What countries are popular for holidays? The most visited countries in the world. The safest countries for tourism

The tourism sector, according to UN estimates, accounts for about 9% of global GDP. By 2030, developing countries will be visited by over a billion tourists annually. Let's look at the most popular destinations among travelers at the moment.

Malaysia, 25 million tourists

Malaysia is practically two countries in one. The peninsula on which the state is located is divided by the South China Sea. One of the islands preserves the legendary jungle of Borneo, while large cities are concentrated in the western part, with strong influences from Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures.

Malaysia, unlike many other countries in the region, has a stable political and economic situation, which contributes to the influx of tourists who are attracted by beaches, safari tours and other outdoor recreation.

Russia, 25.7 million

With an area of ​​17 million square kilometers, every tourist will find something to their liking. The most popular tourist areas: the Black Sea coast and the cities of the central region.

UK, 29.3 million

The first thing a tourist notices in this country is the high cost of living in London. England is home to the first travel company in history, Thomas Cook, which is still in business today, helping foreigners visit the UK and English people see the world. Almost half of tourists in the UK visit London, which features Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and the British Museum, which was visited by 5.5 million people in 2012.

Germany, 30.4 million

Three factors support Germany's tourism: the country's rich nature, its position in the heart of the eurozone and the fact that only 30% of Germans are willing to holiday at home. The country has a lot to see: the sun-drenched Bavarian gardens, the nightlife of Berlin and the bustling business of Frankfurt offer an endless array of ways to spend your time. This year in August, a celebration is planned in Berlin to mark the 25th anniversary of the demolition of the wall separating the Federal Republic of Germany from the GDR.

Türkiye, 35.7 million

Istanbul has been the point of contact between Eastern and Western cultures since 660 BC. e. Nowadays, the city is one of the fastest growing urban agglomerations in the world, with an area of ​​5,343 square kilometers. Istanbul attracts a large number of visitors during the summer months, and travelers will find the city much quieter if they visit outside of the tourist season.

The country's coastal areas attract holidaymakers looking to spend a few weeks on the beach, and a breathtaking hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Italy, 46.4 million

Venice and Rome can be called Meccas for tourists, where you can explore ancient ruins and look at masterpieces of painting, sculpture and architecture. Almost all of the country's attractions are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The tourism sector in Italy is one of the most profitable industries. According to the Ministry of Finance, the net profit of companies in this area last year reached 136 billion euros.

Spain, 57.7 million

In a country where the unemployment rate reaches almost 26%, Spain's tourism industry continues to grow and the flow of tourists continues unabated. Europeans are now joined by tourists from Asian countries. Spain is home to 43 World Heritage Sites. According to UNESCO, the nature of Spain is worthy of third place in the ranking of biosphere reserves.

China, 57.7 million

This country can often throw a European or American traveler into culture shock, but if you remember a few simple rules, the trip will become much easier. Never eat with the side of chopsticks that you use to serve food. Alcohol cannot be drunk without toast, and you must offer to pay the restaurant bill yourself.

USA, 67.0 million

Already in the 1850s. Tourism has been a prominent industry in America, and the amount of revenue per tourist is the largest in the world. In many states, hospitality and tourism are major components of GDP. Everyone is familiar with the White House, the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building, but in the United States there are tens of thousands of strange monuments, such as the 60-ton temple of garbage in New Orleans or Iowa's Albert, a 15-meter bronze bull.

France, 83.0 million

Literature, film and television have created an idealized image of the "city of lights", and as a result, France remains one of the most visited countries in the world today. In 2012 alone, profits in this sector of the economy amounted to 77.7 billion euros, most of which came from Paris and the French Riviera.

They do not change from year to year for one simple reason: holidays here remain so high-quality, beautiful and eventful every season. The price factor also plays a role: the list of countries for tourism is headed by budget destinations and resorts where you can have a good and inexpensive vacation.

Popular countries for tourism

The preferences of our compatriots have not changed for years, and the top countries for recreation and tourism include places that are distinguished by excellent service and developed infrastructure. Which countries are the leaders in tourism?

  • Türkiye – 4.5 million Russians visit the beach resorts of the eastern state every year. It is curious that this figure increases several times every year - Turkish “All inclusive” is chosen by newlyweds, families with children, and older people. Thousands of hotels, restaurants, dozens of unique architectural monuments and entertainment for every taste - it’s not surprising that Turkey tops the ranking of countries for active and relaxing holidays;
  • Abkhazia is visited by 4.3 million travelers every year. Russians come here because of the proximity of the country, low prices, and excellent recreational opportunities. The disadvantages are insufficiently well-developed service and an abundance of garbage on the streets, but this is compensated by amazing scenery. There are views of the sea, mountains, rivers, plains;
  • Finland – 3.3 million tourists from Russia come to the northern country. The peak of holidaymakers is in winter - people go to ski, take photos with a reindeer sleigh, visit New Year's Lapland, where a winter fairy tale begins on the eve of Christmas;
  • China has recently entered the ranking of the most popular countries in the world for tourism. Every year more than 2 million Russians travel to this country to relax. True, the majority are residents of the Far East and Trans-Urals, since the flight from Moscow takes a lot of time;
  • Spain and Italy occupy equal positions in popularity. Each of these countries is visited by about 900 thousand tourists a year. Sea, beaches, attractions, festivals and excellent cuisine - there are many reasons to visit European resorts. These countries are also suitable for sports tourism, shopping, and holidays with children.

The list of the most visited countries includes Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus - Russians come here not to relax, but to visit relatives and friends. The most popular European countries for tourism are Estonia, Poland, Germany, Greece, Georgia. People willingly go to the UAE, Cyprus, Egypt, Thailand and Vietnam, however, prices here will be much higher than in Turkey.

The most popular countries by type of holiday

Which countries for tourism are especially popular among lovers of an unusual, but eventful and interesting holiday, full of impressions, emotions and good mood.

How to spend your vacation? Every family asks this question at least once a year. Most people choose sea, sun and beaches - timeless classics that will always attract thousands of travelers. But new directions are becoming increasingly popular: medical, historical, environmental, cultural, and sports tourism. Such a vacation promises to be varied, eventful, and beneficial for health and well-being. What countries and cities are worth visiting for lovers of everything unusual, interesting and exciting?

Medical and health tourism

Health resorts can be found all over the world: in Russia, Asian countries, fashionable places in the Dominican Republic and Italy. The best resorts for therapeutic holidays are:

  • Israel - swimming in the Dead Sea is recommended for fatigue, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and other pathologies. The popular resorts of Arad, Tiberias, Ein Gedi;
  • China – Thanks to the legendary Chinese medicine, philosophy and wisdom, thousands of diseases can be cured. Tourists are attracted by Beijing, Dalian, Urumqi and Hainan Island;
  • Czech Republic - balneological baths located in Karlovy Vary, Teplice, Podebrane, Jáchymov treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, liver, heart;
  • Hungary - thermal resorts located on Lake Heviz, Magritt Island and Debrecen help get rid of respiratory, digestive, and neuralgic diseases;
  • Russia – you can receive treatment at climatic resorts in Sochi, Anapa, Karelia, and the Leningrad region. At balneological resorts - in Kislovodsk, Sochi, Essentuki. Mud resorts are in Pyatigorsk and Lipetsk.

No less popular are the resorts of Germany, Jordan, and Georgia, where therapeutic holidays promise to be as beneficial as possible for health.

Sports and extreme recreation

People who lack thrills choose countries for tourism where sports recreation is especially popular:

  • Czech Republic – mountain tourism, rock climbing, cycling are developed;
  • Austria – rafting, walking tours, downhill mountain biking;
  • Norway – deep sea fishing, rafting, kayaking;
  • Finland – skiing, dog and reindeer sledding;
  • Switzerland – trekking, ski tours, skiing, skydiving in the mountains.

In Russia, sports tourism is also developed, especially skiing in Sochi, Anapa, the Urals, and Karelia.

Business tourism

This vacation destination attracts people who go abroad on business trips. The most popular are large cities and developed countries:

  • USA – New York and Washington;
  • Germany Berlin;
  • Belgium – Brussels;
  • Asia – Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan;
  • Saudi Arabia.

In European countries, business tourism is especially developed in France, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and many other countries where there are transnational corporations.

Cultural and historical recreation

Cultural recreation especially attracts tourists who love sights, museums, and educational trips. The best countries for such tourism are:

  • Italy and Greece, where monuments from the times of the ancient Roman Empire have been preserved;
  • France - Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Côte d'Azur, Chamonix, Bordeaux - many interesting objects are located in or near Paris;
  • USA - Statue of Liberty in New York, Manhattan, Mount Rushmore in Keystone, Niagara Falls, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco;
  • India - Taj Mahal, the city of Varanasi, Ganges, Lotus Temple, Ajanta, Hampi, famous palaces;
  • Russia - St. Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin in Moscow, Lake Baikal in Altai, the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka, the Golden Ring, which united 8 ancient cities at once.

However, many other countries of the world can boast of hundreds of attractions included in the UNESCO list and popular among tourists.

Event tourism

A young and promising direction attracts lovers of festivals, holidays, and carnivals. The following countries are suitable for event tourism:

  • France - fashion shows, auctions in Paris, Cannes Film Festival, Circus of the Future festival, Le Bourget Air Show;
  • Great Britain - flower exhibitions, festivals in London dedicated to music, art, circus performances;
  • Germany - festival on ice, beer festival in Berlin, Oktoberfest in Munich, music competitions in Mannheim;
  • Russia – air show in Zhukovsky, Cherry Forest theater festival in Moscow, music competition named after. Tchaikovsky;
  • Italy – fashion sales in Milan, pizza and ice cream festivals, carnivals in Venice.

Brazil, Vietnam, Thailand are rich in events, and car lovers are attracted by the UAE and the USA, where auto racing, rallies, and sports competitions are held.


Ecotourism is a journey into nature that promotes the conservation of flora and fauna. The best countries are:

  • Jordan - national reserves of Petra, Meter Sea;
  • Philippine Islands - Puerto Princesa Park with an unusual ecosystem, Palawan island;
  • Belize is a new destination made famous by its Mayan heritage;
  • Poland – tourists are attracted by the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Masurian Lakes, Biebrza Swamps;
  • Russia – Losiny Island in Moscow, Curonian Spit near Kaliningrad, Shushensky Bor in Krasnoyarsk, Altai parks and Lake Baikal.

There are a lot of places for ecotourism in the world: the nature of Alpine meadows, African and Asian jungles, and unique European parks attracts. The choice for a traveler is huge.

The most expensive countries for tourism

When you are bored with your usual vacation, or there is a special occasion that happens once in a lifetime, you want something unique, exotic and extraordinary. Expensive countries for excellent tourism can make dreams come true and surprise even an experienced traveler. But believe me: the costs will be more than repaid with a flurry of emotions and good mood! Where can you go if you are not strapped for money?

  1. Switzerland - here you can ski, admire the sights and landscapes. For a standard hotel room, be prepared to pay 12,000 rubles per day, for dinner – 5,800, a cup of coffee – a little more than 340 rubles;
  2. USA - Florida, New York and other states attract travelers for a reason - they can have a comfortable and eventful vacation here. True, housing will cost about 13,000 rubles per day, dinner – 4,500, coffee – 260 rubles;
  3. Denmark – hotel accommodation costs about 11,000 rubles, a full lunch for two – 5,000, coffee – 370 rubles. But Denmark has many attractions, clean air and amazing European service;
  4. Italy is included in the ranking of popular countries for tourism, but cannot boast of low prices. In Venice, a night in a hotel costs 8,800 rubles, dinner – 5,500, a cup of coffee – 100 rubles, but if you choose romantic countries for a honeymoon, Italy and France are the undisputed leaders;
  5. Hawaii is a great place for a beach holiday, where wealthy people love to go. A hotel room costs 9,300 rubles, dinner – 3,800, coffee – 300 rubles. But the costs are offset by unique landscapes, clean beaches and warm azure water of the bays.

As you can see, European and exotic countries for tourism are the most expensive. The prices given are average; you can find a hotel or cafe at a more affordable price. Also included in the ranking of expensive countries are Ireland, Norway, Venezuela, the UK and the UAE.

The cheapest countries for tourism

Cheap doesn't mean bad! Even with a modest budget, you can have a rich, wonderful and memorable holiday, because there are inexpensive countries for tourism. Where should the thrifty and wasteful traveler go?

  • Cambodia - in addition to the jungle, there are also unique Hindu temples, however, air communication with Russia is not established - a transfer is required. But hotel accommodation costs only 1500-1700 rubles, and a delicious lunch costs 100-120 rubles, the portions are large, the quality of the food is high, but the catering establishments cannot boast of the cleanliness;
  • Vietnam – hotel accommodation costs about 3,000 rubles, dinner – up to 500 rubles, prices vary depending on the season. The country attracts with its nature, temples, clean beaches and special Asian culture. It is better to go here in winter;
  • India is a country of contradictions, low prices and minimal service. The development of transport here is weak, the service leaves much to be desired, the number of crimes is high, and drinking tap water is absolutely forbidden. You can book a hotel for 2,000 rubles, dinner in a cafe costs 200 rubles, the country is famous for its health and spiritual opportunities;
  • Hungary – if you choose inexpensive European countries for tourism, these regions will definitely top the ranking. Hungary has a rich cultural heritage and many attractions. A train runs from Moscow to Budapest, the cost of hotel accommodation is about 3,500 rubles, food is the cheapest on the mainland;
  • Bulgaria is a favorite destination for compatriots, included among the leading countries in tourism. Little-known resorts where there are few people are ideal for relaxation. Dinner here costs 450 rubles, a room with a sea view costs 1,700 rubles. All beaches in the country are municipal, so you shouldn’t overpay for a stay at a hotel on the shore.

The list of inexpensive European countries for tourism includes Greece. But in general, holidays in Europe are more expensive than in Russia. Among budget destinations, it is recommended to consider Argentina, Sri Lanka, Honduras, Bolivia - decent and cheap options.

The safest countries for tourism

It is difficult to frighten Russians with anything - they willingly go on vacation to places where volcanoes erupt, revolutions and uprisings rage in order to get their portion of adrenaline. But sensible travelers and families with children prefer to spend their holidays calmly and without risks. The safest countries in the world for tourists are:

  1. Singapore - there are no natural disasters, citizens are law-abiding, they are fighting the terrorist threat in the bud;
  2. Iceland - the population has a good level of education and integrity, and is welcoming to tourists;
  3. Switzerland – Bern, Geneva and Zurich are considered the safest cities in the world. Here they respect every individual, maintain sovereignty, treat guests peacefully, although pickpocketing does happen;
  4. Mauritius - the crime level is minimal, which is rare for African countries. Mauritius is ahead of even law-abiding Japan in this regard. The danger for tourists is their own carelessness - there are a lot of poisonous animals on the beach and in safari;
  5. Cyprus – here family values ​​and excellent education come first. The only danger for a foreigner is scammers who deliberately inflate prices;
  6. UAE - Although it is difficult to talk about security in Muslim countries, crimes against tourists are rare in Dubai. The main thing is not to dress provocatively, and take care of your belongings and money. The police work is provided with hundreds of cameras - everything is under control.

Holidays in Ireland and New Zealand will be quite safe. Russians also feel comfortable vacationing in Russia - in general, the crime rate in resort towns is low, and knowledge of the language will help you quickly ask for help in case of danger.

The most dangerous countries for tourism

There are countries in the world that are dangerous for tourism - you can, of course, go here, but you always need to be on guard - otherwise you will very quickly lose your things, and possibly your life. The list of the most dangerous countries for tourism today is:

  • Mexico is a popular destination with a high crime rate. Robberies, drugs, kidnappings - you should not go beyond the busy streets and hotel area in the evening. The police are reluctant to help the “whites”;
  • North Korea - this unusual country for tourism has always been shrouded in mystery. It is distinguished by its originality, low crime rate, but the laws here are unprecedented! Contacts with local residents, photos where it is not allowed, inaccurate statements - all this is punishable by arrest and severe punishment;
  • Egypt - the abundance of attractions and coral reefs of the Red Sea did not save the country from terrorism, kidnappings of tourists and robberies. Raids and attacks on tourists by organized gangs are becoming frequent - leaving Cairo is not recommended. You cannot take photos of public buildings, police, or military personnel; pickpocketing is common;
  • Türkiye – this destination cannot boast of safety. There is a high probability of terrorist attacks, kidnappings occur, and local men harass women tourists. If you come to Turkey, choose hotels with private territory and security, try to leave it less often, avoid large gatherings of people;
  • Brazil – unfortunately, it’s not safe here either. Not only are there regular demonstrations and protests, and frequent clashes with the police, but there are also a lot of mosquitoes that carry viruses and diseases. It is especially dangerous here for children and pregnant women.

The Philippines, Kenya, Haiti, and Honduras were also among the most dangerous tourist countries. If you don’t want problems and dream of a measured, calm holiday without nerves and headaches, choose safer resorts in the world, fortunately there are plenty of them.

Countries for tourism without a visa

Purchasing a visa is quite difficult, expensive and time-consuming, so Russians are increasingly choosing visa-free countries for tourism. Vacation without bureaucratic delays is quite possible! Where can you go?

  • Entry is carried out using a Russian passport - Abkhazia, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan;
  • You can enter with a foreign passport - Azerbaijan, Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Vietnam, Hong Kong. And also Georgia, Israel, Cuba, Maldives, Morocco, Turkey;
  • The visa is issued at the airport or at the border - Haiti, Egypt, India, Jordan, Cambodia, Cyprus, UAE.

But to visit European countries you will have to obtain a Schengen visa - the procedure will require some effort and time. Difficulties will also arise when obtaining a visa to the United States - Russians are reluctant to issue one.

When going to the most popular countries for tourism, be prepared to share your impressions with other travelers: these destinations are in great demand in the world. However, it’s worth it, because you will spend time usefully, recharge yourself with a good mood and positive emotions for the whole year.

The World Tourism Organization provided statistics showing which regions and countries were especially popular among tourists. Over the past year, 1.087 billion people made tourist trips. Traditionally, Europe remains the most attractive region, with almost 564 million people arriving, or 51.8%. The ranking is based on the number of tourists in the country per year.

1. France (84.7 million people)

In the 90s of the last century, France took the first position as the most visited country by tourists, and since then it has held it. A very small proportion are transit travelers who cross France in passing, such as, for example, holidaymakers from northern Europe heading to the resorts of Spain. The majority purposefully travel to France. Tourists are attracted to this country by many famous attractions of various kinds, beautiful nature, powerful artistic and historical heritage, favorable climate, developed transport infrastructure, magnificent hotels, entertainment venues and excellent European service. In fact, every French department has become touristic, since everywhere there are their own attractions.
In France, tourists most often visit Paris, Versailles, Mont Saint-Michel, Loire castles, the historical centers of Lyon and Bordeaux, Chartres and Reims cathedrals, the French Riviera, the Strasbourg Christmas market, Mont Blanc and Chamonix, architectural structures (Eiffel Tower, Millau Viaduct) , amusement parks (Asterix, Disneyland, Futuroscope, Vulcania).

2. Spain (60.7 million people)

The first peak of the tourist boom in Spain began in the 60s, when tourists from Western European countries began to flock here, and the second - in the 90s, when guests from Eastern Europe began to visit here. First of all, Spain is famous for its beach holidays. It all began with him, and today he is the most profitable item in the country’s tourism industry. The excellent climate of the Iberian Peninsula and two archipelagos (the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean) has become an excellent attraction for travelers from Northern Europe. Places associated with beach holidays include the Costa Brava, Costa del Maresme, Costa Dorada (all Catalonia), Europe's largest lagoon Mar Menor and Costa Cálida (Murcia), the Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca) , Canary Islands.
Spain boasts a rich culture and history. On its territory there are remains of settlements of different peoples who lived in the Pyrenees in prehistoric times. The main tourist centers of the country - Barcelona and Madrid - can offer cultural and historical routes, all kinds of entertainment, educational programs and a souvenir sector. A dozen historical cities of Spain are included in the UNESCO list. The once “most Catholic country in the world” has many Catholic shrines, for example, Santiago de Compostela is compared to Mecca, since the relics of the Apostle James are located there, second in importance only to the relics of Jerusalem and the Vatican.

3. Italy (47.7 million people)

About one and a half thousand years after the defeat of Ancient Rome, a new country, Italy, arose on its ruins. She became a guide for tourists seeking entry into the ancient world. Hellas and Rome were the cradle of European civilization. Modern Italy spares no expense in preserving and restoring ancient historical monuments, trying to preserve them for humanity. One restoration project of the Leaning Tower of Pisa cost about 25 million euros. Covering the Roman Altar of Peace with a glass dome cost 20 million. The main centers of tourism in Italy are Rome, Venice, Florence and Milan. But the details of the assessments differ: Sardinia was ranked first in terms of safety and hospitality, Rome leads in the number of historical values, Valle d'Aosta in ecology, Trentino in providing tourist information, Campania, Calabria and Abruzzo lead in the variety of local cuisine.

4. Türkiye (37.8 million people)

In recent decades, tourism has increasingly contributed to the development of the Turkish economy. And there are all the prerequisites for the further development of this industry. Turkey is washed by the Black, Marmara and Mediterranean seas (called the Aegean on the Greek side). Turkey is the seventh country in the world for the presence of thermal springs, of which there are 1,300. There are many attractions of the ancient period (Greek, Roman, for example, Troy), as well as the later periods of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empire. There is a dense transport network within the country, making it very easy to get to anywhere in the country. The most visited places in Turkey:

  • Istanbul, containing monuments of Christian Byzantine and Islamic architecture.
  • Cappadocia with cave cities and unusual volcanic formations.
  • Turkish Riviera - this is the name of the resorts on the southern shores of the country, where there are ruins of ancient Greek and Roman cities and monuments of that time.

5. Germany (31.5 million people)

Many of our compatriots have one persistent stereotype regarding the amount of strong drinks consumed by Russians. No one should be surprised...

Until now, Germany is considered one of the safest holiday destinations in the world. Health tourism is especially developed here, since the activities of many German resorts are associated with the presence of hot springs, prevention and treatment with mineral waters and the use of spa treatment techniques. Since the 30s, local Nazi authorities began to develop a variety of thematic routes introducing travelers to the region, its natural and cultural attractions.
In Germany, the most visited cities are Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Cologne. The cheerful Oktoberfest, where beer flows like a river, is very popular. The most visited attractions are the Cologne Cathedral, the Reichstag and the Munich Hofbrauhaus.

6. Great Britain (31.5 million people)

As you know, the United Kingdom unites 4 different countries, between which the difference lies not only in geographical location and climatic characteristics, but also in particular historical development. Therefore, tourism in the British Isles is particularly diverse. Here the tourist season begins in April and ends in October. It is very profitable for the treasury, annually contributing 10% to the general treasury.
The main tourist destination in Great Britain is London, which attracts both foreign and domestic tourists. London has a lot to offer tourists. In its central areas there are several spacious squares (the most famous are Trafalgar and Piccadilly), wide streets with expensive shops and modern office centers (Strand, Oxford Street, Regent Street), the medieval austere Tower, large parks (Green Park, Hyde park, St. James's Park) and small church squares, the Queen's residence - Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and various museums.
Foreigners are especially interested in Scotland, many of whom come to Edinburgh to see Mary Stuart's castle, the Royal Botanical Garden, the Art Museum and admire ancient Scottish architecture. In England there are a number of popular spa resorts in Bath, Cheltenham, Leamington, Harrogate and Buxton.

Many women prefer shopping tourism as the best option to relax, have fun, and enjoy shopping. What could be nice...

7. Russia (28.4 million people)

The enormous natural diversity and rich cultural heritage make Russia one of the most attractive countries for tourism. There are only 26 sites under UNESCO protection. Numerous peoples with their own distinctive traditions live in different parts of the country. Basically, tourist routes in Russia cover its capital, as well as St. Petersburg. In addition, popular resorts and sanatoriums of the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, the Kaliningrad region, Caucasian ski resorts, tours of the “Golden Ring of Russia”, cruises along the rivers of the Volga basin or on an icebreaker to the Russian Arctic national park, a long trip along the Trans-Siberian Railway with a stopover to Baikal and the Altai Mountains. The most persistent tourists even reach the volcanoes of Kamchatka. In St. Petersburg you can watch the “white nights”, and beyond the Arctic Circle you can admire the polar lights. But most tourists still arrive in Moscow.

Summer is getting closer, it's time to think about where to spend it. It was on the eve of the summer season that we compiled a rating of the best places for a beach holiday in Europe, Russia and exotic countries. Don't know where to go? Meet us!

Where should you not go?

  • Leave aside the European resorts that offer holidays on the Black Sea. The service there, of course, is higher than domestic, but the sea is the same, and the pricing policy can easily be compared with the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea or the Indian Ocean.
  • You should not go to those countries that seem unsafe to you: Thailand, India, Bangladesh. And if you decide to go there, choose your location and hotel carefully.
  • To resorts where there is at least a hint of an unfriendly attitude towards Russians. Your holiday could turn into a nightmare, so read reviews carefully.
  • To countries where you will have to overpay. Prefer Montenegro to holidays in Croatia, choose the Philippines instead of Thailand, and prefer Grenada to the Bahamas. There you will find everything the same, but much cheaper.

Rating of the best places for a beach holiday

Country city

Amount of days

Approximate price for a family of 2 people

The best beach holiday in Europe

Greece, Crete

from 750 euros

Montenegro, Budva

from 770 euros

Spain, Mallorca

from 1100 euros

Italy, Calabria

from 680 euros

The best beach holidays in exotic countries

Cuba, o. Cayo Largo

from 1000 euros

Malaysia, o. Borneo

from 1600 euros

India, Goa

from 950 euros

Bali, Tanjung Benoa

from 920 euros

The best beach holiday in Russia

from 25 thousand rubles


from 49 thousand rubles

from 60 thousand rubles

from 42 thousand rubles

The best beach holiday in Europe

Greece, Crete

Photo: www.turboz.ru

Crete is the most popular place in Greece, where our tourists prefer to go on vacation. If you travel on your own, you can easily spend a modest amount and have a great time both on the beach and on excursions.

  • clear sea, sandy beach;
  • excellent European service, friendly staff;
  • The rich history of Greece will not let you get bored during your vacation.


  • you need to get a visa.

Advice: if you don’t want to go to Crete in the very heat, choose either June or September for your vacation.
Reviews from vacationers on Crete:
“Greece is an ideal place, I went there for the third time! Satisfied!
“This year we vacationed near Heraklion and toured the eastern part of Crete. I’m really tempted to return to Crete and see the west (they say it’s even better!).”

Montenegro, Budva

Photo: merealty.ru

Those who decide to relax at sea abroad for the first time are advised to go to Montenegro. The price-quality ratio is obvious here, and there are many advantages to vacationing in distant countries. Also, many people prefer Montenegro to Bulgaria due to the fact that the Adriatic Sea is here, not the Black Sea.


  • prices for almost everything are acceptable, Bulgaria and Croatia are much more expensive;
  • similar mentality, there is no language and cultural barrier;
  • no visa required;
  • The beach is both small pebble and sandy.



  • It’s better to stay not in Budva itself, but in nearby villages, for example, in the village. Language There are fewer people on the beach and prices are even lower;
  • The best time for a holiday is June.

Reviews from vacationers in Budva:
“Great big beach in the village. Language There are small pebbles on one side and sand on the other. In Budva itself, on the beach, it’s terrible, there are tons of people, so we really chose the best option for us.”
“As for the food, I’ll say that we spent lunch and dinner on the embankment. We took shawarma for 3 euros (they have such huge portions), personally it lasted me until 9 pm. Beer - 1.5 euros, chicken in pita bread - 3 euros, expensive tea - 3 euros, ice cream - 1.5 euros (also a large portion). There is also a small one - 0.5 cents.”

Spain, Mallorca

Photo: kervansaraymarmaris.com

The popular resort island in the Mediterranean Sea is chosen by people with above-average incomes. Spain is a rather expensive country, so a holiday here will cost a pretty penny.

  • excellent European service;
  • beaches for every taste: sandy and rocky, clear sea;
  • the richest culture of Spain.


  • need a visa.

Reviews from vacationers in Mallorca:
“We were vacationing in the Cala D’or area - this is the southern part of the island, a few tens of kilometers from the capital Palma de Mallorca, in my opinion - a good place for a relaxing, family holiday, in contrast to areas located near Palma.”
“The island resembles a miniature Spain. Here you can find a beach for every taste and color... You can also decide on the issue of privacy: you can go to very noisy beaches or visit a secluded beach where there are very few people.”

Italy, Calabria

Photo: www.putevoditel.nakurorte.ru

Calabria, which is located on the “toe” of the Italian boot, is perfect for beach lovers. There are not many attractions here, but low prices, beautiful beaches and clean seas.


  • inexpensive hotels and life in general;
  • clean sea, sandy beaches;
  • excellent infrastructure and European service.


  • basically nothing to see;
  • need a visa.

Reviews from vacationers in Calabria:
“If the beach, the sea, or just relaxation are more important, it’s better in Calabria. There are quite long and wide sandy beaches, a good clean sea... Not many people. And prices in hotels and restaurants are lower there.”
“Calabria in the Tropea region (there is a very beautiful sea and good and relatively inexpensive hotels with their own beaches) is more suitable for a relaxing beach holiday.”

The best beach holidays in exotic countries

India, Goa

Photo: fionatravel.com.ua

Goa evokes conflicting impressions among different people: some say that their holiday in Goa was unforgettable, while others remember it as a boring time spent surrounded by cows and dirty water. If you are used to Turkish all-inclusive, a holiday in Goa is not for you.


  • exoticism that will be remembered for a long time;
  • low prices (if you do not take 5* hotels);
  • rich culture of India.


  • the sea can be dirty depending on the season;
  • long flight (non-stop - 7-8 hours).


  • It is better to vacation in Goa from December to March;
  • choose your hotel carefully, as in any exotic country;
  • refrain from holidaying in Goa with children. Many tourists take children with them, but it is not safe.

Reviews from vacationers in Goa:
“Unique nature, excellent climate. We were there at the end of December. The weather was about +30, +32, but it was not stuffy. And the water was always equally warm!”
“When counting the money spent on food, it turned out that food, just food, for two of us for 9 days, including lunches and dinners, cost us 6,000 rubles. for two. I think it’s not expensive at all, provided that you eat what you want, when you want and in any quantities.”

Cuba, o. Cayo Largo

Photo: dsc.invia.sk

The island of Cayo Largo is famous for its gorgeous beaches and clear sea. Russians are treated very well here, unlike the Dominican Republic, so you can safely plan your trip.


  • excellent sandy beach and crystal clear water;
  • friendly attitude of hotel staff;
  • no visa required.

Flaws: with a properly planned trip there are none.

Advice: It’s better to go to Cuba in the spring, i.e. from March to May (sometimes June).

Reviews from vacationers on the island. Cayo Largo:
"We liked. The weather is very comfortable, there is always a breeze, so it is not hot. The sea, the beach, the sand are just some cartoonish color, everything is somehow unreal.”
“This is a wonderful place, simply fabulous! The sea - it is impossible to describe its beauty! Sand - it is impossible to describe its whiteness! Palm trees are tall! Dolphins are friendly!”

Bali, Tanjung Benoa

Photo: nsk-1001tur.ru

Bali has places for both quiet and noisy holidays. In Tanjung Benoa, the holiday is just measured, calm, which is suitable for married couples who prefer to bask on the beach.


  • exotic atmosphere for those who want something unusual;
  • friendly hotel staff;
  • you can live quite cheaply;
  • rich culture of local people;
  • The visa is issued upon arrival at the airport.


  • beaches are not always clean;
  • lack of attractions.


  • Don't go to Bali if you care about clean sand and crystal water. But if you want to bring exoticism into your life, go there;
  • From November to the end of March in Bali is the rainy season, it is better to choose a different time for your vacation.

Reviews from vacationers in Tanjung Benoa:
“Bali did not disappoint one bit. This is a very special place, with a very special atmosphere and nature. You want to go back there again and again, or even better, not to leave there at all... This place needs to be felt, felt, lived, with its not always clean ocean, beaches not with white sand, lack of architecture...”
“We lived in Novotel Benoa 4* (Tanjung Benoa): a quiet place, along the street there are small (and inexpensive) restaurants - we chose one of them and had dinner there every evening.”

Malaysia, o. Borneo

Photo: www.sunplanet.ru

Malaysia is preferred by those who like to lie on the beach and sunbathe. However, there are also many interesting sights, the inspection of which will diversify your holiday.


  • a large island, you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also get acquainted with local life;
  • clean sea and sandy beaches;
  • you can go diving;
  • no visa required.

Flaws: with a properly planned trip there are none.

Advice: it’s better to go to o. Borneo from April to October.