How to write an essay on the topic “My City”: tips and recommendations. Essay on the topic my city Children's story about your city

Sabinin Ivan

Every person has their own favorite city. Most often, the favorite city is called the city where a person spent his childhood, because the most dear memories to the heart are associated with childhood.



My favorite city.

Every person has their own favorite city. Most often, the favorite city is called the city where a person spent his childhood, because the most dear memories to the heart are associated with childhood.

Favorite city... This city does not at all have to be the capital, a millionaire city. He may be small and quiet, but very dear.

Cities, like people, each have their own destiny, their own face and their own character. I want to talk about the city of my childhood, my small Motherland.

The vast expanses of our Motherland are vast. But there is a small northern city on the map of our country: warm and cozy and the most expensive.

I suggest you get acquainted: Noyabrsk is the city of my childhood. This is where I was born. I love this city, I don’t know why. For nothing, probably, for now specifically, or rather, for the fact that it exists, that it is exactly like this, unlike any other city. There is simply a feeling that I cannot explain in words, but I can explain this feeling in comparison: with love for my family. After all, we love them not for anything, but simply for the fact that they exist.

I am 9 years old. Of course, I still know little about my city, but every year I learn more and more about its history and people. And every year I discover it in a new way.

Noyabrsk, one of the largest cities in Yamal, is called the pearl of the Far North. Yamal is a mysterious northern land; Translated from Nenets, “Yamal” means “end of the earth” - the land of snowstorms and blizzards, the land of mosquitoes and midges, the land of autumn colors, countless calm lakes and noisy rivers, with silent tundra and berry meadows.

My acquaintance with him, my city, probably began with a story from my mother. After 25 years of living in sunny, hot Uzbekistan, just the word “north” was a little scary, which is why she was probably nervous when she first encountered the edge of a long, harsh winter. But when she saw the bright sun, and it was in August, high, blue, and not, as she had expected, a low, gray sky hanging over the earth, she immediately realized that she liked this city. The north struck her with its majestic beauty, fragile and strong nature, and the city seemed very compact and cozy.

I, of course, saw Noyabrsk already different, more expanded. My mother told me that when she arrived, the construction of microdistrict 5 was just beginning, and now the construction of microdistrict 8 is just around the corner.

I love my city, there are many interesting and beautiful places, various monuments.

One of the wonderful places in the city is the children's park. There are many attractions here in the summer, and in winter it becomes a real ice city. Next to the park there is a fountain - a favorite recreation place for children and adults.

One of the favorite places for city residents in winter is the ski resort, where the kids from my class and I sometimes go skiing.

The city has its own Temple - the Temple of the Archangel Michael, it stands on a hill, and therefore its gilded domes are visible in all parts of the city. Next to the temple burns the Eternal Flame, lit in memory of those who defended their Motherland in fierce battles for the life and happiness of subsequent generations.

There are many beautiful, modern buildings built in the city: an intellectual center, a teleport. Recently my dad showed me an unusual monument - a monument to a mosquito. This sculptural composition, made of metal parts, symbolizes, probably, one of the living “attractions” of the north - as it is also called, the “mosquito land”.

And another amazing thing: someone, in love with the city, decorated city buses with the emblem of the city with the inscription: “I love you to the sky.”

In general, in recent years, Noyabrsk has been transforming: new buildings are appearing, 2 more microdistricts will be built up, the city is growing before our eyes and becoming more and more beautiful every year.

I want to end the story about my city with lines from the song based on the words of B. Dubrovin “Home, home.”

Wherever we go

And it pulls us from afar,

And it pulls you and me -


Both in December and January,

Both in October and November,

Both in summer and spring -

To Noyabrsk,


And every time we return from vacation, we rejoice at the changes: the roads are paved, new houses and fences around the houses have appeared. And now the city also greets us with an abundance of bright city flowers, among which are yellow dandelions - a symbol of the sun, light, home, warmth, comfort. They have taken root in the city and after a long winter and protracted spring they are striking with bright yellow spots on the emerald grass.

Many different names were given to our city - the pearl of Siberia, the city of family, the city of dreams, the city of dandelions. And even funny - a city of “unafraid pedestrians”.

And I will call it - the city of Happiness, Goodness and the Sun. This is how I know my city. And for everyone it is different and, of course, the dearest and most wonderful.

Even the streets have their own memory. They reliably store the footsteps of people who have long since died down, conversations that led nowhere, and dreams that did not come true. The streets remember the fun, the rays of the most unforgettable sultry summer in life, hopes and successes. An essay on the topic “My City” is mandatory in the school curriculum. And every time teachers have to read the same thing. Maybe we should offer something new at least once?

What are they writing about?

Essays on the topic “My City” mainly describe local attractions, famous personalities and add a little history. The most creative essays are obtained when reviews of foreign tourists or the uniqueness of the location of the settlement are added to all this. Without a doubt, each of these details is important for writing an essay on the topic “My City”.

However, you don’t need to limit yourself to only them. You can add a few suggestions about the weather, which makes the city look better. Also a good solution would be to add emotions, be it nostalgia or the joy of living here.

How to write interestingly?

To make an essay on the topic “My City” interesting, you need to write about what is interesting to the author himself. For example, if a student likes that in his city there is a street with old houses, let him write about it, specifying why he likes such a place and what feelings it evokes. If you like the fact that many people live here, let the story be about it. And even if the author only likes the presence of an old library, let the text talk about it.

An essay on the topic “My City” is not only a list of attractions and a retelling of historical facts. But also revealing the uniqueness and originality of the locality.

Favorite city

The locality that a student can write about does not have to be his hometown. It could also be a place he's only been to once. An essay on the topic “My favorite city” may have the following content.

“One day I came to the city of N. Although I was there for only a few days, I will always remember it. There was none of the ugly bustle to which residents of large cities have long been accustomed. There were no hours-long traffic jams and large crowds of people at bus stops. It seemed that everything was frozen in anticipation of something beautiful. People walked leisurely through the streets, smiled cheerfully and were in no hurry. Laughter could be heard from small and cozy coffee shops; the smell of fresh baked goods and aromatic coffee with milk was in the air. Everyone here was enjoying life and being polite.

The narrow streets were surrounded by flower beds with bright flowers, the city park had a beautiful lake, and the alleys simply shone with cleanliness. An ancient theater building stood majestically in the central square, street musicians played, and tourists took pictures at the monument to the great commander. N struck me with his measured flow of life. And if we talk about our favorite city, it will undoubtedly be N.”

Little homeland

But most often, students describe the place where they were born and live. An essay on the topic “My hometown” will have a completely different content.

“I love my hometown. Even if nothing changes here and nothing interesting happens, this is the place where I live. Every day here is similar to the previous one. The same bends of the streets, the same cars and the same candles of high-rise buildings. In the center are the main government institutions, opposite which stands a monument to the famous writer. The city park no longer has any attractions, but people still come there to sit on the old benches and admire nature. On one of the central streets there are many shops and beauty salons; on the outskirts there is a sugar factory.

This is an ordinary provincial town. The same as thousands of others. But only here can I feel at home, comfortable and good, because this is my hometown. Here I know every street, turn and intersection. This is a place that holds memories of my childhood. And although this city is a little boring, for me it is the best.”


Using exactly the same schemes, you can write a mini-essay on the topic “My City”. School work is not only assignments in language or literature, but also an excellent opportunity to give free rein to your imagination. The main thing is to remember that in the story you must indicate the name of the city and make a brief description, and the rest is at the discretion of the author. You can, as in the examples, be guided by emotions or simply highlight the key characteristic of the locality as a whole.

It is customary to start this kind of work with the name of the city, but there will be nothing wrong if it is mentioned at the end. You can write where and what attraction is located, but if you simply list them, the essay will not lose its meaning.

Any creative task should begin with sketching. For example, you can write in advance what is interesting in the city, and next to it make a list of things that the author himself likes. This will help structure the information, and then you will get a good essay. There is no need to chase standards. Just as the streets keep the secrets of their inhabitants, so the inhabitants of the city must write something special about them.

Do you like the city where you live? I like!

I live in the best city in the world. Because he is beautiful, he is dear. This is where I was born and raised. My friends and parents are here. It was in this city that I took my first steps, said my first words, and for the first time saw the dearest person on earth: my mother. Every street, every house is familiar to me here. My city has the most beautiful sunsets; they are either bright scarlet, soft pink, or variegated orange. The most charming blooms. The bluest sky, which is covered with soft snow-white clouds, similar to cotton candy. The greenest grass where my friends and I ran barefoot as children. The brightest sun, which woke me up in the morning all my life with its warm, gentle rays. If it rains here, it’s not just water from the sky, it’s the kind of weather that makes you think about the meaning of life, the rain, knocking on the windowsills of cozy houses and apartments, plays a melody that touches the soul. In my city in the morning everyone is rushing about their business, with a smile on their face, everyone is happy about the new day and, in anticipation of good luck, they walk and smile at passers-by.

There are so many memories associated with my city. It was here that I heard the school bell for the first time; it was in this city that I learned about the world. If I go somewhere, then I really miss home, school, local streets, parks, which were so much fun to walk in.

I don’t know how you can not love the city with which your entire past is connected.

Many people complain that they live in a dirty city, where there is nowhere to walk, where there are many dangerous places, they talk about this with indignation. But they don’t think about who is to blame for this. People themselves spoil the environment with their ignorance and laziness.

They don't want to fix anything, organize voluntary groups that will help keep the city clean. People simply complain about the city's shortcomings, but don't want to change anything. You just have to think about who is to blame for everything. And start correcting your mistakes before it’s too late. And only then the city will begin to flourish and delight all its residents with its appearance and good ecology.

It doesn’t matter whether your city is big or small, the only thing that matters is what kind of people live in it. And what desire they have to improve their place of residence. And if you try, then any city can be turned into the most charming, cleanest, most cheerful city in the world. It is only important to understand this and set such a goal.

No matter what they say about my city, for me it is always the best in the world. And I am doing and will do everything possible to make him better and better. But, I think that you just need to take care of what you have. And love your city not for its size and population, but for the fact that it is your native land. For those pleasant, positive, unforgettable moments that you experienced in this city. Because your family is here. For the fact that you were born here and spent the best years of your life - childhood!

Russia is a great country and only the lazy do not know the history of its origin, development and formation. It covers an area of ​​about 17 million kilometers. The country is located in the Northern Hemisphere and most of the Eurasian continent belongs to it. Russia has common borders with eighteen countries, including by sea. At sea we border the USA and Japan.

Russia has a large number of reservoirs, rivers, and lakes. If we talk about quantity, this figure will be about 2.8 million rivers. The largest rivers flowing through Russia are the Volga, Yenisei, Don, Ob ​​and Lena. And only in our country there is the cleanest and deepest lake on earth - Baikal. Russia has the largest sea in the world - the Caspian.

The capital of Russia is the city of Moscow, the infrastructure is developed here, the city is rich in its history.

The country has a large number of megacities. Their population exceeds one million people.

Russia is a country in which a large number of nationalities coexist peacefully. The approximate number is 160 nationalities. Each nationality professes its own religion. Therefore, in Russia you can meet Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and many other different religions.
The country includes autonomous republics (22) and territories (9).

Russian is the official language of the country.

The flag of Russia has three colors: white, blue and red. On the coat of arms of Russia, a double-headed eagle sits majestically, looking west and east.
There are places in Russia that are included in the UNESCO heritage. And there are quite a few of them. You can highlight Red Square, Monuments of Novgorod, wooden churches built in Kizhi, St. Petersburg Historical Center.

Geography of the country

Almost 70% of the country's territory is lowland. In the south of the country there are mainly mountains and the highest Mount Elbrus (5642 meters) is located here. The north, east of Siberia and the Far East are represented by the Verkhoyansk and Sikhote-Alin ranges. There are a large number of volcanoes in Kamchatka, some of which remain active today.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Kind of activity: cognitive activity.

Form of activity: lesson (preparatory group).

Subject:“I am telling my story about my city.”


  1. To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown - Abakan, about the main attractions of their hometown, and teach them to recognize them in photographs.
  2. To form love and interest in the small Motherland.
  3. Develop coherent speech and logical thinking.

Materials and equipment for the lesson:

  • slide projector, disk with slides;
  • a hoop with ribbons, boxes of cereals;
  • sticks for drawing, multi-colored pebbles, decanter.

Previous work:

  • reading poems about your hometown;
  • viewing photographs, booklets;
  • excursion to the Skazka theater.

Vocabulary work:

  • Small Motherland.
  • Big Motherland.
  • Attractions.
  • Abakans.

Progress of the lesson

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gets to know the children.

Educator: Children, what city do you all live in? What are we all called - residents of Abakan? (Abakan people.) Do you know that Abakan is the capital of the Republic of Khakassia? This is our small Motherland. What do we call Motherland? (The place where we were born, we live, we go to kindergarten, where our fathers and mothers, friends live.) Right. Listen to the poem and to the Motherland.

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I grow up.
And birch trees by the road,
Which way we are walking.
What do we call Motherland?
The sun is in the blue sky.
And fragrant, golden
Bread at the festive table.
What do we call Motherland?
The land where you and I live,
And ruby ​​stars -
Stars of the world over the Kremlin.

(V. Stepanov)

Children, what country do you live in? Russia is our big Motherland, it is what unites all people living in one country. We are all Russians, we all speak the same language. We love our Motherland dearly.

Children, we received an SMS message on our cell phone. Let's read it. It says that guests are coming to us from the capital itself, from Moscow. They really want to get to know our city and the interesting sights of Abakan. We need to help them. Do you know what a landmark is? (These are beautiful, memorable places that adorn our city.) Are there places in our city that we are proud of and are happy to show to residents of other cities and countries? I think the main attraction of our city is the people living here. After all, we have people of different nationalities living here. Can you name them? (Russians, Khakassians, there are Germans, Tuvans, Ukrainians, Chinese, Kyrgyz and many other peoples.) They all live together in our beautiful and cozy city.

We always meet our guests on the main street of our city. What is it called? (People's Friendship Street.) Why do you think it is called that? (People of different nations pass here.) On this street there is a huge hotel “Druzhba”, where guests stay.

Children, what sights would you like to introduce our guests to? (Zoo, Skazka Theatre, Orlyonok Park, Transfiguration Cathedral, Abakan Youth Palace.) Yes, children, in our city there are indeed a lot of interesting places where you can have a good rest and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

The teacher invites the children to tell a little about each attraction one by one, looking at the slides.

A didactic game “Recognize in the photo” is being conducted.

The slide opens. Did you find out what it is? Yes, this is a stele that greets all guests at the entrance to our city.

Then the children look at photographs of the Skazka Theater. People enjoy visiting theaters. Children, why do they come here? Children already know the Skazka Theater from an early age, where they come with their parents to watch fairy tales. This theater is famous all over the world and it has many awards. We should be proud of our actors.

The children's favorite place is the Mishutka entertainment center. You were here? What is interesting or noteworthy here? (There is a toy store here, various attractions for children are offered, and there is a children's cafe.)

What kind of place is this in our city? (Montenegro Park.) What is he famous for? Yes, here we see a monument to the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. We will tell guests that in summer it is very beautiful here: lawns, flower beds. In the middle is the eternal flame of military glory of the heroes who died for their Motherland. Behind the eternal flame rises a sculptural composition of two figures - a Russian and a Khakass warrior. This idea of ​​​​the joint struggle of the Russian and Khakass peoples against the Nazi invaders.

You will recognize these photographs immediately. (Eaglet Park.) What interesting things can we offer our guests here? They will probably take their children with them. What attractions await them here? Have you been here? Have you ridden the carousel? Children, do you want to remember summer now and ride the carousel?

The outdoor game “Carousel” is played.

At the command “One, two, three, take the ribbon,” children run in a circle with a ribbon in their hands.

Barely, barely, barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel.
One - two, one - two
So the game is over.

Educator: Did you enjoy riding the carousel? I think the guests will really like it too.

After such a vacation, we will remember one more of your favorite corners of our city. Did you recognize him? (Zoo.) What can we tell our guests about it? What animals do we meet? There are a lot of exotic animals here that we can only see in a zoo: snakes, crocodiles, monkeys. Many city residents are unfamiliar even with animals such as cows, horses, and goats. For this they go to the zoo.

And this is the youngest and most beautiful corner of our city, which is full of interesting sights. Which of you has been here and can tell us? You are right, this is the Transfiguration Cathedral. What is he like? For what purpose do the townspeople visit this cathedral? Probably some of you went there for baptism or to light a candle for the health of your loved ones. We very often hear the ringing of bells that call believers to service. Religious festivals are also held here. Near the cathedral there is a youth palace. What interesting things can you tell about him? That's right, concerts are held here, and every child can find activities to their liking: dancing, sports clubs, theater arts and much more. Many Abakan residents and guests of our city relax in Preobrazhensky Park. After all, all the conditions have been created for this: a beautiful fountain, a park of exotic plants “Gardens of Dreams”, flowering alleys and even a children’s corner. It is imperative to take our guests to this park.

I think that there are a lot of beautiful places in our city. Please choose your favorite corner in your favorite city. Maybe we didn't name him. I will ask you, as a gift to our guests, to draw with sticks in the boxes where the cereal is poured, that corner of our city that, in your opinion, is the most interesting and beautiful. Our guests will definitely like it. We will leave these drawings until our guests arrive. We will also send them these photographs, which will introduce guests to Abakan in absentia. I will send an SMS message that we are ready to meet our guests.

Children, I am very glad that you know your city well. You talked about him with such interest that it was immediately clear how much you loved him. And now I want to hear good words from you about our city. Everyone takes turns taking a pebble, saying a word and throwing it into the jug.

Educator: Look how many good, kind and affectionate words you said to your beloved city. You really love and take care of him. After all, the future depends on you, guys, on how much you love your Motherland, what good you can do for it when you become adults.

The teacher thanks the children for an interesting conversation and treats them to sweets that are made here in our confectionery factory.