How to make a camp in the forest. Choosing a place to set up camp on a hike or where to put up a tent. Light is a big topic

Hiking can have a beneficial effect on the human body. But it is very important to evenly distribute the load during it. During the hike, alternate between exercise and rest. In this article we will talk about how to organize a trip correctly?
Remember that the average distance that doctors recommend walking during the day is approximately 25 kilometers. In this case, the weight of the backpack should not exceed 25 kilograms. The hike should be carried out in not very hot weather - at the beginning of the day and at the end. At noon you need to take a long rest. You need to set up camp before dark. It is better to go to bed to rest before dark and get up early to continue the hike. After every hour of hiking, take a ten-minute break, and then a twenty-minute break. At first you need to walk slowly, but gradually increase the pace of movement. Stop 20 minutes after you start your hike to organize your equipment.

The leader and trailing person must participate in the hike. In this case, the first one must choose the path and set the most optimal pace of movement. The leader should not allow the group to lag behind, and help those who are most tired. He must periodically give signals to the leader.

You also need to be able to choose the right convenient and safe place for recreation and be able to quickly set up tents. If there is no suitable place, you should build some temporary shelter and light a fire there to cook food. For rest you should choose a dry place protected from the wind. It should also be level and there should be water and trees nearby.

For an overnight stay, choose a place that is located in a sparse forest, preferably a coniferous one. Make sure that trees are away from the fire and that the area is level. You should not set up a camp where there is dense bush or coniferous thickets, as there is a danger that a fire may occur. In addition, there are usually a lot of mosquitoes in such places. There should be no rotten, dry trees near the tent that could be blown over by the wind. Do not camp near water or in a dangerous or inconvenient location.

Place the tent, start by securing the bottom. Prepare dry leaves, branches, grass, moss and place them under the bottom of the tent. Place capes, raincoats, empty backpacks and other things at the bottom of the tents. When stretching the top, be careful not to create any sagging or wrinkles. To protect the area around the tent from rain, dig an overflow up to 10 cm deep, with water drainage along the slope.

When the sun sets, close the entrance to the tent so that fog and dew do not dampen your belongings, as well as food. Place the food inside the tent near its walls. The tent should be illuminated using an electric flashlight.

When hiking, you should light dry small spruce and pine branches, candle stubs, bark, etc. During rains, it should be planted under a cover made of a raincoat and tarpaulin. In dry weather, you should clean up mosses, dry grass, pine needles, etc. around the fire. This will help prevent a fire. It is prohibited to plant on peat bogs. Before going to bed, put out the fire and fill it with water. If you need to keep the fire going, leave a man on duty overnight or cover the fire with ashes. To hang boilers, pots, and buckets, you should stretch a steel cable over the fire. It is also possible to use other methods. To dry things, hang a cord on the side of the fire (about 2 m high).

On 1-2-day hikes, you can easily organize an overnight stay without a tent. To do this, you should find places that could protect you from rain and wind. At the same time, take a closer look at places where there are cliffs and rocks. You can use them to stop there and light a fire.

When hiking, strictly adhere to basic safety rules. So, for example, it is prohibited to swim in random places, in reservoirs with cold water. Be very careful when cutting and preparing firewood, when lighting a fire, and when cooking. If a thunderstorm begins, you should immediately stop moving and get down from the height. You should not hide from a thunderstorm under lonely trees. You should also not run or carry metal objects with you.

During your hike, camp on a flat, grassy area that has a slight slope. The slope is needed for water to flow down it. When lighting a fire, do not use flammable substances (for example, gasoline, acetone).
When setting up a tent, first lay down the groundsheet and secure it. After this, place the top rail and pull it through the tent flange loops. You will need to thread the point of the pole through the hole in the top rail as well as the pole of the tent.

When lighting a fire, remember that hard wood species (beech, ash, oak, hawthorn) burn slowly, well and for a long time. Trees such as birch, hazel, spruce, larch, and pine light up quite quickly and burn well. Chestnut burns worse, and willow and elm are not at all suitable for making fires.

Before using an axe, work with the hatchet first. When lifting the ax to strike, you should smoothly move your right hand along the handle towards the base. When cutting off branches from the trunk, stand on the opposite side from the direction of the ax. Small branches can be sawed with a saw. When carrying an axe, hold it by the handle and point the blade away from you. The best angle for an ax to strike is 45°.

You should maintain good hygiene while hiking. At the rest stop, set up a special place for washing. There should be a mirror, a stand for a container with toothbrushes, and a footrest. You can also arrange a shower there.

Dishes should be washed only after eating. This should not be left for later. When on duty in the kitchen, wash the pots immediately with hot water, otherwise the fat will dry onto them later.

When camping, do not leave empty cans, paper, or cellophane bags. Everything should be burned, and then the fire should be extinguished and covered with turf on top. Then sprinkle the trash and carefully inspect the area again to see if you left anything behind.

To make your outdoor recreation comfortable, you need to take into account all the details of setting up a camp. Know how to camp and where to camp. Let's consider several options.

How to set up camp


How to set up camp while fishing. In the summer, many anglers go fishing. It is necessary to set up the camp correctly so that the vacation brings positive emotions. The main attribute of an experienced fisherman is a tent. Now there are many of them. Choose absolutely any one to suit your color and taste.

The main thing is that the tent is light and practical. There are entire tent structures that include a system of tents and a vestibule. It's up to you to choose. You need to think about what to sleep on. Now there are many sleeping bags and attributes for a comfortable and warm overnight stay. You can read how to choose the right sleeping bag in our article. Use air mattresses and blankets, they are comfortable.

If the car is with a trailer, you can easily afford an arsenal of any weight.

You need to choose a place. Near the water better tent don’t put it there, in the morning there will be a thick fog from the water, as well as cold and you will get cold and wet. Place your tent at least 10 meters from the water. Avoid large cluster trees. During a severe thunderstorm, a tree can be struck by lightning and you may be injured. After heavy rain, water flows onto the tent.

We set up a tent camp on a flat surface away from the water. In case of rain, dig a trench around the perimeter of the tent so that water accumulates and does not flow into the tent. Place your tent with the exit facing east. The wind blows mainly from the west, which threatens to freeze you at night. The sun rises in the east, which will keep you awake until noon. Dry blankets and mattresses after sleeping. Condensation often forms in a tent due to temperature changes; you can read how to deal with condensation on our website.

An important place is given to the hearth. When starting a fire, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. There are many types of fire. If you want to quickly warm up, you need to stack the firewood in a tent; a fire in such a structure produces great heat. To prepare fish soup or another dish, stack the firewood in the shape of sun rays, with the ends in the center and to the sides. This will give large area for cooking and will create the necessary heat. For ignition you should use birch or birch bark. Read the basic rules for making a fire to know all the subtleties.

Don't forget about safety. Especially about water safety. If your boat capsizes, don't panic. The main thing is to take a deep breath and rise to the surface without unnecessary panic. Turn the boat upside down and stay on it until help will come, if you are far from the coast. Man consists of 80% water and is lighter than it. If you relax your body and take a deep breath, the person will float up.

Halt on the hike

How to set up camp on a hike. You should choose your hiking location carefully. You need to find a place in a sparse forest. It's good if it's a small clearing. Trees should be avoided, as a fire can cause a fire. Don't choose an inconvenient location or a location near water. There are always a lot of mosquitoes near water.

Tent location

Also ensure that there are no rotten or wet tree trunks near the tents, this will also attract mosquitoes and insects. You can put leaves and moss under the bottom of the tent to prevent it from becoming damp. You can also dig a trench around the tent to collect dew and water. Don't forget to close the entrance to your tent in the evening to prevent the inside of the tent from getting wet.

When the campsite is ready, you need to take care of the fire. It is better to light a fire from dry branches; spruce and pine are suitable. Oak and ash burn much longer, but more slowly. You can arrange a drying rack next to the fire. Build it from scrap materials or buy it at the store. If you don't need a fire at night, fill it with water or ash. If you are planning a long vacation, then leave a person on duty at the fire. Be careful not to start a fire.

Don't forget about safety rules. Use the ax and sharp objects carefully when cutting logs. Always keep an eye on the fire and be careful when preparing food. Take a first aid kit with the necessary medications on your hike. If a thunderstorm begins, you should not run in the rain with metal objects on you. No need to hide under the trees.

Don't forget to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Immediately set up a place where you will take the garbage and do not forget to remove it afterwards. If you do not have the opportunity to pick up all your garbage, then scorch it thoroughly and bury it in a safe place. This way it will decompose much faster. Do not wash dishes in the river, they will become dirty. Fill a large vat with water and wash the dishes in it. Then simply pour out the water and throw away any remaining food.

Camp with canopy

By the sea

We set up camp on the seashore. If you are a fan of tent camps on the seashore or on an island, then you need to be careful and know exactly how to set up camp by the sea. Holidays on an island, as a rule, involve a complete absence of civilization and signs of life. You should also be wary of wild animals. The tent complex should be set up further away, preferably on the grass.

You can follow the same rules as when going on a fishing trip. You need to be careful, watch the fire and collect debris from the very beginning. If you catch fish for food, be careful, there are many poisonous fish in the sea. It will be more difficult to maintain a fire in a sandy area, stock up on more firewood.

Where to camp

If you choose a quiet place close to populated areas, then you need to choose existing camping sites. Setting up camp in such places is easier. Focus on the number of days you plan to spend at the camp. Take light things, tents and backpacks. You shouldn't stand close to water either. Take a spot in the center of the camp if possible.

The benefits of rest.


For first-time campers, it's helpful to know how to set up camp properly. After all, having a comfortable and safe place to sleep allows you to have a great rest after a hard day and gain strength to move forward. Therefore, it is important to know how to set up camp and where it is best to do it.

Basic requirements for a campsite

Before we deal with the issue of a place for a bivouac, let’s consider the main nuances of choosing a place to spend the night. There are only three main criteria:

  • Safety;
  • Availability of water;
  • Availability of fuel.

Based on these three positions, you should select a parking spot. As a rule, experienced tourists inquire in advance about the availability of convenient places along the route. To do this, they contact people who have already passed along this road. The easiest option would be to contact your local tourist organization. Here you will be given detailed recommendations for completing the route.

Camp safety while hiking

Here you should pay attention to several factors. You should not put up tents on an animal trail or on an abandoned road. When traveling along a river, do not stop close to the water. If there is heavy rain, the camp may flood. For the same reason, you should not set up camp in low-lying areas and ravines.

The best option would be a flow source. It could be a river or stream. Just pay attention to the presence of industrial and agricultural enterprises upstream. They can significantly pollute water, but there are many ways to do so. When choosing, you must take into account the number of people in the group. For example, for ten people, a spring in which you have to draw water with a mug is not entirely suitable as a source.

Not suitable for camping near sources of standing water. Although, if you have special preparations for disinfection, you can stop here.

Fuel for the fire

It is especially important to have enough fuel when hiking in winter. The easiest way in this sense is to organize tourist routes in Central Russia. Here, with the exception of early spring, no problems with firewood arise. The only thing you should pay attention to is the distance to the fuel source. For some methods of starting fires, it is best to locate the camp around a fallen tree.

A place to camp or rest on a hike, where to put up a tent?

So how do you choose a place to stop for the night? To do this, choose windless places. Ideally, it is advisable to pitch tents in the forest. Under the canopy of which the wind and rain are not so terrible. A common mistake is setting up a camp in an open space. Of course, it can be beautiful here. But, tents will be practically defenseless against any bad weather.

Pay attention to the possibility of installing tents, which by the way have several types, and not every one. The soil in the parking area should be moderately soft. This will allow you to drive the stakes into the ground without any problems. When setting up a tent, pay attention to the absence of anthills and wasp nests in the surrounding area. This will avoid additional problems.

Such a simple task as setting up a camp is quite difficult in practice. There are many different factors to consider when choosing a location. Only then will you be able to fully and safely rest after a long journey.

Hiking is not only about endless treks through forests, mountains and fords. This is also a vacation away from civilization, days in the most picturesque places chosen route, songs with a guitar by the fire. Therefore, it is important to arrange a cozy camp, even if it is just for one night. During the hikes of the PIK tourist club, we pay great attention to camping life, so that the hike will be remembered by our tourists not only for the beauty of wild nature, but also for its sincerity.

In order for the camp to turn out exactly like this, I advise you to adhere to the following rules:

Choose a good place

It is best to set up camp in clearings, forest edges, and gentle river banks.

Do not place a tent near precariously standing trees, near cliffs, on animal trails, or deep in the forest. I also don’t recommend camping too close to the water, especially in the spring when the water rises by meters in a matter of minutes.

Details about choosing a parking spot

Set up a tent

A flat, dry piece of land is suitable for a tent. It’s okay if there is a slight slope, then position the tent so that you sleep with your head up.

If you want the morning sun to illuminate the entrance to the tent, then place it with the entrance facing east. This way you will wake up in a good mood, and the tent will dry out faster from condensation.

Be sure to secure the tent with pegs or rocks. It is better to do this in advance than to get out of a warm sleeping bag at night and urgently secure the tent in the rain and strong wind.

After the camp has been established, it is necessary to collect firewood and make a fire, on which those on duty will cook food.

Dry your clothes and shoes

After setting up camp and having a hearty lunch, most of all you want to relax. But things got wet and needed to be dried. Clothing made from synthetic materials is not a canvas jacket and tarpaulin boots that can be dried by the fire.
So I usually wring out the wet clothes and hang them on tent lines or trekking poles. I put small damp things in my sleeping bag at night. Modern hiking clothes dry quickly, so by morning your clothes will be dry or almost dry.

Drying shoes is more difficult.
First of all, take out the insoles and put them in the sleeping bag to dry. Then remove excess moisture from your boots by placing socks or toilet paper in them. A towel or microfiber cloth works best for this, and they will dry faster after use.

If your shoes are not dry before the morning, then before leaving the camp we put on dry socks, if necessary, a regular bag, and only then put our foot in the boot.

So, camp life is established: the camp is set up, the group is fed, things are dried. Now you can relax with a clear conscience, sing songs by the fire and tell hiking stories. And at night you can calmly go to bed with dreams of new impressions of tomorrow.

Before leaving

Morning has come. Everyone slept, had breakfast, and their clothes and shoes were dry. It's time to pack up and move on.

Be sure to collect trash before leaving. What can be burned, burn it. take the rest with you. Put out the fire. The parking lot should remain the same as it was before you arrived.

Go hiking with us - and you will not only visit places that most people see only in photographs, but you will also feel the romance of camping life in the most friendly company!

Camp setup

Even if you are camping for just one night, take the time to ensure basic amenities. I'm not talking about the TV, but about more essential things - places to sleep and wash. Of course, no one would take a kitchen sink with them on a camping trip, but with some ingenuity, you can create many useful items from natural materials that are always on hand. Of course, for one night's stay it is not worth wasting your energy on what I suggest, but if you are going to live in the camp for some time, it is quite possible to make this life comfortable and easier. There are no fixed rules for this; you will change and improve something all the time, and this will give you great pleasure. But first, I’ll give you a few ideas.


You might want to take an air mattress with you on your hike. If you carefully read my advice in the first chapter, then you know that you need to put some kind of bedding under yourself to insulate your body from the ground. Air mattresses, however, quickly become damp - this problem can be solved by taking a bivouac bag with you, but problems arise when you sleep under a tarpaulin canopy. And even if the air layer retains moisture and keeps you from getting wet, a damp mattress is very uncomfortable - after you fold it for storage, it can become moldy, and it will be unpleasant to sleep on.

The solution is very simple - make yourself an improvised bed, which is not very difficult.

Find a pair of strong, thick logs, 1m long, and place them parallel to each other, about 15cm from the head and foot ends of your mattress. (In other words, if the length of the mattress is 2 m, the logs should lie at a distance of 2 m 30 cm.)

Now find some long straight branches about the thickness of your arm, place them on the logs and tie them tightly with a noose. You will have a platform raised above the ground. Use a knife to make indentations in the thick logs on which the branches rest so that they do not move out of place. By placing the mattress on this platform, you will sleep without contacting the ground.

Camp table

A camp table can be very convenient. It is the same platform, only raised higher. For one night, a stump with a flat surface is enough, but if you decide to settle on a more long term, make the table bigger and more reliable.

If the ground is soft, dig two ditches opposite each other. Place the excavated soil along the edge of the ditches - it will serve as a backrest for the seat. The space between the ditches will become your table.

In Fig. 1–3, p. 80 shows how to build a wooden table with seats. Don't worry if the sticks you find in the forest aren't as straight and smooth as in the picture (they never are), but try to find sticks that are as straight and smooth as possible. Using an ax or saw, align them to length and make notches to join them together. Tie the sticks together using a tie or sled knot.

Chairs can be invaluable, especially if the ground in your camp is damp. With a little practice, you can make a chair in just 15 minutes. Do as shown in figure c. 81. The main thing is to find three strong branches that bifurcate at the ends and give them the shape shown in this picture. Having made the frame, cut the branches shorter and tie them with a tightening or sleigh knot.



We are so used to turning on the light at the touch of a button that we can no longer imagine how dark it can be in the forest at night. This is especially true in the jungle, where immediately after sunset it becomes pitch darkness, because not a single light penetrates through the dense foliage. I found myself in a very unpleasant situation there several times, because I was used to the fact that there was twilight before dark. After all, setting up camp in the jungle in complete darkness is a very difficult task!

One day I stopped for the night in the mountains of Transylvania, where the largest population of brown bears in Europe remains. Just a few hours ago I came face to face with a huge bear, so I tried to make my camp as safe as possible. I stretched a wire around the hut, and tied a tin can with stones to the tree, connecting it to the wire - if someone touched it, the can would tip over. At night I thought I heard some sound, and I went out to see who was there. It was pitch black all around, and I didn’t have a flashlight. While checking the wire, I accidentally pulled it and almost jumped out of my skin when stones fell from above with an unimaginable roar! Sometimes our imagination plays bad tricks on us.

If you have lit a fire, it will illuminate your camp; and for directional light it is good to have a flashlight with you. He will become your indispensable assistant in unforeseen circumstances. I also advise you to take a few candles with you. Candles can easily fall off, so stick a knife into the wood with the flat side of the blade facing up. Place a few drops of melted paraffin on it and place a candle on the knife. (In the same way, place candles on a wet, flat surface, making sure there are no flammable objects nearby.)


Do not throw away candle stubs or pieces of paraffin that have fallen from it. Melt them in a tin jar without a lid by inserting a piece of rope into the melted paraffin. Let the wax cool and you'll have another means of camp lighting (which could possibly save your life if you lose all other light sources).

What if there is a strong wind? I will teach you how to use a glass bottle as a windproof candle holder. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle. Does this seem impossible to you? Fuck me bear! I swear that this can be done in the field without any special equipment, and without any risk of cutting yourself! All you need is a piece of thin wire, fire and cold water. Heat the wire until it is red hot. Just do this with gloves so as not to burn your fingers; after that, tie the bottle with wire in the place where you want to cut it. Dip the bottle into cold water, and it will crack exactly in the very place where you tied it with wire. Stick the candle into the ground or, after dripping paraffin, strengthen it on some other surface, and then cover it with a bottle on top. You will get a wonderful lantern that is not afraid of any wind!


If you went camping with a group and one of your tourists took a small basin with them, build a stand for it, and you will have a washbasin. Make a tripod out of three sticks, as shown in Fig. on right. At the intersection of the sticks, located 30 cm from the top, tie a tightening or sled knot. The lower part of the tripod forms the legs, and the upper part forms the support for your basin. (A more thorough washbasin that can be used for a long time is described in the chapter “Camping Life”, in the “Personal Hygiene” section.)


If you don't have a basin, tie a piece of tarp to your tripod. You will have an improvised washbasin.

A case from one's life

There are many exciting stories about miracles of courage and endurance performed by Arctic and Antarctic explorers like Scott, Amundsen, and prisoners of war who escaped captivity into the jungle or mountains. These are outstanding examples of human perseverance and determination. But you don't have to go to Antarctica to find yourself in a situation that puts your life at risk. This trouble may be waiting for you on the doorstep. By being able to think logically and having knowledge - such as how to tie knots or use different materials to build shelters, make gear and start a fire - you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

One of my friends was undergoing testing for service in the special forces. Having successfully completed several stages, he was subjected to a new test, which was called “Struggle for Survival, Separation from Pursuit, Resistance and Extraction.” This test did not take place in the Arctic desert or in the jungle. borneo islands, and among the hills and valleys of North Wales!

My friend fled, and he was pursued by a detachment of hunters, whose task was to find him and capture him. Soon he found himself in a dense pine forest. He knew well that hunters with dogs were following his trail. Making his way through the dense forest, he was unable to correctly assess the situation and choose the right direction. Finally, he escaped from the dense thickets and fell straight into the pond! He got out of it, but it was October, and the water was so cold that he almost suffocated.

The previous four evenings the temperature had dropped below zero, and the wind was strong. My friend realized that this was a matter of his life and death. He could not light a fire - this would give away his location to his pursuers. The only thing left for him was to build a shelter from the icy wind and try to somehow warm up.

Due to the dense canopy of trees, there was almost no undergrowth on the ground. He began digging the ground to determine the thickness of the spruce litter. It was approximately 45 cm, which means that it would not be possible to dig a hole that would hide it entirely. He needed to build a ground shelter, but he had neither ropes nor building materials.

But, digging the ground, he got to the spruce roots, and these roots are one of the best natural materials for tying knots. If split, they are ideal for holding together the structure of a temporary shelter. And my friend began to pull out spruce roots from the ground. He split them, and then picked up dry branches that were lying nearby. It didn't take long before his low hut was ready. All he had to do was pile spruce needles and branches on the side of the hut from where the wind was blowing, and his shelter would be ready. And he realized that, despite the cold and darkness, strong wind and wet clothes, he would be able to escape.

Necessity, as the old saying goes, is the mother of invention. In other words, if you really need something, with a little thought, you can figure out how to solve this problem, even if you have to use improvised materials and tools. In camping conditions, you don’t need multi-meter nylon ropes and tarpaulins - with common sense, you can not only survive, but also get comfortable.

Of course, the chances of finding yourself in a life-or-death situation are slim, but in the field there are always moments when you need to use your wits. And then you will understand that nature is a store, a warehouse of materials, and a shed with tools. All you need is to be able to observe, think, laugh and never give up! All scouts do this.

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