What can be transported across the Belarus-Poland border. Rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland: prohibited and permitted, permissible weight, cost of declaration. Import standards for alcohol and tobacco products

When we go to visit relatives or friends, half of our luggage consists of gifts. And when we return, we tightly fill the empty space in the suitcase with purchases: imported things and perfumes, souvenirs and simply what “can be useful anywhere.” But the question is: will they let this through at the border?! What if there are import/export restrictions on some goods?

So, what can and cannot be exported from Belarus.

According to the law, there are the same rules for crossing the border. However, in practice they differ slightly depending on the destination country, i.e. the one you intend to travel to and the place of border crossing.

So, if you decide to visit the CIS countries by plane, then crossing the border at the airport is more relaxed. If luggage is checked, it is done selectively, and only in extreme cases, if a person causes distrust in the eyes of customs control. A similar rule applies to group tourist trips to Turkey and Egypt. Upon returning from all these countries (CIS, Turkey, Egypt), customs does not look particularly closely at your luggage. However, do not forget about the possibility of random inspection.

But when flying on regular planes to Turkey or Egypt, strict customs rules apply, as well as for traveling abroad. In this case, the luggage of all passengers will be checked carefully and in accordance with all standards.

But the control of customs services at land borders is especially famous, mainly when our citizens enter Belarus (Belarusians never return home with empty bags:) There they will thoroughly check not only the car and your luggage, but also the contents of your pockets, which also should not exceed the established limits norms.

There is a general rule for goods imported into Belarus (at all borders, including at the airport): their amount should not exceed 1,500 euros and 50 kg per one(!) person.

Most people believe that if they buy something abroad for themselves (personal use), then it will not be subject to duty. And this is where they are seriously mistaken.

What is allowed to be transported and in what quantities?

Carriage allowances per 1 person:
(this especially applies to those returning to Belarus from Poland)

Name of goods 1 time per year Quantity Frequency of transportation
Outerwear 1 PC. 1 time per month
Spare parts for cars 1 PC. 1 time per month
Cleaning products, washing powders, rinse aids 1 PC. 1 time per month
All of the above goods are allowed to transport no more than 3 items per month. For example, one winter jacket, one car tires and one package of washing powder. It is imperative to pay attention to the weight of the goods so that in total it does not exceed 50 kg and 1,500 euros.
Construction Materials 3 titles 1 time per month
Gas (or electric) kitchen stoves, household hoods, food processors, microwave ovens, ovens 1 product 1 time per year
Bathtubs, shower cabins, sinks for water drainage, wash basins, bidets, toilets, flush cisterns 1 product 1 time per year
Household refrigerators-freezers, household refrigerators, household freezers 1 product 1 time per year
Dishwashers, household washing machines, household sewing machines 1 product 1 time per year
Domestic water heaters 1 product 1 time per year
Color image computer monitors with LCD screens, portable personal computers (laptops), copying equipment once a year 1 product 1 time per year
Reception equipment for television communications 1 product 1 time per year
Air conditioners 1 product 1 time per year
Baby strollers (each type depending on the age of the child) 1 product 1 time per year
Boat motors 1 product 1 time per year
Alcoholic drinks 3 liters per trip
Goods restricted for movement (more than the norm cannot be transported under any circumstances):
Used pneumatic rubber tires for vehicles 4 things.
Alcoholic drinks 5 liters
Cigarettes 200 pieces
Tobacco 200 grams
Jewelry 5 units
Food 5 kg

All of the above standards do not apply to used goods with obvious signs of their use (scuffs, malfunction, signs of wear, lack of tags and labels, etc.), as well as to the clothes you are wearing (taking into account weather conditions and season ). However, a large number of such items, often moved across borders, can be considered a consignment of “Second-hand” clothing.

Ultimately, everything is decided not by the table of goods allowed for import, but by the head of customs or his deputy. So, for example, if you are traveling in a car with 5 people, and everyone is carrying a new laptop, then this will arouse suspicion from customs. If it turns out that this car is driven in this way every month, only changing people, then this fact will be considered a consignment of goods, and not items of personal use.

And vice versa, if, for example, you and your wife are returning from Poland and are bringing an oven and several meters of carpet, ultimately exceeding 50 kg, then they can let you through without any problems, especially if they see that you are in Poland extremely rarely, i.e. e. Obviously you are bringing the goods not for sale, but for personal use.

The decision of the head of customs may be based on a number of factors: the composition of your family, a person’s usual need for a given type of goods, place of work or lack thereof, purpose of the trip, frequency of trips, assortment of goods and other factors.

If you clearly exceed the norms for the permitted import of goods, you will have to pay customs duty. Therefore, be sure to always keep receipts for all goods!!! Documents confirming the cost of goods can include: checks, invoices, payment receipts, contracts, specifications, etc. If you do not have receipts for the goods, then the customs office itself will calculate the cost of the goods based on the approximate retail prices they have for these products (but they will exceed the price that you actually paid).

So, how much customs duty will you have to pay for goods that exceed the import standards? Here are several evaluation criteria:

1. If the total amount of goods purchased exceeds 1500 euros - 30% only of the excess amount (not of the total amount!).

2. If the weight exceeds 50kg - 30% of the amount of the product that exceeds 50kg, but not less than 4 euros per kg. Those. if according to your receipts you have to pay 0.5 euros for a 3-kilogram package of washing powder, then customs will not be happy with this. You will have to pay 12 euros in duty for this package of powder and come to terms with the idea that you will wash your clothes with “golden” powder.

For some categories of goods, there is not a general, but an individual system for calculating customs duties. Eg:
1. alcoholic drinks from 3 to 5 liters inclusive - 10 euros for each liter exceeding the norm;
2. jewelry more than 5 units: from silver - 10 euros per unit, from gold or platinum - 50 euros per unit, with precious stones regardless of the metal they contain - 200 euros per unit;
3. food products: from 5 to 30 kg - 2 euros per 1 kg, more than 30 kg - 3 euros per 1 kg.

However, do not be deluded by the opportunity to pay customs duties and calmly transport as many goods as you like. Sometimes customs officials may consider that the goods you brought not only are not personal items, but are also clearly a commercial shipment. Then the usual payment of duties will not be enough. You will have to arrange transportation as a legal entity (or an Individual Entrepreneur) and provide all the necessary documents. If you did not have time to register a legal entity. person (or individual entrepreneur), then you will have to leave your goods in a special temporary storage warehouse, which, in turn, is NOT free. Therefore, you need to think 10 times before buying 8 pairs of shoes or 5 identical mobile phones, so that the purchase does not “backfire” on you.

Speaking about the export of goods from Belarus, there are no special features here (with the exception of the standard “narcotics, explosives, ethyl alcohol, weapons” and the like). The only thing that needs to be emphasized is cultural values. Sometimes, as a Belarusian souvenir, we bring as a gift a painting or a family antique in the form of an old box, completely unaware that this work is a cultural value for the country. In this case, you will need to obtain a “Certificate of the right to export cultural property from the territory of the Republic of Belarus” from the Expert Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

In any case, before planning your trip or making air ticket booking, you need to check in advance with customs officials about whether you can take this or that item out of Belarus and whether you can bring certain goods for yourself. Then you will not have unexpected delays at the border and unforeseen financial waste.

In the article I will tell h then you can transport it across the border of Poland, and .

We have crossed the Polish border several times, so we are very familiar with customs rules. For the last time, traveling the route , we had to, once again, cross the border. From our own experience, we have seen that Polish border guards have become even more attentive and demanding towards Ukrainians.

In addition to checking documents and scanning fingers, all luggage was put through a security belt, in case of smuggling or prohibited products. As we know, even with Schengen visa to Poland , the border service has the final say. Therefore, so that the border guards do not have unnecessary questions, we try to prepare all the necessary documents before the trip. Crossing the Polish border is a kind of lottery. They asked me where I was going and for how long, they checked my hotel reservation, insurance (buy insurance), and return tickets. Vitya has nothing. Maybe the gender indicator of a guy or a girl plays a role. You never know, I’m going to look for a foreign husband!))

After a short introduction, I turn to the specific Customs rules of Poland.

It is prohibited to transport across the Polish border

  • Weapon
  • Chemicals and toxic substances
  • Psychotropic and narcotic drugs
  • Unlicensed (pirated) software, pornographic materials
  • Valuables and antiquities (without export permit)
  • Plants and animals that are endangered
Prohibited Products
  • Milk and dairy products (cheese, butter, etc.)
  • Meat, meat products, lard
  • Canned goods

Now let's talk:What and how much can be transported across the border between Ukraine and Poland.

Customs regulations Poland


  • Fresh fruits - 5 kg.
  • Fresh vegetables - 5 kg.
  • Baby food (baby milk powder, baby food and special medical food may be permitted if it is in the original sealed packaging, sealed and the quantity does not exceed a weight of 10 kg, produced in Croatia, Greenland and Iceland, and 2 kg -production in other countries.
  • Seafood and fish (only if it is gutted and does not exceed a weight of 20 kg)

You can take cut meat and lard with you in moderate quantities (for sandwiches on the road).

Polish customs rules for transporting alcohol and tobacco products differ depending on the type of transport (land (road, railway), air and sea (air, ship).

It is allowed to transport into the territory of Poland by ground transport (buses, cars, etc.):

Alcohol and tobacco products

People over 18 are allowed to bring into Poland:

  • Alcoholic drinks of medium strength (less than 22 vol.) (except wine and beer) - 2 liters
  • Wine (except sparkling)- up to 4 liters
  • Beer- up to 5 liters
  • 40 cigarettes (2 packs).

Since Vitya smokes, we carried two sealed packs in our luggage and one open pack in our pocket.

  • Tobacco for smoking - 50 gr.
  • Cigars - 10 pcs.

The following can be transported into Poland by air and sea:

  • Strong alcohol - 1 liter per person
  • Alcoholic drinks of medium strength (less than 22 vol.) - 2 liters
  • 200 cigarettes (10 packs)
  • 250gr. tobacco
  • 50 cigars
  • 100 pieces. cigars (no more than 3g/piece)

Keep in mind that border guards pay special attention to alcohol and cigarettes. If a product exceeds the norm, a fine of about 50 euros per unit is withdrawn, with mandatory confiscation. In the worst case scenario, border guards have the right to revoke your visa and deport you from the EU for 5 years. Remember that there is no need to argue and prove that you are right. This will not save you in any way, but on the contrary will worsen the situation.


Customs rules provide (without declaration) for one person (for personal use):

  • telephone
  • laptop or tablet
  • camera

It’s clear that if you transport sealed equipment, questions will arise. Therefore, if you want to transport more equipment, declare it. As for licensing support. It is checked very rarely. At least we have never encountered this.


You can import any currency into Poland in the amount of 10 thousand euros per person. Any amount greater than this must be declared. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s better to take credit cards or cash with you on a trip. We usually take this and that. Polish customs may ask if you have funds for the duration of your trip, so you need to have the required amount of money with you for each day of your trip.

From our own experience, we can say that our availability of funds has never been checked at the border. Only when submitting documents for a visa, we made a bank statement about the amount of funds on the card and the flow of money for three months.


It is allowed to transport medical drugs for personal use across the Polish border, but no more than five packages of each item. In addition, the usual medications for headaches, toothaches, colds, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. You can take it without any problems. We always take a traveler's first aid kit with us. The list can be viewed at the link.

If you have confirmation that the medicines you are transporting have been prescribed by a doctor, then you have every right to travel with them with a mandatory written declaration to customs and provision of medical documents on the prescription.

Each country has its own list of prohibited drugs. You can view them on the Customs Service website.


Animals must be identified (chipped), vaccinated against rabies and have a hygiene certificate. The rules for transporting animals abroad have a number of features, for example, depending on the type of transportation. I have already written about sleep rules in a separate article.

At the border you will also need to fill out a declaration on the temporary export of animals and their return. This document is presented when returning animals from the EU. Transportation of animals across the border is possible at certain checkpoints.

Other goods
  • Personal items of a non-commercial nature up to €430 when traveling by plane or sea
  • Personal items of a non-commercial nature worth up to 300 euros when traveling by land
  • Personal items of a non-commercial nature in the amount of up to 150 euros for passengers under 15 years of age.

Non-commercial goods are incidental in nature and consist solely of goods for the personal or family use of passengers or goods intended as gifts. The nature and quantity of the goods must not be such as to indicate that they are being imported for commercial purposes (within reasonable limits).

In the article I wrote what can be carried across the border of Poland, and . I hope the article will be useful when crossing the Polish border. If you have any additions, write in the comments. I'll be glad!

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Since last year, the rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland have changed. Standards have been tightened for food, personal goods, tobacco and alcohol. Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, united in an economic union (EAEU), which created a free trade zone.

The restrictions apply to all members of the union and are designed to protect the domestic markets of countries from shuttle business.

Duty-free import standards: permissible weight and cost of goods for personal use

There is no specific regulatory act allowing customs officers to classify goods as a commercial shipment or for personal use.

Generally accepted criteria that service employees follow when classifying goods as a commercial lot:

  • The luggage contains items that are similar in appearance, color and style.
  • A citizen cannot give a clear answer on how he plans to use the transported similar product in everyday life.
  • A person often crosses the border while transporting the same goods.
  • No signs of wear, washing or damage.
  • Availability of labels or tags.
  • Inconsistency with the time of year.

Goods needed by citizens for personal use should not meet the above criteria.

For citizens crossing the Belarusian border no more than once every 3 months, the new limits allow duty-free transportation of 25 kg of goods for personal use, while their total value should not exceed 500 euros. If border crossings are carried out more often, then the weight limit of 20 kg and the price of 300 euros should be adhered to.

Goods that do not exceed the norm for import into Belarus from Poland are transported through the green corridor.

The listed limits do not include alcohol, indivisible goods and tobacco. Restrictions do not apply to goods transported by air; they are valid only when crossing land and sea borders. By plane, 50 kg of luggage worth no more than 10,000 euros is allowed into the country. Flight frequency is not taken into account.

Excessive imports are subject to a 30% duty, calculated from the commodity value. The nuance is that if the amount received is less than 4 euros per 1 kg, then 4 euros per 1 extra kg are taken into account.

Food import standards

The rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland provide for the possibility of transporting 5 kg of food across the border without paying duty. Some categories of goods have their own import restrictions, for example, fish caviar (sturgeon) is allowed in the amount of 250 g.

If food products are classified as regulated products (fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, herbs), then the import of more than 5 kg requires a phytosanitary certificate.

Customs regulations in Belarus prohibit the import of pork into the country from Poland. This applies to live and frozen products, as well as any products containing pork (sausages, sausages, semi-finished products, lard, smoked meats).

In a 5 kg permissible basket, all goods must be in original packaging. Border guards have requirements for product labeling; it must contain information about the composition, date and place of manufacture.

Number of items allowed per trip

If crossing the border is carried out no more than once a month, then you can transport 5 items of goods in the amount of 3 pieces each. For persons crossing the cordon more than 2 times a month, it is permissible to transport 3 items of 3 pieces each through the checkpoint.

Customs acts do not provide for rules for classifying goods as a commercial consignment. If a service employee has questions about the goods being transported, he will request oral or written explanations from the person crossing the border. For example, a citizen transports 7 pairs of shoes. He presents the customs officer with a passport with a marriage stamp and 5 children listed.

Oral explanations from a person about purchasing shoes for family members will persuade the customs officer to recognize the goods as necessary for personal needs. This is confirmed by the information in the passport, according to which the owner’s family consists of 7 people.

By presenting a technical passport for a 3-room apartment, you can import 6 lamps into the country, explaining that it is planned to install 2 pieces in each room.

A person who tries to introduce a commercial shipment under the guise of goods for his own needs will be subject to one of the punitive sanctions:

  • fine from 30 to 50% of the total cost of the goods;
  • confiscation of goods (without paying a fine);
  • detention to establish the circumstances.

Indivisible goods: norms for duty-free import of one dimensional product

Signs of an indivisible product:

The rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland without paying duty do not provide for the possibility of transporting large-sized goods; there is no alternative. The legislation provides for payment of 30% of the cost of one item. If the interest rate is less than 4 euros per 1 kg, then 4 euros are taken into account and multiplied by the number of kg.

Large goods weighing up to 35 kg that do not fall into the indivisible category are subject to duty. From 35 kg, the permissible 25 or 20 are subtracted (depending on the frequency of travel), the resulting difference is multiplied by 30%. If the duty amount is less than 4 euros per 1 kg, then 4 euros are taken into account and multiplied by the excess weight.

A list of large-sized goods is provided (the warranty period is more than a year) The import of which is allowed for 1 item once every 3 years:

  • gas stove;
  • washing machine;
  • kitchen hood;
  • baby stroller;
  • toilet;
  • TV;
  • computer.

A set of tires is allowed to be imported once every 2 years. When crossing the checkpoint, the employee will require a document confirming ownership of the car. A set is defined as 4 tires, which must come with rims.

Alcohol import standards

The rules allow the import of alcohol from Poland into Belarus only by adult citizens. One citizen can import 3 liters without paying tax. 5 liters are allowed for transportation across the border, but for 2 liters extra you will have to pay a fee of 10 euros per 1 liter.

Tobacco products

Volume of tobacco products allowed for duty-free import:

The above standards are established for 1 citizen who has reached the age of majority. Excessive import of tobacco into the country is prohibited.

Money, jewelry

The rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland provide not only for the transportation procedure and the permissible quantity (in terms of volume and monetary equivalent) of goods, but also money and jewelry. You can take an unlimited amount of money with you into the country.

Any country's currency is accepted. The entire dollar amount must not exceed 10,000. In this case, filling out a declaration is not required. Import of more than 10,000 requires registration of a document. Restrictions apply to cash.

Non-cash funds located on bank cards are not of interest to customs officers.

Duty-free transportation of precious metals and stones across the border is allowed if the value of the jewelry is less than 1,500 euros (by land transport). For those traveling by air, this amount is increased to 10,000 euros.

Citizens are not prohibited from exceeding the established limit for transporting jewelry, in case of mandatory payment of state duty. Excesses are allowed up to 650,000 rubles. and 200 kg. The excess tax is 30% of the cost or 4 euros per 1 kg, if in percentage terms the duty is less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

Animals and plants

Plants of high sanitary risk (quarantine) require a phytosanitary certificate for transportation through the cordon. Without this document, you are allowed to carry no more than 5 kg. Bouquets of flowers in the amount of 3 pieces per person are not counted towards the weight.

Customs regulations for high-risk (phytosanitary) products include:

  • berries, fruits, vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • greenery.

An expanded list of goods of plant origin is contained in the EAEU decision No. 318 of June 18, 2010. A citizen can cross the border of Belarus with 2 pets, without any permission or payment of duties.

However, it is required to have an international passport for the animal with a veterinarian’s mark on the clinical examination. The visit to the clinic must take place at least 5 days before the trip. If the animal has not been vaccinated within a year, then vaccinations are required 20 days before departure.


The norms for the import of goods into Belarus from Poland allow you to have with you, when going through customs control, medicines, the need for which is confirmed by medical documents (a doctor’s certificate, a medical book, a prescription). The form requires the presence of details in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health.

Psychotropic medicines and medicines containing narcotic components are subject to mandatory declaration. Their import into the country is allowed in a certain quantity. At the customs checkpoint, the citizen will be required to provide a medical document with information reflecting the need to use these medications, indicating the daily dosage.

The following will be allowed for transportation:

  • medications from the psychotropic category in the amount required for 3 days;
  • narcotic drugs - up to 90 doses.

There are requirements for medical documentation to reflect information in it only in 2 languages: Russian, Belarusian. Documents translated from other languages ​​require notarization.

Household appliances, furniture, fuel and auto parts

Household appliances for your own needs can be introduced into Belarus once every three years. The requirements apply to items of the same type.

  • Dishwashing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, TVs, food processors, washing machines, mixers, microwave ovens and other equipment used by housewives in everyday life.
  • Laptops, processors, tablets, game consoles and other electrical goods.
  • Electric heaters, heating radiators, air conditioners and plumbing fixtures.

When crossing a checkpoint in a personal vehicle, the car’s tank can be filled completely or partially, at the owner’s discretion. Fuel in the tank is not subject to declaration and taxation. In addition to this volume, you are allowed to carry a canister of fuel with a capacity not exceeding 10 liters.

Auto parts for personal use during transportation are not subject to duty if their weight is not more than 50 kg and their cost is less than 1,500 euros. In this mass, the maximum permissible volume of one product is limited to 35 kg.

Accordingly, when importing one spare part weighing more than 35 kg, it is necessary to draw up a declaration; payment of duty in this case is not provided. The remaining 15 kg of spare parts are transported as usual.

Transportation of furniture is carried out according to the rules applicable to indivisible goods.

Choosing a corridor to cross the border

At some customs checkpoints, a two-corridor system is used. In the EAEU countries, it is used to simplify the work of customs officers and control procedures for citizens crossing the cordon, both at entry and exit.

The idea that the green wing lacks any control and border guards is wrong. The specialist is either present in the corridor area or observes the situation through the camera. All goods crossing the border in luggage or worn by citizens are subject to control.

It is important to understand that a person crossing the border must declare to customs officers about all goods contained in their luggage or carried on themselves.

The methods of informing the service in the green and red corridors are different. Customs must know whether a citizen has goods of interest to them. It is impossible to check everything; such a process takes a lot of time and effort. The green corridor simplifies the work of the department.

Crossing the border through the green zone, stepping beyond the green line, a citizen by his actions verbally declares the absence of goods with him that are subject to inclusion in the declaration. Without performing any actions, without uttering sounds, a person vouches for his lawful act for the fact that he does not transport the declared goods.

At customs checkpoints there are many brochures, stands, and other available information about the rules for crossing the green line. Inspections in the green zone are carried out randomly.

If a service employee is interested in someone and during an inspection he is found to have goods prohibited for free import, then this citizen will be brought to administrative or criminal liability (depending on the severity of the violation).

Even recognition of a violation at the time of detention or when a customs officer appears does not exempt you from liability. Responsibility comes immediately at the next step taken outside the green line. The procedure for crossing the border along the green corridor is one of the forms of declaration - conclusive.

The rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland provide for the transportation of items through the red zone that are subject to mandatory declaration. This is a product subject to restrictions, prohibitions and duties. A citizen is obliged to provide information about things of this kind in writing in a declaration.

Declaration procedure, passage through the red and green channels

The cost of the transported goods is confirmed by the citizen with invoices, checks or certificates. If documents are missing or customs officers doubt the declared value, then they use proprietary information to make an assessment.

Customs authorities have at their disposal price information reflected in special catalogues. The cost is determined taking into account the quality, country of manufacture, and market reputation.

The declaration procedure can be carried out either by the person himself or by proxy. If the person crossing the border is under 16 years of age, then the declaration must be made by one of the parents. The declaration form and the procedure for filling it out were approved by Decision No. 287 of June 18, 2010. The information is freely available on the website of the customs department of Belarus.

It is possible to fill out the form by hand and on a printing device. Information is entered in Russian or Belarusian. It is allowed to issue a document in English and, with the permission of customs officers, in any other language if the service employees speak it.

How to calculate the state duty for exceeding the norms for duty-free import of goods

If it was not possible to meet duty-free standards, then the rules provide the following calculation options for those who travel outside the country no more than once every 3 months:

In the case of transportation of goods exceeding the cost and weight indicators, calculations are made based on both indicators. The larger result is accepted for payment.

It is possible to import alcohol into Belarus in excess of the prescribed limit only in the amount of 2 liters. The fee for 1 liter is 10 euros.

Goods prohibited for import into Belarus

In addition to the ban on the import of tobacco and alcohol in the permissible amount, it is prohibited to transport into the country:

Calculation of state duty for exceeding the norm when traveling more than once in 3 months

If a citizen crosses the border more than once (every 3 months), then, according to the norms for the import of goods transported from Poland to Belarus, similar requirements apply to legal entities. A product code is determined to establish excise duty and the amount of duty is set according to the code. The fee can be 20 euros or 50 euros depending on the category.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about import standards to Belarus

Rules for importing goods into Belarus:

The last year has been a difficult period not only for the Russian Federation and Ukraine, but also for their neighboring countries. Amid hostilities and quarrels between the two countries, Belarus has banned the import of quite a large number of goods into its territory. Many restrictions are directly related to the rules and regulations of the customs union.

Panoramic view of the center of Minsk at night

Also, the reason for the ban or restriction was the diseases of some animals, which could pose a potential danger to Belarusian citizens.

Belarus is a member of the Customs Union, membership in which obliges its participants to adhere to the customs norms and rules established by the union. According to these rules, any individual can carry a total of fifty kilograms on any transport (car, train, bus).

The only exceptions are goods whose weight exceeds 35 kilograms. According to customs regulations, goods of this category are classified as indivisible.

It is also worth remembering that when transporting goods, it is imperative to take into account their total cost.
The Government of the Republic of Belarus allows the import of goods worth no more than 1,500 euros. Where and for what currency these goods were purchased does not matter. The cost of goods is calculated at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

If crossing the border is carried out by air (on an airplane), a person has the right to import goods for personal use in the amount of 10,000 euros. It is worth remembering that the above standards for imported goods must necessarily fall into the category of goods for personal use, that is, not be used on the territory of Belarus for commercial purposes.

Large goods not for personal use include:

It is also prohibited to import diamonds duty free. Other jewelry can be carried.
The basic rule is that imported goods worth one and a half thousand euros and weighing no more than fifty kilograms are not subject to duty payment to the state budget of Belarus. All other goods in excess of these standards must be declared at customs points and paid according to the established tariffs for each “extra kilogram”.

For “excess luggage” an individual will need to pay VAT in the amount of thirty percent of the total cost of the goods. But, VAT should not be less than four euros per kilogram.

Import of alcoholic beverages

According to the requirements of the Customs Union, the import of alcoholic beverages into Belarus by an individual in the amount of three liters is allowed. The maximum volume of alcohol import is five liters.
It is worth considering that if you transport three liters of alcohol, you will not have to pay value added tax (VAT). But for exceeding this amount, a person will need to pay ten euros for each “extra” liter.

And since the maximum volume cannot exceed five liters of alcohol, then, accordingly, the maximum amount of VAT will be twenty euros.

It is allowed to transport alcohol of any strength. Even beer is included in this list. Moreover, the place where alcoholic beverages are purchased does not matter. Even alcohol purchased at duty-free is not an exception.

Only an adult representative of any country can import alcoholic goods.

Map of administrative divisions of Belarus

But for people crossing the border more than once a week, different rules apply that significantly limit the import of alcohol. So, if a person crosses the border of the Republic of Belarus by car once every seven days (or more often), he can import only one liter of alcohol. If crossing the border is carried out on foot or by bicycle, a person has the right to bring half a liter of alcoholic beverages.

Import of ethyl alcohol is carried out only subject to declaration and payment of VAT. For one liter of ethyl alcohol you will need to pay twenty-two euros to the state budget.

Import of tobacco products

The Republic of Belarus allows the import of up to two hundred cigarettes (ten packs or one block) or fifty cigars. You can also bring 250 grams of tobacco instead.

Import of currency

Belarus is one of the countries that does not regulate the permitted amount of imported currency. But remember that you can import only 10,000 euros into the territory of this state without declaring and paying VAT (but you can spend the same amount but in dollars). If the amount of funds exceeds these standards, the currency is subject to mandatory written declaration and payment of VAT.

An important aspect is that it is necessary to declare currency exceeding the amount of ten thousand euros (at the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus) only in cases of importing currency in cash. If money is stored on a card, it is not subject to declaration.

Example of a customs declaration for importing currency

When filling out a customs declaration, you do not need to provide special permission to import funds (in any currency).

Certificate indicating the animal's vaccination dates

It is important that the animal must be vaccinated several weeks before it is expected to cross the border. It is also necessary to take care of translating the medical certificate into Russian or Belarusian.

After the animal crosses the Belarusian border, the owner of the animal must register it with any veterinary organization. To import wild animals, you must first submit an application to the Ministry of Nature along with photographs of all animals.

Customs officers will also need to present documents proving ownership. It is worth remembering that you must submit your application no later than two weeks before your intended trip.

A common question that comes up among foreigners entering Poland is: what things can you take with you, how many packs of cigarettes can you take with you... This article will be devoted specifically to the answers to these questions. So: what can and cannot be transported across the Polish border?

A whole list of what is permitted and prohibited for transportation into the country and back forms the rules in accordance with which a decision will be made to allow the traveler to cross the border or to refuse entry.

Good to know:

Breaking the rules

Before moving on to the list of what can be brought across the Polish border, it is worth mentioning the sanctions for violating them. According to the degree of tightening, they can be expressed as:

  • confiscation of prohibited things;
  • imposing a fine (for example, 50 euros for an extra carton of cigarettes);
  • deportation and ban on entry into the EU for up to five years.

A relatively minor violation can result in significant punishment. Therefore, you should carefully read the following rules for transportation across the Polish border.

Differences in standards for air and land border crossings

There are differences in standards depending on the method of movement:

  • by land (by bus, car, train);
  • by air and sea;

So, when traveling by plane(and also when moving by sea) some norms increase slightly.

As a rule, this applies to personal items, cigarettes, gifts. We will look at specific numbers in the relevant sections.

note that all the rules under consideration apply to entry into Poland from non-EU member states. When crossing the border of the Republic of Poland from the countries of the Union, the standards are much higher.

What is the maximum weight of items allowed?

You can carry bags across the border whose weight does not exceed 50 kg per person. For citizens of Ukraine and Russia, this rule applies without exception, however for citizens of Belarus there is a difference: if the border is crossed more than once every 90 days, the weight is reduced to 20 kilograms.

Customs rules and regulations

How many things can be transported across the Polish border?

Personal items permitted for import will not be subject to customs duties and will not be subject to insurance if their total value does not exceed:

  • 150 euros for persons under fifteen years of age.
  • 300 euros for those over fifteen years old.
  • 430 euros when traveling by air.

Such items receive the status of “temporarily imported” and must leave Poland along with their owner.

The situation with exports from Poland is similar, but there is an exception for Belarusians. The legislation of the Republic of Belarus allows citizens who cross the border less than once every 90 days to import goods in the amount of up to 1,500 euros (those who do this more often - the amount is 300 euros).

How many liters of alcohol can you have?

The rules apply to travelers over 17 years of age. Before this age, the transport of alcohol is prohibited.

You can import:

  1. Drinks with a strength of more than 22.3% vol.. – 1 liter of vodka per person entering.
  2. Drinks with an alcohol content of less than 22.3% vol.. – up to 2 liters per person. However, this item does not include wine and beer.
  3. Wine(except for sparkling) – up to 4 liters.
  4. Beer– up to 16 liters.

In cases of import of alcoholic products that fit several items, the customs officer can calculate their average strength, and on this basis make a decision on the quantity allowed for import.

What kind of tobacco products can you use?

The rules for transporting tobacco also apply only to citizens over 17 years of age..

When crossing the border by land, it is allowed to import:

Mostly people transport cigarettes, but remember if you transport more than 2 packs of cigarettes per person, the extra ones may be taken from you. As for hookah lovers, we did not find information prohibiting the import of it.

When crossing the Polish border by plane, the standards increase:

The latter also applies to water transport.

List of what you can eat from food

The following products are prohibited for import into the country:
  • milk and products created on its basis;
  • meat and all its derivatives, incl. lard, sausage, balyk, etc.;
  • canned food – homemade or store-bought;
  • chocolate.

These rules apply to the entire EU territory for the entry of third-country citizens and are regulated not by Polish, but by pan-European legislation.

However, there are a number of exceptions that allow import:

  • baby food;
  • fish and products made from it;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits weighing up to 5 kg per person (except for potatoes).

There is another nuance: ready-to-eat meat products, cut into portions in small quantities (sliced), can be passed through the border.

Simply put, a traveler will not be deported for eating a sandwich with lard or sausage.

There are also restrictions on the transport of caviar(salted, ready to eat). Sturgeon caviar is allowed in quantities of 125 g/person in hermetically sealed packaging.

The situation is more complicated with small amounts of home canned food.. The decision to import it into Poland will be made by a customs officer, subjectively determining whether it is “canned food” or “personal food”. Our advice: it’s better not to take risks and not to take canned meat-based foods with you – stewed meats and the like. Please take vegetables.

Some other products are also allowed for import into Poland. For example, honey or products made from eggs, etc., weighing up to 2 kg.

You can introduce products for special nutrition (diet, etc.) if, firstly, their need is confirmed by a medical certificate, and secondly, the weight does not exceed 2 kg.

Other restrictions for import into Poland:

  • coffee – no more than 500 g;
  • coffee extract – up to 200 g;
  • tea – no more than 100 g;
  • tea extract – up to 40 g.

The names and scope of prohibitions/permits may change depending on changes in Polish and European legislation. For example, in cases where epidemics of domestic animals and birds are detected, additional temporary bans may be introduced.

Is it possible to import medicines and dietary supplements?

Mild tablets in sizes suitable for personal use are allowed for import into Poland! Potent medications (again in personal quantities) can only be imported with an appropriate document from a doctor (indicating the institution, full name of the doctor, patient data, list of medications).

In other cases, drugs containing psychotropic and narcotic substances are strictly prohibited for import.

What can you do from household appliances?

Transporting any type of equipment in the amount of 1 unit per person (without packaging) should not raise any questions - this quantity is allowed. However, everything these things must be declared so that when exporting them from Poland there will be no problems with re-paying VAT.

By the way, if the equipment (mobile phone or TV, for example) was actually purchased in Poland, you will have to pay tax, but you should not forget about such a convenient refund tool as Tax Free.

When importing computer equipment to Poland(laptop) The customs officer has the right to check it for the presence of unlicensed software and prohibited content. As practice shows, such cases are extremely rare, but still occur.

Pneumatic and other weapons

The transportation of all types of weapons is strictly regulated by Polish and EU legislation. Firearms and cartridges for them are prohibited for import. However, sports, hunting, pneumatic and gas cartridges (as well as up to 100 cartridges for them) can be imported with the permission of the relevant government agency and declared in the prescribed manner.

Steel arms(knife, etc.) import is prohibited. An exception may be made for decorative designs that are legally recognized as not of cultural or historical value, and, accordingly, have the necessary documentation.

P.S. You can take an inexpensive camping or kitchen knife with you. As practice shows, they are not subject to edged weapons and can be allowed across the border, but not always.

There are certain difficulties in transporting certain weapon accessories to and from Poland.

In particular, a hunting scope (not double-action, not installed) should not be classified as a weapon, however, as practice shows, there were cases with import-export problems - they required a conclusion from the Ministry of Defense to recognize the scope as non-military.

In most cases, the situation was dealt with and a positive decision was made, but nerves and time were wasted. This should be kept in mind.

How much cash? What can you do with jewelry?

The easiest way is to import jewelry - It is allowed to carry jewelry with a total weight of up to 50 grams per person, even diamonds.

It's a little more difficult with money. This may be cash, account balances, or monetary precious metals. So, how much money is allowed to be transported across the Ukrainian and Polish border? Carrying currency up to 10,000 euros is allowed, but there are two caveats:
  • depending on the purpose of entry, the minimum required amount of money may be established;
  • You can import more than 10,000 euros, but such amounts must be declared.

Money can be in any currency (dollars, pounds, etc.) - the rule applies to the equivalent of 10,000 euros.

Plants, seedlings, seeds and animals

The importation of animals into Poland is possible if they have the necessary vaccinations, an international health certificate and a microchip with an electronic identifier established by EU laws. You are allowed to import up to five pets at a time.

Import of plants into the country is prohibited! However, there are a number of exceptions here:

  • It is allowed to import up to 50 cut flowers;
  • not rooted (felled, cut) coniferous tree;
  • up to 5 parts of coniferous wood.
Rare, endangered species of both plants and animals can be imported only with the appropriate permission from CITES (the body that monitors the implementation of the international convention on trade in rare species).

As for the opposite – the export of plants from Poland, as well as their seeds and seedlings (not on a commercial scale), then Polish customs is loyal to this, however, both Ukraine and the countries of the Customs Union require a phytosanitary certificate.

From experience, we can say that his labor costs for registration of non-commercial parties make this process meaningless. But you can buy seeds for yourself and bring them home.

Other goods

The import and export of spare parts, furniture, petrol or power tools and similar goods to Poland is subject to general rules: for an amount not exceeding 300 euros and weighing no more than 50 kg per adult.

As mentioned, air travel adds to the cost, but not all items can be allowed on the plane due to airline regulations.

What is prohibited to carry?

Definitely prohibited:

  • drugs;
  • radioactive, incl. infected, elements;
  • explosives;
  • potent poisons.

Despite the impressive amount of information, it is not only possible, but also necessary to understand the issue of permission for entry and exit. Any lack of awareness can lead to penalties, including deprivation of the right to visit the EU for several years.

It is better to spend a little time studying the issue, and then enjoy visiting Poland! If something is unclear, ask clarifying questions in the comments.