Fishing and weather forecast. The best fish bite forecast Download the bite forecast program

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Forecasting a fish bite on a site is the processing and analysis of data obtained as a result of research and long-term statistics.

What is the fish biting forecast?

The fish bite forecast, like the weather forecast, is based on long-known observations and accurate statistical calculations. The fish bite forecast also includes the results of research by ichthyologists and observations of fishermen. The weather, water conditions, and food supply are constantly changing, and as a result of these changes, the level of activity of the fish changes.
The bite of a fish directly depends on its activity, and the activity of fish, like any living organism, depends primarily on environmental conditions and special periods in life.
Using centuries of accumulated knowledge about fish habits and modern technologies, it is possible to predict fish bite with a high degree of probability.

Fishing is not a habit, but a state of mind.

Fishing is a hobby that brings great pleasure to a large number of people around the world. Many people view fishing as an active form of outdoor recreation. Others view fishing as a sport and even a profession.
Fishing is the most labor-intensive way to relax, requiring a huge amount of knowledge and a lot of patience.

Why did we create a bite forecast?

Fishing, although very exciting and exciting, is not an easy activity. A fisherman who wants not only to sit quietly with a fishing rod on the shore, but also to successfully fish with different methods of fishing for certain fish, needs to acquire a huge amount of knowledge. All knowledge and experience accumulate over years of practical fishing, they allow you to meaningfully use the necessary gear, methods and methods of fishing, choose the right fishing location, select bait and bait. Our website and fish bite forecast was created for interactive fishing training for everyone, so that you can quickly gain the necessary knowledge and skills related to fishing.

Man versus machine or fishing blind.

Fishermen who decide to go fishing cannot be stopped. They are not afraid of extreme heat, cold or rain. But for fish, weather conditions are one of the important factors that ensure normal nutrition and, as a result, the presence of a bite.
Indirectly, all fishermen predict the fish bite and the results of future fishing, choosing in advance the place of fishing, tackle, bait and bait. Many experienced fishermen have knowledge of the influence of meteorological conditions on the body of certain types of fish. Most fishermen even keep diaries describing weather conditions and fishing results. Trying to compare all the weather factors, statistics from previous years and my experience. It is impossible for a normal person to compare all the factors in his head, and even for several species of fish. This is where modern technology comes to the rescue. The algorithms we have developed process hundreds of data and show you when the fish might bite better. All results of calculating fish bite, for convenience, are depicted in the form of graphs, tips and pictograms.

Description of some factors influencing fish bite.

Fish react to the influence of the following weather factors: atmospheric pressure, air temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind direction and speed. The influence of these factors explains the presence or absence of biting.

The influence of cloudiness on fish biting.

Cloudiness affects behavior and bite both directly and indirectly. The activity of fish largely determines the light in the water. A continuous gray cloud cover reduces the illumination of the water column and reduces the activity of fish. In clear sunny weather, the illumination of the water column is maximum, some fish hide in the depths or go into the shadows. In clear sunny weather, the fish hides from bright light because it is afraid that it may become a victim of aggression and therefore does not feed. Other fish, on the contrary, go to shallow areas of reservoirs.
In spring and autumn, the best bite will be in clear and sunny weather, as the water temperature rises, and in the heat of summer, on the contrary, the bite improves on cloudy days. In summer, in cloudless weather, it becomes too hot, and the fish bite gets worse.

The influence of precipitation (rain, snow) on fish biting.

During a thunderstorm and rain, the fish usually do not bite; the best bite happens 15-20 minutes before bad weather; the fish actively takes the bait when everything in nature calms down in anticipation of a storm.
Before prolonged rains, the fish are lethargic and the bite is poor. During periods of prolonged rains, fish bite is possible; fish bite weakly, only during a short cessation of rain.
Warm short-term thunderstorm rains promote biting and bring good results to the fisherman, while small short-term rains do not affect the bite.

The influence of water level on fish biting.

Prolonged rains and thunderstorms change the water level very noticeably. With a large and sharp increase in water level, the bite becomes weak. During and after rains, the water rises and becomes cloudy due to mud, the current intensifies, and the bite stops.
With moderate rains, a lot of different food that attracts fish is washed into the reservoir with rain, the water temperature decreases, and more oxygen enters the water. In the heat of summer, all this activates the fish and increases its appetite.
With a long absence of rain, soil drought is added to the atmospheric drought, the water level decreases, the water quickly warms up to temperatures unfavorable for fish - the fish loses their appetite, the fish bite worsens, as the fish begins to fear that the water may disappear completely and the fish are forced to look for deep places, and sometimes you just go with the flow.

The influence of water temperature on fish bite.

Water temperature is a factor in the intensity of fish activity. The water temperature can be used to judge the condition of the fish and its activity.
Fish are cold-blooded creatures; their body temperature can only increase due to the temperature of the water in which they live. Each species of fish has its own favorable temperature conditions, under which representatives of the species feel most comfortable. When the water temperature in fish habitats drops or rises beyond the limits of comfortable conditions, fish become lethargic and lose their appetite, and many leave these places in search of a comfortable environment.

The influence of wind direction on fish bite.

Wind has a great influence on fish nutrition and their bite. The change in air temperature is related to the direction of the wind. Different wind directions bring warm or cold air currents over the water. Wind direction is an indicator of processes occurring in the atmosphere and foreshadows possible weather changes. The wind that blows from the northern regions brings with it cold air, actively mixes all layers of water and can stop the bite of heat-loving fish species. But the northern, cold wind stops the bite mainly in autumn, spring and winter. In summer it is hot, and the cool northern wind, cooling the waters, on the contrary, can increase the bite of all types of fish. So, wind can influence the behavior of fish if it leads to an increase or decrease in air temperature, and then water temperature.
A sharp change in wind direction also negatively affects the bite. The movements of the cyclone and anticyclone affect fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which negatively affects the activity of fish.

The influence of wind force on fish biting.

For anglers, in addition to the direction, the strength of the wind also matters. Moreover, a strong wind not only stops the bite, but is also dangerous when fishing from a boat.
A moderate wind, raising light ripples and small waves on the surface of the water, is favorable for fishing. A strong wind, creating large waves, raises turbidity from the bottom in the coastal zone and in shallow water bodies, and can scare away fish. In a strong wave, all the fish move away from the shore to depth.
In calm weather, the bite of most fish is completely absent.

Features of the influence of atmospheric pressure on fish biting.

Pressure, or rather its change, affects the behavior of fish. At the moment of rapid change in atmospheric pressure, the fish loses orientation and control of hydrostatic pressure. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure disrupt the vital balance of fish. When the pressure decreases, the fish sinks into the lower layers of water, and when the pressure increases, into the upper layers.
According to observations, fish feel best during periods of stable normal and low pressure, as well as during periods of gradual pressure drop over several days. The health of the fish noticeably worsens during periods of instability of atmospheric pressure and when the pressure rises. The fish adapts to consistently high and consistently low pressure over the course of several days and begins to feed as usual.

The influence of the moon phase on fish biting.

The Moon, which is closest to the Earth, undoubtedly has a very strong influence not only on humans, but also on all living organisms, including the life of fish. Moreover, it has been noticed that they are influenced differently. The phases of the Moon strongly influence gravity, creating tension in the water in one direction or the other, which is accompanied by a change in the electrical potential of the inhabitants of the aquatic environment. It has been noticed that during the lunar month there are two periods of good and two periods of bad bite. The fish's bite depends not only on the phase of the moon, but also on the height of its standing above the horizon. The higher the moon is above the horizon, the better the bite. The new and full moons are when the fish bite is the worst.
It is also worth considering the effect of the sun on fish biting.

How to effectively use the fish bite forecast.

We briefly looked at just a few of the many factors that influence fish bite. We hope that we were able to convince you that even the most professional fisherman cannot, without the help of a computer, foresee and analyze all the factors influencing the behavior and bite of fish.
Our fish bite forecast in no way guarantees you big catches. There are factors that we cannot take into account when processing data. In the site fish bite forecast, complex calculations and comparisons with statistics from previous years are made, determining the likelihood of active fish behavior and successful fishing. Some results of determining the fish bite are presented to you in the form of hints. After familiarizing yourself with the positive and negative factors that influence fish bite, you can decide for yourself which of the factors in your opinion are more significant and what to expect from fishing.
Even if the fish bite forecast is poor, you can use the knowledge acquired on the site to your advantage by radically changing your usual tactics and fishing techniques. Knowing in advance about the bad bite of fish, you can, without wasting time in the usual “cool” places, look for fish in their stopping places and try to seduce the fish with a special bait.

– such people are not afraid of either water or dirt. However, the opinion that a smartphone is not a helper for a fisherman is wrong: both in the AppStore and in Google Play you can find a lot of applications designed specifically for fishing lovers.

Application for fishermen "Fishing!" uses a combination of seasonal and lunar calendars to tell the fisherman which days he will definitely not return without a catch. The pattern has long been known: fish activity is much higher during periods new moon And full moon– the forecast is based on this pattern. The bite forecast is given not only for the current week, but also for the next 3 - the fisherman will not have any problems scheduling a day off from work.

Selecting the most suitable days for fishing is not the only useful function of the application. There are others:

Among the advantages "Fishing!" You should note the minimum weight (only 10 MB). We also shouldn’t forget about the program’s shortcomings, especially since they are quite significant. Firstly, the application is paid (costs 75 rubles and does not have a Lite version), and secondly, only iPhone owners can use it. Android users when trying to find this program by name in Google Play They will only find the game of the same name, which, alas, has no practical value.

Cool fishing

Price: Free

Program " Cool fishing" - the best alternative to the app " Fishing!» for Android devices. Users of this program are also always aware of the most “fishy” places and the right time for fishing, but at the same time they also have access to other useful functions and materials:

The application is completely free to download and has a fairly high rating on Google Play (4.6), which can be regarded as a positive recommendation from experienced fishermen.


Application for iOS « Fishing» will not just tell you where and when it’s best to fish – it will determine the user’s location and make recommendations nearby"fish" places. Besides, " Fishing» will inform you about routes, how to get to the chosen place, about current prices, about the types of fish that are found in a particular area, and provide reliable photographs from the “fields”. There is also a button Call“- if the user still does not find some information, he can clarify it with the fishing organizers.

An important component of the application is fish encyclopedia– each type of fish is presented with a large photograph and a detailed description. By clicking on a species, you can find out in which bodies of water its representatives are found - for example, the program will immediately send you for carp to the village of Romashkovo, Moscow Region.

There were also some “flies in the ointment” – the disadvantages of the application “ Fishing" are:

Deeper – Smart Sonar

Price: Free

Device Deeper is the world's first wireless echo sounder; companion application " Deeper– Smart Sonar» allows the user of a mobile device on Android or iOS to receive information transmitted by such an echo sounder via Bluetooth. Wireless sonar for fishermen « worth its weight in gold,” because it eliminates the risk of pointlessly waiting for fish where there has never been one. However, the price of such a device is steep: not everyone can afford to spend about 12 thousand rubles on a hobby.

Even if you don't have that kind of money, don't rush to review the following app: " Deeper– Smart Sonar"is a self-sufficient program and has a lot of other functions besides displaying sonar measurement results. The application allows you to:

– Smart Sonar"is completely free, however, the program places high demands on the device OS: the iPhone must have iOS 8, and Android must have 4.0 or later.

Fishing Where It Bites!

Application Fishing Where It Bites! is a mobile version of the site popular among fishermen " Where is it biting!” which can be described as a social network. The mobile application does not offer the full functionality of the site, however, the most popular options are available on site. The fisherman has access to:

Application for fishermen on Android « Fishing Where It Bites! is free and does not require outstanding functionality from the smartphone. To work with the program, you only need a stable Internet connection.


Applications for fishermen on iOS and Android are similar in functionality: their main task is to point the user to the coolest places and clarify when the most fish will be there. You need to choose an application based on individual preferences and additional functions: for example, "Fishing!" does not allow fishermen to communicate with each other, but not everyone needs this. The most functional "fishing" program is Fish Brain, but it also has a flaw: it does not support the Russian language.