How long does it take to check in for an Aeroflot flight? How does check-in for a plane take place: when does it end and when does it start? For domestic flights

In order to buy an electronic plane ticket, you need to go to the website of the relevant airline and select the required flight. After paying for the air ticket, complete information about the flight will be sent to the client’s e-mail and phone number. Then you will need to fill out a special registration form on the website.

Key Points of Electronic Registration

It is not difficult to complete electronic check-in for a plane. First, you need to enter a special reservation number (it is sent to the client’s email or phone number) and the passenger’s last name. After this, you need to indicate your country of residence, citizenship and full passport details.

You can then choose any seat on the plane. This is an advantage of online registration since regular registration does not allow you to choose your seat. Sometimes there are cases when the airline may change your seat to another (for example, for aviation safety reasons).

After completing electronic check-in, you must print your boarding pass, as you will need to present this pass and the passenger's passport before boarding. The ticket can also be received on a mobile phone and presented upon boarding from the device screen. In addition, at some airports you can print your boarding pass at special kiosks if you forgot to do so at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of electronic registration

But electronic check-in for a plane also has its own nuances. For example, online check-in is prohibited for passengers traveling with animals, passengers transporting dangerous goods or purchasing air tickets through travel agencies, as well as for group bookings (of nine or more people).

Electronic check-in begins approximately 24 hours before and ends 1-2 hours before departure. If the passenger has luggage with him, he will also have to check in at the baggage drop-off counter. In some countries where a visa is required, you will need to queue again to go through the visa verification procedure.

Electronic registration also has its advantages. First, you can check in for a flight without leaving your home. At the airport you only need to present your boarding pass, which is sent to the e-mail or telephone number specified during registration. You can also change any flight details without having to go to the airport or travel agency. And finally, online check-in is free, while at the airport you may be asked to pay money for it.

A trip on vacation is always accompanied by excitement and anxiety. After all, before leaving, you need to do a lot: buy things, pack your bags, and most importantly, not be late for your flight. And to do this, you need to know exactly how long it takes to check in for a plane.

Check-in for a flight: what is it?

If you have never used airline services, then most likely you have no idea how many minutes it takes to check in for a plane. And the very word “registration” for such passengers hides many incomprehensible moments.

It is always necessary to register before a flight; absolutely all passengers undergo this procedure. With its help, airlines track which of those who bought tickets used their services and still made the flight. In the event of a flight being missed or other unforeseen situations, the carrier company's employees will always be able to answer all questions about their passengers on board. In addition, upon check-in, each person is given a boarding pass, which indicates the row and seat in the cabin.

All information after registration is stored in a computer database. After each flight, the information is sent to archival storage and remains there for several years.

Check-in rules

Frequent flyers know exactly when check-in for a plane ends. In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind that the registration time period for different airlines may differ significantly from each other. Each air carrier has its own regulations, which clearly regulate how long it takes to check in for a plane. Aeroflot, for example, can set its own rules, but Bangkok Airways can set absolutely the opposite rules. Therefore, before ordering a taxi to the airport, be sure to find out the registration rules established by your airline operator.

In addition, some airports also contribute to the formation of such rules. Many international airports subject all carriers to their own rules and regulations. All these nuances must be clearly understood when finding out how long it takes to check-in for your particular airline’s plane.

What happens during registration?

The check-in process itself does not take much time. Most often, adding passengers to the list and determining a seat in the cabin is a five-minute process. If you have luggage consisting of several bags with you, then this will be checked in separately. A special tag corresponding to your boarding pass is affixed to your items. At some airports, these tags are checked when passengers receive their luggage; at others, control officers do not interfere with this process.

Do I need to arrive at the airport a few hours before checking in for my flight?

Many novice travelers, even knowing exactly how long before the plane’s departure check-in ends, still spend several extra hours at the airport. This is due to the fact that they are very afraid of missing their flight and do not plan their route from home to the airport correctly. It is worth noting that this habit is common to many inexperienced tourists, but later they begin to manage their time more competently.

You should not arrive at the airport in advance; you will still not be able to check in for the plane ahead of schedule. And waiting can tire you even before boarding the plane, so the best time to arrive at the airport will be either the beginning of check-in or the end, when the bulk of passengers have already entered the waiting room.

What do you need to bring with you during registration?

No less important than knowing how many hours before check-in for a plane ends, you need to have information about the package of documents for this process. If you are flying on vacation with the whole family, then you must have flight tickets and identification documents in your hands. For children, this will be a birth certificate. If a child flies abroad with one of the parents, at registration you may be asked for permission to travel, signed by the other parent.

How long does it take to check in for a plane: domestic flights

Keep in mind that the check-in closing time also depends on your flight destination. This must be taken into account along with the rules of the airline and the regulations of the airport from which you will be flying.

Domestic flights have their own check-in rules. On average, according to all-Russian standards, check-in for domestic flights opens two hours and ends forty minutes before the expected departure.

How long does it take to check in for an international flight?

For flights flying outside of Russia, there are different standards. Of course, in certain cases there may be some discrepancy in time. But in general, check-in for international flights begins three hours and ends forty-five minutes before departure. This time interval is considered an average, so you should always check the airline and airport rules.

Online registration - what is it?

Recently, online check-in for flights has become very popular. It is especially often used by young people who are well versed in computer programs. The essence of online check-in is simple: every passenger can, without leaving home, check in for a flight and then calmly drive up to the airport just before boarding.

Online registration takes place on the website of the carrier company. The passenger must enter his ticket number in a special field, thereby confirming his intention to fly. During online check-in, passengers can choose their preferred seats. This is especially convenient if the whole family is traveling and wants to sit next to each other during the flight.

After online check-in, the boarding pass number is sent to the email address provided by the passenger. It must be printed and presented to the airline staff upon boarding along with your passport.

Features of online registration

Like the regular check-in process for a flight, online check-in has a number of features. First of all, you need to take into account that baggage cannot be checked in online. Therefore, if you have several bags with you, you will still have to wait in line in front of the registration desk. Only there will airline employees weigh your luggage and issue tags for it.

Online registration also has its own specific framework. How long does it take to check in for a plane online? It depends on the air carrier. But usually it opens a day before departure and ends forty-five minutes before landing. In some cases, the airline opens check-in two days in advance. You can find out this information on the airline operator’s website. Some websites that sell tickets immediately inform their customers about the online check-in time.


Those who fly very often always choose online check-in for their flight. It has two clear advantages over the usual form of filling out documents for airline employees. First of all, the passenger should not stand in queues in front of the registration counter. Usually the waiting time stretches for several hours. At home, you can safely perform all the manipulations via the Internet and only then go to the airport.

In addition, many passengers note that online check-in allows them to choose their own seat on the plane. This is very convenient if you have special preferences. For example, many people tolerate a trip well only when they are at the window. Therefore, they always try to book these particular places. Online check-in makes it possible to get exactly the seat that the passenger really needs.

Please note that during regular check-in, first class passengers are served first. The rest have to wait indefinitely. With online confirmation, you can receive the highest level of service with an economy class ticket in hand.

What to do if you are late?

Despite clear planning, life can sometimes make adjustments to a traveler’s plans. Even those who know perfectly well how long it takes to check in for a plane can be late for the airport. After all, on the way you can get into an accident, get stuck in a traffic jam, or simply get the time wrong. How to be in this case?

Of course, airline employees, having closed check-in, are not obliged to help you. But in many cases they accommodate passengers halfway. Especially if it is a family with children. To do this, you need to go to the check-in counter and talk with representatives of the air operator, explaining the reason for being late.

In case of refusal, passengers can call the shift attendant and try to open registration through him. More often than not, these measures are effective.

If you have already checked in for your flight online, but for some reason are late for boarding, you can be sure that they will be waiting for you for some time. Airline employees are conducting search operations and may delay the flight for up to half an hour. If the passenger does not show up at the airport during this time period, the plane flies off without him.

Of course, a person cannot remember all the rules that exist in the world. But if you are going on vacation, then you simply need to study all the nuances that are introduced by your air carrier. This way you will be absolutely sure when check-in for your flight ends and you will not be late for the airport.

In the modern world, where people are always in a hurry to get somewhere, even if it is a long-awaited vacation, air transport is taking an increasingly strong position among the possible transportation options.

The principles of its operation differ significantly from travel on buses, trains or even ferries - simply purchasing a ticket and having it with you when boarding the chosen type of transport is not enough; you need to arrive at the departure point in advance and go through the mandatory check-in procedure for the flight, without which passengers will simply will not be allowed on board the aircraft, and by “in advance” we mean at least two to three hours.

But simply arriving early is not enough - you will also have to stand in line, often quite long.

Most passengers check in at the airport, where special counters and kiosks are provided for this purpose for an independent procedure, but in both cases you will most likely have to spend at least 40 minutes - an hour, not to mention the fact that a whole hour standing, especially with suitcases and bags and small children - a very dubious pleasure.

Having reached the coveted counter, the passenger receives a boarding pass with the number of the seat allocated to him in the aircraft cabin. Of course, you can ask the check-in employee for a specific place - near a window or aisle, depending on the individual preferences of the traveler, but it is not at all a fact that they will meet him halfway, and often the desired places may simply no longer be available. This is especially offensive if the passenger gets seasick and feels uncomfortable while flying in the rear of the plane, or if a family (a large group) is flying and everyone wants to sit together, and not at different ends of the cabin.

There are often cases when, during late check-in, conflict situations arise - for example, a mother and child want to sit next to each other, and, of course, they would accommodate her, but there are only two/three/four empty seats left, and all of them are at a distance of several rows from each other .

To avoid such unpleasant moments and not be nervous on the way to the airport, there is a great way to save your time and maintain peace of mind. Checking in for a flight online has advantages that allow you to avoid all the problems described above:

  • You can register from your home or office any time after registration opens, while lying on the couch, sitting with a cup of your favorite coffee, or during a break between meetings.
  • You can choose the best free seats in the cabin or purchase paid ones - for example, with increased legroom in the Space+ program Aeroflot. This is a very important bonus, since bad seats can significantly spoil the mood and impression of a flight, especially an overnight and long flight: queues will form near the rows close to the toilet, at the end of the cabin it can shake and all the sounds and smells of the kitchen will be heard.
  • There is no need to arrive at the airport several hours in advance - an hour and a half is enough, since the passenger is already on the general boarding list, or even less if there is no need to check in luggage. In this case, it is enough to arrive in such a way as to go through passport control and proceed to the boarding gate. This possibility is especially relevant when there is a possibility of being late for the plane - during connecting flights, train delays (in the case of non-resident passengers) and many other cases. Many passengers flying from Moscow and not living in the capital are often forced to wait much longer than necessary: ​​when choosing a train/bus, they will prefer not the one that arrives three to four hours before departure, but the one that provides a reserve of 7 hours -8, or even more hours, since an intermediate ideal option can be found quite rarely. The electronic procedure can successfully solve this problem.

Of course, online check-in also has some disadvantages. Among them the following can be noted:

  • When not all luxury seats have been purchased, passengers with children or those checking in among the latter can be accommodated in them without additional payment - the paying seat neighbors will, of course, be offended. But if there is no fear of taking the risk of flying in a bad place or not flying at all (no one has canceled the possibility of overbooking), then you can successfully use this life hack.
  • If you have luggage, you will still have to check it in (often at common counters), since luggage tags are of a strictly established type and you cannot print them yourself at home.

Some large air terminals, including Moscow's Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo, as well as St. Petersburg's Pulkovo, are equipped with special baggage collection points (Drop Off Luggage), where you can check in and leave your suitcases for loading on board, having stuck on them all the necessary machine printed tags. In these same machines you can make an additional payment for excess. The queue there will be much shorter than at regular counters.

Note! This option is available only after completing electronic check-in for the flight!

There are also airports where there are practically no usual check-in counters, but at the same time there are many points where check-in of passengers and baggage is carried out automatically.

Additionally: in some cities, for example, Hong Kong, Vienna, Abu Dhabi, a “city check-in” is organized - suitcases can be checked in the city before arriving at the airport, but no more than a day before departure.

This is very convenient for passengers flying on night or evening flights - you can check out of the hotel and not have to choose whether to sit in the airport terminal lounge all day or leave your things in the luggage room and then return for them.

In any case, baggage must be checked in no later than check-in for the desired flight is completed.

The most common reason for not using online registration is that many people simply don’t know about it.

In any case, no matter how many disadvantages there are in the electronic procedure, there are undeniably more advantages.

Meanwhile, airline companies always encourage such a convenient option, since it significantly reduces their costs. Some even insist on it, making the usual check-in upon arrival at the airport chargeable.

Thus, Ryanair declared the online procedure mandatory, introducing quite impressive fines and surcharges (40-45 euros minimum) for conducting it at the airport.

How to check in for a flight online

To check in for a plane online, you just need to know your reservation number (assigned when purchasing a ticket) and have access to the Internet.

The electronic procedure usually begins 24 hours before departure and ends 45 minutes. - an hour, it is very simple and rarely takes more than three to five minutes.

Note! Check-in at the airport begins later, for regular flights usually 4 hours before departure.

Start times vary by terminal and airline - for example for flights departing from Terminal D Sheremetyevo, check-in at the airport opens 6 hours before departure, and some carriers allow check-in even 15 days before the flight date or even immediately after purchasing a ticket.

The reservation number can be seen in the upper right corner of the e-ticket itinerary receipt; many companies send an SMS with the code to the mobile phone number specified during registration.

Attention! When purchasing a ticket through agents, only a registration code is provided; the reservation number must be checked with them before departure!

The name of the airline operating the flight is indicated on the ticket - first you need to go to its website. Next, you need to find the “online check-in for a flight” or “online check-in” section; it can be located both on the main page and in the “for passengers” block. Many companies offer translation of their websites into several languages ​​(you can select them in the upper right corner), and if not all carriers offer Russian, there will definitely be no problems with English. In this case, you can go through the procedure intuitively, using basic knowledge, or contact an online translator.

As a rule, the registration procedure begins with familiarization with the rules of its implementation. You must confirm that you have read and agree with them by clicking “continue” and proceed to search for your reservation.

Usually, to search for a reservation, it is enough to enter its number and the last name of the passenger (or one of them, if the reservation is common to several people) in Latin letters.

At the next stage, many airlines introduce their customers to a list of items and things prohibited for transportation.

Having read and agreed, you can proceed to the stage of selecting passengers and entering their data according to the foreign passport or other document on which the ticket was taken.

After entering your personal data, you can proceed to selecting seats on the plane: in the corresponding tab there will be a layout of the cabin of the airliner that is planned for the flight. On the map of places you need to mark with a mouse click any of the places you like from those available for selection. Typically, gray seats are those that are already reserved or blocked by the carrier (increased comfort and at emergency exits), and white ones are free.

Attention! Airlines do not guarantee that the passenger will be given the seat that was chosen during check-in for a number of reasons: for example, the flight may be made by another board, but this does not happen often.

If several people are traveling on the same reservation, similar steps for entering data and selecting seats will need to be performed for each of them.

After clicking the “check-in” button (“complete”, “continue”), you need to print your boarding pass or save it on your computer/mobile device so you can print it later. The coupon will also be sent to the email specified during registration.

Some companies also offer other paid and free options between these main stages: choose meals, upgrade a ticket to a higher class, enter a bonus program participant number (privilege club), etc.

Additionally: To cancel registration, you must contact the representative office of the carrier company.

Mobile registration

This means registration using a mobile device. The difference between this type of check-in is that after completion, the boarding pass is displayed on the display of the mobile device. You can save it in photo format or send it to yourself by e-mail. When boarding, just show the airline staff the pass on your phone screen.

The general algorithm of actions is the same as when registering using a PC.

Note! This method is not suitable for groups of more than 9 people!

Many airlines have developed mobile applications to simplify the procedure. For frequent passengers of the same carrier, this is a very convenient option, since the passenger’s data is saved once and there is no need to re-enter it each time.

Receiving your boarding pass is the final stage of check-in.

The easiest way is to print it on your home or office printer immediately after completing the registration procedure.

If you don’t have a printer at hand, you can print at the terminal’s registration kiosks by entering your data.

If check-in was completed using a mobile device, then the boarding pass for the plane can be printed using special devices by attaching a phone display with a QR code of the ticket to their reader.

As a last resort, you can also get it at regular counters or at airport service centers (the service may be paid).

The ticket contains information about the boarding gate number, the start time of boarding the aircraft and the passenger’s seat in the cabin.

If there is no need to check in your luggage, you can take it straight to boarding, having gone through passport control and the inspection procedure.

A sample boarding pass for an airplane is shown below.

It may look slightly different depending on whether it was printed on a regular A4 printer, a check-in kiosk or handed out at a counter.

Restrictions when registering online

For all its convenience and simplicity, online registration still has a number of limitations. The procedure cannot be used in the following cases:

  • if the flight will be carried out by a minor and an escort is required;
  • if you need to get a seat of increased comfort - for example, for a person with disabilities;
  • if you plan to transport weapons, pets or luggage in a separate place in the cabin;
  • if the upcoming flight is not regular, but charter, a few companies allow you to register for them electronically, and then not always and not for all flights;
  • for codeshare flights (when the actual carrier and the airline that sold the ticket are not the same person).

Also, electronic check-in is prohibited at a number of departure airports (Tehran, Aktau and many others).

Airlines also have their own restrictions: for example, in Russia you can only check in for seats starting with number 195; in Pobeda, choosing any seat requires a fee.

Note! Each company may have its own additional restrictions, so it is better to check this information on the carrier’s website just in case.

Thus, the opportunity to independently check in for a flight is one of those pleasant bonuses that have become available in the modern age of information technology and which, without a doubt, should be used to make your flight and its anticipation as comfortable as possible: after all, why voluntarily waste time before departure on waiting, if you don’t have to do this?

In order to find out how long it takes to check in for a plane, you need to carefully study the information about this procedure. You can find information by visiting the website of your tour operator or the airport from which you are departing. To avoid being late, you can also take into account how early registration starts.

At the airport, the traveler must find a sign indicating “Departures.”

Particular attention should be paid to the following data:

  • Flight no.
  • "The plane took off."
  • The name of the air carrier.
  • "Registration is complete."
  • Registration desk no.
  • “Hurry up.”
  • Departure time (expected/scheduled).
  • Gate departure opening.
  • Flight direction.
  • "Is the flight delayed".
  • Boarding platform number.
  • Flight cancellation.
  • "There will be no delay."
  • “The registration procedure continues.”
  • Open gate no.

Registration desk

The special counter at which travelers are registered is subordinate to the air carrier. It may also depend on the type of aircraft.

Business-class always has its own counter. If there is none, the traveler may ask to move to another counter. A pass to a counter other than your own is a first or business class ticket.

When registering, you must present a package of documentation prepared in advance, as well as an air ticket. If several friends are traveling, all certificates must be submitted at once. In this case, the seats will be nearby.

Start and finish of the registration procedure

Check-in for an airplane flight begins: 2 hours before departure (travel within the country); in 2.5 hours (international travel). Check-in close: 30–40 minutes before departure.

There are exceptional cases when registration is extended for another 20 minutes.

You can pre-register 23–24 hours before departure.

At Domodedovo airport

How long does registration begin and end? For domestic flights: start time is within 70–120 minutes, for international flights – from 120 to 180 minutes.

The process is completed 40 minutes before departure.

The same information is relevant for everyone who wants to register in Pulkovo.

At Sheremetyevo airport

How long before departure does check-in begin and end? For domestic flights, it opens 120 minutes and ends half an hour before departure.

Depending on the specific situation, the time may vary. It is always agreed with the airline.

Electronic registration

You don't have to worry when check-in for your flight opens. The online service is available 24 hours a day. You can use it without leaving your home.

The essence of the procedure is that the traveler fills out a short form and receives a boarding pass online. It is printed and presented upon departure.

It can be printed on either a black-and-white or color printer. The main criterion is good quality.

After completing electronic check-in, you need to print your boarding pass.

The instructions look like this:

  1. Select registration flight (booking code, ticket number, loyalty program number).
  2. Write your last name (in Latin).
  3. Check all entered data.
  4. Select passengers (all persons who need to be registered are listed).
  5. Enter the passenger card number (relevant for passengers who are members of the Aeroflot-Bonus program).
  6. Select seats.

After this, registration is considered complete. The traveler will need to print out their boarding pass and present it at the check-in counter.

At Transaero

Electronic check-in for flights is available 24 + 6 hours before departure. It ends 60 minutes before departure. Persons flying from Russia to the United States are required to register at least 240 minutes before the departure of the aircraft.

Confirmation of passport details at the registration desk is required for those arriving from the following locations:

  • Beijing;
  • Bangkok.

How to behave at the airport

In Utair

Registration begins 36 minutes and ends 45 minutes before aircraft departure.

Online check-in is not available for the following airports and destinations:

  • "Soviet";
  • "Beloyarsky";
  • "Let's play";
  • "Khujand";
  • Heraklion - Moscow;
  • Barcelona;
  • Talakan.

The online check-in service is not available to passengers on codeshare flights (numbers UT-4000-UT-9999).

Registration rules for Utair

To complete online registration, you must register on the site and activate your account. If the traveler already has a personal account on the site, he needs to click on the “Login” button and indicate his e-mail, phone number or STATUS card. Then you need to click on the “Get code” button - it will instantly arrive by email or SMS.

You can change or return your ticket after checking in online 50 minutes before departure. When canceling registration, you must indicate:

  • Last name.
  • Registration number (indicated on the boarding pass).
  • Flight no.
  • Verification parameter (order number, ticket or passport).
  • Departure number.

After canceling your registration, you can register again. Money for the service of choosing a seat with extra legroom is not refundable upon cancellation.

When boarding, you must have your boarding pass with you. If it is not there, then 50 minutes before departure you must go to any of the airport check-in counters.

At S7 Airlines

You can register for a flight online with the company half an hour before departure. Registration ends 50 minutes before aircraft departure.

The instructions look like this:

  1. Go to the S7 Airlines website.
  2. Select the “Check in for flight” section.
  3. Go through identification (indicate the data from the itinerary receipt, write your last name in Latin).
  4. Select passengers.
  5. Read the list of items that are prohibited for transportation.

You can check in for a flight online with S7 Airlines half an hour before departure

After this, registration is considered complete. A seat on the plane is assigned to the traveler automatically.

If you want to change it, you need to click on the corresponding button. This service is paid for everyone except status participants of the S7 Priority program.

Print the coupon. If it is not immediately possible, you are allowed to do this at the airport. The passenger will need to go to the self-service terminal (green) and use the QR code to touch the device to the reader.

You can check in for a flight not only using a PC. Today this design is available to all owners of S7 mobile applications.

Online check-in is not available if you purchased an air ticket or made changes to it less than 24 hours before departure.

In this case, registration must be completed in person.

If you decide to use air transportation services, you will have to take into account some features related to check-in for your flight. Completely different rules apply here compared to land transport. If you do not take these nuances into account, you may simply be left behind.

Registration procedure

Even if you have a ticket in hand, this does not guarantee presence on board the aircraft. To get there, you need to pre-register and receive a boarding pass in exchange for a ticket. The check-in procedure for a flight also includes other aspects that cannot be circumvented.

  • First, all passengers are registered at the airport at a specially designated counter (or at a self-check-in terminal), if they did not have time to go through the online procedure in advance;
  • Then the weight and dimensions of the luggage, which will fly separately, are checked. If there is a deviation from the norm, a fee will be charged for the excess quantity. The passenger is given 2 coupons: the 1st is attached to the luggage, which is immediately checked in, the 2nd remains in his hands (they receive the luggage at the point of arrival);

  • Then the passenger must go through passport control, which is mandatory when flying abroad;
  • If an international flight is involved, you will also need customs inspection, which can be completed both before and after check-in;
  • Immediately before boarding the plane (when passing to the departure waiting area), passengers' hand luggage is also inspected by the airport security service.

All these procedures carried out before flights take a lot of time due to forced standing in queues, which should be taken into account when deciding when is the best time to arrive at the airport. Another point that needs to be taken into account is whether it is necessary to do additional packing of the luggage so that it arrives intact (this will also require extra time).

To ensure that all passengers have time to complete travel processing, start and end time standards are established. The sooner travelers are at the check-in counter, the better their chances of boarding the airliner. But those who are late should not despair - there will be an appropriate counter for them (provided that the passenger showed up not a few minutes after registration closed, but 15-20 minutes before the end of the procedure).

If a passenger did not check in because he did not have time or forgot how long it takes to check in for the plane, he will not get on board, but he still has the opportunity to get his money back by returning an unused ticket or changing it to the next flight (if this is imply fare rules).

Online registration

You can make the registration procedure easier by using the Internet service. Each airline has its own website, which provides not only information about flights, but also when check-in begins and ends. In the window that opens, you can quickly register yourself and your luggage without leaving your home, and also choose a comfortable seat on the plane. To do this, you must have a ticket for a specific flight (or its electronic version).

You can print your boarding pass at home or do it upon arrival at the airport at the self-check-in counter. A convenient option is to receive a photo of your boarding pass on your mobile phone. This opportunity will speed up the completion of all other stages of inspection, because there is no longer any need to approach the registrar. If you were unable to print the registration card the first time, you can try again by selecting the “Reprint” option.

To have a better chance of getting advantageous seats on the plane, it is better to start online check-in early. Information about how many hours before departure this procedure will begin and what time it will end can be easily obtained here on the company’s website. Most airlines begin online check-in 24 hours in advance, but there are others that open access in 2-3 days.

Virtual check-in can close, like the real one, 45 minutes before departure (as is practiced by Aeroflot), or maybe an hour - it all depends on the company. But this does not mean that you need to wait until the last minute, because you also need to take into account the time it takes to get to the airport (and here any unforeseen situations may arise).

Note! Online check-in is a good opportunity to avoid the queue while already at the station if you have a laptop with you.

A period of time

Check-in time covers the entire flow of passengers who have already purchased tickets for the flight. But even this document will not save you if one of the tourists is late and appears at the airport after registration has completed. Although there are exceptions to any rule - at the discretion of the airline representative, who is required to be located near the check-in counter.

This is allowed if boarding has not yet been completed. It will continue until all registered passengers are on board. Up to 45 minutes are allotted for this, since travelers still encounter a duty-free zone along the way, where passengers can get stuck at some kiosk.

To avoid any mishaps with your flight, it is better to arrive at the airport long before the end of check-in. The exact time it closes can be found on the airline’s website or by calling the airport information desk. You should not rely on the knowledge of your friends, because there are many nuances in this issue, and they are associated with various factors.


Each airport has its own check-in rules, which differ from each other. The lower the passenger flow, the less time is spent on registration. At small airports, the procedure begins 1 hour before departure, and it closes 20 minutes. At large airports there is always a large influx of passengers, and in order to process them all, it will take more time to register.

If we consider the Moscow “air gate”, then at Sheremetyevo (as well as at Domodedovo) check-in at the airport for international flights begins 2.5-3 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before departure, and at Vnukovo it opens 2 hours before and closes 2 hours before departure. 30-40 min.


Airlines may have their own requirements, and they do not always coincide with the airport regime. Here, the significance of the route is also taken into account - international or domestic, charter or regular. It also matters whether the passenger uses the services of a low-cost airline or chooses a more cost-effective option.

  • Check-in for domestic flights is faster, as there is no need for customs inspection. And sometimes the procedures end later – 20 minutes before departure;
  • Charter flights are launched between regular flights, so priority in check-in is given to passengers of recent movements. If there is a disruption in the schedule, the charter flight will be shifted. Tour operators are responsible for issuing tickets for these flights. They also determine when the client should arrive at the airport for check-in;
  • Low-cost flights are often delayed, but you shouldn’t rely on this and delay check-in. It is better to arrive in advance and go through all the procedures in order to be able to take a more comfortable seat if you are not satisfied with the option on the boarding pass (this is possible on a board that is not fully loaded).

You can also be late with online registration if you use the services of low-cost airlines. They usually close check-in for a flight 3-4 hours before the scheduled departure. For many companies this time is shorter - 1 hour or 45 minutes before the flight.

How not to turn registration into a nightmare

Experienced passengers already know all the nuances associated with the upcoming flight, so they feel at ease in the airport building. It’s more difficult for newcomers - they get lost in the diverse stream of similar travelers. Even if you arrive at the airport in advance, you may not have time to check in if you panic and miss the moment when check-in ends.

Note! Only balance and prudence will help you cope with the situation. In order not to panic, you need to develop a plan of your actions in advance and know exactly how long before the landing begins.

  • When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you need to do is look around for the board. This will help you understand which direction to register you should take. It will not be difficult to decide - just find your flight number on the board (it is indicated on the ticket);

  • If you don’t know your way around the airport building, you can find information stands that display maps of the station. They will definitely indicate the registration area;
  • As a backup option, contact any port employee who catches your eye. He will definitely help with the search;
  • Having reached the counter, you should not immediately rush to register - it is better to first prepare the necessary documents (passports, children's birth certificates, tickets). When the whole family or company goes on a flight, documents must be submitted as a group in order to get seats next to each other;
  • For passengers traveling in first or business class, check-in at the airport is carried out at a separate counter. If they do not have one, then they have a priority right to receive registration out of turn.

Important! If you don't know what to do next, contact the registrar and ask them to explain your next steps.

When you reach the duty-free zone, you should not get carried away by the offers there, so as not to be late for boarding and not to make other passengers wait for you.

If you have free time before departure

Having found out how long it takes to check in for a plane, and managed to complete it and all further procedures on time, the passenger realizes that he still has a lot of free time before departure. You shouldn’t complain about this - it’s better to think about what you can do while you wait. Experienced passengers are already prepared for this situation, but beginners can be given several recommendations. They will also be useful for those who arrived at the airport long before check-in began:

  • You can keep yourself busy with “excursions” to the shops operating at the airport. Even if you don’t plan to buy anything, this option will help pass the time;
  • It’s worth relaxing before check-in is completed by relaxing in a cozy cafe, and at the same time having a snack while waiting for your flight. At international airports, such establishments offer a large selection of fresh, good quality food;
  • If, while preparing for the flight, you were unable to grab an interesting book from home, you can buy it at the station (or a couple of interesting magazines);
  • A passenger with a laptop is more fortunate - he can chat on the Internet while waiting. Some airports have a free Wi-Fi zone;
  • For mothers traveling with small children, there is a rest room where you can not only change the baby, but also give him the opportunity to sleep a little;
  • There is also a corner at the airport to entertain little passengers. Playgrounds will distract them from tedious waiting and relieve them of the need to be capricious;
  • A number of airports also have paid rooms for adult passengers, equipped with comfortable beds. If you don’t want to sleep, you can watch TV;
  • Many passengers on international flights prefer to walk through the duty-free zone, where many interesting duty-free goods are sold.


When you are ready to unwind while waiting for your flight, do not forget how long before departure you need to board the plane. If you happen to be flying low-cost, it’s better to hurry up so you have time to find yourself a comfortable seat.