What does a Pole's card give to a Belarusian? What does a Pole's card give to a Belarusian?

Mar 13

Surely, many of you have heard about the Pole's Card. But not everyone knows what it gives and the procedure for obtaining it. Or many people confuse it, for example, with citizenship. But the Pole's Card is a slightly different document, which also provides its owner with advantages and benefits. We will deal with them in this article šŸ˜‰

What does the Pole's card give?

To begin with, Iā€™ll clarify once again: Poleā€™s map is far away not citizenship and even not a residence permit, so don't get confused. First of all, this document confirms belonging to the Polish people, which gives some privileges. So, what does the Pole's Card give:

  • free long-term visa for stay in Poland, multiple border crossings. As you can see, the Card does not completely exempt you from visa procedures, but makes them much easier;
  • opportunity to study entrepreneurial activity in Poland, having the same rights and conditions as Polish citizens;
  • in some cases the possibility of using free medical care under the same conditions as Polish citizens. Typically, such medical care is provided in emergencies;
  • 37% discount on railway fare(the discount is valid in Poland);
  • free entry to state museums Poland;
  • opportunity legal work in Poland. In this case, it is not at all necessary to obtain permission; it will be enough to provide a Card;
  • has the right to receive priority financial resources, which are allocated to support Poles abroad. Also, this may be finance from the budget of a particular commune;
  • possibility of receiving free basic, intermediate and higher education under the same conditions as Polish citizens. Also, if you have a Pole Card, you can apply for scholarships that are intended for foreigners receiving education in Poland.

That is, we once again draw your attention to the fact that the Poleā€™s Card is not a residence permit or citizenship, but it gives the right to receive many benefits.

How to get a Pole card?

To obtain a Pole's Card, there are several conditions that must be met.

Who is eligible to receive a Pole's Card?

  • a person who identifies himself with the Polish people;
  • speaks the language at a basic level and also considers it native;
  • has parents, or grandmother (grandfather), or great-grandmother (great-grandfather), who were Poles by nationality or had Polish citizenship. This must be confirmed (eg birth certificate). If this cannot be proven, then there must be a written certificate from the Polish organization stating that over the past three years you have been an active participant in the organization and took part in the development of the Polish language and culture;
  • knows about Polish traditions and also supports them.

The consulate stipulates that persons who have Polish citizenship or residence permit, as well as persons who threaten public order and the defense capability of Poland, cannot apply for the Card.

Procedure for obtaining a Pole's Card

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the procedure for obtaining a Card, but it is still worth preparing well and being patient, since many people wait for their turn for months. So, how to get a Pole's Card:

  • call the consulate at the place of residence. Of course, it can be very difficult to get through, but itā€™s possible. We ask that you make an appointment with the consul for an interview regarding obtaining a Pole's Card;
  • we are writing a statement to receive a Card;
  • After you sign up, we collect everything Required documents;
  • interview with the consul. We take all documents for the interview. The consul may ask for any information, for example, why you need the Card, or general information about the state, religion. In general, donā€™t forget that you should only speak Polish here, since your knowledge of the language is being tested, and at the same time they can test your knowledge of traditions and culture;
  • after the interview, if it went well and the documents are in order, you will have to sign two documents. One is that you do not have Polish citizenship and you are not applying for anything, and the second will confirm when you can receive a Poleā€™s Card (this period may be several months);
  • receiving a Pole's Card. At the appointed time, you must pick up the Card and sign for it.

As you can see, the procedure is quite simple. The main thing during an interview is not to be nervous, but to try to win over your interlocutor. Of course, you should dress closer to business style and look neat.

Documents for the Pole's Card

  • statement to receive the Card. This application must be made in writing. The following information must be indicated here: full name, gender, date and place of birth, citizenship, residential address, nationality of relatives (in case you will receive a Card referring to their Polish origin);
  • copies of documents, which confirm the identity of the applicant. The document must be current at the time of application;
  • copies of documents, which confirm that your relatives belong to the Polish nationality (if you refer to Polish origin). This could be: a birth certificate, a school certificate, certificates issued by the registry office, civil status acts, documents on military service in the Polish army, and so on. All documents may be useful.
  • if you want to receive a Card via written confirmation from the organization, then be sure to check with the consulate for a list of permitted organizations. They have this list without fail.

Don't forget that The card is issued for 10 years. Three months before its end, you will need to renew it. And one more thing about children. If one of the parents has a Card, and the other does not mind, then the child can get a Pole Card. And from the age of 16, the child himself can give consent to receive it.

So, now you know all the necessary information about the Poleā€™s Card, if necessary, you can start applying for it!

Pole's card- a legal way to inherit many advantages and benefits. It is extremely beneficial to know what the Pole's card gives and how to get it!

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What is a Pole's Card? A Pole's card is not citizenship, residence permit or long-term visa. According to the definition specified in the law on the Pole's Card, adopted on September 7, 2007, Karta Polaka is a document that confirms and certifies a personā€™s belonging to the Polish people.

Who can receive a Pole's Card

The Pole's card can only be obtained by citizens of the following countries: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Estonia, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine or the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A person who applies for a Pole card cannot be a citizen of Poland or have a residence permit in this country. You must also provide a document (original) confirming that one of the parents, grandparents, or two great-grandparents were of Polish nationality or had Polish citizenship (original documents are required).

Pole's card: benefits

The Pole's card gives its owner a number of privileges and advantages that foreigners are deprived of.

  • The owner of the Pole Card has the right to apply to the Polish Embassy for a long-term visa and not pay the established fee for this, and also NOT present additional documents. That is, a visa can be obtained without submitting an invitation, work contract or other documents certifying the purpose of obtaining a visa to the embassy.
  • The opportunity to legally and legally work in Poland without obtaining a work permit. But here's the list possible places work still has limitations. Persons who do not have Polish citizenship, which include holders of Pole Cards, cannot hold positions in government agencies, law enforcement agencies or work as a doctor without confirmation of a diploma and qualifications in the country.
  • Equal rights with Polish citizens to do business in the country.
  • You can visit any museum in Poland for free, and also pay for travel to public transport 37% less than everyone else.
  • The right to seek and receive free medical care in emergency situations. That is, you cannot receive regular medical care only on the basis of the card; this point concerns only urgent medical support.
  • The cardholder also has the opportunity to use free system education in Poland, under the conditions determined by law, also apply for scholarships offered to foreign students.

How to get a Pole's Card

The card is issued by the Polish consul at your place of residence. An application for this document must be submitted in writing. When issuing a Pole's Card, the consular office does not charge a consular fee. The Pole's card is issued free of charge.

The request for the document must indicate the applicant's first and last name, date and place of birth, gender, residential address, citizenship, nationality, citizenship and nationality of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, if their origin is referred to by the person wishing to receive the Card Pole.

This application must be accompanied by a copy of an identification document, as well as copies of documents confirming all the data specified in the application.

Changes 2016

In January of this year, the Polish government adopted amendments to the law on the Pole Card, and in addition to the above privileges, several more very pleasant options were added that will be useful to those who want to obtain citizenship of an EU country.

Now Foreign citizens with the Pole's Card they can receive a temporary residence permit in Poland for free, and after a year - citizenship of the country. In addition, the government intends to support its new residents in integrating into Polish society by providing them with government benefits and discounts on mortgages, partially paying for Polish language courses and advanced training. In emergency situations (natural disasters, military operations), Pole Card holders can also count on state support on an equal basis with citizens of the country - they are guaranteed emergency evacuation and financial assistance.

Is it worth getting a Pole's Card? If there are grounds for restoring belonging to the Polish people, of course itā€™s worth it! In addition to restoring roots, the holder of this document will receive a number of privileges in Poland and the opportunity to emigrate to a European country.

in 1998, Russia and Poland signed a document abolishing the Convention on the Prevention of dual citizenship" This means that Russian holders of Pole Cards will be able to obtain Polish citizenship, without renouncing Russian citizenship.


Most people nowadays want to visit nearby countries.

However, to travel to Poland and other EU countries, you need to have certain documents with you, especially if you plan to stay abroad for a long time and apply for a residence permit.

In this case, we are going to talk about how to get a Poleā€™s Card in Poland and what to do with it.

From the article you will learn:

So, what is it for? First of all, this document is excellent travel document. The card also allows you to get category D for free, which will be valid 12 months.
Its owners can freely move throughout the European Union, for free studies at any Polish university. But thatā€™s not all the delights; in addition to the above, you get:

  1. Free medicine;
  2. Employment opportunity and ;
  3. Free entry to museums, palaces and various historical sites;
  4. Simplified;

Worth knowing! A visa to Poland under the KP is issued in a simplified manner.

How to get a?

First of all it is necessary that at least one of the relatives be Pole, regardless of the distance of relatedness. It would be great if have an active civic position to demonstrate his desire to become a true Pole.

How to get a Pole Card with Polish roots?

Any person with Ukrainian citizenship can obtain a CP, including citizens of Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries. It would be nice if one of the parents or grandparents had citizenship in Poland. In general, itā€™s great if they are native Poles.

If your family tree contains such relatives, then there is more than a 50% chance that you will receive KP.

If there are no supporting documents, you should first. Where and how to do this can be found in our other article.

  • Birth certificates, which indicate that one or both parents are of Polish origin. That is, if your motherā€™s father is Polish by nationality, then your mother, according to the inheritance of her nationality, is Polish;
  • Documents confirming belonging to the Polish nation may become a copy or original of the social act. fortunes, church certificates and even educational certificates;
  • Documents confirming military service in the Polish Republic;
  • ID card;
  • Extract from the church book and certificate about wedding;
  • Extract their city archives.

What do you need to know about the Pole's Card?

There is nothing supernatural at this point and no one is demanding great achievements from you. At a minimum, you need to know 6 people who claimed the Nobel Prize and a couple of famous Polish personalities. These can be outstanding writers, actors, directors, dancers, etc.

Must know name of the head of state, National anthem, flag and coat of arms.

However, in order to captivate everyone and demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions to receive a CP, tell us about the peculiarities of Catholic holidays and about the national cuisine.

The interview will take place exactly at the Polish consulate, directly at your place of registration.

Perhaps you already know how to register for the Pole Card?

After registration, you will be contacted and told what you need to do next.


Let's find out what documents are needed for the card at the time of the interview:

  1. Application form for the Pole's Card(wniosek), in which a photo 3.5*4.5 cm is already pasted;
  2. Original and copy of foreign and civil passport.

During the interview, a relaxed and friendly atmosphere is created for everyone so that people do not get confused and, on the contrary, demonstrate their talents and desires.

If everything went well, you answered everything, then the official asks you to fill out a couple of documents.


From the moment of the interview it may take 1-6 months, during which your application and right to citizenship are processed. No one will notify you of the completion of document preparation. You will have to call yourself and clarify this issue.

Where can I get a Pole's Card? You will receive the CP directly from the Consul, and it will be valid 10 years. You will not be charged any additional fees.

Once the document has been received, you can begin processing.

Can they refuse?

A refusal to issue a Pole's Card may be received if if you provided false documents about origin or false personal information. In all other cases, a refusal cannot be given.

If you have Polish roots and speak Polish at a sufficient level, then getting a CP will be absolutely no problem for you.

Video: Pole's Map changes 2016

In contact with

Pole's card, in principle, it turns out to be easy. To do this, you need to take exactly six steps. So, we look very carefully at Article 2 of the Law on, and we see what is necessary:

Six steps to the Pole's Card

Firstly , carefully your origins, genealogy, whatever you want. In the course of this research, you will be able to get to know your grandparents and great-grandparents in more detail, as well as learn the history of your family - I assure you it can be very confusing!

You will need to prove your ā€œPolishnessā€, i.e. Polish origin. At the same time, he really ā€œlovesā€ the document where it is written that you or your closest relative are of Polish nationality. Very often it turns out that you simply did not pay attention to it. Ask your parents about their ancestors, be sure to look at documents, birth certificates and other civil status documents.

Secondly , since in a conversation with the consul you will need to show at least basic Polish, which you should consider your native language, which means you need to start learning the language or improve your knowledge of it. Recently, demands on the language have begun to rise.

Third , it is extremely necessary to know and try to show (and sometimes prove) that you observe the traditions and customs of the Polish people.

What does this include? You should know general information about the state, its history, religion (Catholicism), culture and folk customs. There are many sites on the Internet offering to teach you this for a fee (!), and the quality of the training is up to you to judge... On this site we are trying to collect as much information as possible on all the issues that interest you related to obtaining a Pole's Card. Maybe you can add something if you notice that something is missing.

Fourth, you need to make an appointment for a conversation with the consul - unfortunately, now this is a problem and a very big one. which varies from consulate to consulate. If you have documents that confirm your Polishness, try to enroll immediately and learn everything at the same time.

Consulate websites warn that the consul will only speak Polish (mini-first exam!). The conversation is standard, but itā€™s still worth preparing for it and you should already have the documents in your hands - they will definitely ask about them! As a last resort, ask someone to call you who is fluent in Polish language. Donā€™t forget that the most frequently used words will be numbers (date, time), what documents you have, where you live. Prepare questions and answers on a piece of paper - no one will see you reading, and donā€™t be afraid to ask again - they will politely repeat it to you. At the end of the conversation they will tell you when and where to come.

Fifthly, go to the consulate.

To the interview you must bring a completed form with a pasted-in photograph, your passports (for women, a marriage certificate and a photocopy, in case of a change of name), photocopies and original documents confirming your Polish origin. Just in case, have a blank copy of the application, photograph, pen, glue.

Arrive early for the conversation. Dress not provocatively or extraordinarily, but also donā€™t be rumpled and unshaven - dress as you would for a business meeting. Disable mobile phone. Be prepared to speak only in Polish - if you forget or donā€™t know a word, pronounce it in Ukrainian or Belarusian (if you speak it, they are often consonant). Think about what you will tell about yourself and your relatives. Don't forget to say hello. Speak calmly, be confident, try not to argue - this will not lead to anything good. If you pass the interview, you will be asked to sign 2 documents (you have no citizenship and do not claim anything) and will be told how long it will take to come pick up the card (in a month, two or three).

Sixth step, the most pleasant thing is to get a Pole's Card. There is an option when you write a power of attorney and a relative will receive it for you.

Arrive at the appointed time, the consul will hand you a card, and you will sign for it.

That's all.

Read this again and again, so you will understand what you know and what needs to be completed. The main thing is not to pay anyone money for non-existent services.