They tried to close the European University. Why are the authorities trying to close the European University in St. Petersburg. Denunciation under the guise of a survey

From our guard-patriots every day we have to listen to loud lamentations about how permeated with liberalism our president, our government, our deputies and officials are, in general, everything - according to an extensive list. Therefore, any actions of the authorities are assessed as another informational reason for cries and incantations on the topic of the liberalism that is strangling Russia.

At the same time, our guard-patriots do not see the actions of the authorities, who spread rot and strangle this very liberalism. They introduce cognitive dissonance into their mental structure, and therefore it is better to brush them aside, like an annoying fly that has flown into the wrong place.

Well, I'll have to disturb them a little. And upset.

They have obvious problems with an adequate perception of reality.

Let us not once again bore ourselves and our readers with the story of how tightly liberals and libertarians in the 90s covered all the pores and holes of our society. Moreover, they gnawed into the structure of education and science with special care.

To make all Russian education Bolognese, so that it prepares only lap dogs - this was task number one. It was for this purpose that grants were allocated, internships were given out in Western bologna nurseries, and complex financing schemes were built.

Anyone who has at least periodically monitored this topic can name many addresses where such nurseries for cultivating liberalism in the Russian educational, humanitarian and scientific environment have built their nests.

However, few of the patriotic public paid attention to the fact that over the past two years two odious nests of liberalism have been covered up. Moans about this were heard only on liberal resources. The patriotic press passed over these significant events in almost complete silence. But in vain. They deserve the closest attention.

So what are we talking about? And we are talking about closing two odious hotbeds of liberalism in Russia.

The European University in St. Petersburg is closed.

There was a certain enclave of liberalism in St. Petersburg with such a loud and proud name. It was established in 1994 under the patronage of Sobchak. The university's board of trustees included Alexey Kudrin and Mikhail Piotrovsky.

The university was not structured in the most usual way for Russia: it offered only master's and postgraduate courses for graduates of Russian and foreign universities in the social sciences and humanities. The EU had five faculties: anthropology, art history, history, economics, and political science and sociology - as well as four international programs, teaching was conducted entirely in English.

The EU also has a “Gender Studies” program, which, among other things, studies the issues of sexual minorities.

EU diplomas were recognized by leading foreign universities.

The wards of the “European University” develop very specific topics within the framework of their scientific works. A significant part of them is devoted to LGBT values, the strategy for the development of neoliberalism in the Russian Federation, and the peculiarities of increasing migration flows in such “undemocratic” (according to the wording of one of the works) countries as Russia.

The liberal press, which fought with all its might to preserve this hotbed of liberalism, amazed with the masterpieces of its silk-screening:

So, Rambler wrote: "The leading university was closed in St. Petersburg."

No, gentlemen, I, of course, understand that for your professiogram the absence of logic and common sense is mandatory. But not to the point of complete insanity?! At the time of closure, there were 200 (two hundred) students at St. Petersburg EU. What kind of “leading” can this, so to speak, “university” be, against the backdrop of St. Petersburg state university, Polytechnic, Tekhnolozhki and dozens of other St. Petersburg universities, whose fame has been created over centuries and many decades, and the number of students exceeds the “leading university” by orders of magnitude?

Liberals remembered its closure in the same epithets now, when a similar fate befell the Moscow hotbed of liberals:

Shaninka's accreditation was revoked

Reference: The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (MSSES) is a Russian-British higher education institution; is a partner of the Russian Academy of National Economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation and is located on the territory of the Academy.

The school was founded in 1995. One of the founders and first rector of the School was the British sociologist, professor at the University of Manchester Theodor Shanin. Since 2007, Theodor Shanin became president of the School.

It is known that among the first sponsors of Shaninka were the Open Society Foundation of George Soros and the Central European University from Budapest, which, in fact, was also opened in 1991 thanks to the financial support of the same Soros.

In 2015, the Open Society Foundation, which actively intervened in the Russian education system (financed universities, published textbooks), was included by the Russian Ministry of Justice among the organizations whose activities are undesirable in our country. And, I must say, not in vain - the example of Soros’ educational experiments in Ukraine was very indicative.

And now they’ve come for his “chicks”...

The Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences lost its state accreditation after an inspection by Rosobrnadzor. The agency claims that the commission identified “numerous violations of educational standards” .

Rector of the university Sergey Zuev told Kommersant that these demands are divorced from reality, and invited the rector’s community to discuss the possibility of changing the legislation. His subordinates speak out more openly - they directly state that we are talking about the defeat of the next university after EUSP with a “liberal” reputation.

A multi-page protocol of the commission's decision was also published. It mentions, in particular, that the disciplines “history of costume” and “footwear of the 18th–20th centuries.” “do not develop professional competencies.” And the claims to the direction of “jurisprudence” are that “one of the teachers has a higher education in the specialty “history”, qualification “historian””, but at the same time he teaches “the disciplines “system of real rights” and “agreements on the transfer of property”” .

After the deprivation of accreditation, Shaninka cannot issue a Russian state diploma, and is also deprived of the right to teach students on a budgetary basis.

The bloody KGB has gone completely crazy!

This is the groan of the liberals:

« The European University scenario will be reproduced "with amplification", - suggests Victor Vakhshtain.- While we have only been deprived of accreditation, we will continue to teach and give British diplomas. Then they will try to deprive us of our license and prohibit us from conducting educational activities. But we will teach even then - on the streets, in parks, in exile".

Several versions are published The Bell. One of them is the conflict between Russia and Great Britain (Shaninka’s founder works at the University of Manchester) over the poisoning of the Skripals. After it began, the Russian authorities have already closed one British educational organization - the British Council.

« I can count on one hand the non-state universities that Russia can be proud of, says the rector of the Higher School of Economics Yaroslav Kuzminov. - These are the Russian School of Economics, the European University in St. Petersburg and Shaninka. Now two of the three participants in this stellar list of non-state universities have become disgraced.

“Shaninka” was told “Sha!” - look, they’ll get to HSE... HORROR!!!

But I want to say only one thing about Kuzminov’s fears: “We’re waiting... »

Somewhere even impatiently.

Chairs and bookshelves are being taken out from the Kushelev-Bezborodko Palace on Gagarinskaya. Boxes of books are lowered from the library window into the courtyard on a winch. Students and teachers post photos of empty halls on Instagram. There will be no classes in September because the university was forced to surrender its old license and is still applying for a new one.

Last year for the European University was full of inspections and litigation: after a letter from proactive citizens led by Deputy Milonov in July-September 2016, the university was subject to inspections by eleven different departments. Rosobrnadzor, which essentially had no complaints about the quality of education, suspended and tried to revoke the license for educational activities, and first of all introduced a ban on admitting new students.

It seemed that one of the best educational institutions in the country had strong defenders: on the instructions of the President, Olga Golodets held a special government meeting, where they talked about how to do so without interrupting the educational process. All this time, the university was kept on the hook, not closed, but not allowed to work normally: the academic year was completed because the court hearings were postponed one after another.

In August, the university management decided to surrender its old license, which was subject to a ban on admitting new students.

Documents for a new license have already been submitted, and the address of the new location of the university has already been indicated. The old license was tied to a mansion on Gagarinskaya Street. But wonderful Small Marble Palace not suitable for classes. An architectural competition was held for a building renovation project, which involved both the restoration of historical interiors and the creation of new ones. The winner was the project of the Frenchman Jean-Michel Wilmotte, who, while treating the monument with care, removed the Soviet replica and gave life to modern spaces where one can study.

Today, the reconstruction of the palace is in doubt. Although Alexey Kudrin and Mikhail Piotrovsky wrote to the president about the problems of the European University, and in their resolutions Vladimir Putin asked to support the renovation, the city authorities chose to drive the inconvenient university out of the house, hiding behind the interests of children - it was announced that the building would be a center for children's creativity. By the way, the idea to give the palace to children belongs to the “Olga trolls.” It was first publicly expressed in December 2016 by an anonymous person with the nickname Papazol. In a comment to the publication, he wrote: “It would be better if they opened a children’s art house there.” It turns out that since the trolls found out about this before anyone else, the campaigns against EU were coordinated at various levels. But this is already in the realm of conspiracy theories.

In 2015, a clause was added to the next lease agreement, the importance of which was underestimated at the university: in case of violation of security obligations, the city can terminate the agreement. At this time, intensive work was already underway to prepare for renovation together with the state inspection for the protection of monuments.

The authors of the intrigue had their own plan. The features of the building that turned out to be a violation of security obligations were well known to the inspectors - they were planned to be eliminated during the renovation process. These were three plastic windows facing the courtyard, and an extension installed in the 70s by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health for the storage of toxic reagents.

In a sense, the university was lucky - the bailiffs have not yet come to evict the teachers and scientists. Therefore, the move takes place in a calm and not emergency mode. The court's decision will still be challenged in the cassation court, so the illusory hope of returning to these halls remains.

Waiting for a license keeps the university in limbo. Rosobrnadzor, which issues these documents, promised to do everything without delay. But there is little hope for this: the new building into which the university is moving will have to undergo a meticulous inspection by an on-site inspector and check for compliance with all requirements. As soon as the license is available, the university will announce enrollment of students.

Ilya Sudakov -
especially for Novaya,
Saint Petersburg

The new building of the European University in St. Petersburg does not meet a number of legal requirements - this is the conclusion reached by Rosobrnadzor employees. The report on the results of the inspection of the building was published on the university website, RBC reports. From the document, in particular, it follows that it is not suitable for teaching students with disabilities. In addition, according to Rosobrnadzor, the logistics of some of the premises do not allow them to conduct classes in history, anthropology, philosophy, sociology and art history. However, what specific shortcomings of the premises interfere with the study of these disciplines is not specified in the document.

In addition, the inspectors came to the conclusion that the European University had not completed its advanced training program in the field of “ Latest methods sociological studies of the city." In order to obtain a license, the university will have to eliminate all the shortcomings found by Rosobrnadzor.

Professor of the European University Grigory Golosov commented this news on his Facebook: “That’s exactly it: new troubles have struck. No one is even trying to explain who brought them down and why. Comparison with 2008, when the EU was closed for the first time, clearly shows how much the machine has improved since then.” rolling into concrete." Then there were: a specific and removable reason (MESP/IRENA project), a specific and removable reason (fire safety), and even the line of subordination of the performers was more or less clear to those involved. Now one can only guess about the reasons, but the reasons multiple and therefore irremovable, because every time there is a new one. It turned out funny with the line of command, and if the story with the EU illustrates anything, it is that the public words and actions of the President of the Russian Federation mean nothing at all. what is said (or rather, what is not said) behind closed doors."

At the beginning of August 2017, the department deprived the European University of its license. Previously, the university itself asked the supervisory authority about this in order to begin issuing a new license. Earlier it was reported that the Smolny Property Control Committee proposed that the European University leave the Kushelev-Bezborodko mansion, where the university was historically located, by October 10, 2017. On September 26, EU Rector Nikolai Vakhtin sent a letter to the Chairman of the Smolny Property Control Committee Andrei Korotkov with a request to extend the departure time.

Let me remind you that over the past two years the university has been subjected to powerful administrative pressure. Thus, in April 2016, Rosobrnadzor implemented state accreditation of programs higher education European University. And in October 2016, the university admitted applicants for “failure to comply with the instructions within the established time frame by Rosobrnadzor.” In January 2017, the European University in St. Petersburg may lose its building. The university first had problems with supervisory authorities in 2008 - its work was suspended for a month and a half, allegedly due to non-compliance with fire safety rules. In the summer of 2016, an investigation into EU was initiated by the Prosecutor General’s Office following a complaint from St. Petersburg parliament member Vitaly Milonov. Then the supervisory authority gave the university two months to eliminate the violations. However, in 2017, the university faced the most serious problems in its entire history.

Many well-known public, scientific and cultural figures and organizations spoke out in support of the European University. For example, in a statement published on the website of the Free Historical Society: “Bureaucratic nitpicking and the legal procedures carried out on their basis are used to cover up real property interests - the desire to take away from the European University the building that it has occupied since its founding and in the reconstruction project of which it has already invested considerable forces and resources."

A letter in defense of the university addressed to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva also included 14 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Among them N.N. Kazansky, V.E. Bagno, A.M. Moldovan, Yu.D. Apresyan and others. The letter, in particular, said the following: “In 2016, EUSP was the subject of numerous inspections by various regulatory bodies, primarily Rosobrnadzor. Rosobrnadzor had no complaints about the quality of teaching; all “violations” turned out to be purely formal. All of these the violations have now been corrected by the university. However, Rosobrnadzor continues to put pressure on EUSP; the decisions of several courts have jeopardized the fate of the EUSP educational license and may lead to the suspension of the educational process at the university."

In June 2017, EU rector Oleg Kharkhordin was forced to leave ahead of schedule, and Nikolai Vakhtin, who had already headed the university in 2003-2009, became acting rector. In an interview with ZAKS.Ru correspondent Roman Perl in mid-July 2017, Vakhtin said the following: “We have people of very different political convictions working for us. We have both quite radical professors and very conservative professors. Each of them says what he considers necessary. This is actually what is called academic freedom. This is what is called the university, as a free organization that produces the intellectual capital of society. You see, if all professors begin to turn into radicals, why do we need this? If all professors begin to turn into faithful servants. throne, then all intellectual development in the country ends. We don’t need this either. Yes, we have at least three, and maybe four, who are quite regularly in various media - newspapers, radio, but not television, unfortunately. , yes, they express their position on various political issues. We have other experts who express a different position. So what? And that’s why you think that the government of St. Petersburg, the government. Russian Federation will the university close? Then we need to close all universities. Because in each of them there are people who, perhaps not as talented as ours, but also quite actively express their position."

At the end of December 2016, the director of the State Hermitage, Mikhail Piotrovsky, who is a member of the board of trustees of the European University, wrote an appeal in his defense, in which he noted: “Created in the hungry years of devastation, EUSP used foreign funding. As the domestic education system developed, the management and financing structure was brought into line with the new reality. The university does not receive a penny of foreign money, is managed by Russian founders, is financed with the help of an endowment fund. This is sometimes annoying. EUSP managed to raise funds for the restoration of the city building in which it is located. The project was prepared and approved. created by Wilmott, the author of the Russian Spiritual and Cultural Center in Paris. This is also very annoying among. possible reasons attacks on EUSP can also be seen as an attempted raider takeover. During mass inspections, the EU quickly corrected all these shortcomings. Several comments that were not eliminated or removed on time (three) were also corrected. In these conditions, the harsh revocation of the license calls into question the entire system of reorganization of universities and, most importantly, sharply reduces Russia’s competitive advantages in the world of education.”

The author of the popular telegram channel "Nezygar" linked the revocation of the license of the European University with the precarious position of another member of its board of trustees - the former Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, and now the head of the Committee of Civil Initiatives, Alexei Kudrin. “That’s Kudrin’s entire resource. The institute hasn’t saved which one is the prime minister,” he wrote.

The well-known economist, former vice-rector of the Higher School of Economics Konstantin Sonin, published a note in his live journal in March 2017, “An argument in defense of the EU - Putin’s reputation.” In it, Sonin stated: “I understand that the EU is closing not by order of Putin, but - even if we ignore conspiracy theories (and in a situation with such a building this is difficult) - due to the general difficulties of the existence of a small non-state university in Russia. (Yes, one of the reasons for the problems in a nutshell is the size! A small real university cannot contain a department dedicated to fulfilling bureaucratic requirements of the required size.) And yet the president is responsible for everything and to the president, who has been trying for many years to improve the situation in Russian science and education, it makes sense to ask him to stop the process of closing the European University,” Sonin concluded.

The European University in St. Petersburg was created in 1994; it was originally located on Gagarinskaya Street in the former mansion of Count A.G. Kushelev-Bezborodko, who was a senator under Nicholas I. The building is also known as the Small Marble Palace or the palace of Ekaterina Dolgorukova, the morganatic wife of Alexander II. There are four faculties located here. The building also houses the administration, library, computer center of the university and the university publishing house.

On September 23, giving a lecture at the headquarters of Alexei Navalny in St. Petersburg, Professor of the European University Dmitry Travin evicts the university with the fact that the university is located next to the palace mentioned in the investigative film of the Anti-Corruption Foundation “He’s not your Dimon.” According to Travin, in recent years this palace was reconstructed by people close to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, and luxury apartments were created in this palace. As the EUSP professor stated: “Perhaps this is the best residential complex in St. Petersburg, right down to the fact that there is an elevator that lifts a private car to the second floor so that it does not park on the street. This palace is located on the corner of Gagarinskaya Street and the Neva embankment, then there is Gagarinskaya building 1, and the European University is Gagarinskaya building 3. We are side by side with this palace. And this makes me think about why they urgently decided to take away the building from us and give it to some other purpose.. "

On December 7 of this year, Rosobrnadzor suspended the previously existing license for the European University of St. Petersburg, after which the European University of St. Petersburg does not have official rights to carry out activities in the field of education. Sergei Shelin, a columnist for the Rosbalt news agency, discussed this on December 12.

Such a harsh measure was applied because of the results of the inspection of this highest educational institution in the summer of 2016.

She revealed a number of gross violations of licensing requirements (non-compliance of diplomas issued by the management of the University of St. Petersburg with the state standard, violation of the required standard approaches to education in some curricula ah, inconsistency of management employees with one or another qualification requirement, and so on). Experts from the editorial board of “News of Russia”, a magazine for investors “Stock Leader”, believe that first in September Rosobrnadzor banned the admission of applicants to the lecture hall of the European University, and now the government agency is preparing a statement of claim to the judges of the Arbitration Court, which will contain a demand for the complete cancellation of the license for EU St. Petersburg .

This university has been operating in the Russian Federation since 1994. It occupies the premises of a building rented from the Committee for Property Relations of St. Petersburg and which is an architectural and historical monument.

Mr. Kharkhordin, the rector of this educational institution, has children and family living in France.

On the board of trustees of this university you can find the director of the Hermitage Piotrovsky, the ex-Minister of Finance Kudrin, the head of the practice for educational and non-profit organizations “Odgers Berndston” Chernyshkova, a senior employee of the Institute for International Studies at Stanford University and a citizen of the United States Mr. Gale and other famous people.

The university positions itself as a leading non-state University, which is a forge of professional personnel for the Russian Federation and is capable of leading it to authoritative positions. However, is this all true?

According to Sergei Shelin, this story is not at all about the fact that they intend to slam the successful educational center. It is about what has become generally unpunished, possible and desirable in the Russian Federation today.

Getting hit is nothing new for EU. At least, he has been living under blows since 2008. But he has so far fought off attack after attack, including by adapting his level of political trustworthiness to the changing whims and concepts of the authorities.

By the way, contrary to various denunciations published in recent days, the EU is in no way a reserve of oppositionists to the regime. This is a systemic structure; completely systemic individuals work in it, members of one or another high circle. Students at the EU are entirely from the upper and middle classes, who are not prone to street anti-regime activism. Any recommendations and developments concerning pressing issues and produced within the walls of the EU are not addressed at all to the masses, but to the power structures and imply a process of modification of the system and exclusively from above. It is absolutely impossible to imagine that the EU is making some kind of street appeals to the crowd. This is not his style.

Formally speaking, the regime must be, in the worst case, completely indifferent to the EU, and in the best case, grateful for the advice. And the privileged classes should probably still be happy that there is a certain place where their sons and daughters are educated in a modern and good way.

What, then, is the root of the frenzy with which they are trying to destroy it? Sergei Shelin sees the following reasons as the answer to this question:

1. They have been trying to somehow cover up any non-state universities for a long time, and now with particular force. After all, EU is a representative of the disgraced educational sector, although it is not typical for it in its qualitative parameters.

2. The coalition of fighters for the transition to an alternative reality - gay fighters, besogons, conspiracy theorists, special ombudsmen, motorcyclists and others - are constantly gaining new forces, seizing administrative command positions and bringing society to the point where it is necessary to choose between a simple reality and an alternative one. . In reality, number two has no place at all for modern knowledge.

3. The decomposition of supervisory, control and security agencies has also reached a critical point Russian structures. They know that they will not be held responsible for any kind of damage that is caused by them, and that cavils and claims of any amount of implausibility from their lips are taken for granted.

4. A very low level of civil solidarity in the academic and educational community of Russia, tending to zero. Collective and decisively formulated protests by the heads of St. Petersburg and Moscow's main universities would be desirable now, but they are highly unlikely. The broad teaching, professorial and research masses are not very friendly towards their colleagues from the EU, because they believe that this university is much better financially secure than their educational institutions. So it's every man for himself.

And finally, the fifth reason is the disorganization of the Russian central government, in which the cooperation of a number of divisions of the European University with the Center for Strategic Developments of ex-Minister of Finance Kudrin was probably the last straw that overflowed the patience of the EU’s enemies, although the compilation of the list Russian President Putin personally entrusted the former minister with social and economic recommendations. It turns out that this can be ignored today.

Why was the license taken away from the European University in St. Petersburg? December 9th, 2016

Read the investigation into why the license of the odious European University in St. Petersburg (EU ESPb) was revoked. In my opinion, it’s time to add the definition of “university-foreign agent” or “university-NPO” to the definition of “ineffective university.” What was most striking about the article was that the rector of this educational institution, O.V. Kharkhordin is a “convinced emigrant”; his family and children live in France. What is he doing in Russia? He's making money. 65% of university students are foreigners (mostly US citizens). They are paid a stipend of $3,500! And this despite the fact that the average scholarship in Russia is almost 90 times lower (2-3 thousand rubles)! Teachers also receive a substantial salary - “on average in a hospital” - 250,000 rubles. How much does the rector earn? An order of magnitude more.

The wards of the “European University” develop very specific topics within the framework of their scientific works. A significant part of them is devoted to LGBT values, the strategy for the development of neoliberalism in the Russian Federation, and the peculiarities of increasing migration flows in such “undemocratic” (according to the wording of one of the works) countries as Russia. The university is financed by the Soros, MacArthur, Ford, Spencer, Carnegie, Rothschild, and Adenaur foundations. In general - “a complete bouquet”.

Among the sponsors of the European University are the most odious structures involved in the organization of the so-called. “Orange coups” in the post-Soviet space. These structures transfer substantial funds to the accounts of EU St. Petersburg. Only for the period 2012 – 2015. The university received approximately $8,900,000, €534,000 and £86,000.

On December 7, 2016, Rosobrnadzor suspended the license of the European University in St. Petersburg (EU ESPb). From this moment on, the university does not have the official right to carry out educational activities.

Such a harsh measure was applied due to the results of an inspection of the university in July-August 2016: it revealed gross violations of licensing requirements (non-compliance of EU SPb diplomas with state standards, violation of educational standards in a number of educational programs, non-compliance of management with qualification requirements, etc.). First, on September 20, 2016, Rosobrnadzor banned the admission of applicants to the European University, and now the government agency is preparing a claim to the Arbitration Court for the complete cancellation of the EU St. Petersburg license.

ANO "European University in St. Petersburg" has been operating in Russia since 1994. The university occupies a state-owned building, rented from the Committee for Property Relations of the Government of St. Petersburg and which is a historical and architectural monument. The rector of this educational institution, O.V. Kharkhordin is a “convinced emigrant”; his family and children live in France. The board of trustees of the university includes the director of the State Hermitage M.B. Piotrovsky, ex-Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin, head of practice for non-profit and educational organizations “Odgers Berndston” E.P. Chernyshkova, a senior fellow at the Institute of International Studies at Stanford University, Lalidus Gale, who has US citizenship, and other famous people.

The university is positioned by its leadership as a leading non-state University, which is a source of personnel for the Russian state, capable of bringing Russia to the forefront. But is this true? Let's try to figure it out.

The wards of the “European University” develop very specific topics within the framework of their scientific works. A significant part of them is devoted to LGBT values, “sexual health and sexology in Russia,” the strategy for the development of neoliberalism in the Russian Federation, and the peculiarities of increasing migration flows in such “undemocratic” (according to the wording of one of the works) countries like ours. Such “scientific activity” is more reminiscent of preparing a theoretical springboard for the expansion of neoliberalism into the territory of our country in the interests of foreign states.

At the same time, these personnel are entrusted with the implementation of quite serious programs, including those related to the field of public administration. In the mid-2000s, through the implementation of the Interregional Electoral Support Network program, the technology of creating protest sentiments based on news stories about violations during the Russian elections was tested within the St. Petersburg EU. From July 2012 to June 2015, the University of St. Petersburg implemented the project “Supporting the work of the Department for the Development of Partnership Programs with Universities of Kazan, Perm and Tomsk, as well as non-profit organizations on social sciences and training.” In 2013, the university prepared a concept for reforms of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

It is important to note that 65% of university students involved, among other things, in the implementation of such programs are foreigners (mostly US citizens). They are paid a stipend of $3,500! And this despite the fact that the average scholarship in Russia is almost 90 times lower (2-3 thousand rubles)! Teachers also receive a substantial salary - “on average in a hospital” - 250,000 rubles.

At whose expense is the banquet? And it’s very simple: the foundations of Soros, MacArthur, Ford, Spencer, Carnegie, Rothschild, Adenaur. In general - “a complete bouquet”. Among the sponsors of the European University are the most odious structures involved in the organization of the so-called. “Orange coups” in the post-Soviet space.

These structures transfer substantial funds to the accounts of EU St. Petersburg. Only for the period 2012 – 2015. The university received approximately $8,900,000, €534,000 and £86,000.

It is with this money that all the above programs are implemented. In particular, the “Interregional Electoral Network” (2007) was carried out with money from the European Commission (€800,000), “Support for the work of the Department for the Development of Partnership Programs with Universities of Kazan, Perm and Tomsk, as well as non-profit organizations on social sciences and training” (2012 – 2015) – with the money of the Soros Institute “Open Society” ($2,200,000), “The concept of a comprehensive organizational and managerial reform of law enforcement agencies with proposals for restructuring the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” – also with the money of Soros.

Interestingly, in 2011, a technology very similar to that practiced in the Interregional Electoral Network was fully implemented by the Russian NGO GOLOS. This structure, thanks to the “Map of Violations” project, provided a flow of information about violations in the 2011 State Duma elections, which brought tens of thousands of protesting people to the streets (the so-called “swamp protests”). Extremely similar to one of the so-called technologies. “orange revolutions” that Soros loves to sponsor.

Vladimir Klitschko and George Soros discuss the successes of Euromaidan in Kyiv

Of course, such generosity of foreign NGOs is not selfish. They have actually turned the university into an incubator for agents of influence and experts on Russia, whose services our “Western partners” use on a regular basis. Thus, every time important socio-political events take place in Russia, secretaries of the British and US embassies in Russia line up with teachers and graduates of the University of St. Petersburg for expert comments and “insights” on topics of interest to their intelligence services.

In essence, EU St. Petersburg is a “think tank” dependent on foreign funding, educating personnel from whom an agency of influence is formed, firmly convinced of the superiority of liberal values ​​and the inferiority of Russian government system. It is very strange that such activity is supported by some of our former “statesmen” who are planning their return to the corridors of Russian power.

Thus, in 2013, the Metalloinvest holding, with the direct patronage of Alexey Kudrin and his organizational support for the tranche, transferred $16,000,000 (!) from Alisher Usmanov’s funds to the disposal of the European University in St. Petersburg. In addition, Kudrin simultaneously used funds personally controlled by him to fuel the activities of the University. A natural question arises: where did the former Minister of Finance get such funds to sponsor liberal values? In the context of Kudrin’s support for the unscrupulous minister Ulyukaev, in defiance of the position of the President of the Russian Federation, this question sounds not idle. The European University is also supported by another statesman who has actively defended Ulyukaev - Anatoly Chubais. Among other things, he is an active lecturer at this institution.

Unfortunately, lobbying of the EU St. Petersburg by such characters as Alexey Kudrin turned out to be extremely successful. They managed to involve a number of leading Russian entrepreneurs in financing the incubator of agents of influence, such as the aforementioned Alisher Usmanov, Vladimir Potanin, Igor Finogenov and even federal institutions under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation!

The total amount of funds from Russian entrepreneurs and budgetary institutions transferred to the university for 2013 - 2016 amounted to about 69,000,000 rubles! How much of these funds was extracted from entrepreneurs and government agencies “in the dark” is a very serious and important question, which perhaps should be resolved by Russian law enforcement agencies, and not Rosobrnadzor.