Vitebsk railway station. Vitebsky station Train schedule Vitebsk 1 Jan

Electric trains are especially relevant for St. Petersburg; they are used not only by city residents, but also by numerous tourists. There are attractions of interest to travelers not only in the city itself, but also in many regional cities. Therefore, tourists travel by train to the suburbs to visit Pushkin, Peterhof, Pavlovsk and other interesting places.
From one of the city's stations, Vitebsk, there are commuter trains in the south-west and south-east directions. I would like to tell you a little about the station itself, because some visitors compare it to a museum and I come to the station specifically to admire its architecture.

Railway complex of Vitebsk station.

This was the first station that was built in northern capital. A distinctive feature of the architecture of Vitebsk Station is a large number of metal structures. On the platforms, iron vaults create a resemblance to European train stations of the 19th century.

It was this panorama that attracted the directors of the famous film Sherlock Holmes. Some scenes of the film were filmed at the Vitebsk station, where the London station was shown.

The lobby and main staircase look very solemn, you get the feeling that you are not on train station, and in one of the palaces of St. Petersburg. Suburban trains that leave its platforms will take passengers to one of the most beautiful cities in the region - the city of Pushkin.

Train schedule of Vitebsky station in St. Petersburg.

The railway line leaving from Vitebsky station has two terminal stations - stops in Novgorod and Oredezh. In addition, in the southwestern direction there is an exit to the Poselok station. Starting its journey, the train passes three settlements before stopping in Kupchino. This station has already practically become a city; many residential areas have been built here. After Kupchino, the commuter train passes three more stations to the city of Pushkin or, as it is also called, Detskoye Selo. For travelers, a trip here will be very interesting; in addition to the stunningly beautiful palace, here you can walk around big park, relax in the shade of perennial trees.

Vitebsky railway station arrival

The next stop will be the city of Pavlovsk - which has also become a favorite tourist attraction. The garden and park complex of this city is known far beyond Russia. Once upon a time there was a unique music station here, where an orchestra played. This tradition has not survived to this day, since the old station itself was lost, but now local authorities want to restore this unusual station. From Pavlovsk the railway lines diverge in two directions. To the southwest, the train goes to the Vyritsa station and it is possible to go from there to a dead-end stop - the Poselok station. After Vyritsa there are 14 more stations to the final destination. On the south-eastern branch the train goes along one track, without branches to Novgorod. Here you have the opportunity to transfer to the Moscow direction line.

Departure time for electric trains at Vitebsk Station.

Suburban trains begin their service early in the morning.

There are already first flights at 5:30.

The last departures will be at 23-40. There are no trains running at night, so you need to try to leave on time. Generally, the traffic interval is about 20 minutes. Considering that this direction is not very branched, passengers only need to decide which branch is needed if they plan to travel further than Pavlovsk. On weekends, the number of trains traveling to tourist attractions increases.
At the Vitebsky station itself there are electronic boards indicating the departure time commuter trains to date. You can also find out more information about the flight you need at the information points located on the territory of the station. You can buy tickets for the train from a special machine; you don’t need to go to the ticket office for this; you can do everything yourself, indicating which station you need to get to.

Vitebsky railway station

The current schedule of electric trains at the St. Petersburg-Vitebsky station contains only 151 electric trains (commuter trains) that connect St. Petersburg-Vitebsky with such stations and settlements as Poselok, Novolisino, Oredezh, Pavlovsk, Novgorod-on-Volkhov. According to the schedule, the last train (suburban train) leaves at 23:45 to the destination Poselok. The nearest stations and stopping points are Vozdukh-Park, Borovaya. For all routes on the above settlements Full information about the schedule is available - departure time, arrival time, routes and other helpful information. When planning a trip, you should pay attention to the fact that most often electric trains at the St. Petersburg-Vitebsky station depart or arrive in the morning - 14 electric trains (suburban trains, diesels) in different directions, such as St. Petersburg-Vitebsky - Novgorod-on-Volkhov , St. Petersburg-Vitebsk - New, St. Petersburg-Vitebsk - Tarkovichi. The regularly updated schedule of electric trains (suburban trains) at the St. Petersburg-Vitebsky station is displayed on this page.