Top 10 scary places. The most mystical and scary places on the planet. Aokigahara forest, Japan

Church of St. George, Czech Republic

The church in the Czech village of Lukova has been abandoned since 1968, when part of its roof collapsed during a funeral ceremony. Artist Jakub Hadrava populated the church with ghost sculptures, giving it a particularly sinister look.

Hashima Island, Japan.

Hashima is a former coal mining settlement founded in 1887. It was considered one of the most densely populated places on earth - with a coastline of about a kilometer, its population in 1959 was 5,259 people. When coal mining here became unprofitable, the mine was closed and the island city joined the list of ghost towns. This happened in 1974.

Hanging Coffins of Sagada, Philippines

On the island of Luzon, in the village of Sagada, there is one of the most frightening places in the Philippines. Here you can see unusual funeral structures made of coffins placed high above the ground on the rocks. There is a belief among the indigenous population that the higher the body of the deceased is buried, the closer his soul will be to heaven.

Abandoned military hospital Beelitz-Heilstetten, Germany

Old Jewish cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

Processions in this cemetery took place for almost four centuries (from 1439 to 1787). More than 100 thousand dead are buried on a relatively small plot of land, and the number of gravestones reaches 12,000. More ancient
Cemetery workers covered the burials with earth, and new tombstones were erected in the same place. On the territory of the cemetery there are places where 12 burial tiers are located under the earth's crust. As time passed, the subsided earth revealed old gravestones to the eyes of the living, who began to move later slabs. The view was not only unusual, but also creepy.

Island of Abandoned Dolls, Mexico

There is a very strange abandoned island in Mexico, most of which is inhabited by scary dolls. They say that in 1950, a certain hermit, Julian Santana Barrera, began collecting and hanging dolls from trash cans, who in this way tried to calm the soul of a girl who had drowned nearby. Julian himself drowned on the island on April 17, 2001. Now there are about 1000 exhibits on the island.

Chapel of Bones, Portugal

The chapel was built in the 16th century by a Franciscan monk. The chapel itself is small - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide, but the bones and skulls of five thousand monks are kept here. On the roof of the chapel is written the phrase “Melior est die mortis die nativitatis” (“Better the day of death than the day of birth”).

Suicide Forest, Japan

Suicide Forest is the unofficial name of the Aokigahara Jukai forest, located in Japan on the island of Honshu and famous for the frequent suicides committed there. The forest was originally associated with Japanese mythology and was traditionally thought to be the abode of demons and ghosts. Now it is considered the second most popular place in the world (first at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco) to commit suicide. At the entrance to the forest there is a poster: “Your life is a priceless gift from your parents. Think about them and your family. You don't have to suffer alone. Call us 22-0110."

Abandoned psychiatric hospital in Parma, Italy

Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione created an art piece from a building that once housed a psychiatric hospital. He depicted the spirit of this place. Now ghostly figures of exhausted patients wander around the former hospital.

Catacombs in Paris, France

The Catacombs are a network of winding underground tunnels and caves beneath Paris. The total length, according to various sources, is from 187 to 300 kilometers. Since the end of the 18th century, the remains of almost 6 million people have been buried in the catacombs.

Centralia, Pennsylvania, USA

Due to an underground fire that broke out 50 years ago and continues to burn to this day, the number of residents has decreased from 1,000 people (1981) to 7 people (2012). Centralia now has the smallest population in the state of Pennsylvania. Centralia served as the prototype for the creation of the city in the Silent Hill series of games and in the film based on this game.

Magic Market Akodessewa, Togo

The Akodesseva market for magical items and witchcraft herbs is located right in the center of the city of Lome, the capital of the state of Togo in Africa. Africans of Togo, Ghana and Nigeria still practice the voodoo religion and believe in the miraculous properties of dolls. Akodesseva's fetish assortment is extremely exotic: here you can buy cattle skulls, dried heads of monkeys, buffalos and leopards and many other equally “wonderful” things.

Plague Island, Italy

Poveglia is one of the most famous islands of the Venetian lagoon, in northern Italy. It is said that since Roman times the island was used as a place of exile for plague patients, and therefore up to 160,000 people were buried on it. The souls of many of the dead allegedly turned into ghosts, with which the island is now filled. The island's dark reputation is compounded by stories of horrific experiments allegedly carried out on psychiatric patients. In this regard, paranormal researchers call the island one of the most terrible places on earth.

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

The Mountain of Crosses is a hill on which many Lithuanian crosses are installed, their total number is approximately 50 thousand. Despite the external resemblance, it is not a cemetery. According to popular belief, good luck will accompany those who leave a cross on the Mountain. Neither the time of the appearance of the Mountain of Crosses nor the reasons for its appearance can be said with certainty. To this day, this place is shrouded in secrets and legends.

Burials of Kabayan, Philippines

The famous fire mummies of Kabayan, dating back to 1200-1500 AD, are buried here, as well as, as local residents believe, their spirits. They were made using a complex mummification process, and are now carefully guarded, as cases of their theft are not uncommon. Why? As one of the robbers said, “he had the right to do this,” since the mummy was his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

Overtoun Bridge, Scotland

The old arch bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to happen on it: dozens of dogs suddenly threw themselves from a 15-meter height, fell onto rocks and were killed. Those that survived came back and tried again. The bridge has turned into a real “killer” of four-legged animals.

Actun-Tunichil-Muknal Cave, Belize

Actun Tunichil Muknal is a cave near the city of San Ignacio, Belize. It is an archaeological site of the Mayan civilization. Located on the territory of the Mount Tapira Natural Park. One of the halls of the cave is the so-called cathedral, where the Mayans made sacrifices, as they considered this place to be Xibalba - the entrance to the underworld.

Leap Castle, Ireland

Leap Castle in Offaly, Ireland is considered one of the cursed castles in the world. Its gloomy attraction is a large underground dungeon, the bottom of which is studded with sharp stakes. The dungeon was discovered during the restoration of the castle. In order to remove all the bones from it, the workers needed 4 carts. Local residents say that the castle is haunted by many ghosts of people who died in the dungeon.

Chauchilla Cemetery, Peru

The Chauchilla Cemetery is located about 30 minutes from the Nazca desert plateau, on the southern coast of Peru. The necropolis was discovered in the 20s of the twentieth century. According to researchers, bodies found in the cemetery are about 700 years old, and the last burials here took place in the 9th century. Chowchilla differs from other burial sites in the special way in which people were buried. All the bodies are “squatting”, and their “faces” seem to be frozen in a wide smile. The bodies were perfectly preserved thanks to the Peruvian dry desert climate.

Sanctuary of Tophet, Tunisia

The most notorious feature of Carthage's religion was the sacrifice of children, mainly infants. During the sacrifice it was forbidden to cry, since it was believed that any tear, any plaintive sigh would detract from the value of the sacrifice. In 1921, archaeologists discovered a site where several rows of urns were found containing the charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and small children. The place was called Tophet

Snake Island, Brazil

Queimada Grande is one of the most dangerous and famous islands on our planet. There is only a forest, a rocky, inhospitable coast up to 200 meters high, and snakes. There are up to six snakes per square meter of the island. The poison of these reptiles acts instantly. Brazilian authorities have decided to completely ban anyone from visiting the island, and locals are telling chilling stories about it.

Buzludzha, Bulgaria

The largest monument in Bulgaria, located on Mount Buzludzha with a height of 1441 meters, was built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Its construction took almost 7 years and involved more than 6 thousand workers and experts. The interior was partly decorated with marble, and the staircases were decorated with red cathedral glass. Now the monument house has been completely looted, only a concrete frame with reinforcement remains, looking like a destroyed alien ship.

City of the Dead, Russia

Dargavs in North Ossetia looks like a cute village with small stone houses, but in fact it is an ancient necropolis. People were buried in various types of crypts along with all their clothing and personal belongings.

Unfinished subway in Cincinnati, USA

Abandoned subway depot in Cincinnati - project built in 1884. But after the First World War and as a result of changing demographics, the need for the metro disappeared. Construction slowed in 1925, with half of the 16 km line completed. The abandoned subway now hosts tours twice a year, but many people are known to wander its tunnels alone.

The village of Blair once stood on the site of the city. Do I need to explain that it was there that the cult horror film “The Blair Witch Project” was filmed, filmed like a video of friends wandering in a scary forest. Rewatch the video, re-read the legend about the vengeful witch and the place will seem really scary to you.

9. Louisiana, near New Orleans

Famous for its Voodoo sorcerers and their dark rituals, there is a truly creepy place. Nature itself took care of making it the most terrible in the area. It has everything - classic green swamps, mystical mists, twisted trees and mass graves. Alligators will be an unpleasant bonus. In such a place, behind every trunk, sorcerers and ghosts appear.

8. Cane Hill

Photos of the scary place at No. 8 are quite popular on the Internet and are creepy. Of course, Cane Hill is an abandoned psychiatric hospital. It was closed in the 90s and from the photo it seems that the patients got out of bed one day and left the terrible hospital forever. Medical equipment and abandoned beds remained there. The gloomy atmosphere excites the imagination.

7. Bangar.

An abandoned city in India can also be called one of the scariest places on the planet. Bangar was built in 1573 in honor of the military exploits of an Indian prince. It was densely populated and existed until the end of the 18th century. There is a legend about a terrible curse imposed on the ancient city. It was because of him that residents fled the city. As if the legend were to be confirmed, access to the city is closed after sunset. The eerie place is believed to be infested with ghosts.

6. Hellish failure in Turkmenistan

This is not a natural phenomenon. Soviet drilling stations contributed to the birth of the fiery gates of hell. A terrible mistake led to the appearance of this terrible place. A dangerous gas leak worried scientists and the best solution was to burn the gases. The rift still burns to this day. Nobody knows when the fire will subside. On the edge of the fiery pit, people seem very small. The fault can be seen from afar. Scary place.

And now photos of the 5 most terrible places in the world.

5. Tunisian sanctuary of Tophet

This is a huge burial place for children with stone tombstones. There are several versions of the appearance of a mass Carthaginian burial. According to one of them, children were sacrificed to the bloody gods. According to another, even more terrible, children were not only sacrificed, but also eaten to the bone during times of famine. In general, the place is very scary, not one of those where it’s pleasant to walk.

4. Mayan remains in Belize

The scary place is called Aktun Tunichil Muknal. It was discovered by accident and is located in a cave. It is filled with bones and various things that tell a lot about the gloomy Mayan culture. As you know, sacrifices were a common thing for them. What makes the place terrible is its one “resident” - the skeleton of a young murdered girl. Her bones shine like crystal in the light. Over the centuries spent in the special conditions of the cave, the bones became calcified.

3. Forest in Japan

Aokigahara is not a magical forest for walking, otherwise it would hardly be in the top 10 scariest places on earth. It is located near the famous Mount Fuji. “A sea of ​​trees” - they say about this forest. And also, and this is not just talk, cleanups are carried out in the forest every year to clear it of bones. The fact is that Aokigahara is a favorite place for suicides, creepy and scary.

2. Kutna Hora

Kutná Hora is a Czech town with an eerie attraction. A terrible chapel - called the Ossuary. And the name says a lot. In 1278, the Holy Land was brought to the chapel from Jerusalem, which immediately attracted masses of pilgrims who wanted not only to pray, but also to be buried there. During the outbreak of the plague in the 14th century, about 30 thousand people came to the monastery. The bones of old burials were dug up and stored in basements to make room for new graves. In the 18th century the monastery closed and the bones were removed to give the monastery its Gothic beauty. The chandelier made of skulls and shoulder blades looks especially impressive, as well as frightening.

1. Creepy catacombs

The most terrible place on earth and also associated with death can be called a crypt in Italy. The terrible catacombs served to bury the Capuchins. It was later discovered that the special environment of the dungeon mummified the dead. This creepy place is located in the city of Palermo on the island of Sicily.

The last person to die found peace here in the 90s. Now the catacombs are open to tourists. The mummified dead do not lie, but stand along the stone walls, and seem to be looking at tourists. A very creepy place.

05/14/2015 at 14:10 · Johnny · 7 680

10 scariest places in the world

There are a huge number of beautiful places that every person would like to visit, but along with them there are also very creepy and scary places that are also very popular among tourists. Present to your attention 10 scariest places in the world.


Chernobyl in Ukraine opens the top ten the scariest places on the planet. Today tourists can go to the abandoned city of Pripyat and see the exclusion zone. Thousands of people fled their homes after the Chernobyl reactor disaster. Toys abandoned in kindergartens and newspapers left on dinner tables come into view. The disaster area is now officially permitted for visits - the level of radiation is no longer dangerous. Bus tours begin in Kyiv, then tourists visit the nuclear reactor, see the sarcophagus and head to the abandoned city of Pripyat.


Aleister Crowley is probably the most famous occultist in the world. This terrible place, replete with dark pagan frescoes, was intended to be the world capital of satanic orgies. Crowley appeared on the cover of the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club. He founded the Abbey of Thelema, which became a free love community. Director Kenneth Unger, a follower of Crowley, made a film about the abbey, but the film later mysteriously disappeared. Now the abbey is almost completely destroyed.


The medieval Old Town of Edinburgh has several streets with a sordid and dark past. This eerie place, where plague victims were supposed to die in the seventeenth century, became famous thanks to poltergeists. Tourists visiting this supernatural place claim that something invisible touches their hands and feet. Local residents say that this is the soul of the girl Annie, whom her parents left here in 1645. A hundred years later, a large building was built in the cul-de-sac. The dead end was opened for tourists in 2003.


There are many myths and prejudices surrounding this colossal structure. One day, a fortune teller predicted that weapons factory heiress Sarah Winchester would be haunted all her life, so she must leave Connecticut and go west and begin building a huge house there that would last her entire life. Construction began in 1884 and did not end until Sarah's death in 1938. Now the house is inhabited by the ghosts of her madness: stairs resting on the ceiling, doors at the height of the middle of the wall, chandeliers and hooks. And even those who do not believe in ghosts claim that they saw or heard something inexplicable in this house. This house ranks seventh in our ranking of the top 10 most terrible places on the planet.


The Parisian catacombs are ranked sixth on our list scary places on earth. All the walls of the long corridor of the catacombs are tiled with bones and skulls. Very dry air protects them from even a hint of decay. Entering these catacombs near Paris, you begin to understand why Anne Rice and Victor Hugo wrote their famous novels about these dungeons. Their length is about 187 kilometers along the entire city, and only a small part of them is accessible to visitors. It is alleged that the legendary underground police keep order in the catacombs, although legions of vampires and zombies would be more suitable for this place.


This scary place is also known as the swamp of ghosts. It is located near New Orleans. Legend has it that it was cursed by a Voodoo queen while she was imprisoned there in the 1920s. Three small villages nearby were razed to the ground in 1915.


Perhaps this place is one of the most mysterious places in the world. This island has gained worldwide fame thanks to the giant stone sculptures looking into the sky, as if begging for mercy. And only the stone of these statues knows who their creators were. No one on the island is familiar with the art of sculpture. No one can imagine how it was possible to make statues twenty meters high and weighing ninety tons. Among other things, the statues had to be delivered twenty kilometers from the quarry where the ancient sculptors worked.


The black magic bazaar in Sonora opens the top three most creepy places on earth. Lots of witches sit in tiny booths and offer to rid you of poverty and adultery for just ten dollars. Every day, many Mexican and foreign tourists flock to this market, wanting to learn something about their future. There you can buy mysterious potions, snake blood and dried hummingbirds to tame luck.


The bulk of the Japanese navy now rests at the bottom of this lagoon, southeast of the Hawaiian Islands. The entire bottom of this lagoon, explored by Jacques Cousteau in 1971, is strewn with fragments of warships sunk in 1944. This is a scary place attracts many divers, although many are wary of ship crews who remain forever at their combat posts. Fighter ships and aircraft carriers became coral reefs, and many divers who went down to explore these reefs never returned from their underwater journeys.


The Mütter Museum of the History of Medicine ranks first in our ranking of the most terrible places on the planet. This museum was founded to educate future doctors about human anatomy and the anomalies of the human body. It features various pathologies, ancient medical instruments and biological oddities. The museum is primarily known for its extensive collection of skulls. It also contains unique exhibits, such as the body of a dead woman, which was turned into soap in the grave. Also there you can see Siamese twins sharing one liver, the skeleton of a two-headed boy and other terrible things.

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We are not at all going to intimidate you with ominous fictions, but we just want to take you on a tour of very real places that reek of danger and mystery.

We warn you: this post is not suitable for impressionable people. But if you are brave enough, just follow us.

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Old Jewish cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

Processions in this cemetery took place for almost four centuries (from 1439 to 1787). More than 100 thousand dead are buried on a relatively small plot of land, and the number of gravestones reaches 12 thousand. Cemetery workers covered older burials with earth and erected new tombstones in the same place. On the territory of the cemetery there are places where 12 burial tiers are located under the earth's crust. As time passed, the subsided earth revealed old gravestones to the eyes of the living, who began to move later slabs. The view was not only unusual, but also creepy.

Island of Abandoned Dolls, Mexico

There is a very strange abandoned island in Mexico, most of which is inhabited by scary dolls. They say that in 1950, a certain hermit, Julian Santana Barrera, began collecting and hanging dolls from trash cans, who in this way tried to calm the soul of a girl who had drowned nearby. Julian himself drowned on the island on April 17, 2001. Now there are about 1000 exhibits on the island.

Hashima Island, Japan

Hashima is a former coal mining settlement founded in 1887. The island was considered one of the most densely populated places on earth - with a coastline of about a kilometer, its population in 1959 was 5,259 people. When coal mining here became unprofitable, the mine was closed, and the island city joined the list of ghost towns. This happened in 1974.

Chapel of Bones, Portugal

The chapel was built in the 16th century by a Franciscan monk. The chapel itself is small - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide, but the bones and skulls of five thousand monks are kept here. On the roof of the chapel is written the phrase “Melior est die mortis die nativitatis” (“Better the day of death than the day of birth”).

Suicide Forest, Japan

Suicide Forest is the unofficial name of the Aokigahara Jukai forest, located in Japan on the island of Honshu and famous for the frequent suicides committed there. The forest was originally associated with Japanese mythology and was traditionally thought to be the abode of demons and ghosts. Now it is considered the second most popular place in the world (first at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco) to commit suicide. At the entrance to the forest there is a poster: “Your life is a priceless gift from your parents. Think about them and your family. You don't have to suffer alone. Call us 22-0110."

Abandoned psychiatric hospital in Parma, Italy

Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione created an art piece from a building that once housed a psychiatric hospital. He depicted the spirit of this place. Now ghostly figures of exhausted patients wander around the former hospital.

Church of St. George, Czech Republic

The church in the Czech village of Lukova has been abandoned since 1968, when part of its roof collapsed during a funeral ceremony. Artist Jakub Hadrava populated the church with ghost sculptures, giving it a particularly sinister look.

Catacombs in Paris, France

The Catacombs are a network of winding underground tunnels and caves beneath Paris. The total length, according to various sources, is from 187 to 300 kilometers. Since the end of the 18th century, the remains of almost 6 million people have been buried in the catacombs.

Centralia, Pennsylvania, USA

Due to an underground fire that broke out 50 years ago and continues to burn to this day, the number of residents has decreased from 1,000 people (1981) to 7 people (2012). Centralia now has the smallest population in the state of Pennsylvania. Centralia served as the prototype for the creation of the city in the Silent Hill series of games and in the film based on this game.

Magic Market Akodessewa, Togo

The Akodesseva market for magical items and witchcraft herbs is located right in the center of the city of Lome, the capital of the state of Togo in Africa. Africans of Togo, Ghana and Nigeria still practice the voodoo religion and believe in the miraculous properties of dolls. Akodesseva's fetish assortment is extremely exotic: here you can buy cattle skulls, dried heads of monkeys, buffalos and leopards and many other equally “wonderful” things.

Plague Island, Italy

Poveglia is one of the most famous islands of the Venetian Lagoon, in northern Italy. It is said that since Roman times the island was used as a place of exile for plague patients, and as a result, up to 160,000 people were buried there. The souls of many of the dead allegedly turned into ghosts, with which the island is now filled. The island's dark reputation is compounded by stories of horrific experiments allegedly carried out on psychiatric patients. In this regard, paranormal researchers call the island one of the most terrible places on earth.

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

The Mountain of Crosses is a hill on which many Lithuanian crosses are installed, their total number is approximately 50 thousand. Despite the external resemblance, it is not a cemetery. According to popular belief, good luck will accompany those who leave a cross on the Mountain. Neither the time of the appearance of the Mountain of Crosses nor the reasons for its appearance can be said with certainty. To this day, this place is shrouded in secrets and legends.

Burials of Kabayan, Philippines

The famous fire mummies of Kabayan, dating back to 1200-1500 AD, are buried here, as well as, as local residents believe, their spirits. They were made using a complex mummification process, and are now carefully guarded, as cases of their theft are not uncommon. Why? As one of the robbers said, “he had the right to do this,” since the mummy was his great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

The old arch bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to happen on it: dozens of dogs suddenly threw themselves from a 15-meter height, fell onto rocks and were killed. Those that survived came back and tried again. The bridge has turned into a real “killer” of four-legged animals.

Actun Tunichil Muknal is a cave near the city of San Ignacio, Belize. It is an archaeological site of the Mayan civilization. Located on the territory of the Mount Tapira Natural Park. One of the halls of the cave is the so-called cathedral, where the Mayans made sacrifices, as they considered this place to be Xibalba - the entrance to the underworld.

Leap Castle in Offaly, Ireland is considered one of the cursed castles in the world. Its gloomy attraction is a large underground dungeon, the bottom of which is studded with sharp stakes. The dungeon was discovered during the restoration of the castle. In order to remove all the bones from it, the workers needed 4 carts. Local residents say that the castle is haunted by many ghosts of people who died in the dungeon.

The Chauchilla Cemetery is located about 30 minutes from the Nazca desert plateau, on the southern coast of Peru. The necropolis was discovered in the 20s of the twentieth century. According to researchers, bodies found in the cemetery are about 700 years old, and the last burials here took place in the 9th century. Chowchilla differs from other burial sites in the special way in which people were buried. All the bodies are “squatting”, and their “faces” seem to be frozen in a wide smile. The bodies were perfectly preserved thanks to the Peruvian dry desert climate.

The most notorious feature of Carthage's religion was the sacrifice of children, mainly infants. During the sacrifice it was forbidden to cry, since it was believed that any tear, any plaintive sigh would detract from the value of the sacrifice. In 1921, archaeologists discovered a site where several rows of urns were found containing the charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and small children. The place was called Tophet.

Queimada Grande is one of the most dangerous and famous islands on our planet. There is only a forest, a rocky, inhospitable coast up to 200 meters high, and snakes. There are up to six snakes per square meter of the island. The poison of these reptiles acts instantly. Brazilian authorities have decided to completely ban anyone from visiting the island, and locals are telling chilling stories about it.

The largest monument in Bulgaria, located on Mount Buzludzha with a height of 1441 meters, was built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Its construction took almost 7 years and involved more than 6 thousand workers and experts. The interior was partly decorated with marble, and the staircases were decorated with red cathedral glass. Now the monument house has been completely looted, only a concrete frame with reinforcement remains, looking like a destroyed alien ship.

During the First and Second World Wars, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 Adolf Hitler was treated there. After World War II, the hospital found itself in the zone of Soviet occupation and became the largest Soviet hospital outside the USSR. The complex consists of 60 buildings, some of which have now been restored. Almost all abandoned buildings are closed to access. The doors and windows are securely boarded up with high boards and sheets of plywood.

Abandoned subway depot in Cincinnati - project built in 1884. But after the First World War and as a result of changing demographics, the need for the metro disappeared. Construction slowed in 1925, with half of the 16 km line completed. The abandoned subway now hosts tours twice a year, but many people are known to wander its tunnels alone.

On the island of Luzon, in the village of Sagada, there is one of the most frightening places in the Philippines. Here you can see unusual funeral structures made of coffins placed high above the ground on the rocks. There is a belief among the indigenous population that the higher the body of the deceased is buried, the closer his soul will be to heaven.

If you think that there is nothing worse in the world than Dracula’s castle, then you read a lot and travel a little. Island of Dolls, Cemetery of Hanging Coffins, Forest of Suicides - ELLE has selected the TOP 10 most terrible places in the world, a visit to which can not only broaden your horizons, but also deprive you of sleep.

Nazca is the name of a city and desert plateau in southern Peru. The tiny city with a population of 27 thousand people is constantly teeming with tourists. Some want to look at the mysterious drawings left on the dry desert soil, others want to visit the Chowchilla cemetery. Located in the suburbs of Nazca, this necropolis is literally open to visitors. Imagine large pits lined with sticks in which the dead sit. Amazing embalming technology preserved the bodies - at least the bones - in perfect order. Among the inhabitants of Chowchilla there are many who can boast of voluminous hairstyles - despite the fact that the last dead person was buried here 11 centuries ago.

The city on the banks of the river of the same name is located two kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Until April 27, 1986, it was a rapidly developing nuclear city, all of whose residents were somehow related to the nuclear power plant. Immediately after the terrible accident at the station, almost fifty thousand of its population was evacuated and the city turned into a monument. Or rather, to a memorial. So it has stood empty for more than thirty years, becoming an eerie open-air museum. Residential buildings, a hospital, kindergartens and schools, playgrounds, a Ferris wheel - everything remains. And not a single soul.

Echo Valley in the Philippines is full of rocks. Coffins hang on them close to each other. Locals are convinced that the higher the body of the deceased is located, the faster he will be in heaven. Forcing them to bury bodies is useless. The tradition of burying the dead in the air has existed for more than two thousand years, but local residents do not tell how and what the coffins are attached to - it is a secret.

There are many islands in the suburbs of Mexico City, the most famous of course being La Isla de las Muñecas, the Island of the Dolls. In the fifties of the last century, a young man named Julian Barrera witnessed the death of a child, a girl, who drowned off this island. Barrera kept her doll for himself, and from that moment on, the spirit of the deceased began to appear to him. To appease the spirit, Julian began hanging old dolls found in trash heaps on the island. And in the end he settled on this island. In 2001, after his death (Barrera, like the same girl, drowned near the island), the business was continued by enthusiasts, his relatives. There are a lot of dolls here and together they look very creepy.

The real name of the mansion located in Transylvania is Bran, but it is known, of course, as the castle of Dracula, Count Vlad the Fourth, who received the nickname Impaler because of his love for impaling his subjects. The castle, built on the edge of an abyss, is a 100% embodiment of the Gothic style: gloomy decoration, howling sounds (caused by a chimney that begins to hum in a strong wind). The main attraction of the castle is Dracula's bedroom with a huge bed; it was here, according to legend, that the owner preferred to drink the blood of his victims. The “house” looks very well maintained, for which thanks to Francis Ford Coppola, who invested in the reconstruction of the castle when he filmed his film adaptation of Bram Stoker’s novel there.

In the Czech village of Lukova, the Church of St. George (St. George) has stood since the 14th century. It was abandoned in 1968 after a fire started during a funeral service and the roof collapsed. Several years ago, sculptor Yakov Khadrava, preparing to submit his thesis, decided to turn the church into a site for his experiments. And he populated the empty building with human statues, whose heads were covered with veils. The spectacle is fascinating and scary. The teachers, by the way, were also impressed and accepted Yakov’s diploma - in such an original form.

The famous Mount Fuji is not only famous for itself: at its foot lies Aokigahara, a dense forest full of rocky caves. Aokigahara is incredibly quiet and very, very gloomy. Already in ancient times, the forest was considered the “residence” of monsters and ghosts. And it was here that residents brought and left their loved ones whom they could not feed - frail old people and children. Aokigahara's dark reputation attracts people who are inclined to take their own lives there. Over the past 60 years, the bodies of more than five hundred suicides have been found in the forest - in this sense, Aokigahara is second only to the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

It is not surprising that the “Suicide Forest” is filled to capacity with signs urging potential suicides to come to their senses. The Japanese believe that once you enter Aokigahara, you will never be able to leave it. Therefore, only rescuers looking for those who want to commit suicide and brave tourists visit it.

People were buried here for four centuries in a row, until the end of the 18th century. There was little space, a lot of bodies. As a result, more than 100,000 dead people found refuge in a small area. To ensure there was enough space for everyone, the old tombstones were covered with earth and new ones were placed immediately. Thus, 12 layers of graves were accumulated. Over time, some layers, due to the subsidence of the earth, came out into the light of day, running over later ones, and the cemetery began to look like a rush hour crowd on public transport.

Here it is, Southern American Gothic at its finest. The Manchac Swamp is located near New Orleans and is called nothing less than the swamp of ghosts. Slaves fled here from their masters, but none of them got out of here - they were all eaten by giant crocodiles. The spirits of the dead and those same crocodiles are the main ingredients in the eerie menu of Manchac, a place that attracts tourists so much. There are active excursions around the swamp, both during the day and at night.

Built in Portugal in the 16th century, the chapel is filled with the remains of monks: in total, more than five thousand people are buried there. Bones and skulls are everywhere, wherever you look. And the inscription on the roof of the building - “Better a death day than a birthday” - puts you in an optimistic mood.