Trinity Suburb: history and modernity. Trinity suburb. Interesting objects and stories Trinity Suburb Trinity Mountain

The Trinity Suburb of Minsk is undoubtedly the most beautiful urban area not only of the capital, but of the whole of Belarus. It is located on the left bank of the Svisloch River. The name Trinity Suburb comes from the Trinity Church once founded by King Jagiello.

The construction of the Trinity Suburb (Trinity Mountain) began in the 12th century. Medieval Minsk grew into suburbs. A wealthier crowd settled in the Trinity Suburb. In the XIV-XV centuries there was even a administrative center cities. After receiving the Magdeburg Law and building the town hall, the Trinity Suburb lost its status as the main district of Minsk.

In the 16th-17th centuries, earthen ramparts were built around the Trinity Suburb and ditches filled with water were dug. The area acquired the status of an important defensive fortified place.

Until the 19th century, Trinity Suburb was considered a suburb of Minsk, and the houses in it were wooden. In the 19th century, the suburb became part of the city. Its center was considered the Trinity Market, on the site of which the Opera House and public garden are now built.

The Trinity Suburb acquired its current appearance thanks to a severe fire in 1809, when everything wooden buildings burned out. The mayors decided to demolish the remains of the foundations and build new city blocks in accordance with the canons of classical development, when the streets had to intersect at right angles, forming rectangular blocks. The houses were adjacent to each other, forming a single facade. The high tiled roofs of houses with attics and attics gave the Trinity Suburb a unique flavor.

Now the Trinity Suburb has been reconstructed, repaired and landscaped. It looks attractive at any time of the year, at any time of day and in any weather thanks to the famous tiled roofs, multi-colored facades and modern dynamic lighting (changing colors like dancing fountains).

  • Location: Bogdanovicha street
  • Year of construction: XVII-XIX centuries; XX century
  • Style: classicism, eclecticism

Map of Trinity Suburb

Photos of Trinity Suburb

Trinity Suburb is a picturesque medieval quarter on the banks of the Svisloch River in the very center of Minsk. Cozy streets and stylized houses with tiled roofs in the Trinity Suburb have become one of the main symbols of the capital, today representing part of the historical reconstruction of Minsk.

A little history

The name of the suburb most likely comes from Trinity Church, founded by Grand Duke Jagiello. By the way, this was the first Catholic church in Minsk. Another version indicates the existence toponym "Trinity Mountain", from which the suburb received its name. The settlement of Trinity Mountain arose in the 12th-13th centuries. on a hill near the Svisloch River. In ancient times the suburb was shopping center, where roads from Vilno, Polotsk, Smolensk, Mogilev intersected, and from the end of the 16th century, the city’s largest trading platform, the Trinity Market, was located here.

The suburb was built up with wooden houses in which artisans, traders, peasants and military men lived. The ancient layout of the suburb disappeared in early XIX V. after a big fire and was restored in stone. In the 30-60s of the twentieth century, individual buildings of the suburb and entire streets were destroyed. In the 1980s and early 2000s, restoration work was carried out to recreate the architectural appearance of Minsk.

Trinity Suburb today

In 2004 it was started historical reconstruction Trinity Suburb, which over time was included in the Old Town complex. After restoration it turned into a natural museum under open air, where you can see stone buildings from the 19th century. In 2009, the square where the market was located several centuries ago received the historical name Trinity Mountain. The National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Belarus, built in the 1930s, is also located here.

What to visit and where to go? Top 10 Must-See

Trinity Suburb is a tourist mecca of the Belarusian capital, where you can see what Minsk looked like several centuries ago, as well as get acquainted with cultural heritage Minsk. So, we present to you Top 10 Must-See.

Living room of Vladislav Golubok

Trinity Suburb is a small museum island. And the first such object is a branch of the Museum of the History of Theater and Musical Culture of Belarus called "". Do you want to know about the theatrical life of the 20th century, as well as the fate and Interesting Facts from the life of the first People's Artist of the BSSR V. Golubok, then you should go to the “Living Room of Vladislav Golubok”.

At the Museum of the History of Belarusian Literature, you will be immersed in the classical literature of Belarus. You will learn how young poets and writers started; among them I would like to highlight the names of such glorious Belarusian sons as Vasil Bykov and Maxim Tank, Vladimir Korotkevich and Rygor Borodulin. Among them are unique collections of manuscripts, memorial items of Belarusian writers, photographs, rare books, documents, ethnographic materials and works of art Belarusian sculptors and artists.

House-Museum named after Maxim Bogdanovich

The literary house-museum named after Maxim Bogdanovich will tell about the short but very fruitful life of the poet. It is no coincidence that the museum is located in the suburbs. The fact is that it was in the Muschei’s house that the future talented poet was born. Maxim Bogdanovich returned to Minsk only a year before his death. Bogdanovich's fate is tragic - from the age of 18 he suffered from tuberculosis and died at the age of 25. The poet spent the last days of his life by the sea, in Yalta, where he went at the insistence of his friends, but this could no longer save him. Upon entering the museum, you will have the opportunity to attend an open lecture or a museum-pedagogical lesson that will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Bookstore "Vyanok"

It is no coincidence that the bookstore "Vyanok", stylized as a bookstore of the 19th century, is named after the Belaur word "Vyanok". This was the name of the only collection of poems by Maxim Bogdanovich published during his lifetime. Maxim Bogdanovich is a poet of the highest culture. He read in the original and translated into Belarusian Horace and Ovid, Heine and Schiller, Verlaine and Pushkin. He proved that the Belarusian language is not only a “peasant” language, that it can express the highest ideas, the most subtle feelings.

There is no way to get around the monument to Maxim Bogdanovich, which is located in the park of Paris Commune Square, next to the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Maxim stands at full height and with his gaze follows everyone who deigns to pay attention to him.

House of Nature

I would immediately like to note the building in which the House of Nature is located. It is unique in that it is here in late XIX V. there was a synagogue. Women and men prayed separately from each other, thereby dividing the synagogue building into two parts: male and female. Today, in the building of the former synagogue, there is a House of Nature, which in an accessible form will help to open interesting secrets in the world of flora and fauna of planet Earth.

Sculpture "Girl with an Owl"

Today the sculpture “Girl with an Owl” is an unspoken symbol of the Trinity Suburb. The sculpture represents a girl holding an owl in her hand and standing barefoot on a fern. One wing of the owl is curved (the owl seems to be protecting the girl with it), the second is wide open (the owl shows them the way). Three blossomed buds lie on a fern leaf, and a lizard sits near them. The sculptural composition is located on a large boulder, next to which there are two more. Even with this sculpture urban legend connected. They say that near this sculpture, every poet must choose what is more important for him: a girl personifying the muse, a paparazzi - a symbol of glory, an owl - a symbol of wisdom, or a lizard personifying wealth.

Gallery of crafts "Slavutas" and "Slavuta masters"

In the gallery you can purchase original and high level souvenirs. In addition, in the Slavutyya Maistrya crafts gallery you can buy Belarusian belts, wooden and leather products, as well as paintings. Secondly, the seller’s story captivates you so much, his eyes sparkle so much that it is impossible to tear yourself away from the souvenirs and interrupt his story. And at the same time, sincerity is visible.

Pharmacy "Troitskaya"

The pharmacy in the Trinity Suburb in Minsk is not officially a museum, but still invariably attracts tourists. Why? There is no pharmacy museum in Minsk, and the pharmacy in Troitsky Suburb is the only place in the city where they can tell about the history of the development of pharmacy in the capital and give a general idea of ​​the pharmacies of the past. On the shelves of the pharmacy you can see samples of dispensary utensils, scales, old medical and pharmaceutical books. The equipment of pharmacies in Belarus was not inferior to that in other European cities that time. The modern pharmacy in the Troitsky suburb of Minsk has a good selection of medicinal herbs. Tourists can come in, get acquainted with the interior of the building, purchase something from what is available and take a photo with the pharmacy building in the background.

The monument to the “Eternal Wanderer,” as Yazep Drozdovich was called by his friends and acquaintances, was erected on August 6, 1993. The sculptural composition represents the figure of Yazep Drozdovich walking along the road in peasant clothes and with a staff in his hand, with an easel slung over his shoulder.

Yazep Drozdovich (1888 - 1954) - an outstanding Belarusian artist, graphic artist, sculptor, folklorist, local historian, ethnographer, archaeologist and writer. The personality of Yazep Drozdovich is a symbol of the Belarusian spiritual Renaissance. He was even called the “Belarusian Leonardo da Vinci.” He embodied the image of Belarusian nature in a series of graphic works “Disnevschina” and tone drawings “Nature of Belarus”. He created a series of works depicting ancient castles and other architectural structures of historical and cultural value.

Yazep Drozdovich is the first Belarusian artist who touched upon the theme of space in his work. On his canvases, the artist depicted life on other planets (“Life on the Moon”, “Life on Mars”, “Life on Saturn”, etc.).

Yazep Drozdovich resumed the long-forgotten tradition of painting wall hangings. These paintings are unique and it was they that brought Drozdovich world fame. Today his collection is located in Zaslavl. It was in those places that he worked as an archaeologist, and at the same time he collected and processed common words and expressions for dictionaries, recorded folk songs and rituals. Drozdovich was also a talented sculptor.

Attractions near Trinity Suburb

Next to the Trinity Suburb it neighbors memorial Complex "Island of tears". On the opposite side of the Svisloch the Nemiga region begins, and Upper town . Not far from the Trinity Suburb there are Palace of Sports, and National Exhibition Center "BelExpo".

No. 1 If you walk around the Trinity Suburb, be sure to stop by a cozy restaurant with antique interiors or a coffee shop stylized in the 19th century, where you can relax after a busy walk around the city and have a delicious meal :) Among them, you can name, for example, restaurant "Trinity Suburb", "Karchma Traetskaya", Souvenir Shop...

No. 2 B summer time the only one in Minsk operates on the banks of the Svisloch restaurant on the water, on board of which you can enjoy picturesque views of the city, as well as try dishes of Belarusian cuisine.

No. 3 Do you want to feel the charm of romantic Minsk? Then you should take a catamaran ride along the Svisloch. Get a lot of impressions. We guarantee :)

general information

A characteristic feature of this quarter are its small buildings, which look so natural and harmonious that they are perceived as a single architectural ensemble. Historical, architectural and cultural reserves similar to Trinity Mountain (this is the second name of the area) exist in many European cities. But not every one of them can compare with Minsk in terms of the age of the first settlements: in this quarter they appeared a very long time ago and coincided with the initial period of the High Middle Ages, from which we are separated by almost nine centuries.

A kind of “mixing” of eras and cultures can also be seen in the fact that in this area there were the first Catholic church in the city and the Orthodox Church of St. Boris and Gleb, the Holy Ascension Monastery and the monastery of the Catholic order of the Mariavites, which have not survived to the present day. These include the Basilian convent of the Holy Trinity, which has only partially survived. Today, a quiet and measured life reigns in this part of Minsk. Not only Minsk residents, but also guests of the capital of Belarus enjoy walking and relaxing here, while at the same time getting to know the sights, visiting museums and exhibitions.

Excursion into history

The past of the Trinity Suburb is rich in events and is associated with many historical figures. Suffice it to remember that it was here, in the heart of Minsk, that the fates of two outstanding classics of Belarusian literature intersected: the poet, publicist, literary critic and translator Maxim Adamovich Bogdanovich and the poet, playwright and publicist Yanka Kupala (Ivan Dominikovich Lutsevich). The first was born here, and the second’s family lived here for some time.

A settlement called Trinity Mountain was formed near the Svisloch River, on a hill, in the period from the 12th to the 13th centuries. In those distant times, this area was the center economic life, where trade routes from Smolensk and Vilna, Mogilev and Polotsk intersected. At the end of the 16th century, the Trinity Market began operating here, which immediately became the largest trading platform in the city. It was surrounded by fortifications, and Trinity Mountain itself was inhabited by traders, artisans, peasants and military men who lived in wooden houses.

Why did the suburb receive this name? There are several versions on this matter. According to one of them, the toponym arose from the name of the earthen defensive fortification of the Holy Trinity, according to another - from the Holy Trinity convent. However, the most plausible version seems to be that the name of the area was given by the medieval Trinity Church, founded by the Grand Duke of Lithuania and Prince Jagiello of Vitebsk, who took the title of King of Poland in 1386. Indeed: in 1390 a Catholic church was built in the suburb Holy Trinity. It was built of wood, and at the beginning of the 19th century it burned down during a strong fire. Despite such a sad ending, this religious building went down in history forever as the first church on the territory of Minsk, which existed for over four centuries.

Along with it, the fire in that year 1809 significantly damaged the buildings of other monasteries, churches and churches, which represented a single architectural ensemble that delighted with its splendor. Subsequently, the old layout was restored. Emperor Alexander I himself took care of this and gave the go-ahead for the implementation of the corresponding project. It was already restored in stone, but this did not save the historical appearance of the Trinity Suburb from the upheavals of the 20th century. It was affected not only by the war, but also by many thoughtlessly made decisions. For example, during the restoration of the Communal embankment they “tried so hard” that it historical part has largely simply disappeared. And this was not the only loss...

Individual buildings and even entire streets were destroyed in the 30-60s. Little known fact: on the site of the square that is located in front of the opera house, in the 16th-18th centuries. there was a Catholic cemetery. And on the site of the Ascension Monastery, its construction dates back to the 18th century, in 1945-1946 the headquarters building of the Belarusian Military District was erected. In the 80s of the last century, some streets on the outskirts of the Trinity Suburb suffered an unenviable fate. One ran along the Svisloch, starting near the modern Suvorov School and ending in the area of ​​the Belarus Hotel.


Although modern look Trinity Suburb is not at all the same as it was a century ago; true connoisseurs of antiquity love to visit here. The knowledge that Maxim Bogdanovich and Yanka Kupala walked along its narrow streets is literally mesmerizing and mentally transports you to those distant times. Of particular interest to tourists is the quarter located between the streets of Starovilenskaya, architect Zaborsky, Bogdanovich and the already mentioned Communal Embankment. It is this building, erected in 1817 in accordance with the regular development plan for Minsk, that is the basis of the historical center of the city, which is under state protection.

The boundaries of the protected zone, which included the western half of the Trinity Suburb along with the second city hospital, were approved back in 2004 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko “On the development of the historical center of Minsk.” The same document defines the concept of reconstruction, development and use of both the territory as a whole and the real estate located on it. Three years later, the Council of Ministers adopted a resolution that determined the status of historical and cultural attractions of the Trinity Suburb, since a significant part cultural monuments of the entire capital is concentrated right here.

What has already been done and what are your plans for the foreseeable future? The western part of the suburb has been restored and has become a real open-air museum. Not only the general style, but also specific examples of stone buildings from the 19th century have been restored, and now these ancient buildings house museums, many retail outlets and cafes. It is planned to reconstruct the former Trinity Basilian Monastery, placing in it a business and tourist centre. It is expected that it will be connected by a pedestrian platform to the western part of the suburb.

The most famous in the restored complex of buildings is, for example, the Vigdorchik house (Communal embankment, 6), in which Dominik Lutsevich, father of Yanka Kupala, rented a house in 1890. In the former house of Ushakov - the corner of Aleksandrovskaya Street and the embankment of the same name - there is now a Glass and Porcelain store. And few people know that in one of the apartments where the pharmacist Pavlovsky lived, populists secretly gathered and decided at one of the meetings to start publishing the magazine “Socialist Building”. At the address Bogdanovicha, 15 - then it was Aleksandrovskaya Street - at the end of the 19th century, a shoe workshop opened, which then grew into a full-fledged shoe factory. On the eve of the First World War, in 1913, the production employed four dozen workers and in just one year they produced shoes worth a considerable sum at that time - 55 thousand rubles.

On the street Bogdanovich, 29 there are several buildings of the Suvorov Military School. They are also of historical and cultural value. Main building premises educational institution At the beginning of the 19th century, it was occupied by a monastery of the Order of Mariavites and a hospital. Until 1854, the building served as a church. After its transfer to the Orthodox Church, two editorial offices were located here: the newspaper “Minsk Provincial News” and the magazine “Orthodox Brother”. In Beilin's house, located on Zaborsky Street, 3 (it was built in the middle of the 19th century), there was a metalworking workshop, where the active populist Mikhail Rabinovich, then still a student at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, studied his craft.

The largest facility on the territory of the Trinity Suburb is the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of Belarus - the largest in the republic. Its building, located in the center of the Paris Commune square, was erected in 1935-1937. In the old days, this place was the location of the Trinity Market. The building of the Defense Ministry of the Republic of Belarus at 1 Kommunisticheskaya Street, built in 1945-1946, is also perceived as one of the business cards. and is a monument of classicism.

Museums in Trinity Suburb

In November 1987, the State Museum of the History of Belarusian Literature opened in this area, which became one of the largest museums in the republic: it houses over 50 thousand different exhibits. Many manuscripts and photographs, rare books, personal documents and belongings of Belarusian writers - all this can be seen during the excursion.

It is a pity that the house in which the famous classic Maxim Bogdanovich was born has not been preserved to this day - a museum dedicated to his work would probably be located here. Since there is no house, the latter was placed in a building nearby. The opening of the museum took place on the 100th anniversary of the poet, in May 1991. Its exhibitions are housed in five thematic halls, each of which reveals a specific period in Bogdanovich’s life.

The older generation is probably familiar with the name of the Belarusian Soviet actor, director and writer Vladislav Iosifovich Golubka (1882-1937), the first People's Artist of the BSSR. An entire branch of the State Museum of the History of Theater and Musical Culture of the Republic of Belarus, which is located in the Trinity Suburb at st. Starovilenskaya, 14. As you know, the artist was repressed and sentenced to death. The archives of his theater have hardly survived. The authentic artifacts that you will see in the “Vladislav Golubka Living Room” (that’s the name of the branch) were collected by his employees literally bit by bit.

In addition to museums, you can visit a wide variety of exhibitions here. For example, regularly held at the National Exhibition Center "BelExpo" on the street. Yanka Kupala, 27 – many of them have international status. The collections are no less interesting private gallery"Famous Masters". Here, at Kommunalnaya embankment, 6, products of modern decorative and applied art are exhibited. At 3 Storozhevskaya Street - this is the building of the Trinity Pharmacy - you can see old books on pharmacy and samples of pharmaceutical glassware. And those who are not indifferent to the topic environment, invites you to the Museum of Nature, located on the street. Bogdanovich, 9-a, in the building of a former synagogue.

How to get there

Trinity Suburb is located at: Minsk, st. Bogdanovich.

You can get here by various types public transport: metro (exit at Nemiga station), bus (route No. 57), trolleybus (routes No. 29, 37, 40 and 53); or by car, using the capabilities of the GPS satellite navigation system, coordinates: 53.908012,27.556571.



Along the narrow streets of history

A corner of the old city - Minsk of the 19th century - is comfortably located in the very center of the capital. Narrow cobbled streets, low houses, unusual layout - all this is the Trinity Suburb. And it’s simply impossible not to come here!

In those distant times, when the city was just beginning to grow, people settled in the suburbs that surrounded the upper city and the castle. One of the largest Minsk suburbs was Troitskoye. It was separated from the old part of the city by the Svisloch River, but already in those distant years, roads and bridges were built here, and communication with the city was constant. Regarding the name of the suburb, historians suggest that it arose in the 15th century. The suburb was named Trinity because there was a defensive redoubt of the Holy Trinity (from the Church of the Holy Trinity).

This suburb was also called Trinity Mountain; it arose in the 12th-13th centuries and until the 19th century was considered a suburb of Minsk. It was impossible to locate the city center here - the terrain was inconvenient for defense. In the 14th century, the Ascension Monastery was erected here, at which there was wooden church, on the site of which Anton Maslyanka built in 1620 stone temple. People began to settle around the monastery. In the 15th-17th centuries, earthen ramparts were built around this territory and ditches were dug.

The suburb was made of wood until the 16th century. It was connected to the city by a road, and later by a bridge. In the second half of the 16th century there were already two bridges. It was after the construction of the bridge that trade picked up, the suburb began to develop much faster, a the main street Trinity. Now it bears the name of Maxim Bogdanovich, and before that it was called M. Gorky and Alexandrovskaya. Along Troitskaya Street you could get to Svisloch, and from there along the Khlusov Bridge to the Lower Market, which was the oldest retail space Minsk and was located next to the Castle. In the 16th century, Trinity Street became a continuation of the main city street of Nemiga.

In the place where the beautiful opera house now stands there used to be the Trinity Market. A school was opened in the suburb itself in 1771; it operated at the Moorish monastery. In 1809 there was a big fire, after which a women's diocesan school and a theological seminary were built here (now it is the Suvorov School).

The Trinity Suburb gradually became a kind of center of attraction for various segments of the population. Here, in one of the houses, populists gathered and meetings were held. In addition, there was a city shelter founded in 1892. In winter, homeless people lived here and made their living on Trinity Mountain and the Lower Market. The nochlezhka stood next to the Alexander Bridge. In addition, not far from Svisloch there was the first public city bathhouse in Minsk, which was destroyed in the 1960s.

On the outskirts of the Trinity Suburb - on the very banks of the Svisloch - one of the oldest mills in the city operated. The city authorities did not want to maintain it themselves, since it required a lot of money, so they rented it out. Written information has even been preserved that in 1838 the “four-stone water-powered flour mill on the Lower Market” was leased on a security of 3,815 rubles for 12 years.

The Trinity suburb was inhabited mainly by artisans, merchants or military men - in general, people of the middle class. It was here that the famous poet Maxim Bogdanovich was born, and for some time the family of Yanka Kupala lived here.

The most destructive years for the Trinity suburb were the 1930s and 1940s. At this time they destroyed a large number of buildings of the Ascension Monastery, a Catholic cemetery of the 16th-18th centuries, an ancient street that ran along the Svisloch. The Great Patriotic War also contributed to the destruction of the suburb. Demolition of buildings continued after the war.

The reconstruction of this area began by accident. In 1962, Nikita Khrushchev arrived in Minsk. During the tour, he asked where the historical center of the city was and what was there now. The owners of the city were confused, since there was nothing to show the Secretary General. This became the impetus for the restoration of the Trinity Suburb. True, restoration work began only twenty years later - in 1982. They were conducted until 1985. The guards do not approve of the result of these works - the spirit of antiquity, the soul of the suburbs, has disappeared. But still, this place is one of the most beloved in the city, despite its decorativeness.

In Trinity Suburb there are a large number of cafes, shops, souvenir shops and museums. Among the latter, the Museum of Belarusian Literature, which is located on M. Bogdanovich Street, stands out. On Starovilenskaya Street there is a branch of the State Museum of the History of Theater and Musical Culture of the Republic of Belarus (V. Golubka’s living room). In addition, in Trinity Suburb it is open Literary Museum Maxim Bogdanovich.

Having visited the Trinity Suburb, it is impossible to pass by the Island of Tears. This island is a monument to fallen soldiers. It was opened in 1996; it was originally intended as a monument to the soldiers who died in Afghanistan. Now the Island of Tears is intended to remind of all the natives of Belarus who died in wars on the territory of our country and beyond its borders. The central element of the memorial is the chapel; it resembles the Church of St. Savior, built by Euphrosyne of Polotsk. The base of the monument consists of figures of mothers mourning their sons. The angel also mourns the heroes who did not save them. The authors of the memorial were sculptor Yu. Pavlov and architects M. Korolev, T. Koroleva-Pavlova, V. Laptsevich, G. Pavlova, A. Pavlov, D. Khomyakov. From here - from the Island of Tears - there is a beautiful view of the Trinity Suburb, the Upper Town, as well as Pobediteley Avenue

It is probably difficult to find a place in Minsk that would be better known to tourists than the Trinity Suburb. This is the calling card of the city, the image of which can be found on postcards, stamps, souvenirs, and on some banknotes.

View of the suburb from Nemiga (photo: Sergey Sandakov, 2009)

Trinity Suburb is historical center Minsk, located on the banks of the Svisloch River. This is one of the few places in the capital where paving stones have been preserved, and the low houses make your imagination travel back a couple of centuries...

Trinity Suburb in winter (photo: Anton Makovsky, 2011)

Historians believe that the area of ​​the Trinity Suburb was inhabited already in the 12th-13th centuries, and numerous mentions of this territory in written sources of the 16th-17th centuries allow us to judge the presence of a city-wide center here in the 14th-15th centuries. The area was built up with wooden houses in which artisans, traders, peasants and soldiers lived.

In 1809, a terrible fire destroyed all the wooden buildings of the Trinity Suburb. The city residents owe the architectural layout of the area, which has survived to this day, to the suburb restoration plan developed after the fire.

Historical center of Minsk (photo: Sergey Sandakov, 2013)

In the 80s XX century Restoration work was carried out to attract tourists to the Trinity Suburb. Unfortunately, the restorers were unable to avoid extremes: current view of the suburb has little in common with the historical, and part of the buildings of the 17th century. along the Communal embankment and was completely demolished. Moreover, literally a hundred meters from the suburb, a 25-storey residential complex “U Troitsky” was erected, during the construction of which the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage were not taken into account...

“At Troitsky” /on the left in the photo/ (Sergey Sandakov, 2013)

Today, in the Trinity Suburb area there are many museums, shops, cafes and restaurants.

Houses of the Trinity Suburb (photo: Anna Zelenko, 2005)

The largest object in size on the territory of the suburb is located in the center of the square, which is the square of the Paris Commune. This is a favorite vacation spot for city residents, where even in the summer heat you can find pleasant coolness, sitting on a bench in the shade of tall trees.

Museums of the Trinity Suburb

  1. State Museum of the History of Belarusian Literature (Bogdanovicha St., 13)
  2. Literary Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich (Bogdanovich St., 7A)
  3. Branch of the State Museum of the History of Theater and Musical Culture of Belarus “Vladislav Golubka’s Living Room” (Starovilenskaya St., 14)
  4. House of Nature (Bogdanovicha St., 9A)
  5. Trinity Pharmacy (Storozhevskaya St., 3)
  6. Art gallery "Beaumonde" (Communal embankment, 2)
  • There is a legend that a mighty oak tree grew on Trinity Mountain, near which many kings of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth stopped to rest on their way to Minsk.
  • From the end of the 16th century to the middle. XX century on the site of the park and Opera House The capital's largest market, Troitsky, was located.
  • In the Trinity Suburb, the fates of two classics of Belarusian literature met: Maxim Bogdanovich, who was born here, and Yanka Kupala, whose family also lived in the suburb for some time.

How to get there

You can get to Troitsky Suburb by metro, exit at Nemiga station