Top 10 vacation spots in Crimea. Where is the cleanest sea in Crimea: reviews from tourists. Where do young people vacation in Crimea?

The rating was compiled by the website, the survey was conducted at checkpoints to Crimea: port "Caucasus", Armyansk, Chongar and airport "Simferopol".
At each point, 1,300 questionnaires were collected, the sample was 5,200 people. 4,479 people were treated - 56% women and 44% men. The age of the audience is from 21 to 63 years.
The main condition of the survey was the exclusion of the local population of Crimea from the survey in order to obtain an objective result of the preferences of guests of the peninsula.
The purpose of the survey is to determine the rating, according to tourists, of the best places to relax in Crimea.

Rating of the best cities according to guests of Crimea

It rightfully takes first place. The popularization of the resort began in the 18th century by the Romanov royal family and noble noble families of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Every noble family considered it their duty to build at least a small estate in Crimea, not to mention such masterpieces as the Livadia, Vorontsov, and Massandra palaces.
The Yalta embankment is to this day the most visited place in Crimea. Thousands of people take their evening stroll before bed or a stormy night. Cypress trees, plane trees, palm trees, cozy benches, fountains, warm sea wind and the sound of the sea - this is only a small part of the overall picture of the Yalta embankment.
The embankments, parks, castles and historical places of Yalta still attract many tourists and vacationers to this beautiful city.

Starting with Maximilian Voloshin, the village simply attracts creative youth. It is the unofficial capital of nudists. In the water area of ​​the village there is the most beautiful extinct volcano Kara-Dag and the Golden Gate near it. The beaches in Koktebel are made of large pebbles and there is practically no sand, due to which the water is clear almost all the time. .

Children's health resort of Crimea. The variety of beaches, from small pebbles to the purest white sand, temples, mosques, history dating back to the ancient city of Kerkinitis, built by the Greeks in the 5th century BC, give Evpatoria the legal right to occupy third place in the ranking of the best cities in Crimea. Two water parks, a dolphinarium, and attractions at every turn make the city an ideal place for a family vacation.

Alushta is the first big city on the road from Simferopol to Yalta. A large number of sanatoriums and hotels made this place extremely attractive for tourists. Accommodation prices have always been lower than in Yalta. The presence of a water park, a dolphinarium, aquariums and many entertainment venues attract a large number of tourists from all over the world.

The city of military glory with the ruins of the ancient city of Chersonesus, the baptism of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus', and many other historical heritage deservedly occupies fifth place in the ranking. Sevastopol today has the largest number of monuments and attractions stretching from antiquity to the present day. The atmosphere of the city of Sevastopol is very different from the entire Crimea. For a relatively short period of time, in relation to other resort cities, Sevastopol is open to tourists. Local residents have not yet been imbued with the spirit of commerce and live in their own beautiful and heroic world, full of battles, city defenses, battles for every street. There are memorials, museums, dioramas and panoramas at almost every step.

One of the most ancient cities in the world. The city is steeped in history and has many historical attractions. Wonderful beaches, mountain air and juniper groves make this city not only one of the oldest, but also one of the most amazing cities in the world.

A small village on the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula. He rightfully considers the Foros Church, built on a steep cliff rising high above the city, to be its most beautiful attraction. Foros is also famous for some of the cleanest beaches in Crimea. The absence of large cities, industry and ports makes this corner of Crimea practically a protected area.

It certainly took its place in the ranking because of its unusual bay, in which even in the most severe storm at sea, the water waves do not even reach level 1. In a small area of ​​the city there are not enough attractions. A submarine base, a Genoese fortress, one of the oldest churches in Crimea and much more. The city is one of the ten best places to visit in Crimea.

One of the most cozy villages on the Crimean coast, even Mount Cat lies on its coast. Calm, quiet village. Couples in love have long chosen it for its romance and silence. A large coastline, clean beaches, a relatively short distance from the main attractions of the southern coast of Crimea make this place the golden mean between Yalta and Alushta.

The village of Partenit closes the ranking. One of the calling cards of Crimea, Bear Mountain, is located right here. Partenit is also famous for its beaches and coastal area. The village is most often associated with family and quiet holidays. After 21:00 the village becomes quiet, only coastal establishments accept overnight guests, and for the most part these are small and cute restaurants with sea views.

The best cities of Crimea, epilogue

Additional facts about the best cities of Crimea

21% of respondents visit Crimea for the first time, 44% of respondents regularly visit Crimea, regardless of the political and economic situation in the country.
The leading answer (89%) to the question: “Why did you choose Crimea?” was the answer: “Nature and climate.”
To the question: “What irritates you most in Crimea?” 64% answered: “Road and service.”
At the Caucasus crossing point, to the question: “Are there any changes for the better in the work of the crossing compared to last year?” 97% highly rated the organization of the crossing this year.
The main purpose of the rating is to track the opinions, moods and preferences of guests of Crimea, the trend and dynamics of the development of the peninsula in new history.

The best cities of Crimea on the map

According to climatic conditions Crimea is suitable for all holidaymakers. In this regard, those who have not yet been to Crimea, but are planning a trip, have a logical question: where is the best place to relax in Crimea in the summer of 2019? Many tourists consider holidays on the peninsula expensive and compare costs with foreign resorts, but still, if you take into account the cost of flights and paperwork, the cost of a holiday on the domestic peninsula is significantly lower. Let's look at how to make good use of your time on the peninsula this summer.

Where you can relax in Crimea in 2019

In addition to hotels and boarding houses, rational travelers prefer to stay in a campsite or rent housing from local residents in the private sector and this practice, by the way, is completely justified.

On a note: Housing in the private sector is also rented by Crimeans themselves, who come not to the seashore for holidays or weekends.

As for the beaches themselves, the length of sand and pebble beaches on the peninsula is 343 km. A large number of ancient monuments and excursion areas are concentrated in different parts of Crimea. Therefore, vacationers often manage to visit all four parts of the republic in a week: the Southern, Eastern, Western coast of Crimea and even its central part with the capital Simferopol and the former residence of the Crimean khans - Bakhchisarai.

Advantages of holidays on the southern coast of Crimea: tips for tourists

This part of the peninsula is the most popular among vacationers, as a large number of sanatoriums and children's health camps are concentrated here. Also, this side attracts with the warmest climate. Often residents of megacities go to winter Yalta for the New Year holidays. The air temperature on the South Coast does not drop below zero, so at this time you can visit attractions and enjoy walks along the sparsely populated coast.


In the summer, everyone, both partygoers and family groups, prefer to relax on the southern coast of Crimea. The most popular resort cities are Yalta, Alushta, Alupka, Simeiz. In addition to sanatoriums, mandatory places to visit are the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, a crocodile farm, aquariums, etc. There are a large number of open-air discos and nightclubs for young people.

Yalta has a large number of palaces and cathedrals that are simply impossible to get around in one vacation. Therefore, lovers of cultural entertainment tend to settle near the city every summer in order to gradually explore the rich heritage.


Not far from Yalta is Alushta, a small town with a pebble beach and a large number of entertainment venues. The cultural capital of Crimea can be reached by trolleybus in just half an hour, so families and tourists who prefer to combine calm beaches with an active excursion program prefer to relax in this town.


Diving enthusiasts definitely choose Sudak because of the large number of water caves and tunnels. This small town is quite calm; its biggest attraction is the ancient Genoese Fortress, the exhibition hall of which houses a large number of valuable artifacts. Every year in the summer a knight's festival is held, where you can admire medieval military entertainment. In addition to watching the competitions of participants from all CIS countries, spectators have the opportunity to try on armor and purchase unusual souvenirs in the form of handicrafts or pottery. The most interesting events take place at the end of July.


Balaclava is also preferred by divers. This small cozy town is located near Sevastopol. In Soviet times, this city was closed to tourists; only local residents could enjoy the beauty of the bay near the rocky coast. Nowadays, after visiting the Genoese fortress, tourists walk through the territory of the former secret military base. This town has everything you need for a comfortable family holiday: cozy boarding houses, a large number of stone, pebble and sand beaches. Here you can go fishing and wander through ancient ruins.

There are a large number of ethnic restaurants on the embankment where you can taste fresh Crimean fish.

Video: The southern coast of Crimea from a bird's eye view

What cities are worth seeing on the Western Bank of Crimea

When traveling along the western side in order to have a good break from everyday life and work, you should definitely visit the historical city of Chersonesos. Here is the Vladimir Cathedral and the ruins of an ancient settlement. Now it is a large reserve on the territory of which archaeologists work.

Tourists choose the West Coast to restore their health. Due to the absence of forests, the air is maximally saturated with salts and ions. There are a large number of medical sanatoriums specializing in procedures based on mineral waters and mud.


In Soviet times, the resort town of Evpatoria was famous for its children's health camps. Their construction was facilitated by sandy beaches and shallow waters. Nowadays, vacationers are increasingly choosing this city for themselves, since over the entire period of its development a very good infrastructure has been formed here. Holidays in Evpatoria are much cheaper than in resorts in the South Coast. Due to the shallow water, the water warms up much faster, so the swimming season in Evpatoria is much longer.

The most popular attractions in this city are the Turkish baths, built 5 centuries ago. Now this place is visited only for viewing, since these ancient structures are in a dilapidated state.

During a trip to Yevpatoria, it is recommended to visit the Armenian Church built in the 19th century. This city is also famous for its love of theater. In the summer, the actors of the theater of living statues stage unforgettable performances, which have recently become the hallmark of the health resort city.


The city of Saki in Soviet times was popular among wheelchair users. Now in this area there are a large number of sanatoriums specializing in different directions. Saki, in addition to the sea, is famous for its salt lakes, in which medicinal mud is obtained that is used for any disease. The beaches are mostly sandy, so this city is chosen by families with children and anyone who has not yet learned to swim.

What does Northern Crimea offer to tourists?

People most often come to northern and central Crimea for the excursion program. There is undoubtedly picturesque nature and cultural heritage here, but there are no famous resorts, so the number of tourists here is much less. But still, avoiding stereotypes, the northern coast of Crimea has its own vacation spots, where a stay will cost much less.

There are no grandiose festivals or discos in this area, but small towns maintain comfortable temperatures even in the hottest months. In these parts you can enjoy solitude, breathe incredibly clean air and buy safe food from local farmers.

Where you can relax in the northern part of Crimea:

The northern part of Crimea can surprise you with its landscapes. Don't underestimate holidays in this area. Of course, there is no flavor of the South Coast here: palm trees, cypresses and other exotic vegetation, however, the landscapes will not leave anyone indifferent!


A small town, which is washed on one side by the Gulf of the Azov Sea by Lake Sivash, on the other by the Black Sea. Despite the fact that this city can be considered a small village, it has historical attractions - the Perekop fortifications built in the Middle Ages. Holidays in Armyansk are inexpensive for tourists.


A small village with the cleanest shell beach on the peninsula. Accommodation can be rented in small boarding houses, mini-hotels and local residents. This area is suitable for a relaxing holiday. All the necessary entertainment outlets and souvenir shops are present here. The disadvantages include the short duration of the swimming season from June to August. At the end of summer they swim to the shore.


An ideal place for a budget holiday for families with children. The flat sandy beach with a shallow bottom and healing waters saturated with iodine is attractive. Local healing clay effectively copes with most diseases. It is purchased by various mud baths for procedures, and village residents use it for free. A significant drawback in this area is the complete lack of tourist infrastructure. On the beaches you must take umbrellas and a complete set for relaxation. There is nothing in the village except several recreation centers, so people often travel to nearby cities.

Eastern Crimea: rich history

Eastern Crimea can surprise not only with its sights. There are beautiful white sandy beaches, quaint cliffs, quiet picturesque bays and large, amazingly beautiful mountains.

Port city of Feodosia

The most acceptable holiday option for a budget tourist and an active excursion program. Housing in Feodosia is much cheaper than at resorts on the South Coast. Besides the sea, there is a lot to see in this city. It is a large industrial and administrative center. Despite the presence of a port, the water in the sea is clean, except for the central beach, which is located near the railway.

Vacationers are also attracted by a large number of wild beaches; for lovers, there is also a nudist one. The coast in Feodosia is not rocky, but sandy. The influx of people is significantly less than on the southern side of the peninsula. Most tourists come to see the aeronautics festival in May.

In Feodosia there are more than a dozen sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of the respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems. You can also stay in mini-hotels, boarding houses or rent housing from local residents.

In addition to recreational activities, it is recommended to visit the most beautiful Museum Square in Crimea and the Tower of Constantine. Also in the city there are several museums of wax figures, antiquities, money and dedicated to the work of Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev.


Koktebel is a city of youth and creative individuals. In the summer, various music festivals are often held in this city, so vacationers will not be bored. The biggest attractions of Koktebel are the Karadag Nature Reserve, which can only be visited by booking an excursion. Also in this area is the famous Golden Gate rock. Vacationers pass through a mountain arch on a small boat and make their deepest wishes, which are sure to come true. The bottom of the sea near the rock is littered with coins.

The beaches in Koktebel are small-pebble and have a sandy bottom. This town was previously considered the cultural capital of Crimea, since the poet Maximilian Voloshin lived there. His house still hosts creative evenings and even the International Literary Festival.

City of creative people: Koktebel is a city of contrasts, where people come who, even on vacation, engage in their own self-education. Here you can study literature and biology in the reserve, where a large number of ancient exhibits are stored.

Families with children visit Koktebel for an excursion to the bird park to see what the world looked like millions of years ago. In addition to historical facts, you can admire the wild birds and animals that roam freely around the territory. Nearby is the famous one, where more than five dozen lions live. There are no cages here like in usual zoos; visitors watch the cats from high bridges. You can also visit the dolphinarium and water park with children.

In addition to cultural recreation in Koktebel, you can get rid of your complexes and become bolder. This is where the nudist beach is located. You can also try paragliding and enjoy beautiful views from high up.

New World

The most picturesque place on the entire peninsula. This village is famous for its landscape and state reserve. The area is covered with mountains, so there are no strong winds, the climate is uniform at any time of the year. Despite the proximity to Sudak, due to the rocky mountains that surround the New World, the water in the sea warms up much faster, so the swimming season here is longer. It is necessary to visit this village to get acquainted with the rare vegetation. Here you can admire the relict Sudak and curved Crimean pine, juniper.

Note for vacationers: Experienced tourists recommend settling in Sudak and coming to the New World to admire nature. The sand and pebble beaches in the village are not very well maintained and are not often cleaned, the bottom is too rocky, but if you wish, you can choose a good place to relax. There are no canopies on the beaches, so it is better to take an umbrella with you or wait out the midday heat in one of the cozy restaurants or on the territory of the reserve.

There is another opinion It is advisable to settle in a village, since the healing air saturated with juniper has a beneficial effect on the body. For vacationers, there are several options for choosing housing:

  • To live in a hotel. At the same time, all the necessary conditions for a shower, air conditioning, a nearby dining room and vital WiFi are provided. The disadvantage of this choice is the long distance to get to the sea;
  • Personal house in the forest. The healthiest choice for the body. Living in such conditions is cozy and romantic. The sea is much closer. Disadvantages include the lack of a refrigerator, TV, personal shower and air conditioning. You can do without the latter, since the pine forest always maintains a comfortable coolness for the body.
  • You can rent accommodation from local residents. This accommodation option in the private sector is the cheapest.

It’s a pleasure to be on the territory of the reserve, but in addition it is recommended to visit the Golitsyn Trail, Chaliapin’s Grotto and Cape Kapchik. From above you can admire the famous Tsarskoye Beach. It is officially closed because there is a slight risk of collapse. The bravest tourists violate this ban.


A unique city that is washed by two seas, the Black and Azov. This is the oldest settlement on the peninsula, so history buffs prefer to spend their holidays here. At the same time, there are not too many vacationers in Kerch due to geographical features. There are no beaches or sea in the city itself. For active recreation you need to go out of town. This makes it much more difficult to not have your own car.

Almost all boarding houses and holiday homes are located in remote villages, so to visit attractions you should spend money on carriers. Young tourists are upset by the lack of a water park and extreme sports. There are several summer discos on the coast. At the same time, you will be pleased with the low cost of rental housing and a lot of impressions from visiting the sights.

While staying on the peninsula, it is recommended to visit the Ruins of Ancient Panticapaeum, the Yeni-Kale Fortress, the Church of John the Baptist, the Crypt of Demeter, and the Museum of Oceanography. Even if vacationers are not interested in history, the sights of Kerch will not leave anyone indifferent. It is unlikely that you will be able to visit all the historical places in one vacation, so there will still be a reason to visit this beautiful city again.

Around the city there are a large number of sandy beaches on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas. Popular among vacationers:

  1. Youth,
  2. Kyiv,
  3. turtle,
  4. Water Station,
  5. Arshintsevo,
  6. SunDali.

For lovers of a secluded holiday, the Kerch Peninsula has a large number of wild beaches. The depth of the sea is shallow, which allows the water to warm up quickly. You can start the swimming season near Kerch from mid-May.

Video walk around Kerch:

Best accommodation options

Every year the peninsula is actively developed and new hotels and holiday homes appear. The highest prices on the southern coast in Yalta and Alushta. In order to save money, most tourists go to the Western Coast of Crimea. At the same time, you should take into account what you prefer to get from your leisure time.

Most popular among vacationers who visited the peninsula for the first time, Nikitsky Botanical Garden and the Swallow's Nest monument. To do this, you should study the transport interchange and just spend a couple of days visiting these attractions.

The advantage of the southern coast of Crimea is the intercity trolleybus that connects Simferopol, Yalta and Alushta. For a nominal cost you can travel a distance of 96 km. This saves a lot of money. You can get to other cities by minibus, so it doesn’t matter much in which locality you settle.


In order not to spend money on rental housing, vacationers prefer to stay in tent cities. This type of temporary housing is most suitable for companies with a car, since they have to take tents, dishes, and electric stoves with them. Until recently, camping in tents had to be carefully thought out. Nowadays, tourist centers have everything necessary for guests who travel around Crimea on bicycles or motorbikes. Modern tent camps have: gas and electric stoves, running water, lighting, a place for washing and drying clothes, benches, and gazebos.

Most popular camping spots:

  1. Tourist shelter Vympel, Alushta;
  2. Krymtrantour village Foros;
  3. Blue Bay of Simeiz;
  4. Belaya Rus Alupka;
  5. Kapsel city Sudak;
  6. Dolphin, Evpatoria;
  7. Autocamping in Olenevka, Cape Tarkhankut;
  8. Heraclea Bay Laspi near Sevastopol;
  9. Meridian village Rybachye near Alushta.

Video: Wild camping on the South Coast

Boarding houses and private sector

Most residents living near the sea rent out their own housing. The cost of renting a bed directly depends on the season, location and living conditions. You can find inexpensive housing using the Internet or locally.

It is safer to stay in boarding houses, since the risk of falling for scammers is much less. You can find out more about the living conditions by reading reviews on forums and travel websites. This is problematic with private housing owners. Therefore, it is better to stay with trusted and recommended hosts.

If you compare prices, it is much cheaper than the private sector or boarding houses. Having studied the reviews of vacationers, we can conclude: The best prices in Crimea are in May, June, September and October. July and August are characterized by inflated prices for rental housing, as well as a large flow of people on beaches, parks, public transport and historical monuments.



If you want to take a break from the bustle of the city, come to the Paradise Corner hotel near Alushta. A protected area, wild beaches, unity with nature, diving and fishing await you. And if you want civilization, the hotel complexes Hellas, Morskoy, Irey, Da-Vasco with a developed recreation infrastructure are within walking distance, or you can go to Alushta, it will only take 10-15 minutes. Rooms 20 sq.m. with all amenities, separate entrance for 2-3-4 people at a ridiculous price of 350 rubles per person. 5 minutes walk to the sea through a juniper grove. t.89782068766


A selection of the best beaches in Crimea with the cleanest sea from Feodosia to Tarkhankut - 10 places for an ideal holiday.

It is reliably known that there are more than five hundred beaches in Crimea, and if any approach to the sea where you can stretch out in the sun or pitch a tent is considered a beach, then it will be almost impossible to count all the options. This review is dedicated to the cleanest beaches of Crimea with clear water. Some of them are hard to find and unique in their own way.

Golden Beach in Feodosia

Thick sand and its rich golden hue brought fame to this beach along the entire eastern coast of Crimea. The Golden Beach stretches for several kilometers from Feodosia to Primorskoe, where recreation centers and cafes are located. You can get from Feodosia by car or public transport; the beach is located a few kilometers from the city.

The water has a wonderful azure hue, clean and transparent. This beach is very popular with couples with children: shallow sea, gentle entrance, although sometimes there are rocks. Golden Beach is very popular; many note that the beach is always clean and well-groomed, and consider it the best beach in Crimea. The crowded public transport traveling in this direction is a little upsetting.

Quiet bay in Koktebel

Not far from Cape Chameleon is the beach of Quiet Bay - a long arc of coarse sand with shell rock. The water is clean and clear, shallow. You can get here from Koktebel, even on foot it’s easy to get there in just 40 minutes. There are a lot of vacationers: most often they come by car, pitch tents and live.

The shallow water stretches for tens of meters, so people like to relax here with small children. Not far away there is a place with healing mud, which everyone willingly smears with. People who visited Tikhaya Bay noted the charm of these places, but complained about the overcrowding and poorly developed infrastructure of the beach.

Photo © mr. Wood / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0

The famous village of Novy Svet is located near Sudak. The village is known for its unique bays, relict junipers and champagne wine factory. But the main attraction of the New World is its beaches.

The most famous and popular among vacationers is the small-pebble Tsarsky Beach. It is believed that this is where Tsar Nicholas II swam during his visit. The beach is located in Blue Bay; you can get to it by following a path from the western outskirts of the village to the turn to the gorge.

Tsarsky Beach is one of the cleanest beaches in Crimea. All garbage is collected in specially designated bins. The water is so clean and transparent that you can see schools of small fish. The bottom is sandy in places, with large rocks here and there. The beach is wild and small, located on the territory of the reserve. Tourists who have been here are delighted with the beauty of this place, although some found the descent and ascent through the gorge difficult; they recommend getting there by boat by sea. The beach is located on the territory of the reserve; officially, due to landslides, visiting it is prohibited.

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Bay of Love in Rybachye

A wild beach of volcanic origin, located between the villages of Rybachye and Malorechenskoye, near the lighthouse. The bay is small and cozy, and the water is so clean and transparent that you can see the inhabitants of the seabed. Mostly lovers of underwater fishing and snorkeling, as well as romantics seeking solitude with nature, flock here. The descent on foot is very difficult and steep, so the beach is not crowded; it is easier to get here by sea. At the very bottom of the path leading to the beach, a small volcanic crater with a diameter of about three meters has been preserved.

Tourists write in their reviews that it is very difficult to get to the place, and the few who dared did not get the desired privacy, since there are still a couple of tents with inhabitants there.

Massandra beach in Yalta

The beach is well-maintained and very popular, especially among young people. The sea is deep; for those who like a comfortable stay, there are bamboo bungalows. According to reviews from vacationers, this is one of the best beaches in Yalta and Crimea: warm pebbles and clear water.

Beach "The Little Mermaid" in Miskhor

The famous beach with a mermaid sculpture is not far from the shore. The beach is small, pebble, fully equipped, and the water is always clean and warm. The beach is popular and crowded, there is a beautiful park nearby. Most vacationers speak well of the beach, only complaining about the crowded conditions during the high season.

Photo © Grigory Gusev / / License CC BY-ND 2.0

"The Lost World" (near Cape Aya)

This place received its romantic name for a reason: there is a unique, sparsely populated beach, surrounded on all sides by high five-hundred-meter cliffs; it is simply impossible to get there without special skills and equipment. Tourists are advised to go there by boat from Balaklava; locals get there by swimming or by boat.

The shore is gradually crumbling, relict plants grow on it, and the beach itself is surrounded by the debris of an ancient landslide. There are no traces of civilization here, so you need to take water and food with you. Romantics and adventure seekers, as well as lovers of active recreation, those who are able to appreciate the pristine beauty of Crimean places untouched by man, speak with delight about the beach.

“The Lost World” stands out among the best beaches in Crimea and attracts many with its beauty, inaccessibility and privacy, but due to scree and landslides the beach is often closed to the public.

Silver and Gold beaches in Balaclava

Surrounded by mountains, Silver Beach is a mixture of sand and small pebbles and is located near Balaklava Bay. The beach is large, the water is clean, the bottom is sandy, and there are large boulders at the depths. Golden Beach is a little further away. It got its name because of the unique color of the surrounding landscape; the beach looks especially beautiful during sunset. There is a clean, open sea here.

From Balaklava, both beaches can be reached on foot or by boat; flights run every hour until 19:00. According to tourists, the beaches do not have a developed infrastructure, although during the season there are canopies and sunbeds; some inconveniences are compensated by the crystal sea.

Jasper beach in Sevastopol

The famous wild beach is usually not crowded, but during the season there is a greater influx of tourists. It got its name because of the colorful pebbles that dot the seashore, among which there is jasper interspersed with pyrite. Opposite the beach in the sea there is a rock of the Holy Apparition with a cross, in the rock there are steps along which you can climb.

One of the cleanest beaches in Crimea: at the entrance to the beach there are bins where all the garbage is collected. The water is clear, so you can see the pebbles, the bottom is uneven and rocky.

You can get to Jasper Beach by car or by boat. Tourists who visited here complained about difficulties: to get to the beach, you need to climb 800 steps of the Monastery Stairs. The descent is difficult and dangerous, there are not handrails everywhere, and the reverse ascent is even more difficult to overcome. However, those who cannot bear such physical effort can use sea transport: a boat runs from the beach to Balaklava every two hours.

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Olenevka Beach (Cape Tarkhankut)

The cleanest sea and the cleanest beach in Crimea, in our opinion, is the Miami beach in Olenevka. The water here is very clear, because not a single river in this area flows into the sea. Rocky landscapes, wide steppes, crystal clear water, strong currents - Cape Tarkhankut has become a true paradise for diving enthusiasts. The beaches are mostly inaccessible, characterized by steep slopes and strong rockiness. Fans of wild recreation love these places and consider them one of the best in Crimea.

Vacationers with their families flock to Olenevka: there are sandy and shell beaches, undeveloped, but clean, and the water is clear. As the tourists themselves note in their reviews, the lack of good infrastructure and some seclusion of the village allows only those who...

Amazing Crimea offers tourists a wide variety of holidays, which are sure to become a pleasant memory. The peninsula hospitably welcomes both youth groups craving active entertainment, and married couples who prefer a quiet holiday. For everyone, there is their own version of ideal leisure time and their own unique places.

Married couples who have planned a relaxing holiday will be able to visit the quiet resorts of Crimea, which have a special atmosphere. They give a feeling of coziness and relaxed comfort. A relaxing holiday will allow you to restore your vitality and explore the unique nature of the peninsula without haste. Guests will be able to enjoy the fragrant and clean air, soft and warm sea, and magnificent natural beauty.

Quiet places in Crimea for relaxation

Many have heard about the most popular cities of the peninsula and the most famous resorts. However, there are still many amazing places in Crimea that can offer an impeccable quiet holiday. Such places include:

  • The village of Peschanoe is an ideal place for a family holiday with children. There are excellent, clean beaches, there is not too much influx of tourists, there are attractions, various cafes, and excursion programs. The nature is characterized by rich vegetation and a pleasant climate.
  • Cape Tarkhankut is a unique area with unusual landscapes. It is located in the western part of Crimea and has a rocky surface. There is little vegetation here, but vacationers can enjoy the crystal clear sea. Here you can enjoy a quiet holiday among white cliffs and calm bays. Also, all conditions are created here for lovers of scuba diving.
  • The village of Kurortnoye is a cozy place not far from Feodosia. Here you can enjoy all the delights of a quiet family holiday in Crimea. Vacationers can expect picturesque landscapes, excellent beaches, and comfortable infrastructure.
  • Cape Chersonese is distinguished by landscapes of unusual beauty that delight the eye and give pleasant emotions. A particularly calm place where a quiet holiday in Crimea is guaranteed is Cossack Bay. Guests will enjoy the clean, warm sea and unique attractions that are definitely worth a visit.
  • A quiet bay in Koktebel is a magnificent cozy place with a sandy beach and shell rock. The bay is located near Cape Chameleon; you can easily get here from Koktebel. Tourists will be able to enjoy clean, clear water and an impeccable beach holiday. A quiet bay in Crimea promises excellent leisure time for couples with children, as the place is shallow and safe. There is healing mud nearby that adults and children enjoy smearing themselves with.

Quiet holiday on the southern coast of Crimea

One of the most popular holiday destinations is the southern coast of the peninsula. It attracts tourists with its unique nature and particularly mild climate. For a quiet holiday on the South Coast there are absolutely all the conditions: magnificent shady parks, luxurious coastline, exotic landscapes, mountain peaks, fabulous waterfalls, pine forests.

A variety of hotels, hotels, and vacation homes are located along the entire coast. Each city and town has its own unique landscapes and unique culture to offer. The southern coast is ideal for a quiet exploration of the sights, museums, and palaces. Here is the whole variety of Crimean traditions. For family leisure, you can choose interesting excursions that will delight children and be useful for adults.

The quiet resorts of the Southern Coast of Crimea include:

  • The village of Gurzuf is an amazing place with a magical landscape and favorable nature. The village is rich in vegetation, including rare species. The beaches will delight you with clean water and special comfort for relaxed leisure.
  • The village of Malorechenskoye is a beautiful area surrounded by greenery of vineyards and many gardens. Vacationers will be able to enjoy pleasant beaches, a luxurious park, and juicy fruits.
  • Maly Mayak is a beautiful village located near Alushta. People come here for a quiet, healthy holiday. The area has a healing climate, picturesque nature, and a variety of beaches.
  • Otradnoe resort is a small village with a warm, subtropical climate. It is located not far from Yalta, so the prospects for vacationers are the best. The place is not crowded, ideal for a relaxed and quiet holiday for two or with children.
  • Semidvorye is a pleasant and quiet village, which is surrounded by a magnificent juniper grove, purifying the air and filling it with a pleasant aroma. The resort is suitable for a leisurely and measured holiday, pleasant walks, cozy days on the beach.

In addition, the amazing Yalta, which amazes with its diversity, can provide a quiet holiday in Crimea. Here you can find both noisy entertainment and secluded places. The main component of a relaxing holiday in Yalta is the right choice of hotel. Comfortable living conditions, competent staff, exquisite views outside the room window can give guests exactly the leisure time they dream of. Villa Elena is a luxury hotel in the heart of Yalta, which guarantees a cozy VIP vacation in Crimea.

Hotel Villa Elena – a calm and measured holiday in Yalta

Often, married couples who are looking for privacy and tranquility want to retain the opportunity to occasionally visit entertainment venues. Such couples should choose a quiet holiday in Yalta, which the five-star Villa Elena hotel can provide. The location of the hotel provides the opportunity to visit any interesting places, stroll along the Embankment, and visit exquisite establishments. The VIP hotel policy itself allows guests to completely relax and enjoy the calm atmosphere of home comfort and hospitality.

On the territory of Villa Elena you can enjoy relaxed relaxation by the outdoor pool and gourmet cuisine in the Grand Terrace restaurant. The staff will provide guests with unobtrusive but impeccable service 24/7, taking into account all wishes. In addition, elegant rooms with a unique interior, both in a historical and in a new building, provide a cozy and relaxing holiday. Also, view terraces with picturesque landscapes help restore spiritual harmony and vitality.



At all times, Crimea was considered one of the most beautiful corners of the planet. The splendor of local nature has more than once become a source of inspiration and the subject of images by the world's best artists, striving to convey the amazing richness of colors of the wonderful peninsula. However, not a single masterpiece of art is capable of giving those sensations that arise when directly immersed in a bright and diverse world called Crimea, open to everyone. An inexpressibly vibrant and changeable sea, picturesque bays, majestic mountains and spacious valleys, mysterious caves and mesmerizing waterfalls, dense forests and clear lakes... From all the stunning diversity of the Crimean land, we have selected 20 picturesque places that invariably attract thousands of tourists from all over the world.

One of the most amazing places in the vicinity of Sevastopol is Cape Fiolent. A piece of land formed by volcanic rocks intruding into the sea offers its visitors landscapes of extraordinary beauty. You can admire the expanses of the sea here on the tops of the cliffs, whose height ranges from 50 to 200 meters. The coastline is formed by numerous niches, stone piles, miniature islands, rocky coves with grottoes. The nature of the cape is represented by a sparse forest, including a variety of plants. However, the main feature of the place is the bare, windswept, bizarrely shaped rocks plunging into clear water. To the east of the cape is the famous Jasper Beach, which can be reached via an ancient stone staircase of about 800 degrees.

Cape Fiolent is pristine nature, beautiful panoramic views, wonderful air and the clearest emerald sea, a peaceful atmosphere and, at the same time, a source of new impressions.

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Vacationers in Crimea in June-July cannot ignore the blooming lavender fields. As you know, the homeland of lavender, an evergreen shrub that captivates with the subtle scent of its flowers, is the Mediterranean. In Crimea, this beautiful plant began to be grown on an industrial scale to obtain essential oil, starting in 1928. Over the past decades, the area of ​​plantations has decreased significantly, many of them are abandoned. At the same time, there are several vast and well-groomed fields that allow you to compare the surroundings of Crimea with French Provence. Such magical places can be found near Bakhchisarai - in the village of Turgenevka, near the villages of Kudrino and Shelkovichnoye, in the mountains near the villages of Rastushchee and Zavetnoye; not far from the suburb of Alushta - the village of Lavender; at Cape Tarkhankut. Lavender fields stretch on both sides of the Simferopol - Sudak road.

The violet sea receding into the distance, filling the air with an intoxicating aroma, is beautiful in different ways at different times of the day: lavender flowers change shades depending on the lighting. But whenever you manage to contemplate this natural splendor - at dawn, in the middle of the day or at sunset, the impressions of what you see will last a lifetime.

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Crimea, village Lavender

Ai-Petri Yaila, which is part of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains, stretches from east to west for 25 km. The highest point of the massif is Mount Roca, whose peak rises 1347 m above sea level. However, the less high, but incredibly picturesque peak of the plateau - Mount Ai-Petri, reminiscent of a magic castle with sheer walls and dilapidated towers, has gained the greatest popularity. Its height reaches 1234 m.

The white figured teeth of the hill became an amazing completion of the mountain amphitheater starting from the Black Sea. The spectacular appearance of the mountain has evolved over thousands of years. In the past, Ai-Petri was a huge coral reef located at the bottom of an ancient sea that existed back in the Upper Jurassic period. But the legendary teeth arose much later, as a result of long-term weathering of the limestone rocks of the former reef.

Getting to the top of Ai-Petri is not at all difficult: a cable car leads to it from the village of Koreiz, famous for the longest unsupported span in Europe. The mountain offers an impressive view of the South Coast.

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Numerous Sevastopol bays are a specific attraction of Crimea that is worthy of special attention. Among them, Balaklava Bay has gained well-deserved popularity, distinguished not only by its expressive landscapes, but also by its rich history. A number of interesting monuments testify to the distant past of the modern Crimean resort - Balaklava, the main one of which is the Genoese fortress of Chembalo. The ruins of a medieval fortification, located on the top of the Fortress Mountain (Kastron), rise above Balaklava Bay, forming, together with the surrounding natural landscape, a complete majestic ensemble.

The bay itself, which arose as a result of a tectonic fault, is also a unique phenomenon. Hidden behind high cliffs, it “cuts” into the land at 1500 meters. It is connected to the sea by a narrow and winding strait, in some places not exceeding 45 meters in width. All of these features make the bay protected from strong winds and waves from all directions. In addition, Balaklava Bay, unlike many others, is not loaded with large-capacity vessels. This is a cozy and, at the same time, colorful place that will forever captivate fans of southern nature and ancient history.

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“Flying water”, or in Turkic “Uchan-Su” - this is the poetic name given to the largest waterfall of the peninsula. The overthrow of water jets from a height of 98.5 m can be called nothing other than flight. The luxurious waterfall was born by the river of the same name, flowing at an altitude of 390 m above sea level along the slopes of the Yalta Yayla. 6 km from Yalta, a mountain river meets a steep limestone cliff, forming a truly magnificent sight. You can feel the full power of Wuchang-Su during the rains or when the snow melts on the yayla. But in the hot summer the waterfall almost completely dries up.

There are many legends about this beautiful creation of nature. So, there is a legend that tells that the girl Zeinab was stopped from diving into the water, and for her dexterity and lightness she received the second name Uchan. The beauty was kidnapped by a mountain spirit, who nevertheless heeded her pleas and allowed her to help her family get rid of the drought by turning Zeinab-Uchan into a mountain stream. Since then, the swift Wuchang has been rushing from the mountain peaks to the sea, overcoming a huge rocky barrier on its way.

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An equally beautiful legend tells about the emergence of rocky islands located near the village of Gurzuf. According to legend, two rocks that “grew” in the middle of the sea are petrified twin brothers, punished by their own mentor for their selfish use of magic. Despite the originality of the explanation of origin, the natural attraction received a simple name - “Adalary”, which from the Crimean Tatar means “all of the islands”.

The “brothers” are located 40 m from each other, and about 250 m separate them from the shore. The height of the stone giants is 35 and 48 m. “The sky is blue above, the sea is turquoise below” - such a harmonious frame was given to Adalary - one of the symbols of the Southern Coast of Crimea , so simply and sincerely glorified in one of Artek’s songs.

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One of the most spectacular protected landscapes of Crimea is Cape Ai-Todor. Its three rocky spurs, like a huge trident of Neptune, crash into the sea. The central spur of the cape, also known as “Monastery-Burun” (i.e. “Monastic Cape”) amazes with its beauty. It was here that during the Middle Ages the monastery of St. Theodore was located, from which the toponym Ai-Todor comes. But for more than a hundred years, on the eastern edge of the middle spur, one of the most recognizable Crimean landmarks - the Swallow's Nest - has risen.

No less remarkable is the southernmost and at the same time the highest spur of the cape - the Ai-Todor spur itself, which has served as a landmark for sailors since ancient times. A lighthouse was erected here in 1835, which not only has survived to this day, but is still successfully functioning. The age of the trees surrounding the ancient navigation structure has also passed the century mark.

Ai-Todor with its steep cliffs is a massif that is practically inaccessible from the sea. The only convenient pier is a small but very picturesque cove located between the spurs, where regular boats moor.

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Landmark, Panorama View

In the immediate vicinity of the village of Simeiz, near the sea, a giant stone cat lurks, preparing to jump. This is a large limestone outlier rock, the outlines of which determined its name. Mount Cat is an interesting complex natural monument, distinguished by its varied relief, containing rock formations of original shape and colorful southern vegetation. Over 350 plant species grow here, 12 of them are listed in the Red Book, and some are even endemic.

Ancient civilizations left their mark on Mount Cat. Until now, the massif has become the site of archaeological finds, among which are Taurus burial grounds in the form of stone dolmen boxes dating back to the 6th-2nd centuries. BC. The ruins of medieval fortresses have also been preserved here.

The top of the massif is the highest point of the “curved back” of the Koshka (254 m above sea level). It’s quite easy to get to the rock, which is inaccessible at first glance. One of the ways to visit the attraction can be a walking tour.

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Landmark, Lake/Pond

A unique natural attraction of the Kerch Peninsula is Lake Koyash. It is located on the territory of the Opuksky Nature Reserve, where the virgin steppe meets the sea. Nearby are Lake Uzunlar, a cape and Mount Opuk.

The endorheic lake of estuary origin with salt water cannot boast of large dimensions: its area is only 5 square meters, and its depth does not exceed 1 m. The reservoir is distinguished by the amazing color of the water, changing depending on the time of year from pale pink to rich red. The reason for this unusual natural phenomenon was microparticles produced by the algae Dunaliella salina growing on the bottom of the lake - one of the few organisms that can survive in such saline conditions. Not only the water is colored, but also the salt crystals, which also acquire the aroma of violets. In spring, the bright pink lake, surrounded by flowering steppe, is especially picturesque. In summer, the water evaporates, leaving real salt icebergs on the sand.

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Kerch, s. Borisovka


A truly mysterious landscape can be observed not far from Alushta, on the western slope of the southern ridge of Demerdzhi-yayla. Here, huge blocks and boulders were transformed by the great creator - Nature into bizarre sculptures reminiscent of figures of people, animals, fantastic creatures or objects. Anything can be seen in southern Demerdzhi: it all depends on the time of day, lighting, and, of course, the imagination of the beholder. Not only the shapes of the rock formations, intricately intertwined with each other, but also their impressive sizes make you tremble. The largest “exhibit”, nicknamed the Giant, with a diameter of 5 m reaches a height of 25 m. There are more than a hundred stone “ghosts” in total. Looking at each of them, guessing the images, watching how centuries-old natural sculptures will change and “come to life” with the movement of the sun - what could be more exciting.

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A cave of unique beauty with a complex system of halls, corridors and galleries was discovered on the lower plateau of the Chatyr-Dag massif in 1987. Soon tourist routes were laid out here: the cave was equipped with paths with handrails and lighting. For almost twenty years, the “underground kingdom” has received hundreds of thousands of guests from all over the world, admiring its vast spaces, the original silhouettes of numerous sinter formations, and rare varieties of crystals.

The depth of the cave, located at an altitude of 920 m above sea level, reaches 60 m, and the total length of its halls exceeds 2 km. Each hall has a unique appearance, which is reflected in the names of many of them. In the Marble Cave there are Palace, Pink, Balcony, Chandelier halls, a gallery of Fairy Tales, a Hall of Hope with stone altars, Chocolate and others. What stands out among them is the Perestroika Hall (Collapse Hall), which is the largest hall in the caves of the peninsula. Its length is 100 m and its height is 28 m.

The walls of the underground palace are decorated with caralites that look like flower buds, the space is divided by powerful sinter columns, luxurious “chandeliers” hang on the ceilings, there are openwork gur baths with water and even waterfalls. The varied “decor”, complex composition, and grandiose scale of the Marble Cave amaze the imagination and allow us to call the Crimean landmark one of the most beautiful caves on the planet.

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Crimea, village Marble


You can see how gracefully and silently the noble snow-white birds with a gracefully curved neck glide across the water surface by visiting a nature reserve of international importance - “Swan Islands”. It is located in the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea and consists of six islands with an area of ​​52 hectares, stretching along the coast and separated from each other by shallow straits. Natural conditions attract many waterfowl to this place. In summer, over five thousand swans accumulate here, for which during this period the islands become their home. The number and species composition of the reserve is striking: the shallow waters of the bay are a stopover for more than 250 species of migratory birds. Various species of ducks, waders, gulls, white and gray herons, cormorants and other beautiful birds live here.

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The deepest waterfall in Crimea is located in the vicinity of Alushta, in the mysterious high-mountain gorge Khapkhal, overgrown with dense forest. The average volume of water it throws out is 250–270 liters per second! The waterfall was created by the Ulu-Uzen Vostochny River flowing through the gorge, at an altitude of 468 m above sea level, starting on the slopes of Dzhemerdzhi-yayla and flowing into the Black Sea.

The unique attraction has the simple name “Jur-Jur”, which comes from the onomatopoeia of murmuring water. Indeed, the waterfall does not subside even for a minute. Even in a dry summer, a powerful stream of water falls from a height of fifteen meters into a huge pit and then rapidly rushes along the bed of a mountain river. Stones also fly down along with the water flow, so you should not go close to the waterfall. It is better to admire this miracle of nature from a distance. Not far from the waterfall there is a cave of the same name, surrounded by forest.

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Crimea, village Solnechnogorskoe

Landmark, Panorama View

Luxurious panoramic views open from the top of Mount Roman-Kosh - the highest point of Babugan-Yayla, which in turn is the highest mountain range in Crimea. Here, at an altitude of 1545 meters above sea level, you can see almost the entire Crimea, breathe in the air filled with the aromas of fragrant herbs and flowers, and feel a state of serene peace and harmony. It is not surprising that, according to one version, the toponym “Roman-Kosh” is of Indo-Aryan origin and is translated as “upper rest”, “highest peace”. Although there is a more prosaic translation of the name of the mountain, from the Turkic language meaning “forest peak”.

The mountain is located near the village of Gurzuf. The path to the top passes through a picturesque pine forest. In the valleys of Mount Roman-Kosh you can often see red deer and graceful roe deer, barely touching the ground while running. The mountain is indescribably beautiful during sunset. Open glades here serve as excellent viewing platforms. However, since Roman-Kosh is located on the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve, climbing the mountain is officially prohibited.

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Many picturesque corners are united by the Baydar Valley - a huge basin in the southeastern part of the peninsula, surrounded on all sides by green mountains. Numerous rivers flow here, forming small but very beautiful waterfalls. In the center of the valley there is the largest reservoir in Crimea - Chernorechenskoye, the source of which is the crystal clear mountain river Chernaya.

Deep canyons are formed in the north-west of the intermountain basin, and several caves can be found in the south-eastern part. The sun-drenched meadows, whose flowers fill the mountain air with fresh aromas, are incredibly beautiful. In total, over 50 species of plants grow in the valley, including relict trees, medicinal herbs, and rare orchids.

Thanks to its natural beauty and surprisingly mild climate, the Baydar Valley received the unofficial name - Crimean Switzerland. Walking through its picturesque places is wonderful at any time of the year.

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The natural border between Koktebel Bay and Quiet Bay is Cape Chameleon. Today it is a narrow, high ridge with a very unusual silhouette. Thanks to ancient maps of Crimea, it is known that the cape became this way centuries later: the part of the land formed by clay rocks, eroded by the sea and rains, significantly decreased in size over time.

The Cape was named a chameleon because of its phenomenal ability to change shades depending on the lighting. So, in the morning you can observe a gray-blue color. But at sunset, the sun's rays “color” the rocks golden, gradually turning into purple and blue shades. The “play of light” continues throughout the day, during which the cape changes its appearance up to twenty times.