Brief description of Bulgaria. Bulgaria: government structure and political system, science and culture. Religion and language in Bulgaria

Bulgaria located in southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. It borders on Romania in the north, Serbia and Macedonia in the west, and Greece and Turkey in the south. In the east it is washed by the Black Sea.

The country was named after the ethnonym of the people - Bulgarians.

Official name: Bulgarian Republic

Capital: Sofia

The area of ​​the land: 110.9 thousand sq. km

Total Population: 7.2 million people

Administrative division: Consists of 8 areas that include communities. The city of Sofia also has the status of a region.

Form of government: Parliamentary republic.

Head of State: President, elected for a term of 5 years.

Population composition: 85.% - Bulgarians, 10% - Turks, 4% - Roma, 1% Macedonians

Official language: Bulgarian

Religion: 82.6% are Orthodox Christians, 1.7% are Catholics, 1.6% are Protestants. 12.2% of Bulgarians profess Islam, 0.8% - Judaism

Internet domain: .bg

Mains voltage: ~220 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +359

Country barcode: 380


Large mountain systems, significant elevation changes and other factors determine noticeable regional climatic differences. The northern part of the country is characterized by a temperate continental climate; The Lower Danube Plain is open to north winds in winter. The Stara Planina Mountains, on the one hand, prevent the movement of these winds in a southerly direction, and on the other hand, they serve as a barrier to Mediterranean air currents, which shape the climate in the south of the country. In the Maritsa Valley, winters are quite cold, but the Mediterranean influence is already noticeable. As you approach the Black Sea, the climate becomes milder, essentially Mediterranean.

Average January temperatures in the Maritsa Valley and on the Black Sea coast are approx. +4° C, and north of the Stara Planina mountains drop to –4° C. In the mountains, winter temperatures are even lower, and there is snow there for several months. Summer is hot (except in the mountains), in most of the low plains the average July temperature is approx. 21° C. The duration of the frost-free period ranges from 180 to 260 days. Droughts often occur on the plains, and in the mountains there is a lot of precipitation (up to 1900 mm per year), mainly in the form of snow. The amount of precipitation is closely related to the features of the relief: plains and intermountain valleys protected by mountains rarely receive more than 600 mm per year.


Bulgaria is located in southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. The area of ​​the country is 111.0 thousand sq. km. Its neighbors are the countries: Romania in the north, Serbia and Macedonia in the west, Greece and Turkey in the south. In the east, Bulgaria is washed by the Black Sea.

Almost a third of Bulgaria's territory is occupied by mountains, but they are low and mostly accessible to tourists. The Stara Planina ridge, or Balkan ridge, stretches across the entire country for 555 km, giving its name to the peninsula. The highest point of this ridge - Mount Boteva - rises to a height of 2376 m. Srednyaya Gora is located parallel to Stara Planina. In the southwest and west of the country there are the Rila, Pirin and Rhodopes mountain ranges. The highest peak of Rila, Mount Musala (2925 m), is also the highest point of the entire Balkan Peninsula.

There are many rivers in Bulgaria, but they are low in water. The country is home to the middle reaches of the Danube, the largest river in central and southeastern Europe. Starting in the Black Forest mountains, it flows through 9 countries. Since the Danube is an international river, navigation has always been developed on it. The average water temperature in July is from +17 to +24. Cruises are organized along the river. The second largest river is the Maritsa. It carries its waters to the Aegean Sea. Struma and Mesta also flow into the Aegean Sea. Kamchia, Veleka and Ropotamo flow into the Black Sea.

Between the Stara Planina ridge and the Danube is the Danube Plain, which is the breadbasket of the entire country. The southeastern plain is bounded by the Middle Mountain from the north and the Rhodope Mountains from the southwest. It is often called Upper Trakia.

Bulgaria is famous for its wide beaches that gently slope down to the sea. The Black Sea is favorable for swimming - it is not very salty and the bottom is sandy.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The main types of natural vegetation in Bulgaria are forest and steppe temperate zones and Mediterranean forests. Typical steppes are common on the Dobrudzha plateau in the northeastern part of the country. The same vegetation is found in the Lower Danube Lowland, although the steppes there alternate with forests. Deciduous forests grow in the foothills and lower altitude zone of the Stara Planina Mountains, coniferous forests are found higher up, and alpine meadows are found in the uppermost zone.

In the southeast of the country, in the Maritsa Valley, hard-leaved forest formations of the Mediterranean type are found. The climate here is favorable for the cultivation of cotton, tobacco, mulberry trees, grapes and vegetables. In the border areas with Turkey and Greece, typical Mediterranean fruits are cultivated - citrus fruits and figs.

Forests in 1987 occupied 3.8 million hectares, or approx. 30% of the country's area. Of these, approximately 31% are coniferous, and the rest are deciduous with a predominance of beech, oak, ash and hornbeam. Only 15% of forest plantations are of industrial importance, and the rest are predominantly low-productive or perform water-protection and soil-protection functions.

In Bulgaria there are needle-leaved forests - pine, spruce, white spruce and others. Broad-leaved forests, primarily oak and beech, and then hornbeam, ash, linden, hazel, predominate in Stara Planina, Sredna Gora and Strandzha. Wild chestnut is found in Stara Planina (near Berkovitsa) and Belasitsa, and the best varieties of tobacco grow here.

In mountainous areas up to an altitude of 1000 m, broad-leaved forests grow, the most common species of which are oak, beech, hornbeam, ash, linden, and hazel. Above 1000 m there is a zone of coniferous forests.

Animal world

The country's fauna has suffered greatly due to the reduction in forested areas. Bear, wild boar, deer, and chamois are still found in the forests. Also common are the ferret, weasel, wolf, fox, badger, and jackal; of rodents - squirrel, brown hare, dormouse. In the 1970s, packs of wolves became a real scourge, attacking villages on winter nights in search of sheep or calves, but in recent years the number of these predators has decreased significantly.


The country is known throughout Europe for its picturesque landscapes, seaside resorts on the Black Sea coast, an abundance of historical monuments and colorful folk rituals.

Banks and currency

Bulgarian Lev (BGL), equal to 100 stotinki. In circulation there are coins and banknotes in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 leva, as well as banknotes of 10, 20, 50 leva. Since July 1, 1997, the lev has been strictly “tied” to the euro at a ratio of 1.95 levs per euro.

Open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00, break - from 12.00 to 13.00. Banks are closed on weekends and holidays.

It is more profitable to exchange currency at exchange offices (Change, Exchange) than in banks or hotels. In resort areas, the exchange rate is also somewhat undervalued. Preference is given to euros or US dollars (they can even be used to pay in some small shops, as well as for services on the beach). Some exchange offices (most often near markets) accept Russian rubles, but the exchange rate is very unfavorable.

Be careful - the exchange office can offer a good exchange rate with a commission of 1% of the amount, which will be indicated by the inscription in this “exchanger”. However, a nearby inscription (usually small and illegible) may indicate that at this rate you can change money starting only from a certain amount (usually quite large), and smaller amounts are changed at a different rate with a charge of 15%-20% of the amount exchange.

Credit cards, traveler's checks and euro checks are not yet widely used and are accepted only in banks and large hotels. Payment is most often made in cash.

Useful information for tourists

In the warm season, in addition to windsurfing, guests can enjoy water skiing and sailing, scuba diving and catamarans, rowing and all kinds of regattas. In spring and autumn, some luxury hotels have heated seawater pools. Long water excursions along the shores of Golden Sands have a magical appeal, especially for children.

Speed ​​limits: 50 km/h in built-up areas, 90 km/h outside and 120 km/h on expressways.


A country for all seasons, a holiday paradise where everyone can find what they are looking for. The landscapes of Bulgaria are varied and full of surprises: endless sandy beaches along the Black Sea coast, chains of wild mountains and lush green hills, fertile valleys and picturesque gorges, quiet rivers and blue lakes. Crystal clear water from springs and mineral springs...

Bulgaria is famous for its bright summers, the heady aromas of rose plantations, colorful orchards and vineyards washed by sunshine.

And thanks to its snow-capped mountains and endless coniferous forests, sparkling like precious stones under the blue sky in the rays of the winter sun, Bulgaria has also gained recognition as a winter wonderland. Situated in the heart of Central Europe, Bulgaria appears to us as a land of pristine beauty, where time has stopped running. This is a land of natural contrasts, an ideal place for holidays and vacations, suitable for people of any age. Traveling alone, with a loved one, with family or with friends, everyone can find what they are looking for here. And, importantly, holidays in Bulgaria are available for any budget. Whether you want to be left alone with nature, have fun at modern seaside resorts or relax in a hotel near a mineral spring - Bulgaria has it all!


The name of the country - Bulgaria - comes from the Bulgarians, warlike nomads from Central Asia who mixed with the Slavic tribes of the Danube plains in the 7th-8th centuries. The following centuries witnessed numerous changes: three kingdoms, Orthodox Christianity, which replaced the Byzantine canons, the Golden Age of Slavic writing, then 500 years of Ottoman yoke and liberation from it. The period of national revival of Bulgarian culture dates back to the 18th - 19th centuries. In 1944, the former monarchy joined the Eastern bloc, and in 1946 it became a Republic. In recent years, Bulgaria has experienced a new freedom and opened its doors wide, inviting tourists from all over the world to discover the treasures of yesteryear. In Bulgaria, history and traditions organically fit into the modern life of the country, its rapid development against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes and the picturesque beauty of the local nature. A tour to Bulgaria will be the best gift for lovers of history, culture and just a good holiday.


Bulgaria is a country between East and West. Various cultures and traditions have been preserved here to this day. This is evidenced not only by numerous churches, monasteries and museums, which in their architectural and spiritual perfection are not inferior to the best European monuments. Bulgarian traditions and customs also live in its holidays, in its music, dances, opera performances, without which it is impossible to imagine today's Bulgaria. Traditions continue to live in surviving crafts - copper coinage, wood carving, and ceramics. Your tour operator in Bulgaria will always suggest historical centers of arts and crafts.


In most of Bulgaria the climate is continental, with cold winters and hot summers; to the south it becomes Mediterranean. Bulgarian resorts in the spring-summer and autumn months are characterized by warm, mild weather with a long swimming season from May to October. In winter, the weather is conducive to a quality ski holiday.


has traditionally been concentrated in the areas of Varna and Burgas, on Golden Sands and Sunny Beach, in Albena, in the resorts of St. Constantine and Elena, Elenite and Duni, where individual tourists and families of vacationers are provided with a wide choice of opportunities for relaxation and interesting pastime. Sun, sea and clean sandy beaches are guaranteed.
The resorts offer excellent conditions not only for swimming and diving, but also for sailing, wind surfing and water skiing. Other sports are also widely represented, such as tennis, bowling, horse riding, archery, parachuting, volleyball, and basketball. The resorts have well-equipped gyms and wellness centers, attractions and entertainment for children.
If you prefer a less hectic and active life during your vacation, there are numerous cafe-terraces, cellars and restaurants at your service, and for those who like risk and excitement - a casino. Lovers of intense youth holidays and those who travel abroad to improve their health will also find suitable tours to Bulgaria.


The import of uncanned food products is prohibited. The export of objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value without special permission is prohibited. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, if you have jewelry, a photo, film or video camera, a portable typewriter or a laptop, indicate them in the declaration when entering the country. Foreigners are allowed to bring into Bulgaria duty-free 250 cigarettes or 50 cigars, 1 liter of spirits or 2 liters of wine, gifts in a reasonable amount and an unlimited amount of foreign currency. If you are bringing a large amount of foreign currency, check with your Bulgaria tour operator about additional import regulations.


You should definitely try typical Bulgarian dishes, which are famous for their variety and unique taste. We present to you some of the most popular national dishes.

Salads and appetizers:

  • Shopska salad - Bulgarian national salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and topped with finely grated cheese
  • kyopolu - baked and rolled eggplants with garlic and nuts
  • pepper-byurek - baked breaded sweet pepper filled with feta cheese
  • Shopski style feta cheese - feta cheese baked in a clay pot with chopped tomatoes and sweet peppers


  • tarator - cold summer soup made from diluted fermented milk with finely chopped cucumbers, grated nuts and garlic
  • monastery bean chorba - white bean soup according to an old monastery recipe
  • spinach soup
  • Kurban soup - veal soup with various vegetables

Second courses:

  • kavarma in Vodenicar style - pieces of pork or veal with a lot of onions, baked in a clay pot
  • Srednogorsk gyuvech - pieces of pork or veal with tomatoes, peppers and onions, baked in a clay pot
  • teleshko "vreteno" - veal roll
  • grape and cabbage sarmi - small cabbage rolls made from grape or cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and minced meat
  • Rhodopean "cheverme" - a small lamb baked on a fire with a garnish
  • baked sweet peppers stuffed with minced meat
  • kebapcheta - oblong minced meat cutlets with seasonings and without onions


  • fermented sheep milk (sour milk)
  • milk "banitsa" - layer cake with sheep cheese
  • "katmi" with honey and nuts - pancakes with honey and nuts


The traditions of Bulgarian winemaking go back to the ancient Thracian era. Many famous types of grapes grow in Bulgaria.
The climate in the country is mild with a lot of sunny days, which is favorable for the ripening of grapes. According to the old tradition, varieties for red wine are grown in the south, and varieties for white wine in the north. Don't miss the opportunity to try the most famous brands:
Red wines: Cabernet Sauvignon from Sliven, Yambol and Oryahovitsa Mavrud from Perushtitsa, Asenovgrad, Merlot from Stambolovo and Sakara, Gymza from Pleven and Suhindol, Red wine from Melnik
White wines: Traminer from Khan Krum, Aligote from Lyaskovets, Misket from Straldzhi, Sauvignon Blanc from Targovishte, Chardonnay from Slavyantsi, Rose from Preslav, Muskat from Pomorie.

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Bulgaria(Bulgaria) - a state in the southeastern part of Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula. Republic of Bulgaria– a hospitable country that welcomes tourists. The country is distinguished by affordable holidays (compared to other European countries), while demonstrating first-class service in all its manifestations. Bulgaria– these are ski resorts with slopes of varying levels of difficulty, these are the golden sands of the Black Sea coast, these are wonderful nature and healing resorts.

Bulgaria is a country golden sands»

1. Capital

Capital of Bulgaria- ancient city Sofia(Sofia City), whose history goes back thousands of years. The capital inherited its name from the main attraction - the cathedral Hagia Sophia. Sofia is located in the western part Bulgaria, at the foot of Vitosha Mountain. Sofia– these are historical and architectural monuments, magnificent mountain nature and green city parks, large shopping and entertainment centers and hotels, ski resorts and mineral springs.

2. Flag

Flag of Bulgaria (Flag of Bulgaria) - a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 2:3, consisting of three horizontal stripes of equal width: white (top), green (intermediate) and red (bottom). The white stripe is the personification of peace and freedom; green strip natural resources Bulgaria, and green is also considered the traditional color of Bulgarian kings; the red stripe is the blood of the Bulgarians, shed in the battles for state independence.

3. Coat of arms

Coat of arms of Bulgaria (Coat of arms of Bulgaria) is a garnet-colored shield with the image of a lion standing on its hind legs, which is held by two golden shield-bearing lions. The shield is located on oak branches. At the top of the composition there is a large crown of the Bulgarian kings, and at the bottom there is a ribbon with the national motto of Bulgaria « Unity gives strength » (« Union of pravi silat»).

The lion is a symbol of courage and bravery; three lions - three historical regions of the state: Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia; the garnet color of the shield is the blood of patriots shed in battles for state independence; gold color is a symbol of wealth and abundance; crown is a symbol of history; oak branches are a symbol of perseverance, and their green color is a symbol of fertility.

4. Anthem

listen to the anthem of Bulgaria

5. Currency

Official currency of BulgariaBulgarian Lev, equal to 100 stotinki (letter designation BGN, code 975). The name lion, the currency received from the Dutch coin “leeuwendaalder”, on which a lion was depicted. In circulation there are coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 stotinki and 1 lev, as well as banknotes in denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 levs. Bulgarian currency to ruble exchange rate or any other currency can be viewed on the currency converter below:

Appearance of Bulgarian coins

Appearance of Bulgarian banknotes

6. Bulgaria on the world map

Bulgaria- a state in the southeastern part of Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula, on the Black Sea coast, square which is 110,910 km² . Bulgaria borders: in the north - with Romania, in the south - with Turkey and Greece, in the west - with Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, in the east it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. Across the sea Bulgaria has connections with Russia, Ukraine and Georgia.

The country has three geographical regions: the first is the Danube Plain; the second is a mountain range consisting of the Balkan and Rhodope systems; the third is the Southeast Plain. The main river of the country is the Danube, which forms a natural border between Bulgaria and Romania.

8. What is worth seeing in Bulgaria?

- these are monasteries and churches, historical monuments and museums, national parks and reserves, hot springs and ski resorts, beautiful beaches and invigorating water parks.

Here's a small one list of attractions, which you should pay attention to when planning excursions around Bulgaria:

  • Aqua Planet water park in Primorsko
  • Ancient fortress of Serdika
  • Bachkovo Monastery
  • Varna Archaeological Museum
  • Valley of Roses
  • Dragalevsky Monastery
  • Evksinograd
  • Stone forest in Varna
  • Banya-Bashi Mosque
  • Aladzha Monastery
  • National Art Gallery of Bulgaria
  • Saint Anastasia Island
  • Park Borisova Gradina
  • Rila Monastery
  • Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Varna
  • Thracian tomb in Kazanlak
  • Temple - monument to St. Alexander Nevsky in Sofia
  • Wonderful rocks

9. Largest cities in Bulgaria

List of ten largest cities in Bulgaria
  • Sofia (the capital of Bulgaria) - (Sofia the capital of Bulgaria)
  • Plovdiv (Plovdiv)
  • Varna
  • Burgas
  • Rousse
  • Stara Zagora
  • Pleven
  • Sliven
  • Dobrich
  • Pernik

10. Climate

Climate of Bulgaria in most of the territory it is temperate continental, with a fairly clear division of four seasons. The southern part of the country and coastal areas have a Mediterranean climate. The average summer temperature is +19°С +26°С, and in the hottest month – July, it can reach +30°С. The water remains warm until the end of September. The average winter temperature is -1°C + 1°C, and in mountainous areas it can drop to -14°C - 16°C. The average amount of precipitation per year is 900–1000 mm in the mountains and 650–700 mm in the plains.

11. Population

Makes up 7,070,039 people (as of February 2017), of which 82% are Bulgarians, 9.5% are Turks, 4.6% are Roma, 0.3% are Russians. The country is also home to Armenians, Romanians, Ukrainians, Greeks and Jews. The average life expectancy of the local population is: men – 68 years, women – 75 years.

12. Language

State language of BulgariaBulgarian , it is spoken by 82% of the country's total population. Quite common are: Turkish - 9.5%, Roma - 4.6% and Russian - 0.3%. Less common: Armenian, Romanian, Greek, Ukrainian, Macedonian, Tatar, Arabic and Hebrew.

13. Religion

Religion of Bulgaria. The country's constitution provides for freedom of religion. Of the entire population of the country, 82% consider themselves believers. Of these, 85.2% are Orthodox Christians, 12.5% ​​are Muslims, 1.1% are Catholics, 0.5% are Protestants and a small part of other world religions.

14. Holidays

National holidays in Bulgaria:
  • January 1 - New Year January 6 - Epiphany
  • January 7 - Midsummer's Day (in honor of John the Baptist)
  • February 14 - Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day)
  • March 3 - Day of the Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman Slavery
  • moving date in April - May - Orthodox Easter ("Velikden")
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • May 6 - Day of St. George the Victorious (Day of the Bulgarian Armed Forces)
  • May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture
  • June 1 - International Children's Day
  • August 15 – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • September 6 is the Day of the Unification of Bulgaria.
  • September 22 - Independence Day
  • December 6 — Constitution Day
  • December 24 — Christmas Eve
  • December 25 – Christmas Day

15. Souvenirs

Here's a small one list most common souvenirs which tourists usually bring from Bulgaria:

  • aromatic spices
  • Bulgarian wines
  • wallets in the form of various animals, fruits or vegetables
  • copper turrets for brewing coffee
  • natural cosmetic
  • bee products
  • crafts made of wood and ceramics
  • textile
  • jewelry and silver and gold

16. “Neither nail nor rod” or customs rules

There are no restrictions on the import and export of currency, however, amounts over $10,000 or 7,000 € must be declared. When importing, jewelry, photo and video equipment are also declared, which must subsequently be taken out of the country.


Persons over the age of 17 can import: 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 grams. tobacco, 1 liter of strong alcoholic drinks (more than 22%), 2 liters of alcohol less than 22%, no more than 500 grams. coffee or 200 gr. coffee extract, 100 gr. tea or 40 gr. tea extract. As well as other goods for personal use in the amount of 175 euros per person.


To Bulgaria The import of meat and dairy products (including sausages and chocolates) is prohibited. The exception is baby food and special food for people with various diseases, but in these cases the products must be well packaged and their weight should not exceed 2 kg. If meat and dairy products are found, they will be confiscated, and a fine will be charged to the person carrying them.
To Bulgaria The import of drugs, weapons, ammunition, explosives, potent psychotropic or toxic substances, rare and protected animals and plants is prohibited. As well as items of historical, artistic or other value.

Plants and animals:

All animals, plants, and products of plant origin must be presented to the quarantine service. The import and export of pets is permitted only with a certificate of vaccination against rabies, made no earlier than 12 months and no later than 30 days before the date of entry to Bulgaria. You must also have a medical certificate for your pet, received at least 5 days before entering the country.

17. Voltage in the electrical network in Bulgaria

Electrical voltage: 230 IN, at a frequency of 50 Hz. Socket type: Type C, F.

18. Telephone code and domain name Bulgaria

Country dialing code: +359
Geographic first level domain name: .bg

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