South Korean economy presentation. Geography presentation on the topic “Republic of Korea (South Korea)” download for free. Parliament of the Republic of Korea

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SOUTH KOREA SOUTH KOREA Completed by geography teacher of gymnasium No. 2 in Kazan Kurbangalieva Enzhe Mukharlyamovna. 2015

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Capital - Seoul Coat of arms of the Republic of Korea Flag of the Republic of Korea Life expectancy: Average: 77.04 years men: 73.61 years women: 80.75 years (2006, estimate)

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TERRITORY The territory of the Korean Peninsula extends south of the northeastern tip of Eurasia. From North to South it stretches for 1000 km, and from West to East at its narrowest point its width is 216 km. More than 70% of the country's territory is covered by mountains, making Korea one of the most mountainous regions in the world. The mountain range, which runs the entire length of the eastern coast, descends steeply into the Eastern Sea. The mountain ranges along the southern and western coasts gradually transition into the coastal plains, where the bulk of agricultural products, primarily rice, are produced.

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POPULATION Population Population - 48.7 million people. 26th place in the world. Population density 476 people. per 1 sq. km. 3rd place in the world. The majority of the population living in the country is Korean (99%). By religion, the population is divided into Buddhists (40%), Confucians (20%), Protestants (17%) and Catholics. The official language is Korean. Koreans are warm and hospitable, and also very hardworking. The working-age population is more than 55%, 52% are employed in the service sector, 27% of the working-age population is employed in industry, and 21% are employed in agriculture.

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GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION Governmental structure Korea is a parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president. He is the head of state and supreme commander of the Armed Forces. He is elected by universal suffrage. Multiparty political system. The current constitution of the Republic of Korea was adopted by a national referendum on October 27, 1987. The Republic of Korea is divided into 9 provinces, 6 metropolitan cities and 1 city of special status (Seoul). The national flower of Korea is the mugunghwa flower. The symbolic meaning of the flower comes from the name of the root “mugun” - immortality. This word accurately expresses the tenacity and conviction of the Korean nation.

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Park Geun-hye - 11th President of the Republic of Korea Elected President of the Republic of Korea in the 2012 elections, took office on February 25, 2013.

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GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE Nature The climate is temperate, monsoonal, in the south - subtropical. Fauna: among the representatives of the country's fauna one can note the tiger, leopard, bear, lynx, the number of which has recently sharply decreased due to deforestation and poaching. Flora: the country is dominated by mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests with a predominance of pine, spruce, maple, poplar, elm, and Korean fir. To the south they are replaced by evergreen subtropical forests. Coastal zones are characterized by laurel, evergreen oak, and bamboo thickets.

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NATURAL RESOURCES Natural Resources South Korea is a relatively mineral-poor country. Its energy resources include small reserves of coal, uranium and hydro resources. In South Korea, coal, tungsten, graphite, molybdenum, and lead are mined. Land use: arable land: 21% pasture: 1% forested areas: 65% other: 13% Irrigated land: 13,350 km²

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ECONOMY South Korea is a country with a highly developed economy, 12th in the world in terms of GDP. High-tech mechanical engineering and electronics are developed. South Korea is a world leader in shipbuilding and the semiconductor industry, second in mobile phone production, fifth in automobile production, and sixth in the global steel industry.

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Trade relations with Western countries include economic partnerships primarily with the United States and the European Union. The United States is South Korea's main economic partner. In addition, South Korea ranks seventh on the list of US trading partners, ahead of many developed European countries such as Italy and France, and sixth on the list of US importing countries. At the beginning of 2001, the parties signed a number of bilateral trade agreements.

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INDUSTRY Largest industries electronics manufacturing shipbuilding automotive industry Semiconductor industry Textile industry

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(1.) Electronics production Currently, South Korea ranks one of the first places in the world in the production of consumer electronics. Now in the country, as well as throughout the world, there is a trend towards digital technology, which increases the demand for products such as digital TVs, DVDs, portable digital audio players, etc. The largest companies in the industry are LG, Samsung and Daewoo Electronics. They produce almost the entire range of consumer electronics, most of which are exported. Consumer electronics production amounted to $17.6 billion in 2002, exports amounted to $11 billion

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(2.) SHIPBUILDING (SHIPBUILDING) Shipbuilding includes the design, repair and conversion of all types of ships and vessels. South Korean shipbuilding is currently one of the key industries and a basic factor in its development, as it pushes forward related industries - metallurgy, chemical industry, electronics, etc. The largest shipyard in the world, Hyundai Heavy Industries, is huge. Tankers, bulk carriers or container ships transport the largest cargoes and these sea giants are the basis of international shipping and trade.

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(3.) Automotive industry Now South Korea is the world's fifth largest automobile manufacturer, with a share of 5.4% of global production. Production began in the early 1960s, when the first five-year economic plan was adopted. Since then, the South Korean automobile industry has become one of the most important sectors of the economy, showing high growth rates. The country has five main enterprises producing automobile products - Hyundai Motor, Kia Motors, GM Daewoo Auto & Technology, SsangYong Motor Company and Renault Samsung Motors.

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(5.) Semiconductor Industry The semiconductor industry produces integrated circuits and semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors. The semiconductor industry, especially the production of memory chips, played a key role in the country's economic recovery after the 1997 crisis. Until now, South Korea is the main manufacturer of memory chips in the world. Most of the exports go to developed countries: the USA, Japan, the European Union and the countries of Southeast Asia.

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(6.) Textile industry South Korea ranks fifth in the world in exports of textile products after China, Italy, Germany and the USA. The country is in seventh place in terms of production volume. Today, the textile industry in South Korea is quite developed. At the same time, it is mainly oriented towards export. Thus, thanks to local clothing enterprises, only one third of modern South Koreans get dressed; the rest prefer foreign brands. However, in other countries, clothes from South Korea are received with a bang and, for example, in 2001, the light industry brought more than 11 billion dollars to the treasury of this state.

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AGRICULTURE. Agriculture Until the 20th century, the country's main agricultural product was rice, but now the range of products has expanded significantly and includes many types of fruits, vegetables, livestock products and forestry products. The main agricultural product of South Korea is rice: about 80% of South Korean farms cultivate this cereal. Livestock is the second most profitable agricultural sector after rice. Fisheries are an important part of the South Korean

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Republic of Korea (South Korea) Prepared by Elena Volgodonsk, 11th grade student of Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 16, Elena Volgodonsk, 2009.

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Territory The state with a total area of ​​98.5 thousand sq. km is located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula in northeast Asia. In the north it borders with the DPRK. In the east it is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan, in the south and southeast by the Korea Strait, in the west by the Yellow Sea. The country's territory is mostly mountainous. The main rivers of the country are Nekhtongan and Hangan.

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Government system Korea is a parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president. Elected by universal suffrage. Multiparty political system. The current constitution of the Republic of Korea was adopted by a national referendum on October 27, 1987. The Republic of Korea is divided into 9 provinces, 6 metropolitan cities and 1 city of special status (Seoul). The national flower of Korea is the mugunghwa flower. The symbolic meaning of the flower comes from the name of the root “mugun” - immortality. This word accurately expresses the tenacity and conviction of the Korean nation.

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Population Population - 48.7 million people. 26th place in the world. Population density 476 people. per 1 sq. km. 3rd place in the world. The majority of the population living in the country is Korean (99%). By religion, the population is divided into Buddhists (40%), Confucians (20%), Protestants (17%) and Catholics. 99% of the population is Korean. The official language is Korean. Koreans are warm and hospitable, and also very hardworking. The working-age population is more than 55%, 52% are employed in the service sector, 27% of the working-age population is employed in industry, and 21% are employed in agriculture.

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Nature The climate is temperate, monsoonal, in the south - subtropical. Fauna: among the representatives of the country's fauna one can note the tiger, leopard, bear, lynx, the number of which has recently sharply decreased due to deforestation and poaching. Flora: the country is dominated by mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests with a predominance of pine, spruce, maple, poplar, elm, and Korean fir. To the south they are replaced by evergreen subtropical forests. Coastal zones are characterized by laurel, evergreen oak, and bamboo thickets.

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Natural Resources South Korea is a relatively mineral-poor country. Its energy resources include small reserves of coal, uranium and hydro resources. In South Korea, coal, tungsten, graphite, molybdenum, and lead are mined. Land use: arable land: 21% pasture: 1% forested areas: 65% other: 13% Irrigated land: 13,350 km²

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Economy A country with a highly developed economy, 12th in the world in terms of GDP. High-tech mechanical engineering and electronics are developed. South Korea is a world leader in shipbuilding and the semiconductor industry, second in mobile phone production, fifth in automobile production, and sixth in the global steel industry.

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Industry The largest industries are electronics manufacturing, shipbuilding, automotive, construction, textiles and semiconductors. South Korea is the world's fifth largest automobile manufacturer, with a share of 5.4% of global production.

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Agriculture Until the 20th century, the country's main agricultural product was rice, but now the range of products has expanded significantly and includes many types of fruits, vegetables, livestock products and forestry products. The main agricultural product of South Korea is rice: about 80% of South Korean farms cultivate this cereal. Livestock is the second most profitable agricultural sector after rice. Fisheries are an important part of the South Korean economy.

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Culture Korea has an ancient, rich culture. The architecture of Korea has a long history. The culture of Korea is so rich and strong that throughout the country’s history it has influenced neighboring countries. For example, recently the phenomenon of the “Korean wave” (“Hallyu”) has been gaining more and more strength, thanks to which in neighboring ( and not only) countries, people learn more about Korean culture, watch Korean films and TV series, and listen to Korean music.

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The architecture of Korea has a long history. The oldest and most remarkable of the monuments of Korean architecture is Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul (“palace of sunshine and happiness”), built in 1394.

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Sports originating from Korea Taekwondo, a popular martial art, has Korean roots. Taekwondo means punching and kicking techniques. The art of taekwondo is many centuries old - it dates back to the 1st century. BC. Taekwondo is now a martial art taught to military personnel. Taekkyon is a traditional martial arts that originated in Korea during the Goguryeo period in the 4th century. It uses open palm and foot strikes, punches are prohibited. The movements are smoother than in taekwondo. Hapkido is another form of martial arts in Korea. Appeared during the Three Kingdoms period, in its modern form it is similar to Japanese aikido.

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Republic of Korea, or as we are accustomed to say, South Korea is a country in the East Asia. Occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. Total area is about 98 thousand square kilometers. Poetic name of South Korea - Land of Morning Calm. The name Korea is derived from the ancient kingdom of Goryeo, which existed in the Korean Peninsula in the 10-14 centuries.

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Modern South Korea is a highly developed country, one of the so-called "Asian tigers." South Korea is full of charm, weaving the old and new. Korea is both very old and very young country. Exotic and the old in it naturally combined with the latest achievements of world civilization. This is a country of ancient and unique culture, romantic sea and mountain scenery, hot springs, golden beaches, quaint islands and cliffs, waterfalls and caves, lush vegetation, unusual cuisine. At the same time it is a country of beautiful hotels, good roads, railways, high-quality modern service. Korea is a shopper's paradise, as it has an extensive network of stores and markets, where you can buy reasonably priced sturdy and quality products. Recently, the Japanese here is frequent for shopping. Every year in Korea there are major international exhibitions, attracting businessmen from all over the world: a high quality level equipped modern exhibition centers provide everything necessary for their implementation.

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PopulationSouth Korea occupy more than 50 million people. Most of whom are Koreans, other than that a substantial weight in the country are of Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, Americans United States. South Korea is densely populated and high levels of urbanization, urban population of more than 80% of the population. As the population of South Korea is characterized by a high degree of concentration in the capital. In the metropolitan area lived for almost 45% of the population of South Korea

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New year on the solar calendar (January 1) Salt (or New Year) - so the first day of the first month, one of the most important holidays of the year. Koreans celebrate New Year twice. January 1 and 2 - the official date of the celebration of the New Year. New year on the lunar calendar is the approximate date - the end of January or beginning of February. It is usually celebrated with family and loved ones. Koreans also send thank-you cards to friends and comrades with wishes for the coming year

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Chuseok is such a dish - rice patty NCSA (송편). NCSA - is a patty made from rice flour with a variety of healthy fillers, such as: sesame seeds, a variety of beans, nuts, cinnamon, jujube, honey. Patties are cooked on a pair necessarily on a bed of pine needles.The rolled dough resembles a full moon pie filling - Crescent . Legend has it that during the three kingdoms, the king of the kingdom of Baekje found on tortoise shell inscription: "Baekje - it"s a full moon, and Scilla - Crescent" that somehow predicted the fall of Baekje and the greatness of Scilla. Shilla Baekje defeated in the war since the Korean crescent - the symbol of victory and a bright future

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Koreans think marriage is the most important stage in a person's life, and most negatively to divorce as a disgrace not only to each other but also to the parents - although, despite this, the number of divorces in recent years is growing rapidly. The wedding today is somewhat different from what it was before. First there is the usual Western-style ceremony in a church or city hall, the bride in a white wedding dress and the groom in a tuxedo, followed by a traditional ceremony in a different room where the bride and groom, dressed in Korean traditional costumes and following tradition, make bows parents

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Samgepsal (삼겹살; samɡjʌpsal) - a popular dish of Korean cuisine. Are pieces of fatty pork peritoneum not passed marination, not sprinkled with spices that participants roast meal on the grill on a table . Samgepsal is usually served for dinner.Samgethan - whole cooked chicken stuffed with various herbs and ginseng root.Ramen (拉麺, 柳麺) - Japanese food with wheat noodles. Very popular in Korea and Japan, especially among young peopleKimchi Tighe - one of the most popular dishes in Korea. This soup of cabbage, meat and tofu. Methods of preparation of this dish can be counted a couple of dozen, that"s for sure. The main differences, as always, the ingredients that are used in the preparation of kimchi Tighe.

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Republic of Korea: natural and geographical environment

  • A state in the Far East, in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, as well as on the islands of the Yellow Sea and the Korea Strait.
  • The capital is Seoul.
  • Area: 99,646 km².
  • The landscape is predominantly mountainous, with plains occupying only 30% of the territory.
  • There are about 3,000 islands off the coast, mostly small and uninhabited. The largest island is Jeju.
  • The climate is monsoon, summers are hot and humid, winters are relatively cold and dry. Annual rainfall varies from 1,370 millimeters in Seoul to 1,470 millimeters in Busan.
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    Republic of Korea: population

    Population 48 million 500 thousand people.

    • 84% are city residents

    The vast majority are ethnic Koreans.

    Permanently resident foreign citizens make up 1% of the population.

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    Republic of Korea: natural resources

    South Korea is quite rich in natural resources. The country has reserves of coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, copper, manganese, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, gold, silver, graphite, kaolin, talc, limestone, monazite and thorium.

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    Republic of Korea: economics

    South Korea produces 32% of all mobile phones in the world

    In 2009, South Korea, for the first time in half a century of development of its nuclear industry, became the third country exporting experimental nuclear reactors after Argentina and Russia. The cost of the future contract to supply a nuclear reactor to Jordan will be 200 billion won.

    The world's largest ship manufacturer (45% market share). There is great demand in China for Korean goods, especially cars.

    South Korea's economy as of 2009 is the 13th largest in the world in terms of gross domestic product. Gross national product per capita rose from US$100 in 1963 to over US$20,000 in 2005.

    • 32% of world production
    • 45% of world production
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    Republic of Korea: GDP

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    Republic of Korea: employment

    The employment structure in the Republic of Korea has undergone significant changes since the early 1960s. The country began industrialization. In 1960, 63% of the country's labor force was employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing. However, by 2009, the share of employment in these industries fell sharply to 7.9%. And the share of people employed in the service sector, on the contrary, from the 1960 figure of 28.3% increased in 2009 to 73.5%.

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    Republic of Korea: budget

    Main items of state budget expenditures:

    • education - 21.1%
    • defense - 16.8%
    • social security - 10.5%
    • transport and communications - 9.0%
    • maintaining public order - 5.9%
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    Republic of Korea: industry

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    Republic of Korea: agriculture

    Main crops: rice, corn, potatoes, soybeans.

    In livestock farming: pig farming, poultry farming.

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    Republic of Korea: service sector

    The service sector primarily includes insurance companies, catering establishments serving Korean cuisine, hotels, laundries, saunas, medical and sports facilities, entertainment, retail, etc.

    The service sector has become dominant in the country's economy, and now accounts for two-thirds of total GDP.

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    Republic of Korea: appropriations

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    Republic of Korea: international cooperation

    Membership in international organizations - UN, APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum), Asian Development Bank, EBRD, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Interpol, OSCE (partner), UNESCO, World Trade Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, etc. .d.

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    Republic of Korea: international economic integration

    The Republic of Korea takes an active part in international economic integration. This can be evidenced by membership in organizations such as the WTO, World Bank, EBRD and others; country's import and export indicators.

    But South Korea does not intend to stop there: the European Union has agreed to conclude a free trade agreement with South Korea. This will be the first such agreement between the EU and Asian countries. Belgian Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere hailed the agreement as "the most ambitious in history." According to him, this is “a very big step towards opening up Asian markets for European companies.”

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    Republic of Korea: international trade

    • Exports - $355.1 billion (2009)
    • Export partners: China 21.5%, USA 10.9%, Japan 6.6%.
    • Imports - $313.4 billion (2009)
    • Import partners: China 17.7%, Japan 14%, USA 8.9%, Saudi Arabia 7.8%.
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    Republic of Korea: financial system

    The foundations of the modern financial system in South Korea were laid in the early 1950s, when a number of regulations were adopted to regulate the activities of the banking system.

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    Republic of Korea: political and legal environment

    The Constitution of South Korea is the basic law of the country. It was adopted on July 17, 1948, and revised for the last time in 1987. Constitution Day on July 17 is considered a national holiday, but is not a day off.

    According to Article 119, the government's objectives are to ensure sustainable and balanced growth of the economy, "proper distribution of income" and prevent "misuse of economic power." Article 125 defines foreign trade as a strategic area of ​​the economy controlled by the state.

    The Constitution also provides for the right to work, the existence of a minimum wage and the provision of acceptable working conditions. Workers are allowed to form trade unions and independent associations.

    According to the Constitution, South Korea is a democratic state that provides the population with civil rights and freedoms. Citizens cannot be punished or forced to work except in cases provided for by law. Those arrested and detained, as well as members of their families, have the right to know the reason for their detention.

    Official language: Korean.

    The head of state is a popularly elected president who heads the State Council.

    Parliament is a unicameral National Assembly (273 deputies).

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    Republic of Korea: culture

    Korea has an ancient, rich culture. Architecture has a long history. The oldest and most remarkable of the monuments of Korean architecture is Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul (“palace of sunshine and happiness”), built in 1394.

    Korean Holidays

    • March 1 - Independence Movement Day
    • July 17 - Constitution Day
    • August 15 - Liberation Day
    • October 3 - State Formation Day

    The Korean martial art of taekwondo has spread throughout the world.

    Korean cinema is famous, with directors such as Kim Gi-deok, Park Chan-wook and others.

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    Republic of Korea: education

    Koreans traditionally attach great importance to education as the main way of personal self-realization, as well as a means of achieving social status. Schools in their modern form appeared in the country in the 1880s. After the creation of the Republic of Korea in 1948, the country's government began to form a modern education system. In 1953, compulsory six-year primary education was introduced. Today, the Republic of Korea has achieved one of the highest literacy rates in the world. It is common knowledge that the high level of education of the population of the Republic of Korea has been a major factor in the rapid economic growth that the country has achieved over the past thirty years.

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    Republic of Korea: religion

    The main religions are traditional Buddhism and Christianity, which has recently entered the country. Both of these movements were strongly influenced by Confucianism, as well as shamanism, which was the main religion of the common people of Korea. Christians make up 27.3% of the population, and Buddhists make up 25.3%. Followers of other religions make up about 2.5% of the religious population.

    About 45% of the country's residents are not adherents of any religion.

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    Republic of Korea: sports

    South Korea has some traditional sports, most notably martial arts such as Taekwondo, Hapkido and Pun Ryu Son Do. However, sports from Western countries are more developed. The most popular sports are mountaineering, football, baseball, basketball, swimming, athletics and boxing, and figure skating.

    South Korea is considered the founder of e-sports - video game sports. The Starcraft game has gained enormous popularity in the country, becoming an element of national culture.

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    Republic of Korea: results

    The Republic of Korea has rapidly integrated into the global economy since the onset of the crisis in 1997. The government has proposed a new development model that includes raising the quality of business practices to world standards, developing human resources and technology, and improving the efficiency of institutional structures.

    The length and extent of the economic recovery will depend largely on the pace of corporate sector restructuring, the extent to which Korean families can adjust to reduced job security, and the degree of investor confidence in the Republic of Korea. The government remains firmly committed to reform and intends to continue to pursue restructuring in the financial and corporate sectors, while implementing flexible macroeconomic policies that support economic growth.

    The Republic of Korea's goal is to solve problems rooted in the past and create an economic system consistent with the developed economy of the 21st century.