Sigulda was last seen. Walking around Sigulda. Sights, parks and churches, cafes and restaurants, palaces and castles of Sigulda, as well as where to go with children and active recreation in Sigulda. Gauja National Park

Sigulda is a small tourist town in the central part of Latvia. Population: 10,600 inhabitants. The city is located 50 km northeast of Riga (towards Pskov) on the Gauja River.

Sigulda successfully combines a rich historical heritage, a winter sports center, attractions for outdoor enthusiasts, and at the same time is the cover of the national natural park"Gauja". Due to its picturesque location, Sigulda is popular place recreation for Riga residents. Sigulda is visited by about a million tourists a year.

I hope that the top picture has already attracted you, so let’s start with the historical heritage. :)

The historical heritage in Sigulda is represented by three castles and several manors. The most famous, Turaida Castle, was founded in 1214 on the orders of Bishop Albert of Riga. The castle is located on the right bank of the Gauja River.

View of the Gauja river valley from main tower Turaida fortress. The height of the tower is 38 meters.

Turaida Museum-Reserve was founded in 1988. The museum-reserve occupies an area of ​​42 hectares, on which there are 39 historical buildings and structures, it is formed by a complex of natural, historical and cultural monuments of the 11th-20th centuries: the Turaida stone castle with forburgs built in 1212, the Church Hill with a medieval cemetery, the tomb of the Turaida Rose and a wooden Lutheran church built in 1750, the former economic part of the Turaida manor with restored ponds, a folk song park with 26 sculptures by the sculptor Indulis Ranka and the Dine Mountain on the site ancient settlement Gauja Livs.

Turaida estates. In some way it even reminded me of Finland...probably because of the color.

A few kilometers from Turaida Castle, also on the right bank of the Gauja River, there was another one - Krimulda Castle. It was completed in 1255, during the time of High Bishop Albert II. Until 1566 it remained in the possession of the Riga Domkapitul (the highest church college under the bishop).

After 1566, the Krimulda castle and estate were occupied by Polish troops. In 1601, the castle was recaptured by the Swedes. And that same year, in the fall, they abandoned it, destroying both the castle itself and, partially, the town around it, making it unsuitable for housing returning Polish troops. In 1621, Krimulda again passed into the possession of the Swedes.

In 1853, Paul Lieven, the first of the nobles of Vidzeme Switzerland, created a park on the right bank of the Gauja with many promenades and two wooden staircases. The first leads from the Vikmest beam and has 380 steps. The second – 325 steps long – leads from the city park to the crossing of the Gauja River.

In 1854, Governor General of Vidzeme Alexander Suvorov spent his summer vacation at Krimulda Castle. Since then, the then hill of Vimeste began to be called Mount Suvorov. It offers a wonderful view of the Gauja Valley.

ABOUT beautiful parks von Lieven is recognized by Tsar Alexander II himself. Who, together with his wife and retinue, visited Krimulda on July 11-12, 1862. In honor of this visit, a wooden bridge and the Serpentine Road is being laid (which will be restored by the Sigulda City Council in 2007) and much more is being built.

Krimulda Castle. More precisely, all that is left of him.

Third castle Zegevold, located on the left bank of the Gauja River . It was built during the early stages of the conquest of the Baltic lands by the Crusaders. Construction work on the construction of the castle began by order of the first master of the Order of the Sword, Winno von Rohrbach, in 1207 on the territory of one of the former Liv settlements on the banks of the Gauja River.

I won’t retell the entire history of this castle here; if you’re interested, you can read it on Wikipedia. I will only say that it was destroyed by Russian troops during the fierce battles of the Second Northern War, after which the castle was never fully restored.

In 1898, Nikolai Dmitrievich Kropotkin inherited the von Borchow family estate, including in addition to settlement Zegewold and the castle pass to him. The young prince Nikolai Kropotkin in the future will become a full-time state councilor, in 1910 he will receive the court rank of master of ceremonies, and in 1912 he will become vice-governor of Livonia. It is he who stands at the origins of modern Zegewold (Sigulda) - one of the most romantic and attractive tourist centers of the Baltic provinces, which is destined to become one of the favorite places to visit for symbolist poets and respectable high-ranking public from St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Segewold Castle. There is no money for normal restoration in Latvia. Therefore, the approximate outlines of the castle buildings were built from wood. Very effective and impressive.

There is also a fourth castle, although I would call it just an estate. New Sigulda Castle- a characteristic neo-Gothic monument, originally belonged to the Counts of Borham, inherited by the Kropotkins, the current building was erected in 1878-1881 as the residence of Prince D. N. Kropotkin.

Let's go back to the right bank. There, near the Krimulda castle, there was an estate, which was mentioned in documents back in the 15th century.

Currently, there is a rehabilitation hospital "Krimulda" and the buildings of the central building of the estate - the manor's house, barn, stables, servants' houses, manager's house and the Swiss house. Apparently, the estate is up for sale for 8.5 million euros. The main building of the estate does not look very good, the belvedere looks especially sad.

Gauja National Park

The suburban parks of Sigulda can be called the cover of the Gauja National Park. The national park itself is quite large and is located along the Gauja River all the way to Valmiera (there it is already 50 km to the border). But the suburban parks make it clear what almost the entire national park is like.

It all starts with the cable car, which connects the hills in Sigulda (left bank) and Krimulda (right bank). It was opened in 1969. The cable car takes 10-15 minutes to cover 1060 meters above the Gauja Valley. It is from here that I would recommend starting a walk through parks and castles.

After crossing the river valley by cable car, you still have to go down. It is at the bottom that there is a park with caves. You can go down in two ways - along the serpentine (the same one that was built for the visit of Alexander II and updated in 2007) or along the steps. Choose for yourself, it’s not high there, but the steps are very bad. By a large number steps, but these are somehow especially hellish.

The caves are nothing interesting, except for the inscriptions in them.

Gutman's Cave is the largest cave in the Baltics. We arrived exactly on the day of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Gauja National Park.

The most interesting thing here is the inscriptions made on sandstone. There are relatively new ones - “Tukums Secondary School”.

The oldest one we found with our eyes is 1817. But many are simply high and unreadable.

The first inscriptions date back to 1521-1564. Of those that have partially survived, the oldest is from 1667. She was left by Anna Magdalena von Thyssenhafsen.

National Park"Gauja" and the river of the same name. In spring there is water here. The entire park is flooded right down to the caves.

In the center of Latvia on the Gauja River there is an amazing resort town Sigulda. It is surrounded by magnificent nature and is part of the Gauja National Park.

Exceptional nature and abundance architectural masterpieces attract tourists here.

While in Sigulda, you should definitely see its famous castles and natural monuments.

Turaida Castle

It is located on the right bank of the Gauja. The Turaida Museum-Reserve covers an area of ​​41 hectares and contains 37 historical buildings. This the most popular museum complex Latvia.

Castle base

The foundation of the castle took place in 1214 by Bishop Philip of Ratseburg. The process of completing and strengthening the castle continued until the 16th century. It was residence of the Bishop of Riga.

The castle was given the name Fredeland (German for “peaceful land”). However, this name did not stick. The name “Turaida” (“divine garden”) remained, which the ancient Livs gave the castle. For many centuries, the fortress served as a guard for the surrounding areas. When the Livonian state collapsed, it became part of the Turaida estate.

In 1776, a fire broke out and the building was almost completely burned out. In the 19th century, they tried to turn the preserved castle courtyard into an estate. For this purpose, a residential building, outbuildings, a barn, a stable and other necessary buildings were erected.

Restoring the fortress

The ruins of the castle, with their romantic appearance, have attracted tourists since the 18th century. In 1924, the fortress received status of historical object, protected by the state. In 1936, an observation terrace was built on the site of the round tower (38 m high), from which you can admire a stunning view of the surrounding area. The rise leading to the site is quite low and narrow. The height of the passage is about 1.5 m, the width is 0.5 m.

In 1953, the restoration of Turaida Castle began. Since 1973, archaeological, restoration and restoration work has been carried out. About 500 interesting and important finds were discovered. Based on the results of the excavations, a report of 1000 pages was drawn up. In addition to describing the found exhibits, about 500 plans and diagrams were compiled, and about 7,000 photographs were taken.

What tourists see

Together with the Observation Tower at Turaida Castle, the following were recreated:

  • fortress walls
  • North and Semicircular Towers
  • South tower building

Since 1962, the restored utility building has served as the site of the historical exhibition of the museum-reserve. The museum fund is constantly replenished with new exhibits from archaeological excavations.

Turaida Castle attracts organizers and participants of various events. Regular events take place here concerts of ancient and modern music. Exhibitions and celebrations are organized. Craftsmen are working in the courtyard of the fortress.

Castles of Sigulda

Almost opposite the Turaida Castle are the old and new Sigulda castles.

Fortress as a strategic object

The history of the medieval castle dates back to the 13th century. Its construction began on a steep hill in 1207 by the Master of the Order of the Sword. But in 1236 this order was defeated, and the Livonian Order established itself in the castle.

The fortress was recognized as the first castle of the order in the vicinity of Riga as strategic center German crusading conquerors. It was well fortified. The site with the castle was located between two ravines and the Gauja valley. On the fourth side, the structure was protected by a ditch 18 m deep. On the side of the river, the slope had a maximum height of 56m, and on the side of Gaujas Street – 42m.

However strategic importance the fortress was gradually lost due to the advent of firearms.

Destruction of the old castle and construction of a new one

During the Swedish-Polish war of 1600-1629. lock was seriously damaged. And after the Northern War it was completely destroyed. As a result, the owners of the fortress and nearby lands decided not to restore it.

Almost a century later, the owner of the castle, Olga Kropotkina, began construction of a new palace nearby. IN late XIX century, her son, Nikolai Kropotkin, inherited the von Borchow family estate along with the castle.

After the end of the First World War, the Latvian Society of Journalists took over the castle. After World War II, the new Sigulda Palace turned into a sanatorium. Since 2003, the Sigulda Regional Council has been meeting in this palace.

What is offered to tourists

Near the new palace you can admire the ruins of the medieval Sigulda fortress, of which the southwestern building with Gothic windows and a gate tower remains.

A platform and benches for classical music concerts were installed in the castle. Walking into the reconstructed knight's room, you can meet a monk. He will show you bladed weapons and offer to try on a helmet, chain mail and shield.

Krimulda castles

Medieval history of the castle

In the village of Krimulda, near Sigulda, stood luxurious medieval castle, from which picturesque ruins remain. It was founded in 1312 for the advisors of the Bishop of Riga. A strategically competent place was chosen. Deep ravines served as insurmountable obstacles.

The castle was built suspension bridge, watchtowers, kitchen, cellars, dining room, living quarters. However, after the Swedish-Polish war in the 17th century, the fortress was destroyed and was never rebuilt. reached us fragment of a fortress wall with Gothic windows.

Castle of modern times

In 1817, Prince Lieven became the owner of Krimulda. He is building a new palace. The second version of Krimulda Castle was “overgrown” with a park with a large number of walking paths and wooden stairs. Spent his vacation here in 1854 A. Suvorov, who was then the Governor-General of Vidzeme.

In 1862 the castle was visited Russian Emperor Alexander II. The Emperor was so delighted with the view of the Gauja River valley that this place was especially noted. Subsequently, in 2001, a huge wooden throne was installed here, which became a landmark called the “Royal Throne”.

The Livens owned the castle until 1921. Today in Krimulda there is rehabilitation center for patients suffering from joint diseases. But anyone can see the restored castle. To do this, you need to book a tour to see:

  • medieval ruins of an old castle
  • castle park
  • manor house

Sigulda Caves

Gutman's Cave

This is a natural celebrity and popular tourist place Sigulda. Gutanja Cave is located on the highway between Sigulda and Turaida, in the territory of Turaida Park. Getting there is very convenient, which attracts more tourists. This is the most famous and largest cave in the Baltics. Its dimensions:

  • 18.8 m depth
  • 12 m width
  • 10 m height
  • 170 m2 area
  • 500 m3 volume

The formation of the Gutman Cave began 10,000 years ago. It was the result of the “work” of water from the Ice Age, which eroded sandstone into the rock. The sandstone itself, dense and red, was formed during the Devonian period 410 million years ago.

The name of the cave comes from healer's name Gutman. He successfully treated patients with water from a stream flowing from the cave. Now this spring is recognized as healing.

Devil's Cave

It is located above the Gutman Cave on the slope of a mountain 15 m high. According to legend, in this cave the devil waited for the night to fall. From his breath the walls turned black, which gave rise to the name of the cave. It is located in the Devil's Rock. Its dimensions:

  • 19 m depth,
  • 7 m width,
  • 4.7 m height.

Nearby is the Small Devil's Cave, from under which flows a spring of Wisdom. The ancient Livs bathed babies in it, believing that they would grow up smart and healthy.

The location of the Great Devil's Cave is also convenient - on the southern section of the tourist route in the direction of Sigulda - Krimulda - Turaida. The entrance to it is at a height of 8 m. Go down to it is strictly prohibited. But a pedestrian suspension bridge was built nearby, from where it is clearly visible. You can still get to the cave if you follow the walking trails on the right and left banks of the Gauja.

One of the main attractions in Latvia is of course, come and listen organ concerts which are happening here.

Read all about obtaining a Latvian Schengen in ours, about how to get a visa yourself.

Going on a sea cruise is quite inexpensive, read this link: about the affordable conditions of the ferry from Riga to Sweden.

Gauja - national park

Officially this park was created in 1973. But those who wanted to take a walk along the banks of the Gauja came here already in the 19th century. Gauja is the only one large river Latvia. For 461 km it flows through the country. Protected by the national park river valley 94 km long.

The national park contains about 500 historical monuments. Among them:

  • ancient settlements
  • churches
  • stone castles
  • estates

In 1975, nature trails were laid here and wild animals were brought from different regions of Latvia. As a rule, these are tamed wounded cubs, unable to live without human intervention. In the nature reserve can be found roe deer, wild boars, bears, moose, wolves, foxes, bison, lynxes. A walk along the nature trails takes up to 2.5 hours.

Amusement park in Sigulda

In 2008, the Tarzan Park was opened in Sigulda. It is installed tracks with obstacles, equipped in the trees. There are 8 tracks and 80 obstacles that need to be overcome. The park also has a catapult for those who want to experience what weightlessness is.

Another adventure park is Forest Cat. It has 6 tracks and 82 obstacles. Here you can go to cycling routes and play beach volleyball.


Not far from Sigulda there is AERODIUM - a vertical wind tunnel. Those who wish can soar without parachutes or ropes. This effect is achieved powerful jet of air down up. Having taken off high, you can “lie down” in the air and even perform acrobatic exercises.

The pipe is intended for people aged 5-75 years, weighing 20-100 kg and height up to 2 m. First, instructions are given to teach behavior in the pipe.

It was in this place that the flight scenes for the film “Armor of God: Mission Zodiac” were filmed by the producer, director, screenwriter and actor in which the well-known Jackie Chan performed.

Tourists also have the opportunity to ride a cable car across the Gauja, as well as on high-speed sleds, visit the Kaķiškalns rope park and race along the bobsleigh track.

It is impossible to describe all the attractive places in Sigulda. Every person will find something of their own in it. It is comfortable here for those who enjoy any kind of holiday, both leisurely and quiet, as well as stormy and even dangerous. You just need come to Latvia and choose entertainment to your liking.

The history of modern Sigulda as a city began between the 16th and 18th centuries. Then on the route of the future railway, connecting Pskov with Riga, Sigulda gradually turned into a transshipment point and a resort at the same time. At the end of the 19th century, the Russian owner of local lands, Prince Kropotkin, handed over Sigulda to the wealthy Riga rulers, who built their country estates here.

How to get there

Sigulda can be reached by bus from Riga (2 hours; 6 buses per day) or by train from Riga (1 hour 15 minutes; 10 trains daily), Valmiera (1 hour 15 minutes), Ligatne (10 minutes) and Sesis (50 minutes ).


The main historical and architectural attraction of Sigulda is Turaida Castle (4 km from Sigulda). It was originally created in the 13th century by order of Bishop Albert of Riga, but after existing for more than 5 centuries, it was completely destroyed in a fire. Since the mid-20th century, restoration work has been actively carried out and today part of the walls and 3 towers have already been restored: northern, southern and observation tower. On the territory of Turaida Castle there is a museum under open air and a sculpture park.

The new Sigulda castle and palace originally belonged to the family of Count Borham, but was later inherited by the princely Kropotkin family. After the end of the First World War, the Latvian Society of Journalists was located in the palace building. Today the city administration is located here.

On the way between Sigulda and Turaida Castle there is the largest cave in Latvia - Gutmanis, from which flows a small stream with healing spring water. According to legend, the water in the stream is Gutman's tears, which have healing and revitalizing properties.

The Krimulda Palace and ruins are located 800 meters from the Gutman Cave along and up the serpentine road. The cable car brings tourists here every half hour. The only one in Latvia is located in Sigulda cable car, connecting the hills of Sigulda and Krimulda in the Gauja valley. It was discovered in January 1969 at an altitude of 1060 meters above the valley. A one-way fare will cost 2 lats (as of July 2011). On Daine Hill, created in 1985 in honor of the 150th anniversary of Krištjanis Baron, you can visit the sculpture park, where works depicting heroes of Latvian folk tales are presented. In the mid-16th century, Master of the Livonian Order Ketler donated the estate to Nurmuiža. Today this estate is no smaller in size than any castle and deserves a tourist visit.

The square of canes is the hallmark of Sigulda. It was built in 2007 as a symbol of the hospitality of the local people, who have been making walking sticks to help tourists climb the hills of the Gauja river valley since the 19th century.

Classical a tourist route in Sigulda would look like this: walk along the forest footpaths to Turaida. From there, take a cable car ride across the valley and follow every path of Turaida Village and Castle before returning to the river valley and visiting Gutman's Cave.

Holidays in Sigulda

Sigulda- sights, nature, extreme holiday, you will find all this here in abundance! Amazing small town(population - less than 11,000 thousand people), which receives more than 1,000,000 guests annually. Some people, having seen the main attractions, leave after a few hours, while others stay for several days, because all the conditions have been created here for a fun and comfortable pastime, and the prices for services will leave a pleasant impression after those in Riga.

Regardless of the length of stay in Sigulda, contact the Information tourist centre» Ausekļa iela 6 (in the railway station building), where they will help you create a walking route in accordance with your wishes and provide detailed map and tell you about restaurants, cafes and hotels in the city.

Thanks to the unique natural beauties, the first tourists came here since the mid-19th century: to wander around the surrounding area surrounded by silence and enjoying the views. From now on Sigulda the nickname “Livonian Switzerland” stuck, and the railway line that was built connecting Riga with Valka gave a new impetus to the development of tourism in these places. Some guests loved coming here so much that they began to actively buy land and build country houses. The “golden” autumn gives especially bright colors to visitors.

An authentic souvenir from Sigulda are walking canes. This accessory made it easier for the pioneers of local tourism to walk along the steep banks of the Gauja and protected forests. They are sold in different qualities and sizes. Individual specimens are comparable to works of art.

For lovers of active recreation there are 3 bicycle rental points: Senču iela 1, Raiņa iela 1, Pils iela, 4b. Cost - 10 € per day.

For those who decide to stay in Sigulda for a while they work: an aerodium is a vertical wind tunnel that allows you to enjoy all the delights of free flight. Price: from 30 € (Silciems - 5 km from the city, there is a bus), billiards and bowling (Vidus iela 1), golf course (Kalnzaķi, Krimuldas pagasts), amusement park " Tarzan": shooting range, bungee, skeleton, climbing obstacles and much more. (Peldu iela, 1), billiards (Pils iela, 8), extreme park obstacles" Mežakaķis"(Senču iela 1) 6 routes for people with different levels of training and different ages, a total of 82 objects.

All catering points are located within the city, so when going for a walk around the surrounding area, keep in mind that you will only be able to get a bite to eat at the Krimulda estate and near the Turaida Nature Reserve.

Food in Sigulda: gourmet restaurant" Kropotkins"(Pils iela, 6) - the central establishment of the city with an excellent menu, pizzeria " Zaļumnieku piestātne"(Pils iela, 9), pizzeria " "La Pizza Veloce"(Raina iela, 2), cafe "Namma"(near the railway station and at the turn from the A2 highway), bistro " Kaķu Māja"(Pils iela, 8), confectionery " Eklērs"(Pils iela, 1).

How to get from Riga to Sigulda

By car: 45-50 minutes along the A2 highway (Vidzeme highway) - 52.7 km. Coordinates for navigation - 57°09′14″N. w. 24°51′16″E d.
By electric train: from 8 trains per day (depending on the season). Travel time - 1 hour 15 minutes. One way fare is 2.35 €.
By bus: from the bus station (Pragas street 1) there are about 15 trips to Sigulda every day, travel time is 1 hour. The cost of one trip is 2.15 €.

Sights of Sigulda

Castle of the Livonian Order
(Pils iela, 18 opening hours: from 09:00-20:00 in summer, in winter from 10:00-17:00. Price: 1.42€): one of the most significant structures erected by the “sword bearers” in Latvia, who decided to build this fortification in response to the Turaida castle on the other side of the Gauja, owned by the Bishop of Riga (the eternal rival of the knights). It changed its shape more than once: it was overgrown with towers, bastions, barracks, warehouses, but it was destroyed during the Northern War and was consigned to oblivion. Today you can see the gate tower and the only surviving wing of the building with impressive window openings; comfortable stairs lead to the newly built north tower (now restored) and there is also an elevator. It offers a beautiful view.

Sigulda Palace (Pils iela, 18) - located next to the ruins of the Livonian castle, both objects wonderfully complement and harmonize with each other - the splendor of the palace, built from ancient boulders and stones, and the ruined castle. Prince Kropotkin did not skimp on this splendor and decided to establish his residence there. During the period of the first republic, the building went to the Latvian Union of Journalists and was reconstructed, and after the Great Patriotic War a sanatorium was located here. Currently it is the local council.

Lutheran Church (Baznīcas iela, 2): an active church, the architecture is characteristic of all medieval buildings of that time. The bell tower appeared much later - in the 30s of the last century, and wonderfully complements the entire architectural ensemble.

Krimulda: is a suburb of Sigulda (the right bank of the Gauja), you can get there by cable car, by car (via Turaida) or by walking.

Krimulda mansion (Mednieku iela, 3): a typical building with a master's house, a park and auxiliary buildings for the Latvian landowners of its time.

Krimulda estate : a beautiful estate, including 21 buildings with a beautiful park on an area of ​​54 hectares.

Krimulda Church : The majestic Gothic architecture speaks of its venerable age, and this is a fact - one of the very first churches in Latvia. The dimensions and interior decoration will not leave you indifferent. A curious labyrinth in the form of a mosaic on the floor is “The Path to God”, characteristic of the decoration of churches of the 13th-14th centuries, symbolizing the road to the Holy City.

Ruins of Krimulda Castle : The name of the attraction speaks for itself. Destroyed, almost to the ground, in 1609.

Turaida Museum-Reserve (Turaidas iela, 10 Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00 in summer, in winter from 10:00 to 17:00. Price: 5€): If translated from the now defunct Livonian language, Turaida means God's garden. Having visited this place at any time of the year, you will be convinced that the amazing beauty of the landscapes spread over 42 hectares of land is hard to describe. The riverbed, surrounded by picturesque steep banks of the river among virgin forest, allows you to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and makes the reserve one of the most popular in Latvia. On the territory of the complex there are several objects worthy of attention:

Turaida Castle : the medieval castle of Riga Bishop Albert, restored with great love, the year of construction began is known - 1214. It consists of fortress walls, gates and a watchtower, on which the best observation deck in the area was organized.

Estate: 21 buildings of the estate (18-19 centuries), located on the territory near the castle after its fire: a stable (walks around the surrounding area are organized), a working blacksmith shop (souvenirs made by local craftsmen - roses, nails, horseshoes), a carriage house with an exhibition of carriages, a pond.

Folk Song Park: founded in 1985, in honor of the collector of Latvian folk songs Krišjānis Barons. Several folk music festivals are held throughout the year.

Gutman Cave: According to legend, a hermit settled here, but there are still no facts. The facts are as follows: this is the largest cave in Latvia, the inscriptions on the walls are of particular interest, some of which are protected by the state due to their antiquity.

Current church: the building was built in 1750.

Walking trails: There are several walking trails of varying lengths and levels of difficulty.

Active holidays in Sigulda

Thanks to its hilly terrain, Sigulda is the only ski resort Latvia with several marked trails, 2 of which start within the city limits, as well as the first cable car and bobsleigh track in the Baltic countries:

Kakishkalns (Senču iela, 1) - difference 80 m. length - 320 m. "Children's" - difference 10 m. length - 100 m. Ski rental, ski lift, school available. Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 14:00 to 22:00, weekends from 09:00 to 22:00.

Highway "City" (Peldu iela, 1) - drop - 90m. length - 350m. Ski rental and lift available. Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 12:00 - 22:00, weekends from 09:00 to 22:00.

Cable car (Poruka iela, 14) - length - 1025 m. Height - up to 42 meters. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:40 (once every 30 minutes in each direction) Price: weekdays - 4 €. Weekends - 5€ (children - 2€/3€). At the top point you can take a bungee jump from the trailer by ordering the service in advance via the Internet. Opening hours: Thursday - from 18.30. Cost: Thursday - 30 €, Friday-Sunday - 40 €.

Bobsleigh track (Sveices iela, 13) - Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 20:00. Price: Inspection - 0.60€ adults, 0.30€ - children. Descent on the summer bob - 10€, on the frog - 20€, on the winter bob - 50€. Functioning all year round, is another attraction of the city. Luge sport in Sigulda began to develop at the end of the 19th century. A great enthusiast and amateur, Prince Golitsyn founded the first track - open, 900 meters long and with one bend. It was here that the first “cars” began to be manufactured, following the example of analogues brought from abroad. In 1986, the best engineers designed and built this unique structure, which is not inferior to the best world analogues. From the top platform there is a stunning view of the bend of the Gauja River and all the bends of the route. Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 20:00.

Sigulda– a small town with a picturesque green Gauja valley, which is surrounded by impressive sights: medieval castles and legendary caves. The city is also the gateway to the Gauja National Park, located in the northeast of Sigulda. Today I’ll tell you what to see in Sigulda and where to relax with children.

Sights of Sigulda with photos and descriptions

XVI-XVIII centuries – the starting point in the history of modern Sigulda as a city. Step by step it became a transshipment point and a resort at the same time, located along the route of the future railway that connects Pskov with. In the first half of the 19th century, Sigulda was transferred to the owner of local lands, Prince Kropotkin, wealthy Riga rulers who subsequently built country estates here. This explains the presence of historical mansions.

I will share with you these and other attractions that are worth visiting in Sigulda, as well as where you can relax in winter.

Architecture of Sigulda

The main architectural landmark of the city is Turaida Castle, located 4 km from Sigulda. Historical buildings, of which there are about 37, are located on the territory controlled by the castle from the Middle Ages. According to the order of the Bishop of Riga, Turaida Castle was founded in 1214 year. The fortress had to undergo numerous reconstructions. But, despite this, the fortress managed to preserve its appearance to this day, along with the legends associated with it and its name.

I was surprised by the main tower, the top floor of which is an observation deck, and the bottom floor is a museum exhibition. Until now, various archaeological excavations are being carried out on the territory of the castle, during which things found add to the museum’s collection.

It turned out to be a very beautiful archaeological structure Old Sigulda Castle, which began to be built at the beginning XIII centuries. Over time, the castle turned into a powerful fortress, protected on all sides. But this did not prevent repeated serious destruction of the castle during assaults during the change of owners. The once great fortress has reached us only with fragments of walls and several window openings, reminiscent of early Gothic.

the crusaders built New Sigulda Castle, which I also liked. Because the old lock no one intended to restore it; in the middle of the 19th century, the new owner of the castle, Olga Kropotkina, decided to build a new castle next to the old one, which by the end of the century was built and became the residence of the Kropotkins. At the end of the First World War, the castle was transferred to the ownership of the Latvian Society of Journalists, and after the Second World War it was transformed into a sanatorium. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the castle building has been occupied by the Sigulda administration.

Try to take time to visit these architectural structures:

  • Drabesh estate.
  • Krimulda Castle.
  • Suntazh Castle.
  • Ruins of the Autinsky castle.

Monuments of Sigulda

Among the small number of monuments in Sigulda, I would like to highlight the most interesting ones.

  • Hill Dine– one of the interesting memorial places of the city, where ancient Livonians once stood. Previously, the hill was called Jelgava, but already in 1985 its name was changed. The reason was the opening of the folk song park with 15 sculptures created by I. Ranka in accordance with the themes of folk songs. This discovery was timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Krišjānis Baron, who was a Latvian writer, folklorist and public figure, a collector of dainas - Latvian folk songs, from which the name of the hill came.
  • Sculptural group “Parade of Knights”. The artistic plein air “Medieval Metal Carver”, held in 2010 on Pils Street, contributed to the creation of this group. The authors of the sculptures were six metal craftsmen who managed to assemble 15 black knights in a small area, using various pieces of iron and stones instead of heads. Thanks to the plaques next to each sculpture, you can get acquainted with their names.
  • Tomb of the "Rose of Turaida", located in place former cemetery, not far from Turaida Castle. The time of the first burials dates back to the 13th century, but from the surviving graves you can see the grave of the Rose of Turaida. According to the documents of the Vidzeme Court Court, a girl named Rosa Turaida actually lived here, who kept her love for the gardener Victor Hale at the Silgud estate and constantly refused all the men who wooed her. When she refused the Pole Adam Jakubowski, he lured Rosa to Gutman's cave and killed her there. That place became the grave of Rose of Turaida.

Hill Dine

Religious buildings

In Sigulda I found two beautiful churches that really impressed me.

  • Sigulda Church. In 1225, the building of the Lutheran Church of St. Berthold was built on the initiative of the Pope's ambassador, sent to this area to resolve frequent disputes between the Livonian Order and the Bishop of Rome. Unfortunately, during the Livonian War the church was destroyed. The building of today's church was erected only in the 17th-18th centuries, and closer to 1930, a pointed tower-shaped bell tower was attached to the church, where the observation deck is now located. Under Soviet rule, the Church of St. Berthold was the only operating temple in the district.
  • Krimulda Church, built at the beginning of the 13th century, was for a long time the first church in Latvia and the first stone one in the region. The local leader Kaupo, who converted to Christianity, was responsible for the construction. It was impressive that despite many reconstructions and restorations, the church has a good appearance, as evidenced by the well-preserved pastor's house, built at the end of the 19th century.

Sigulda Caves

I’m very glad that I managed to get to two incredible caves in the city.

  • To get acquainted Gutman's Cave, you need to get into the territory Turaida Park, located between Sigulda and Turaida. This cave is considered the most famous and largest in the Baltics, because it is almost 20 m long, 12 m wide, 10 m high and has an area of ​​170 sq. m. m. According to numerous estimates, it began to form 10,000 years ago, when the water of the Ice Age eroded dense, red sandstone, which was formed in the Devonian period, into the rock. The cave got its name in honor of the healer Gutman, who treated the sick with water from the cave stream.

Did you know? Some surviving inscriptions from the Gutman Cave, which date back to 1668 and later, indicate a cult place of ancient tribes, which is why they are of historical value.

  • Above the Gutman Cave we managed to visit Devil's Cave, located on a 15-meter slope of the mountain. Legend has it that this is where the devil waited for night to fall. From the nearby Small Devil's Cave flows the famous spring of Wisdom, in which the ancient Livs bathed their babies, suggesting that this contributed to the wisdom and health of children. Opens from the pedestrian suspension bridge beautiful view to the Great Devil's Cave, visiting which is prohibited.

Where to relax in Sigulda in winter

Sigulda provides an incredibly exciting winter holiday and is considered the most popular in Latvia. The resort is represented by two tracks with a length of 350 m and 200 m. Both are equipped with snow cannons and three types of lifts. Any equipment can be rented. Also, children and beginner skiers can use the gentle slope and rope lifts or pay for the services of instructors.

Video about the main attractions of the city of Sigulda

Video review of the most important attractions of the city of Sigulda. Enjoy watching!

Where to go in Sigulda with children

  • Adventure Park "Tarzan" with a huge number of various attractions will not leave both children and adults indifferent.
  • Mezakakis Adventure Park with a special track for children and exciting challenges for adults.
  • The aerial cable car in Sigulda provides the opportunity to see all the beauty of the Gauja Valley from a 42-meter height on a specially equipped carriage.
  • Aerodium– a vertical wind tunnel with the ability to soar above the ground without parachutes or ropes.
  • Adventure Park "Forest Cat" with obstacles, cables, nets, bridges of various designs, swings, beams, ropes and ladders, as well as rope flights, a volleyball court, a guest house built in an alpine style, and a sauna complex.
  • Sigulda bobsleigh and luge track 1420 m long with 16 turns and a 200-meter braking distance.

Sigulda – beautiful city, a visit to which impressed me with its preserved historical sites, along with beautiful natural attractions and the best Latvian ski resort.

What else would you recommend to see in Sigulda? What places should you pay attention to for holidays with children? I look forward to your suggestions in the comments.