Location of the organization and home port. Registration of sea vessels, its legal significance. State registration of yachts

To receive a Kuril pension, you must not only work, but also live in the Kuril Islands

The editors of Rybak Sakhalin received a letter from a resident of Poronaysk, D.D. Listkov, a former employee of the Poronaisky fish factory, and now a pensioner. He asked for clarification of what bonuses and coefficients to the salaries of sailors on vessels of the fishing industry fleet are taken into account when calculating pensions. In particular, if the ship operated in the area of ​​the southern Kuril Islands.

We, in turn, turned to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Sakhalin Region for clarification. We think the detailed answer received from his leader will be of interest to other readers of our newspaper. Therefore, we publish it in full, without abbreviations.

Dear Dmitry Dmitrievich!

Currently, pension provision for citizens is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, in accordance with clause. 9 clause 1 art. 27 of which men who have reached the age of 50 have the right to an old-age labor pension, if they have at least 12 years 6 months of special experience in the crew, at least 15 calendar years of work in the Far North or 20 calendar years of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North, and at least 25 years of insurance experience.

Moreover, in accordance with this Law, the amount of the pension consists of a basic and insurance parts.

The basic part of the labor pension is set at a fixed amount and is additionally increased for persons who have reached the age of 80, persons with 3 degrees of disability and persons with disabled dependents.

The Federal Law of November 29, 2003 No. 154-FZ, which entered into force on January 1, 2004, “On increasing the basic part of the labor pension for persons living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas” stipulates that the amount of the basic part of the labor pension for citizens living in the specified areas (localities), is determined using the corresponding regional coefficient for the non-production sector for the entire period of residence. In the Poronaisky district, a regional coefficient for the non-production sector is used - 1.4, and currently the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is 2,730 rubles.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 28 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, when classifying certain regions and localities as regions of the Far North and localities equated to them, the List of regions of the Far North and localities equated to them, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 10, 1967 No. 1029, is used, with subsequent additions and changes. This List provides for specific territories of cities, districts, and islands.

The seas and oceans are not covered by the above List, and the fact of receiving wages with an increased coefficient does not indicate work in the Far North and equivalent areas.

In accordance with Articles 29 and 33 of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 1999 No. 81-FZ, a vessel acquires the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation from the moment of registration in the State Ship Register in one of the sea trade or fishing ports of the Russian Federation, during which the area of ​​its navigation is determined and the relevant documents are issued.

The territorial affiliation of a ship is determined by the ship’s home port, therefore, the territorial working conditions of the crew members of this ship are also determined by the location of the home port.

Thus, if a person is employed by an organization as a crew member on ships, then the territorial conditions are determined by the place of registration of the ship.

As for small vessels, after state registration of the vessel and ownership of them, a ship ticket for a small vessel is issued, which certifies the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation and establishes the ownership of the vessel to the shipowner indicated in it. The territorial affiliation of small vessels is determined by the place of permanent basing (berthing) of vessels on the basis of ship tickets.

Since the ships on which you worked were assigned to ports located in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, the periods of work at sea are reasonably taken into account as work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North.

Due to the fact that you do not have the required work experience in the regions of the Far North, your pension is legally paid taking into account the regional coefficient for the non-productive sector of 1.4.

In addition, the insurance part of the pension depends on the length of calendar work experience as of 01/01/2002, the pensioner’s earnings and the amount of insurance contributions received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation into the pensioner’s individual account after 01/01/2002.

Moreover, according to Article 30 of the above-mentioned Law, the insurance part of the labor pension is determined taking into account the ratio of the average monthly salary of a pensioner to the average monthly salary in the country not exceeding 1.2. For persons living as of December 31, 2001 in the regions of the Far North and localities equivalent to them (this circumstance can be confirmed by registration at the place of residence, the fact of work, a court decision), and the insurance part of the pension is established taking into account the increased index of the ratio of the pensioner’s earnings to similar wages pay across the country (in the Poronai region it is 1.4) regardless of age and length of service.

For those who, as of December 31, 2001, did not live in the specified areas and localities, but worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and with 25 years of insurance experience for men and 20 years – for women, as well as in the presence of a salary certificate indicating the regional coefficient for the last place of work, the right to an increased earnings ratio index is also granted, regardless of place of residence.

Since you did not live in the Far North regions as of 01/01/2002 and you do not have a job on this date in the Far North regions, there is no basis for determining the insurance part of the labor pension with an earnings ratio index higher than 1.4.

D. MAZUR, manager of the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Sakhalin region.

In accordance with the Merchant Shipping Code, a ship is a self-propelled or non-self-propelled floating structure used for the purposes of merchant shipping.
A sea vessel as a product of shipbuilding technology is property belonging to the owner.

However, in a number of cases, the ship is considered not only as property, but also as institution endowed with rights and duties(for example, the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation or another state, the obligation to have a name, to have an appropriate crew on board). A maritime vessel as an institution, for example, can be found guilty or not guilty (for example, in a collision with another ship).

However the ship is not a subject of civil law, it does not have the rights of a legal entity. Sea vessels do not bear independent property liability. On their own behalf, they cannot enter into contracts, enter into other transactions or otherwise participate in civil law (property) relations. Civil liability for the obligations of a sea vessel falls on the shipowner.

2. Vessel owner and shipowner

The owner of a ship is understood as the subject of property rights, the person who exercises the powers of the owner in relation to the ship.

According to the Code of Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vessels can be owned by:
citizens and legal entities;
Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Ships with nuclear power plants can only be owned by the Russian Federation.

The owner of the ship has the right, at his own discretion, to take any actions in relation to the ship that do not contradict the law and other legal acts of the Russian Federation and do not violate the rights and legitimate interests of other persons, including alienation of the ship into the ownership of other persons (alienation of property - transfer of property belonging to one person , into the property of another person; one of the ways the owner exercises the power to dispose of the property belonging to him). He may, while remaining the owner, transfer to other persons the rights of ownership, use and disposal of the vessel, and dispose of it in other ways.

The owner of the vessel has the right to transfer it under a trust agreement ship for a period not exceeding five years to manage the ship for a fee in the interests of the owner.

As trustees, ship owners elect individual entrepreneurs or commercial organizations competent in the field of ship management and operation.

For a trustee, the economic term “disponent” is also used - a person authorized by the company to deal with its affairs, manage the funds and property of the company.

The transfer of a vessel into trust management does not entail the transfer of ownership of it to the trustee.

A vessel under economic control or operational management cannot be transferred to trust management.

Widely used term "ship operator" means the owner of the vessel, the trustee, the bareboat charterer (on a bareboat charter) or any other person or entity who has the formal responsibility of the owner or bareboat charterer.

A shipowner is a person who operates a ship on his own behalf, regardless of whether he is the owner of the ship or uses it on another legal basis.

Vessel operation refers to a set of activities related to the maintenance of the vessel, arranging its insurance, financial planning and reporting, crew management, fuel supply, dispatch operations and chartering.

If the owner himself operates the ship on his own behalf, he is also the shipowner.

If an individual or legal entity operates a vessel under the right of economic management, operational management or trust management, then it is recognized as the shipowner.

The legal basis for operating a vessel on one’s own behalf may also be an agreement on the presentation of the vessel by its owner or a person who has the right of economic management, operational management or trust management for temporary use of a third party on the terms of a bareboat charter (representation of a vessel that is not manned by a crew , not equipped and without supplies - a “naked” vessel). The shipowner is also the person who actually owns the ship and uses it legally under a contract for chartering a ship with a crew for a period of time (time charter).

3. Vessel leasing

Leasing(financial lease) - a type of direct investment in which lessor undertakes to acquire ownership of the property specified by the lessee from the seller specified by him to transfer this property to the lessee as a leased item for a certain fee, for a certain period and on the conditions specified in the financial leasing agreement for temporary possession and use.

The lessor pays for the construction (or purchase) of the vessel for the lessee. Leasing legal relations, in addition to the lessor and the lessee, must include one more additional entity - the seller of the leased property (for a new vessel - a shipyard). A leasing transaction consists of at least two mandatory agreements - the leasing agreement itself and the purchase and sale agreement (shipbuilding agreement). At the same time, in the shipbuilding contract, the customer of the vessel - the lessor - is obliged to include a provision stating that the vessel is being built specifically for leasing. The lessee, as a user of the vessel, plays a decisive role in determining the technical characteristics of the vessel under construction - the subject of leasing. In relation to the vessel (its characteristics and quality), he has all the rights and obligations of the actual customer - the buyer of the property, although the legal (formal) customer of the vessel is the lessor.

Under a leasing agreement, the lessor becomes the owner of the constructed (or purchased) vessel and undertakes to provide the lessee with a vessel without a crew for a fee for a certain period. In this case, the lessee becomes the shipowner (but not the owner).

During the term of the leasing agreement, the lessee gradually pays the cost of the vessel stipulated by the agreement, which includes the cost of equipment, costs of attracting bank loans, and the leasing company’s commission.

An important feature of the leasing scheme for the acquisition of equipment is the attribution of the entire amount of leasing payments to the cost of production of the lessee.

The period for which the leased asset is transferred to the lessee is comparable in duration to the period of full depreciation of the leased asset or exceeds it.

In accordance with current legislation, in relation to equipment transferred under a financial leasing agreement, accelerated depreciation mechanism which allows the lessee to significantly reduce the amount of taxes paid and save a significant portion of financial resources.

Leasing does not require the lessee to withdraw significant working capital at a time, except for the payment of advance payments in a relatively small amount during the construction period. At the same time, the constructed vessel can serve as sufficient security for the financial resources attracted by the lessor.

A leasing agreement usually provides that on or before its expiration, the vessel becomes the property of the lessee, subject to the lessee paying the full amount required by the lease agreement, calculated taking into account depreciation of the equipment.

4. Registration of sea vessels, its legal significance

Vessel registration is a legal act of recognition by the state of the emergence, limitation, transfer or termination of rights to a ship and serves as the only evidence of the existence of registered rights. These rights can only be challenged in court.

Registration of a ship in the ship register is regarded as one of the forms of state supervision over ships flying the national flag. Registration is used to control the moment a particular vessel acquires the right to sail under the flag of a given state, compliance with the legality and legitimacy of the alienation of vessels and their pledge, as well as compliance with maritime safety measures. Registration of a vessel also means that the national maritime administration body has checked the legal aspects and technical condition of the vessel, and has ensured that they fully comply with the requirements of national legislation based on international standards, and testifies this fact to third parties.

The main conditions for registering a vessel in the Register are confirmation of the cancellation of the previous registration, if any, and in the case of a bareboat charter (chartering a vessel without a crew), confirmation that the right to sail under the flag of another state has been suspended, as well as a certificate of the technical condition of the vessel issued by one of the classification societies.

The vessel is subject to registration in one of the ship registers of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as ship registers):
State ship register;
ship's book;
bareboat charter registry;
Russian International Register of Ships.

A ship can only be registered in one of the ship registries.

Registration of a ship in the State Ship Register, the Russian International Register of Ships or the ship book, ownership and other proprietary rights to the ship, as well as restrictions (encumbrances) on rights to it is the only evidence of the existence of a registered right, which can only be challenged in court.

IN State ship register All vessels whose technical supervision is carried out by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping are subject to entry: self-propelled vessels with a main engine with a power of at least 55 kW and non-self-propelled vessels with a capacity of at least 80 tons.

The registration of these vessels is carried out by the captain of the seaport.

Information on registered vessels of the fishing fleet and the rights to them is submitted quarterly by the captain of the seaport to the federal executive body in the field of fisheries.

Sports and pleasure vessels, as well as other vessels that do not fall under the conditions of registration in the State Ship Register, are registered in ship books. Registration of these vessels is carried out by the technical supervision authorities for such vessels.

IN Russian International Register of Ships ships are registered that are used for the international transportation of goods, passengers and their luggage, as well as for the provision of other services related to the implementation of these transportations. The use of ships for the international transport of goods, passengers and their luggage also includes the leasing of ships for the provision of such services.

Registration of ships in the Russian International Register of Ships is carried out by seaport captains, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Registration of the vessel in the Russian International Register of Ships is subject to annual confirmation.

Registration of ships owned by the Russian Federation, owned or operated by constituent entities of the Russian Federation and used only for government non-commercial service, with the exception of warships, military auxiliary ships and border ships, is carried out in the State Ship Register or Ship Book.

Floating devices that are accessories of any vessel (boats; lighters transported on board a lighter carrier; small fishing vessels transported on board a floating base - motorboats, etc.) are not subject to inclusion in the register of ships.

A vessel that is entered in the register or ship book must have Name, assigned by the owner of the vessel. The name of the vessel must be different from the names of other registered vessels.

The name of the vessel is marked on the bow on both sides and on the stern of the vessel. A new name can be applied to a ship only after making a corresponding change in the State Ship Register or Ship Book.

The home port of a ship is the place of its registration
. The ship's home port is indicated on the stern under the ship's name.

A ship equipped with communications equipment is assigned an international call sign. Depending on the technical equipment of the vessel, it is also assigned an identification number of the ship's satellite communication station and a selective call number of the ship's station.

Education and appropriation international identification call sign carried out at the place of registration of the vessel by the Radio Frequency Center, which is part of the Radio Frequency Service of the Russian Federation. Registration in the INMARSAT mobile satellite communication system of INMARSAT subscriber earth stations (including the assignment of identification numbers) belonging to Russian legal entities and individuals, as well as the assignment of a selective calling number to a ship station, is carried out by the Federal Unitary State Enterprise Morsvyazsputnik.

When the ownership of a ship is transferred, appropriate changes are made to the State Ship Register or Ship Book.

The register contains information about the obligations with which the vessel is encumbered (transfer to trust management, pledge, mortgage, debt obligations).

Ship registers are open to any person interested in obtaining the information contained therein. The interested party has the right to receive a properly executed extract from the ship register for a fee.

A ship registered in the registry of a foreign state may be registered in the State Ship Register or Ship Book only after removal from the registry of that state and the provision of a certificate certifying that the ship has been removed or will be immediately removed from the registry at the time the new registration is made.

Registration of a Russian ship in the ship register of a foreign state has no legal force unless the ship is excluded in accordance with the established procedure from the State Ship Register or ship book.

The initial registration of a constructed vessel must be carried out within one month from the date of its launching, and of a vessel purchased outside the Russian Federation - within onemonths from the date of its arrival at the seaport of the Russian Federation.

5. Flag and nationality of the vessel

Vessels entered in one of the registers of ships of the Russian Federation receive the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

The inclusion of a vessel in the register of ships of the Russian Federation is certified by the issuance of a certificate for the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation. After receiving the certificate, the state flag of the Russian Federation is hoisted on the ship.

Vessel. acquired abroad, enjoys the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation from the moment the consul of the Russian Federation issues a temporary certificate.

When providing a vessel for use and ownership to a foreign charterer under a bareboat charter, such a vessel may be temporarily transferred to the flag of a foreign state in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the Code of Labor and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The nationality of a ship is its state affiliation, which designates the authorities of which state the ship is subordinate to and the laws of which state apply to it.

In accordance with the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, vessels have the nationality of the state under whose flag they have the right to fly. Each state determines the conditions for granting its nationality to ships, registration of ships on its territory and the right to fly its flag.

The Convention establishes that a ship must fly the flag of only one State and, except in exceptional cases expressly provided for in international treaties or the Convention, be subject to its exclusive jurisdiction on the high seas. A ship cannot change its flag while sailing or while at port, except in cases of a valid transfer of ownership or change of registration. A ship flying the flags of two or more states, using them at its own discretion, cannot claim recognition of any of the respective nationalities by other states and can be equated to ships without a nationality.

The Convention provides for the responsibilities of the flag state to register ships and implement real communication: the obligation of each state to exercise its jurisdiction and control over ships flying its flag in administrative, technical and social matters (jurisdiction is the exclusive right to conduct a trial, resolve legal issues, etc. .).

Each state, in relation to ships flying its flag, is obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure safety at sea, in particular with regard to the design, equipment and seaworthiness of ships, manning, working conditions and training of ship crews, use of signals, maintaining communication and preventing collisions. The flag is a determining factor in many legal relations entered into by the owner, ship owner and captain of the ship. Data about the ship’s flag also appears in contractual relations, in particular in the charter agreement. The third party with whom the master enters into an agreement must be confident in the authority of the master to enter into an agreement within the limits determined by the law of the flag. All contracts concluded on board the ship are considered to be concluded in the flag country.

In the event of a collision or any other navigational incident on the high seas, no criminal or disciplinary proceedings may be brought against the master or any other person serving on board the ship except by the judicial or administrative authorities of the flag State or the State of which he is a national. the face is. Neither arrest nor detention of a vessel on the high seas, except as specified in international law, can be carried out even as an investigative measure by order of any authority other than the flag State.

A vessel registered in one of the registries of vessels of the Russian Federation may be temporarily transferred to the flag of a foreign state on the basis of a decision of the federal executive body in the field of transport or in the field of fisheries, taking into account the opinion of the all-Russian trade union of workers in the relevant industry with the suspension of the right to sail under the State flag of the Russian Federation Federation.

A vessel may be transferred to the flag of a foreign state for a period not exceeding two years, with the right to subsequently extend it every two years, but if it is sold under a bareboat charter, then not beyond the validity period of the bareboat charter. For the purposes of reflagging, the duration of the bareboat charter cannot be less than one year.

6. Ship documents

International conventions, the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation and regulations issued in their development contain a number of requirements obliging the ship to have certain ship documents that have important legal significance. The ability of the vessel to go on a voyage depends on the availability of proper ship documents on the ship. Based on the data specified in the ship's documents, the amount of dues collected from the vessel is calculated. Only if you have the necessary documents is it possible to sell or purchase a vessel and recognize the legality of the transaction.

Ship documents, and especially logs kept on board a ship, have important evidentiary value in judicial, administrative and departmental proceedings in maritime-related incidents and disputes.

When checking a ship for compliance with navigation safety requirements, it is considered not to meet these requirements if the ship documents provided for by international conventions are missing or their validity period has expired.

Documents defining the legal status of the vessel

Certificate of the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation. Issued by the body registering the vessel.
Certificate of ownership of the vessel(indefinite). Issued simultaneously with the certificate of ownership of the vessel. Serves as exclusive proof of ownership of the vessel. Issued to ships with a gross tonnage of over 20 reg. t entered in the ship register.

Documents certifying the condition of the vessel and its suitability for operation

Certificate of seaworthiness. Issued by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping or a foreign classification society recognized by it for a period of five years with annual confirmation within three months before or after the expiration of the one-year period from the date of its issue. It specifies in which areas the ship can sail. It is one of the most important proofs of a vessel’s seaworthiness.

Measurement certificate.
Issued by the Register inspection. Contains information about the net and gross tonnage of the vessel, the dimensions of the vessel and its individual premises. According to the data of the tonnage certificate, ship and pilotage dues are collected, and the possibility of the vessel passing through locks and canals is determined.

Vessels are measured in accordance with the rules of the International Convention on Tonnage of Ships, 1969.
For passage through the Suez and Panama Canals, special measurement certificates are issued.

Passenger certificate.
Issued by the Register to ships carrying more than 12 passengers.

Load line certificate.
Issued in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines of 1966. Issued by the Register to ships of over 150 gross tonnage. t for a period of five years. Certifies that the load lines marked on the sides of the vessel and the minimum height of its freeboard meet the requirements of navigation safety.

Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate,

Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate.
Litter Pollution Prevention Certificate
issued by technical supervision and ship classification bodies.

Ship's sanitary certificate for the right to sail. Issued by the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities on water transport of the Russian Federation. Contains a conclusion about the ship’s suitability for navigation in terms of its sanitary condition.

The sanitary service also issues certificate of deratization and certificate of exemption from deratization.

Ship's role
– list of ship crew members. Required for submission to port supervision authorities, customs and border services.

Certificate of minimum crew size.

Ship's Radio Station License
and (if the ship has a ship's radio station). The license is issued by the federal executive body in the field of communications.

Documents reflecting the daily activities of the ship

Ship's log. The main official document reflecting the continuous activity of the ship in all its manifestations, as well as the objective conditions and circumstances accompanying this activity. Conducted by the captain's watch mates under the daily supervision of the captain.

The legal significance of the ship's logbook lies in the fact that those contained in the records are one of the types of written evidence in the investigation of accidents and incidents related to sea pollution, in the consideration of judicial and arbitration disputes related to damage or shortage of cargo, in the assessment of rescue actions and in other cases.

The ship's log is stored on the ship for two years from the date of the last entry. After the specified period, the ship's log is deposited with the authority where the ship is registered.

The ship's log is provided for inspection and making copies of it to persons entitled to receive relevant information.

In case of sale of a vessel outside the Russian Federation, the ship's logbook is provided for review and making copies of it to persons entitled to receive relevant information for the period preceding the sale of the vessel.

Machine log(for ships with mechanical engines). Conducted by a watch mechanic under the direct supervision of the chief (senior) engineer. Reflects the operation of the main engine and other ship mechanisms, the time of receiving and executing orders from the bridge about speed, reversing the main engine, water supply for certain purposes, receiving and pumping out ballast, fuel and lubricant consumption.

Radio magazine.
Conducted by the ship's radio operator.

Sanitary magazine.

Log of wastewater operations.

Garbage operations log.

Oil log for ships other than oil tankers.
Conducted on ships subject to the MARPOL 73/78 Convention.

Oil Operations Log for Oil Tankers.

Fishing magazine.
The main document used to record and analyze the fishing and operation of a mining vessel. The records are kept by the captain's assistant on the watch. The captain of the vessel is responsible for the correct and timely maintenance of the fishing log.

Entries in the journal are kept from the moment the fishing begins until the moment it ends.

The serial number of trawling, sweeping, setting, etc. is recorded in the log. fishing gear for a given fishing trip, coordinates of the fishing gear installation site; names of fishing gear (trawls - bottom, benthic, mid-depth, purse seines, nets, longlines, traps, etc.), type of net material from which they are made, and the minimum mesh size in fishing gear; duration of lowering the fishing gear; the duration of the fishing gear being on the fishing line from the moment the descent ends until the moment it begins to rise; duration of lifting the trawl or retrieving other fishing gear; catch weight; the name of the types of fish and other seafood caught; courses, depths and speed of trawling; time spent searching for fish and moving from one square to another; loss of fishing time due to hydrometeorological and other reasons; time spent unloading fish and receiving supplies.

The vessel must have other documents, provided for by the rules issued by the body exercising technical supervision of ships.

Classification certificate certifies that the ship's hull, its equipment and devices, main and auxiliary mechanisms, boilers and air guards have been inspected by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping or another classification society and found to meet the requirements of the Register Rules, as a result of which the ship is assigned a Register class. The class indicates that the ship meets the requirements for its strength and seaworthiness, which provides the shipowner with more favorable conditions for insuring the ship and its operation - the possibility of concluding contracts for the carriage of goods at higher rates.

Vessels subject to international conventions must have the documents required by these conventions, which are issued by the Maritime Register of Shipping under the authority of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, cargo ships traveling abroad, in accordance with the SOLAS-74 Convention, must have:
certificate of safety of the vessel by design;
ship safety certificate for equipment and supplies (life-saving equipment and fire protection);
safety certificate for radio equipment.

Ships subject to MARPOL must have International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate.

Fishing ticket issued to the captain of a fishing vessel by fisheries protection authorities. It is valid for one year from the date of issue, and for the next four years - after annual renewals. After five years of validity, the ticket must be replaced with a new one.

The ticket gives the right to go out to the open sea to fish for fish and other water bodies. In case of violation of fishing rules, the state fisheries inspector has the right to confiscate the fishing ticket from the captain.

When fishing in the territorial waters, fishing or economic zones of other states, the captain must have a license or other permit.

The original must be on the vessel

In recent years, the demand for boats and yachts in Ukraine has increased significantly. Small shipbuilding, which provides yachting, is one of the branches of Ukrainian industry, the products of which can reach the world level relatively quickly and without exorbitant costs.
Over the past 10 years, many enterprises have appeared that focus on the technical support of yachts (their construction, supply of equipment, repairs, operation, etc.).
Organizing yacht trips is a relevant and profitable topic for the commercial use of a watercraft.

Ways to purchase yachts. Documenting.
Possible options for purchasing yachts:
- self-construction
- purchase of an existing new yacht or a used yacht
- purchase of a yacht to be built

Upon purchase, the buyer is given a bill of sale, which is a one-sided document signed by an authorized representative of the seller of the yacht, and which performs three main functions:
- legalizing the transfer from the seller to the buyer of all rights and legal interests regarding the yacht
- confirmation of receipt of payment for the yacht
- a guarantee that at the time of sale the yacht is free from any kind of encumbrance (mortgages, maritime claims, charters)

The acquisition of ownership of such a complex and expensive object as a yacht must be legalized by an agreement. There are two types of applicable agreements: a contract and a purchase and sale agreement. They correspond to the main options for purchasing a yacht.

It is also possible to conclude a joint activity agreement (essentially a simple partnership agreement) in cases where an entrepreneur does not have enough money to purchase a yacht, its maintenance, and he decides to combine his funds with the funds of other persons who are also interested in purchasing such a vessel. Under a joint activity agreement, participants (partners) undertake to act together to achieve a specific goal without creating a legal entity. This goal may be the acquisition and further operation of a yacht. The price of the yacht is determined between the participants in accordance with their capabilities and mutual agreement. It is proposed that the shares of all participants be equal. In addition to cash, special knowledge, skills, and business connections can be considered as a contribution to the purchase of a yacht, which will make the purchase easier, cheaper, or otherwise make it more accessible. Common shared ownership is created unless otherwise provided by agreement or law. Thus, each participant in the project is the owner of the yacht, and his property rights are protected by law.

Participants can own, use and dispose of such property only with general consent; if it is impossible to achieve this, the mode of use of the yacht can be determined by the court at the request of one or more owners. Each participant in a simple partnership has the right to get acquainted with all documents related to the conduct of business, and it is impossible to deny such a right.

If one of the participants in a simple partnership enters into an agreement on behalf of all participants in the partnership and in their interests, he has the right to compensation for expenses incurred in connection with the conclusion of such an agreement. Participants can authorize one of them to carry out transactions.

If a transaction on behalf of the partnership is concluded by one of its participants in excess of their powers, no special consequences are expected for the third party. A negative consequence of such a transaction may be its recognition as invalid in cases where it is possible to prove in court that a third party was notified of the conclusion of the transaction in excess of authority. Any of the participants in the partnership who suffered losses as a result of concluding this transaction has the right to compensation.

During the commercial operation of the yacht (for the purpose of making a profit), all participants are jointly and severally liable with all their property for any obligation that arises in connection with the operation of the yacht. The profit that the yacht brings to the participants is distributed in the same way as losses - in accordance with the size of the partner’s share in the right of common ownership, unless otherwise provided by the rules of the simple partnership agreement.
After termination of a simple partnership agreement, all partners become jointly and severally liable for unfulfilled obligations to third parties.

State registration of yachts

Registration of a yacht is granting the vessel the right to sail under the flag of a state (i.e. determining the nationality of the yacht), as well as registration of ownership and other procedures.

Registration means that the government of the state whose flag the yacht will fly has carried out:
- checking the legal aspects of the acquisition and technical condition of the yacht
- ensured that they fully comply with their national and international requirements
- testifies to this to all interested parties

Any state, even one that does not have access to the sea, has the right to grant ships the right to fly its flag.

Conditions for state registration vary from country to country. The space occupied by the yacht is considered part of the territory of the country under whose flag the yacht has the right to navigate. The flag state receives sovereign rights in this space, and the authorities of this state receive corresponding competence, which also means that certain responsibilities of the state and its authorities arise in the space occupied by the yacht. The legal order of the flag state is established on the yacht.

State ship registers are:
- “national” (or “closed”), registering ships that belong only to residents - individuals and legal entities (for example, Ukraine)
- “open” - providing the right to register a vessel (yacht) to everyone (for example, Panama, Belize, British Virgin Islands)

There are no legal provisions in international maritime law that directly indicate the need to register a ship. Theoretically, a vessel (yacht) can be unregistered in any ship registry and have no national affiliation. Such a ship cannot be automatically recognized as a pirate or guilty, but this ship will only feel safe on the high seas.

The absence of a national flag on the mast signals that no state in the world community controls this vessel, does not protect it, and does not indicate that this vessel technically and legally complies with existing standards. This vessel (yacht) will actually be outside the law.

When choosing the country of registration of your yacht, you should be guided by the following reasons:
. financial - from the cost of registration and re-registration of the yacht to the new owner, ending with the amount of tax on salary payments to the personnel of your yacht
. operational - the possible need for the yacht to be present during registration, as well as the possible need to undergo all kinds of checks required by law
. international legal - participation of the state in all kinds of bilateral and multilateral treaties to avoid double taxation, provide favorable treatment in maritime transport, etc.

State registration of a yacht on the territory of Ukraine

Possible options when registering:
1. If you, a citizen of Ukraine, with your own funds want to purchase a yacht that has already been brought by someone to Ukraine or built in Ukraine, or a Ukrainian enterprise wants to make a yacht at its own expense, then the issue of registration does not raise any doubts.
2. If you decide to purchase a yacht abroad, or if the buyer or customer of the yacht under construction is your company registered abroad (possibly even in an offshore zone), then the possibility arises (sometimes a strict necessity) to register the yacht not in Ukraine.

For example:
. if a yacht is bought by a citizen and honest taxpayer of Ukraine in Ukraine, the price must include value added tax (VAT)
. if a citizen of Ukraine buys a yacht abroad and imports it into the territory of Ukraine for its subsequent registration, it will be necessary to pay all customs duties associated with the import of an expensive object of sale. Import-related payments are significant amounts.

State registration of a yacht in offshore jurisdictions

This type of registration is one of the popular types for ships and aircraft.
Such registration opens up new opportunities for ship owners and has many advantages, namely:

. Confidentiality
The vessel is registered in an offshore zone confidentially and the owner has the opportunity to reduce risks in the event of active competition or other struggle.
Confidentiality avoids problems associated with various lawsuits. For example, to sue a ship registered offshore, the plaintiff must comply with the jurisdiction of the country where the ship is registered, which is quite problematic for most.
Thus, the confidentiality of the registration of a sea vessel is a good protection from competitors and unpleasant situations.

. Tax reduction
There are a huge number of offshore zones where taxation on registration and ownership of marine vessels is at a fairly low level.
An owner who has a vessel registered in an offshore zone has the opportunity to avoid paying taxes related to the income that was received as a result of the use of the vessel. In some cases, it is even possible to avoid customs duties and value added tax.
For example, in the British Virgin Islands there is no tax liability at all in the case of income received from the commercial use of a vessel or its sale (the income does not have to be related to the islands themselves, and only small vessels can be registered)

. Simplification of bureaucratic procedures
In many countries, the registration system and other processes associated with the ownership of sea vessels do not require much effort and time. Combined with low taxation, this allows for even greater efficiency, both in business and beyond.
For example, when transferring ownership of a marine vessel, you can practically avoid taxation and reduce all bureaucratic procedures to a minimum.
The requirements and documents for registering ships in offshore zones are very diverse and depend on many parameters. To have an initial idea of ​​these requirements and documents, you can consider several examples.

Yacht registration in the British Virgin Islands

Necessary procedures and documents for registration:
. yacht assessment - must be carried out by one of the recognized world societies that has the appropriate authority or its representative (in this case, a package of additional documents is required)
. a special statement that reflects some information (for example, name) about the ship and its owner
. choosing a representative, who can be either a local resident or a legal entity. This representative needs to prepare a whole list of documents that must meet certain requirements, for example, the language for filling out documents must be English
. receiving a Carving and Marking Note is a document that confirms that certain parameters of the vessel meet established criteria (obtaining it does not cause any particular difficulties during registration)
. obtaining permission for a radio signal (filling out special documents depending on the type of equipment located on the ship). The equipment must meet certain parameters required for different types of vessels. Three documents must be provided: a marine license, a special form for the operator's radio and a form of signals used in emergency situations.
. issuance of a vessel registration certificate (Blue Book)

Before the registration procedure, it is necessary to draw up a clear plan for the use of a sea vessel, including the following points:
- functional purpose
- countries with which this aircraft will contact
- features of these countries and trade operations in these zones
- choice of flag, which will determine the possibility and ease of carrying out certain operations related not only to the direct activities of the aircraft, but also to the transfer of rights or change of owner
-the company’s development plan should be thought out several years in advance so that there are no problems with expanding the scope of use of the board
- careful long-term planning of the company’s work

Registration of a yacht in the Panama Register

The Government of Panama is one of the active members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which ensures active international cooperation in the field of international maritime law and compliance with international maritime regulations.

Panama is also “advantageous” for registration because it has an open registry of ships - this means that a resident of any country can register his ship in this state (moderate registration fees; no taxes on the sale of yachts; no duties on profits from foreign maritime commercial actions; no restrictions regarding the ownership or age of yachts, which can be registered by any person regardless of nationality or place of residence.)
Panama is a country with a stable economic and political situation.
The rules for registering yachts under the Panama flag comply with the provisions of generally accepted international maritime conventions. The Panama Registry, which began in 1925, is the largest and oldest publicly available shipping registry.

Irrefutable advantages of choosing to register a yacht in Panama:
. no restrictions regarding the citizenship of the yacht owner
. open nature of the ship registry (Panamanian Shipping Bureau - Merchant Marine Directorate General
. abroad, documents for the ship are registered through the Consulate of Panama; There are specially appointed Consuls of the merchant fleet of Panama - Merchant Marine Consules, who have the right to issue official temporary navigation licenses, radio communications permits, and also provide services for collecting taxes and fees
. no need to provide a Surveyor Certificate on the technical condition of the yacht (Certificate of Survey)
. income received by ships is not taxed
. Panama is a global financial center (more than 100 banks from different countries), which greatly facilitates shipping operations
. The country's legislation ensures the strictest preservation of banking and financial secrecy
. Panamanian legislation provides for the so-called “dual registration” (bareboat charter), that is, ships registered in other countries of the world can be included in the Panama registry, provided that the legislation of such other state provides for such registration. The same applies to cases where a ship is registered in Panama, it can be simultaneously registered in another state
. Since 1995, Panama has significantly reduced government fees and fees for registering ships.
. in some cases there is no requirement to legalize documents required for registration, which significantly speeds up this process
. “humane” approach in relation to the wear and tear of yachts:
- yachts that have served for no more than 20 years can be registered as usual
- yachts over 20 years of wear and tear can be registered based on the conclusion of a special inspection
. availability of permanent and temporary registration

Sailing of yachts registered under the flag of Panama in the territorial waters of Ukraine
The legislation of Ukraine allows for “parallel registration” of yachts (as well as all other vessels) on the basis of a bareboat charter agreement (freight agreement) for the period of validity of such an agreement.
Parallel registration is carried out by captains of sea and river ports of Ukraine by entering the vessel into the State Ship Register of Ukraine. In case of parallel registration, the name of the vessel must be maintained in accordance with the primary registration. After such registration, the vessel has the right to “fly” under the flag of Ukraine without any obstacles.
To carry out such double registration, the charterer must submit the following documents:
. copy of the freight agreement (bareboat charter agreement)
. written permission of the shipowner to carry out parallel registration of the yacht
. written permission from the state of registration of the vessel to carry out parallel registration
. a document confirming payment of the fee for state registration of the vessel in the Register
. documents for the vessel provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine (Article 35 of the Merchant Shipping Code), namely:

1. certificate for the right to sail under the flag of Ukraine (ship patent)
2. certificate of ownership of the yacht (in this case, the title document is the charter agreement)
3. classification certificate
4. measurement certificate
5. crew list
6. list of passengers on the yacht
7. logbook
8. sanitary certificate
9. passenger certificate (if the yacht carries more than 12 people)
10. radio license

Yacht registration in British Flag countries
The prestigious and attractive commercial maritime flag of Great Britain is issued by its dominions: the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Turk and Caicos, British Virginia (Caribbean region), the Isle of Man, Gibraltar in Europe.

Specific requirements of this flag:
. only a few Classification Societies are recognized (the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and the Polish Shipping Register are not included in this list)
. availability of a captain with an English diploma
. The age of the vessels varies in each territory, with an average of 20-24 years.
As a rule, only a company from Britain or the dependent dominions of Great Britain can be a shipowner, which is not an obstacle, since these territories are the places of registration of offshore companies. Prices in each such territory are different. The national composition of the crew is not limited.

Commercial use of yachts. Licensing
Commercial use of a yacht, namely the provision of services in the field of passenger transportation by sea and river transport, requires an appropriate license.
The main documents regulating this area are:
- Law of Ukraine “On licensing of certain types of economic activities”
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the list of licensing authorities”
- Orders of the State Committee of Ukraine on Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Transport and Communications
In accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, licensing of passenger transportation by sea and river transport is carried out by the State Department of Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine (Ukrmorechflot). Ukrmorechflot also monitors compliance with license conditions by licensees.
The legislation of Ukraine provides for liability for non-compliance with license conditions. Having decided to engage in such a business, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in such fundamental issues as:
- choice of jurisdiction for the yacht
- method of acquiring it

Normative base:
. Law of Ukraine “On licensing of certain types of economic activities”
. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the list of licensing authorities” dated November 14, 2000
. Order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Transport and Communications No. 11 /50 dated January 30, 2002
. Order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Transport and Communications No. 131/975 dated December 15, 2003
. Regulations on the “Sports Sailing Vessel Certificate”
. Draft rules for sailing yachts in internal waters and in the territorial sea of ​​Ukraine
. Law of Ukraine “On Tourism”
. Law of Ukraine “On the State Border of Ukraine”
. Customs Code of Ukraine
. Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine
. Water Code of Ukraine
. Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the main directions of tourism development in Ukraine until 2010” dated August 10, 1999 No. 973/99
. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 27, 1998. No. 1147 “On Border Regime”, as well as the “Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic” dated 04/09/1965. London, Great Britain.
. Rules for registration of civil aircraft in Ukraine
. Rules for accounting for ultra-light aircraft and amateur-built aircraft

Approximate list of documents to be amended

port of registration of a ship registered in the RMRS

General information

The seaport of registration of a vessel can be changed based on applications from the owner of the vessel (Russian charterer of the vessel) sent to the captain of the seaport of registration and the captain of the new seaport of registration of the vessel.

When changing the seaport of registration of a vessel, the captain of the previous seaport of registration of the vessel sends, in accordance with the established procedure, the captain of the new seaport of registration of the vessel, the register of the vessel and the ship's file. In this case, a corresponding entry is made in the “Special Notes” column of the Russian International Register of Ships.

The owner of the ship must inform the mortgagee of the registered mortgage or other encumbrance of the same nature on the ship about the upcoming change in the sea port of registration of the ship and obtain the appropriate consent.

The captain of the new seaport of registration, who has received the ship's register and the ship's file, assigns the vessel a new serial registration number and enters all the information contained in the Russian International Register of Ships maintained in the previous seaport of registration of the ship into the Russian International Register of Ships maintained in the new seaport vessel registration.

The captain of the new seaport of registration of the vessel must inform the captain of the previous seaport of registration about the completion of the vessel registration procedure. Upon receipt of this message, the captain of the previous seaport of registration of the vessel makes an entry in the Russian International Register of Ships indicating the new seaport of registration and the new serial registration number of the vessel.

Along with the application for changing the seaport of registration of a vessel registered in the Russian International Register of Ships, the captain of the new seaport of registration of the vessel is presented with a document confirming payment of the state fee for registering the vessel and for issuing a Certificate of Ownership of the vessel and/or a Certificate of the right to navigate under the State flag of the Russian Federation in the previous seaport of registration.

Changing the seaport of registration of a vessel registered in the Russian International Register of Ships is permitted within the seaports, the list of which is approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 583-r dated April 25, 2006.

List of documents

3. Identity document of the applicant

5. Documents confirming the authority of the representative of the owner (charterer) of the vessel

6. Document confirming payment of state duty:

For registration of the vessel in the Russian International Register of Ships

For the issuance of a Certificate of Ownership of the vessel and/or

For issuing a Certificate of the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation

(at the previous seaport of registration of the vessel)

7. Consent in writing of the person in whose favor the corresponding restriction (encumbrance) of rights has been established

8. Certificate of ownership of the vessel (and its copy certified by the captain of the seaport) Certificate of the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation and Certificate of registration of the vessel (confirmation of registration of the vessel) in the Russian International Register of Ships (previously issued when registering the vessel in the Russian International register of ships, Captain of the previous seaport of registration of the vessel).

April 20th, 2013 , 08:14 pm

Let's start the third part of the photo report from 2005-2008 with the numerous “Moscow girls”, presented, probably, in all coastal cities.

Motor ship "Moscow-52" (project R-51).
Built in 1977. Home port - Kostroma.

#1. "Moscow-52" on the Volga near Kostroma (2008).

Motor ship "Moscow-13" (project R-51).
Built in 1972. Worked at the Moscow River Shipping Company. Today - Nizhny Novgorod.

#2. "Moscow-13" in Nizhny Novgorod (2006).

Motor ship "Moscow-50" (project R-51).
Built in 1977. Home port - Kazan.

#3. "Moscow-50" in Kazan (2006).

Motor ship "Moscow-89" (project R-51).
Built in 1979. Home port - Moscow.

#4. "Moscow-89" on the Klyazminskoye reservoir (2008).

Motor ship "Moscow-130" (project R-51).
Built in 1982. Home port - Kazan.

#5. "Moscow-130" in Kazan (2006).

Motor ship "Moscow-152" (project R-51).
Built in 1984. Home port - Astrakhan.

#6. "Moscow-152" on the Volga near Astrakhan (2006).

Motor ship "Moscow-187" (project R-51).
Built in 1986. Home port - Volgograd.

#7. "Moscow-187" in Volgograd (2006).

Motor ship "MS-2" (project 82180).
Built in 1998. Motor ship-garbage collector. Works on the Moscow Channel.

#8. "MS-2" on the Moscow Channel. In the background is the motor ship "Ryleev" (2008).

Motor ship "Musa Gareev" (project 305).
Built in 1961. Initially he worked as part of the Volga-Don River Shipping Company and was assigned to Rostov-on-Don. It was called "Barguzin". Since 1988, it was transferred to the Belsk Shipping Company and changed its name to "Musa Gareeva". Currently in use.

#9. "Musa Gareev" at the Uglich pier (2006).

Motor ship "N.A. Nekrasov" (project 26-37/311).
Built in 1961. Distributed to the Volga River Shipping Company. The first name was "Sergo Ordzhonikidze" (until 1963). Then he changed the name to “N.A. Nekrasov”. Worked on the Moscow-Astrakhan-Moscow transport line. After navigation in 2004, it was sold and was completely refurbished in the backwater named after the Memory of the Paris Commune (cabins were redone, the layout of the premises was changed, passenger capacity was reduced). Started working in 2006.

Motor ship "Alexander Benois" (project 26-37/311).
Built in 1960. Distributed to the Volga River Shipping Company. The first name was "Yakov Sverdlov" (until 2005). Worked on the Moscow-Astrakhan-Moscow transport line. After navigation in 2004, it was sold and was completely refurbished in the backwater named after the Memory of the Paris Commune (cabins were redone, the layout of the premises was changed, passenger capacity was reduced). Started working in 2006 under the name "Alexander Benois".

#10. "N.A. Nekrasov" and "Alexander Benois" at the Zhukovskaya BTOF (2005).

Motor ship "N.V.Gogol" (project 588).
Built in 1959. He worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company until 2001. Later transferred to the Kama Shipping Company. Home port - Perm. Never changed the name.

#eleven. "N.V.Gogol" at the Khimki reservoir in Moscow (2008).

Motor ship "Naberezhnye Chelny" (project 576).
Built in 1957. The vessel is in operation. Home port - Samara.

#12. "Naberezhnye Chelny" on the Volga near the city of Balakhna (2005).

Motor ship "Nikolai Bauman" (project 302).
Built in 1989. Worked at the Moscow River Shipping Company. In 2009 it was renamed “Princess Anastasia”. After navigation in 2011, the ship was moved to the Caspian Sea, where it now operates as a floating hostel for workers of the Kashagan field. Read more here.

#13. "Nikolai Bauman" on the Volga near Kalyazin (2005).

Motor ship "Nikolai Karamzin" (project 301).
Built in 1981. Since construction he has been working at the Moscow River Shipping Company. Until 1992 it was called the "Soviet Constitution". The vessel is in operation.

#14. Nikolay Karamzin" in Khvoyny Bor (2008).

Motor ship "Nikolai Chernyshevsky" (project 301).
Built in 1981. Operates as part of the Volga River Shipping Company. Never changed its name. The operator of the ship is Vodohod.

#15. "Nikolai Chernyshevsky" on the Moscow Channel (2006).

#16. "Nikolai Chernyshevsky" on the Moscow Channel (2006).

#17. "Nikolai Shchors" on the Volga near Bely Gorodok (2005).

#18. "Nikolai Shchors" on the Ikshinsky reservoir (2006).

#19. "Nikolai Shchors" in the Northern Port of Moscow (2006).

#20. "Nikolai Shchors" in lock No. 6 of the Moscow Canal (2008).

#21. "Nikolai Shchors" on the Volga in Kostroma (2008).

Motor ship "Novikov-Priboy" (project 302).
Built in 1984. Until 1996 it belonged to the Volga-Don Shipping Company. The ship operated first from Rostov-on-Don, in 1990-91 from Kazan, in 1989 it stayed in Moscow as a hotel, and from 1992 to 1995 the ship also served as a hotel, but in Germany. Since 2011 it has been called "Sergei Diaghilev". The ship's operator is the Orthodox company.

#22. "Novikov-Priboy" on the island of Kizhi (2007).

Motor ship "Oksky-13" (project 559B).
Built in 1967. Worked at the Moscow Shipping Company until 2012. Assigned to the Rybinsk Shipping Company. The vessel is not in operation.

#23. "Oksky-13" in the approach channel of lock No. 1 in Dubna (2006).

Motor ship "Oksky-15" (project 559B).
Built in 1967. Worked at the Moscow Shipping Company until 2010. Home port - Kolomna. The vessel is in operation.

#24. "Oksky-15" on the Moscow Channel (2006).

Motor ship "Oksky-16" (project 559T).
Built in 1967. She worked for the Moscow Shipping Company until 2002, after which she was sold and converted into an oil tanker. Home port - Nizhny Novgorod. The vessel is in operation.

#25. "Oksky-16" on the Volga near Gorodets (2006).

Motor ship "Oksky-50" (project R-97T).
Built in 1977. She worked for the Moscow Shipping Company until 2002, after which she was sold and converted into an oil tanker. Home port - Yaroslavl. The vessel is in operation.

#26. "Oksky-50" on the Volga near Samara (2005).

Motor ship "Oksky-70" (project R-97T).
Built in 1984. Works at the Moscow Shipping Company. The vessel is in operation.

#27. "Oksky-70" on the Volga in Yaroslavl (2008).

Motor ship "Nikolai Shchors" (project 26-37).
Built in 1962. He worked for the Volga River Shipping Company until 2002, after which he was sold to the Agidel Cruise company. In 2010, it was renamed "Mikhail Tanich". Since 2013, the operator of the ship is the company "White Swan".

Motor ship "October Revolution" (project 26-37).
Built in 1959. The lead motor ship of series 26-37. Until 2007, he worked for the Volga River Shipping Company on the Moscow - Astrakhan - Moscow transport line. Since 2007 he has been working for the travel agency "Gama". Repainted in signature white and green colors.

Motor ship "Moscow-222" (project R-51).
Built in 1989. Worked on the Uglich-Myshkin commuter line. It belonged to the Moscow Shipping Company, then to Port Uglich. Not used in 2005. Since 2006 he has been working in Moscow.

#28. "Moscow-222", "Nikolai Shchors", "President", "October Revolution" in Uglich (2005).

Motor ship "OM-152" (project 780-03).
Built in 1965 in Moscow. Works in the Volgograd port. The vessel is in operation.

#31. "Om-152" in Volgograd (2006).

Motor ship "OM-173" (project 780-03).
Built in 1964 in Moscow. Home port - Kazan. The vessel is in operation.

#32. "Om-173" in Kazan (2006).

Motor ship "OM-375" (project 780).
Built in 1962 in Moscow. Home port - Togliatti. The vessel is in operation.

#33. "Om-375" in Togliatti (2006).

Motor ship "OS-1" (project 354A).
Built in 1972. The vessel is in operation.

#34. "OS-1" in Yaroslavl (2006).

Motor ship "OT-2428" (project N-3290).
Built in 1985 in Hungary. Works at the Volga River Shipping Company. The vessel is in operation.

#35. "OT-2428" on the Volga near Gorodets (2006).

Motor ship "OT-2453" (project N-3291).
Built in 1989 in Hungary. Works at the Volga River Shipping Company. The vessel is in operation.

#36. "OT-2453" on the Volga near Gorodets (2006).

Motor ship "OTA-890" (project 758A).
Built in 1964. The vessel is in operation.

#37. "OTA-890" on the Volga near Saratov (2006).

Motor ship "OTA-892" (project 758A).
Built in 1965. The vessel is in operation.

#38. "OTA-892" on the Volga near Balakhna (2006).

Motor ship "Otdykh-1" (project R-80).
Built in 1973. Pleasure catamaran boat. Works at the Volga River Shipping Company. Home port - Nizhny Novgorod.

#39. "Rest-1" in Nizhny Novgorod (2005).

Motor ship "Pavel Lebedev" (project 21-88).
Built in 1968. Until 1994 it was called “Gorky”, then until 2007 “Nizhny Novgorod”. Home port - Samara. The vessel is in operation.

#40. "Pavel Lebedev" on the Moscow Channel (2008).

Motor ship "Pavel Mironov" (project 305).
Built in 1962 in Hungary. He worked at the Kama River Shipping Company and was called "Vistula". The motor ship is in operation, port of registry - Kazan.

#41. "Pavel Mironov" on the Volga near Kazan (2006).

Motor ship "Pallada" (project 305).
Built in 1962 in Hungary. Entered the Kama River Shipping Company with the name "Zeya". In 1963 it was renamed "Captain Pirozhkov". In 2000, it was renamed "Grad Kitezh". In 2000-2001, the ship was completely refurbished (cabins and public spaces) and received the name "Pallada". Worked in Moscow. Currently not in use.

#42. "Pallada" in Uglich (2006).

#43. "Pallada" on the Volga near Myshkin (2008).

Motor ship "Peterhof" (project 301).
Built in 1975. Originally called "Maria Ulyanova". Worked at the North-Western River Shipping Company (St. Petersburg). In 1992 it was renamed "Peterhof". The owner of the ship today is the American cruise company "Viking River Cruises". During the inter-navigation period of 2011-2012, the ship underwent re-equipment. Cabins with balconies appeared, the total number of cabins was reduced, and public spaces were remodeled. In 2012, it went into navigation with the name "Viking Rurik".

#44. "Peterhof" in Uglich (2006).

Motor ship "Peter the First" (project 588).
Built in 1960. Until 1992 he worked as part of the Moscow River Shipping Company under the name “Ivan Susanin”. In 1992, the ship was sold to Holland. Until 2004 it was located in the port of Nijmegen. From 2004 to 2006, the ship was restored at the Shlisselburg plant and in the northern river port of Moscow. It has been operating since 2006 under the name “Peter the First”.

#45. "Peter the Great" on the island of Kizhi (2007).

#46. "Peter the Great" in the chamber of the Uglich lock (2007).

Motor ship "Pozhva" (project 576).
Built in 1958. He worked at the Kama River Shipping Company. In May 2011, it sank in the Kriushi backwater.

#47. "Pozhva" on the Volga in Yaroslavl (2007).

Motor ship "President" (project-26-37).
Built in 1961. He worked for the Volga Shipping Company until 2003 on the Moscow - Astrakhan - Moscow transport line. Until 2003 it was called "Sergei Lazo". After navigation in 2003 and until 2005, it was completely refurbished in the backwater of the Zhukovskaya BTOF with a reduction in passenger capacity and a complete refurbishment of cabins and public spaces. In 2005 it was released with a new name - "President".

#48. "President" in Yaroslavl (2008).

Motor ship "Professor Zvonkov" (project 305).
Built in 1963. He worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company. Originally called "Sura". In 1966 it was renamed "Professor Zvonkov". In 2009, it was purchased by Rechturflot. In 2012, it was renamed "Alexander Svirsky".

#49. "Professor Zvonkov" in Kostroma (2006).

#50. "Professor Zvonkov" and "F. Zhloio-Curie" in Kostroma (2006).

Motor ship "Puteisky-51" (project 391B).
Built in 1984. The vessel is in operation.

#51. "Puteisky-51" on the Moscow Channel in Yakhroma (2008).