New rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane: what you can take and what you can’t. What not to take on a plane: a complete list of What not to take on a plane

Air travel is the fastest and most comfortable way for a passenger to get from point “A” to point “B”. It is difficult to find an adult citizen of our country who has not flown on an airplane at least once. But even experienced airline passengers cannot always accurately answer the question: “What can be taken in hand luggage and what cannot?” We will try to understand in detail all the intricacies of air carrier rules.

Definition of hand luggage and allowance

Carry-on luggage is the name given to the passenger's personal belongings carried in the cabin of the aircraft. Most often these are bags, packages, baskets and backpacks. It is important to understand that it is not the number of items that is counted, but their total volume and weight. How many bags can you take? As many as you like, the main thing is that together they comply with established standards. The standard one that can be taken into the salon is 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions (55x40x20 cm). At the same time, the total weight of passenger bags should not exceed 10 kg for economy and comfort classes; 15 kg for business class. Please note that these are the standards of many major air carriers, including Aeroflot. Some companies set their own requirements for the permissible weight and volume of hand luggage. When using the services of a particular carrier for the first time, you should familiarize yourself with its rules.

What can you take into the cabin, besides hand luggage?

On long flights, passengers want to have as many personal items as possible on hand. Airlines are doing their best to accommodate their customers. Not long ago, a list of items allowed for transportation in the cabin in addition to hand luggage appeared. a diplomat or folder with documents up to 30x40x10 in size is not included in cabin baggage and can be carried by a passenger. During the flight, you can carry 1 laptop, carried in a special bag, and 1 camera/binoculars. In addition to hand luggage, you can take 1 umbrella and a limited amount of newspapers into the cabin for reading during the flight (2-3 newspapers/magazines or 1 book). Each passenger can carry one package of Duty Free purchases. What clothes and accessories can you take in hand luggage? Almost everything respects the general dimensions and weight. Experienced travelers advise: try to wear as much as possible and put it in your pockets. Do not forget that the clothes worn by the passenger (including outerwear during cold periods) are not considered hand luggage. If you fly often, pay attention to special jackets for travelers with many spacious pockets.

Packing your bag for the trip correctly

Most airlines offer their customers very favorable conditions for baggage transportation. It would seem, why take anything else into the salon? But it is still difficult to completely do without hand luggage. We recommend that you pack the bag you will take with you on the flight at the same time as your main suitcase. In your hand luggage you need to put all the most valuable and fragile things, as well as items that you may need during the flight. Be sure to take documents, money, jewelry and electronics with you into the cabin. If you are bringing some fragile souvenirs with you, it also makes sense to place them in your hand luggage. Don't forget about cosmetics. We will describe in detail below how to package liquid cosmetics. When collecting cabin luggage, remember that a suitcase checked into the luggage compartment may get lost. Unfortunately, none of us are immune from such troubles. Accordingly, it would be a good idea to put a full set of clothes for a change in a small travel bag. What hand luggage can you take on a plane, and where should you put your cabin luggage? The most convenient options for packing essentials: a bag or backpack with many compartments. Choose transformers that easily change their external dimensions. This is very convenient if you are flying with a company that has more stringent requirements for hand luggage. Using a transformable bag, you can always change its size in one motion.

List of Prohibited Items

When packing for a trip, be sure to study and remember the list of things that cannot be taken on board the plane. Airline passengers are prohibited from transporting any weapons, as well as souvenirs and children's toys depicting them. You cannot take any flammable, explosive or toxic substances with you into the aircraft cabin. Attention: household chemicals, cosmetics and some medications fit the description of this category. Many women are accustomed to carrying a manicure set in their handbag. Put it out urgently, since any sharp, piercing or cutting objects cannot be carried in hand luggage. In particular, these are cutlery, knives, tools, cosmetic and medical accessories.

Aeroflot rules. Carry-on luggage: what liquids can you take into the cabin?

Transportation of any liquid substances is a special point in the rules of any airline. From year to year, the standards are becoming more and more stringent, and this is done solely for safety reasons. The thing is that, under the guise of household liquids, terrorists have repeatedly tried to smuggle explosives on board. How much liquid can you take in your hand luggage today? Let's look at the example of the standards of the largest air carrier in Russia - Aeroflot. One passenger can take into the aircraft cabin no more than 1 liter of liquids packed in containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml. All liquid products must be stored in one resealable transparent bag, the recommended size is 20x20 cm. The definition of “liquid” includes any cosmetics, food, and other non-solid substances. Carefully study the rules of a particular airline. In most cases, products such as lipstick, toothpaste, cosmetic creams, canned food, soups, jam and caviar are also considered “liquids”.

Duty Free purchases

Many airline passengers love to shop at Duty Free. Airline companies please their customers with the absence of strict requirements and restrictions in this regard. Today, each passenger has the right to carry 1 package of Duty Free purchases with him in the cabin. Take the time to study the intricacies of the legislation of the country into which you are importing such luggage. For example, one person can bring only 2 liters of alcoholic beverages and 2 cartons of cigarettes into Russia. When flying on transit flights, the Duty Free package becomes part of the passenger's carry-on luggage during a transfer. Remember this rule, and if you plan on shopping during the flight, leave enough space in your cabin luggage for purchases.

Is it possible to take food into the cabin of an airplane?

A popular question among novice air travelers is: “Can I take food and snacks in my hand luggage?” During long flights, passengers are provided with meals on board. But it is still much more pleasant to have, albeit a small, personal supply of food. Food products can be taken in hand luggage. The main thing is not to forget about the norms for transporting liquids. Respect the people around you and try to choose foods that don’t have a strong smell for a snack on your trip. It is also advisable to take with you for snacks foods that do not crumble. The best option is dried fruits, nuts, fruits, vegetables, sweets.

Rules for the carriage of non-standard baggage

It is not recommended to place fragile or valuable items in the luggage compartment, as the risk of damage is too great. If you plan to take anything unusual with you on your trip, check with your airline representative when purchasing your ticket. Animals are allowed to be transported in the aircraft cabin in specially equipped cages and carriers. Most airlines require an additional payment for this service in the amount of the cost of excess baggage. Is it possible to take musical instruments and large, highly sensitive equipment in hand luggage? Transportation of large and fragile items in the aircraft cabin is discussed individually. In most cases, air carriers accommodate passengers halfway. Carriage of non-standard luggage in the cabin is not always free. For example, a passenger may be asked to purchase a separate ticket for a large musical instrument and advised to transport it in a purchased seat.

Where is hand luggage stored?

If you are flying for the first time, do not hesitate to ask the flight attendants for help stowing your cabin luggage. Hand luggage in the aircraft cabin is carried on the overhead shelves (located above the passenger seats) and/or on the floor under the seats. Try not to put away things that will be used during the trip: snacks, gadgets, books and magazines. All the necessary little things can be placed on the folding table. If you're still wondering how much hand luggage you can take on a plane, choose two bags or one backpack and a bag. If you divide all the cabin luggage into two parts, it will not be difficult for you to manage it.

Be sure to check what you can take in hand luggage and what you can’t at the stage of purchasing a ticket. The thing is that the rules of different airlines may differ slightly. During the flight, listen to and follow all requirements and recommendations of the flight attendants. Remember, you cannot use most modern gadgets while flying. Computers, tablets and smartphones create and receive electronic signals that can interfere with the operation of aircraft controls. Be mutually polite to other passengers. Try to behave quietly and calmly, without creating inconvenience for others. Now you know what you can take in your hand luggage, and this is not such a small list of things. Many experienced travelers prefer to travel around the world with cabin luggage. Try and limit yourself to 10-15 kilograms of things. Perhaps traveling light will be an unexpectedly pleasant discovery for you.

A passenger who is planning to fly by plane must understand the difference between checked baggage and classic carry-on baggage. These are completely different concepts - by distinguishing them, you can save a lot. Baggage is a large suitcase that you check in upon boarding and is checked in and checked. Carry-on baggage on an airplane is a backpack or travel bag carried on board by a passenger. It should be of such weight and dimensions that you can lay it on top yourself.

If you have taken an economy class ticket, you have the right to bring a bag for one piece of luggage with you on board. Business class usually allows two seats.

One place means a bag with the sum of the sides up to 115 centimeters (add height, length, width). A standard “flight” bag has dimensions of 55*40*20. The weight of the bag varies from carrier to carrier: it can vary depending on the route or type of aircraft. For example, Aeroflot allows the carriage of 10 kilograms of hand luggage, Lufthansa - 8 kg, KLM - almost 12 kg.

You must lift your hand luggage into place yourself

Most carriers in the CIS countries and Europe use luggage weights in the range of 8-10 kilograms. Before departure, be sure to check this information on the company’s website so as not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation: some air carriers turn a blind eye to overload, others force you to pay the cost of a second seat even with an overload of 300-500 grams.

Note: Some American and Canadian carriers provide 2 pieces of carry-on luggage even in economy class. This is a good way to save money because if your bag is heavier, it counts as a second item and costs extra.

Carefully study the information when purchasing tickets for low-cost airlines. They very often limit the size and weight of luggage.

What is allowed in carry-on luggage?

Very often, novice travelers do not know what they can take in hand luggage. This is a really interesting and important question.


Almost all carriers strictly limit the volume of transported liquids to 100 ml. The following rules must be observed:

  1. All tubes are packed in one bag. It is prohibited to divide them into several. One passenger has one package.
  2. Any liquids must be carried in containers and tubes, and their volume should not exceed 100 ml. This applies to everything: gels, creams, water, alcohol, juices, etc.
  3. Containers with liquids must be in plastic packaging with zippers. However, most airlines allow the use of standard size bags (20 by 20 cm).
  4. The total volume of liquid products in your suitcase should not exceed one liter.
  5. Be sure to present the packaging when passing through the counter for inspection by the appropriate specialists.

Note: no bottle should exceed the norm of 100 ml. You won't be able to carry out 50 ml. shampoo in 250 pack. If the volume is indicated on the package, then customs officers will not have any questions.

All liquids must be packed in a ziplock bag

If you are bringing baby food, you do not need to put it in a bag. But be sure to present it at the counter. Keep in mind that the security service may ask you to open absolutely any tube for inspection. When transporting medical supplies containing narcotic substances, you will need a prescription signed and stamped by a doctor.

You cannot carry any aerosols in your luggage unless they are medicines. In this case, you will have to present a certificate with a diagnosis or a prescription stamped by a doctor.

What drinks can you take with you on a plane? Absolutely everything, but only in containers with a volume of no more than one hundred ml. This can be juice, mineral water, plain water, alcohol (no more than 70% strength). However, some carriers prohibit any consumption of alcohol on board.

Hygiene products

You can take with you a safety razor, solid deodorants, wipes, soap, shampoos, masks, etc. But remember that most cosmetics fall under the concept of “liquid” and have the restrictions described above.

Note: You shouldn’t carry mountains of creams and varnishes with you on the plane. It’s easier to buy them on the spot or use them free of charge in hotels.


Various electronic gadgets have already become commonplace - it is difficult to meet a tourist traveling without a laptop, smartphone, tablet or player. All this can be freely carried in your luggage, however, you will most likely be asked to put large items in for additional inspection (usually laptops are checked). Never put fragile electronics in your luggage - they will most likely be broken or broken. Remember that a laptop and camera are not considered carry-on luggage, but personal items. That is, if according to the rules you can take 10 kg on a plane, then a laptop does not fall into these 10 kilograms. This allows you to save a lot of money, but just check the airline's policy in advance.

You can take a separate bag for your laptop, which can also accommodate other useful things.

Other electronics, including hygiene products (electric shavers, hair dryers, hair straighteners, etc.) will not raise any questions from the security service.


Air carriers have no special requirements for food, but customs officers may have complaints. You can take any dry and solid foods with you on the plane:

  • cookies, chips, waffles, snacks;
  • various nuts (peanuts, walnuts, pistachios);
  • vegetables and fruits (in reasonable quantities);
  • pastries, cakes, sweets;
  • sausage, sausages, sandwiches, cutlets.

Note: honey, yogurt, various canned foods and soups are considered liquid. Accordingly, they can be transported in containers with the same volume of 100 ml.

What about Duty Free?

If you are purchasing goods in a duty-free area, then the limit is 100 ml. don't work. But at the same time you must not tamper with the packaging of the goods. Remember that if you are flying with transfers, then you need to keep purchased liquids sealed until the end of your trip. If the packaging is damaged, they will most likely be confiscated.

Note: goods purchased in duty free are not considered personal items, but are packed in a backpack. Accordingly, the weight of your hand luggage will increase and you may be fined.

What else can you take to the salon?

Many airlines allow you to carry personal items in addition to luggage. Their list includes:

  • folding umbrellas;
  • shawls, blankets, pillows;
  • laptop bags, women's handbags;
  • laptops, tablets, cameras (a tripod must be packed in luggage);
  • books, newspapers, magazines;
  • cradles for children and folding strollers;
  • crutches for personal use.

This list may not apply to low-cost airlines: they usually force you to put all your things in one bag. But it all depends on the company’s policy - be sure to find out this issue. It is not recommended to take excess weight on low-cost airlines, since you will be forced to pay for an “extra seat,” and its price may be equal to half the ticket.

What can't you take?

You have already learned what you can carry in hand luggage on an airplane, now we will tell you about what is prohibited from taking on board.

  1. Any liquids with a volume of more than one hundred ml.
  2. Any products of animal origin (lard, meat, milk). But if the products are included in the sandwich, then you can bring them in.
  3. Any dangerous objects (knives, razors with retractable blades, ski poles, baseball bats, etc.).
  4. Explosive objects and weapons.
  5. Hazardous substances (acids, alkalis, flammable and toxic agents, gas cartridges).

Some of these items can only be carried in luggage, while others are generally prohibited for transportation by air. The rules of some EU countries prohibit taking on board goods purchased in a duty-free zone outside the EU when transferring to a flight. Be sure to clarify this question so as not to lose money.

In contact with

An airplane is the most convenient, fastest and most comfortable means of transport. Vast distances can be covered by air in a matter of hours. But, due to its specificity, at all airports in the world and in all airlines, very serious requirements are imposed on the safety of passengers.

So, in order to receive a boarding pass, passengers are required to comply with strict flight rules, including the rules for carrying baggage on board the aircraft.

This is for the sake of general safety on board and in flight.

The rules are the same for everyone, and it does not depend on whether you are going on a business trip or on vacation to warm countries, flying in business class or whether you have a seat in economy class.

To summarize, I will say that for absolutely all passengers, a flight involves a set of certain organizational issues, which can be considered a kind of unspoken payment for comfort and speed of flight.

And one of these most important organizational issues is the transportation of luggage. Its solution should be approached responsibly and carefully in order to avoid unnecessary problems in the future.

Basic nuances of carrying baggage on an airplane

First of all, it should be noted that baggage rules are not a uniform global standard. They may well vary depending on several factors.

Firstly, it makes a huge difference which country you fly to as different countries have different standards and regulations.

Secondly, baggage rules are affected by the choice of the airline whose services you decide to use. In addition, the class of ticket you purchase (such as business class or economy) and the type of aircraft assigned to you also have a bearing on your baggage allowance.


To avoid unnecessary difficulties when checking in baggage, you should clarify all of the above points when purchasing an air ticket. Also, find out the rules for carrying non-standard baggage, if any.

First of all, you should find out which of the things you want to take on the road can be transported by plane, and what is prohibited.

But even regardless of the differences, all airlines have general rules for baggage transportation, which are used all over the world.

General rules for transporting baggage on an airplane

First- you need to make sure that the suitcase or bag that you check into separate places during check-in must be solid (without any cuts or cracks) and in good condition, so that your belongings, as well as the items of luggage adjacent to yours, are not damaged during transportation.

To be sure, you can wrap your luggage in cling film yourself or carry out this procedure right at the airport for a nominal sum. We recommend doing this! This will not only increase the chances that you will deliver your luggage intact, but it will also definitely not stain or tear your new suitcase or bag.

Second— each airline has rules regulating the weight and size of unchecked (carry-on) and checked baggage. If you exceed one or another parameter, you will have to pay extra.

Third— you should remember that there is a certain list of things that are strictly prohibited from being carried on an airplane. Neither in checked luggage nor in hand luggage!

What you should not take on a plane as luggage:

  • Corrosive and caustic substances. These include: alkalis, acids, mercury, as well as devices containing it, batteries with liquid elements.
  • Any types of gases. These include: flammable, non-flammable, liquefied, compressed and toxic.
  • Solids and liquids that may ignite. These include: lighters and matches, paint, solvent, as well as other paint and varnish products. Liquid for refilling lighters, spontaneously flammable substances, substances that, upon contact with water, emit flammable gases and other flammable substances and objects.
  • Oxidizing substances such as peroxides or bleach powder
  • Any explosive items. These include: pistols and other firearms, flares, fireworks, ammunition, including empty cartridges and detonators;
  • Radioactive substances;
  • Toxic, infectious and poisonous substances. These include: herbicides, insect repellents, laboratory materials with live viruses, etiology items;
  • Magnetized substances;
  • Briefcases and suitcases with built-in alarm devices;
  • Small-sized personal mobility aids powered by lithium batteries;

And other dangerous substances, objects and cargo that can be used as a weapon of attack against passengers, the crew of an aircraft, as well as posing a threat to the flight of the aircraft.

In addition, according to transportation rules It is not recommended to place in general (checked) baggage:

  • jewelry
  • precious metals
  • securities
  • keys
  • money
  • fragile items
  • perishable products

Leave these items at home or take them with you in your hand luggage!

Carry-on baggage and total baggage weight

There is also such a thing as hand luggage on an airplane.

These are, as a rule, small bags allowed for carriage in the cabin.

Of course, the rules for carrying items in hand luggage are even stricter. These restrictions and measures are intended to ensure the safety of the aircraft.

Yes, most airlines prohibits carriage of hand luggage:

  • Long scissors and knives (even nail scissors can be taken from you)
  • Knitting needles
  • Corkscrews
  • Hypodermic needles (except in certain prescribed cases)
  • Razors and other sharp objects

In addition, there are certain restrictions on the carriage of liquids in hand luggage, which include:

  • Shampoos
  • Sprays
  • Mascaras
  • Crema
  • Water and other drinks

According to the rules, these liquids can only be taken on a plane in small quantities (up to 100 ml) and only in sealed containers (the exact requirements are set directly by the airline). The exceptions are liquid medications and baby food, which are required during the flight.

Also, liquids and items purchased in duty-free shops do not fall under these rules. (Duty Free - Duty Free)

If we talk about the weight of hand luggage and baggage, there are also restrictions. For hand luggage, limits are usually set from 7 to 15 kg per piece. While the weight of luggage on an airplane is calculated on average from 20 to 30 kg.

Without charging an additional fee and in excess of the established free baggage allowance (20 kg), a passenger can take into the aircraft cabin:

  • Briefcase or handbag
  • Paper folder
  • Cane
  • Crutches and wheelchair when transporting a passenger with limited mobility
  • Bouquet of flowers
  • Outerwear and suit in a suitcase
  • Printed publications for in-flight reading
  • Mobile phone
  • Video camera and photo camera
  • Laptop computer, tablet and other electronic devices
  • Baby bassinet when transporting a child

These items are not subject to registration, are not presented for weighing and are not marked with tags.

If you need to transport a non-standard, large and fragile item, such as a musical cello, please contact the air carrier representatives with questions. The same goes for sports equipment, medical equipment and other things not included in our lists.

Every year, airlines around the world make about 20,000,000 flights. We dare to assume that a considerable proportion of their passengers are tourists. Hotels. ru advises what you need to take on board to make your vacation start pleasantly.

Imagine that you are going on a wonderful trip. Your suitcases are packed, your hotel is booked, your flight tickets are purchased, and now you’re already at the check-in counter checking in your luggage to see it in a few hours, say, in Paris.

Stop, stop... just a minute! Before your suitcase leaves for an unknown destination along the baggage belt, ask yourself two questions:
- Is there anything in my suitcase that I will need on the flight?
- Is there anything in your hand luggage that needs to be put in your suitcase?

In order not to make a mistake in an impromptu quiz, check out the list of things that under no circumstances should end up in your carry-on luggage. During pre-flight inspection, they will be mercilessly removed and will not fly with you on vacation.

What not to take on a plane:
- liquids in volume >100 ml.,
- piercing and cutting objects (in this case, a machete and penknives or nail scissors are considered equally dangerous);
- hazardous substances (for example, it is better to carry “refueling” for your Zippo in a suitcase, or better not to carry it at all);
- all types of weapons and their imitation (even if you are bringing a toy blaster as a gift to your nephew, a blaster in the eyes of the law remains a blaster);
- food (soups and other liquids automatically fall under the 100 ml law; there are specifics for transporting food depending on the direction of flight. For example, durian fruit with a monstrous aroma cannot be exported from Thailand, and in France there are specifics related to odorous cheeses. About Australia is worth mentioning separately - it’s better not to take anything with you here except yourself).

All other items, with some reservations depending on the mood of the airport staff, can be taken on board as part of your hand luggage. Speaking of luggage. Remember that all airlines have their own regulations regarding the size of luggage that you can take with you. The average “hospital temperature” is as follows: hand luggage weight: 7-8 kg, the sum of all measurements does not exceed 115 cm (height, width, length). Many airlines install racks with special recesses for checking hand luggage: if your bag fits into the “box”, then you can take it on board, if not, it’s a direct route to the baggage belt.

In order of listing, hand luggage also includes: outerwear, handbags, briefcases, canes and umbrellas, paper folders, photo and video equipment, laptops in cases, cradles for children, wheelchairs and crutches, goods from DutyFree and etc.

So, we have decided on what should not be in our hand luggage. It's time to list the items that definitely should be with you.

Top 10 things to take on board

All airlines, even the most successful ones, have sad statistics on lost luggage. Don't want to lose your voucher or find your overseas medical insurance in your suitcase at the end of your holiday? Take the documents with you. You can put copies of them in your suitcase.
2. Jewelry.
The most expensive and memorable things should be kept close to your heart. And we are not even talking about the moral qualities of the baggage service employees. If, say, the zipper of your suitcase breaks, then there will be no one to scrupulously collect your wardrobe items.
3. Money.
Same as jewelry. Carry credit cards and cash with you, dividing them equally into different items of hand luggage. Make sure that the amount of imported currency does not require declaration.
4. Medicines.
If you need to take any medications without fail, they cannot be left in your suitcase, for the same reason as documents - you can wait a long time for vital medications to appear in case of lost luggage.
5. Electronic gadgets.
A player, tablet or laptop will significantly diversify your stay on board the plane, making the flight unnoticeable.

6. Food.
If your flight does not include meals or you like to snack on your own supplies, take food on the road that is not prohibited for transportation (see above).
7. Inflatable pillow.
Not all airlines provide passengers with pillows and blankets. Moreover, their number is limited. Grab your own personal headrest and rest assured that your vacation won't start with neck pain.
8. Wet wipes.
One airline napkin may not be enough for your meal. Have your own on hand and you won’t have to bother your neighbors to get to the toilet.
9. Warm jacket or socks.
Most often, the cabin of the plane is fresh, especially cool if you decide to doze off. Starting your vacation with a runny nose is not the best idea, so feel free to put on warm socks and go to sleep.
10. Toothpaste and brush.
Provided that you have a small “hiking” tube, you will meet your destination with a fresh mind in every sense of the word.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for several types of punishment and detention in a penitentiary institution. One of these is a colony settlement. If we compare this type of detention of convicts with a prison or colony, then the first can be called the most favorable option, since the conditions are as close as possible to everyday life.

What a settlement colony is, and what things convicts can take there with them - we will consider these questions in more detail below.

A settlement colony is a kind of penitentiary institution, the conditions in which are as close as possible to real ones for a person who is not under punishment.

It goes without saying that there are inspectors and authorities who monitor order and compliance with the regime, but in general the conditions can be called quite benign. However, some rules of the colony still remain - for example, the management can conduct a search at any time, certain types of parcels are prohibited, and if the order is violated, the convicted person can be transferred to a general regime colony or a strict one, depending on what offense he committed.

As a rule, colonies of this type are located in wooded areas, due to the need for cheap labor. By the way, this is also beneficial for the state - the issue with the workers is resolved and there is a greater chance that the convict will not become an asocial person after serving his sentence.