Map of Tarragona in Russian. Map of Tarragona in Russian. In what country is the city of Tarragona located?

On Sunday, September 19, we decided to go from Tarragona to watch the exciting performance of the builders of living human towers (castles) Castells, which took place in this Catalan city as part of ( Festivals de Santa Tecla).

Along the way, it was decided to meet some attractions of Tarragona, which is what our story will be about today. .

So, from the square in front of the bus station, we walked along the New Rambla, which was decorated with posters dedicated to. The first attraction on our way (at the intersection of the New Rambla with the street Carrer del Pare Palau) turned out to be bronze monument to the builders of human towers Castells (Monument als Castells) (one of the most important Catalan traditions). The author of this interesting monument is a modern Catalan sculptor Francesc Angles (Francesc Angles) (b. 1938) (his website), whose work is characterized by the depiction of various human groups in realistic scenes. This particular monument was erected in Tarragona in 1999 and depicts “ pyramid", consisting of 219 full-size human figures that make up the structure quatre de vuit (that is, four people per level in a tower consisting of eight levels).

At the top of the tower a child waves his hand, enshaneta (enxaneta), completing the structure. Next to the tower, the sculptor depicted other traditional participants in the action: the group manager ( cap de colla), who leads the process of building a tower from the ground, as well as musicians - oboists-graliers ( grallers). Interesting fact: among the figures you can recognize images of specific personalities - famous Catalans, including artists Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso, cellist Pau Casals and Olympic movement figure Juan Antonio Samaranch. In one of the figures, the sculptor depicted himself. The height of the composition is 11 meters and the weight is 12 tons.

And we walk further along the New Rambla, and soon a small round square with Centennial Fountain (Font del Centenari/Fuente del Centenario) (also called Fountain of the Four Continents). This fountain was installed here in 1954, in honor of the centenary of the opening of the New Rambla. The creation of this wide esplanade was carried out in the middle of the 19th century as part of an urban planning project to demolish the wall ( mural of Sant Joan) with various fortifications, which previously separated the two above-mentioned parts of the city, Upper and Lower. A hundred years later, it was decided to commemorate these urban development feats with extensive celebrations and, in particular, to build a monumental fountain on the New Rambla.

The author of the fountain project was a Catalan sculptor Josep Viladumat (Josep Viladomat) (1899-1989), who also created a number of monuments in and. He was a finalist (although not a laureate) of the competition, which at that time was held by the City Hall of Barcelona, ​​but the city authorities of Tarragona became interested in his work and decided to opt for this project, which, however, was not understood by all local residents. However, due to the obvious aesthetic merits of the fountain, the project was nevertheless approved, and the grand opening took place on August 15, 1954, in the midst of large-scale city celebrations dedicated to the urban expansion of Tarragona, which began a century ago.

Centennial Fountain decorated with four sculptural groups, each of which symbolizes a specific continent, or part of the world. The sculptor depicted typical representatives of the four races in the form of four male figures, accompanied by animals characteristic of this or that part of the world. So, for example, a man with European features and a polar bear next to him are an allegory of the North; the hippopotamus and the African youth symbolize the South; a man in a turban with an elephant represents the East, and an American Indian with a crocodile represents the West. Some criticize the figures for being too simple, but this is a matter of taste.

The fountain is made of Burgos stone, which is extremely easy to process, but its surface deteriorates quite quickly over time when it comes into contact with moisture (a big setback for a fountain). Therefore, already in the 1990s, due to severe corrosion of the stone (and excessive contamination with bird feces), the sculptures had to be restored. At the same time, the number of jets was increased (previously water came only from the mouths of animals, in the 1960s a central source appeared, and in the 1990s a dozen more nozzles were added), which gave the fountain a more lively and attractive appearance and turned it into one of the Tarragona attractions.

Opposite the fountain we see modernist building Casa de la Punxa (Casa de la Punchà, that is, "pointed house"), which today houses the Chamber of Commerce of Tarragona ( Cambra de Comerç). This prominent corner house with clear eclecticism was built in Tarragona between 1911 and 1929. at the intersection of two large streets (corner Rambla Nova And Avinguda Pau Casals, 17), on a triangular-shaped area. It's hard not to notice the stately cylindrical tower of this modernist "castle", culminating in a conical dome with a slate roof, topped by a metal weather vane. Also worth noting is the openwork stone balustrade that beautifully frames the upper part of this four-story building. The balustrade is decorated with images of fantastic creatures (dragons, etc.). They say that this tall building was the first in Tarragona to have an elevator. Currently, the historic elevator is kept in the city's Museum of Modern Art.

The monumental construction of Casa de la Punch contains features of various styles, including neoclassicism and neo-Renaissance. A building built at the end of the modernist era (the rest of Catalonia was already ruled by noucentism), became one of the first works of the architect Antonio Pujol of Seville(1902-2001), who subsequently implemented many more urban planning projects both in Tarragona itself and in the neighboring one (there he designed the Jaime I promenade). The architect died in Tarragona at the age of 99.

Casa de la Punch, by the way, is part of the so-called Tarragona Modernism Route (Ruta madernista). It must be said that similar routes have been developed in many cities of Catalonia, in particular in Barcelona and Reus (). However, Tarragona is still more famous not for its modernist, but for its ancient and medieval heritage; it’s not for nothing that the city’s tourism department has developed a couple of other walking routes around the city: Roman Route and Medieval Route. We will get acquainted with some objects of these routes during our walks around.

Opposite the Casa de la Punch is an impressive building pension fund (Edifici de la Caixa de Pensions), built according to the design of Anthony Pujol ( Anthony Pujol Sevil) in the 1950s in the style of monumentalism with elements of classicism and baroque architecture. The façade is decorated with sculptures by Salvador Martorell ( Salvador Martorell) (1895-1968) (allegory of Labor and Thrift at the top and allegories of Agriculture and the Sea below, on either side of the main entrance). At the top of the building there is a symbol (logo) of the bank la Caixa - star, designed in the late 1970s by the famous Catalan artist Joan Miró.

We continue our walk along the New Rambla. At the next intersection ( Carrer d'En Canyelles/Rambla Nova) is waiting for us monument to the heroes of 1811 (Monument als herois de 1811). The author of this monument is a Catalan sculptor Giulio (Julio) Antonio (Julio Antonio) (1889-1919). Among the people, this monument, made with obvious elements Art Nouveau style, known as "Nudes" ( Els despullats) (due to the fact that the sculptor depicted his characters without clothes, the composition at one time caused fierce controversy in Tarragona society). The monument was erected in honor of the Tarragona people who fought with Napoleonic troops in 1811, when Tarragona was subjected to a painful siege and looting by the French during the Spanish-French War (by the beginning of 1812, all of Catalonia was already occupied by Napoleonic forces; France was defeated only in 1814) . The composition depicts Mother Tarragona ( Tarraco), who says goodbye to her sons, two heroes of the war with the French.

Initially, it was planned to erect a monument to the centenary of these dramatic events. However, due to problems with financing, the work on creating the monument dragged on for longer than planned. The pedestal was installed in 1910, bronze figures appeared only in 1917, and the entire monument was completed only in 1922, after the death of the young sculptor. The grand opening of the monument took place only in September 1931 (before that time they had not decided to erect it for moral reasons: to some it seemed too bold, and the conservative part of society launched a whole campaign to combat this “obscene” work).

The monument is considered one of the most important works of the sculptor Giulio Antonio. It is distinguished by its harmonious forms and a special atmosphere of quiet sorrow. On the pedestal of the monument there is an inscription in Catalan: Tarragona als Herois de 1811(“Tarragona to the heroes of 1811”). Tellingly, in 1939 the Franco authorities decided to replace it with Spanish, and only in 1979 was the original Catalan text returned.

Behind the monument to the heroes of 1811, on the corner Carrer Canyelles And Rambla Nova, a yellow building is visible Casa Mussoles (Musolas) (Casa Musolas/Casa Mussoles), house number 88 on New Rambla. This house, with its attractive glass bay window, was built in 1914 and designed by the architect Josep Pujol de Barbera (Josep M. Pujol de Barbera) (1871-1949), a native of Tarragona, who built a dozen more beautiful buildings in his hometown, including a curious slaughterhouse building ( Escorxador) in the old part of the city and a number of modernist houses on the same New Rambla. As for Casa Mussoles, this house originally consisted of only two floors, and in the middle of the 20th century it was built on and completely reconstructed at the request of the widow of Senor Mussoles, to whom the house previously belonged.

On the left side of the New Rambla, opposite Casa Mussoles, there is another original modernist building - Dr. Aleu's house (La Casa del doctor Aleu), also referred to simply as the "bookstore on the Rambla" ( Llibreria la Rambla) (there has been a famous bookstore on the lower floor of the building since 1968). The house was built by the same architect Josep Pujol de Barbera (Josep M. Pujol de Barbera) in 1927, when Art Nouveau had already gone out of fashion. However, the architect did not want to deviate from his aesthetic principles and used a number of typically modernist ornaments in the design of the building (although there were also pilasters in the spirit of classicism). The upper glazed floor, as can be clearly seen from the photographs, dates back to the modern era. Indeed, it was added in 1988.

This building is adjacent to the one located on the corner of the New Rambla and the street Carrer d'Ixart the house is a pleasant coffee shade. This is the so-called Casa Cobos (Casa Cobos) or Casa Dolors Linderman ( Casa Dolores Linderman). The fact is that the house was built by order of Dolors (Dolores) Linderman, who was the widow of Senor Cobos. This was in 1926. The architect who completed the order was Francesc Monrawa ( Francesc Monravà Soler). The building is one of the most striking examples of the style noucentism in Tarragona. The main decoration of the facade is the central bay window with columns, framed by two pilasters with Ionic capitals. The facade is crowned with a finial with a decorative medallion and vases.

Very soon we turned left from the New Rambla into the street Carrer de l'Assalt. Here on the corner with Carrer d'August, is located wonderful modernist building of the church and monastery of the Discalced Carmelites (El cambril del Convent dels Pares Carmelites Descalços/L'esglesia dels Carmelites), one of the most interesting examples of Catalan Art Nouveau in Tarragona. It is impossible not to notice this complex, distinguished by its sharp neo-Gothic spire. Of course he is included in Tarragona Modernism Route.

Construction of the Carmelite monastery began in Tarragona in 1896. This neo-Gothic four-story building with a courtyard, pointed arches and slender columns with capitals was created according to the design of a Tarragona architect Pau Monghio i Segura (Pau Monguió i Segura) (1865-1956), student of the famous Dumenec i Muntane. The design of the façade uses a combination of brick cladding and stone. Building address: Carrer d'August, 41.

What makes this complex truly unique are two special architectural elements: the aforementioned high spire (la Punxa), which crowns the façade of the building, and an openwork octagonal " flashlight» ( llanterna) above the premises of the altar church chapel ( cambril de la Mare de Deu) (previously in the chapel there was an altar and treasury of the Virgin Mary, very revered by the residents of Tarragona, but now lost: like the entire interior of the church, they burned down during the Civil War of 1936; the chapel was generally incredibly popular among the residents, weddings were often held here).

Both the neo-Gothic spire of the temple and the lantern over the altar chapel were created in 1918 and are the work of an outstanding Catalan architect of the modernist era Josepa Maria Jujola (Josep Maria Jujol i Gibert) (1879-1949), who built many buildings in different cities of Catalonia and collaborated in Barcelona with Antoni Gaudi in the creation of Casa Mila and Casa Batllo. The spire designed by Jujol for the Tarragona Carmelite monastery makes a strong impression with its bright, elegant decor and sculptures of fantastic birds, reminiscent of.

Many young people of Tarragona studied at the seminary located in this monastery. In 1952, the monastery complex was expanded, and in 1957-58. an additional floor was added so that the building could accommodate the increased number of seminarians. Unfortunately, because of this superstructure, the beautiful “lantern” by Jujol became much less visible (the altar chapel with this lantern is today only partially visible from the street Carrer d'August).

Curious old photographs from 1944 have survived, showing seminary students playing on the roof of the monastery when the building still consisted of three floors ():

In popular memory, this monastery is best known as the place where, from 1909 until the 1980s, they produced a medicine called Aigua del Carme, invented at the beginning of the 17th century in the Parisian monastery of St. Joseph. This elixir was made from various kinds of medicinal aromatic herbs, mainly lemon balm, and had many therapeutic uses. The medicine was exported all over the world, and the proceeds from its sale went to the needs of the monastery.

Currently, the monastery, whose history goes back more than a century, remains active. Seminary also recently revived. The monastery church, as they say, is possible if desired. visit. This is possible during services, which take place on ordinary days at 7:30, 12:00 and 19:00, on holidays and Sundays at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 19:00 and 20:00, and on the days before holidays at 12:00, 19:00 and 20:00. It is possible, however, that this information is out of date. At least for us get inside failed. We did not find any information about the schedule of services anywhere on the doors of the monastery. However, the interior of the temple is quite simple: nothing from the original decoration has been preserved, since everything was destroyed during the Civil War.

In this bird's-eye view you can see the location of the Carmelite monastery and the Monastery church with the altar chapel on the map of Tarragona:

The Carmelite monastery is adjacent to Teresian school(El col legi de les Teresianes/Convent de les Teresianes), located next to it, directly on the corner Carrer de l'Assalt and New Rambla (both monastery complexes are separated by the street Carrer d'August - cm.). This attractive brick building is also included in Tarragona Modernism Route. Its impressive size testifies to the great importance that the order of Theresian nuns, which first settled here in 1876, once had in Tarragona.

Construction of this monastery college began in 1922 according to the design of Gaudí's faithful student, the Barcelona architect Bernardi Martorella (Bernardí Martorell i Puig) (1877-1937), who several years earlier had already built another monastery (it was a Cistercian monastery Santa Maria de Valdonzella in Barcelona). During the clearing of the site for the construction of the Tarragona Teresian monastery, a stone was discovered in the ground on which the name of Jesus was engraved in Gothic script. Currently, the stone is in a museum located in Tarragona.

During the Civil War, construction was interrupted (at that time there was a hospital, a warehouse and a number of other institutions; the completed parts of the building were badly damaged by air strikes) and were completed only in the late 40s, after the death of the architect (after the war, work, by the way, , was occupied by the famous Josep Maria Jujol, and then by his son; the right half of the building dates back to a later time). You can watch an interesting virtual photo tour dedicated to the history of the college. The building currently houses a school (official website). The chapel hosts concerts and weddings. Address: Rambla Nova, 79-91.

The main structural element is exposed brickwork, which gives the building a special texture and shade. The capitals of the columns forming the fence along the main facade are made of green ceramics (pots of flowers were placed here, which can be seen to this day). Green tiles are also used to decorate the ridge ends of two side projections that frame the façade like rectangular towers. The symmetrical façade itself faces the New Rambla. Its central portico is decorated with parabolic arches, showing the clear influence of Gaudí. Along each floor there is a row of windows of a peculiar geometric configuration, forming a special rhythm of the facade. In the lobby on the ground floor, the visitor is greeted by typically Gaudian columns, reminiscent of the halls. The whole complex, including the façade, vestibule and chapel, is reminiscent of another Theresian school ( Col legi de les Teresianes), built in Barcelona according to the design of Antoni Gaudi in 1888-1889.

After seeing both monastery complexes, we again went to the New Rambla, where already at 10 in the morning a nationwide marathon race took place on the occasion. We walked a little further, after which we turned to the main city square - ( Plaza de la Font).

For other attractions of the New Rambla (unusual monuments), read Second Walk in Tarragona (Part 2): Central Market and Surroundings):


On our website you can also do it for free. The map shows the names of all streets, squares, parks, the location of the bus station and railway station of Tarragona, tourist information points and a large shopping complex Parc Central. The map also shows the main attractions of Tarragona, a list of which is given below.

Attractions on the Tarragona map:
1. Model of Roman Tarraco (2nd century AD) ( Maqueta Tarraco romana)
2. House of Kastelarnau (XIV-XVIII centuries) ( Casa Museu Castellarnau)
3. Area of ​​the provincial forum (1st century AD) ( Forum Provincial)
4. Archaeological route (Roman walls, medieval and modern fortifications) ( Passeig Arqueològic-Muralles)
5. Portal of Sant'Antoni (XVIII century) ( Portal of Sant Antoni)
6. House of Canals (2nd century BC - 19th century AD) ( Casa Canals)
7. Ancient hospital (Council of the District of Tarragona) (XII-XIV centuries) ( Antic Hospital de Santa Tecla, Consell Comarcal)
8. Cathedral (XII-XIV centuries) and cathedral museum ( Catedral i Museu Diocesà)
9. Gothic arches (XIV century) ( Voltes getiques)
10. Area of ​​the provincial forum (1st century AD) ( Forum Provincial)
11. Museum of Modern Art (XIX-XX centuries) ( Museu d'Art Modern)
12. Jewish quarter (XIV century) ( Call jueu)
13. National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT) ( Museu Nacional Arqueològic (MNAT))
14. Roman praetorium (1st century AD) (tower called Pilate’s palace) ( Pretori romà)
15. Roman circus (1st century AD) ( Circ romà)
16. Balcony of the Mediterranean (XIX century) ( Balco del Mediterrani)
17. Roman amphitheater (2nd century AD) ( Amphitheater Roma)
18. Local Roman forum (1st century AD) ( Forum Local roma)
19. Monument to Castells (XX century) ( Monument als Castells)
20. Museum of Early Christianity and Necropolis (MNAT) ( Museu i Necròpolis Paleocristians (MNAT))
21. Early Christian ensemble of Francoli (5th century AD), shopping center Parc Central (Conjunt paleocristia del Francoli - Parc Central)
22. Marine area El Serrallo ( Barri mariner E Serrallo)
23. Tarragona Port Museum ( Museu del Port de Tarragona)

Here is a detailed map of Tarragona with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In what country is the city of Tarragona located?

Tarragona is located in Spain. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Tarragona coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

An interactive map of Tarragona with attractions and other tourist attractions is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the “Map” mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed map of roads with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Tarragona. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

The heart of the Costa Dorada and the capital of the province of the same name in the Kingdom of Spain is the city of Tarragona, which attracts tourists with its historical attractions. In 2000, it was rightfully included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In addition to its historical value, the city is a major port, industrial and commercial center. Located 98 km from Barcelona, ​​Tarragona attracts tourists eager to experience the history of the Roman Empire, as well as sun and beach lovers.

A long time ago, many centuries ago...

The first mentions of inhabitants in the Tarragona lands come at the end of the 6th century. In the hills of what is now the pearl of the Costa Dorada, an Iberian tribe lived in a settlement called Kesse. In 218 BC. e. the said settlement was conquered by the Romans under the leadership of Publius Cornelius Scipio.

At the place where the tribe lived, a fortification structure was built, which was called Tarraco, which means Fortress in Spanish. In 45 BC. e. Julius Caesar gave the city the status of capital of the province of Near Spain, which already in 27 BC. e. was called Tarraconian Spain.

National flag of Spain and the Autonomous Region of Catalonia

The period of the city's revival began in 25-26 BC. e. This is the time when Octavian Augustus was in the capital of the Roman Empire. The industry of the former province went uphill. Defensive walls, an amphitheater, two forums and an aqueduct were erected. The city's population increased to 40 thousand inhabitants. The fall of Tarraco coincided with the fall of the Roman Empire.

More than one generation of modern Tarragona has had to endure wars and battles. Today, the largest seaport is located there, and the tourism industry is developing.

View of Tarragona cruise port

How to get to Tarragona

We will describe how you can get (several routes) to the historical center of the Costa Dorada - Tarragona.

From Barcelona

There is a direct bus from Barcelona Airport to Tarragona from Terminal T1 every hour. The fare is 14.95 euros. Travel time – 1 hour.

Direct buses depart to Tarragona and from Barcelona bus station; they take a little longer - 1.5 hours. But the ticket price is lower - 10 euros. You can order travel receipts without leaving your home on the official website

Barcelona Northern Bus Station Estació del Nord

The most comfortable form of transport that will take you to the historical center of the Costa Dorada is the train. It goes to Tarragona from Sants train station.

You can purchase tickets at any time of the day by using the service for selecting travel documents and buying tickets for the Barcelona - Tarragona train. The schedule includes many flights, the journey of which takes from 62 to 89 minutes. The ticket price will be approximately 8 euros.

Barcelona Sants Train Station / Sants Estació

If you are not used to traveling by public transport, a taxi is at your service. The distance from Barcelona to Tarragona is 98 km. The car covers this path in approximately 1 hour 20 minutes. Payment is by meter and is approximately 132 euros.

Beaches of Tarragona

View from the Mediterranean Balcony (left): the city beach is located below

The city's 15 km coastline makes it possible to accommodate a huge number of beaches in Tarragona. You will learn about the ways to get to them and their features from the table:

Beach name


Beach Features

Platja Del Miracle / Comandància Bus number 10 (“Port Esportiu”) The length of the beach is 500 m; there are showers and toilets, as well as bars and cafes on the territory.
Cala Fonda Bus number 19 or 97 (stop “Mas Rabassa” – Camping Las Palmeras) Wild beach 200 m long,
Platja De L'arrabassada Bus number 1, 19 or 97 The length of the beach is 550 m. Standard set of services: toilets, showers, bars, cafes
Cala Romana O Dels Capellans Bus number 1, 19 or 97 The length of the beach is 60 m. Standard equipment on the territory: toilets, showers, bars, cafes
Cala De La Roca Plana for nudists Bus number 19 or 97 The length of the beach is 205 m. Standard equipment for vacationers: toilets, showers, bars, cafes. Protected area
Platja De Tamarit Bus number 97 The length of the beach is 1750 m. Standard equipment for those who like to bask in the sun: toilets, showers, bars, cafes. Protected area
Platja De La Mora Bus number 97 The length of the beach is 520 m. Standard tourist equipment: toilets, showers, bars, cafes. Protected area

In order for a trip to Spain and a holiday in Tarragona to bring positive emotions, you need to study in advance so that the weather is sunny and warm without precipitation.

If you are lucky enough to visit Tarragona in winter, we recommend visiting the world-famous carnival, which takes place from February 14 to 21.

You can see an overview of the most popular resorts in Spain.

Cuisine and restaurants

The geographical location of the city makes it possible for the owners of restaurants and all kinds of cafes to offer tourists the gifts of the Mediterranean Sea, which are caught on the day of preparation.

If you decide to have lunch in the fishing quarter of El Serrallo, you can enjoy the taste

Seasonal dishes are also found in catering establishments. For example, calçotada is served from January to April. This exotic name goes to sweet green onions cooked over an open fire with Romesco sauce.

Tarragona Hotels

In Tarragona, like in any other tourist center, the hotel business is developed. The owners offer accommodation for every taste and budget. There are 84 hotels in the city center, the rest are within a radius of 8.7 km. Let's present some of the hotels in Tarragona in Spain in the table below:

The name of the hotel


Room rates


Husa Imperial Tarraco 4* 24-hour registration and guest service department,
press delivery,
express check-in/check-out,
luggage office,
breakfast in the room,
currency exchange,
car rental,
tour agency,
paid parking
The most economical room for two will cost from 3800 rubles.
A luxury room for two will cost around 7,700 rubles
SB Express Tarragona 3* Elevator,
car rental,
tour agency,
The cost of a standard room for two is about 3100 rubles Not far from the center
Mercure Atenea Aventura Facilities for disabled guests,
24-hour reception,
Smoking is prohibited on site and in the hotel,
smoking areas,
non-smoking rooms,
currency exchange,
room service,
organization of excursions,
The cost of a standard room is from 2800 rubles 8.6 km from center
Hostal Noria 2* Internet,
room service
Single room price from 1500 rubles 553 m from center

Tarragona hotels are famous for their good service at relatively low prices. In general, room prices remain almost at the same level.

Prices increase significantly in March, and, on the contrary, decrease in October. 40 days before your trip you can book a hotel room with a 37% discount.


The central part of the city is built up with various shops and various shops. It sells clothing, shoes and accessories from European and American manufacturers.

Along with everyone else, Spanish manufacturers present an assortment of the most famous clothing brands such as Roberto Verino, Armand Basi, Massimo Dutti, Pikolinos, MIRTO, Mayoral and many others. Spanish products under the brands Bershka, Zara, Mango, Springfield, Oysho, Stradivarius are rightfully considered the most affordable..

The most favorable time for this is the second half of the day, when the sun is no longer so bright. The main shopping centers are Park Central and El Corte Inglés. They are located in the center, a 5-minute walk from the bus station. Prices in stores are acceptable for almost all income levels.

There are discounts (rebajas) in the country, both summer and winter. The peak of discounts occurs in the summer, when goods can be purchased 70-80% cheaper.


When traveling to Spain, do not forget to include the city of Tarragona in your itinerary. After all, it was here that two currents managed to intertwine: modernity and antiquity. The atmosphere, filled with historical spirit and a variety of panoramic landscapes, will not leave you indifferent.

Your holiday in Tarragona will be remembered for a lot of positive emotions, a beautiful tan and hundreds of colorful photos.

You can get acquainted with the impressions of experienced tourists about the holidays and attractions of Tarragona in the reviews of tourists.

Tarragona is the capital of the province of the same name, part of the autonomous region of Catalonia. The city, located 100 km south of Barcelona and stretching along the Costa Dorada for 14 km, is the oldest on the Iberian Peninsula. Its history goes back more than two thousand years. The architectural complex of Tarragona from the time of Roman rule is the largest in Spain and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Russians vacationing at the resorts of the “Golden Coast” rarely miss the opportunity to go on an excursion to the former capital of Roman Spain. Fortunately, the distances are small - from Cambrils, La Pineda, Salou, respectively, 17, 13 and 10 km, and trains and buses run frequently. Many tourists come even from Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, and Madrid.

For our readers, we have prepared a short guide to the main attractions of Tarragona and a story about how to get to the city more conveniently.

Coast of Tarragona.

Queen of past centuries

On the site of modern Tarragona in the 5th century. BC. there was an Iberian settlement called Kess. And in 218 BC. After the victory over the Carthaginians, the Romans reigned here and founded the Tarraco fortress. Just a hundred years later, the outback became the Great Roman Tarragona - the capital of the imperial province of Tarraconian Spain and all Roman possessions on the Iberian Peninsula.

In the 5th century AD The Visigoths came to Tarraco, plundered everything and destroyed almost everything, and after being captured by Arab troops in 714. the city has almost disappeared. It began to revive when it was reconquered by Christians in 1129, and in the Middle Ages it became the capital of the Kingdom of Aragon. But wars, epidemics, pirate raids (their main camp was in Salou), occupation by Napoleonic troops again led to destruction, hunger and poverty.

Scale model of the city of Tarraco - this is how it was in the 2nd century AD.

Now Tarragona has almost 140 thousand inhabitants. It is an important economic and cultural center of the region and an increasingly popular resort.

How to get there

Tarragona is easy to get to from anywhere on the Catalan coast, along which there are a railway and three motorways - the free N-340 and the toll A-2 and A-7.

During the holiday season from 7-8 am to 10:30 pm with an interval of about 30 minutes. From the resorts of the Costa Dorado, regular buses of the company Empresa Plana run on the route Cambrils - Salou-Cap Salou - La Pineda - Tarragona. Travel times from Cambrils, Salou and La Pineda are 50, 40 and 15 minutes. Buses going to Barcelona Airport and along the route Cambrils - Salou - La Pineda - Bonavista - Tarragona - Barcelona are also suitable.

In Salou and Cambrils you can take the bus at any stop, in La Pineda - at the stop on Passeig de Pau Casals. From the Salou bus station (located near the monument to Jaime I) there is an express bus “Ràpid”, which takes 15-20 minutes.

By car, if there are no traffic jams, the journey from Cambrils will take 15-20 minutes, from Salou - 10-15 minutes.

Tarragona can be reached by bus, train or train.

“In Tarragona, there is always space in the underground municipal parking lot. It is easy to find by following the signs. Driving through the narrow streets is a chore; it’s better to walk. I don’t recommend leaving your car where you have to - they’ll drag it away on a tow truck and you’ll have to pay at least 150 euros.”

“One day would be enough to explore Tarragona and go shopping. But we traveled from Salou several times by train - less than 15 minutes, and by bus - 30-40 minutes. Buses to Reus pass through Salou and Cambrils, so it takes longer than 10 minutes. they never waited - they sat on any one with the inscription “Tarragona”.

We went to the beach in the morning and left in the afternoon. We calmly looked at everything, visited museums, went shopping. We learned about the Pobles Monastery from reviews, went and didn’t regret it.”

To travel by public transport, it is profitable to buy a T-10 pass for 10 trips and use it with the whole family. Tarjeta Bono Bus costs 12 euros and is valid on buses and trains in the first zone - this includes Salou, La Pineda, Cambrils and Tarragona. One trip will cost 1.2 euros, and the driver will have to pay 2 euros for a ticket.

You can get to Tarragona by sea and at the same time look at the picturesque bays and beaches. On Tuesdays, a boat departs from Cambrils at 09:30, stops in Salou at 10:00 and arrives in the port of Tarragona at 11:10. On the return trip the boat departs at 17:00 and arrives in Salou at 17:45, in Cambrils at 18:15.

Trains run between Barcelona and Tarragona every 20-30 minutes.(travel time - 1 hour 45 minutes. Minimum ticket price - 4.15 euros), an express bus runs up to 7 times a day (one-way ticket - from 7.9 euros). There are convenient bus and train connections to Alicante, Valencia, and Madrid.

Intercity bus to Tarragona.

How to navigate

The Camp de Tarragona train station is located on the seashore, a 10-15 minute walk from the center. At approximately the same distance is the bus station, but in the opposite part of the city - in the northeast, on the Imperial Tarraco Square.


Rambla Vella (Old Rambla) - a boulevard with a wide pedestrian area - divides the city in two. In the northern part there are historical quarters, in the southern part there are new quarters with Rambla Nova. It runs parallel to the Old Rambla from the bus station to the sea - in fact, to the Mediterranean Balcony (more about it below).

The tradition of Castellers (building towers with people) was born in Tarragona. Monument of people to the castellers on Rambla Nova. The monument is made up of 219 sculptures. Its height is 11 meters.

Monuments of three eras

There are so many historical sites on the map of Tarragona that the local tourism office has developed 3 walking routes according to eras - the Roman period, the Middle Ages and modernism.

The main attractions are located very compactly in the northern part - in the Old Town. The remains of ancient Roman buildings are adjacent to medieval buildings, examples of Catalan Baroque and Art Nouveau.
We will tell you about what is worth seeing in Tarragona, and in what order - decide for yourself.

Modern gladiator fight in the arena of an ancient amphitheater.

Antique Tarraco

For six centuries the city was part of the Roman Empire and flourished - the population grew to 40 thousand, powerful defensive walls, the emperor's residence, and other monumental structures were erected, and a road to Rome was built.

Roman Forum and Amphitheater

Amfiteatre roma is an archaeological pearl of the entire coast. An oval-shaped structure measuring 109.5 * 86.5 m, built around the 2nd century. AD on the seashore, accidentally found during archaeological excavations in 1952. Gladiator fights, celebrations, and theatrical performances took place here.

Part of the stands and fragments of a 140-meter rock inscription in the southern sector have been preserved. Entrance - 3 euros. From the amphitheater you can take an elevator to a beautiful and well-kept park - Parc de I’Amfiteatre roma.

Roman circus

Circ roma, located in the Old Rambla area, appeared in the 1st century. AD under Emperor Domitian. Up to the 5th century. In this huge ellipse-shaped structure, 325 m long and 115 m wide, designed for 20-30 thousand spectators, equestrian competitions and chariot races were held.

Most of the circus is hidden under buildings of the 19th century; the main portal, eastern stands, the attached Monks' Tower and the underground part have been preserved.

Area of ​​the local Roman Forum

The center of social life in Tarraco was the Forum Provincial (1st century). It was located on 18 hectares and consisted of two large squares, which were framed by administrative, religious and cultural buildings - curia, temples, shops of merchants and money changers. Part of the ancient Roman basilica and the remains of several houses have survived to this day.

The complex is open daily from 10 to 21 hours, on Sundays - until 15 hours, ticket price - 3.15 euros.

Remains of the ancient walls of the Forum Provincial (1st century) at the Plaza del Forum.

Passeig Arqueologic - Archaeological promenade

The remains of Roman walls surrounding the quarters of the Old Town are the oldest example of ancient military architecture in Spain. The defensive wall, 6 m high, 4.5 m wide and 3.5 km long, was built BC. - in 217-197 In 1709, new walls 4 km long and 10 m high were erected around the old walls.

Between the two rings of fortifications there is a walking alley 4.5 m wide and about 600 m long. There you can see gates, ancient Roman watchtowers, fortifications and 18th-century guns. and it's nice to stroll among the palms and cypresses.

The promenade is open from 9 am to 9 pm, from October 1 to April 1 - until 7 pm, closed on Monday. Entrance ticket - 3 euros, for children under 16 years of age admission is free.

Walk along Passeig Arqueologic past ancient tools.

Necropolis of the first Christians

To the west of the Roman Forum, near the Francoli River, there is a Christian necropolis (III-V centuries), nearby is the Museum of Early Christianity.

The museum's opening hours in spring and summer are from 10:00 to 20:00, in autumn and winter - until 17:00, break -13:30-15:00, closed on Mondays.

Middle Ages

The old quarters of Tarragona are very picturesque and have preserved a special medieval atmosphere and the spirit of old Spain.


The highest part of the city is the top of the hill. First there was the ancient Roman Temple of Jupiter, later - the oldest Christian church in Spain (382), an Arab mosque, and, finally, Tarragona Cathedral. The Catedral de Santa María de Tarragona was built from 1171 to 1331. and became the main one in Catalonia,- here, and not in Barcelona, ​​was the residence of the bishop.

When there is a service, you can go inside through the main portal from Cathedral Square. At other times - through the side portal on the street de les Escrivanis Velles.

The ticket office is located right behind the portal; when purchasing a ticket (adult - 5 euros, for children 7-16 years old - 3 euros, and kids are free, audio guide - 2 euros), tourists are given a plan and description of the cathedral.

With this ticket you can go to diocesan museum. It contains over 6 thousand exhibits, of which about three hundred are on display, but what kind! Gothic altars, church sculpture, paintings, liturgical utensils and vestments, religious jewelry from the Renaissance and Baroque era, manuscripts and books of chorales, a large collection of Brussels tapestries of the 15th-17th centuries.

Pilate's Castle

The Praetoria Palace was built on Roman foundations in the medieval era for the Roman governor who ruled the province of Tarraco. It is called Pilate's palace. Until the 16th century, this was the residence of the Aragonese kings, and then a prison. Now there is an observation deck on the tower, from where you can take the best photos of the panorama of the city and the coast.

The Palace of Pilate (Roman Praetorium) is located on the Royal Square. Built around 70 BC during the reign of Augustus Caesar.

Cathedral Square

Near the cathedral - one of the most interesting buildings in the Roman-Gothic style is the hospital of St. Tecla (1171), now there is the Tarragona District Council.

The mansion of Casa Balcells until the end of the 16th century. served as the residence of the canon-steward of the Cathedral, and later royalty stayed here.

Nearby is a Gothic rector (XII-XV centuries). The main decorations of the building are a portal with a pointed arch and a four-part window.

Under the 14th-century Gothic pointed arches that unite several houses, Carrer Merceria was once a market for vegetables, and today a Sunday antique market.

Volta del Pallol - The Pallol Vaults on the square of the same name are the remains of the buildings of the provincial forum. In the Middle Ages there was a church here, from 1462 there was a Dominican monastery, and later the main granary - pallol. Now the building houses an exhibition hall in which a model of ancient Tarraco is shown for free.

Volta del Pallol is an exhibition hall within the ancient walls of a former monastery.

Palace of Casa Castellarnau

The Casa Castellarnau mansion was built in the 14th-15th centuries, and the exquisite interior interiors were created in the 18th-19th centuries. The building is notable for its mixture of Gothic and Renaissance styles.

Now the Kastelarnau mansion is a museum. On the top floor are the chambers of the aristocratic families of Catalonia - a library, a salon, a ballroom with famous ceiling paintings on mythological themes. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Fridays and Saturdays until 9 p.m., closed on Mondays. Ticket price - 3 euros.

The lower floor is at the disposal of the Museum of the History of Tarragona(open for visits from 10 to 21 o'clock, on Sundays - until 15 o'clock, Monday - closed).

Along the route of modernism

The architecture of the era of the Industrial Revolution is presented very vividly in Tarragona - the buildings erected here at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries are often mentioned in textbooks on architecture.

Balco del Mediterrani

The most picturesque place is an observation deck on a coastal hill 23 m high. The townspeople call it the “Mediterranean Balcony” and come here to stroll and “touch the iron” of the beautiful wrought iron fence (tocar ferro) - they say it brings good luck. From here you have a wonderful view: all the surroundings are in full view.

View of Tarragona from the Balcó del Mediterrani.

Modern in Catalan

Fans of Art Nouveau aesthetics will find many noteworthy objects to explore:

  • Casa de la Punxa (1911-1929) - a building decorated with a cylindrical tower, an openwork stone balustrade, and images of fantastic creatures. Now the city Chamber of Commerce is located there.
  • In the courtyard-patio of the City Hall - it is on Plaça de la Font - there is a monument to King Jaime I. The unusual monument is made in the form of a ship sailing on the waves.
  • The unusual façade of the house on Plaça dels Sedassos is painted as an imitation of a typical 19th-century Catalan house, and traditional characters from local festivals are painted on the balconies. Due to optical illusion, the image appears three-dimensional.

Painted facade of a house on Placa dels Sedassos.

  • The monastic complex of the Discalced Carmelites with a sharp spire, an openwork octagonal “lantern”, an elegantly decorated neo-Gothic spire and a unique church in the Catalan Art Nouveau style.
  • Next to the monastery is the impressive building of the Teresian School (1922), designed by the architect Bernardi Martorell, a student of Gaudí.
  • The three-story bullring (1883-1888) for 9 thousand spectators is reminiscent of the Roman Colosseum, but is designed in the Art Nouveau spirit with elements of neo-Moorish style. Bullfighting is no longer held, but the arena hosts concerts, theatrical performances and sporting events.
  • The most beautiful house in the city is Casa Salas on La Rambla Nueva.
  • The Casa Canals palace is one of the most interesting in terms of architecture and interior decoration - rich interiors of the 19th century, ancient paintings, and an observation deck on the terrace.
  • Central market Mercado Publico (1915) - in the Lower Town.
  • In the city park there is a dilapidated, but very beautiful Villa Sant Raphael, in the art nouveau style - ornaments, bas-reliefs, inlays, ceramics, openwork forged balustrade.

Villa La Quinta Sant Rafael is located in the city park Parc de la Ciutat.

Trenet Turistic

If you are traveling with children who find it difficult to walk for a long time, or have little time to explore, you can take a sightseeing tour of the main attractions of Tarragona on the red tourist train - Trenet Turístic. The train of several open carriages runs along the sea to the port, past the Mediterranean balcony, then rises to the historical center to Pla de la Seu.

The starting and final stop of the train is at Rambla Vella, 200 m from the bus station. There are two options - ride one lap (40 minutes) or ride all day, getting in and out at any of the 10 stops on the route. Ticket for a single trip - 6 euros, children under 12 years old - 3 euros, ticket for the whole day - 7 euros, for children - 4 euros. During the summer season (from June 16 to September 14) the train runs every 20 minutes. from 10:30 to 18:30.

Trenet Turístic is the ideal solution for sightseeing in Tarragona.

Tatyana Yashina, Barnaul:

“I went with my two-year-old son to Tarragona. I was worried - it was my first time abroad, we didn’t speak the language. We arrived from Salou by bus, at the bus station an employee in a green vest explained that you need to go through the bus station and there will be a stop for the excursion train. Tickets are sold at Bus Plana kiosks, but I bought them from the driver. The train has an audio guide in 8 languages, including Russian. The cabins in the train are comfortable and spacious, the stroller fits perfectly, but the seats are a bit hard.”

Tickets for the tourist train can be purchased at the Rambla Vella ticket office or from the driver.

Helpful information

With a single Entrada conjunta als recintes ticket you can visit all Roman monuments, the palaces of Castellarnau and the Canals. The ticket costs 10.55 euros and is valid until the end of the year, so you don’t have to see everything at once.

There is one more An option to save money is the Tarragona Card for visiting 22 attractions and museums. They are sold in tourist offices, hotels, all museums and online and come for 24, 48 or 72 hours (cost 14, 19 and 24 euros respectively). The cards come with tickets for free travel on public transport in the first zone. But that's not all - discounts of up to 20% are provided in shops and spa centers, on taxi fares, in more than 50 restaurants and bars, on tickets to amusement parks, Aqualeon and Aquapolis.

Do you want to save money and see all the sights, and also get a discount in restaurants? Then purchase a Tarragona Card for 24, 48 or 72 hours.

Lidiya, Krasnoyarsk:

“We read in reviews that in Tarragona there are often promotions for sightseeing, and on holidays almost everywhere admission is free or at a reduced price. Last year there was a program for tourists from the “northern countries” for several days and we saw the Roman monuments and the Castellarnau Palace for free.”


So our short tour of Tarragona has ended. But you can continue it on your own - wander through the medieval quarters away from the tourist trails, go to museums, walk along both Ramblas lined with palm trees and tangerine trees, walk along the beautiful embankment, visit one of the fish restaurants in the seaside area of ​​​​El Serrallo.

El Serraglo embankment.

So, if you are nearby or just within reach, go to Tarragona and, of course, we are waiting for your feedback!

Lyubov Gladkova

Catalan Tarragona has been known to historians since the time of the ancient Iberians, who settled on the east coast of modern Spain, starting in the 3rd millennium BC. and in the 5th century BC. founded the settlement of Kesse here. It was later captured by the ancient Romans.

The settlement on the site of modern Taragonna truly flourished in the 2nd-3rd centuries AD, when an amphitheater, a circus, and powerful fortress walls were built here, which have survived to this day and have become historical and cultural monuments.

Other attractions of Tarragona are the beautiful beaches of the Costa Dorada, the gentle sun of Catalonia, the azure Mediterranean Sea and excellent tourist infrastructure. Tarragona really has something to see and where to relax.

The main attractions of Tarragona

You can explore many of Tarrangona's attractions on your own by purchasing or downloading a map of the city and its monuments. We bring to your attention a brief description of the attractions of Tarragona with photos and names.

This city was the residence of the Roman emperors Augustus and Hadrian. Therefore, in the 2nd century, an amphitheater was built here on the seashore, where the Romans and local barbarians entertained themselves with gladiator fights, wild animals, executions and torture.

The Roman amphitheater can accommodate 13 thousand people. It was discovered and excavated by archaeologists only in the middle of the 20th century. Today it is one of the best and most visited tourist attractions in Tarragona and throughout Spain.

This Catholic cathedral is a monument of early Gothic architecture. It is located in the old part of Tarragona and is dedicated to Saint Thecla. Construction of the temple began at the end of the 12th century, and the first architects assumed that it would be a fortress.

The temple was consecrated only in the first half of the 14th century. As a result, a combination of Romanesque and Gothic styles was found in its architecture. Later, Baroque and Renaissance extensions were added. There is a museum at the cathedral.

This is the city's main pedestrian street, where there are many cafes, restaurants, shops, and boutiques. Residents of Tarragona and guests of this wonderful city can enjoy beautiful examples of architecture and sculpture here.

Rambla Nova is the calling card of the city. Here you will fully see and feel its beauty and sophistication, learn more about the history and culture of the Catalan people and will probably never forget Catalonia.

This circus was built in the 1st century AD. In ancient times, horse and chariot races were held here. Later, spectators came here to watch theatrical performances. The solemn events of Tarragona were also celebrated here.

The circus was designed for 37 thousand spectators, and was built according to all the rules of the architecture of such structures. Today it is simply an ancient ruin, inside which stands the sarcophagus of Hippolytus, son of Theseus. The Roman circus is on the UNESCO list.

In the 2nd century BC. A high and powerful wall was erected around the settlement of Kesse to protect and define boundaries, which later became a landmark of Tarragona and all of Spain. Today any tourist can explore it.

The fortress wall has only been partially preserved. Previously, its length was 3.5 km, today it is only 1.1 km. It surrounds the entire Old Town and is an important part of the popular Archaeological Route, which includes all the Roman antiquities of Tarragona.

The museum's exhibition includes many archaeological finds from Tarragona and the entire province: figurines, ceramics, Roman mosaics, weapons, coins and other heritage of Ancient Rome. Here you can get acquainted with the ancient history and culture of this city.

The Archaeological Museum of Tarragona was opened in the mid-19th century and today is considered the oldest museum in Catalonia. It continues to develop and be replenished with new unique artifacts from the history of the city.

This medieval palace is a must see in Tarragona. It was built in the 15th century in the old town and later rebuilt in the Baroque style. Today the palace has turned into a museum where you can feel the spirit of several historical eras of Spain.