Umar Dzhabrailov was detained after the shooting at the hotel. Business patriot and ex-senator: what is Umar Dzhabrailov, who carried out the hotel shooting, known for? Kommersant: Dzhabrailov told investigators that he was checking the gun in the hotel room


Businessman and ex-senator Umar Dzhabrailov near the building of the Kitay-Gorod police station, where he was taken after the shooting incident in hotel room downtown. The founder of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia "Avanti" Umar Dzhabrailov was detained in a hotel Four Seasons after firing from award pistol, as a result of which no one was injured
RIA Novosti / Vasily Kuzmichenok

There are suspicions that businessman and ex-senator from Chechnya Umar Dzhabrailov was intoxicated when on the night of August 30 started shooting in the capital Hotel Four Seasons at the Kremlin walls, confirmed. As reporters were told RBC and agencies "Moscow" law enforcement sources, the drug test was positive.

The Main Directorate of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to officially comment on this information, explaining that it is not subject to public disclosure as investigative data. The businessman’s press secretary, Grigory Gorchakov, said: “I don’t think this is so, it looks like a canard in the media.” When asked about Dzhabrailov’s condition, the press secretary replied: “It’s normal, he’s recovering.”

It was previously reported that in the detainee's room found white powder .

The police were called to the hotel on Okhotny Ryad on the evening of August 29 by hotel security, who, using video cameras, saw a certain guest in the elevator with a pistol in his hands. Three police officers arrived at the scene, proceeded to the sixth floor and knocked on room 633, an apartment with three rooms and a kitchen. Dzhabrailov opened the door, holding a pistol pointed at the floor. For some reason he said that he would not give up without a fight. The police managed to persuade him to put the gun on the floor, they saw holes in the ceiling, after which Dzhabrailov was taken in handcuffs to the police station (from where he was later released under recognizance not to leave). A Yarygin brand award pistol was confiscated from the businessman.

He explained to the police: while relaxing in his room, he decided to check the pistol, which he had never used for several years. And since the ex-senator from Chechnya had no experience in handling weapons, he accidentally fired upwards several times.

Kommersant's sources they assure that the fact of using the pistol can be easily verified. The Yarygin pistol from which Dzhabrailov shot was a reward, presented to him by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nurgaliev.

Regular cartridges are issued to the recipient along with the pistol, and their quantity, brand and serial numbers are entered in a special invoice, which the owner must keep along with the permit. From the scene of the incident, investigators seized spent cartridges, bullets and cartridges remaining in the pistol magazine. They were also sent for an examination, which will determine whether Dzhabrailov used ammunition included in the award weapon kit or others.

At the same time, Dzhabrailov will be able to avoid criminal liability. Some sources close to the businessman said that it is incorrect to talk about hooliganism in a public place. A hotel room, according to civil law, is the temporary place of residence of the citizen who rented it. Therefore, Dzhabrailov should face administrative punishment.

The media reported the detention of 59-year-old millionaire from Chechnya and former member of the Federation Council Umar Dzhabrailov in Moscow. According to various publications, a businessman, dissatisfied with the service at the hotel, opened fire in the premises. “360” tells what the odious businessman is known for.

Dzhabrailov’s detention was reported on August 30. “ Interfax », « Kommersant" And RIA News" citing sources in law enforcement agencies. A case of hooliganism was opened against the man.

The incident occurred at the Four Seasons Hotel the night before, Kommersant writes. Hotel employees used the panic button and then showed the arriving police video from surveillance cameras. It showed a man with a gun riding in an elevator. Law enforcement officers went up to the sixth floor, where Dzhabrailov lived, and knocked on his room. The man opened the door, but, according to Kommersant, when the police demanded that he lay down his arms, the businessman said: “I won’t give up without a fight.” However, after repeated demands, Dzhabrailov nevertheless complied with it.

Law enforcement officers found holes in the ceiling and scattered shell casings in the room. The ex-senator was handcuffed and then taken to the police station. The man fired from Yarygin’s award pistol with documents for the right to carry it. According to the publication, a medical examination showed that traces of drugs were found in Dzhabrailov’s blood.

Dzhabrailova is also involved in social activities. He is an honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, a trustee of the Russian Islamic Heritage movement, and the founder of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism.

As Kommersant learned, ex-senator Umar Dzhabrailov carried out a shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of the capital while under the influence of cocaine. Residues of the drug in the tests taken from Mr. Dzhabrailov were discovered by specialists from the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. Mr. Dzhabrailov was fined by the magistrate court for using cocaine, and he will soon appear before the Tverskoy District Court for hooliganism.

As follows from the decision of the 370th magistrate court district, Umar Dzhabrailov, who had not previously been involved in administrative responsibility, committed an administrative offense, namely, used a narcotic drug without a doctor’s prescription. The court found that on August 29 at 22:25, Mr. Dzhabrailov took cocaine in his room at the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad Street. Exactly five minutes after this, the hotel staff called the police - Mr. Dzhabrailov, who had clearly lost control of himself, fired several times from an award pistol into the ceiling of the room, after which he began to wander with the weapon along the corridor of the sixth floor. By the time the law enforcement officers arrived, Mr. Dzhabrailov had returned to his room. At first, he told the police that he “wouldn’t give up without a fight,” but then he laid down his weapon and allowed himself to be handcuffed.

The next day after the arrest, the police escorted Umar Dzhabrailov to the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, where an analysis of the suspect’s urine showed the presence of cocaine and its metabolite in it - 90–95% of the taken dose of this drug is excreted from the body within two to three days. in the form of unchanged cocaine and its derivatives.

Having received the results of the analysis and examination of Mr. Dzhabrailov, the police investigator, who had previously opened criminal case No. 11701450169000215 against the ex-senator under Part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism), on September 26, separated into separate proceedings materials containing information about the use of narcotic drugs by the accused - on the grounds of an administrative offense under Art. 6.9 of the Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses.

Having studied the case materials, the court came to the conclusion that the protocol on administrative offense in relation to Mr. Dzhabrailov, the investigator compiled it quite reasonably.

There is no objective data in the case to refute the doctor’s conclusion and the contents of the medical examination report. The fact that Umar Dzhabrailov was in a state of drug intoxication, the court decided, “is confirmed by the entire body of evidence examined.” When imposing the punishment, the court took into account the circumstances and nature of the offense committed, the identity of the perpetrator Dzhabrailov, as well as the lack of information about bringing him to administrative responsibility earlier. As a result, Mr. Dzhabrailov was fined 4 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the ex-senator was present at the meeting, during which he was recognized as an administrative violator and fully admitted his guilt. As Mr. Dzhabrailov’s defense expects, after he admits guilt, he will receive the minimum punishment in a criminal case of hooliganism. The Tverskoy District Court will consider it in a special manner on November 22.

The results of the analysis and examination of the ex-senator from Chechnya revealed the presence of cocaine and its metabolite in his blood

Ex-senator Umar Dzhabrailov carried out a shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of the capital while under the influence of cocaine. Residues of the drug in the tests taken from Mr. Dzhabrailov were discovered by specialists from the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. Mr. Dzhabrailov was fined by the magistrate court for using cocaine, and he will soon appear before the Tverskoy District Court for hooliganism.

As follows from the decision of the 370th Magistrate Court District, Umar Dzhabrailov, who had not previously been brought to administrative responsibility, committed an administrative offense, namely, he used a narcotic drug without a doctor’s prescription. The court found that on August 29 at 22:25, Mr. Dzhabrailov took cocaine in his room at the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad Street. Exactly five minutes after this, the hotel staff called the police - Mr. Dzhabrailov, who had clearly lost control of himself, fired several times from an award pistol into the ceiling of the room, after which he began to wander with the weapon along the corridor of the sixth floor. By the time the law enforcement officers arrived, Mr. Dzhabrailov had returned to his room. At first, he told the police that he “wouldn’t give up without a fight,” but then he laid down his weapon and allowed himself to be handcuffed.

The next day after the arrest, the police escorted Umar Dzhabrailov to the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, where an analysis of the suspect’s urine showed the presence of cocaine and its metabolite in it - 90–95% of the taken dose of this drug is excreted from the body within two to three days. in the form of unchanged cocaine and its derivatives.

Umar Dzhabrailov carried out a shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of the capital while under the influence of cocaine

Having received the results of the analysis and examination of Mr. Dzhabrailov, the police investigator, who had previously opened criminal case No. 11701450169000215 against the ex-senator under Part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism), on September 26, separated into separate proceedings materials containing information about the use of narcotic drugs by the accused - on the grounds of an administrative offense under Art. 6.9 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

Having studied the case materials, the court came to the conclusion that the protocol on the administrative offense against Mr. Dzhabrailov was drawn up by the investigator quite reasonably.

There is no objective data in the case to refute the doctor’s conclusion and the contents of the medical examination report. The fact that Umar Dzhabrailov was in a state of drug intoxication, the court decided, “is confirmed by the entire body of evidence examined.” When imposing the punishment, the court took into account the circumstances and nature of the offense committed, the identity of the perpetrator Dzhabrailov, as well as the lack of information about bringing him to administrative responsibility earlier. As a result, Mr. Dzhabrailov was fined 4 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the ex-senator was present at the meeting, during which he was recognized as an administrative violator and fully admitted his guilt. As Mr. Dzhabrailov’s defense expects, after he admits guilt, he will receive the minimum punishment in a criminal case of hooliganism. The Tverskoy District Court will consider it in a special manner on November 22.

Nikolay Sergeev

"Kommersant", 08/31/17, “Man with an award pistol”

On Wednesday, Moscow businessman, former member of the Federation Council from Chechnya Umar Dzhabrailov, who carried out a wanton shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel, became involved in a criminal case of hooliganism. Considering that the businessman, as his friends say, shot at the ceiling by accident - he was checking the serviceability of his pistol - and the incident itself did not occur in a public place, but in a hotel room rented by the ex-senator, he may well avoid criminal liability. But the Yarygin pistol, which Senator Dzhabrailov was awarded by the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs many years ago, will most likely have to be surrendered.

According to Kommersant's sources, no one saw or heard the actual moment of the shooting, which occurred late on Tuesday evening. The security of the Four Seasons Hotel, located on Okhotny Ryad, literally a hundred meters from the entrance to Red Square, was alarmed when they saw on the video surveillance monitor how a guest of the establishment entered the elevator on the sixth floor with a pistol in his hand. The security officials themselves did not dare to detain the dangerous guest; they called a police squad from the nearest Kitai-Gorod department and suggested that the law enforcement officers deal with the armed client who was staying in room 633.

However, when the law enforcement officers demanded that he surrender his weapons, for some reason he declared that he “wouldn’t give up without a fight.” Fortunately, there was no bloodshed - the guest was nevertheless persuaded to disarm, and then they put him on the floor, handcuffed.

Explaining the origin of the weapon, the detainee provided the police with permission to store and carry Yarygin’s combat pistol, which he was awarded by order of the then head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev. The businessman explained the shots into the ceiling as his unfortunate mistake. According to his version, while relaxing in his room, he decided to test the pistol, which he had never used for several years, and since he had no experience in handling weapons at all, he fired several random shots upwards.

Photo: Alexander Miridonov / Kommersant

The detainee has already undergone an examination to establish whether Mr. Dzhabrailov was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the shooting (according to the police, he did not look quite adequate, and in addition, a suspicious white powder was found in his room). True, the results of the research will be known in a few days.

One way or another, the police investigation qualified the incident at the hotel under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Hooliganism” committed in a public place. People around the businessman believe that this version of the investigation does not correspond to the circumstances of the incident. The shots, in their opinion, were fired accidentally, and moreover, not in a “public place.” A hotel room, according to civil law, is the temporary place of residence of the citizen who rented it. Thus, Mr. Dzhabrailov will most likely get off with administrative punishment. But he will have to return the weapon to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For now, Yarygin has been seized by investigators as evidence. And after the investigation is completed, his representative may well petition the court for additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of his award weapon. In this case, the pistol will be sent to the special storage facility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs award fund.

Sergey Mashkin