How much water can you take on a plane? Travel set of Fix Price containers for cosmetic liquids Standards for transporting liquids in hand luggage

After the terrorist attacks in Great Britain, a clear program to combat extremists was developed and very strict restrictions on the transport of liquids on planes were introduced in 2007.

General requirements - in hand luggage in the cabin passenger can take if desired no more than one liter of liquid, packaged in at least 10 bottles or containers, packaged in one transparent zip-lock bag or large transparent cosmetic bag. We clarify that each bottle or container can be full or half-empty, but the volume must be no more than 100ml, less please. These requirements must be met on domestic or outbound flights to the US, EU, Russia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Cyprus, Asia and the Middle East.

So, let’s remember what liquids include:
- cosmetics (shampoos, foams, gels, lotions, suntan oil, nourishing masks...);
- perfumes (perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, deodorants, mascara, lipstick...)
- food and drinks (alcohol, juices, soups, honey and jam, purees and everything else that is not free-flowing like sugar or cereal);

At the airport there are large special boxes where, after inspection, they throw in everything that is selected - something that resembles a liquid and exceeds the requirements and norms. Favorite haute couture perfumes and shampoos suffer the same fate - the destruction of cosmetics. You cannot violate the rules for transporting liquids on an airplane; you will not be allowed on the flight if you make a fuss. Therefore, on the road it is very convenient to take your favorite cosmetics and perfumes in disposable packaging, or use empty bottles of vitamins or medicines, the volume is already indicated - no need to bother. Pack the rest in large containers in your luggage. Difficulties await only those who fly without luggage; here you will have to buy either on the spot or in Duty Free boutiques. Keep this in mind when packing your bag for the trip.

Limits on liquid volume in hand luggage do not apply to baby or diet food, medicines and dietary supplements, liquids for lenses required during the flight. Additional baby food in bottles or vacuum jars, water, milkshakes, and juices for travel are allowed only for children under 3 years of age. During security screening at the airport, you may be asked to taste a questionable liquid..

The need for medications for personal use, dietary supplements (if they are classified as medications), and dietary nutrition must be confirmed by a doctor’s report and a prescription. When flying to Schengen countries, a form under Article 75 must be filled out.

If you are flying with a child and want to insure yourself against any force majeure situations (flight delays, etc.), then you can take two bags with your usual juices and drinks on the trip - take one with you that meets all flight safety rules into the aircraft cabin, and you will use the second smaller one in the waiting area. Any juices and drinking water can be additionally purchased in the duty-free zone; prices are almost always affordable.

Always remember that you can board the plane take purchases from Dutyk only in branded sealed packaging and a receipt, and open only during the flight. Only allowed on low-cost airlines one hand luggage, so purchase packages must be placed in your carry-on bag. According to reviews from frequent flyers, the lowest prices are at duty free in London, Rome, Frankfurt and Munich.

Aquarists suffered greatly from the introduction of standards for the transportation of liquids: - previously, fish could be freely transported in the cabin of an airplane, but now fig. You can only fry or small ones - 50 ml of liquid is poured into a sealed individual bag, the fry is released - the rest is pumped with oxygen, or air for labyrinth fish. Traveler fish survive freely for two days. When they fly in the cabin, there are no problems, but in the luggage compartment they will be frozen or crushed during loading.

When traveling, you can take a travel water filter with you - it’s very convenient, especially since during the flight you need to drink a lot of liquid so that your blood does not thicken.
Often, instead of baby food on a flight, it is better to take dry formula, a sippy cup, a sippy cup, a device for heating food, and the flight attendant will always bring hot water, and put a cooler bag for food in your luggage.

The amount of liquid allowed for export or import into a country in luggage is indicated in the customs code of a particular country.
For example, when flying within the EU countries you can import duty-free:
- 110 liters of beer or
- 90 liters of wine or,
- 60 liters of sparkling wine or,
- 10 liters of alcohol with an alcohol strength of more than 22% or;

and when importing alcohol from non-EU countries into Spain, completely different rules apply:
beer - 16 liters or wine - 4 liters
or strong alcohol only 1 liter.

And from Moldova you can export no more than 2 liters of wine and 5 liters of beer for personal drinking. When transporting alcohol, you need to clarify the export rate from the country of departure and the rate of import of alcohol in the country of arrival. They must either match, or your transported alcohol must meet the minimum standard, otherwise there may be trouble. A purely everyday story - one tourist took with her 5 liters of original fragrant wine as a souvenir of her beloved country, specifying the export norm - everything was within the limits of the law. She flew to her home country, was checked with a scanner and stopped for smuggling, since according to the rules of her home country, only 2 liters can be imported duty-free, for the rest there is a fine, confiscation and a criminal offense.

In addition, some airlines have special requirements for the transportation of liquids in luggage, for example, “AEGEAN AIRLINES” transports liquids in the luggage compartment only if they are packed in wooden skins.

Only adult passengers can carry alcohol.

In 2014, special equipment will be installed at airports in EU countries that will detect explosives. This will remove restrictions on the transport of liquids and alcohol. Finally, instead of a stopar, you will be able to freely take half a liter of a real drink and have a blast in flight, and in general, all restrictions on the transportation of high-quality and natural drinks are introduced so that people forget that they exist.

During the check-in procedure before boarding the flight, passengers undergo mandatory baggage inspection. The need to thoroughly check all transported objects is explained by air travel safety standards. Passengers are able to take only those items on their trip that meet the airline's standards. Each airline sets its own limits regarding the weight and size of tourists' luggage. These standards also apply to the amount of liquid transported. In our article, we propose to consider the question of how much liquid can be carried on a plane in luggage.

Increasing cases of drinking alcoholic beverages on board and the creation of a dangerous environment, terrorist attacks - all this has led to a tightening of airline policies

Rules for transporting liquids

Each airline develops its own standards governing the transportation of various objects. In addition, there are standard international rules that all transport services follow. This category includes regulations governing the transportation of liquids. Many travelers talk about the high severity of these standards. However, without following these rules, the carrier will not be able to guarantee a safe trip. Before you travel by air, you should carefully review the current civil air travel regulations. This approach will eliminate the occurrence of various difficulties and force majeure.

First of all, travelers need to familiarize themselves with the list of liquids that can be carried on board the aircraft. It is important to note that this list contains not only water and various drinks, but also various jelly and paste-like objects. According to the international classification, the category of liquids includes:

  1. Water, alcoholic and sweet drinks.
  2. Solutions, tinctures and other medicines in liquid form.
  3. Food that is in jelly-like and liquid form.
  4. Cosmetics (fragrance oils, lotion, gel, soap and shampoo).
  5. Perfume (lipstick, mascara, cologne, deodorant, perfume).

Experienced tourists have repeatedly seen large boxes in the airport building. Such boxes store liquids confiscated from passengers. The reason for the confiscation of personal belongings may be exceeding the norm for transporting liquid items or violating other regulations. As a rule, this box contains bottles that passengers tried to bring on board the aircraft in their travel bags.

Carrying liquids in the luggage compartment

According to international rules governing the carriage of liquids in the luggage compartment, passengers can take an unlimited supply of such items on a trip. The only limitation is the weight limits of the suitcase itself. Passengers intending to transport fragile containers as part of their luggage are advised to carefully pack all items. This approach will minimize the risk of leakage and damage to personal belongings.

It is important to note that the above rules do not apply to alcoholic beverages.

Before putting bottles of alcoholic beverages into your suitcases, it is recommended to pay attention to customs regulations. These rules may vary depending on the country to which travelers are traveling. This means that when traveling abroad, it is imperative to check the regulations in force at your destination. Customs in some countries prohibit the import of any type of alcoholic beverages. An attempt to import alcohol into such a country may result not only in the seizure of objects, but also in the imposition of penalties.

The carriage of liquids on an airplane is regulated by each airline at its own discretion.

Transporting liquids in cabin luggage

When considering the rules for transporting liquids on an airplane, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of transporting liquid and jelly-like items in hand luggage. Before you start packing liquid items into a travel bag, you should carefully review the carrier's rules. A number of liquids are classified as potentially hazardous objects and are prohibited for transportation on board an aircraft.

In addition, you should remember the one liter limit . All liquid must be stored in a special container, the volume of which is no more than one hundred milliliters. Such bottles must be packaged in a transparent plastic bag closed with a zipper. These rules are the most important rules, since violation of the regulations entails confiscation of products. Even if a container with a volume of two hundred milligrams is only half filled, customs officers will confiscate the item.

Existing exceptions

The above rules have been put in place to ensure the safety of air travel.. However, these rules have a number of exceptions provided for medicines and food products. Travelers can take these items on board the ship in unlimited quantities (within reasonable limits), provided they use containers with a volume of one hundred milliliters. To transport medications, you will need an extract from a medical specialist confirming the need to take a specific medication.

The procedure for transporting goods purchased in duty-free shops deserves special attention. On most flights, the quantity of goods purchased from such stores is not taken into account during customs inspection. The only requirement of airport workers is to maintain the integrity of the original packaging until arrival at the final destination of the route. However, there are a number of exceptions to this rule. An example is the US customs policy, which allows free transportation only of goods that were purchased in this country. Based on the above, we can conclude that before purchasing large quantities of alcohol, cosmetics and perfume, you must carefully study the customs regulations established at your destination.

For some categories of citizens, exceptions are made regarding the volume of transportation


In this article, we looked at the question of how much liquid you can take on a plane. Before setting off on a trip, tourists need to study the current customs regulations established in the country from which the flight departs and in the state that is the final destination of the route. This step will allow you to avoid the occurrence of various problems and force majeure.

Did you take toothpaste, moisturizer, shaving foam, and other liquids and gels on your flight and pack them in your hand luggage?

Have you made it to customs and find out that you are not allowed to bring them with you because you either simply did not pack them correctly, or, worse, you collected prohibited items?

You can easily avoid this scenario by following our tips. Carrying liquids on an airplane will not cause you problems and you will significantly speed up your journey through the security check area.

Three simple rules for transporting liquids on an airplane:

  1. The capacity of the container with liquid should not exceed 100 milligrams
  2. Pack all liquids in a resealable transparent plastic bag, no more than 1 liter in volume (approx. size: 20x20 cm)
  3. Each passenger can take only one package

What to do before leaving for the airport

Carefully select the liquids, gels and aerosols you need during your flight. In your carry-on baggage, pack the liquids you really need on the plane. Check the rest as luggage.

REMEMBER! The liquids are:

  • all drinks, including water, coffee, juices
  • liquid and semi-liquid products such as soup, jam, honey
  • cosmetics and hygiene products, including creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, mascara
  • sprays, including shaving foam, hairspray, deodorants
  • pastes, including toothpaste
  • gels, including hair gel, shower gel
  • contact lens solution
  • any other substances of similar consistency

How to pack liquids for travel in hand luggage

STEP 1. Take a transparent plastic bag with a capacity of 1 liter

STEP 2: Find the volume information on the package. It should not exceed 100 ml

STEP 3: Pack them in a ziplock bag

STEP 4. Zip the bag and place it in your hand luggage

STEP 5. During inspection, remove the bag and place it in a box along with other small items.


You can take liquids in containers larger than 100 ml if they:

  • intended for medical purposes
  • designed for dietary needs
  • contain baby food or baby milk


Airport security officers have the right not to allow anything through if they deem it dangerous - even if it is allowed under carry-on baggage rules.


  1. Take only essential liquids in your hand luggage.
  2. Use containers with labels only. Do not pour a few milliliters of shampoo from a large bottle into a small one without any identification marks. It is a bad idea! If the security officer does not identify the liquid, it will not be allowed on board and you will have to throw it away.
  3. Many people make the mistake of carrying the required amount of liquid, but in a larger bottle. Nothing good will come of this! The container must have a capacity of no more than 100 ml.

Rules for transporting liquids on an airplane can vary significantly from airport to airport in Russia and abroad. Why? Due to lack of proper training, personal interpretation, or simply laziness among security personnel. For this reason, carrying certain liquids in hand luggage can turn into roulette.

As a traveler, you may become argumentative when faced with demands to throw away your belongings. Or you can simply take the steps described in the article you read.

A traveler who is used to flying by plane knows the rules for carrying hand luggage, including how much liquid you can take on the plane. Of course, among the generally accepted rules there are exceptions, which everyone must familiarize themselves with. This is important to know, because the liquid contained in the package is larger in volume or is more than what is allowed by the air carrier’s rules will be confiscated at the airport. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is best to prepare in advance.

Before dealing with volumes, you should find out what exactly the airline refers to as “liquid”. In addition to juice or water, the list includes: yogurt, baby food, alcohol, honey, rolls, jam, homemade compote, canned food, shampoo, gel, cream, soft cheese (feta, mozzarella). They also include deodorants, if they are not dangerous. If you are not sure that you have correctly determined the amount of liquid that you plan to take on board, then it is better not to risk it. For example, some passengers take with them canned food, the volume of which is 200 ml, and the packaging indicates that the product is 90% solid. But for the security service this point is clearly considered a violation, since canned food is a liquid.

How much liquid can you take on a plane? Transportation rules:

    You can carry no more than 1 liter of liquid in hand luggage. This is the total figure. But at the same time, one container should be no more than 100 milliliters. You cannot take with you, for example, a 200-milliliter tube of cream, even if there is only half left. Airport workers look at the denomination indicated on the packaging.

    For all tubes and jars with liquid there must be one common special transparent bag with a zipper. Its size is usually 20*20 cm. It is checked by the security service at the airport. Everyone's attitude towards containers with liquid is different. Some workers may let you through without even examining them, while at other airports they will force you to open a jar to make sure there are no prohibited substances.

    If you are traveling with a child and take baby food with you, then there is no need to put it in a separate bag. Firstly, it does not apply to hand luggage, but to personal belongings, and secondly, no questions will arise for you if you present it to the security service during the check. But here you also need to know when to stop. For example, the amount of food is strictly limited. It must be taken only for the duration of the flight; no one will allow you to transport 10-15 packages. If you are flying with a child under 2 years old, you can take baby food with a volume of more than 100 ml.

    To transport medications, you need to understand that not all of them are allowed in other countries. In addition, you must follow the same rule about 100 milliliters in one package, and they require a separate ziplock bag. You must present them at the counter. If they contain, for example, narcotic substances, then you need to have a certificate confirming that you need them, signed and stamped by a doctor. The certificate must indicate the date, and the last name must clearly coincide with yours. Sometimes, in order to fly to another country, it is necessary to translate this document into English. If you do not follow all the necessary rules, the receiving party may detain you and open a criminal case.

In general, in order not to bother with such details, you can buy a special summer set. It is sold in transparent tubes and jars of 100 ml each. In this case, you will not have any unnecessary questions, and the verification will go faster.

A separate item is the transportation of alcohol. Some airlines have completely banned bringing it on board, but others are more tolerant of this issue. If you start drinking alcohol during the flight, you will be fined. And some don’t even allow drunk passengers on board.

Products purchased at DutyFree can be carried in packages larger than 100 ml, but they are included in the total weight of hand luggage, which should not exceed 10 kg. If it’s more, you’ll have to pay extra. Usually they buy perfume and alcohol. In addition, these items must be packed until the end of the flight. They must not be opened or used during flight.

Red and black caviar also belong to the concept of “liquid”. They also cannot be transported in hand luggage in packages larger than 100 ml. So if you are going to take a different volume with you, it is better to check it in your luggage.

Finding cheap flights

We all take liquids on a trip: shampoo, cream, deodorant. If you want to avoid problems during inspection, study the rules and check in advance how many tubes are in your suitcase. And most importantly, look at what substances the airlines consider liquid.

How many ml of liquid can you take on a plane?

Rules regarding the amount of liquids on board are issued by international aviation and apply at the airport of each country. Knowing the baggage allowance, fly without problems with transfers at Russian and international airports, even if your ticket does not include luggage.

If you want to know which tickets do not include luggage, read our review

Liquids in luggage

In your luggage, take as many liquids as you can carry (or as much luggage as the airline allows you to carry). The main condition is tightness. The contents of the suitcase must not harm or stain the belongings of other passengers, even if the container breaks on the road.

Aerosols and pressurized cans are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage. Place in checked baggage: if there is a cap, the volume of the cylinder is less than 500 ml and the weight of all cylinders does not exceed 2 kg.

Liquids in hand luggage

If you are flying alone, take a maximum of 1 liter of liquid and jelly-like substances in separate 100-milliliter packages into the cabin. We tell you in detail how to comply with these restrictions.

How to carry liquid on a plane?

Pack all liquids in 100 ml or 1 deciliter containers and wrap them in one transparent bag. Do not take more containers (even if they are filled to the bottom), they will not be allowed on the flight. Choose a bag with a zipper, but this requirement is not critical. Follow the rule: one passenger - one package.

When flying to the USA and Canada, the permitted volume is slightly less - 90 milliliters (3 ounces).

Pour all liquids into small containers. Where to get them:

  • buy a mini version of your product,
  • keep the miniature shampoos given at the hotel,
  • repurpose empty containers, such as cosmetic jars,
  • buy a flight travel kit: cosmetic bag plus tubes.

Collect bottles in a bag:

  • tie a transparent plastic bag or secure it with an elastic band;
  • buy a stationery bag with a zip fastener;
  • fill a transparent cosmetic bag with a zipper.

It will be a plus if the container has a mark in milliliters. Do not overfill medications; they will only be released in the manufacturer's box. Put everything on top of your bag in case they ask you to show it at the airport.

Where to buy a bag for liquids on a plane

This package is not uncommon. Look for packaging bags with a Zip Lock in a stationery store; the size 20x20 cm, colorless and without a pattern, will suit you. You can find the same bags in hardware stores.

Choose a transparent cosmetic bag with studs or a zipper from a cosmetics store. There, ask about special travel kits for cosmetics: several empty 50-100 ml bottles in transparent packaging.
Travel kits from supermarkets and convenience stores are also a great option.

There is no time to search - take a simple transparent bag or file and put everything in it. Do not tie it tightly - during inspection they will ask you to take the bottles out, it is better to secure them with an elastic band.

What about liquids in hand luggage?

There is a lot in this list that will surprise you, so read and remember which substances airlines consider liquid:

  1. food: canned food, caviar, pate, sauces, soups, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, jelly, jam, preserves, butter, soft cheese, honey, chocolate and peanut butter;
  2. cosmetics and perfumery: perfume, eau de toilette, cream, sun lotion, cosmetic mask, varnish, lipstick and lip gloss, mascara, creamy eye shadow;
  3. personal hygiene items: toothpaste, roll-on deodorant, shaving foam and lotion, shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, shower gel;
  4. medications: aerosols, inhalers, sprays, syrups;
  5. drinks: juice, syrup, carbonated drinks, water, alcohol.

That is, everything liquid, paste-like, jelly-like, puree-like, gel-like, a mixture of liquid with solid particles of the airline is classified under these rules.

Why you can't take liquids on a plane

Due to the growing terrorist threat and the danger of sabotage on aircraft at the beginning of the 2000s, security measures were strengthened and the requirements for baggage and hand luggage of passengers were changed. The impetus was the discovery by the British intelligence services of a terrorist cell that intended to detonate a “liquid bomb” on several planes. Due to the difficulty of identifying liquid explosives and flammable substances during inspection, restrictions were introduced on the volume of containers and the amount of liquid per passenger.

In 2006, the countries of the European Union agreed on additional security regulations for civil aviation, which included enhanced screening procedures, the installation of screening devices and restrictions on the carriage of liquid substances in hand luggage. In 2007, Russia also introduced such rules. During major events, such as the Olympics, there is a complete ban on carrying liquids in hand luggage.