Famous beach in America. Hotels in South America. Brazil highlights

South America is the fourth largest continent on Earth. Its length from north to south is more than 7,000 km, from west to east - about 5,000, and the total area reaches 17.8 km². Most of the continent is in the Southern Hemisphere. The total number of inhabitants is more than 385 million people: according to this indicator, South America ranks fourth among the continents. But if we discard the dry facts, one thing can be said: this is a whole world, unknown, bright, alluring and frightening at the same time. Each country on this continent deserves the closest study, the most curious tourists and the most enthusiastic reviews.

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How to get there

The cost of air travel to South American countries varies significantly on regular days and during sales periods. If a regular ticket can cost on average 1700-2000 USD, then sale and promotional tickets can be purchased with a discount of up to 50%. The most profitable option for Russians is to purchase a ticket to Venezuela (the cheapest can be purchased for 500-810 USD on days of maximum discounts). Or fly to relatively large Caribbean countries, such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic, from where you can travel to the mainland by domestic airlines.

If you have time and money, you can arrange an unforgettable ocean trip: a boat trip to Buenos Aires will cost 1500-2000 EUR. Such a voyage will take much more time than a flight, because most often it is not just a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, but a full-fledged cruise calling at ports in Europe and Central America.

Transport in South America

Air travel within the continent is quite expensive, but cruise travel by sea is widespread (the cost depends on the class of the liner). Railways are used primarily for freight transportation - there are very few passenger trains, but bus service is very common. Traveling by bus, of course, is less comfortable, but very economical (prices vary depending on the country and destinations - tourist or domestic). In addition, car rentals are very cheap here.


Different parts of South America have different climates. In the north there is the equatorial zone with the highest temperatures in January, in the south there is the frosty polar zone. This is where you can celebrate the New Year in a bikini under the scorching sun, and then go to a more familiar climate zone at a ski resort in the Andean highlands. In the south of the continent, plump king penguins are walking around with might and main - Antarctica is close!


If you find yourself in South America for the first time and are accustomed to international class of service, choose large hotel chains (preferably international). Their rooms cost from 50-90 USD per night. Students and exotic lovers often stay in small hotels or private apartments - the cost can start from 15-20 USD per day. The appearance and amenities of housing will depend on the country, proximity to popular resorts and personal luck. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Iguazu Falls

South American countries

Venezuela- a state in the north of South America, washed by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The capital is the city of Caracas. Here there are conditions for a beach holiday - luxurious beaches of the Caribbean coast, a fashionable secluded holiday on the island of Margarita, and for an active one: Avila National Park near Caracas, the Amazonian jungle, the highest waterfall on the planet - Angel, the longest cable car in the world with a length of 12, 6 km and the highest mountain peak in the country - Pico Bolivar (4981 m).

Guyana- a state on the northeastern coast of South America. The capital is Georgetown. Almost 90% of the country is covered by humid jungle. It is precisely because of the unfavorable conditions for tourism in the traditional sense that Guyana is visited primarily by ecotourists. They are fond of the waterfalls of the Guiana Highlands, the Pakaraima Mountains, the Kaieteur and Iwokrama national parks, where visitors learn the wisdom of rafting, and also go on foot and horseback treks through the Rupununi savannas.

Guiana(or French Guiana) is the largest overseas region of France, located in northeastern South America. A French visa is required to enter Guiana. The administrative center is the city of Cayenne. 96% of the country's territory is occupied by tropical forests - this region is one of the most forested and environmentally friendly in the world. Tourist centers and villages of local residents are concentrated in the coastal strip, while the central areas are practically deserted.

Colombia- a state in the north-west of South America, named after the great traveler. The capital is Bogota. Russians are allowed visa-free entry into Colombia for up to 90 days. The country is famous for its historical heritage, many museums and the amazing fusion of European culture brought by the Spanish conquistadors in the 15th century and the Indian culture still carefully preserved in some areas of the country. Colombia has stunning nature: national parks, the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, the Amazon River, palm valleys and coffee plantations.

Paraguay called the heart of America, since this country is landlocked. Its population has retained its originality: the Indian dialect Guarani is the official language here along with Spanish. The capital is Asuncion. “Guiana” is translated from Guaranese as “great river” - this refers to the Rio Paraguay (the third largest and longest river on the continent), dividing the country into the arid Gran Chaco plain and the humid areas between the Rio Paraguay and Rio Alta Parana. The country has been favored by ecotourists and connoisseurs of superbly preserved architectural monuments from the period of the Jesuit state.

Peru- a state on the west coast of South America. The capital is Lima. Fans of antiquities know Peru as the site of the Inca settlement - the Inca state of Tawantinsuyu was the largest empire of pre-Columbian America and still remains a mystery to ethnographers and archaeologists. Here is the famous Machu Picchu, which has become one of the new wonders of the world, and landscapes with the mysterious Nazca Lines, the origin of which scientists still cannot explain. In total, Peru has more than 180 museums and many archaeological parks, lost in the valleys of the Andes.

Visa-free entry into Peru is open for Russian tourists for up to 90 days.

Suriname- a state in the northeast of South America. The capital is Paramaribo. People come here in search of ecotourism in unusual places: tropical forests, Atabru, Kau, Wanotobo waterfalls, the Galibi Nature Reserve, the Sipaliwini region, which occupies most of the territory, and the Trio, Acurio and Wayana Indian reservations.

Uruguay- a state in the southeast of South America. The capital is Montevideo. If you want to relax on the beach, visit Uruguay between January and April. Connoisseurs of colonial architecture will certainly enjoy the sights of Cologna and Montevideo. Every year, a month and a half before Easter, two days before Lent, Catholics in Uruguay host a colorful carnival.

Visa-free entry into Uruguay is open for Russian tourists for up to 90 days.

Chile- a state in the southwest of South America, occupying a long strip from the Pacific coast to the highlands of the Andes. The capital is Santiago. In Chile, balneological tourism is common (33 sanatoriums with water and mud therapy), beach holidays (Arica, Iquique, Valparaiso regions), as well as travel to the national parks of La Campana, Torres del Paine, to Lake San Rafael, to the towns of Altiplano and San Pedro and, of course, to the famous Easter Island. For ski lovers - 15 resorts with slopes from the most extreme to simple.

Ecuador is located in the north-west of the mainland and gets its name from the Spanish “equator”. The capital is Quito. Particularly noteworthy are the Galapagos Islands, famous not only for their fauna, but also for their fantastic beaches, Oriente National Park and a journey through the Amazon, the El Kayas region with 200 lakes and lagoons, the ancient cultural monument of Ingapirca and museums of the colonial and pre-colonial eras in Quito.

A visa-free regime has been introduced for Russian tourists to visit Ecuador for up to 90 days.

In addition, South America includes the disputed island territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, as well as the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), which are still disputed by Great Britain and Argentina. Tourists arrive to the islands as part of cruise tours. The most common activities are mountaineering, hiking and kayaking. The Falkland Islands (Malvinas) are places almost forgotten by tourists. In terms of climate, their territory is close to Iceland: cold, strong winds, and not only seagulls, but also plump king penguins scurry along the coast.

Nature of South America

After the breakup of the Gondwana continent at the end of the Cretaceous period into Africa, Australia, Antarctica and South America, the latter remained an isolated continent. The Isthmus of Panama, which connects what is now North and South America, appeared about three million years ago, significantly influencing the flora and fauna of the continent.

The variety of landscapes and climatic zones amazes the tourist’s imagination. The Andes, the world's longest mountain range, is also called the "ridge" of South America, stretching almost its entire length for 9 thousand km. The highest peaks - Aconcagua (6960 m) in Argentina and Ojos del Salado (6908 m) are covered with snow all year round. The movement of the earth's crust in this region, which continues to this day, causes earthquakes and eruptions of active volcanoes.

The famous Amazon flows here, the second largest river on the planet, always full of water thanks to its numerous tributaries. On its banks rise the endless Amazonian jungle, so dense that some parts of it remain unexplored to this day.

The Amazon jungle is called the “lungs of the planet.”

In contrast to the Amazon rainforest, the mainland has one of the driest places on the planet, the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Argentina and Uruguay have hot and dusty pampa steppes.

There are vast lakes, high waterfalls, and rocky islands in South America. From the north, the mainland is washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, while its southernmost point - the island of Tierra del Fuego - is subject to frequent storms of the cold Atlantic Ocean.

South America, due to its remoteness, is still a little-explored and exotic holiday destination for domestic tourists, which is the main charm of visiting countries located on this continent. South America is washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and is located in the equatorial, tropical and subtropical climatic zones. Plain spaces occupy a significant place on the mainland, which facilitates the flow of deep rivers (Amazon and Orinoco). On the west coast there is a beautiful mountain range (the Andes).

South America is home to several large countries that are distinguished by their unique way of life and many opportunities for recreation and entertainment.

Resorts of South America

Brazil is the largest country on the continent, which stands out for its exotic natural conditions and beautiful beaches on the Atlantic coast. The length of the coastline of this country is more than 8,000 km, and on its most beautiful sections there are resort areas, the hotels of which are always happy to welcome their guests. The country's multinational population is distinguished by its cheerful disposition and traditional hospitality, and the unique and natural conditions make this place desirable for tourists.

The beaches of Rio de Janeiro (Lebnon, Copacabana) are distinguished by magnificent sand and clear warm water and have brought worldwide fame to this city, while climatic conditions allow swimming in the ocean almost all year round.

Argentina, stretching to the southernmost tip of the continent, has a significant coastline. The country's resort area is concentrated in its northern part on the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, where hotel complexes have been built to provide comfortable accommodation and entertainment for tourists. The capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, is located in a uniquely beautiful location on the bay. The city features a stark contrast between the historic European-style districts and the skyscrapers that define the city's modern architecture.

Venezuela is rightfully considered the most picturesque country in South America, where the snow-capped peaks of the Andes and the Amazon jungle, beautiful sandy beaches and the highest Angel Falls coexist. The developed infrastructure of the seaside resort located on Margarita Island provides tourists with a comfortable stay in modern hotels, and long beaches allow them to enjoy the resort all year round.

Hotels in South America

The variety of hotels in South America allows tourists visiting this region to choose the most comfortable place to stay in accordance with their tastes and financial capabilities. Large cities are dominated by hotels housed in old colonial buildings. These hotels have a unique charm and atmosphere, and the beach resort areas will delight tourists with modern hotel complexes with a high level of service. Reasonable cost of living and excellent service, combined with the beauty of nature, ensure a year-round influx of tourists, so it is better to book a hotel at the resort in advance to guarantee a comfortable stay.

Pre-booking hotels using our service makes it possible to visit exotic places in South America at any time, providing excellent living conditions and comfortable rest at minimal cost, and the information posted on the site will allow you to make the right choice.

It’s hard to imagine summer holidays without relaxing on the sea or ocean. Two-thirds of the planet is covered with water, and choosing a beach resort is quite difficult, because the choice is very large. CNN presents the best beach resorts located on all continents; when creating the list, not only the presence of a beautiful beach was taken into account, but also the architecture, services, hotel environment, etc.

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Estancia Vik Jose Ignacio, Uruguay

Estancia Vik combines ranch, beach and high art, all in 16 square kilometers of the Uruguayan pampas. The hotel rooms are decorated with paintings by local artists and others, there is a gym, exhibition rooms with paintings and sculptures. You can also take polo lessons and a host of other sports activities.

Camino Saiz Martinez, Kilometer 8, Jose Ignacio, Maldonado, Uruguay; +598 94 605 212; www.estanciavikjoseignacio.com; prices from US$500

Kenoa Resort, Brazil

The Bahia region is famous for its best beaches in Brazil. Kenoa Resort is located near the nature reserve, the hotel is built from eco-friendly materials. Guests can enjoy the local nature and cuisine that even gourmets will appreciate.

Rua Escritor Jorge de Lima 58, Barramar, Barra de Sao Miguel, Alagoas, Brazil; +55 82 3272 1285; www.kenoaresort.com; prices from US$575

Ponta dos Ganchos, Brazil

Ponta dos Ganchos is located on an island south of Brazil, the hotel consists of stone and wooden houses in the tropical jungle overlooking the sea. The main location of the Special Villa Emerald, with a private pier, a huge swimming pool, a dry sauna... In the evenings, guests are offered a barbecue on the beach with fresh seafood.

Rua Eupideo Alves do Nascimento 104, Ganchos de For a Governador Celso Ramos, SC CEP: 88190-000, Brazil; +55 48 3953 7000;
www.pontadosganchos.com.br; prices from US$643

Posada de Mike Rapu, Easter Island

The Posada de Mike Rapu resort does not have television, but there are opportunities to go to the volcano, ride a horse on the beach, go diving, and visit the famous basalt figures. And you can relax in rooms overlooking the Pacific Ocean, lying in a bathtub with hydro-massage. All-inclusive prices

Te Miro Oone s/n, Isla de Pascua (Easter Island) 2770000, Chile; +56 2 395 2800;
www.explora.com; prices from US$3,360 for 3 nights.

Despite the fact that the United States is not considered a beach destination by our tourists, the southern part of the country has great potential for beach tourism, if only because the United States is washed by oceans on both sides. Traveling to the USA is an excellent opportunity to combine several types of recreation at once and diversify your trip, including a beach holiday. Once in the USA, you should not miss the opportunity to relax on the vast sandy beaches, engage in water sports and plunge into the idle atmosphere of doing nothing. Today we will tell you about the best resort places and the best beaches in the country. Our selection includes both island and continental destinations: we debunk the myth that the USA, as a destination, is not suitable for a beach holiday.

Beaches of Hawaii

The Hawaiian Islands are the 50th state of the United States and are located in the Pacific Ocean 4,000 km from Los Angeles (the closest starting point on the continent). Hawaii is considered a favorite vacation destination for Americans themselves. Just as we say that every resident of the country has vacationed in Sochi at least once in his life, in America it is considered good form to vacation at least once in his life in Hawaii.

Since the contingent here is mainly local, the resort cannot be called cheap. It’s impossible to find apartments on the first coastline at a reasonable price. However, if you do not chase the prestige of hotels located right on the beaches, then finding a budget option becomes easier. As a rule, a more economical accommodation option can be found if you choose small apart-hotels or apartments rather than those designed for a large number of guests chain hotels.

The Hawaiian archipelago includes 6 islands, but Oahu is considered the most suitable for a beach holiday; it is here that the most famous beach of the Hawaiian Islands, Waikiki, is located. In addition to doing nothing on the beach, here in Waikiki you can do a variety of sports, including. surfing (the beach is considered a great place for beginners), canoeing, snorkeling or scuba diving, yachting, and even shark watching!

But it’s hard to find a better beach holiday than Oahu. In addition to Waikiki, excellent beaches here include Hanauma Bay, Lanikai, Waimea Bay and Kahana Bay. The latter, by the way, is included in the list of the best beaches in the world, due to its authenticity and location near the mountains.

Daniel Ramirez/flickr

Los Angeles is considered not only the city of angels (due to its name), but also the city of beaches. Located on the West Coast of the Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles has one of the most powerful potentials in the beach industry, and although the place is considered one of the most popular beach holiday destinations in the world, the opportunities here remain almost limitless.

Please note that Los Angeles is a large urban agglomeration and for a beach holiday you need to choose specific areas that are adjacent to the ocean. The names of such beach places as Venice Beach, Malibu, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Long Beach are known far beyond the borders of the United States. Each of these beaches specializes in something different: Venice Beach is famous for its relaxed atmosphere, Malibu for its surfer beach, Long Beach for its democratic atmosphere, and the beach towns of Santa Monica and Santa Barbara for their restaurant piers and boardwalks.

Staying in small aparthotels will be cheaper than staying in huge chain hotels. There are not many budget accommodation options in Los Angeles, especially by the sea, but if you wish, you can find relatively economical options. Of all the areas listed, the most affordable will be the Venice Beach area, and it is worth looking for housing there if you are on a budget.

It is worth noting that the water in these places is rarely gentle and calm. Despite the fact that the coast is washed by the PACIFIC ocean, these places cannot be called quiet; on the contrary, the local beaches are more suitable for surfing than for leisurely swimming. But, of course, lovers of a relaxing holiday can also find secluded lagoons for themselves.

The Los Angeles coastline is more than just a resort, it's a lifestyle. Many people come here not so much to relax, but to hang out. The party here is in full swing around the clock. Many state residents sometimes move from the east coast to the west coast in order to find themselves in an atmosphere of eternal holiday (or idle pastime). Whatever you say, Los Angeles is a city where the dreams of free artists come true, while New York is a place where the dreams of white collar workers come true.

Damian Gadal/flickr

Key West Beaches

The island of Key West, located off the East Coast of the United States, is well known in narrow circles, while little is known about it outside the United States. Mostly locals vacation in Key West; there are relatively few foreigners here. What can we say if even US presidents prefer to have their “dachas” here.

Key West's beaches are characterized by long sandy shoals, some of which are located within national parks, such as Dry Tortugas. However, there are no hotels in the national park, so you can come here only for the day, or spend the night at a campsite. The hotel base is located along the Caribbean coast, where Smathers Beach is considered the best beach. The long sandy beach of Smathers Beach is like no other in the United States, like a piece of paradise on the Bounty.

It is better to start monitoring hotels in Key West in advance, since the price category of the local hotels is designed for US citizens, i.e. above average. During the season, you will have to work hard to find a budget accommodation option.

All sorts of “bohemian” lovers, free artists and writers loved to stay in Key West; Hemingway also had his home here (now there is a memorial museum here). Relatively recently, Key West “became closer” to the continent due to the fact that it was connected to the state of Florida by a road bridge, so you can now get here not only by air and water, but also by land.

Ed Schipul/flickr

Miami sounds like music to a weary traveler. Miami is much more popular among Russian tourists than any other corner of the United States, and all thanks to the moderate tropical climate, warm waters of the Atlantic (thanks to the warm Gulf Stream) and the large number of compatriots who once took root here. The beach season here lasts all year round - and this is also good news for tourists.

Miami beaches are smooth, gently sloping sandbanks. Each of Miami's public beaches is equipped with everything you need: special exits, toilets, showers, a security system, you can rent umbrellas and sun loungers. The main feature of Miami beaches is that, although they are free, they remain clean and well-groomed. Among the beaches of Miami, Miami Beach stands apart, glorified in many songs and literary works.

If you want something less crowded, you can head to South Beach, which is located a short walk from Ocean Drive. In general, there are a lot of beaches in Miami, and all of them are not very different in their characteristics: the same white sandy beach, equipped recreation areas, promenades, good weather and an excellent place for swimming in every sense, so we’ll just list the names of popular beaches in Miami: Ball Harbor, Matson Hammock, Lumus Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Virginia Key Beach and others. Whichever one you choose, you won't be disappointed.

Finding a budget place to stay in Miami is easier than on the West Coast, but it is recommended not to neglect the rule of searching and booking hotels in advance. Renting apartments has become especially popular in Miami. For an adequate price you can find apartments with sea views and excellent infrastructure.

Mohmed Althani/flickr

Are you wondering why Puerto Rico's beaches are on our secret list of the best beaches in the USA? It's simple: Puerto Rico is a territory freely joined to the United States, and if so, it belongs in our ranking!

The beaches of Puerto Rico are entirely exotic places with coconut palms and snow-white sands. Among the US resorts, this one stands apart; after all, Puerto Rico belongs to the Lesser Antilles, which means that the landscape here is no longer continental, but island. Puerto Rico is located in the typical tropics, washed by the Atlantic on one side and the Caribbean Sea on the other.

The most popular beaches for relaxation are Playa del Puerto Rico, Playa de los Amadores and Playa del Cura. All of them surprisingly resemble the paradises of our planet. These beaches are equipped with everything necessary, including even breakwaters. The landscape of Puerto Rico is such that it is better to swim here in equipped places, since on wild beaches there is always a risk of getting hurt on the corals (it’s not for nothing that the island is located in Caribbean waters). For surfing, the best beaches are Punta las Marias, Marias Beach and Punta Higuero. The coast of Vieques Island is suitable for snorkeling and diving.

Ron Reiring/flickr

How to get to the best beach resorts in the USA?

From Russia you can get to any of the listed destinations with a transfer in New York. For example, you can fly to Honolulu (Hawaii) on local airlines. Nonstop flights from New York to Honolulu are operated by Hawaiian Airlines and United. Many airlines fly non-stop to Los Angeles from New York, with up to 50 flights per day.

Airlines flying from LA to NY will take you to your destination in 5.5-6 hours, from the east coast to the west (United, Jet Blue, Virgin America). You can get to Key West in 4.5 hours, but with a short transfer in Miami or Fort Lauderdale. Flights are operated by United, American Airlines and Spirit. You can get to Miami in 3 hours with American Airlines. You can also fly non-stop to San Juan (the capital of Puerto Rico) in 4 hours with the flagship airline American Airlines.

Practical and eventful travels to you!

Summer is coming, which means it's time to talk about beaches in the USA. There are quite a lot of them in the country, it’s not for nothing that there are oceans on both sides. There are also excellent beaches inland, near rivers and lakes. Americans love to spend their free time near the water, actively relax, swim and sunbathe. Let's find out what are the features of a vacation on the US coast, what kind of beaches they have and what a tourist who comes on vacation can do there.

Features of a beach holiday in the USA

First of all, be prepared for the fact that beaches in America it's never empty. There are always a lot of people here. Some swim and sunbathe, others play beach volleyball or go surf the waves, some just come to breathe the sea air. There are also Americans who work on the beaches - they just sit in the shade of palm trees with a laptop and hold a conference. And only towards evening do American beaches become empty (although there are some where people linger until dawn). Don't forget that America is a tolerant country. Therefore, on the beaches you will meet both people of different sexual orientations and freaks. Don't be surprised and take it for granted. Many of the American beaches are municipal, i.e. free. But if you want to relax in comfort and not look for a palm tree that could shelter you from the scorching sun, you will have to pay for such a place. And the prices for renting an umbrella, sunbed and towel are not small. At some private beaches, entrance and rental of beach equipment costs the price of a weekly metro pass.

How much does a beach holiday cost in the USA?

If you decide to go on vacation to the beaches of America on your own, then, of course, you yourself will look for a cheap flight and a hotel or hostel in advance. You can save a lot of money on such a vacation, and it will cost you the same price as a beach vacation in Europe or even Asia. But if you decide to purchase a beach tour from an operator (it will be cheaper than an excursion tour, oddly enough), you must specify the accommodation format in advance. If your hotel has its own recreation area by the water, you will not have to pay extra for equipment. Otherwise, plan to spend between $10 and $30 each day for a sun lounger and umbrella. The most expensive beaches will be the more popular beaches, for example, in Miami Beach. The cheapest beach holiday in the country will be a holiday on free city beaches. Who loves what?

Top 5 most attractive beaches in the USA

Some people come to the USA for the impressive architecture, some for the natural attractions, and some just to soak up the seashore. incredibly beautiful, and a vacation spent there is a memory of the best vacation of your life! The most popular beach destinations among tourists are California or Florida. California is preferred by fans of active sports and surfers. But in Florida the water is calmer. Families with children go there on vacation. The USA has the longest coastline. And where better to go on a summer vacation is up to you. And we will present to you the five most attractive beaches in the USA.

South Beach, Miami

Miami is the most party place in America. Here the sun and warm ocean shine almost all year round. And world stars and millionaires come to relax in Miami. Luxurious hotels and chic restaurants are available to tourists. Yes, not everyone can afford a vacation on the beaches of Miami. But to visit one of the most favorite beaches - South Beach(South Beach), still worth it. The best time to relax on the beaches in Miami is from November to April. In addition, you can always go shopping in the city’s malls, which are constantly on sale.

Hanalei Beach, Hawaii

The three-kilometer crescent-shaped white sand beach is Hawaii's most popular beach. It's called the beach Hanalei Beach(Hanalei Beach). The beach is almost wild, without any infrastructure (there are no clubs or restaurants). But this is simply a paradise for a relaxing holiday: crystal clear water, white sand, palm trees, waterfalls, and mountain peaks in the background. Moreover, people not only like to swim and sunbathe here. People come here to surf. If you want to escape the hustle and bustle, this is the place for you.

Main Beach, New York

Yes, the Big Apple has a beach too. It is ideal for those who come to see the city's attractions. And then, when you’re a little tired, you can take the metro and head straight to the beach Main Beach(Main Beach), which is within the city limits. It is luxurious, clean, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The beach is located in the east of Hampton. As for the infrastructure, it is developed at a very high level - cafes, nightclubs, restaurants, lounges, a cinema, a golf club, massage rooms, showers and changing rooms. But everything is expensive, because it is designed for tourists. What will strike you most is how clean the beach is with so many people. The fact is that there are environmental police on the beach, which are responsible for its condition.

Cannon Beach, Clatsop County

Oregon has an amazing beach destination - Cannon Beach(Cannon Beach). The beach is located on the Pacific Ocean. The length of Cannon Beach is more than 12 kilometers, so there is always enough space for vacationers. And there are a lot of tourists coming here, believe me. The seventy-meter high Highstack Rock makes this beach very colorful and recognizable. Extreme sports enthusiasts often visit these places; you can swim in the ocean and climb the rocks.

Oak Street, Chicago

If you don't like salt water, then as an alternative we can suggest visiting the Chicago Oak Street Beach(Oak Street) on Lake Michigan. Holidays on this lake allow tourists not only to swim in fresh water, but also to sail, engage in various water sports and even fish. A beach with golden sand, along the embankment there are a lot of cafeterias, and just behind the beach are the skyscrapers of Chicago. In windy weather, waves appear - well, just like at sea. The only thing is that the beach is only open during the summer season, from May 25 to September 3. But throughout the season, various sporting events are held on Oak Street Beach, volleyball tournaments are especially popular.

We would like to assure you that beaches in the USA more attractive than Egyptian and Turkish. Perhaps some of you will miss the beauty of the underwater world on the coasts of the United States, but this can always be corrected by going to an aquarium or oceanarium. Here's what, what, and there are those in almost every city in the USA. Discover Beach America!

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