Tatyana Gaiduk's blog. Traveling around the mainland Galle city sri lanka history

Galle is the third largest city in Sri Lanka. Tourists love it for its unique combination of picturesque beaches, exotic nature and rich historical heritage. Galle is very different from other cities in Ceylon. After all, its appearance in ancient times was influenced first by the Portuguese, then by the Dutch, and then by the British. The result is a cozy European town with traditional narrow streets, spacious squares, many churches, mosques and, of course, Buddhist temples. Today, about 100 thousand people live in the city. The majority of the working population is employed in the tourism sector, the rest are engaged in fishing, making glass and textiles.

The city is small. One day is enough to walk around it length and breadth. Conventionally, Halle can be divided into two parts: the old and the new city. The new part is more modern. There is a central market, a shopping center, bus stations and various cafes here. Old Halle is famous for its attractions and the unique atmosphere of an ancient port town, where peace and quiet almost always reigns. Like everywhere else in Sri Lanka, Galle is a popular game of croquet. There is even a field for holding international competitions in this sport. Tours in Galle will be of interest to lovers of excursions and active beach holidays.

Climate and weather

Halle has an equatorial climate, which is divided into dry and wet seasons. From April to October there is frequent rain at the resort. Humidity rises to 80%. At the same time, the air temperature remains high - up to +34 degrees Celsius. The best time for a tour in Halle can be considered the period from November to March. At this time it is dry and warm here.

During the day At night Sea
January +29 +22 +27
February +29 +23 +27
March +29 +23 +28
April +30 +24 +28
May +30 +25 +28
June +29 +25 +28
July +29 +24 +28
August +28 +24 +28
September +28 +24 +27
October +28 +24 +27
November +28 +23 +27
December +29 +23 +27


There are no equipped beaches for relaxation in the city itself. But popular swimming, sunbathing and water sports are just a short drive from Galle. First of all, this is Unawatuna Beach, which is 5 kilometers from the city. The coastal strip is not wide, on the mainland side it is planted with palm trees. The sand on the beach is fine and beige, and the ocean is very calm. This place is generally considered the safest swimming area in Sri Lanka, as it is protected from strong waves by several strips of coral reefs. This is also what attracts diving and snorkeling enthusiasts here. On the beach you can rent the necessary equipment for observing the underwater world, as well as have a snack in one of the cafes. The beach is popular with families with children and lovers of a relaxing holiday.

Just a couple of kilometers away (you can walk) is the picturesque Dalavella Beach. There are also no waves here, the entrance to the water is gentle. On both sides the beach is framed by huge stones, behind which the ocean frolics with might and main, riding surfers on its waves. The beach is not crowded; locals come here on weekends. For convenience, you can rent sun loungers and umbrellas in the cafe, as well as quench your thirst and hunger.

Hikkaduwa Beach is located 10 kilometers from Galle. This is a much noisier and party place. Loved by young people, divers and surfers. The local coral reefs are considered some of the most beautiful in Asia, and the waves on Hikkaduwa beach reach several meters. The coastline is quite wide, the sand is fine and beige. An endless string of hotels, guest houses, restaurants, 24-hour bars and shops stretches along the beach.

Hotels and inns

Halle cannot be called a “tourist Mecca”. Mostly tourists from neighboring resorts come here on excursions. Therefore, most hotels in the city are designed for short-term stays of vacationers. Guest houses are very common - houses in which Sri Lankans themselves live, and some of the rooms are rented out to tourists. The price for such a room is usually negotiable. You can bargain and bring down the original price. For a small fee, tourists are offered a minimal set of furniture, the opportunity to use a shower and toilet, and for an additional amount they will prepare food and even bring food on a tray directly to the room.

The choice of “star” hotels in Halle should be taken carefully, since the local administration is often involved in assigning stars, without really going into the essence of the issue. Hotel categories are often overpriced. And even “fours” and “fives” cannot boast of ideal cleanliness in the rooms and good service. The all-inclusive system in Halle is quite common. Therefore, having booked a high-category hotel, you can count on a comfortable stay by the pool, with a buffet and evening entertainment.

It is worth considering that there are no hotels with private beaches in Sri Lanka. The coastal strip is free to visit by absolutely everyone: both tourists and local residents. Therefore, you will have to pay extra for relaxing on a sun lounger. When choosing a trip to Galle, you can be sure of one thing: the hotel will certainly be surrounded by the greenery of a tropical garden. This is sacred for Sri Lankans. In addition, far from the noisy resort, you are guaranteed a restful sleep. Tipping in Sri Lanka is not mandatory, but the hotel staff will not refuse a small reward and will gratefully help you throughout your vacation.


The hallmark of Galle is the ancient fort, built in the 17th century to protect the city. The fort has been perfectly preserved to this day and is now the largest fortified monument in all of Asia. The 36 hectares are home to various churches, museums and colonial-style buildings. Walking through the narrow streets of the fort, it seems that time has stopped here. It is curious that the fortification still fulfills its function of protecting the city. In 2004, when Sri Lanka was hit very hard by a major tsunami, the people inside the fort remained safe and sound.

A few kilometers from Galle there is a turtle farm popular with tourists. Turtle eggs collected from the coast of Sri Lanka are brought here. Optimal conditions have been created for them here. The turtles hatch safely and are released into the ocean. This whole process is watched with curiosity by tourists, who are also allowed to take touching photographs with baby turtles.

There is another attraction near Galle that is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List - the Sinharaja Rain Forest. This is a unique biosphere reserve. The remains of an ancient forest with an area of ​​48 thousand hectares. Sinharaja is home to a huge number of different species of animals and birds. Tours through the tropical jungle are conducted by professional people who, in a few hours, show tourists all the delights of the primeval rainforest of Sri Lanka.

Buddhist and Hindu temples, as well as the 18th century Dutch church - St. Mary's Cathedral, deserve special attention from tourists in Galle. The Maritime Museum will be of interest to the stronger sex, including the youngest. After all, ancient nautical maps and models of all kinds of ships are presented here.

Cuisine and restaurants

In restaurants in Galle, as throughout Sri Lanka, a lot of vegetables, fruits and rice are eaten. Cows are sacred animals for local residents, so meat is rarely cooked. Instead, fish and seafood are used. Curry sauce is for Sri Lankans what mayonnaise is for Russians. It is used in stewing and frying dishes, and is also served as an addition to ready-made dishes. Sri Lankans love chili peppers, so before ordering something from the menu, check how hot the dish is. Sri Lankans love to eat hoppers for breakfast. It is a flatbread with crispy edges baked into a cup shape. An egg is placed in the center and the result is a dish similar to fried eggs.

A hotel or cafe may also offer you Kiribath in the morning. This is white rice cooked in coconut milk. The dish is cut into small cubes and served. The mild taste of Kiribat is diluted with various spices and sauces. For lunch in Galle, you can try cotta. The dish is somewhat reminiscent of our stew. It is also prepared from a large number of different vegetables, adding meat, fish and eggs. A proprietary mixture of seasonings gives the cotta a special piquancy. Be careful! Sometimes the dish is truly fiery.

Buriyani and pilau have a more familiar taste to us. These are the “brothers” of our pilaf. Rice dishes with meat or seafood are prepared in cauldrons, adding a large amount of oil and vegetables. For sweets, sugar donuts kyavum and aluva, the local halva, are common in Galle. You should definitely try crystallized jaggery. In Sri Lanka it is something like caramel.

What to bring

Of course, tea! After all, you are in Ceylon - an island where tea has been grown for many years. Sri Lankans themselves drink only black tea in combination with milk. In addition to it, they also grow red, green and white teas. There are many varieties of tea. Black alone varies in strength and method of collection. The most expensive is white tea. For it, only the tops of tea leaves that have not yet blossomed are collected.

You can also buy unique handmade wooden crafts in Galle. Painted masks are considered good amulets against everything: diseases, evil spirits and failures. And skillfully carved ebony ebony figurines are a real talisman. Sri Lanka has long been considered the birthplace of spices. Cinnamon, curry, pepper, vanilla, cardamom, turmeric, saffron and much more are grown here. You won't see spices growing in Galle, but you can definitely buy a rich mixture of spices to take home.

The fair half of tourists will certainly enjoy the textiles presented in shops and souvenir shops. In terms of the amount of fabric produced, Sri Lanka is not inferior to China. As a souvenir, you can take home handmade batik and national silk sari from Galle.

The old part of the city of Galle is occupied by the fort, which is now declared an archaeological zone. Like any closed military garrison, there was also its own church, but its construction was in no way connected with the military history of the fort.

The reform church Grote Kerk was built in 1754 with the personal funds of Gertrude Le Grand, wife of Commander Gasparus de Jong, for her long prayer for the birth of a child. Mrs. Gertrude turned out to be a grateful woman - immediately after the birth of her son, a small temple was built in the fort. Today it is the oldest church in the city. It contains records of marriage registrations starting in 1748, and baptisms starting in 1678.

The church has a small organ located directly above the main entrance. There are numerous tombstones in the floor and walls. In those days, it was considered the norm that wealthy Europeans with enough money could buy a burial place under the vaults of the church. The decoration of the temple is very modest, the only thing that attracts attention is the stained glass windows on the windows in the form of multi-colored squares. The church is active. Despite the small number of parishioners, services are held here regularly.

Dutch fort

The Dutch fort in the city of Galle has a long history. It all started in the early sixteenth century, when a lost Portuguese ship arrived in Halle. Seeing the strategic importance of this place, the Portuguese built a fortress here, which they called Santa Cruz Fortalesa. A few decades later, the Dutch liked Halle and they did not like the presence of the Portuguese here at all. As a result of a short siege, the fortress of Santa Cruz Fortalesa was surrendered, and Halle came into the possession of Holland.

In order to strengthen their position, the Dutch turned the fortress into a fort, behind whose walls a whole city grew. The fort has survived to this day and today is the main attraction of Galle.

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Cafe Old Railway

The Old Railway Cafe is a place where you can not only enjoy international cuisine, but also buy some designer items such as clothes, homewares, jewelry and toys at reasonable prices. The cafe is located a few minutes from the pedestrian bridge located next to the train station.

The menu here is small, but it is constantly updated, so it is written in chalk on a blackboard. Thanks to this update, all dishes are prepared only from the freshest ingredients. In the cafe you can try homemade fruit juices and jams, fresh homemade cakes, potato salad in tartar sauce and many other delicacies.

This cozy cafe, which is more like an art space, is distinguished by a special atmosphere of home comfort and creative flight. Having visited this place, you will not be able to leave empty-handed and be sure to not only enjoy excellent food, but also buy a beautiful designer item as a souvenir.

Ladyhill Restaurant is a reasonably priced local restaurant where you can enjoy not only delicious food but also stunning views of Galle. It is located on the territory of the hotel of the same name.

Here you can try the variety of curries, seafood dishes and amazing steaks for which the establishment is so famous. Moreover, the portions here are so large that sometimes it is enough to take one for two.

This is a cozy establishment, decorated in light and woody tones, with a large open veranda from where you can admire the picturesque view of the city. In addition, on the terrace there are shelves with books from which you can choose something of your interest and read while enjoying a cup of delicious coffee.

Galle Fort Clock Tower

The Galle Fort Clock Tower is a fortress built in Sri Lanka by the Dutch between 1640 and 1663.

Currently, it is one of the largest surviving buildings of European colonialists in Asia.

The clock tower once served as a lighthouse, but is now a landmark in the town of Halle. The tower is also one of the main structures of the fort, which was the gateway to the city.

This structure is more than forty meters high and is built of stone.

The top of the tower is decorated with a clock with Roman numerals in a medieval style.

Lighthouse on the Bastion Utrecht

The lighthouse, erected in 1848, is located on the Utrecht bastion in the once main fort of Halle and is a UNESCO site.

Its 18-meter wooden tower was erected in 1883 for the anniversary of the Queen of England. After a fire in 1936, the lighthouse was badly damaged and was restored 3 years later, but from white stone, and its height was 26.5 meters.

Currently, the lighthouse searchlight is turned on using a special computer program. The lighthouse offers panoramic views of the sea and the Old Town. Please remember that there is a fee to visit the lighthouse.

Nicos Restaurant

Restaurant Nicos is an open-air, reasonably priced French restaurant renowned for its bar and beach atmosphere. It is located on the beach near the water. However, you don’t have to go swimming somewhere, because the restaurant even has a swimming pool.

Lying in the pool or on the sun loungers, here you can enjoy a wide variety of soft drinks, including a large selection of cocktails: mojitos, daiquiris and others, as well as real French toast and delicious desserts, of which chocolate fudge is most famous here. However, an order here will cost 400-900 rubles.

The restaurant is a stone bungalow with a thatched roof, with tables located in the fresh air, under the open sky. This heavenly place is suitable for relaxing with family, friends and loved ones.

The most popular attractions in Halle with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Galle on our website.

The historic city of Galle (Sri Lanka) is located on the southern coast of the country, 116 km from Colombo and just 5 km from Unawatuna Beach. Built in the 16th century by Portuguese explorers, the port embodies South Asian traditions and elements of European architecture, and is a UNESCO protected site.

Before Colombo, Galle remained a major city and the main port of the country for 400 years. Then the Dutch recaptured it, redesigning the entire defensive system. The city was recaptured from the Dutch by the British, who did not change anything, so the atmosphere of that era is still preserved here. In the late 19th century, the British expanded Colombo's borders, making it a major port.

Galle was once Sri Lanka's largest center for trade between Persian, Arab, Indian, Greek and Roman merchants. Just over 100 thousand residents live here, among whom there are Buddhists, Hindus, Islam and Catholicism are preached. Developed industries include textile, food and glass.

Galle has many good hotels and restaurants, and although the city is located on the coast, tourists prefer Hikkaduwa. Despite the clear water of a greenish-turquoise hue, there are stones everywhere under the water; the city does not have a sandy beach.

Galle Fort

The city of Galle in Sri Lanka is divided into an old and a new part. The boundary is marked by three powerful bastions above the cricket stadium. Here you will find many ancient buildings made in European style. Popular attractions in Galle include Galle Fort, built from granite by the Dutch at the end of the 17th century.

The ancient fort has hardly changed since colonial times, so the old part of the city is a must-visit to experience that atmosphere. Above the gate you will see the symbol of the Ottoman Empire - a stone with the image of a rooster. According to legend, the lost Portuguese sailors only thanks to his cry swam to an unnamed harbor, after which the city was named.

The fort is a UNESCO heritage site. The architectural structures of the fort are considered especially interesting. The weight of the roof is supported only by the walls, without the use of internal supports. You can walk inside the fort all day long. The popular New Oriental Hotel is located on its territory. This is the oldest hotel in the country, and it was built at the end of the 17th century for the governor. High-ranking officials and wealthy people prefer to relax here and now.

The port of Galle in Sri Lanka still receives fishing and cargo ships, as well as private yachts. The most prominent part of the fort is the lighthouse; in the evening it illuminates the way for distant ships. The harbor has its own unique and inimitable atmosphere, which tourists love so much. Photos of Galle in Sri Lanka show that you can admire there not only historical buildings, but also the beautiful Indian Ocean and unique sunsets.

New town

In the new part of the city there is a shopping center with shops and small cozy cafes. The train stations and the central market are located on the banks of the Dutch Canal. Tourists enjoy visiting St. Mary's Cathedral.

Although there are almost no significant ancient monuments here, modern Halle is considered the heart of the city. The narrow streets of Morishe-Kramer-straat and Lane-Bahn still have open windows with wooden shutters, terraces and spacious rooms in the best Dutch traditions.

Attractions Galle

You will always find something to see in Halle. The city is usually visited for excursions to learn more about the culture of this region.

On Tserkovnaya Street there is National Museum of Culture, where you can learn all about the history of the city. Admission is paid, visiting hours are from 9.00 to 17.00 from Tuesday to Saturday.

National Maritime Museum

Deserves attention National Maritime Museum on Queen Street. On the ground floor you will find an exhibition dedicated to fishing life. You can get to the Museum from 9.00 to 17.00. Working days are Tuesday-Saturday.

IN Dutch Period Museum The most interesting exhibits from the era of Dutch rule are exhibited. The museum is located in private houses on Leyn Baan street. Admission is free, visiting hours are from 8.30 to 17.30 daily.

Meera Mosque

Tourists also like to visit ancient Gothic church Grote Kerk, which is located near the Amangalla Hotel, on Church Street. There you will find ancient tombstones with images of skulls and bones.

Mosques were built behind the Catholic Church of All Saints, tourists especially like Meera Masjid, but you need to visit this place in appropriate clothing.

Opposite the Dutch church is the house of the Dutch rulers with the original ovens inside. Rumor has it there are ghosts there.

Cricket is a popular sport here and the national team here has won many prizes. The cricket ground is considered to be immaculate for the game and is located among the oldest and most valuable monuments near the Galle Fort, which makes it even more unique.

What to see in the area

In the central part of Weligama Bay is the beautiful island of Taprobane, or Yakinige Duva in Sinhala. At the beginning of the 20th century, a luxurious house was built here by the French Count de Manet, and the writer P. Bowles used it in his novel “The House of the Spider.” Now this place is a private resort where you can rent a villa.

Unawatuna. The secluded Unawatuna Beach is surrounded by coral reefs on all sides and is just 5 km from Galle. There is a highway running through the central part, unlike the city, so it is quite busy here. The popular resort place is popular with tourists and local residents, because here you can not only relax and swim, but also go diving, snorkeling and surfing.

Mirissa. In this small resort village near Weligama you can spend your holiday economically. In addition to spacious beaches, there are excellent conditions for surfing and snorkeling. Tourists who value a relaxing holiday will especially like it here.

More detailed information with photos about the Mirissa resort is presented in.

How to get to Galle

Inside the city, the transport interchange is quite developed and has many branches. The city is connected to the nearest major cities and Matara by railway lines. You can get to Galle by train, bus and taxi; at the station you can always find out where the city of Galle is and how to get to it.

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From Colombo. From the train station to Galle station. Only 2nd and 3rd class carriages or Rajadhani Express carriages, tickets for which can be purchased online. Travel time is 2.5-3 hours.

From Nuwara Eliya, Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura, Kandy, take a train to Colombo Fort, then transfer to the Colombo Fort – Galle train. Before your trip, check the current train schedule and ticket prices on the website www.railway.gov.lk.

There are many bus services from Colombo Bus Station to Galle. You can get there by highway in 2-3 hours. If the route runs along the coast, the journey will take approximately 4 hours. The bus station in Galle is located across the road from the Fort, the main attraction of the city.

  • For drinking and cooking, use water from plastic bottles.
  • There is traffic flow in the city of Halleactive, so be careful on the roads.
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    You can visit this resort center at any time of the year. It is always warm in Galle (Sri Lanka). Summer and winter are characterized by slight temperature changes. There is almost no rain here from December to April. Even from May to November, short rains do not interfere with sightseeing.

    What Halle looks like from the air and some practical information for those who want to visit the city are in the video.

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    Galle Fort is located in the bay of the same name in the southeast of Sri Lanka. It is an archaeological, architectural and historical heritage that has maintained its magnificent appearance for more than four centuries thanks to the reconstruction work carried out by Sri Lankan specialists.

    Galle (city), Sri Lanka

    This is a fairly large port city. Its population is more than one hundred thousand people. In the past, the city was the main water gate of the country. His story is interesting. The name of the city is not local, but Portuguese. The word "galle" is translated as "rooster". It all started in 1505, when a Portuguese merchant ship was wrecked. The morning after the tragedy, the team realized that they were in uncharted territory. Only the crowing of a rooster indicated the habitability of this place. This is where the name of the city came from. Its main attraction is the fort, which was built for almost a century and a half.

    History of the fort

    It was the Portuguese who built a fortress on this land. This happened in 1588. But when the Dutch came here in the 17th century, it was rebuilt, so Fort Galle is considered a Dutch fortress. 1663 is considered the date of its foundation. For 200 years, the fortress was the main port of the country, and was the place where ships sailing from Europe to Asia moored.

    Fort today

    Modern Galle Fort (Sri Lanka) is an urban area called the Old City. It is also the main tourist area. Behind the high walls of the fort there are shops and hotels, restaurants and cafes, banks and offices, and even its own market. Here a calm and measured life flows as usual. There is no bustle in this place, which is typical for neighboring areas located at a distance of several hundred meters from the fortress.

    Galle Fort (Sri Lanka) has a quiet, almost romantic atmosphere, which invites you to walk along the ancient narrow streets. This is a whole complex of attractions and memorable places, since in addition to the walls themselves and ancient buildings on the territory of the fort there are museums, a lighthouse, antique shops, jewelry workshops, a mosque and a church.

    Fort Galle (Sri Lanka), a photo of which you can see in the article, is a network of bastions that at one time repelled the attacks of invaders. Anyone, as part of an excursion group or independently, can walk through the ruins of this citadel.

    The Rocky Cape Bastion signaled to ships that the enemy was approaching. From the fortress of Pigeon Island, located nearby, the soldiers fired at the enemy ships. It was located near the Triton bastion. It supplied sea water and provided for the economic needs of the town. The bastions of the Moon, Star and Sun are located successively one after another on the narrow isthmus of the peninsula. And the bastions of Tson, Shter and Maan defended the fort from the side. Only the Tsvat bastion has survived to this day.

    Galle Fort (Sri Lanka) is always open as it is part of the city. You can enter the territory through two entrances (old and main gates). There is no entrance fee, but you will have to pay to see some of the attractions. If you have enough time, we recommend that you not only walk through the streets and the center of the fort. Walk around its perimeter, along the walls, to which several stairs lead.


    We invite you to get acquainted with the interesting places of Galle Fort (Sri Lanka). And you should start your acquaintance with the ancient walls, along which anyone can walk: the paths are wide and completely safe. Sunset walks are especially popular, when the sun sets over the ocean, painting it and the surrounding area in a variety of colors. Bright and picturesque views will make a huge impression even on a person completely devoid of romance. To contemplate these beauties, some sections of the walls are equipped with small but very comfortable benches.

    New Eastern Hotel

    This is not just the oldest hotel in the country, but also the oldest in Asia. The magnificent colonial-style building was erected in 1864 as the governor's residence. Today, the house of the highest official has become a hotel, which has undergone virtually no changes either outside or inside. The cost of living there is overpriced. But this does not stop wealthy tourists who are willing to pay to stay in an ancient mansion located on the territory of the famous monument.


    To the east of Galle Fort (Sri Lanka) is the Utrecht Bastion. In 1848, a lighthouse twenty-four and a half meters high was built on its top. In those days, it played an important strategic role - it showed ships the way in a bay that was difficult to navigate.

    After a fire in 1934, the lighthouse was destroyed. Five years later, a new one was built in its place. This is a white rounded tower with a height of more than 26 m and a diameter of 47 m. Its flash at night illuminates the sky every ten seconds.

    Clock tower

    In part of the bastion, which was built in 1663, this tower, forty meters high, was erected. Once upon a time, it also served as a lighthouse for ships entering the port. Over time, this need disappeared, and a clock with a Roman dial was installed at the top of the tower. Unfortunately, they cannot boast of precision. Tourists are not allowed inside the building.

    National Museum

    The museum is located in the oldest building of the fort, which was built in 1656, although the exhibition halls were opened to the public only in 1986. They introduce archaeological finds discovered in the south of Sri Lanka. These are dishes and ritual masks, jewelry and household items. There are also exhibits from the Dutch era: clay vessels and weapons.

    Maritime Museum

    This museum is the only one in the country dedicated to the ichthyofauna of this region. Here you can get acquainted with the difficult life of fishermen. The museum operated quite successfully until 2004. It was this year that a devastating tsunami swept through these places.

    The costs of restoring the complex were covered by the Dutch government. In the museum, visitors can see several halls in which they are invited to get acquainted with the life and way of life of fishing villages. The exhibition of turtles and corals, invertebrates and fish deserves special attention. The highlight of the exhibition is the whale skeleton. Expansion of exhibitions is planned in the near future.

    Historical Museum

    This is the largest private museum in the country. It contains items that once belonged to the wealthy jeweler Abdul Ghaffar. For forty years he collected paintings and original pieces of furniture, unique antiques. Today all this is part of the exhibition, which is now available to the general public.

    Great Temple

    Initially, there was an old church on this site in Galle Fort (Sri Lanka), which was built in 1640. In 1752 it was reconstructed and turned into a two-level Great Temple. On the first level, the floor is laid with Dutch gravestones. On the second floor there is a functioning organ, which was installed back in 1760. Multi-colored stained glass windows deserve no less attention.

    Government House

    This colonial-era building, erected in 1701, is located opposite the Great Temple. Above the massive entrance doors there is still an image of a rooster. Even today, real Dutch ovens are used in the building. Tourists cannot get inside, but no one will stop you from admiring the architecture and beautiful facades.

    Where to stay?

    In the fort itself there are many that are ready to offer overnight accommodation and a quite decent level of comfort. Below we will present to you some hotels in Galle (Sri Lanka) where you can stay during your trip.

    Hotel Tropical Retreat 3*

    This cozy hotel offers its guests comfortable rooms. All are equipped with a seating area, balcony, air conditioning and minibar. Travelers have access to a bathroom with a shower, hairdryer and toiletries. The rooms overlook the beautiful garden. The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool and a cozy restaurant.

    Hotel Green Casa 3*

    Located in Galle, 1.7 km from the fort. All rooms are furnished with modern, functional furniture and have a well-equipped bathroom. Amenities include LCD TV and air conditioning. The hotel offers bicycle rentals. Private parking is available on site.

    Era Beach 5*

    This fashionable hotel belongs to a family of mini-hotels in which the small number of rooms is compensated by elegant furnishings and excellent service. Guests will enjoy private accommodation in a picturesque old mansion. There is a modern spa center on site that offers Ayurvedic massage, aromatherapy and other body and facial treatments.

    Here you will be invited to take an exciting boat trip, watch dolphins and whales, and engage in your favorite water sports.

    Sri Lanka, Galle: reviews

    The impressions from a trip to Halle are different. Most tourists are satisfied with their visit to the city; they remember the picturesque landscapes and unique ancient monuments. Negative reviews most often concern some hotels, where there are frequent interruptions in water supply and unprofessional work of the staff. But this does not apply to hotels with 4 and 5 stars.

    Galle Fort is located in Galle Bay on the south-eastern coast of Sri Lanka, 113 km from Colombo. It was built by the Portuguese in 1588, then fortified by the Dutch in the 17th century. It is a historical, archaeological and architectural heritage that even after more than four centuries remains in beautiful appearance thanks to the enormous renovation work done by the Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka.

    The history of the fort is very rich, so today a multinational and multi-religious population lives there. The Sri Lankan government and the Dutch, who still own some property inside the fort, are trying to make it one of the modern wonders of the world.

    The historical and architectural value of the fort was recognized by UNESCO and the building was listed as a UNESCO cultural heritage site as "a unique urban ensemble that illustrates the interaction of European and South Asian architecture from the 16th to the 19th centuries."

    Galle Fort, also known as the "Dutch Fort" or "Galle Bastion", withstood the tsunami that damaged part of the coastal area of ​​the city of Galle. It has since been restored. The fort also houses the upscale Amangalla Resort Hotel, located near the Dutch Reformed Church. This building was originally built in 1684 to house the Dutch governor and his staff. It was then converted into a hotel and named in 1865 as the New Oriental Hotel. European passengers traveling between Europe and the port of Halle stayed here in the 19th century.

    From the walls of the Fort every day you can watch a stunningly beautiful sunset, when the sun literally sinks into the ocean, leaving only crimson traces.