Forbidden Palace. Beijing city. Forbidden City (Gugong Imperial Palace). Gate of Divine Valor

Gugong, also known as the Purple or Forbidden City, is located in the very center of Beijing and, undoubtedly, belongs to the greatest monuments of world culture. It was built at the beginning of the 15th century. Emperor Zhu Di. the third ruler of the Ming dynasty. This sovereign moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing (Beijing) and became concerned about creating a new residence. Over the course of 15 years, from 1405 to 1420, quite quickly at the time, a palace complex was erected, which included many structures - from majestic temples to miniature gazebos and bridges of the ruler of the Celestial Empire, responding to the ideas of the Confucian officials surrounding the throne about the greatness of the Son of Heaven.

It was conceived as an impregnable residence, separated from the rest of the world by a powerful fortress wall and a wide moat. The memory of the wars and unrest that accompanied the fall of the former Yuan dynasty in the second half of the 14th century was still fresh. To emphasize the divine nature of the power of the emperors of China, materials of two colors were used during the construction of the palace - yellow and dark red, which were considered sacred in the Celestial Empire. These colors were achieved by firing tiles and bricks in a special way. This is where the name Purple City - Zijingcheng - comes from. The second name - Gugun - means “palace of former rulers”; it appeared later and over time became the main one.

Plan of the heavenly city

Up to 100 thousand artisans and about a million general workers were employed in the construction of Gugun and its decoration. The palace complex was divided into two parts - the Forbidden City itself and the so-called Imperial City. The latter included government offices, estates of the highest nobility and palace services. There were also parks, temples and minor palaces here.
This grandiose ensemble represents the quintessence of Chinese traditional architecture, which has changed little over two millennia. Its territory is a regular square in plan, surrounded by a 10 m high brick wall and surrounded by a 60 m wide canal. Palaces, gates, courtyards, streams and gardens are symmetrically located behind the walls. The total area of ​​the “city” is 72 hectares, of which buildings occupy 15 hectares.

The imperial city with its thousands of officials, courtiers, slaves, female slaves and eunuchs was essentially a small state within a state with its own hierarchy, finances, laws, courts, and prisons. The southern wall of this city has survived to this day, and its buildings currently serve as the residences of Chinese leaders.

Only the emperor himself and his family lived in the Forbidden City. He rarely left the residence. Only the dignitaries closest to the Son of Heaven were allowed into this part of the complex. For mere mortals, even very noble ones, entry here was closed. The Forbidden City was considered the center of the Celestial Empire, and therefore the whole world. It contained Gugong - the imperial palaces themselves, Taimiao - the Temple of the Ancestors, Shejitan - the Temple of Fertility, the sacred Jinshan Mountain and the sacred Western Park.

Of all the gates of the Forbidden City, the most famous Gate of Heavenly Peace is Tiananmen, leading to the square of the same name. The wooden gate that previously stood here burned down from a lightning strike in 1456, after which the clergy decided to appease the angry spirits with new ones - with a suitable name. In front of the Tiananmen Gate, there are two sacred columns - guabiao - made of white marble, decorated with skillful carvings. To the east stretches a magnificent park of cedars and cypresses, many of which are six centuries old. It houses the Temple of the Ancestors, erected under the Manchu emperors on the site of the destroyed city. Interior. a similar temple from the Ming Dynasty.
To the west of the Tiananmen Gate is the Fertility Temple, where prayers for the harvest were made and the cult of patron spirits was performed! cereals Nearby rises the sacred Mount Jinshan, 60 m high. It has five peaks with gazebos on each and is planted with cypress and pine trees. An old elm tree surrounded by a fence grows on the mountainside. According to legend, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty hanged himself on it three and a half centuries ago when the Manchus captured the city.

From the Tiananmous Gate. There is a special Imperial Road, rising above the ground thanks to a special embankment and paved with slabs of polished stone. Only the emperor had the right to walk along it on days of celebrations and ritual sacrifices. The road ends at the Midday Gate - U Myn, crowned with a two-tiered roof. This majestic and at the same time elegant structure served as a symbol of the Sun and imperial power. Above the gate was erected the Tower of Five Phoenixes (Wufenglou), or the Tower of Drums. The last name arose because during the emperor’s ceremonial appearances, a gigantic drum was beaten on it.

Contrary to ordinary idea main gate complex is not Tiananmen, namely Wu Myn. Behind them begins the Exactly for nice city. Having passed them, man age of priest gave into the courtyard, crossed ny kana scrap Neijinshui - Golden River. Neijinshui lined with marble and surrounded enclosed with a carved stone balustrade. Through the channel five marble bridges are thrown ticks, s symbolizing the five virtues, them to the inner gate called By the gate Higher Harmony.

Behind them is another large courtyard that can accommodate 20 thousand people. On the opposite side, on a high marble terrace, stands the most significant building of the Forbidden City - Taihedian, or the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Its height is 35 m, length is 63 m, and its area is a quarter of a hectare. The emperor appeared in this huge throne chamber only on especially solemn occasions, which included the most important holidays (Harvest Day, Dragon Day, etc.). Decrees were announced there, commanders were given powers to wage war, and the highest academic titles were personally approved by the monarch. The inside of the chamber is decorated with beautifully preserved paintings. In front of its entrance there are bronze sculptures from the 16th century: lion guards and turtles - a symbol of longevity.
Near the main palace there are two more buildings: Taihedian - the Hall of Middle Harmony, where the most important religious rites with the participation of the emperor were performed, and Baohedian - the Hall of Preservation of Harmony, where Chinese officials held exams for the highest academic titles and positions.

Behind the main buildings of Gugun there are three less significant, so-called Rear Palaces. The first is the Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqinggong), where ambassadors and governors were received. It was there, on the Altar of Light and True Greatness, that the emperor's lifetime will was kept, in which he appointed an heir in the event of his death. The second is the Palace of Communication of Heaven and Earth (Jiaotaidan), where the birthdays of the Son of Heaven were celebrated and especially important documents and royal seals were kept. And finally, the Palace of Earthly Tranquility (Quinning Gong), where marriage ceremonies of members of the imperial family took place. These pavilions symbolized the absolute power of the Chinese emperors over all parts of the world. They are placed on terraced pedestals and are reached by long white marble stairs. To the north were the living quarters of the emperors, their families and courtiers.
The roofs of the pavilions of the Forbidden City are lined with golden tiles; pillars, doors, window frames are painted with scarlet varnish; the ceiling beams, lampshades, and walls are entirely covered with fine carvings, paintings and gilding; the front pavilions are surrounded by white marble carved parapets.

The buildings of the Forbidden City are abundantly decorated with images of turtles, deer, cranes, butterflies, and flowers, representing longevity, prosperity, wisdom, happiness and beauty. But most of all, the Chinese loved the dragon - a symbol of the power of the Son of Heaven. The intricately curved eaves of multi-tiered roofs were designed to scare away evil spirits. The roofs and gates of the palace were covered with colored glazed tiles with bas-reliefs and hieroglyphic inscriptions. The buildings were connected by passages, closed courtyards and ceremonial gates.

To the west of the Wu Men Gate rises Wuindian - the Pavilion of Military Valor. During the Ming era, audiences were held here for the highest military officials of the empire. In the room to the south of the pavilion there was a gallery of portraits of ancient emperors and empresses. The portraits survived the storms of wars and revolutions and were among the exhibits exported to Taiwan in 1949. Now they are exhibited in the Taipei Museum, which has received the semi-official name New Gugun.

The entire palace ensemble originally numbered 9999.5 rooms and halls. This number, strange at first glance, has a religious explanation. According to legend, the Heavenly Palace has exactly 10 thousand rooms, and the Son of Heaven did not consider it possible to create a palace superior to the divine chambers. Therefore, one tiny closet was considered half.
The facades of all main buildings face south. Thus, the Forbidden City symbolically “turns its back” to the north, which in Chinese mythology was considered the place of evil demons and hostile forces.


Near the Tiananmen Gate, imperial decrees were announced in a solemn atmosphere.

A special platform for the announcement of decrees was equipped in front of the gate. At the beginning of the ceremony, all the highest civil and military officials of the court lined up facing north near the bridge over the canal and knelt down. Then the minister of ceremonies brought out the text of the decree on a lacquer tray and placed it on a palanquin carried by eunuchs. The palanquin was carried along the line of kneeling officials to the Tiananmen Gate and raised with a special lift to the gate tower, from where the herald solemnly read out the decree. Then the scroll of the decree was placed in the beak of a gilded wooden statue of the Phoenix bird (Fenglu), which was lowered into the square on silk ropes. She was placed on the same palanquin and taken to the Chamber of Ceremonies, where the text of the decree was copied and sent throughout the country. This intricate ceremony was called "Proclamation of the Imperial Will through the Phoenix."

Temple of Heaven and Earth

The Forbidden City museum complex also includes the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Earth located outside its walls. The Temple of Heaven - Huangqunyu - covers an area of ​​28 hectares and is surrounded by two rows of walls. Its most important part is the Temple of Harvest Prayers, erected in 1420. It is a round building with a three-tiered roof, covered with sacred yellow tiles and topped with a gilded dome. Its height is 38 m, diameter - 30 m. It was erected without the use of rafters and cross beams and even without load-bearing internal walls.

One of the temple buildings, the Altar of Heaven, is a three-stage terrace made of white marble. The three tiers symbolize the three elements of the universe: Heaven, Earth and Humanity. In front of it is the so-called Stone of Triple Echoes. If you stand on the first step of the altar and clap your hands, the echo will be single, from the second step - twice, and from the third - three times. The second structure, the octagonal Hall of the Firmament, reaches a height of 20 m and is surrounded by a skillfully constructed Wall of Echoes. The Wall of Echoes is remarkable in that words spoken in front of it, even in a whisper, are clearly audible from the opposite side of the wall. The third building, Qingyandian, or the Hall of Harvest Prayers, has a height of 27 m. It is built mainly of wood and miraculously survived all the wars and turmoil of the last century and a half. Today, the dark blue glazed roof tiles, elaborate wood carvings and marvelously decorated interior make it one of the most notable attractions.

The architecture of the Forbidden City buildings is distinguished by its diversity and uniqueness of forms and decor. Stucco images of guards - lions and dragons - were placed on the eaves of the roofs of gazebos and memorial arches (pilou), and stone lions were placed at the entrances to palaces and temples.


By the middle of the 19th century. As a result of two “Opium Wars” and the Taiping Uprising, which claimed about 20 million lives, China became very weak and became dependent on the European powers, and soon on Japan. In I860, Beijing was captured by Anglo-French troops. After the plunder of the city and the flight of the emperor, the victors burned the Summer Palace, one of the pearls of the Forbidden City, citing the need to finally bring the vanquished to their knees. This magnificent pavilion was never restored. Nowadays its ruins can be seen in the park of Peking University.

After the end of the civil war, the new government made efforts to restore the palace expositions. But already in the early 60s. XX century work stopped due to the infamous Cultural Revolution, when much of China's national heritage was banned by communist authorities. Visitor access to Gugun was closed, and almost all museum workers were dispersed. Fortunately, the Forbidden City did not suffer another destruction, although traditional Chinese art was declared “decadently nationalistic” and “the product of foreign dynasties that oppressed the people.” From the second half of the 70s. Gugun museums resumed full-scale scientific and cultural activities.

In 1900, after the defeat of the Boxer Rebellion, the city was again occupied by the troops of European powers. The interventionists destroyed the palace library), where the rarest ancient manuscripts and books were kept. Entire trainloads of gold, pearls, ivory and porcelain were exported from Beijing. During the Xinhai Revolution of 1911-1913. General Yuan Shikai became the sole owner of Gugong, who uncontrollably disposed of all the wealth of the imperial residence. In 1924, Emperor Pu Yi's family was finally expelled from the Forbidden City. During the civil war, the Kuomintang government paid its foreign allies with imperial treasures.

In 1937, Beijing was captured by Japanese troops. The Chinese managed to evacuate part of the collections, but the lion's share disappeared in the chaos of the retreat or was captured by the invaders. In 1949, by order of Chiang Kai-shek, the surviving exhibits were taken to Taiwan.
Currently, approximately half of the complex is open to visitors. The museum stores about a million exhibits - more than 10% of all museum funds of the People's Republic of China, of which only 18 thousand are on display. At the same time, the exhibition is continuously updated. There is a kind of cycle of rarities going on. Tourists who have already been to Beijing and visited the Forbidden City can see completely new collections on their next visit.

General A.I. Vlasov, who was in the late 30s. XX century a Soviet military adviser in China, upon returning to the USSR at the border, two suitcases of personal gifts from Chiang Kai-shek were seized from the collections of the Forbidden City: antique porcelain, jade, items made of gold and precious stones.

Now the entire museum exhibition consists of two large parts. The first is the palaces and living quarters of the imperial family, in which the previous environment has been recreated. The most significant is the Exhibition Hall of Historical and Artistic Values, where the most important exhibits are presented, including objects from the famous tombs of the 3rd century emperor. BC e. Qin Shi Huang and Emperor Wu Di, who lived in the 2nd century. before i. e. In addition, the complex includes the Exhibition Pavilion of Jewelry, pavilions of painting, art of the Ming and Qin dynasties, ceramics, bronzes, and watches.
In general, the Gugong exhibition provides an opportunity to get acquainted with cultural and artistic relics of various periods of Chinese history - from the semi-mythical Zhou dynasty to the last Qin. It is considered the largest palace museum in the world, surpassing both the Moscow Kremlin and Versailles.

Western and Eastern palaces
Through the southwest gate lies the path from the garden to the Western Palaces, where the second most senior empresses, empress dowager mothers and high-ranking concubines settled. Each of them is a special estate, separated by walls from the rest of the world. Six palaces are arranged in pairs: Focused Beauty, Universal Happiness, Honoring the Earth, Eternal Spring, Longevity and the Supreme Beginning.

In the Palace of Pure Bell RingingexhibitRget comfortable“four treasures of a scientist’s study”: uniquely crafted paper, ink pots and writing brushes made by the best masters of different eras, color woodcuts, early printed books of the 10th-12th centuries.

In the eastern part of the residential quarters there are six Eastern palaces: Pure Bell Ringing, Good Sun, Obedience to Heaven, Eternal Harmony, Honoring Kindness and Eternal Happiness. Externally, they are very similar to Western palaces, but have preserved their interior decoration to a lesser extent, since they house an exhibition of works of art from the imperial collections.
In 1644, when the Ming Dynasty fell as a result of another popular uprising, the country was captured by the Manchus, and the Forbidden City was plundered. But the Manchu rulers, who founded the Qin dynasty, soon restored it to its former splendor. New temples and palaces were erected, gardens and parks were laid out. By the 18th century, Gugun had reached its greatest splendor. Not only masterpieces of Chinese art were concentrated here, but also treasures taken from neighboring countries. According to the chroniclers, in the palaces of Gugun “unspeakable riches from the lands of the barbarians were kept.” French missionaries reported: “It is amazing how many interesting and magnificent things this sovereign has of all kinds from all over the world.” The English Ambassador Lord Macartney, who visited China at the end of the 18th century, recalled the large number of things of European origin that the Emperor had: “Music boxes, globes, watches of such exquisite craftsmanship and in such abundance that our gifts looked more than modest in comparison. And we were told that all these beautiful things are only a small part of what is available.”

A special collection consisted of gifts brought by foreign ambassadors, which in official inventories were called “tribute from barbarian kings to the rightful ruler of the world.” Chinese sources made a clear distinction between "gifts" - items sent on behalf of the emperor, and "tribute", which meant any offerings from foreigners.
Unfortunately, little of its former splendor has survived to this day. Modern exhibitions of the museums of the Forbidden City were mainly created in modern times.

Forbidden City (Gugong)- the largest palace complex in the world. Inscribed by UNESCO on the World Heritage List of Humanity. It was built in 1406-1420. From here the Celestial Empire was ruled by 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. More than 7 million tourists visit it every year.

The city is called forbidden because for almost 500 years only the emperor, his family, concubines, eunuchs, guards and servants could live on its territory. Other people were strictly prohibited from entering here without an invitation. Almost all buildings date from the 18th century. Due to the fact that almost all of them are made of wood, smoking is not allowed here.

View of the Forbidden City from Coal Hill Park

The Forbidden City is a rectangle stretched from north to south. There are several gates leading into it. The palace is surrounded by a moat 52 m wide. Today, there are 980 palace buildings in the Forbidden City, and they contain 8,728 rooms.

Courtyards of the Forbidden City

Noon Gate

The southern entrance to the palace is guarded by the Midday Gate, which has five passages - three central and two side. The central passage was intended exclusively for the emperor. Once in a lifetime (on her wedding day) the empress could pass by.

Noon Gate

The main colors of the Forbidden City are yellow and red. It is no coincidence that these colors became the main ones in the emperor’s palace. In ancient China, the color red meant solemnity, wealth and honor. Yellow is the purest color, the color of earth - the most important of the five primary elements.

Red and yellow are the main colors of the Imperial Palace

Hall of Supreme Harmony

The main building of the Forbidden City and the largest wooden building in China is the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The entrance to it is guarded by a bronze lion and lioness. The lion plays with a colored silk ball - a symbol of the eternal power of the emperor, and the lioness is depicted with a lion cub.

Gate of Supreme Harmony

Hall of Supreme Harmony

Side structures on the square near the Hall of Supreme Harmony

A lion with a silk ball at the entrance to the Hall of Supreme Harmony

Throne Room of Supreme Harmony

In the courtyard in front of the palace, there are two miniature temples on each side. The temple on the eastern side symbolizes territorial integrity, on the west - a symbol of a rich harvest.

miniature temple

On the western side of the terrace near the Palace of Heavenly Purity there is a small pavilion in which the Measure of Grain is located. It meant that the emperor was destined to judge, measure and unite the country.

Measure of Grain at the Palace of Heavenly Purity

Here you can also see a pair of bronze cranes and turtles with dragon heads, which symbolize longevity.

Bronze turtle

Bronze crane

In the courtyards of the Forbidden City you can see iron vats for storing water from fire. There are 308 of them in total, and 18 of them are gold plated. In winter, the vats were covered with blankets to prevent the water from freezing, and on especially cold days they were heated with coal.

Gilded vats for storing water from fire

Palace of the Collected Excellence

The Palace of the Gathered Excellence was the residence of Empress Dowager Cixi. All the floors and beams of the palace are painted with flowers, birds, fish and landscapes. The palace is decorated with bronze dragons and a deer installed in front of the entrance. Now the palace looks exactly the same as it did at that time.

Bronze dragon in the courtyard of the Palace of Collected Supremacy

Artful ornamentation on the roof of the pavilions

Imperial Garden

In front of the Northern Gate of Military Valor is the imperial garden, where emperors and empresses rested and entertained. The garden has preserved many old cypress trees, decorative stone slides, and there are gazebos and pavilions.

Pavilion of a Thousand Autumns in the Imperial Garden

Imperial Garden

Northern Gate of Military Valor

The territory of the Forbidden City is huge; a whole day is not enough to explore all its nooks and crannies. Traditionally, groups of tourists are led along a direct route - from the southern gate to the northern. But if you have time, you can simply wander the streets of this amazing structure. Each yard is unique and has its own distinctive features. The pavilions host various exhibitions: bronze items, jade, empress jewelry, weapons, etc. You should not try to see everything. It is better to visit several streets, palaces, sit in the shade of cozy courtyards and feel the atmosphere reigning here, than to gallop through the entire Forbidden City without really seeing anything.

Palanquin in the Palace of Eternal Longevity

Hall of Central Harmony

Throne Room of Preserved Harmony

How to get to the Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is the very heart of Beijing, its center. Therefore, getting here is quite easy. Tian'anmen East Subway Station (Red Line Subway). To approach the Imperial Palace you need to cross Beijing's famous Tiananmen Square.

Forbidden City (China) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Forbidden City of Gugong is the largest and most famous palace complex in the world, located in Beijing. It served as the residence of twenty-four powerful rulers of two dynasties of the Celestial Empire - Ming and Qing.

The place for its construction was determined by astronomers and, in their opinion, it is located exactly in the center of the globe.

Today, when heading to the Forbidden City, you need to go through only three gates: Tiananmen, Duanmen and, finally, the main gate of the palace - Wumen. In earlier times, for foreign ambassadors and officials, the path to the palace was longer: they passed through five gates.

All the decoration and design of the Forbidden City is permeated with philosophical and religious ideas and principles of China, including the fact that the emperor, despite all his greatness, must be fair and wise.

A little history

The construction of the Forbidden City began in 1406. The emperor who gave instructions for its construction was Zhu Di. There is a legend that one of the monks dreamed about the project of the Forbidden City, and he told about it to the prince, who later became the emperor.

The main material used for the construction of the palace is wood, as well as brick, marble, and tiles. Almost all the buildings inside the complex are one-story, and the massive roofs rest on powerful columns; this design is the most resistant to earthquakes. The facades of all the main buildings face the south - thereby the Forbidden City turned its back on all the hostile forces of the north. The main entrance is also on the south side.

Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is not just a pretty name, it is also a statement of fact. Ordinary people did not have access here. The family of the ruling emperor and their numerous servants lived in a closed palace. It was forbidden to enter the city without permission under pain of slow and painful execution - although the most curious were sometimes not frightened even by this. However, it was not only curiosity that forced people to enter the Forbidden City; for example, the last emperor of the Ming dynasty was driven to suicide by residents who broke into the palace and were angry about exorbitant taxes and hunger.

According to legend, the Qing family, the last ruling dynasty in the Forbidden City, was cursed - the Qing house would fall at the hands of a woman. In general, this is what happened. The former concubine Cixi ruled China after the death of her husband, until her nephew, two-year-old Pu Yi, became her successor. The Kid became the last emperor and owner of the Forbidden City. In 1912, at the age of five, he abdicated the throne, but remained to live in the palace.

Currently, the Forbidden City no longer contains the residence of rulers; now it is the Imperial Museum “Gugun”, which anyone can visit.

According to legend, there are ten thousand rooms in the palace of the Heavenly Emperor. The Palace of the Son of Heaven, as the emperors of China called themselves, should be at least a little more modest so as not to overshadow the Heavenly Ruler. So it occupies an area of ​​72 hectares, on which there are about eight hundred buildings and a total of only 9,999 rooms.

In reality, of course, there are fewer of them there - obviously, the Chinese’s love for the number nine simply seemed to be there.

The city is surrounded by a high wall and a moat filled with water - the Jinshuihe (Golden River) Canal. Several bridges were thrown across the moat - the central two were intended only for members of the imperial family, the next ones - for senior military and civil officials, and the outermost ones were called public and any inhabitant of the Forbidden City could cross them, regardless of his rank and origin.

There are many beautiful and elegant buildings on the territory of the Forbidden City. Pavilions, gazebos, galleries, as well as lakes, rivers, gardens. And their names, as a rule, are in no way inferior in elegance to their appearance - for example, the Pavilion of the Contact of Heaven and Earth, the Gate of Heavenly Purity or the Gazebo, from where the arrival of spring is visible.

The Forbidden City was rebuilt several times after fires, destruction and robberies. However, they tried to reproduce its appearance with maximum accuracy, so what we can see there now is not too different from the original appearance of the palace.

The collection of valuable exhibits is replenished year after year and has already reached a million. The main part of the exhibition consists of paintings, books, bronze items, imperial clothes and jewelry, made with amazing skill.

The Forbidden City is divided by a central axis, eight kilometers long. In the center stands the Taihedian (Hall of Supreme Harmony) pavilion, whose height reaches almost forty meters. For many centuries, it remained the tallest building in Beijing, because during the empire it was not allowed to erect buildings higher than it - the ban did not apply only to temples. In the center of the pavilion is a Throne, a symbol of the emperor’s power on earth.

Practical information

Address: 4 Jingshan Qianjie, Dongcheng, Beijing.

The museum is open from 01.04 to 31.10 - from 08:30 to 17:00; from 01.11 to 31.03 - from 08:30 to 16:30.

Entrance fee for adults: from April 1 to October 31 - 60 CNY, on other days - 40 CNY. Discounts are provided for children, students and schoolchildren, and pensioners. Bank cards of major international payment systems are accepted for payment.

Forbidden City (Gugong Imperial Palace in Beijing)- the most extensive palace complex in the world. Conceived back in 1406, it was closed to mere mortals for centuries (hence the name of the palace). From this place the Celestial Empire was ruled by 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. But even today, 75 years after the last Chinese emperor left the palace, it still remains forbidden, with half of the city still closed to curious tourists and surrounded by an aura of mystery. This Palace was the first Chinese site to be listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO (in 1987).

Gugun Imperial Palace was built in 1406-1420. Its total area is 720 thousand square meters. m; The palace complex has 9999 rooms. It is surrounded by a 3400 m long wall and a moat with water called “Golden Water”. A million builders and 100 thousand other specialists took part in its construction - masters of stone carving, wood carving, artists, etc. The Gate of Heavenly Peace leads into it.

For many centuries, Chinese emperors ruled in the mysterious Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is located in Beijing and is one of the famous attractions in China. The Forbidden City is considered the largest palace complex in the world.

The legend of the appearance of the Forbidden City

In Chinese, the Forbidden City is Gu Gong, which means "Old Palace". Originally, the Forbidden City was called purple. There is an interesting legend about this. In general, the Forbidden City is entangled with religious and mythical concepts. This can be evidenced by various sculptures, the location of palaces, the decoration and design of halls that symbolize something of their own. The structure of the Forbidden City was dreamed up in a dream by a Yongle monk. The monk said that there was an extraterrestrial city where the Heavenly Lord lived in a purple palace. Chinese astrologers believed that the color purple is a symbol of joy, happiness and that the PoleStar star is purple. The PoleStar star was formed as a result of the merger of 15 celestial bodies. As a result, the emperor decided that he was the Son of Heaven, and therefore was called upon to maintain harmony between man and nature. In order to establish a balance between nature and man, you need to build the Forbidden City, which will be located directly under the purple star, in the very center of the world. By the way, purple could only be used by the emperor. Only the emperor signed documents with special purple ink.

General information about the Forbidden City

The Forbidden City was an imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1644). Over the years, 24 emperors lived and ruled in the palace. Construction of the Forbidden City began in 1407 during the reign of Emperor Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty. Construction took about 14 years. More than 200,000 people were involved in the construction of the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City demonstrates the considerable skill of the Chinese in construction. The technology for making bricks using glutinous rice and lime was not so complicated, but at the same time, the walls built from these bricks turned out to be durable. While the walls are made of brick, the buildings in the city are built almost entirely of wood. In this regard, in those days, there was a risk of fire, because. Candles were used as lighting. To quickly extinguish the fire, vats of water were provided, which were located near the buildings. There are a total of 308 vats located throughout the Forbidden City. The vats were placed on stone stands, thereby making it possible to light a fire under the vat without allowing the water to solidify in the winter.

The symbol of the imperial family was yellow, which became the dominant color in the decoration of the city. The roofs, interior decoration of the palace, paving stones are made in yellow. The color yellow symbolizes the earth. However, there is an exception, for example the roof of the Royal Library is covered with black tiles. This is due to the fact that the black color symbolizes water, which means that if a fire occurs, it will be easy to prevent. In addition, the roofs of the palaces where the emperor's heirs lived were covered with green tiles, which symbolized growth.

On each roof of the building there are figurines, the number of which corresponds to the number of people living in the building. There are 10 figurines on the roof of the Hall of Supreme Harmony alone. This number symbolizes heaven and the holiness of the building. But the personal number of the emperor is the number 9.

The Forbidden City occupies 74 hectares of land. There are about 800 buildings with 9,000 rooms in the city. The city is surrounded by a 52 m wide moat filled with water and a 10 m high wall. The Forbidden City is divided into an outer and an inner courtyard, between which there are long corridors. There are gates on four sides of the wall, entry through which was regulated by strict rules. It was forbidden to enter the city without special permission.

Attractions of the Forbidden City

Meridian Gate (Wumen)

Meridian Gate or Wumen. This is the name of the southern gate, which is one of the entrances to the Forbidden City. Chinese emperors considered themselves sons of Heaven, which means they should live in the center of the Universe. The emperors firmly believed that the Meridian line passed through the Forbidden City, hence the name of the gate. The South Gate is the most majestic gate of the Forbidden City. The word "gate" is presented as one whole, but in fact the Meridian Gate consists of 5 openings, the tallest of which is 3.5 m high. The gate is topped with towers, each tower has bells. In the old days, the ringing of bells announced the departure of the emperor to the Temple of Heaven.

Everyone followed strict rules for using the South Gate. Only the emperor could pass through the central arch of the gate. The Empress could only pass through the central arch once in her life, on her wedding day. The arch located west of the central one was used by members of the royal family. The arch located east of the central one was used by ministers. The remaining arches were intended for the entrance of minor officials. Ordinary people were prohibited from entering the Forbidden City.

The photo below is a view of Meridian Gate from inside the city.

After entering through the Meridian Gate, the courtyard of the Forbidden City opens with five bridges that symbolize human virtue, sense of duty, wisdom, reliability, decency. The so-called Golden River flows under the bridges. The central bridge was intended exclusively for the use of the emperor. The two bridges on both sides of the central bridge were used by members of the royal family, and the two bridges on the edges were intended for ordinary officials.

Hall of Literary Glory and Hall of Military Valor

The Hall of Literary Glory (Wenhuadian) and the Hall of Military Valor (Wuyingdian) are located next to Meridian Gate. In the Hall of Literary Glory, matters of national importance were decided, officials were received, and reports of the emperor were read. During the Ming Dynasty, a young prince was trained in the Hall.

The Hall of Literary Fame includes several more halls, among which are the Hall of Kindness and the Hall of Righteousness. Currently, the Literary Hall of Fame houses a ceramics museum, displaying ceramics from the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Initially, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty lived and worked in the Hall of Military Valor, and only then settled in the Hall of Literary Glory. The Ming Dynasty Emperor lived and worked in the Hall of Martial Valor. Small-scale ceremonies and religious rites were performed in the same hall. Later, a book printing house was opened in the Hall of Military Valor. Until 1869, books were printed in the Hall, until a fire occurred.

Currently, the Hall of Military Valor houses an art gallery with a large number of rare and ancient Chinese paintings. By the way, tourists are prohibited from photographing precious paintings. However, the ban does not apply to some paintings.

Gate of Supreme Harmony (TaiHeMen)

The Gate of Supreme Harmony (TaiHeMen) is the main gate of the outer courtyard. The gate is guarded by two bronze lions. The lion located to the west symbolizes imperial power extending to the whole world. On the eastern side, a lioness placing her left paw on a lion cub symbolizes the prosperity of the imperial family.

The lions located at the Gate of Supreme Harmony are the largest of all six pairs of bronze lions in the Forbidden City. During the Ming Dynasty, the emperor and all officials gathered at the Gate of Supreme Harmony every morning to discuss government affairs. The only exceptions were rainy, snowy or windy days.

Hall of Supreme Harmony of the Forbidden City

The Hall of Supreme Harmony (TaiHeDian) was the throne room and the tallest building in the Forbidden City. The Hall of Supreme Harmony and its adjacent courtyard were the venue for various ceremonies, such as imperial weddings, Chinese New Year, and other important events.

On the marble terrace there are 18 bronze ancient Chinese vessels, symbolizing the 18 provinces of China that existed at that time. On the terrace you can also see a bronze turtle, symbolizing longevity.

On the east and west sides are a marble sundial and an ancient measurement vessel, symbolizing the justice of the emperors.

The windows and doors of the Hall of Supreme Harmony are decorated with drawings of dragons playing in the clouds. The design is carved on brass plates.

Inside the Hall is a throne made of sandalwood. The throne, located in the very center of the hall, stands on a two-meter platform and is surrounded by six golden pillars (not made of gold) with images of dragons. Above the throne, on the ceiling, there is a design of two dragons playing with pearls. Pearls are made of glass with mercury filled inside them. If the throne were captured by enemies, the glass pearl would fall down, causing the enemy to die.

Hall of Complete Harmony (Zhonghedian)

The Hall of Complete Harmony (Zhonghedian) is located between the Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian) and the Hall of Harmony Preservation (Baohedian). The Hall of Complete Harmony is the smallest hall of the three mentioned above. Unlike other halls in the Forbidden City, the Hall of Complete Harmony is square rather than rectangular in shape.

In the Hall of Complete Harmony, the emperor rested and prepared for the ceremonies held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. In this Hall, the emperor held negotiations with various ministers, and also rehearsed his speeches before the start of important events taking place in the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Earth and other temples.

Inside the Hall, on both sides of the throne, there are statues of golden unicorns. Unicorns were considered mythical creatures capable of traveling a distance of 9,000 km in one day. and speak different languages. This number is not accidental; it was believed that the number 9 is sacred. The number 9 belonged to the emperor, even the figurines on the roof were placed in such a way that the emperor’s figurine was the ninth in a row. In addition, unicorns symbolized the wisdom and high intelligence of the emperor.

Hall of Harmony Preservation

The Hall of Preservation of Harmony was used differently during different periods of government. During the Ming Dynasty, the Harmony Preservation Hall was where the empress or crown princes would dress in ceremonial robes before the start of a ceremonial event. During the Qing Dynasty, the Hall was used for banquets. For example, in honor of the celebration of the princess's marriage.

Behind the Hall of Harmony Preservation there is a stone wall with an image of nine dragons playing with pearls. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the wall was considered sacred. Anyone who touched the wall was subject to the death penalty.

The wall weighs about 250 tons. To transport the stone to the Forbidden City, 20,000 people and thousands of horses and mules were involved. Transportation of the stone lasted for one month.

Gate of Heavenly Purity (QianQingMen)

The Gate of Heavenly Purity (QianQingMen) divides the Forbidden City into an outer and inner courtyard. The entrance to the Gate of Heavenly Purity is guarded by two lions.

In general, there are many lion statues installed in the Forbidden City, but the lions installed at the Gate of Heavenly Purity are somewhat different. The difference concerns primarily the ears of lions. Unlike other lions, the bronze lions standing at the Gate of Heavenly Purity have their ears flattened. This detail, insignificant at first glance, symbolizes the non-interference of women in government affairs.

Along the walls of the gate there are 10 gilded bronze tanks, which are designed to store water in case of fire. The emperors, sitting on a throne installed in the middle of the gate, listened to reports and made important decisions.

Palace of Heavenly Purity of the Forbidden City

The Palace of Heavenly Purity was considered the emperor's bedroom. The palace is a smaller copy of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. In the center of the palace stands a throne surrounded by long red candles and mirrors to ward off evil spirits. The sayings of the Qing emperors are written on the pillars, and above the throne hangs a plaque, the inscription on which means honesty and openness. The palace was used not only as a bedroom, but also as a place for conducting important government affairs. Sometimes, banquets and various rituals were held in the palace. During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, the coffin with the deceased emperor was kept in the Palace of Heavenly Purity for several days and only then the emperor was buried in the mausoleum.

Hall of Heavenly and Earthly Union (Jiaotaidian)

The Hall of Heavenly and Earthly Union (Jiaotaidian) is one of the three main palaces in the courtyard of the Forbidden City. The hall symbolizes the strong union of heaven (emperor) and earth (empress), the emperor and empress should live in harmony and respect with each other. During the Qing Dynasty, the Empress's birthday was celebrated in the Hall of Heavenly and Earthly Union. High-ranking ladies and princesses bowed and congratulated the Empress. And on the Winter Solstice Festival and the Spring Festival, people went to the Hall to express their respect for the Empress. The hall displays a clepsydrum, the only water clock that has survived to this day. Clepsydra allowed the Chinese to tell time by drops of water.

In addition, in the main hall there are 25 imperial caskets located on both sides of the throne. Once upon a time, imperial seals were kept in these boxes, but now the seals have been moved to the Treasure Gallery. Each seal had its own purpose, for example, the “Huangdi Zhibao” seal was used when issuing imperial decrees, and the “Mingde Zhibao” seal was used in the case of rewarding employees of the imperial court.
Palace of Earthly Tranquility (KunNingGong)

The Palace of Earthly Tranquility (KunNingGong) was the residence of the empresses of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The dominant color in the palace was red, which symbolized happiness. So, the interior walls of the palace were painted red, there were red candles everywhere, the beds were made with beautiful red bedspreads embroidered with colored silk threads.

The palace was large, because the emperors hoped for a large number of children. Some emperors held wedding ceremonies in this palace. During a certain period of the reign, some rooms in the palace were places for sacrifices. On every first and 15th day of the month, the emperor and empress performed divine rituals in the palace. Some ceremonial ceremonies were also held in the Palace of Earthly Tranquility, for example, the first day of the New Year. Gradually, the Palace of Earthly Tranquility became a sacred place for sacrificial rituals.

Hall of Spiritual Prosperity

The Hall of Spiritual Prosperity was built during the Ming Dynasty. During the Qing dynasty, the hall was used for some time as the emperor's study, where state affairs were decided. Eight of all the emperors of the Qing Dynasty lived and worked in the Hall of Spiritual Prosperity. The emperor's meetings with foreign ambassadors, political and military negotiations with ministers were held in the hall. Today, in the Hall of Spiritual Prosperity, there is a gallery of imperial treasures. Among the treasures are tea and table sets made of gold, silver and jade.

Six Western and Six Eastern Palaces of the Forbidden City

The six western palaces were the living quarters where the empress and her concubines lived. At different times, different empresses lived in one of the six palaces. If concubines were spotted on a city street at night, by order of the emperor, eunuchs brought the offending concubine to the palace, where she was searched for weapons. Some emperors, notable for their cruelty, severely punished their concubines. With the exception of the emperor and his sons, all other men in the Forbidden City were eunuchs. This rule was necessary so that the emperor was sure that the children born belonged to him.

The six eastern palaces, as well as the six western palaces, were homes for empresses and their concubines. The architectural complex consists of six palaces, namely the Palace of Great Kindness (Jingrengong), the Palace of Accumulating Purity (Zhongcuigong), the Palace of Heavenly Benefit (Chengqiangong), the Palace of Great Brilliance (Jingyanggong), the Palace of Eternal Harmony (Yonghegong) and the Palace of Extending Happiness (Yanxigong). . All palaces are square in shape. The Ming Dynasty Emperor's concubines lived in the Palace of Great Kindness. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty was born in the same palace. The crown princes of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty lived in the Palace of Purity Accumulation. Now the Palace of Purity Accumulation is an exhibition hall for jade products. Previously, the concubines of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties lived in the Palace of Heavenly Benefit. Now, Chinese bronze items are exhibited in the palace. The Palace of Great Brilliance was used to store books, and the Palace of Eternal Harmony was where the wives of the emperors lived. Currently, the palaces house museums, namely the museum of silver and gold items and the museum of bronze mirrors.

Hall of Ancestor Worship and Palace of Fasting

The Ancestor Worship Hall (FengXianDian) was built in 1656 during the Qing Dynasty. In the Hall they paid tribute to the ancestors of the emperor. On the birthdays and death days of ancestors, religious ceremonies and traditional holidays were held in the hall. Currently, in the Hall of Ancestor Worship there is an exhibition of watches from that era. The exhibition hall displays a collection of almost 200 watches. Watches, in most cases, were gifts from foreign ambassadors to the emperor.

The Palace of Fasting or the Palace of Temperance was a place where the emperor spent several days abstaining from wine, onions, garlic, prayers, love affairs, and other minor matters. The emperor had to fast before making a sacrifice to heaven.

Imperial Garden and Pavilion of Pleasant Sounds

The Imperial Garden covers an area of ​​about 12,000 square meters. m. The garden is decorated with flower beds, rockeries, sculptures and gazebos in classical Chinese style. The garden was planted with cypresses, acacias, exotic flowers and rare herbs, which were combined in a composition with bronze statues, golden unicorns, and stones.

The garden was intended for the emperor and his family. In the garden, the emperor and the entire royal family were relaxing and drinking tea. The emperor often meditated in the garden and played chess. In the center of the garden is the Hall of Imperial Peace. The hall was built in the 15th century. The entrance to the hall is guarded by two gilded unicorns, which ward off evil spirits.

In each of the four corners of the garden there are small buildings symbolizing the four seasons. To the northeast is the Imperial View Pavilion, which rises on a mountain overlooking an amazing landscape.

Opposite the entrance to the hall there are two pine trees with intertwined trunks, which are more than 400 years old. Pine trees symbolize the harmony of the emperor and empress. Many visitors come to the garden to hug these two trees and ask for a happy marriage.

The Pavilion of Pleasant Sounds was a place for dramatic theatrical performances. The performances were dedicated to holidays, such as the Spring Festival or the Lantern Festival, as well as the New Year and other important events. The performance was watched by the Emperor and Empress, as well as all members of the royal family. The pavilion consists of several floors provided for decorations that rose to a certain height.

Gate of Divine Valor

The Gate of Divine Valor is the northern gate and the only exit from the Forbidden City. However, the emperor could leave the Forbidden City through the Meridian Gate, while all other exits were only through the Gate of Divine Valor. The gate is a rectangle with three doorways. During the Ming Dynasty, there was a market at the gate that ran every 4th, 14th, and 24th day of the month. The gate has a tower with bells that were rung once every 2 hours from 19:00 to 05:00. At dawn, the bell was rung once more when the emperor arrived at the palace.

The western and eastern gates have the same structure and are located closer to the Meredian Gate, rather than centered on the western and eastern walls of the Forbidden City. The gate was additional, probably for emergencies.
Nine Dragon Wall

Among the attractions of the Forbidden City is a wall depicting 9 dragons. The wall is 31 m long and approximately 5 m high.

The scene depicted on the wall is of yellow, blue, white and purple dragons playing with pearls against the background of the sea and clouds. The wall consists of 270 glazed tiles. The number 270 can be divided into 5 and 9. In ancient China, these numbers symbolized the supremacy of the emperor.

Carved stone slabs and city decoration

The dragons carved from stone on the slabs flanked by stairs are also impressive. Only dragons and clouds are carved on such slabs, which are a symbol of heavenly power.

There are a lot of beautiful doorways and windows in the Forbidden City. Amazingly beautiful tiles adorn the walls of palaces and buildings. More than 1,000 gargoyles decorate the platforms of the outer courtyard. When it rains, water flows through the mouth of each gargoyle, which is also very spectacular.

In addition, the painted ceilings of the halls and palaces of the Forbidden City are amazing.

  • Currently, the Forbidden City is open to everyone. Everyone can walk around the city, enjoy the amazing architecture, visit various exhibitions, and admire the treasures that have survived to this day. However, you should carefully consider the time of your visit, because... on holidays, the number of visits may be reduced. The best time to visit the Forbidden City is from late March to early June and from late August to late November. To avoid large crowds of people, choose a day that is not a holiday or a weekend. I note that about 10 million people visit the Forbidden City every year.
  • Until 2020, some areas of the city will be closed to tourists, because... Major renovations are underway. But most of the city will be available to everyone.
  • The Forbidden City has a very large territory, so you should plan your route in advance so that you have enough strength to visit the most interesting places in the city.
  • It's better to take food with you, because... The Forbidden City is visited by a lot of tourists and there is a possibility that there will be no seats in the cafes and eateries located in the city.

Scheme of the Forbidden City

A Meridian Gate TO Hall of Military Valor
B Gate of Divine Power L Literary Hall of Fame
IN West Gate M Garden of Happiness and Tranquility
G East Gate ABOUT Hall of Heavenly Purity
D Watchtowers P Hall of Heavenly and Earthly Union
E Gate of Supreme Harmony R Hall of Earthly Tranquility
AND Hall of Supreme Harmony WITH Imperial Garden
Z Hall of Complete Harmony T Hall of Spiritual Prosperity
AND Hall of Preservation of Harmony U Palace of Longevity