is something to see here. Here are the main attractions of the village:

  • an ancient Armenian monastery at the foot of Jamkutaram;
  • ruins of ancient settlements on Cape First;
  • remains of the Biryuk-Yanyshar fortress;
  • ruins of the monastery at Cape Provato.

Sights of Ordzhonikidze and surrounding area 2019

In addition to historical attractions, guests of Ordzhonikidze can choose entertainment to suit their taste. By the way, the cost of excursions is very reasonable.

  • At the entrance to Ordzhonikidze there is an equestrian sports complex “Blazing Saddles”, where horse riding lessons are provided for beginners, and exciting horseback riding tours are organized around the outskirts of the village. Riders have a great opportunity to see the magnificent Crimean landscapes and enjoy the panorama of the coast.
  • The relief of Ordzhonikidze is very conducive to cycling. A large number of paths of varying difficulty leading to the beaches and mountains, stunning views will not leave anyone indifferent. In the center of the village there is a rental point where you can rent an excellent bicycle.
  • There is an unusual shooting range in Ordzhonikidze, where you can learn archery. Professionals will instruct you on how to shoot correctly. This shooting range is very popular among guests of the village, which is why it is open from morning until late evening.

Sights of Ordzhonikidze with description 2019

Ordzhonikidze, located in a bay, is almost not affected by storms. The sea here is always calm and clean. In addition, Ordzhonikidze has an absolutely charming 5 km long embankment. Along its entire length there are many cozy cafes. Street musicians hold small concerts on the embankment, which is why there is always a cheerful festive atmosphere here. See photos with descriptions on the map, choose attractions and entertainment that are interesting to you!