Message on the topic of mountain remnants presentation. Caucasus Mountains. What are mountains

What are mountains?

  • Mountains- a positive landform raised above the plains. The mountains represent dissected areas of the earth's surface with significant differences in elevation(from several tens of meters to several kilometers).

Insert a map of your country.

Mountains of different continents

Mountains of Africa

Mountains of Eurasia

Mountains of North America

Mountains of South America

Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country.

Mountains of Australia

Mountains of Antarctica

end the show


  • Kilimanjaro- a mountain range in the northeast of Tanzania, the highest point in Africa above sea level - 5895m. Kilimanjaro rises above the Masai plateau, which is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level.

In 2003, scientists concluded that molten lava lies just 400 meters below the crater of the main peak of Kibo. While no activity other than the current gas emissions is predicted, there are concerns that the volcano could collapse, leading to a major eruption.

Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.


  • Chomolungma - the highest peak of the globe, with a height according to various sources from 8844 to 8852 m. It is located in the Himalayas. Located on the border of Nepal and China, the peak itself lies in Chinese territory. It has the shape of a pyramid. The southern slope is steeper. Glaciers flow from the massif in all directions, ending at an altitude of about 5 thousand m. On the southern slope and edges of the pyramid, snow and firn are not retained, as a result of which they are exposed.

Insert a picture of an animal and or plant found in your country.


  • McKinley- double-headed mountain in Alaska, the highest mountain in North America. Located in the center of Denali National Park. During the period of Russian colonization, Alaska was simply called Big Mountain.

Relative height - 6138 m.

Insert a picture illustrating a custom or tradition here.


  • Aconcagua- the world's tallest extinct volcano. Height 6962 m. Is highest point The American continent, South America, the western and southern hemispheres.

Insert a picture of the head leader of your country.


  • Kosciuszko- the highest peak of the Australian continent. Height 2228 m. Located in the Australian Alps. The first person to climb to its peak was the Pole Pavel Edmund Strzelecki, who gave the mountain its name in honor of the Polish-American military leader Tadeusz Kosciuszko .

Caucasus Mountains.

CaucasusHighest point: g. Elbrus (5642 m)

Area: 440 thousand km

Main ridge: Main Caucasian ridge (1200 km) Period of creation: Alpine folding

The territory on the border of Europe and Asia, between the Black Sea. Caspian and Azov seas. Consists of the Caucasus Mountains (mainly the Greater Caucasus) and the adjacent regions of the North and South Caucasus. The North Caucasus, which lies to the north, includes lowland (Kuban) and foothill (Pre-Caucasus) lands and is entirely part of Russia.

To the south lies the South Caucasus. divided between partially recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Absolute height 5642 m (Mount Elbrus). There are rich oil deposits.


The undeniable borders in the west and east are the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. In the north The physical-geographical boundary is usually considered to be the Kuma-Manych depression, and the modern administrative boundary is the northern borders of the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories and Dagestan.


Sometimes Kalmykia is also conditionally classified as the Caucasus. Although historically and ethnographically, most of the North Caucasus is much closer to the southern Russian steppes and the Lower Volga region, and then the border of the Caucasus can be drawn along the Kuban rivers, the upper reaches of the Kuma, Malka and Terek. This territory includes the south of the Krasnodar Territory, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Ingushetia. Chechnya and most of Dagestan.

The situation is even more complicated with southern border of the Caucasus (and Transcaucasia). Politically, it is now being carried out along the borders of Turkey and Iran on the one hand and Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan on the other.

In this form this border

was finally formed only in 1921 (after the transfer of Artvin, Kars to Turkey

And Ardahan), and began to take shape a century earlier with the gradual annexation of the Transcaucasian khanates and kingdoms to Russia in 1805-29. Drawing the historical, ethnographic and linguistic border of the Caucasus is much more difficult: the historical lands of the Armenians extend far to the west and south, and Azerbaijanis still inhabit most of northwestern Iran. The most justified is the inclusion in the Caucasus of the north-eastern regions of Turkey, which were once part of Georgia and Armenia - the Artvin silts. Ardahan and Kare, where Kartvel-speaking Laz and Georgians still exist today

And Armenian-speaking Hemshils.

Countries and regions of the Caucasus








8. Ingushetia


10. Karachay-Cherkessia

11.Krasnodar region



14. Rostov region

15. Stavropol region

16.North Ossetia


18.South Ossetia.

Territory of the Caucasus.

The Caucasus covers an area of ​​about 440 thousand km2 and consists of five main landscape regions-Pre-Caucasus, Greater Caucasus, Transcaucasian lowlands (Colchis and Kura-Araks), Lesser Caucasus and Javakheti-Armenian Highlands (north-eastern part of the Armenian Highlands.

Moreover, at the extreme in the southeast, the Talysh Mountains, which are part of the Iranian

highlands, and the Lankaran lowland separating them from the Caspian Sea.

Structure of the Caucasus.

The Caucasus is located within The Alpine-Himalayan mobile belt has active recent tectonic movements and is characterized by a variety of mountainous terrain. In the center of the Ciscaucasia there is the Stavropol Upland (the highest point is Mount Strizhament, 831 m), separating the Kuban-Azov and Terek-Kuma lowlands. In the south of the Ciscaucasia, between the Terek and Sunzha rivers, there are two low-mountain ranges - Tersky and Sunzhensky, separated by the Alkhanchurt valley.

The Greater Caucasus mountain system is divided by length into Western, gradually rising from the Taman Peninsula to Elbrus (the highest point of the Caucasus, 5642 m), high-mountainous Central (between Elbrus and Kazbek) and Eastern, descending from Kazbek to Absheron

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Absolute height - the vertical distance from sea level to a given point - is not always the most important thing in the characteristics of mountains. Often the relative height is more important, showing how much the top of the mountain rises above its foot, and not above the level of the distant sea. Closely related to this is the concept of depth of dissection. It is determined by the average values ​​of relative heights. Many mountains are partially flooded by the sea, and then their relative height actually becomes greater than their absolute height. Many islands in the ocean are such mountains with peaks barely protruding above the water. For example, the Scandinavian mountains drop steeply to the ocean in Northern Europe. They are not high: their peaks rise no more than 1000–2000 meters above sea level.

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Mountains are not just the plural of the word "mountain", not just individual peaks rising out of flat space. The stone giants have grown together - “knee-deep”, “waist-deep”, “chest-deep”. As you move deeper into the mountains, the terrain increases noticeably; the peaks are located as if on a powerful pedestal. During the ascent, you can make several interesting discoveries for yourself. The first is that the earth seemed to tilt, turn, and become sideways. Secondly, the panorama of the mountains becomes like the scenery of a gigantic performance, changing hourly, every minute as you rise to heights. Third, on a mountain slope you can come into contact with the material that makes up the earth’s crust and on the plain is usually hidden by soil, vegetation, and asphalt.

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The peaks are not randomly located, but lined up in the form of mountain ridges, the jagged outlines of which flicker here and there on the horizon. Ridges stretching for tens of kilometers form mountain ranges. From the highest ridges there are spurs - lower ridges - in different directions. Ridges often diverge - this is a mountain node. Several ridges following each other, one peak dominates the surrounding ones, and from it in one direction, form a mountain chain, the length of which can reach several hundred kilometers. Mountain countries, in turn, are united into even more grandiose “structures” - mountain belts. The most significant are the Alpine-Himalayan and Andean-Cordilleran.

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There are mountainous countries that have a special name - highlands. It is used when both the ridges and the depressions separating them are located on a pedestal. Often the highlands are fenced off from the surrounding plains and seas by even higher mountain ranges. All together it resembles a city on a hill, fortified with fortress walls. The Highlands are a closed, isolated world, where life flows according to its own laws.

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Mountains with absolute peak heights of 500-1500 m are classified as low, and the massifs, ridges and chains they form are called low mountains. Often they are scattered singly or in scattered groups across vast plains. Often low mountains form the lower step of the “mountain ladder,” which is located at the foot of a higher massif. These can be low ridges or flat-topped counters, or huge ramparts with gentle slopes - adyrs.

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High mountains are usually difficult to access. If the peaks rise to 4000-6000 m or more, such relative heights are called highlands. Natural zones in the high mountains do not exactly correspond to the nature of the northern territories. It is not forests, not meadows, not ice that dominates this world, but rocks and stone ruins. Life huddles in crevices among rocks, on slopes and on rare flat areas in river valleys. Glaciers in long narrow tongues slide down valleys 1000, 2000, sometimes 3000 m below the eternal snow.

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The planet's topography essentially consists of many slopes. Mountain slopes vary in their steepness, height and length. Which one is steep and which one is gentle? This question can be answered in different ways. Climbing a mountain slope steeper than 10° is impossible for a heavily loaded vehicle; if the slope is steeper than 25°, the loaded horse stops. A person has to climb a slope steeper than 35° using his hands; an unprepared person should not climb a slope steeper than 45° at all. To understand the characteristic features of mountain slopes, it is necessary to consider their profile. If the steepness gradually increases from the foot to the top, the profile forms a concave arc - this is a concave slope. On a convex slope, the steepness towards the top decreases accordingly. If flat areas on a slope alternate with steep ledges, it is called stepped.

Colored Mountains of China (Pink Cloud) Tourists come from all over the world to the Chinese province of Gansu. The main local attraction is the Danxia (Pink Cloud) landscape. It is under this name that the colored mountains of China are known throughout the world. The formation of this beauty began many millions of years ago as a result of the accumulation of large amounts of sandstone and other mineral deposits. Air and water contributed to the slow oxidation of rocks. This was the reason for such an unusual riot of colors.

Huangshan (Yellow Mountains) Mountain range in eastern China. The area is famous for its granite cliffs covered with pine trees, praised by Chinese artists and poets since ancient times. The height of the seventy-seven peaks in this ridge exceeds 1000 m. The Huangshan region is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is a national park of the People's Republic of China. The mountains were formed 100 million years ago. Later, the landscape was transformed by glaciers, leaving rocks of various shapes. Since the cloud level is often below the level of the mountain peaks, interesting light effects are observed in this area. At the foot of one of the mountains there are hot springs.

Kailash This mountain is located in the west of Tibet. Millions of years ago, Mount Kailash rose along with the plateau from the ocean floor, and then water and wind sharpened its edges, giving it a pyramidal shape. Four world religions consider Kailash a sacred place. Hindus believe that the powerful god Shiva lives on Kailash. From the point of view of eastern cosmology, Mount Kailash is the center through which the axis of the universe passes. Kailash is distinguished by its pyramidal shape with a snow cap, and the edges are oriented almost exactly to the cardinal points; its slopes are crossed by bizarrely located cracks that form a swastika. The exact height of the peak has not been determined, since the mountain “breathes” - its height changes by several tens of meters every year. It is believed that it is at the peak of Kailash that the entrance to the mysterious country of Shambhala is located.

Mount Roraima This unusual, forbidding, flat-topped mountain is located in Venezuela (South America). The landscapes opening from its top are impressive, since the beds of many rivers for many kilometers are covered with quartz crystals of different colors. And the view of the mountain itself is breathtaking.

Grand Canyon In the northwest of Arizona is one of the most unique corners of the Earth - the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is neither the largest nor the deepest in the world - it is prized for its harmonious combination of size, depth and multi-colored layers of exposed rock. This is a whole complex of canyons, waterfalls, caves, towers, ledges and ravines. Each time the Grand Canyon looks new, and the sun and shadows from passing clouds make the rocks constantly change shades of color. The Grand Canyon is one of the most unusual places on our planet, which represents four geological eras of the Earth. Landslides, water and wind erosion created the outlines of giant pagodas, pyramids, towers, and fortress walls in the canyon, presenting a unique spectacle.

Bryce Canyon This amazing canyon is part of the National Park of the same name. It is located in southwestern Utah. These are thousands of geological structures formed by long-term erosion under the influence of wind, water and ice. Many rocks have bizarre shapes.

Devil's Tower This mysterious mountain is located in the northeast of Wyoming (USA). Its height is 386 m. The rock was formed 65 million years ago as a result of volcanic activity, and the unusual figured sides were the result of erosion of the surrounding soft rocks around the stronger internal ones. According to Indian legend, the rock was created by an evil demon who beat a drum on its top, generating thunder and lightning. The Indians, who believed in the dark essence of the mountain and called it the Tower of the Bad God, preferred not to settle nearby and avoided it. In the 20th century, mystical theories of the origin of the rock were replaced by science fiction theories. So, according to one version, the peak is a UFO landing site. This version was so popular that it was even featured in Steven Spielberg's famous film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Tsingy de Bemaraha Tsingy de Bemaraha is a strange forest-like mountain reserve located about 80 kilometers off the west coast of Madagascar. Most of these mountains are ridges of jagged limestone, called "tsingi" ("to walk on tiptoes") in the Malagasy language. Tsingy de Bemaraha are almost impenetrable labyrinths. The mountains of Tsingy de Bemaraha were created as a result of erosion, under the influence of acid rain and water that dissolved the chalk layers over many centuries. Over time, this led to the formation of 30-meter needles of limestone.

Hanging Rock Hanging Rock is the informal name for Mount Diogenes in the center of the Australian state of Victoria, near Melbourne. The height of the mountain is meters above sea level and 105 meters above the level of the surrounding terrain. Hanging Rock gained fame and popularity among tourists after the release of Peter Weir's mystical detective story Picnic at Hanging Rock in 1975.

Rock Wave An amazing rock formation in Western Australia, located 340 km from the city of Perth. The granite block resembles a stone tsunami. The visible part of the rock rises above the ground to a height of about 15 meters, and its length is 110 meters. According to scientists' hypotheses, the wave rock appeared more than 27 million years ago. Australian aborigines noted the similarity of the stone wave to real water and believed that it was in this place that the powers of spirits and the forces of nature intertwined. A dam was built to protect this unique mountain from natural destruction.

Ennedi Mountain range in the Republic of Chad. It is a sandstone plateau with altitudes of up to 1450 m, surrounded by the sands of the Sahara. Numerous rock paintings left here by ancient tribes have been discovered on the Ennedi rocks. Ennedi is a nature reserve in the middle of the desert, where unique species of animals have been preserved: dwarf Nile, oryx, Saharan lions.

Ben Bulben This beautiful, unusual mountain is located in County Sligo, in the far north-west of Ireland. Ben Bulben has a height of 527 meters and is the symbol of the county. Initially, the mountain had a high “hump”, which was cut off by a creeping glacier. Ben Balben is made of limestone rocks and is over 320 million years old. According to Irish legends, a huge boar lived on this mountain, which was killed by the hero Diarmuid and buried on the hill of Lech na muick.

Cappadocia The landscape of the Cappadocia plateau in Turkey looks like a set for a science fiction film. The unusually beautiful landscape, located at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level, resembles the Moon. Such bizarre-shaped hills were formed by ancient volcanoes. From the 4th to the 13th centuries AD, people cut tunnels and lived in these rocks. Today, tourists from all over the world flock to Cappadocia to see this ancient world with their own eyes.

Preikestolen This is a giant flat-topped cliff measuring approximately 25 by 25 meters located opposite the Kjerag plateau in Norway. Preikestolen literally translates as “preacher’s pulpit.” The cliff rises 604 meters above the fjords, formed by the action of glaciers approximately years ago.