Search before boarding the plane. First time at the airport: what to do step by step. Visa on arrival

After completing the check-in procedure and other formalities before departure, you go directly to the departure area or waiting room, where you will wait for the boarding announcement. Even if there is enough time left before departure, you won’t be bored there - in the departure area there are cozy cafes and duty-free shops for shopping lovers. To avoid unforeseen situations and not to be late for departure, it is worth knowing what time boarding begins. As a rule, boarding of the plane is announced after the completion of the passenger check-in procedure for the flight. Having arrived in advance at the waiting room where the “gate” or gates are located, the first thing you have to do is find your gate, so that you don’t have to look for it at the last minute and, God forbid, get lost. Once the required gate has been found, you need to check the flight number on the sign at the gate with the number indicated on the boarding pass. The data must match.

Important! Gate numbers sometimes change for unknown reasons, so it is important to arrive at the boarding gate no later than half an hour before departure and constantly monitor the announcements and information on the board.

Boarding pass

Without a document such as a boarding pass, you will not be allowed to board. It is issued to each passenger after completing the registration procedure. If check-in is successfully completed through terminals or the Internet, you can print your boarding pass yourself. You can do this in the following ways:

  • at the registration desk at the station;
  • through the self-check-in terminal;
  • via an online service.

In unforeseen situations, when your boarding pass is forgotten at home, or for unknown reasons it becomes damaged (it gets wet, torn, wrinkled), you always have the opportunity to print out a new one. This document contains important information for passengers:

  • flight number (denoted as Flight);
  • number and location of the seat in the aircraft cabin (Seat);
  • Boarding time & Gate closes, sometimes only one thing is indicated, for example, the start time of boarding;
  • Gate number for passengers to board.

You should always keep your boarding pass handy along with your passport, as sometimes your identity documents may be double-checked before your flight.

Features of boarding passengers on an airplane

The boarding pass must indicate the start time of passengers boarding. This information will be announced over the airport's public address system several times, but it is better to arrive five to ten minutes earlier than the time indicated on the ticket so as not to be late. Upon arrival at the gate or “gate” leading passengers to board, it is important to double-check your flight number and gate number to make sure you are on the right track. When exiting, you will be required to present your boarding pass, and in certain cases, your passport (more often than not, your identity document is checked before boarding on domestic flights). The ticket has two parts, the larger one will be torn off and the smaller one will be left to the passenger. To be sure, this part of the ticket should be checked again - it contains information about the luggage (luggage tags), which will make it possible to identify and find your suitcases among the luggage upon arrival.

After passing through the Gate at large airports, you will board the plane either by bus, which delivers all passengers on the flight to the ramp, or along an accordion air corridor connecting directly the station terminal and the aircraft. Having climbed the stairs or walked along the “sleeve” to the plane, you will be warmly greeted by flight attendants who welcome you on board the plane and will help you find and take the seat in the cabin indicated on your boarding pass. Hand luggage should be carefully placed on the shelf to avoid inconvenience and discomfort during the flight.

Start and end time of boarding

As a rule, the exact start and end time of passengers boarding an aircraft is indicated on the boarding pass, written on all the airport’s numerous information boards, and announced verbally over a loudspeaker. But you don’t have to look at your ticket or wait for an announcement to rationally calculate your time and not be late for boarding. For those unlucky enough to be late due to their own fault, the ticket price will not be refunded. It is worth taking care of timely arrival at the desired gate in advance. You just need to know the departure time of the plane and the end time of passenger check-in.

Attention! International flights board 10-20 minutes earlier than domestic flights.

Passengers traveling internationally should arrive at the gate no later than 40 minutes before departure, while those traveling domestically should arrive at the gate half an hour before departure. At small airports, boarding sometimes begins 20 minutes before departure for domestic flights, and 30 minutes for international flights. This is due to the fact that at international airports there is often a long queue, and at smaller ones there is a shorter queue, so the check-in procedure and subsequent landing takes much less time.

If this is your first time traveling by air, make sure your experience is memorable in a good way. Of course, on board you will take action by telling the flight attendant: “This is my first time flying on an airplane, please pay more attention to me.” But before you get on board, you need to choose a seat, reserve a ticket, check in... Step-by-step instructions will help you understand the nuances.

Buying or booking tickets

Getting to know air transport begins with choosing a flight and purchasing a ticket. There is no need to go to the airport, because orders can also be made via the Internet. There is only one thing to be afraid of: excessive overpayments! To avoid such a mistake, use search aggregators. This will come in handy when planning a flight: it happens that tickets for neighboring dates are 2 times more affordable. If changes in schedule are not important, you will save significantly.

When you purchase a paper travel document, you will receive a familiar-looking booklet. The number of pages depends on the route. For a one-way flight, your ticket will have 2 pages of coupons: the first, called the “flight” page, is what you provide in exchange for your boarding pass. Keep the remaining one, the passenger one, in your hands. If you are flying roundtrip, you will see 3 coupons on your ticket: 2 flight and 1 passenger.

Travel documents are provided electronically: they are not printed on paper, and the information is stored in a database. When registering, it is enough to present your passport, and to confirm the purchase, print a receipt in advance. For this purpose, use your own printer or equipment available at the airport. If you can’t cope on your own, then contact the ticket office.

What to pay attention to: tips for a traveler who flies for the first time

What nuances to consider when purchasing tickets? The following tips will help you:

  • Do you notice that the prices for travel documents become higher after a long search? Don’t be scared and don’t rush to buy the first option you come across. In some countries, when searching for flights for a long time, websites use browser cookie information and provide high-cost offers. You are forced to make a purchase faster and spend more money! To avoid this situation, switch to incognito mode. This mainly applies to those who are looking for tickets on foreign airlines.
  • Consider flying with low-cost airlines. You will sacrifice comfort, but reduce costs. If you have a short flight ahead, you will not have time to feel the lack of legroom or inconvenience with sleep.
  • It is more profitable to purchase round-trip tickets than separately. If you decide to travel around the world, if you choose the right carrier, €2,000 will cover the costs. And if you buy tickets separately, you will pay 4,000 €.
  • Non-refundable travel documents are the cheapest. As a rule, they are bought by passengers who are confident that their plans will not change. But otherwise you will lose the entire amount.

Take these nuances into account, and there will be no problems.

First time at the airport: how to behave

Flying on an airplane for the first time may not take place if you forget about registration. To avoid such trouble, arrive 60 minutes in advance (for international air travel, the period increases to 2 hours). Find out the following in advance:

  • Route to the airport and type of transport. Reliable methods are considered to be the metro or Aeroexpress. Those who have chosen a bus, trolleybus, or car need a reserve of time in case of a breakdown or traffic jam.
  • Terminal number and location. You will see the information on the ticket, but you will have to use the Internet to find out how to get to the desired place.

To avoid making mistakes, check which airport you are departing from. There are several air terminals in megacities: if you mix them up, you will not be on time for your flight.

Once on site, prepare for the entry control procedure. At large airports it is obligatory even for those seeing you off, but it’s not scary: you put your luggage on the belt and go through a metal detector. Just don’t wrap your suitcases in film, as inexperienced passengers do. If a security officer becomes suspicious, you will have to open your luggage or baggage.

What to do at the airport: electronic departure board

After preliminary control, go into the building and look for the departure board. Pay attention to the flight number (Flight) and check the check-in status:

  • Check-in, Open or Check-in Open means you arrived on time. Registration has begun and you can proceed to the special counter. Its number is indicated on the scoreboard in the Counter column.
  • On time or Open 12:00 (or another value) - registration will begin at the specified time. If nothing is specified in the field, the default is to assume that the plane will depart on schedule.
  • Delayed means the flight is delayed. Nearby the time is indicated, but not the start of the postponed check-in, but the departure. You need to arrive at the airport in advance in order to have time to go through the procedure. If there are no signs, check with airport staff for information. If the delay is more than 2 hours, they are required to provide hot drinks, and for some categories - access to the mother and child room. For longer stays, passengers are provided with meals. But services are not provided when the delay was not the fault of the carrier.
  • Canceled appears on the display when a flight is cancelled. This does not mean that the trip will not take place: contact the airport staff and they will offer you alternatives.

Learn to understand the information presented on the board, and you will no longer have to think: “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time and don’t understand what a traveler needs to know!” Your voyage will not be accompanied by unpleasant surprises.

Registration and passport control procedure: we fly without surprises

Before boarding, you will go through registration: a procedure necessary to obtain real data about the people boarding the plane. It consists of 2 stages:

  • The carrier checks personal data and ticket availability. In exchange for one of the coupons you will receive a boarding pass.
  • The next step is to check your luggage into the cargo hold. Keep the issued tag until the end of the flight: it will be useful if bags and suitcases are lost or damaged.

You can check in at the airport at the counter, at a special kiosk or online. If you are not used to flying by plane, choose the first option. But if you want to understand the online procedure, it’s not difficult: find the registration section on the website, enter your details, and, if possible, select a location. Finally, print out your boarding pass and save yourself the hassle of standing in line. Self-check-in kiosks operate on a similar principle.

At the next stage, there will be customs and border control, but only on international flights. If you need to make a declaration, go to the red corridor; the rest will go through green.

Check-in features depend on the class of service: the economy option provides for a general queue, and passengers who will be flying on a “business” basis go to separate counters.

Border control means that you show your passport and boarding pass to the service officers. They sometimes ask additional questions: “How much time do you intend to spend in the country?”, “What is the purpose of the trip?” There is no reason to worry, but you shouldn’t respond with jokes either. Even if you are asked variations of the same question, calmly provide the information you need.

If you are flying with your child to another country, you will need his valid passport and birth certificate. It is important that when traveling with one of the parents, the second’s notarized permission to leave the country will not be required. But there are exceptions, which include the Schengen states. They put forward additional requirements, so check with the country’s consulate for details.

Pre-flight inspection

If customs control is carried out only on international flights, then pre-flight inspection is a mandatory component on all routes. You have to place your luggage on the belt, remove metal objects from your pockets and go through the detector. To avoid any problems and ensure that your first flight on an airplane gives you a pleasant experience, follow these rules:

  • Prepare your documents (passport and boarding pass) in advance.
  • Remove your outer clothing. In some cases, shoes are also required for inspection; Make sure other passengers are taking it off. These things, like metal objects, are placed on a special tray. Sometimes the latter are sent in a plastic container that goes through a scanner.
  • Only leave liquid bottles holding less than 100 ml in your hand luggage.

After the procedure, you will find yourself in the departure area, where you will go through duty-free shops. But before you start shopping, find the right exit to the plane (Gate): the first time you risk getting lost. You will find the number on your boarding pass, and it is indicated in X12 format. Nearby you will see the time when you can board.

If you're flying for the first time, don't worry about security

Don't worry too much about missing your flight. Inexperienced passengers may wonder what they say at the airport when boarding a plane. In fact, everyone is warned that boarding is about to begin, so you don't miss your flight. Announcements are made in at least 2 languages. Even if you do not hear the dispatcher's message, he will repeat it several times. Separately warn about the end of registration and boarding. But you shouldn’t completely rely on the qualifications of the staff, because sometimes mistakes are possible.

About metal detector testing

Have you seen in films how an airport employee forces a passenger to undress and conducts a search in front of everyone? In real life, this is impossible, since in controversial cases a hand-held scanner is used.

To avoid detailed inspection, place all metal objects on a special tray. If the body has prosthetics, there is no reason to worry as airport staff are prepared for the situation. After making sure there are no other controversial items, they will let you board.

Security and order control

According to reviews from travelers, security and order control does not reassure, but causes discomfort. You approach the security check area in full dress, but high-heeled shoes, a fashionable belt, and a stylish bag end up in a plastic container. You are asked to undergo a full X-ray scan: the procedure is unpleasant, but eliminates the need for manual inspection.

Air carriers understand customer dissatisfaction, so they try to make the process less uncomfortable. After all, travelers are primarily annoyed by queues, restrictions on the transportation of metal objects and manual searches. To save passengers from unpleasant experiences, companies are introducing full-size scanners. According to surveys, after their installation, only 11% of air tourists began to see the procedure as a violation of rights. A few rules will help reduce discomfort:

  • Check in advance if there are any debts, because leaving the country may be closed.
  • When going through security, airport employees ask you to take off your outerwear, scarves, and sweaters. To prevent this situation, avoid wearing multi-layered outfits. Experienced travelers even put together special ensembles: they choose shoes with Velcro, belts with plastic buckles, etc.
  • In some cases you have to take off your shoes. To avoid standing barefoot on the floor, passengers are offered free shoe covers. At small airports you sometimes have to buy them.

If you think: “This is my first time flying on an airplane and I don’t know how to behave at the airport,” watch the video with a detailed description of all the stages:

Landing and its nuances

When you hear the boarding announcement, go to the correct gate and present your boarding pass. The spine is torn off and the rest is returned. Even if you miss the first announcement, the dispatcher will repeat it several times.

Passengers are then invited to board a bus, which takes them to the ramp. You will be welcomed on board by the staff, and in some cases you may see the pilots. You will then take your seat and prepare for your journey.

Passengers flying for the first time have questions about what is happening on board. Knowing what causes certain phenomena, you will not feel discomfort.

Why do they turn off the lights on an airplane during takeoff and landing?

When the plane takes off from the runway, the lights in the cabin are turned off. This also happens when landing, so that travelers’ eyes become accustomed to natural light. In a force majeure situation, you will see where to go. If the light goes out suddenly, you have to wait until your eyes get used to the changed situation.

Is there a connection on the plane when it flies?

The use of cell phones is prohibited during takeoff and landing. The rest of the time, you won’t have to wonder if there is a connection on the plane when you fly: the GSM standard means that you will contact your family. But you have to pay for SMS, as well as for using Wi-Fi on board. In the latter case, the price depends on the carrier: Aeroflot charges passengers $5 or more, while Norwegian or Turkish companies provide the service without additional fees.

Some carriers ask that phones be turned off and do not provide cellular service. They argue that security issues are a priority: the inability to make calls reduces the risk of terrorist attacks. If you need to stay in touch, check with the carrier in advance.

You can use the “Internet on board” services on flights from Aeroflot. The mobile operator's connection was disconnected in 2016.

In some cases, passengers are asked to turn off their phones, laptops and other gadgets. Disputes about the validity of the measures continue, but there are suggestions that the operation of the devices creates interference. There is also a risk that during maneuvers the gadgets will fly out of your hands and cause injury to other people.

Why buckle up on a plane: fly without incident

When the liner picks up speed, passengers seem to be pressed into their seats. But it happens that due to external conditions the pilot is forced to stop accelerating. To prevent injury, do not ignore flight attendants' requests to buckle up. During the flight, the seat belts help you survive in turbulence.

Why can't you use headphones during takeoff and landing?

During takeoff and landing, crew members are asked not to use headphones. This is due to the fact that if force majeure occurs, you will not hear the flight attendant’s commands or the pilot’s alerts.

Why is it hard to breathe on an airplane when it's flying?

It happens that there is not enough air on the plane, and you wonder what to do in this case. The problem is due to the fact that there is really little oxygen in the cabin. After all, where does the air on an airplane come from? From the engines it is supplied to the cabin, passing through purification systems. But even after treatment, oxygen is not enough: the content turns out to be at the same level as in the mountains. Those who are not used to traveling experience discomfort: after 6 hours at altitude, the level of oxygen in the blood drops by 10%. As a result, you will feel tired, even if you rested comfortably in an unfolded chair.

To get rid of the problem, carriers increase the pressure in the cabin. This is done to normalize the force with which the blood acts on the vessels. But not all airliners cope with such conditions: travelers who choose the Boeing 787 Dreamliner are among the lucky ones. Also, reducing the pressure difference, increasing humidity and saturating the air with oxygen require additional costs. Therefore, for passengers who have difficulty breathing, an oxygen bag is provided for airplane flights: ask the flight attendant for one.

What sensations arise during the flight?

When the plane begins to move along the runway, you do not feel any changes. At this time, crew members are familiarized with the rules of behavior on board, shown the location of emergency exits, and given instructions. The captain can give a short speech: greet travelers, talk about the duration of the flight and the weather at the destination.

Before taking off from the ground, the liner picks up high speed. Usually after 45 seconds. takeoff occurs. At first you will feel discomfort, as the difference in pressure will make itself felt. If your ears are blocked, try the following:

  • take a few sips of water;
  • chew chewing gum;
  • take the menthol candy;
  • yawn;
  • close your nostrils, inhale through your mouth and try to exhale through your nose (don’t let go of your nostrils);
  • For a small child, gently rub his neck, moving from the chin down, so that he makes a swallowing movement.

During the flight you will hear the noise of the engines, but their monotonous hum is calming. Turbulence can be uncomfortable, but remind yourself that airplanes are designed with turbulence in mind.

Your ears may become blocked again when you descend, so repeat the above steps. Crew members will instruct you on how to behave. When landing, there may be some shaking, and then the plane will slow down. After a few seconds of decompression, passengers are invited to exit.

What you need to know about luggage: packing your suitcase

When packing for a trip, make allowances for the airline's rules. Depending on the ticket category, limits are set on luggage (it is checked into the cargo compartment) and hand luggage (it is taken into the cabin). Check the weight norm on the company website or with employees; You will find more detailed information.

By type, luggage is divided into oversized and oversized. Both types imply that the weight limit is respected, and the deciding factor is the difference in size. If you are transporting a guitar or plasma TV, they are not classified as oversized items. In this case, notify the airline representatives in advance; Sometimes you have to pay for additional space.

Think about what to take on the plane, otherwise you'll pay for the extra pounds

Novice travelers do not know that they may not stand on ceremony with suitcases when loading them. On forums they advise wrapping luggage with film, but you should not do this at home. At the airport they will offer the corresponding service, and you will have to pay 700 rubles. If you wish, you can contact private individuals: it is possible to negotiate with them for an amount half as much.

If you have excess baggage, be prepared to pay extra, and the cost depends on the airline’s conditions. To avoid overpacking items from your carry-on luggage and leaving some of your belongings to those seeing you off, weigh your suitcases and bags at home.

What to do if you lost your ticket

Airlines sell electronic tickets, so all you need to do is print them. Preferred a paper document and lost it? Contact a company representative by finding a special window or registration point. You may be asked about the time and place of purchase, but in the end they will give you a duplicate. True, you will have to pay for the service: it is usually provided to business or premium class travelers without additional fees.

But processing will take time, so don’t report it missing at the last minute. You need to write an application and wait for approval from the air carrier.

The loss of a paper travel document only threatens air travelers who have chosen charter flights. In other cases, carriers use electronic options: the information is entered into a database and cannot be lost.

If you purchased an e-ticket and lost the printout, you can reprint it by going to the “Manage Booking” page.

What to do if you lost your luggage

After the flight, you wait with other passengers for your items to appear on the tape. But they never appear... Although the situation with lost luggage cannot be called pleasant, do not rush to get upset. Look for the counter with the inscription Lost & Found and fill out the act.

How long does the search take?

The search for lost suitcases can last 21 days, after which you should be provided with compensation:

  • in the Russian Federation you will receive 600 rubles. for 1 kg;
  • for an oversight made by a foreign carrier, you will be paid $20 per 1 kg.

Don't agree with the amount? Submit a claim to the company indicating the presence of valuables in your luggage. But you shouldn’t say goodbye to your things in advance, because most likely the tag just came off the suitcase. If the flight did not involve many transfers on lines of different companies, then the luggage will be found. According to statistics, passengers' items are returned in 85% of cases.

If you are left in a foreign country without things

Find yourself in another country without luggage? Companies often provide a set of basic items: you will receive a toothbrush and toothpaste, socks, soap. Also expect to give out $250 to buy essentials.

If you are forced to spend money on purchasing a change of clothes, keep your receipts. You will provide them to the carrier and receive compensation of 50% of the amount. But it is issued only if you are left without luggage in a place other than your permanent residence. Simply put, when you come on vacation and your suitcases are lost, count on financial payments. And if the baggage tag comes off on the way back and the items are not delivered to their destination, they will not provide assistance to buy new ones.

How to check the progress of searches

When bags or suitcases are found, the baggage search service informs the owner. But in practice, delays are possible, so monitor the situation yourself. You can clarify the results if you call the number on the receipt.

If suitcases from the luggage compartment of the plane did not make it onto the belt, contact the luggage search service

Another way to monitor the process is to use the Word Tracer system. You will need to go to the website, enter the number from the receipt issued by Lost & Found, and view the results.

When the search for things is successful, the carrier is obliged to bring them to your home. Those who refuse delivery pick up their suitcases themselves. You will need to present a passport and a previously drawn up baggage loss report, and in some cases, a customs declaration.

What to do if you are afraid to go to the toilet and miss the boarding announcement

There is no need to worry that you will not hear the announcement if you linger in the restroom. After all, notifications are carried out several times, and for 10-15 minutes. your absence will not be decisive.

But you shouldn’t rely on the integrity and organization of the carrier, especially on domestic airlines. One of the passengers shares his experience:

“I flew to Sharm el-Sheikh for a week, checked in and went to relax in the business lounge: at that time there was nowhere else to smoke in Vnukovo. The most interesting thing is that I was relaxing alone in the hall! After a while, I began to worry because there were no announcements about landing. I went to check with the airport staff and found out that the plane had taken off.

He rushed headlong to the gate, but what's the rush now? But I did not expect such a reaction from the staff. When I said I was late for boarding, one of the girls cursed loudly. It turned out that she did not count how many people who registered actually boarded the plane.

I didn’t want to make a scene because I agreed to be on the next flight. I didn’t understand what the problem was: my lateness turned into a tragedy for the shift manager, security, representatives of the carrier and travel agency. All these people ran around like they were scalded, without explaining what was going on.

It turned out that my luggage was delivered on board the plane, and it flew away with the ill-fated suitcase. According to the rules, when a passenger's belongings end up on the plane and the traveler does not fly, there is a threat of a terrorist attack. If this is found out before takeoff, the plane is stopped on the runway, people are disembarked, and a special team with dogs is called. But in my case, the blunder on the part of the staff is huge, since the liner departed. According to the instructions, I could not be released until he arrived at his destination.

“In the end, I ended up in Sharm el-Sheikh the next day, but I had to pay a $100 fine and re-check my luggage: it was delivered back to Vnukovo in the morning.”

To avoid such situations, do not rely on the organization of airport staff. If you do not hear announcements for a long time, contact one of the staff members and ask for clarification.

If you wanted to fly at the window, but were scared

Did you expect to admire the views, but in practice decided that sitting near the porthole was not comfortable? Some passengers panic when they see how high the plane is. But you don’t have to suffer for the rest of the flight: ask the flight attendant to move you to another seat.

If you change your mind about flying at the window, switch places with your neighbor

If all the seats are occupied, she will invite one of the passengers to change seats with you. There are plenty of people willing to sit near the porthole: views outside the window and a restful sleep without having to let neighbors through are considered the main advantages. When you can't change seats, lower the curtain and try to think positive thoughts. Instead of remembering the news reports about the crashes, imagine yourself arriving at your destination and starting a long-awaited vacation or having a successful meeting. After all, the window option is considered one of the best: although you will not get as much comfort as the berths provided on a premium class aircraft, you will not be disturbed by neighbors who are going to stretch their legs.

Flying for the first time: common mistakes

When you decide to master air transport, you may unknowingly miss important points. Surveys conducted by airlines show that customers feel the need to make sure they have the necessary documents, arrive early and check that their baggage limits are within their baggage limits. Thanks to these measures, you will actually get to your destination. And to make your trip more comfortable, find out what mistakes beginners can make.

Don't choose a place in advance

Some people don't realize that you can choose your seat on the plane in advance. As a result, you simply sit on the chair with the number that was assigned to you during registration. But companies allow you to reserve a specific seat, although you have to pay extra for the service.

If you have not indicated the desired option, arrive at the airport at the start of check-in. By arriving early, you won't end up at the tail end, where turbulence is more intense. But not all places in the bow are created equal! Decide in advance whether you want to look out the window and take photos or whether you prefer to sit near the aisle: this will allow you to stretch your legs without disturbing your sleeping neighbors.

Overdo it with carry-on luggage

The advice to put valuables in your carry-on luggage seems reasonable. In Russia, its weight is often limited to 5 kg when purchasing a ticket from the “economy” series. But when flying on foreign airlines or traveling in business class, it can increase to 12 or even 18 kg, depending on the cabin. The idea of ​​not parting with expensive things is tempting, but not when you are flying with transfers. Carrying additional weight with you is inconvenient.

Don't study the airport map

Getting lost in an unfamiliar place can be fun: taking a wrong turn opens up new horizons. But not when you're rushing to catch a plane! It's easy to get lost at an international airport, so check the map ahead of time. If this does not help, please contact any member of staff for assistance.

Count on Wi-Fi

An experienced traveler also talks about his mistake: Alex Zatarian, founder of Eight Sleep, is used to frequent flights. But one voyage was remembered for a long time, because Alex did not specify whether there would be Wi-Fi on board. As a result, it turned out that the carrier does not provide access to the World Wide Web at altitude. Alex did not bring documents for work and did not download the necessary files, so the next 5 hours were lost.

Doesn't clarify if food is provided

Meals are provided on board, but if you are traveling in economy class, the dishes are not culinary masterpieces. Those who are picky about food will have a snack in a restaurant or cafe at the airport, because surprises may await you on board. For example, this set of products was served to a passenger who ordered a vegetarian dish. The duration of the flight is unknown, although after the photo was published online, the carrier promised to improve services.

Don't think that food can only be disappointing on lesser-known airlines. Spoiled fruit was also brought to a passenger flying with British Airlines.

However, the difference between food in economy class and business class is noticeable.

Meals on Korean-Air in Economy Class

Business lunch on a flight with Korean Air: when flying is a pleasure

If you don't want to overpay for business class, bring dried fruit, granola bars, nuts and sandwiches to the cabin just in case. By taking a cup and a portion of instant porridge, you will also expand the menu, because you can ask the flight attendant for boiling water. Just don’t take the yoghurts that many people love: they are classified as liquids, and their volume is limited.

With these tips, you won't have to say to yourself, "This is my first time on a plane, what do I need to know?" By thinking through the nuances, you will make the trip more enjoyable.

To make your trip without any troubles, take into account even the nuances. After all, when it comes to comfort, there are no trifles: only details.

What day of the week to fly

If date and time are not important, choose non-busy flights. Most travelers fly out on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. After all, at the beginning of the week businessmen start work, and before the weekend people go on vacation. You'll see most air travelers on Fridays during the summer months. To find a convenient seat, fly on other days.

When to register

Some passengers advise being one of the last to check in. After all, this means that your luggage will be loaded later than other things - and unloaded earlier. You won't have to wait long for it to appear on your feed.

What to take with you

Unless you're flying premium, bring your own headphones. The models offered in the “economy” sector will not please you with their quality.

Are you planning to cross the border? Take a pen to fill out your migration card without begging other passengers or airport staff for stationery.

How to protect your skin from harmful radiation

Use a cream with UV protection. Studies show that a pilot receives the same amount of radiation in 1 hour of flight as in 20 minutes. stay in the solarium. If you sit far from the porthole, the dose will be less, but the measure should not be neglected.

Should you drink drinks while you're flying?

Should you drink coffee or tea prepared on board? It's up to you, but the results of a study done by Wall Street Journal journalists are not encouraging. They collected 14 samples of drinks served on different airlines and conducted research.

The results of the examination were unexpected even for pessimists. The list of microscopic life forms you definitely don't want to ingest includes salmonella, staph, and even insect eggs. The number of bacteria was hundreds of times higher than the standards established in the United States. The situation in Russia is unlikely to be any better, so be careful. Bottled drinks served on board are much safer.

Can you expect high standards of service?

If you fly economy class, you get a basic set of services. But you're unlikely to be pleased by the revelations of Sarah Scott, a former flight attendant at US Airways. She says the folding tables that attach to the seats are rarely wiped down. Prepare wet wipes in advance to clean the surface. But what’s worse is that the pillows and blankets provided to passengers on transcontinental flights are not always clean: they are washed when the dirt becomes noticeable.


When traveling by plane for the first time, do not be afraid to encounter difficulties. After all, the main thing is that you buy a ticket, take an internal or foreign passport and arrive at the airport on time for registration. This is enough to get you safely to your destination country. But for comfort, you need to take into account the nuances: by taking care of them in advance, you will give yourself a pleasant flight experience.

Is this your first time flying on an airplane? Don't know what and how? We will help you navigate the airport - from the necessary documents for departure and passing through security control, to boarding the plane. Traveling by plane is easy and simple!

You should arrive at the airport 2 hours before check-in for the plane in order to have time to go through all the procedures before departure, because... It may be necessary to undergo additional types of control, in addition to customs and border control. You may also be asked to undergo sanitary-quarantine, immigration, veterinary, and phytosanitary controls. Be prepared for this and don’t worry, everything usually happens quickly and without problems.

Documents you will need:

  1. Passport.
  2. Air ticket or itinerary receipt.
  3. A valid visa for the country of flight (if necessary).
  4. For children under 18 years of age, consent from parents or guardians certified by a notary will be required (if the child is traveling alone). If a child is traveling with a grandparent, parental or guardian consent will be required.
Airport check-in
  1. Find out the check-in number on the information board and go to it.
  2. Show your passport, check in your checked baggage and collect your boarding pass.
  3. Use a self-check-in kiosk if your airline supports it.
Security control
  1. Place your carry-on baggage (baggage that is allowed on board the plane) onto the scanning belt.
  2. Place metal objects (belt, watch, etc.) along with outerwear in a special container. Also, place containers with liquid in special packaging in the container.
  3. Electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, photo and video cameras and others should be placed in a separate container.
  4. Go through the metal detector frame. If the metal detector beeps, then you will be asked to undergo a manual search.
Boarding an airplane
  1. With your boarding pass and carry-on luggage, proceed to your desired boarding gate/gate. The gate number is usually on the boarding pass.
  2. You will be required to provide your boarding pass before boarding the aircraft. Next, you will be redirected to the required sleeve and (or) a special bus that will take you to the plane.
  3. On board, find your seat or choose any free seat if it is not indicated on your boarding pass.
  4. Place your hand luggage in the overhead bin above your seat and take your seat.
  5. People with disabilities, pregnant women and people caring for small children have priority when boarding.
  6. Some airlines may not allow a pregnant woman 8 months pregnant to board; such a flight can be dangerous for the mother and fetus. Take care of yourself!

This is my first time flying (travelling) abroad, I’m afraid. I’m flying on an airplane for the first time, what should I do, what should I know? What do those who are flying abroad for the first time need to know? What to do at the airport, how not to miss the plane, how to go through registration, customs and passport control at the airport?

Are you going abroad, abroad on vacation or on a business trip for the first time? This article contains the whole path, the algorithm, from purchasing a tour to collecting the necessary things for the trip, what to do if you are traveling with children, arriving at the airport, checking in for the flight, customs and passport control, arrival, transfer, check-in at the hotel and etc. before leaving the hotel. Have a comfortable trip abroad!

Buy a tour

The very first thing to do is choose a good tour. Travel agency staff will help you with this. They will select and book rooms in a suitable hotel. Typically, booking takes from a few minutes to several hours. Afterwards the contract is signed.

If you have chosen a tour to a country with which you have entered into an agreement with visa-free entry, then you do not need to prepare additional documents.

If you need a visa, you must give the travel agency employees: international passport, 3x4 photo, medical certificates, income certificates, as well as money to pay for a visa.

Keep in mind that if you travel to a “visa” country, you may be denied entry into the country even if the voucher has already been purchased. Therefore, purchase “cancellation insurance”, in which case in an unforeseen situation you will get your money back.

The contract with the travel agency must contain the following information:

  • country visited;
  • how many people the tour is designed for;
  • does the price include meals (breakfasts, breakfasts and dinners, all inclusive) or not;
  • detailed information about the hotel;
  • length of stay;
  • perhaps other data.

After concluding the contract, the travel agency employee must provide you with information about the departure time and flight number. As a rule, all the necessary documents will be given a few days or a few hours before departure - it all depends on the accepted practice of the company.

Of course, if it is agreed that documents will be issued several hours before departure, natural concerns arise. What if the employee doesn’t come? What if something is wrong with the documents? Don't worry! This is a well-established practice; the company carefully checks everything and makes sure that you receive your documents in a timely manner - any discrepancies are excluded. All documents are waiting at the operator's desk at the airport three hours before departure. All you have to do is pick it up.

If you have children traveling with you, who have not yet reached 18 years of age, each child must have one registered in their name. If a child travels with only one parent or with an accompanying non-parent, it is necessary to have a notarized permission to export the minor.

After receiving, no matter at the office of a travel company or at the airport, be sure to check the documents.

The package must contain for each traveler:

  • a set of air tickets (round trip, as well as for intermediate flights, if provided). The ticket can be provided electronically on plain paper;
  • voucher (three copies) granting the right to stay at the hotel;
  • individual medical insurance with detailed conditions.

Be sure to learn about the country's traditions, religious rituals, history, important monuments and shrines. Familiarize yourself with some laws that may affect you. For example, is it prohibited to drink alcohol or smoke in public places, etc. It's good if you can learn a few phrases that will help in the future.

Be sure to make copies of all documents you take with you on your trip. Also take care to make and save an electronic copy of your passport in your mailbox. In an unforeseen situation, you can print documents anywhere in the world.

Upon arrival at the hotel, immediately resolve the issue with the safe. All documents, jewelry, bank cards must be stored only in a safe. Take copies with you, as well as the money and cards you plan to use.

Stock up on a first aid kit, which should contain a set of the most commonly used medications:

  • antipyretics;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs used for food poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • drugs to avoid burns and minimize their consequences;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • medications that you are forced to take constantly, as well as anti-allergy medications.

Remember, some drugs may be prohibited for import into a particular country. Therefore, you must have a prescription certified by a doctor’s seal.

Separately write down, preferably in several places, all the telephone numbers that you may need: bank, tour operator, embassy, ​​numbers of relatives and close friends. This way you will save a lot of nerves and time in case of unforeseen circumstances.

When leaving the hotel, do not take all the money at once, but only a certain amount and only one card that you plan to use.

Before your trip, check the expiration date of your payment cards and write down your PIN codes separately. It would be useful to clarify the conditions for using bank cards abroad. It is possible that your card is only valid within the country, or that a fee will be deducted in other states.

If there are restrictions, get another card with favorable conditions.

When calculating your travel budget, assume that you need to spend 50 dollars or euros per day. This way you will avoid troubles and be able to relax normally, go on tours and buy memorable souvenirs.

In many countries, for example in Egypt, Turkey, merchants can accept both local currency and dollars and euros. They often offer their own course, which is significantly worse than the official one, and the purchase price will increase. It is better to change currency at one of the points, for example at a hotel, airport or directly in Kazakhstan. Do not use special exchange machines - they usually have an inflated exchange rate.

When paying for a purchase, try to minimize the use of a bank card; it is better to pay in cash. Just in case, it doesn’t hurt to have “money in plastic” with you.

When planning a trip, remember that the total baggage per person should not exceed 20 kg (for economy class) or 30 kg (for first and business class). You will have to pay extra for the excess. The weight of each individual bag can exceed 30 kg.

To protect your luggage from possible damage, and primarily from theft, wrap the bag with stretch film, wrapping it many times. You can find out more about the rules for carrying hand luggage at the airport.

Do not take parcels, packages, bags from strangers or even acquaintances to give to friends, relatives, etc. who meet you in a foreign country; there are international delivery services for this. If there is something forbidden hidden inside the package, you will be jailed.

How to fit a lot of things in one suitcase? How to properly compactly pack a suitcase for a trip? In general, if you don’t want to know how to put all your things in a suitcase so that everything fits, watch the video “How to pack 100 things in one suitcase.”

If we are traveling with a child. Minimizing the risk of illness

A week before departure on the tour, minimize all contact with other children. Consult your pediatrician; it may not hurt to prescribe your baby medications that strengthen the immune system.

If you go to a place where there are a lot of children, your risk of getting an infection increases dramatically. It is better to plan your vacation for June, September, or in winter (excluding the winter holidays). If that doesn’t work out, then it’s better to pay attention to tourist destinations that are less popular among vacationers.

Always keep fever reducers, food poisoning and allergy medications in your first aid kit.


So, after you have received the documents, check their completeness. Must be:

  • round trip air tickets. Please note that seats are marked on tickets immediately upon check-in before departure;
  • a voucher granting the right to check into a hotel. Check the hotel, length of stay, whether meals are included in the price;
  • Passports must contain visas (in the form of a stamp or a pasted hologram). Usually they are placed on any free page of the passport, not necessarily in a row, for example in the middle of the document. After you have received and checked your documents, you will have to: - go through customs, check in your luggage, check in for your flight and go through passport control.

If this is your first time at the airport, you can sit behind one of the passengers on your flight and follow him through all the necessary procedures.

Below you will learn in detail about each stage before boarding the plane.

customs control

At this stage, customs officers check whether you are carrying items prohibited for export or import: antiques, etc. It is necessary to declare an amount in any currency equivalent to 10,000 US dollars or more.

There are two areas at customs:

  • "Green corridor" Passengers who do not carry prohibited items, such as tourists, usually pass through;
  • "Red channel intended for passengers who need to fill out a declaration.

Remember, after passing through control, customs officers can selectively inspect the luggage of any passenger. Usually they pay attention to those who are in a hurry or nervous. Therefore, do not try to hide anything to avoid serious problems.

After passing through customs control, you can no longer return to the hall.


It is recommended to arrive at the airport no later than two hours before departure. The flight number is indicated on the ticket. Upon arrival, look for information on the desired flight on special boards. On the screen you will see the numbers of the counters (up to five counters can be allocated) where check-in is underway for the flight you need.

When checking in, you can politely ask for the most comfortable seats, for example, by the window or vice versa, closer to the aisle if you are flying with a small child.

At the check-in counter you check in your luggage, receive boarding passes (they will act as a pass when entering the plane), which will contain very important information for you, namely the gate number, in English “Gate”, flight number and departure time .
For example, GATE 11 means gate 11 - there you will need to look for your plane. 40 minutes before departure, they will announce over the loudspeaker that boarding for your flight is beginning, the gate number is such and such - come over.

At the check-in counter you also check your luggage, leaving your hand luggage with you(marked with a special sticker, and a similar sticker is given to you), the airport employee marks the hand luggage with a sticker - “Into the cabin”.

After passing through a special corridor, you find yourself on the plane. Here, flight attendants will help you get into your seats and serve drinks and food during the flight. If you are flying with children, bring food to the airport and on the plane.

Passport control

You need to go through passport control one at a time. Minors travel together with their parents or accompanying person.

Show the airport employee your passport and boarding pass- he will make a note in his passport about crossing the state border. From now on you are in neutral territory.

If you are going to fly abroad in a large group, it is better to immediately distribute passports to everyone and include a boarding pass in them to speed up the process.

During passport control, you must go through a metal detector, and hand luggage is checked separately. Don't worry, this is standard procedure to ensure your safety and the safety of your flight.

After completing all the procedures, you find yourself in the waiting room. Here you can buy souvenirs, alcoholic drinks, clothes and other goods in the duty free zone. You can pay for goods in tenge, US dollars or euros.

In the waiting room, pay close attention to the information on the screens. The start of boarding for your flight (usually 30-40 minutes before departure) will be announced over the loudspeaker. To board the desired aircraft, proceed to the Gate indicated on your boarding pass.

Before boarding, you may be checked again with a metal detector. To board the plane, present your ticket and passport to the airport employee.

After arriving at the airport at your destination

Upon arrival at your destination at the airport, you go through all the procedures, but in reverse order. The exception is personal search. You won't have to go through it again.

To go through passport control after arrival, prepare the following documents:

  • international passport;
  • immigration card. In it you need to enter personal information: first name, last name, citizenship, arrival flight number, period for which you arrived in the country, name of the hotel where the rooms are booked. If you have children on the tour, you need to enter information about them. When filling out the card, do not hesitate to ask for help from passengers who can read and write English.
  • in countries such as Egypt, Thailand, Türkiye and in other countries with an easier visa regime for Kazakhstan, you can get a visa right at the airport. It is presented in the form of a sticker-mark with a hologram. You only need to purchase one sticker for each passport. If your children are included in your passport, you do not need to purchase a visa for them separately.

The border service officer puts a corresponding stamp on the foreign passport indicating entry into the country. He may also ask to see a voucher confirming your hotel reservation.

When you go out to the airport, don’t be scared, it just seems like a big and inhospitable labyrinth. Follow the crowd and join the flow. There is nowhere else to go, no matter what country you are in. In fact, everything is very simple, you just run your nose first to passport control, and from there to the baggage belt. Next, look for a representative of the tour operator among the crowd of people greeting you. You can recognize him by a special sign or T-shirt with the inscription. Here you check in, a representative will show you which bus to go to.

We receive luggage

To claim your luggage, find the transfer belt that matches your flight. Here you can collect your luggage. Don't confuse your luggage with someone else's. To make sure that the bag is yours without printing it, compare the number of the sticker pasted and the one you have on hand.

Then hand over your luggage to the bus driver and take one of the empty seats.

If you could not find your luggage, contact the baggage tracing service, providing the sticker you have on hand. If you do not speak other languages, look for the sign of the tour operator representative who meets you and tell your situation.


Transfer is delivery from the airport to the hotel. Don't be afraid to miss the bus; the guides won't leave until the whole group has gathered. But don’t keep others waiting either.

During the transfer, you can ask your guide for the most important information: features of the country, the most profitable and closest currency exchange points, and he will also indicate where you can meet with another guide who will supervise your stay in the country throughout the entire period.

If for some reason you are forced to stay late, you can also get to the hotel by taxi. Just show the driver your voucher with your hotel information and he will take you to your desired destination. Remember, this trip is at your own expense.


After arriving at the hotel, you can leave your luggage in a special place. Don’t be afraid to contact the staff, they will help you with everything. Now you need to contact the receptionist and provide your voucher and passport. To check in, fill out a special form (one per room).

Abroad, it is common practice to ask visitors for a deposit- this is a certain amount (usually 100 US dollars) that you leave for using the telephone, the Internet, and the bar in the room. Don't worry. If you do not use paid services, the money will be returned in full or in part, minus payment for the services provided.

Unfortunately, it is often impossible to receive the keys before two o'clock in the afternoon local time. Therefore, if you arrived earlier, you can relax in a specially designated area or get acquainted with the hotel infrastructure.

After checking into your room, inspect it. Check if everything works (TV, air conditioning, hot shower, lights are on). Wait until evening. Perhaps the music playing from the window is too loud, interfering with sleep. If you are not satisfied with anything, ask for another number, citing the identified problems.

Be sure to store all documents, money, and jewelry in a safe. Some hotels provide this service for an additional fee.

We leave the hotel

Check-out from the hotel in most countries around the world is carried out before 12 noon local time. By this time, you must collect all your things and hand over the keys to the administrator at the Reception. If your flight is in the evening, your luggage can be checked into a storage room.

Porters will help you carry heavy luggage (Luggage boy)- call Reception to call them. Before transfer to the airport, you will be able to freely use the hotel infrastructure (in some hotels only the paid part of the services), luggage is stored free of charge.

Upon arrival at the airport, you need to go through the already familiar procedures.

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An airplane is perhaps one of the fastest means of transportation to get from one point on Earth to another in a short time. Of course, there are those who fly constantly with a huge amount of knowledge about the rules of conduct on airplanes and airports, navigating them as if they were at home. But there are also those who have never flown in their lives. This article will be useful to those who intend to take their first flight on an airplane.

It's no secret that wherever we go, we must show a ticket, and the plane is no exception. Tickets can be purchased online, at ticket offices, at the airport, or even through travel agencies or agencies that book and sell them. Be that as it may, the ticket you purchase will be stored electronically in the air carrier’s database.

If you are purchasing a ticket from home, it is important to enter your passport details correctly using an international or civil passport (depending on where you are going), after which the ticket purchased on the website should be printed. You can, of course, not print it out, because this will not be a reason to refuse the trip, however, it is better to have a printout with you.

Arrival at the airport

So, the day of departure. It is important to understand that you must arrive at the airport two hours before the plane departs. And to do everything slowly, you still need to add half an hour. This is especially true for those who are forced to fly from an unfamiliar airport. Plus, you need to take into account the congestion of the route.

If you are new to flying and the question “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time, what should I do at the airport?” relevant for you, subsequent information will be extremely important for you. If you are at a large airport, it is often divided into several terminals. From which terminal you are scheduled to depart is indicated on your ticket.

Arrival at the airport must be 2 hours before departure

So what should you do when you arrive at your terminal? First of all, you need to go through security control. To do this, you place your suitcases on a special scanner and pass through the frame. It is advisable to put all personal belongings - wallet, keys, mobile phone - in a separate handbag, since during inspection you need to take everything out of your pockets.

Registration procedure

You find a departures board - the latest information about the flight, as well as the numbers of the necessary counters for making the flight.

Luggage is checked in at the counter where check-in takes place, and you take hand luggage on board. For this purpose you will be given a boarding pass. Often, you take hand luggage with you and check in a suitcase (its weight should not exceed 20 kg). The air carrier indicates on the ticket or on the website.

Moreover, if you arrive early, you can ask for the desired seat, for example near the window. For those who are afraid of heights, it is best to take an aisle seat. If you are tall, a seat near the emergency exit will suit you. It is always better to keep your boarding pass handy, as you will be showing it more than once.

Luggage is checked in at the counter where check-in takes place, and you take hand luggage on board.

The boarding pass indicates the gate number. You must follow the signs. Some airports also use sector numbers. Therefore, you first need to find your sector, and then the boarding gate.

Passport control

Before boarding, you must go through security and passport control if you are crossing the border. Airport screening has certain rules set by the country. Often you need to take off your shoes, remove your belt, and empty your pockets. Some people ask you to take all electronics out of your bags and turn them on. When going through inspection, you should listen carefully to the employees who explain the inspection rules.

If you are taking medications, they are transported according to certain rules and you must read about this in advance on the carrier’s website. If you are flying to another country, you go through passport control. Border service officers check the availability of a visa in order to have the right to leave the country and freely visit the host country. You should also go through customs - the so-called green corridor. You walk along it without things that need to be declared, or with already declared ones.

The procedure for passing passport control and inspection when crossing the border


After all security checks, you proceed to the departure area. It’s better to find your gate right away, even if you have a lot of time before your flight and decide to go shopping. Remember that the departure may be announced either over the speakerphone or invited near the exit, so you should keep an eye on the time.

Before boarding, you will be required to show your boarding pass and passport again. You will be given a boarding pass stub indicating your row and seat. And then, you will either be taken to the plane by bus, or you will walk to the plane along a telescopic ramp.

You will walk to the plane via a telescopic bridge.

If the question is “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time, what do I need to know?” is bothering you and you are afraid of getting lost, remember that every airport has a convenient navigation system and is full of signs, every airport employee will always help you.

“I’m afraid to fly on an airplane for the first time.” — If you recognize yourself, below we will describe the basic principles of behavior on board for those who are afraid.

  1. If you are afraid of heights, choose a place near the aisle. If you are afraid of turbulence, do not choose a seat at the back of the plane, as the shaking is more noticeable there. For people who suffer from claustrophobia, it is better to sit near the emergency exit or aisle. In order to choose the desired seat, ask at the airport during check-in for the desired seat, or carefully book your ticket online.
  2. Dress loosely and comfortably for the flight. You may even want to bring slippers with you, especially if the flight is 10-12 hours. Don't be afraid that you won't change your clothes, that's not true. Remember the trains. You can also always ask the flight attendant for a pillow and blanket.
  3. Psychologists and doctors advise that you should take lollipops with you. Delicious fun will distract you and prevent ear congestion and motion sickness during the flight. Chewing gum has the same effect.
  4. Also, those who are afraid of flying should never think badly. But if bad thoughts overwhelm you, you just need to create a comic book in your head where your fear turns into the sweetest creature, and you land favorably. Clouds can act as balloons, cotton blankets or spring mattresses that throw you up into the air. It is enough to turn on your imagination.
  5. Psychologists also advise breathing properly on an airplane. Deep breathing will immerse you in a peaceful atmosphere. Take deep breaths through your stomach and exhale through your mouth. This type of breathing will slow your heart rate and relax your muscles. To quickly achieve relaxation, you can also concentrate on breathing.
  6. You can also look out the window during the flight, so to speak, to control the situation overboard when everything is stable. After all, a person with control of the situation always behaves confidently.
  7. You can also take your favorite toy with you so that you always have it in your hands; it is in the limbs that there are nerve endings, thereby distracting the brain from obsessive thoughts and fear.

Clothes on the plane should be comfortable and loose so that you feel comfortable

And finally, don't panic. After all, nothing can compare with the beauty of the earth when you look at it from above, and flying above the clouds and the sun, and a magnificent sunset, you will hardly ever be able to see such beauties, and the question “is it scary to fly on an airplane for the first time?” once" at the sight of such beauties will disappear by itself.

Frequently asked questions by beginners on the topic of the first flight

Many “airspace pioneers” often ask the question of how to fly an airplane for the first time, what to take, what to leave, whether they will be allowed through or not, and so on. Below we will try to answer the main ones and give useful tips for a comfortable flight.

  1. Will a metal detector detect crowns in teeth? – as a rule, the device does not respond to them. Moreover, when you are in front of the frame, you do not need to take off your rings or earrings. But the detector can react to cigarettes and even condoms (after all, the packages contain aluminum). Therefore, it would be more appropriate to put them out of your pockets.
  2. As for hand luggage, you need to be careful when selecting items, since in some countries even cosmetics may be confiscated from you during control.
  3. Boarding begins 40 minutes before departure. If you have plenty of time, you can go to duty-free.
  4. Also, do not wait in line long before the plane departs. You shouldn't sit, especially before a long flight. Go ahead and shake yourself up.
  5. What clothes should you take on the plane? — In all planes the average temperature is +22 degrees. It is worth focusing on the weather, as well as the point of arrival. If you're flying from cold to hot, bring a jacket that will fit easily into your pack when you arrive. Don’t take sheepskin coats and fur coats with you, it’s of no use, and they’ll only get in the way in the chair. The same applies to the opposite option, when you fly from hot to cold. Take the jacket as hand luggage and simply throw it on before boarding.
  6. Many also take a change of clothes and shoes with them to the salon. You can change clothes in the aircraft toilet. This is better than arriving in the tropics in a down jacket and getting cooked in it. For long distances, slippers and socks are perfect. You will be comfortable and comfortable, and you won’t get boiled in your boots.
  7. You should not fly on a plane in tight shoes. The loads are already considerable, plus you also create pressure on the vessels with tight shoes, increasing the risk of vein thrombosis.
  8. The air on the plane is dry. Therefore, those who wear contact lenses, either stock up on eye drops or fly with glasses.
  9. If you are flying for the first time, you should not drink alcohol. Test how your vestibular system will react during the flight. Many may experience nausea and dizziness. And drinking alcohol on a plane will only increase your body’s reactions.
  10. If you suffer from seasickness, first of all, a seat near the wings will do, and take some sour candies with you. Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances, as you will experience dizziness and nausea. Additionally, smoking is prohibited on airplanes, but is sometimes permitted on board.
  11. What to do on the plane? – It’s no secret that the liners are equipped with LCD monitors for watching movies or cartoons. So you choose what you want to watch, put on your headphones and enjoy watching. You can also take your favorite book, crossword puzzles, or just ask for a blanket, pillow and sleep. This way, time on the plane will fly by.

We hope that with the help of our tips you will make your first trip without fear.