How to save on housing in Amsterdam. Amsterdam: tips from experienced travelers. How much does communication cost?

43.8 € – minimum budget for a day in Amsterdam. This is enough for a good budget hostel, two trips on public transport and food (the amount is equal to two lunches in inexpensive cafes). This calculation is made for traveling in the low season; in summer the minimum budget will be 54.8 €.

This amount does not include the cost of flights and insurance. A round-trip ticket from Moscow can be found for 7-8 thousand rubles. Insurance can be selected on the services or, prices start from 1 € per day.

Thus, good budget accommodation in Amsterdam will cost you 20-30 € per night per person.

How much does the connection cost?

Prices in the Netherlands for mobile Internet range from 12.5 € to 16 € per 1GB. Aldi Talk and Hema offer great options.

A way to save on communications is to order a SIM card for travelers DrimSim in Russia. Why we like Drimsim:

  • cheap internet. ~10 € per 1 GB in many countries of the world (with the exception of third world countries rarely visited by tourists)
  • The SIM card will work already on the plane: you can immediately order a taxi or write to the host.
  • Billing is based on megabytes, i.e. for 100 MB you will pay ~1 €. If you are traveling to a country with inexpensive internet for more than 3-4 days, you should buy a local SIM card; if less, then you should take a closer look at a travel SIM card.

Delivery of the card costs 10 €, and by ordering it using this link you will receive 7 € in your account as a gift. The minimum top-up amount for Dreamsim is 25€. Consider this point.

How much does food cost in restaurants?

  • Dinner in an inexpensive cafe: 12 €. For example, La Place.
    Have breakfast available in large Hema supermarkets. There is often a croissant and coffee option for 2€.
  • Fast food:
    • sandwich with herring 2.5 €. For example, Verse Harring
    • French fries 3 €. For example, Mannequin Pis
    • falafel 5 €. For example, SonnyFalafel
  • Beverages:
    • a cup of cappuccino – 2.8 €. For example, Coffee & Coconuts
    • glass of beer – 4.5 €. For example, The Cave

How much do groceries cost in the supermarket?

Food prices in Amsterdam are 86% higher than in Moscow. The difference is especially noticeable when purchasing meat, fruits and vegetables. In supermarkets of the Albert Heijn chain you can find products from the Euro Shopper brand, which has the lowest prices.

How much does entertainment cost?

There are several free tours in Amsterdam: sightseeing, alternative or thematic (for example, to places associated with Rembrandt). You can find a suitable one on the Free tours website. Prices for participation in group excursions start from 14 €. A Russian-language tour can be found on the websites, and.

The most popular excursions on Tripster:

There are both Hop-on Hop-off bus and boat tours in Amsterdam. When purchased on the website, a boat tour for 24 hours costs 25 €, a bus tour costs 21 €, and a combined tour costs only 28 €. 48 hour tickets are also available. Prices for river cruises start from 16€.

The I Amsterdam Card includes free public transport, one river cruise, admission to major museums and attractions (+ zoo), and discounts. A 24-hour card costs €57, with 48, 72 and 96-hour options also available.

How much do souvenirs cost?

Prices in different places where souvenirs are sold are approximately the same, but the quality and selection can vary greatly. Souvenirs from museum stores are much more expensive. On average, prices are approximately as follows:

  • Basic souvenirs: postcard 1.5 €, magnet 2-3 €, mug 5 €
  • Special souvenirs: figurine of a mill or house 5-10 €, tulip bulbs 10 € per package.

Amsterdam Museums

Entrance tickets to the most famous museums in Amsterdam cost 17-17.5 €. It is better to buy tickets online to avoid queues (especially in summer). There are practically no free museums in Amsterdam, but there are

Amsterdam, of course, is not the most expensive city in Europe, but it is not the cheapest either. Somewhere in Italy or Spain you can pay much more for everyday items than in Amsterdam. But even here it’s quite easy to cost a pretty penny. In order to save your already small travel budget without pushing yourself into strict limits, we suggest 9 ways to save money in the capital of the Netherlands.

1. Visit markets instead of shops.

This applies to food, clothing, souvenirs, books and even wine!

Swap meet Waterlooplein open daily (except Sunday) until 17:00. Here you can buy exclusive souvenirs that the store will not offer you! Nieuwmarkt and Noorderkerk— open only on weekends, here you can buy organic products and local delicacies. Besides, Noorderkerk turns into a vintage clothing market on Mondays. In the markets Dappermarkt and Albert Cuyp they sell food, flowers, fresh fish, clothing, souvenirs and much more.

2. Buy a multiple-entry tram ticket.

Instead of buying a tram ticket each time 2.80 €, consider an option that provides unlimited access to one, two, three or seven days.

For example, if you plan to use the tram three or more times during the day, then 24-hour ticket for 7.50 €. In this way you will not only save money, but also energy. After all, walking all day is not so easy. A 48-hour ticket will cost you 12 €, 72 - 16.50 € and a week ticket for 32 €. Tickets can sometimes be purchased on the tram itself, but it is better to buy them in the metro area under Amsterdam Central Station from special machines or a ticket office.

3. Don't buy audio guides from museums.

Most descriptions of works and biographies of authors in museums are indicated near the paintings in Dutch and English languages. Free brochures are also available at Dutch and English, so before you buy an audio guide.

Usually with these two artifacts you will learn at least with headphones. The only museum where an audio guide can be useful is Van Gogh Museum, but in the central Rijksmuseum and Stedelijk you can easily do without them.

4. Savor local pastries for breakfast.

Amsterdammers have a very low-key breakfast - usually a pastry and a glass of orange juice or a cup of coffee.

In most hotels and hostels breakfast included in price and you can get tea or coffee with toast or cereal. But if you are not provided with breakfast at your place of residence, we do not advise you to rush to a cafe or order breakfast at a hotel when you wake up. Better go to the nearest bakery. These establishments are located on almost every street corner in Amsterdam, so you're sure to find something nearby.

Typically, bakeries offer fresh, still hot baked goods at a very reasonable price, cheaper than in a cafe.

5. Don't buy water on the street.

In the city center there are many kiosks, souvenir shops and street terraces of restaurants where you can buy some water. But a bottle of regular mineral water will cost you here 2,50 € . Better stock up on water at the supermarket and take it with you to the restaurant.

In Amsterdam, there is a severe shortage of drinking water in the center, such as drinking fountains, so merchants often unjustifiably raise the price of this product.

6. The farther from the center, the cheaper.

Hotels outside the city center tend to be newer, refurbished and slightly larger than hotels in the Red Light District and around Dam Square.

Of course, you can catch a hot offer and live right in the heart of the city, but such promotions sell out very quickly. Therefore, we advise you to stay somewhere far away, this way you can book a bed in a hostel in just for 6 € also with breakfast. And when paired with a multiple-entry tram ticket, it becomes a winning combination.

7. Avoid Argentine restaurants.

You will see them all over the city, but in reality there is no Dutch in them.

Argentine meat restaurants are here only for tourists. Most offer daily steak and fries specials for approximately 12-15 € . Not too expensive, but quite unreasonable. Moreover, you will not be limited to one menu, the waiter will definitely persuade you to drink coffee or order a salad and this way you will spend a lot more.

Usually in such establishments there are “barkers” working on the street who shout to you from afar about low prices and free tables.

8. Drink beer or wine instead of cocktails.

If you do decide to experience Amsterdam's nightlife, be aware that cocktails and champagne will cost you from 6 € and more per glass.

Instead, enjoy local beer or Italian and French wine. Surprisingly good imported wines are quite cheap here, and sometimes you can try homemade wine from the restaurant owner’s cellars.

9. Rent a bike.

To feel completely local, you need to rent a bicycle - the main form of transport in the city.

There are quite a few rental points here, but the main thing to consider is long-term rent is much cheaper. One day may cost from 7.50 € to 15 €, and rental For a three days can cost the same 15 €. The best and most famous rental is to remember, be affectionate, experienced. You have no more loan 4 hvilin.

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With respect, Solomiya

Exciting myths and modern legends swirl around this city. We will not confirm or refute them (you will have to do this yourself during the trip), but we will tell you how to see the real Amsterdam - and not go broke.

We have already written about the magical one in Amsterdam, which also gives you free travel on public transport, as well as free entry to most attractions, one canal walk and a discount on parking. This lifesaver card costs €49, €59, €69 for one, two or three days, respectively. Along with it you also receive a detailed map of Amsterdam with interesting places and establishments. We advise you to buy a tourist card of Amsterdam in advance; you can do this on this website.

Amsterdam is certainly one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world. There are paths and special routes here, there are parking lots near every house and cafe, locals ride bikes to work and on business. As we have already said, renting a bicycle for a day in Amsterdam will cost €14-17, depending on the brand and rental point. If you find places with white bicycles, know that the first hour of rental there is free.

But we advise you not to save money and book a bike tour in Amsterdam. As a rule, they are conducted by local or special guides who will show you the real Amsterdam. A bike tour in Amsterdam costs about the same €14-17, but if you search long enough, you can find free ones. The list of cycling trips for the upcoming dates can be found.

We highly recommend taking cash to Amsterdam, because many establishments and shops do not accept our bank cards (even with a chip). In some cases, you can pay only with a card from local Dutch banks. Therefore, it is better to always carry cash with you, and small bills. For example, €500 in Amsterdam can only be exchanged in banks, and even then not in all.

To explore without having to pay for expensive tours, you can also go on a free excursion conducted by local enthusiasts in English. You can find out about the upcoming dates and times of such a sightseeing tour, as well as register for it on this website. If you are a big fan of Hop on Hop off bus excursions, we strongly advise you to buy tickets not at the hotel, but at the tourist office on the central Damrak street; the price difference can reach up to €15.

You won't find these museums and monuments in regular guidebooks, but they are the details that give Amsterdam its special charm:

  1. Museum of Hashish, Marijuana and Cannabis (Oudezijds Achterburgwal, 148) - if you are not yet ready to taste “forbidden drugs,” here you can explore the issue of the influence of soft drugs on the psyche.
  2. Monument to Women's Breasts (Red Light District) - in the most famous quarter of Amsterdam it is worth looking not only around, but also under your feet. After all, right on the paving stones you can see such a piquant monument.
  3. NEMO Science Center (Oosterdok 2): Amsterdam isn't just about drugs and sex, it's also about science and art. And if you want to get to know more closely the scientific achievements of our time, you are welcome to the NEMO interactive museum.
  4. Art Market (Spui) - every Sunday on Spui Square a unique exhibition of paintings is organized, where you can immediately purchase the painting you like, and bargain for half the price.
  5. “Don’t drink the branch you’re sitting on” (Leidseplein) - an instructive monument hidden on Leidseplein in a small park. The author of this miracle is an unknown local resident.

To experience what Amsterdam is like, you need to eat like the locals do. For example, for breakfast, eat a pastry and drink a glass of orange juice; it will cost you a couple of euros at any bakery in the city. You can also get a similar breakfast of coffee or juice, a croissant and an omelette for just €1 in HEMA stores from 9:00 to 10:00 daily. Store addresses: Nieuwendijk, 174-176 and Kalverstraat, 212

Despite the fact that there are a lot of Argentine restaurants in Amsterdam (where you will certainly be invited on the main tourist streets), locals never go there. They prefer small home establishments away from the center. By the way, it is in such establishments that you can try local beers and homemade wine from the cellars. Well, we recommend buying food at markets and not in supermarkets: they are fresher there, cheaper, and you can bargain.

Many people go to Amsterdam to try new sensations from psychotropic drugs and trips to the Red Light District. We can say that rumors about the debauchery of this city are greatly exaggerated, but you can indeed find coffee shops here, as well as smart shops and grow shops. Many people have heard about the first establishments where you can smoke weed. But few have heard about smart shops where mushrooms are sold, and grow shops where you can buy everything for growing marijuana. Here are just a few of the hot spots in Amsterdam:

  1. Sensi Seeds grow shop chain - stores are scattered throughout the city center. You can buy everything you need to grow marijuana at home. Remember that in our country this is prohibited by law.
  2. Coffeeshop 36 (Warmoesstraat, 36) is a cozy place with an excellent view of the center of Amsterdam.
  3. Coffee shop Mellow Yellow (Vijzelgracht, 33) is the oldest existing coffee shop in Amsterdam, opened in 1972. Today you can come here as if you were visiting a museum, and at the same time try the best offers from the local menu.
  4. Smartshop Kokopelli (Warmoesstraat, 12) - the richest selection of mushrooms and the appropriate atmosphere are guaranteed.
  5. Smartshop Magic Mushroom Gallery (Spui, 249) is a legendary place that has now become too touristy.

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Absolutely anywhere on our amazing planet you can find ways and means to spend less money than the average tourist spends! You have a lotmoneyor very little, it doesn’t matter! For a real traveler, saving is a kind of highlight of the trip!How can you save money in Amsterdam?

Museums, public transport, canal walks, theaters and many other attractions in I amsterdamcity card.

This kind of card is available in many European cities, but in Amsterdam it is really very profitable. Therefore, upon arrival in the city or in advance (the first option is better, because online ordering involves delivery by mail), be sure to purchase it for the required number of days!

Cost (information as of July 2017):

24 hours €57;
48 hours – €67;
72 hours -€77;
96 hours – €87.

Current information you can always find What does it include? this card includes (full list) see
Addresses of entertainment events and cafes where the card will give you decent discounts

This card gives you just a huge number of advantages and discounts, so carefully study the entire list! In fact, you will not need to spend money on transport and attractions, with the exception of one very important one - Rijksmuseum(the card only gives a discount of €2.50, and the full price is €17.50, there are no discounts for students = (

Let's say you're in town for two days. Here is a rough list of your costs (the most visited attractions are shown):


Cost without City Card Cost with City Card
Van Gogh Museum 0.00
Stedelijk Museum
Canal Cruise 0.00
Rembrandt House Museum
EYE Filmmuseum

National Maritime Museum

21.50 0.00
Amsterdam City Map

2 Days GVB public transport

Amsterdam City Card

TOTAL: €128.50


Savings: €61.50 (excluding cafe discounts)

The most convenient way to get there from Schiphol airport to the center of Amsterdam - train (Schiphol Railway Station is located directly under the airport itself). In total, the journey will take you 17 minutes.

Price:€5.20; BUT if you buy a ticket online, the price will decrease by one euro. This can be done :)

If you decide to visit to see the famous mills and amazing nature, then you will have to get there about 20 minutes by train from the central station. Two-way ticket costs €10. But there is no need to show it to anyone or apply it anywhere. There is no control. You can just take the train you want and go.

P.S. If you're already on the train the controller will come across then you take out the I amsterdam city card and pretend that you were mistaken in good faith (the card gives you the right to free admission to the museum in Zaandam, so you thought that free travel was also included :).

If you feel hungry while walking around the city, this does not mean it is time to open your wallet and incur any expenses. You don’t need to endure hunger either (this, by the way, is very harmful, but that’s not the point).

Walking in the city center, literally at every step you will come across tents and shops selling famous Dutch cheese. But it is not just sold there, but also actively and free tasting. Come in without any hesitation and taste as much as you want: free of charge and in the right quantity (don’t forget to try the famous Hollandaise sauces that are served with cheeses). Try everything!

Cafes and restaurants in Amsterdam, of course, are far from cheap, so when you get tired of eating cheese alone, we recommend checking out the supermarket "Albert Heijn". The prices await you there are cosmic, BUT, without paying attention to them, look for racks with the brand in the store "Euroshopper" where very nice prices await you, for example, 40 cents for a can of beer, 50 cents for ice cream or chocolate spread.

...then go to LaPlace- to a relatively budget-friendly and tasty self-service restaurant. If you stop by this restaurant, located on the top floor of the Amsterdam library, you can dine while enjoying a beautiful view of the city for free!

When making a purchase worth more than 50 euros, do not forget to ask the cashier to issue you Tax Free checks and at Schiphol Airport you will receive part of the amount paid back. Please note that Tax Free counters at the airport open from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and only in Schiphol - at the other Eindhoven airport Tax Free does not work because Only intra-European flights fly from there.

USEFUL: Where to look for air tickets to Amsterdam and book accommodation?

Our most favorite sites to search and purchase air tickets - this is

Amsterdam is a relatively small city, so if you live near the center, you can reach the most important attractions on foot. But what if there is no time for this? In such cases, public transport comes to the rescue of thrifty tourists.

The fastest way to get around in Amsterdam is the metro, especially if you need to go to the other side of the city. But you don’t have to take the metro just to get through a stop or two, because a ticket for one trip on a bus or tram will cost about 2.5-3 euros, which is quite expensive.

GVB cards

To travel on any (except intercity) public transport, you can purchase a special GVB card. It is purchased for a specific time - from a day (24 hours) to a week (168 hours). The price of such a card varies from 8 to 32 euros. When entering/exiting a vehicle, the card must be presented to the validator at the door.

GVB cards are sold in specialized offices, at any metro ticket office (for a maximum of 4 days), at the tram conductor (for a day or two), as well as at hotels (cards are not available in all hotels, so it is better to find out about their availability in advance).

I amsterdam card

You can also buy an “I amsterdam card” to travel around Amsterdam. A 3-day card costs almost 70 euros. It allows you to ride all types of transport for free (except for taxis), and also gives you many discounts and bonuses:

  • discount on a trip through the city's canals;
  • free tickets to some museums;
  • discount on visiting restaurants, bars and cafes;
  • inexpensive tickets to shows and concerts.


And for tourists who do not plan to visit museums or use public transport, a bicycle is perfect for moving around the city. This is a very cheap, fast and popular form of transport in Amsterdam.