Which regions of China can Russians enter without a visa? Traveling to China on your own How much does traveling to China cost?

1) Bargaining in markets and with taxi drivers naturally comes from your fingers. The main thing to know is that the Chinese show numbers differently than Europeans - they show numbers from 1 to 9 on the fingers of one hand, not two.

2) At bus and railway stations, often no one speaks English. It is better to write in advance on a piece of paper the name of the final destination and the desired time period of departure; this is done with the help of an online translator or dictionary. Just stand in line at the cashier and hand over a piece of paper. The exact time and price will be shown to you on the computer screen or written on a piece of paper. Of course, they will be on the ticket - everything is in Chinese:
In this case, March 7, 14 at 15-40, seat 3, bus number K0935, price 17 yuan, goes to Mengla city

The most important words:
Today – 今天
Tomorrow – 明天
day – 天 (order execution time is 1 day) or 日 (day of the month)
month – 月
year – 年
morning – 上午
noon – 中午
evening – 黄昏
and cities: Guazhou (广州), Shenzhen (深圳), Hong Kong (香港), Guilin (桂林), Kunming (昆明), Beijing (北京), Shanghai (上海)

3) In China there is censorship on the Internet, to the point that messages on social networks are manually moderated!
Facebook and You tube are prohibited and inaccessible, RenRen is used instead of the first, Youku is used instead of the second. For instant messages they use the network and WeChat. Google may be available, but Baidu is much more popular. VKontakte works without problems.

4) Almost all public toilets will not have a traditional toilet. Instead, there will be a floor-standing toilet, familiar to many from our school toilets. You should also carry toilet paper with you. But tourist toilets have a star rating, like hotels.

By the way, you should also carry a supply of napkins with you. Cafes and restaurants do not have them or sell them for a fee.

5) 4 - purely unlucky, it comes to the point that sometimes houses do not have a 4th floor.
8 is a lucky number. Phone numbers of large companies often end in eight.
The main Chinese color is red.

6) Chinese is the name of a large group of languages, often mutually incomprehensible. Each city may have its own dialect. The government is trying to lead a campaign to popularize a common language - Putonghua or Mandarin. In Hong Kong, Macau, Canton (Guangzhou) and overseas diasporas, the vast majority of the population speaks Cantonese. One good thing is that all dialects use the same hieroglyphs, which, by the way, are partially used in the Japanese language. So the spelling of words is the same. If true, there are difficulties with having two writing systems: traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters. If you do not plan to read ancient texts, the latter will be enough for everyday needs.

This all works until you get into areas with Tibetan, Mongolian, Thai-Lao, Burmese or Arabic languages. On top of that, in some villages many people cannot read.

7) The most useful phone application is Waygo, which can translate inscriptions on the fly, without the Internet, using a camera.

Google maps help you not to get lost, and the navigation mode can give you the best route for ground transport and tell you which bus to go where, although you need to have the Internet.

A SIM card can be purchased using your passport. Mobile Internet is very expensive: 300 MB for 96 yuan per month.

Hotels can be booked on Booking, but local players give better prices, it’s worth comparing on RoomGuru

8) A couple of years ago, there were a lot of counterfeit 100 yuan bills circulating in southern China. Until now, such banknotes are carefully checked in any store. Fraudsters may try to replace your real bill and return you a counterfeit one; they say the best defense against this is to wrinkle the corner or fold it so that the crooks do not have the opportunity to repeat the same thing with a fake quickly.

For the same reason, when paying in a taxi, transport cards are handed over in a case - there is no possibility of quickly replacing them with another card with a zero balance.

9) Speaking of transport. Entry to buses is through the front door. Payment at the entrance either by transport card or in cash without depositing in a special box. The fare can be fixed or stepped. For example 1 or 2 yuan in Kunming depending on the type of bus. The exact cost can be seen on the money box, although in Chinese: 一元 (one yuan) or 二元 (two yuan). While in Hong Kong you need to check the fare from stop to stop in advance at the stop, or if you are using a transport card, do not forget to lean it again at the exit, otherwise the maximum fare will be debited.

Transport cards can also often be used to pay in stores and to enter museums and parks (for example, 7-11 and McDonald's in Hong Kong)

10) Washing things in hotels is very expensive. Street laundries are not easy to find, but dry cleaners can sometimes be found. For urgent orders there is usually a double surcharge. You can also stay in an apartment - there is almost always a washing machine there, and you can buy powder at the nearest store.

We encourage experienced sinologists to add to the story in the comments. Indicate your experience of traveling or living in the country.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 41 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

A visit to China will give you many delightful and unforgettable experiences. To make the most of your visit, you need to take into account local circumstances, and the following tips will help you pack your bags for a successful trip.


    Gather all the documents needed to travel to China - passport, all necessary visas, international air tickets, etc.

    Take everything you need to China. Although there will be shops on every corner, they will not always sell the same things that you are used to at home. Most toilets don't have toilet paper, so it's best to have your own supply on hand. Large rolls are inconvenient to carry, so even before the trip you need to put aside part of the roll that is more than half used. For a family of four, 6-8 of these mini-rolls will be enough for a two-week trip. Of course, 5-star hotels have European-style toilets, and international airports are sure to have Western-style toilets. Stock up only on what is necessary. It is better to take with you only one key to the house and to the car.

    • Carrying your own toilet paper is especially important for those traveling by train.
    • Train toilets in China can only be used in "rural areas", outside the urban area.
  1. Take Pepto Bismol and loperamide in a chewable form. The quality of tap water in China is terrible. Problems can arise even if you brush your teeth, rinse the toothpaste off with tap water, or eat vegetables that have been washed and not cooked. To prevent intestinal problems, chew 2 tablets before meals.

    • Poor water quality is characteristic mainly of rural areas, rather than “urban” areas.
  2. Prepare your clothes according to the season. China is very hot in summer and very cold in winter. Bring plenty of clothes, and remember that you can always use your hotel laundry or laundromat if any parts of your wardrobe need cleaning. However, some laundries use detergents that can cause allergies, so it is safer to use dry cleaning.

    • China is a lot like the US. Summers in the south are very hot and humid, while winters in the north are frosty and dry.
  3. In most Chinese establishments, the dress code can be described as: reasonable informal, but if you are planning formal meetings, it is better to wear a suit or formal attire.

    Be careful not to get water into your mouth while showering. Her taste is normal, but there is a danger of getting some kind of infection. Therefore, it is better to use bottled table water for rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth.

    • In small towns they can sell cheap table water that has only undergone rough filtration. It is safer to use water from supermarkets, buying well-known brands.
  4. Visit your GP(s) or travel clinic. Specialists will help you determine which vaccinations you will need, taking into account your health status, vaccination history, the characteristics of the regions you plan to visit, as well as the expected activities during your trip. Before traveling, you must comply with all these requirements. To purchase any psychotropic drugs in China, you are required to show a prescription certified by a doctor. Bring enough antibiotics and other prescription medications you may need during your trip to last your entire stay in China (plus a few extra pills). Transport medications in their original packaging. US travelers can get all the information they need about medications in China from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  5. Prepare a small camping kit for each family member. Keep a mini roll of toilet paper and a bottle of hand sanitizer in your hip pouch. It is better to choose a non-alcohol based antiseptic, since in some provinces (especially Guangzhou) it may be confiscated at customs. Add a high-calorie nutty cereal bar, cough drops, and chewing gum. It's also worth bringing a flashlight so you don't end up in the dark during power outages that happen in China.

    • Don't forget that you are in China and not some other place! To reduce environmental pollution, toilets usually do not have toilet paper. Always have paper napkins on hand, which can be purchased at any store for 1-2 yuan.
  6. Always have some cash and traveler's checks with you as most restaurants and shops do not accept credit cards. Prepare a handbag with money, traveler's checks, air and train tickets. It needs to be firmly and safely fixed on you, and it is advisable to cover it with clothing. This will be safer than leaving these things in the hotel room.

    • Major banks in large and medium-sized cities have ATMs that accept debit cards. You can use your USAA Federal Saving Bank and North American East Asia Bank cards without any problems. In small towns, some banks do not even exchange dollars for Chinese yuan.
  7. Other essential things include a raincoat and/or umbrella, a hat, in the summer - sunscreen and glasses, insect repellent, as well as a power adapter (power converter) necessary for powering and recharging electrical appliances.

    • Always carry the business card of the hotel you are staying at. This will allow you to be brought back if any unforeseen situations arise. In case of emergency, you should have a copy of your passport, the original of which can be left in a safe place at the hotel.
    • Don't eat everything. It is better to know what is being offered to you and how this dish was prepared. In places like Beijing's Wanwujing Market, snacks are often prepared inappropriately. If you are not sure about the quality of the food you eat, drink beer - it will help you digest incompatible food, the main thing is not to abuse it.
    • If you are African, European or Hispanic, don't be surprised if Chinese people ask permission to take photos with you.
    • Once you've decided where you'll be going, do some research. Find out about the climate conditions in the area. There is nothing worse than being dressed inappropriately for the weather. At the same time, a certain conservatism is needed. Long pants and neat shirts/jackets will do for any terrain.
    • Take the time to study maps of the places you are staying or planning to visit. This will help you stay on course while walking around the city. You're also less likely to get lost if you're armed with a handheld GPS navigator.
    • Before traveling, you should prepare a printout of all the hotels in the areas where you will go. Be sure to prepare a printout in Chinese (you can use the Chinese pages of the websites of these hotels or translate the text using an online translator). This will make it easier for you to communicate with taxi drivers, who often do not speak English. For the same purpose, you can ask the hotel concierge to write in Chinese the name of the attractions you plan to visit.
    • Even cheap hotels have a drinking water heater on each floor. Use a clean bottle to cool 97.22 C boiling water to a manageable temperature.
    • Control the amount of cash you have on you. Just in case, it’s worth having a NZ that will be enough to take a taxi back to the hotel. Most airports have ATMs, and it's best to get cash as soon as you arrive.
    • Read a few reports from other travelers to get a better idea of ​​the attractions and what to look for. Find a travel brochure to study during your flight or in your hotel room.
    • Internet censorship has been introduced in China. To access Facebook or YouTube you will need a proxy address replacement service.
    • Chinese mobile operators operate on different standards. If you need to use one device in China and the USA, you will need a phone with a quadraphonic frequency range. Also make sure that you do not have a local SIM card. To work in China, it must be nationwide.
    • Find an audio Chinese course and also bring a dictionary. Knowledge of the Chinese language is necessary, but there is no need to be discouraged by its complexity. You just need to remember a few key phrases and general grammar rules. Remember that outside of 5-star hotels and fancy restaurants, people's knowledge of the English language is usually limited to the word "hello!" If you want to move freely, you need to learn the basic phrases. You can also ask the concierge to write down on paper the names of the places you plan to visit during the day. Thanks to this, you can explain to the taxi driver where you need to go. In urban areas, the chances of finding someone who speaks English increase.
    • Chinese currency is only sold in China, so you need to find out where the exchange offices are. Add information about major banks to the list of major hotels you prepare for your trip. This will allow you to find the nearest location whenever you need to change dollars or traveler's checks into yuan.

An article about ways to get to China from Russia.

One of the first questions when planning an independent trip around the Middle Kingdom is how to get to China. Transport costs often account for up to half of the total cost of the trip. First of all, you should decide for yourself which region of China you are going to visit. Based on this, you can plan how to get there. There are several options for getting to China from Russia: by plane, by train, by bus.

How to get to China from Russia on your own?

1. By plane from Russia to China

Aeroflot, S7, Air China, China Southern, and China Eastern Airlines fly regularly from Russia to China. Flights operate from many Russian cities. The largest selection is, of course, from Moscow: you can fly to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Urumqi and many other cities. Round-trip prices start from 17,000 rubles. for a flight with a transfer, and from 19,000 rubles. for direct flights. You can also fly from Novosibirsk to Urumqi for 11,000 rubles, to Beijing for 19,000 rubles. The cheapest flights to China from Khabarovsk and Vladivostok: to Beijing - 12,000 rubles. round trip, to Harbin - 9,000 rubles, to Shanghai - 16,000 rubles.

There are promotions and sales - you can get a ticket even cheaper. At the height of the tourist season, on the contrary, prices rise. So it’s better to buy a plane ticket in advance or on special offer. You can find the cheapest plane tickets to China by searching in the form below. The system itself will select air tickets for more than 700 airlines and many reservation systems.

To buy the cheapest plane tickets, read where the main ways to save on buying an air ticket are discussed.

Airplanes fly within China very often and in any direction, so you can always quickly fly even to a small town by making a transfer in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, etc.

2. By train from Russia to China

Getting to China by train is quite easy, but long. There are two trains from Moscow to Beijing. Train No. 043 transits through Mongolia, so you will need a transit visa for this country. It runs once a week on Tuesdays, travel time is 132 hours, cost is about 9,000 rubles. for a reserved seat and this price is growing. Another train No. 020 travels through Zabaikalsk directly to China (i.e., bypassing Mongolia). It runs once a week on Saturdays, travel time is 145 hours, the cost is even more expensive than the previous one.

A train runs from Almaty to Urumqi once a week, travel time is 35 hours, cost is 5,000 rubles.

3. By bus from Russia to China

Several buses run from Russia's Far Eastern border cities to China.

To summarize, we can say that for residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the central regions of Russia, the best option to get to China is by plane. You can save money only by hitchhiking to Zabaikalsk or Blagoveshchensk)). For residents of the Urals and Western Siberia, a bus from the cities of Kazakhstan is a good option. For residents of the Far East, it is also most convenient to cross the border with China by bus, and then by train across China.

How to get to China from Kazakhstan?

Now let's look at how to get to China from Kazakhstan, because many people from this country read us.

1. By plane from Kazakhstan to China

You can take a direct flight to China from Almaty and Astana using Air Astana and China Southern. The event is quite expensive, but it’s quick - just an hour and a half and you’re in Urumqi. Flights to Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing are also available, but with a transfer to Urumqi.

It is best to search for air tickets on metasearch engines, for example or.

I also advise you to look and subscribe to, sometimes you can catch good prices!

2. By train from Kazakhstan to China

The train from Kazakhstan to China runs from Astana and Almaty. Moreover, I was unable to find out the exact price for these trains; the Kazakhstan Railways website does not show them and, unfortunately, you cannot buy tickets for these trains there.

Train No. 54C runs from Astana to Urumqi on Saturdays; the journey takes a little over 40 hours.

There are two trains from Almaty: No. 014C on Tuesdays (travel time 31 hours) and No. 014 T on Sundays (travel time 31 hours). The cost for them is 20,000 tenge. This is what they told me at the Almaty railway station information desk. Not very budget friendly!

3. By bus from Kazakhstan to China

As mentioned above, many buses run from the cities of eastern Kazakhstan to Urumqi and some other cities of the XUAR.

From Semey (Semipalatinsk) the bus to Urumqi runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, travel time is 30 hours, cost is 9,000 tenge.

From Ust-Kamenogorsk the schedule and price are the same.

From Almaty The bus to Urumqi runs every day except Saturday. The fare is also about 9,000 tenge.

Back from China you can get to Almaty, Semipalatinsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, as well as to Zyryanovsk, Ridder, Taldykurgan, Chundzhi and even Karaganda! But for the last cities the information is not accurate, we just saw the prices at the bus station in Urumqi.

4. Combined way to get from Kazakhstan to China

From Almaty you can take a bus to the border town of Zharkent, not far from the Khorgos border crossing, and then cross the border on a special bus. Then you need to get to any smaller city, for example to Yining, and from there to Urumqi. This is the hard way to get to China.

But the cost will be inexpensive: the Almaty-Zharkent bus is about 1000 tenge, from the border to Yining about 50 yuan, and then by train Ying-Urumqi (about 100 yuan).

To visit China, Russians need to obtain a visa in advance. This takes a lot of time and effort, and not all our cities have visa centers. Over the past decade, China and Russia have done a lot of joint work to simplify the visa regime for tourists crossing customs borders. Governments have officially designated a number of territories with visa-free and simplified visa regimes.

Allows a tourist to cross the state border with only a passport and tickets for the return flight. Sometimes it is necessary to have enough money for the entire period of stay in the country and confirmation of a hotel reservation.

How to get to China without a visa.

The PRC has five zones with visa-free entry:

  • Hong Kong has been available to Russians for up to 14 days since July 1, 2009. If you need to spend more days, you will have to apply for a visa at the consular department of the People's Republic of China.
  • From September 30, 2012, it became possible to visit the special administrative region of Macau without a visa for 30 days.
  • It is possible to relax and receive medical treatment on Hainan Island without a visa for 21 days during a group trip through a travel agency (from two people - for Russians). In this case, tourists are prohibited from leaving the island; they are required to stay with the group in a hotel booked by a travel agency.
  • Since December 2013, Russians can freely come to the city of Suifenhe (Heilongjiang Province) without a visa and vacation there for up to 15 days.
  • Since 2004, the city of Heihe, located a kilometer from Blagoveshchensk (across the Amur River), has been accessible to Russian tourists who only have an international passport valid for up to 30 days.

Traveling outside of these regions is prohibited. But if necessary, it is possible to obtain a visa from the Chinese migration service.

Regions with simplified entry regime

A simplified visa regime is a case when obtaining a visa to visit a country is mandatory, but it is possible to obtain it at the border or at the airport of arrival.

Just as with the visa-free regime, a foreign passport and return tickets are required here.

  • On October 21, 2013, a center for issuing visas for 30 days was opened at the Hailar airport. Conditions for obtaining a visa within 10 minutes:
    • Arrival from Chita;
    • Pre-prepared documents.

    Only single-entry visas are issued in Hailar.

  • Applying for a visa upon arrival in Hainan.
    If a tourist arriving on the island plans to visit other cities of the country, you need to immediately apply for a single-entry Chinese visa at Phoenix Airport (Sanya):
    • Duration - 15 days (14 nights);
    • The flight must be direct.
  • Since March 17, 2015, Russians have been able to obtain an entry visa to the PRC for 30 days immediately after arriving at Xijiao Airport in the border city of Manchuria.

Transit through China

There are two types of visa-free transit with the right to leave the airport:

  • For 24 hours - provided that it is an international airport in China (except for Yanji) and tickets to a third country are available;
  • For 72 hours - if these are international airports of the cities listed below:
    • You need to have air tickets to a third country;
    • The tourist is only in the city of arrival - and he has the opportunity to rent a hotel room and see the sights;
    • The time is counted from the moment the visa concession is issued - from midnight of the day following the day of arrival (that is, the day of arrival is not taken into account);
    • Departure is only from the arrival airport;
    • During the first 24 hours, you need to obtain registration at the police station.

Airports with 72-hour transit

  • The first city in China to introduce a visa-free regime for foreign tourists was Beijing (since January 1, 2013).
  • From January 1, 2013, a transit visa is available to passengers arriving at Pudong and Hongqiao airports in Shanghai.
  • Guangzhou (since August 1, 2013).
  • In September 2013, the city of Chengdu was added.
  • Visa-free transit through Chongqing was introduced in November 2013.
  • On January 1, 2014, a transit regime was introduced for Russians in the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, Liaoning Province.
  • In the summer of 2014, the city of Xi'an appeared on the list of cities for visa-free transit flights.
  • Since July 28, 2014, tourists have been able to visit the city of Guilin, located in southern China, without a visa.
  • Since March 2015, Russians have been coming without a visa to the capital of Hubei province, Wuhan, according to the Xinhua news agency.
  • From April 1, 2015, the city of Kunming and the popular resort of Xiamen, from the southern province of Fujian, joined the list of Chinese cities accessible to tourists from Russia without visas.
  • From August 1, 2015, Russians had the opportunity to visit the city of Harbin, located near the border with our country.

Entry from border regions

Russians living in the Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Trans-Baikal Territories, Chita, Irkutsk and Amur regions are given the right to regularly visit China for a period of 15 to 180 days without the need to obtain a visa at the consulates of this country - they will receive it during the border crossing at the checkpoint upon presentation of a document with registration, passports and invitations.

Crossing the Blagoveshchensk-Heihe-Blagoveshchensk border (across the Amur River):

  • May – October: transportation on ships for 200 people once an hour;
  • January – March (depending on the thickness and strength of the ice on the river): transportation by buses over a pontoon bridge;
  • Off-season (April, November and December): transportation every 20 minutes by hovercraft (Puma).

The distance between the cities is about one kilometer, the journey takes approximately 15 minutes.

Customs crossing in Blagoveshchensk is paid, through one of the halls: general (long queue, especially on weekends and pre-holidays), reversible (increased comfort, the queue is much smaller), VIP. (transition there and back without a queue, in winter there is a special minibus).

On the Chinese side, they pay a fee for entering Heihe and fill out a coupon; at the passport control point they take half of the coupon. The other half of the coupon, like the return ticket, is kept for the duration of the entire trip!

Are there plans to completely abolish visas for tourists?

The government of the People's Republic of China is committed to introducing a visa-free regime throughout the country to increase tourist flows and develop cultural and trade ties. The head of the Department of European and Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Gui Tsunyu, spoke about this on November 10, 2015, according to the Interfax agency.

In conclusion, here is a summary table with information about Chinese cities with visa-free and simplified visa regimes:

Cities and provinces of the PRCWithout a visaVisa on arrivalYear of introduction
Heiheup to 30 daysfrom 15 days2004
Hong Kongup to 14 days 2009
Hainanup to 21 days

(group trip)

up to 14 days2010
Macauup to 30 days 2012
Beijingtransit 72 hours

Many countries around the world have abolished entry formalities such as visas for Russians. Under certain circumstances, our citizens can visit China without a visa. The uniqueness of the Celestial Empire is that different migration rules apply in its different territories.

Residents of Russian border regions can enter some areas of China without a visa

If you are planning a trip to the largest country in East Asia, find out in advance whether you can visit the areas of your choice without first going to the country's embassy or visa center.

The Chinese side is loyal to Russians entering its territory. However, the presence of concessions does not mean that you will be lenient if you violate migration rules. Therefore, before you start packing your bags, carefully read the rules for visiting various regions of the PRC so that, while there, you do not become a violator of state laws.

The most popular option for travelers is to obtain a visa on arrival. This option is possible in cases where a pre-formed group is sent to the Celestial Empire. Travel agencies handle paperwork for groups. Even before tourists are sent to China, their lists are sent to the border zones. To get to China this way, you need to travel in a group of more than 2 people.

This route is suitable only for Beijing and Hainan Island, where high-quality tourist services and the opportunity not only to relax, but also to receive treatment are offered. As part of a group formed by travel agencies, you can stay on the territory of these parts of the state for no more than 21 days. You can't leave them. You can leave, just like you arrived, only as part of a group.

Even if you do not plan to purchase a tourist package, it makes sense to contact a travel agency. Many of them include additional people in the formed groups for a fee.

If your area borders China

Citizens of the Russian Federation living in regions sharing the border with China can freely stay in China without a visa:

  • Amur region,
  • Primorsky Krai,
  • Irkutsk region,
  • Khabarovsk region,
  • Transbaikal region.

If you live in one of the listed regions, you will need a visa issued by the Chinese side to pass border control. You also need a foreign passport and a document indicating where you are registered. With these documents, you will receive permission at the border control point.

The period of stay in China varies from 15 to 180 days.

Before heading to the Celestial Empire in this way, check which points at that time have the right to admit Russians with invitations. There are crossing points where such permits are not issued.

Transit travelers

Those traveling to other countries who have purchased connecting flights in China need to be aware of the country's immigration rules regarding transit guests.

Without visa documents, you have the right to stay in the country for 72 hours, provided that the transfer point is the following international airports: Harbin, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chongqing, Xi'an and Shenyang. In Shanghai, Xiamen, Qingdao, Chengdu, Wuhan, Kunming, Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qinhuangdao, Shijiazhuang and Shenyani, the transit time can be 144 hours in 2019.

It is important that you depart from the same airport you arrived at. This rule can only be bypassed in the following cases:

  • Your flights are served by one carrier.
  • The airline changes airports due to the need to refuel the aircraft.
  • You are contacted by different companies, but you have a single reservation form with one code.

Not all transit passengers can travel smoothly within China. For example, if your drop-off point is Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu or , you are allowed to admire the beauty of the city, but leaving its borders is strictly prohibited.

No matter what airport you arrive at, you cannot change to any means of transport other than an airplane to continue your trip.

Where a visa is not required

If you are thinking about how to travel to China on your own, without contacting a travel agency to buy a trip or join a group, consider various options for visiting the country.

For example, you have the opportunity to travel to Heihe without obtaining a visa. This is a city located very close to the Russian border. You can go to it from Blagoveshchensk, located just one kilometer away. It is enough to cross the Amur, and you are in China.
When traveling, you only need to take your international passport for presentation at the border. Since 2004, Chinese migration legislation has allowed Russians to stay in Heihe for 30 days.

The trip from Blagoveshchensk to Heihe takes from 15 to 20 minutes. The choice of transport depends on the season. In the off-season, Puma ships equipped with air cushions are transported from Blagoveshchensk across the river to the Chinese side. Departures every 20 minutes. This crossing method is relevant for December, November and April.

When in the region during the winter months, you can travel from Blagoveshchensk on one of the buses that travel across the Amur River on temporary pontoon bridges. The availability of this type of travel to Chinese borders depends on weather conditions.

In the summer, once an hour along the Amur River to Heihe, a ship carrying 200 passengers carries people.

The Blagoveshchensk route is extremely popular, so to get through security, you need to stand in a rather impressive line. To go to the other side, you need to fill out a migration card, half of which is returned after verification. It should be stored for the return crossing of the border. There is a fee for crossing to the Chinese side.

Suifenhe City

An excellent holiday destination is the city of Suifenhe, located in Heilongjiang Province. Since 2013, Russian citizens can stay in it without a visa for 15 days.


Another attractive tourist destination for visitors from all over the world is Macau.

This is a special administrative region of the state, where since the end of September 2012 Russians can come without a visa and stay here for about 30 days.

In order to travel to the listed areas without a visa stamp in your passport, you need to have return tickets and a passport with you.

Before you travel, check which areas may require proof of financial solvency and hotel reservations at the time of your trip. But it’s better to stock up on both the first and the second, just in case. This guarantees you unhindered passage.