Work on a long-distance ship. Work and available vacancies in the Arctic Candidate requirements and documents

According to scientists, people have lived in the Arctic for about 30 thousand years. This statement is based on the fact that sites of ancient peoples were discovered in the Komi Republic and Yakutia. But for most Russian citizens, the Arctic is a constant struggle for survival, permafrost, a huge number of polar bears and polar nights.

In reality, this was how things stood during the period of modern man’s exploration of these territories. Although even now work in the Arctic requires people to be able to endure cold and difficulties.

Modern realities

Today, there is great interest in the Arctic region all over the world. Due to the huge natural resources, almost all countries are ready to invest in these lands. Moreover, the Arctic is yet to be given national appropriation, because this territory does not yet belong to anyone. Several countries lay claim to the Arctic:

  • Russia.
  • Denmark.
  • Norway.
  • Canada.

Naturally, all these five countries have access to the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Each state will have to present weighty arguments to the world community before putting forward national claims. But the most important factor for any country is to prove its readiness to actively develop the northern expanses.

The third wave of “ice” development has already begun in Russia. After all, our country has more than 40% of the circumpolar space, that is, the lands that surround the North Pole.

What are people doing here? Popular specialties

As mentioned earlier, working in the Arctic requires good physical health and a willingness to face challenges. Today, not only scientific and research activities are carried out in the region. The region is developing rapidly, and as of the beginning of this year 2017, there were twice as many vacancies compared to the previous period.

The following non-scientific specialists are invited to work in the Arctic:

  • personnel management - no more than 3%;
  • the same number of people are required in sales;
  • about 2% are in demand for accountants.

And finishing the list are specialists of other administrative professions, no more than 2%.

Science professionals

Naturally, in the region not only work is underway on the extraction and processing of raw materials, research work is still being carried out. Therefore, scientific specialists in the following fields are required to work in the Arctic:

  • hydrophysics;
  • meteorology;
  • geology;
  • glaciology;
  • cryology;
  • oceanology.

But in this case, increased demands are placed on applicants. In addition to professional knowledge, a person will be required to have high moral qualities and the ability to get out of difficult situations. While there is still some way to protect yourself from the cold, it is quite difficult to protect yourself from bears. According to reviews from “experienced” people, it’s as if a hungry animal wanders into a residential settlement, and meeting it is life-threatening.

Today, scientific workers are paid at least 100 thousand rubles. Naturally, by modern standards the payment is not that high, but still more than in big cities.

Unique professions

If you really want to, you can get a job in the tourism industry in the Arctic. Indeed, even travelers are taken to the region. There are two directions:

  • hiking; skiing;
  • cruise tours.

At the same time, only a few people can afford such a vacation; no more than 500 people a year. If we talk about a trip to an icebreaker (14 days), then it will cost almost 1.5 million rubles and more for 1 traveler. A ski tour costs 2 million, but with a flight to Barneo station.

Also, a unique profession is a reindeer herder; it is unlikely that you will be able to get a job in such a specialty in any other region. Such persons are paid a raise, about 300 thousand, and wages - from 60 thousand.

However, there are also fake professions on the Internet, for example, penguin flipper or bear scarer.

Benefits and allowances

Working in the North in the Arctic attracts people not only with good benefits but also with certain benefits. First of all, this is the northern percentage, which is added to the employee’s salary:

For persons employed on the islands of the Arctic Ocean and in its seas, a 100% premium is provided. By the way, for workers hired in the Kuril Islands and in the Republic of Sakha and Chukotka, the same bonus is provided. For other regions close to Arctic conditions, no more than 80% of the premium is paid.

Work experience requirements

Despite the high demand for personnel, employers in the Arctic region still put forward certain requirements regarding work experience:

  • only 7% of personnel without work experience will be hired;
  • with experience from 1 to 3 years - 34%;
  • from 3 to 6 years - 48%;
  • from 6 years and more - only 11%.

Working hours

Conventionally, work in the Arctic is divided into that which is carried out on a permanent basis and on a rotational basis.

Shift work in the Arctic accounts for 71% of all vacancies. Only 26% of all employed persons work full-time. 2% have a variable schedule, and only 1% have a flexible schedule.

Traditionally, the shift lasts about 3-6 months. Typically, employees are sent to the site in October and picked up in March. But it is worth remembering that this period does not include the delivery period; in some cases, work along with the move is delayed by 1 year, or even 1.5.

How to choose vacancies and employer requirements

It is recommended to select vacancies from direct employers in order to exclude the possibility of falling into the clutches of scammers. As follows from reviews of local workers, the guarantees that are offered in most cases:

  • shift method;
  • shift from 3 months;
  • official employment;
  • long-term employment contract;
  • health insurance;
  • guarantees of payment of agreed wages and bonuses;
  • social guarantees.

It is also possible to clearly define the list of requirements for working in the Arctic on a rotational basis, put forward by most employers:

  • knowledge of English or Spanish;
  • ability to work on a PC;
  • excellent health.

Depending on the vacancy, the following requirements for candidates may also be put forward:

The age restrictions are quite strict. The people most in demand are those who have reached 25 years of age, but not older than 45. However, you can find vacancies with minimum requirements from 25 to 65 years.

For many specialties, a driver's license, certificates and other documents confirming qualifications, in addition to a diploma from an educational institution, are put forward as a requirement. You will definitely need a work book. The determining factor when choosing a candidate may be whether he or she has a military ID and a foreign passport.

The difficult working conditions in the Arctic, the high risk of danger and minimal comfort force employers to conduct a mandatory thorough medical examination of each selected applicant. “Shift workers” say that if chronic diseases and bad habits are detected, the candidate is usually denied employment.

Work on Franz Josef Land

There are many websites on the Internet for employment in the Arctic and many territories where people are offered to come. These are Wrangel Islands, Alexandra Land, Sredniy and Kotelny. You are invited to Cape Schmidt and the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Simply put, there is plenty to choose from.

There are many vacancies for work in the Arctic on Franz Josef Land. The archipelago in the Arctic Ocean invites forwarders who will maintain contacts with transport companies and plot optimal routes. High demands are placed on such specialists - knowledge of logistics processes, possession of a driver's license and ability to plan.

There are many vacancies in design departments; road specialists and surveyors are required. Professionals in the field of gasification and electrification. After all, it is here that the peak development of the region is observed, roads, airports, military and civilian facilities are being intensively built.

However, one cannot say that everything is so well-appointed. According to reviews, housing is offered in carriage settlements, the houses are designed for 8 people, and the duration of the contract is at least 3 months. However, workers are offered free nutritious food, medical care, and special clothing.

The level in the region is quite varied and completely depends on the specialty; it ranges from 80 to 180 thousand rubles per month. An electric and gas welder and surveyor can claim 150 thousand, and lawyers, drivers and special equipment operators can claim 110 thousand and more.

Antarctica, according to international treaties and conventions, is not officially anyone's territory. It is prohibited to use this continent for enrichment and economic gain, which is why numerous research stations are located here.

In this regard, work in Antarctica is only available at polar stations belonging to various countries of the world.

These are Russia, Ukraine, Argentina, the USA, Canada, etc. Each of them constantly publishes an up-to-date list of vacancies, applicants for which undergo a serious competitive selection. In particular, to work in Antarctica, you need to obtain permission from a specific country in order to legally stay at the stations. Those who want to work at stations such as:

  • Peaceful;
  • Bellingshausen;
  • Youth;
  • Novolazarevskaya;
  • Progress and others.

Alternative options for finding a job are: research station named after Academician Vernadsky, scientific expedition ships, ships and motor ships. They belong to the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and the Russian Arctic Expedition. The leaders of these institutes created excellent conditions for polar explorers:

  • Comfortable and cozy cottages;
  • Hot baths;
  • Rest rooms;
  • Bars;
  • Halls for training and maintaining physical fitness;
  • Internet and video communication.

Cafe-bar Faraday at the Ukrainian station Akademik Vernadsky

Work in Antarctica is quite difficult, both psychologically and physically, which is why psychologists work at the stations. This allows you to relieve the feeling of discomfort and talk about accumulated problems.

In 2020, research stations require specialists in a variety of fields - from cooking to meteorology.

What are Russian polar explorers researching?

In particular, the most popular vacancies include:

  • Geologists;
  • Programmers and system administrators;
  • Meteorologists;
  • Doctors, anesthesiologists, traumatologists and surgeons;
  • Cooks;
  • Meteorologists-actinometrists;
  • Geophysicists;
  • Specialists in the field of ionosphere and aerosphere;
  • Magnetologists;
  • Riometrists;
  • Radar operators;
  • Workers on equipment used for environmental protection;
  • Radio engineers to set up modern communication systems;
  • Engineers;
  • Hydrologists;
  • Psychologists;
  • Mechanics;
  • Diesel drivers;
  • Electromechanics;
  • Drivers of tracked vehicles, bulldozers, tractors, truck cranes;
  • Electricians and electric and gas welders;
  • Signalmen;
  • Computer geeks.

Sled-caterpillar trains in Antarctica. Work of a caterpillar vehicle driver

In addition, scientific expedition vessels, motor ships, and ships are constantly in need of crew members - sailors, captains, senior officers, specialists in maritime professions, engineering, watch officers and mechanics, mechanics, cooks, electricians, electromechanics, and scientists. Such ships carry out months-long expeditions to the Arctic, Antarctica, the Arctic Circle, and the North Pole.

The demand for such vacancies will continue to exist next year, which is associated with the further exploration of Antarctica, observation of various natural phenomena, the formation of new expeditions, and shifts of existing polar explorers whose contracts are ending. Therefore, job applications are accepted all year round, and the list of current vacancies begins to form in May and continues for several months.

Return to Antarctica. Scientific expedition vessel Akademik Fedorov

Anyone can find a job in this region, because most vacancies require more than one person. Each position requires from 6 to 20 people, who are assigned to work at polar stations and ships. Lists of offers are compiled into two groups - for seasonal workers who are willing to spend no more than 6 months in Antarctica; for wintering employees who work on this continent for 1 year.

Polar explorers are traditionally sent out in October, and workers are taken back in March, i.e., six months later. This does not take into account the time of delivery and transportation of people back. In some cases, work in the polar region with travel can take from 12 to 18 months.

Features of work

The emphasis in the work of polar explorers is on conducting research and studying flora and fauna. The remaining employees ensure the vital functions of stations, villages, access to the sea and ocean of expeditionary vessels. Workers are transported to their location at the expense of the employing company, which also provides accommodation and food. Many polar explorers come to wintering grounds more than once, eventually becoming long-time residents of villages and stations.

Staying at stations depends on several circumstances:

  • How quickly transport can get to Antarctica;
  • Features of the movement of ships and aircraft;
  • The occurrence of force majeure circumstances;
  • How long did the workers arrive to replace other polar explorers?

Requirements for candidates

Polar explorers to work in Antarctica must know English and Spanish, be a confident user of a personal computer and computer equipment, and have excellent health.

Arctic ice reveals new life forms

When agreeing to work in Antarctica, it is worth considering that this is a region where there are difficult living and working conditions. Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on applicants:

  1. Higher education and good qualifications.
  2. Good health.
  3. Communication skills.
  4. The ability is in a confined space for a long time.
  5. You will have to work in small teams (usually about 20 people work at one station, forced to spend a lot of time together).
  6. You need to be away from your home and base for a long time if traveling expeditions are planned.
  7. The most suitable age for working in Antarctica is considered to be people over 25 years old. Applicants whose age does not exceed 45 years are accepted to fill vacancies. In many vacancies, the age of workers can be 25 - 65 years.

Milestone in Antarctica. Polar explorers

You will also need:

  • driver license,
  • various certificates confirming the level of qualifications,
  • availability of a work book, in which appropriate entries must be made about previous places of work.

A positive factor will be the presence of a military ID or rank, and a foreign passport, if you need to travel on ships to the waters of other states.

Based on this, general workers are not accepted on the expedition and at the station, and such vacancies do not appear. Considering working conditions, this step by employers is justified.

Life of a polar explorer in Antarctica

Before departure to Antarctica, each employee undergoes a special medical examination at an appointment with a medical commission. The presence of chronic diseases and bad habits will be an obstacle to getting a job.

When signing a contract, it is worth considering that the work has a high risk of danger and a minimum level of comfort. Therefore, workers must adhere to strict labor discipline, follow a clear organization of work during voyages or field expeditions, be responsible for the work performed and be ready to endure hardships, hardships, and adversity.

According to the terms of the contracts, employers are obliged to provide workers with food, clothing, sanitary and hygienic products, medical insurance, a social package, and guarantees that the previous place of work will be retained by a specific person. Polar explorers themselves only have to pay for satellite communications in order to talk to their relatives.

The Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE) is engaged in research and scientific work within the southernmost continent. Participants are required to be able to clearly and responsibly approach the performance of their duties, since the safety of all polar explorers depends on this. Work in Antarctica involves activities in extremely harsh climatic conditions, far from families and usual household amenities.

Why Antarctica

Specialists applying for participation in the work of the station must clarify in advance all the requirements and specifics of employment, since it is quite difficult for an unprepared person to get to Antarctica.

It is worth noting that most workers go on expeditions not for high salaries, but for new sensations and the desire to test themselves in harsh conditions. After the watch, many strive to return to the pole again and consolidate the experience gained.

You can learn about how employees live in Antarctica in the corresponding groups on the VK social network, where participants publish photos and videos and stories about everyday work.

Professions in demand

The operation of stations in Antarctica requires different specialists:

  • drivers of various equipment (snowmobiles);
  • mechanics;
  • doctors;
  • welders;
  • cooks;
  • system administrators;
  • satellite communications experts.

But most of the participants are various scientists involved in environmental research.

If you want to participate in work at a polar station, it is recommended to check the current vacancies by visiting the official website of the Antarctic Expedition (

Features of work

Work in Antarctica is carried out on a rotational basis, all vacancies include free transportation to the station and back.

Registration is carried out under an employment contract, hired workers are provided with food and special clothing at the expense of the state.

Activities begin in November-February, transportation of participants is carried out either by plane or by ship. It depends on the location of the station where the expedition must arrive.

The duration of the trip is 12-18 months.

Requirements for candidates

Applicants are selected quite strictly according to the following criteria:

  • Health;
  • Professional skills and abilities;
  • Psychological qualities (stress resistance);
  • Age: from 30 to 45 years (for doctors - up to 60).

You will also need documents confirming your qualifications in the profession, experience, and a foreign passport.

To go through the doctors you will have to take extracts:

  • From the medical unit at the place of residence about diseases over the past three years.
  • From the tuberculosis dispensary (that the applicant is not registered).
  • From the mental hospital.
  • From a drug treatment clinic.
  • orthopantogram (with attached description and conclusion).
  • If the applicant is over 50 years old, an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs, bladder and prostate gland must be performed.

Important: work experience in the specialty must be at least 2 years. For doctors – from 5 years.

How to get to the winter quarters, step by step:

  1. Fill out a form at the OK AARI (some in-demand specialists are invited by the research directors themselves).
  2. Get approval to undergo a medical examination.
  3. Be examined by doctors, including psychological tests and examinations.

The easiest way to learn more about how you can get on an expedition to Antarctica is on the RAE website.

average salary

People often ask how much money polar explorers receive for their work when they sign up for an expedition. This depends on the length of service; the calculation of the normal salary begins after crossing the 60th parallel.

The average salary in Antarctica in 2020 is 60,000 rubles, you need to take into account that this is official income (before 13% tax). Every 6 months of stay at the station there is an increase - 10% of the salary, but in total - no more than 100%. This means that after three expeditions the maximum salary will be reached.

But it is impossible to get a job for several winters in a row: doctors forbid it, because the body is greatly weakened due to the climate.

Benefits and allowances

In 2013, the Russian government introduced changes to the legislation on the calculation of compensation and benefits for workers in the far south.

List of preferences:

  • Regional coefficient 3 – added during the period of activity on the expedition;
  • Percentage increase and increasing coefficient to the salary (the amount depends on the starting salary);
  • The total length of service includes periods of previous expeditions, including length of service at the North Pole.

More detailed information can be found in the Decree of the Russian Federation of 2013 No. 832.

Murmansk is the gateway to the Arctic. The only icebreaker fleet base in Russia is located here. From here, icebreakers go to high latitudes, accompany ships, and provide navigation along the Northern Sea Route.

Last year, a new icebreaker, the Arktika, was launched, and two more are expected to be launched in the coming years: the Sibir and the Ural. Their home port will, of course, be Murmansk. New technology requires fresh forces and personnel. That is why Atomflot is pursuing a targeted policy to attract young specialists. Word to Nikolai Kochetkov.

Rosatomflot is the operator of the Russian civil nuclear icebreaker fleet. The company employs just under 2,000 people. Almost a quarter of them are young professionals. These are mostly sailors who work on icebreakers, but gradually young people appear in other professions.

Maxim Filipov, deputy production director for ship repair at FSUE Atomflot: “The enterprise has been developing steadily since 2008, we are experiencing constant growth, I think this is an important factor for young specialists. Constant stable high wages, social guarantees that our company can offer to a young specialist.”

Alexey Stepanov came to the company two years ago, now he works as a machine operator in the mechanical section, turning parts and assemblies of technological equipment for nuclear icebreakers.

Alexey Stepanov, a wide-profile machine operator at the mechanical department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Atomflot: “Today’s youth choose the wrong specialties, economists, lawyers, programmers, and such specialties as turners and milling operators are not very interesting to them, I don’t know why, in fact, this very interesting professions, so I recommend that young people apply for such enterprises.”

Last year alone, Atomflot hired 145 people, 81 of whom were young specialists.

Alexey Stepanov, machine operator of the mechanical department of FSUE Atomflot: “There is, of course, stability here, this attracted me, and there is also the opportunity to improve qualifications, and training in other specialties.”

The development of the enterprise, the construction of a series of new icebreakers, a port fleet and ensuring shipping in the Arctic - all this requires an infusion of fresh forces and new personnel, so Atomflot is carrying out targeted work to attract young specialists.

Maria Nuzhdinova, Director of Personnel and Communications of FSUE Atomflot: “We place our hopes on young people; accordingly, we are pursuing a consistent personnel policy to update human resources and invite young specialists to work. It is important for us to show continuity; today those who occupy key positions can and do teach young people the traditions and good training programs that exist in the nuclear fleet.”

Rosatomflot is one of the largest maritime shipping companies and not only Murmansk residents work here. Young personnel come to work in the north from many regions of our country. Alexey Bakhtin is from the Tomsk region.

Trained on the icebreaker "Yamal" as an operator engineer. In the future, he will have to manage the nuclear power plant of an icebreaker.

Alexander Bakhtin, trainee engineer-operator of a nuclear icebreaker at FSUE Atomflot: “You need to work, you need to earn money, support your family, feel this responsibility. I believe that this step really helps me to become better, more confident and useful.”

Rosatomflot is not just a stable place to work, it also offers development prospects. These are not only nuclear icebreakers, but also the future port fleet. The enterprise has created a rich infrastructure, and, consequently, great opportunities to build a career not only in the fleet, but also on shore.

And this Saturday, the guests of the “Meeting Place” program will be First Deputy General Director of FSUE Atomflot Mustafa Kashka and Deputy General Director for Fleet Operations Andrey Smirnov.

They will talk about the development of the enterprise, navigation along the Northern Sea Route and plans for the future. “The Meeting Place” will air on TV-21 tomorrow at 16:00.

Before you start looking for work in the Arctic, on Franz Josef Land, Kotelny Island or Alexandra Island, there are several important nuances to consider.

They hire both qualified employees and people without experience in a particular field. The Arctic is a very popular place of work among various categories of the population seeking to earn good money. The number of vacancies is constantly increasing, as is the level of wages. Therefore, the development of resources here occurs quickly, which makes it possible to build cities and smaller settlements, and for workers to transport entire families here. Both individuals who are willing to work on a rotational basis, as well as people who come to the region with their wives and other relatives, can find work in the Arctic.

  1. They hire both qualified employees and people without experience in a particular field.
  2. The salary is quite high.
  3. The experience will be formed according to a special grid - the harsh Arctic, according to which 1 year is considered 2.
  4. Provision of winter clothing, payment for flights, four meals a day.
  5. Passing a free medical examination.

A large number of people work on a rotational basis in order to be able to visit relatives and family after a few months.

Most of the Franz Josef Land islands do not have a permanent population, so mostly men come here to work. They can find work both at polar stations and at a geophysical observatory. In addition, every man has a chance to work in the search and development of resources. Women do not tolerate the Arctic climate and cold very well, especially since shift work in the Arctic is very difficult and physically demanding. This is due to the fact that shift work involves living in areas where mineral resources are developed or searched for. Due to the climate, returning to their place of permanent residence is not possible, so special rotation camps are created.

Oil production in the Arctic. Shift work.

The work schedule may be different, which is stipulated when drawing up a contract with the employer. The most commonly used schedule is 15 working days and 15 days off. Although other types are also practiced, for example, 2 months of work and 1 rest, or 3 months after 1. You have to work in the Arctic for at least 12 hours a day, although the same amount of time is allocated for rest.

The disadvantages of this type of employment include factors such as:

  • Long-term separation from family, due to which there are frequent cases of family breakdown;
  • Difficult work schedule;
  • Isolation from the outside world;
  • Constant cold, which negatively affects health;
  • Closedness of space;
  • Work in a team, so people must learn to establish contacts, solve problems and conflicts.

Rotational camp in the Arctic

Jobs in the Arctic

You need to select vacancies through a direct employer, using the services of official representatives of the company.

An applicant for a particular position must defend the right to direct contact with the employer in order to avoid falling into scammers’ schemes or being deceived when drawing up a contract. Before accepting a job, you need to make a detailed list of the vacancies found, noting all the pros and cons. Almost all companies offer working conditions such as:

  • Watch method;
  • Official employment;
  • The contract is concluded for a long period of time;
  • Business trips last no longer than 3 months;
  • Medical and social insurance;
  • Agreed salary level, with all allowances and bonuses.

The Arctic is a region of great opportunities, but due to the harsh climate, you need to look for work in areas where polar stations have existed for many years, expeditions and research have been carried out. This is due to the fact that the infrastructure and access to the benefits of civilization are developed here. Therefore, it is worth agreeing to proposals that allow you to work on the islands of Franz Josef Land, among which Kotelny Island, Hayes Island, and Alexandra Island are considered the most “civilized”. Although many polar explorers go to work in the Far North and the Arctic Ocean.

Among the popular vacancies in Franz Josef Land, it is worth noting the following professions: freight forwarder, storekeeper, IT specialist, surveyor, builder, installer, mechanic, cook, electromechanical, engineer.

Construction of the unique complex “Arctic Trefoil”. Franz Josef Land

But at the same time, people are constantly needed to work in the Arctic to work in positions such as:

  • Drivers of trucks and special equipment;
  • Dump truck drivers;
  • Workers in food warehouses;
  • Automated systems engineers;
  • Laboratory assistants in construction laboratories;
  • Commandants in the towns where workers live;
  • Coppers;
  • Cooks, bakers, auxiliary workers;
  • Machinists;
  • Crane drivers;
  • Gas welders and gas cutters;
  • Masters and heads of departments;
  • Design engineers;
  • Motorists;
  • General workers.

Arctic cleanup work

Workers are also constantly required to service various installations. In particular, concrete mixing, mortar-concrete, gas.