Dead Sea properties. The Dead Sea is dying. History of the Bromine Myth

When Lot and his family fled from the collapsing Sodom, his wife could not resist and looked back at the dying city.

It was impossible to do this, and therefore it turned into a huge pillar of salt, which can be seen on the coast of the Dead Sea to this day.

The Dead Sea is one of the most unusual and unique bodies of water on our planet. First of all, because in reality it is a lake into which the waters of the Jordan River and several other small rivers flow: about 7 million tons of water flow here every day, which, despite the fact that it does not flow out anywhere, due to the high air temperature, quite quickly evaporates. Various minerals and salt from the Dead Sea brought by river waters remain and join the minerals already in the lake, turning it into one of the saltiest bodies of water on our planet (the salt concentration in the local water is 30%, while in the ocean it is 3.5 %).

Many people are interested in the question, where is the Dead Sea? One of the largest salt lakes on our planet is located in the east of the Judean Desert. The western coast of the reservoir belongs to Jordan, the eastern – to Israel. On the map the Dead Sea can be found at the following coordinates: 31° 20′ 0″ N, 35° 30′ 0″ E.

The sea was formed at the very bottom of the Syrian-African Rift - a huge depression in the earth's crust formed due to the movement of continental plates (it begins in the south of Turkey and ends in Zimbabwe, in the southeast of the African continent). The movement of tectonic plates has made this territory seismically active: mild earthquakes occur here every year (people do not feel them, but instruments record them). The process of formation of the Dead Sea is quite interesting. The depression was filled with oceanic waters, and over the course of millions of years, the remains of marine animals, fish, and plants settled to the bottom of the ocean, which subsequently formed calcareous rocks, while the water here was not constant: it came and went. Therefore, the layers of salt that the sun evaporated from sea water gradually mixed with layers of sedimentary rocks.

After some time, a permanent body of water formed here - the Lashon Sea (the predecessor of the present one), the length of which exceeded 200 km, and the surface was 180 m below the level of the World Ocean. Volcanic eruptions completely blocked the channel connecting Lashon with the Mediterranean Sea - and it began to dry up. After Lashon completely dried up (this happened 17 thousand years ago), two bodies of water remained - the freshwater Lake Kinneret and the salty Dead Sea.

Currently, the Dead Sea consists of two separate basins, separated by an isthmus that appeared in 1977. Northern - a larger and deeper reservoir, the maximum depth of which is 306 meters and Southern - hotels and mineral mining enterprises are located here, which is why it gradually turned into an artificial reservoir, and therefore the water level here is regulated by man, and the average depth is about two meters.

The Dead Sea has the following parameters:

  • The area of ​​the salt lake is 650 km. sq. (over the last century it has decreased significantly - it was 930 sq. km.);
  • Maximum width – 18 km;
  • Length – 67 km (it is designated by summing the length of the southern and northern basins, the length of the latter being 54 km);
  • The mud layer at the bottom is about 100 meters;

The water level of the Dead Sea as of December 2012 was 427 meters below sea level and is falling by one meter annually, making it one of the lowest land areas on our planet.

On the southern coast of the Dead Sea there are thermal springs and pools of greasy black mud, which have long been considered healing: it is absolutely known that King Herod bathed in them. There are mountains and salty pillars here. Among them is Mount Sedom, whose height above sea level is 250 m, formed during powerful underground pressure that pushed a plug of salt to the surface. Now this mountain is a huge salt dome 11 km long and 1.5 km wide, cut by a huge number of caves (it is believed that there are at least a hundred of them here, and the total length is 20 km).

Caves are constantly being formed in this mountain: a few rains slowly dissolve the salt, destroying old caves and creating new ones in their place. The grottoes themselves are extremely beautiful - there are not only sinter formations, but also huge crystals. In Mount Sedom, at a depth of 135 meters, there is the largest salt cave on our planet - Malham, the length of which is 5.5 km.

Of course, we are unlikely to know for sure the answer to the question why the Dead Sea is so unique that there are practically no analogues to it on our planet. At present, we can only make assumptions and record its features.


The Dead Sea has an interesting feature: at its depths, natural asphalt is formed, which the lake throws to the surface in the form of small black pieces - at first they resemble a molten block of earth, and then, as they cool, they turn into a solid state. It is not difficult to collect it from the surface: the salt of the Dead Sea simply does not allow it to return to the bottom.

Interesting fact: during excavations on the coast, a huge number of figurines and other things were discovered, including human skulls from Neolithic times, covered with sea asphalt. It was also used by the ancient Egyptians when mummifying their dead.


Interestingly, the air, the temperature of which often reaches 40° C, is so unique here that it cannot but cause surprise: due to the location of the Dead Sea below the level of the World Ocean, there is a zone of high atmospheric pressure, which is why the amount of oxygen in this region 15% higher than the amount of oxygen in the area, which is at the level of the World Ocean.

The local air contains absolutely no allergens: air masses come here mainly from the Indian Ocean, overcoming the desert sands, and therefore do not carry with them industrial pollution and allergens. Considering that evaporation from the surface of a lake saturated with minerals and the salt of the Dead Sea saturate the air with useful components, it clearly has a positive effect not only on healthy people, but also on people with diseased lungs.


Since the Dead Sea is located near the desert, both the air temperature and the climate here are appropriate - according to statistics, there are 330 sunny days a year, there is little rain (mainly in January and February), and the average relative humidity in summer is 27%, in winter - 38 %.

In summer, the temperature ranges from 32 to 40° C, in winter - from 20 to 23° C. An interesting fact is that in the winter, the temperature of sea water, saturated with minerals, is much higher than the temperature of the earth, while in summer the opposite is true.

In the Dead Sea area, due to its location below the level of the World Ocean, weakened ultraviolet radiation is observed - therefore, it is extremely difficult to get sunburn here, and doctors recommend that even an unprepared person stay in the Sun for 6-8 hours.

This temperature and dry climate also has its drawbacks - the water of the Dead Sea evaporates very quickly, which, in combination with human activity, leads to its shallowing. If earlier the Jordan compensated for evaporation, now people use the river’s water for their own benefit, and much less water now reaches the sea than before: over the past half century, the volume of the watercourse has decreased to 100 million cubic meters per year. (previously it was 1.43 billion cubic meters/year).


Dead Sea salt is 33.7% (350 grams per 1 liter of water), which is ten times the salinity level of ocean water. Therefore, due to the huge amount of salt, the water of the Dead Sea is thick, dense, oily to the touch and has a tint of metallic blue. People can safely swim in the lake without fear of drowning - the salt of the Dead Sea will not allow them to do this (it’s even difficult to choke here: swallowing such water extremely disgusting - it is not only salty, but in addition to everything else it also tastes bitter, and when it gets into the mouth, it numbs the tongue).

Swimming here is also not easy: it is best to lie down in the water and relax under the warm rays of the sun, as if in a hammock - fortunately, the temperature of both the air and the water allows this. The only “but”: if there is even the slightest scratch on the skin, it is better not to go into the water - Dead Sea salt, if it gets on the wound, will cause discomfort.


The unique characteristics of water and mud are influenced not so much by salt as by Dead Sea minerals. And their quantity here is simply off the charts - the waters of the lake contain more than twenty minerals, mostly of inorganic origin, and therefore do not contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which is why they do not oxidize, maintaining their medicinal properties at the maximum level.

The main minerals of the Dead Sea are:

  • Magnesium (30 to 34%) is an anti-stress mineral that calms the nervous system;
  • Potassium (from 22 to 28%) – regulates the amount of fluid in the middle of the cell (in total they contain 4/5 of the water that is in the human body);
  • Sodium (12 to 18%) – regulates the amount of fluid outside the cells;
  • Bromine (from 0.2 to 0.4%) – penetrating into the blood through the skin, calming and relaxing the nervous system, has a positive effect on it;
  • Iodine (0.2 to 0.9%) – has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, including growth, reproduction and activity of the nervous system, the functioning of nerve endings in muscles, skin and hair growth;
  • Sulfur (0.1 to 0.2%) – disinfects the skin, and is also necessary for the formation of protein substances, vitamins B, B1, biotin, etc.

Dead Sea minerals, together with salt, mud, water and optimal temperature, have a positive effect on the human body, giving it the opportunity to get rid of skin diseases, allergies, problems with the lungs, bronchi, nerves, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, hepatitis). The body's metabolism and blood circulation significantly improve, skin elasticity increases, the aging process slows down, etc. Dead Sea minerals are contraindicated for patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, as well as people who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction, stroke, tuberculosis, or those with kidney problems. and liver failure.


Naturally, the question of why the Dead Sea is called dead, if its climate, water, mud and salt are good for health, cannot but be of interest.

The lake had many names (among them - Salty, Asphalt, Ancient, Sodom), and received the current one due to the fact that it was believed that due to the high salinity of the water, living organisms (primarily fish and sea animals) cannot live here. condition.

Recently it turned out that this is not entirely true: at the end of the last century, scientists discovered that the water of the Dead Sea is teeming with small organisms. About 70 species of moldy fungi live here, settled here long before the sea acquired salinity, which, having developed a new gene, adapted to the local water. Microscopic viruses were also discovered in the water of the salty sea, which are activated only after they enter a living organism, and outside the cells they take on the form of non-living particles.

20 species of archaea were found: microbes that thrive in a concentrated salt solution and live off the energy they convert from sunlight. Interesting fact: it turned out that 1 ml of Dead Sea water contains several million of these microbes (and if there are a lot of them, they give the water a reddish tint due to their pigment). During rains, when the salinity of the water on the surface of the sea is slightly diluted, The pink flagellated algae dunaliella develops from the pores - the pigment protects it from sunlight, and the high content of glycerol in the plant, which retains moisture, prevents it from dying due to salt. It is interesting that these algae develop extremely quickly and actively: during the “blooming” period their number is several tens of thousands per milliliter. However, they do not live long in the Dead Sea and disappear as soon as the rains stop.

Dead Sea

Dead Sea(synonyms for the name Salty, Asphalt) stretches for 72 km in the valley between the Judean mountains and the Moaf mountains at the site of the Syrian-African Rift. The fault is so deep that the sea “sank” 417 m below sea level. The western shore of the sea is in the territory of the state of Israel, the eastern shore is in Jordan. The sea is a conditional name; in fact, like Baikal, Arad, and the Caspian Sea, it is an internal limited lake that is in no way connected to the ocean. It is fed by the fresh waters of the Jordan River, streams flowing from the surrounding ridges and underground mineral springs. The bed of the two basins, northern and southern, of which the sea consists, is a two-kilometer layer of salt, remaining after the drying up of the ancient Lashon Sea more than a million years ago. The smaller, southern basin is connected to the northern one through an isthmus; it is shallower, the average depth is 6.5 meters, the depth of the northern one is up to 185 meters. The greatest width of the sea is about 15 kilometers. The total volume of liquid is about 110 cubic kilometers. Surface area 1015 square kilometers. The age of the sea as it is now known is more than 15 thousand years.

The distance from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea is 19 km, from Tel Aviv 84 km and from Eilat 360 km

Chemical composition of Dead Sea seawater
The composition of the underlying rocks and intense evaporation from the surface determined the high concentration of the salt solution from a set of more than twenty-one minerals, its average value was 31.5%, an almost saturated solution at a given temperature. Research shows the content of the main elements in milligrams per liter: sodium - 34.9; potassium - 75.60; rubidium - 0.06; calcium - 15.8; magnesium - 41.96; chlorine - 208.02; bromine - 6.92; H2SO4 ions - 0.54; H2CO3 ions - 0.24. The bromine content is 5920 mg per 1 liter, suggesting that this is a very important reason for the successful treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. At the bottom there is a sedimentary salt-mud layer about 100 meters thick.

Climate in the Dead Sea area
The climate here is definitely desert. There are sunny days almost all year round, according to statistics 330 days a year. Precipitation is about 50 mm per year.
Atmospheric pressure, due to the low location of the area relative to sea level, is high, about 800 mm Hg and very stable. The average air temperature in summer is about +40, in winter - about +20. Sea water temperature ranges from +40 degrees in summer to +17 in winter.

Balneological factors of the Dead Sea resort

Dead Sea mineral water

It is transparent, heavy, viscous and oily. As a result of taking sea baths, due to various diffusion effects, the intercellular fluid and blood plasma are saturated with minerals, and the electrolyte balance in the body improves. Thanks to this, the body relaxes, the skin smoothes, blood circulation is stimulated and metabolic disorders are mitigated. Swimming in mineral water is a real pleasure. The buoyant force in it is so great that even a person who cannot swim does not drown here.
Along the coast of the Dead Sea there are many outlets of sulfurous thermomineral springs. Taking hot sulfur baths strengthens the circulatory system and improves the balance of redox reactions in the human body, promoting additional saturation of tissues with oxygen.

Dead Sea Air
The main supply of air masses to the Dead Sea region occurs from the Indian Ocean along parallel mountain ranges through the uninhabited spaces of the hot sands of the Arabian and Judean deserts, so they carry very dry air, free from industrial pollution and natural allergens. Natural evaporation from the surface of the sea saturates it with mineral ions. The natural increased oxygen content as a result of increased atmospheric pressure, in addition, having an increased ability to penetrate through the skin and pulmonary membranes into the body due to the influence of a complex of other factors, makes the atmosphere completely unique in terms of beneficial effects on both healthy people and those suffering from pulmonary disorders person. As balneologists say, here a person is in conditions of round-the-clock therapeutic inhalation.
The high content of bromine ions has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Sun on the Dead Sea
Ionized mineral vapor and the denser and higher gas layer of the atmosphere in the Dead Sea region form a natural optical filter that selectively absorbs the harsh component of solar ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, there are unique opportunities for therapeutic and health-improving sunbathing. A person is practically insured against the possibility of sunburn. Here the doctor often recommends sunbathing outdoors for 6 to 8 hours a day.

Dead Sea mud
It has been established that the healing mud of the Dead Sea has the highest therapeutic effect in the world. There is no analogue to them on Earth.
Basically, dirt is a product of the vital activity of the only and unique representative of the living world, existing in a concentrated salt solution, an archaeobacterium, which has its origins from the time of the origin of life on the planet. Biologically active substances generated by bacteria give the mud aseptic properties, provide a beneficial effect on the processes of intracellular metabolism, promoting rejuvenation and prolongation of the active life of cells, the natural harmony of their development.
Mud procedures - applications, wraps, have a cosmetic and therapeutic effect, cleanse and stimulate the skin, have a relaxing effect on muscle tone, and stabilize the psyche, have a positive effect on hemodynamics and the condition of blood vessels, and relieve pain.

Historical and natural attractions of the Dead Sea region
The favorable opportunities that exist here have been known to mankind for many hundreds and thousands of years. The Dead Sea is extremely rich in monuments of civilization, some of which have come to us from written sources, the oldest of which are the so-called “Dead Sea Scrolls”. In the north of the Dead Sea is Qumran, the place where they were found.
Here is also the Masada fortress located on the rock, associated with the name of King Herod and the heroic feat of its defenders. There is a cable car to the top of the rock leading to the fortress, along a picturesque path. Here in the summer, theatrical performances are held, rich in light and musical effects, telling about the history of the fortress.
Here, every stone is associated with biblical events, with the history of the origin of the Christian faith; to the north of the sea is Jericho, the oldest of the cities. Not far from it is Kar El Yahud, where, according to Christian tradition, John the Baptist performed the baptism of Jesus. On the seashore, mineral formations resembling stone pillars are visible. One of them is described in the Bible and is now called the pillar of Lot’s wife, who carelessly looked back during her flight from Sodom and Gomorrah, and as a result turned into a stone statue.

Like every desert worth its salt, the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea cannot do without its own oases. There are three of them: Ein Gedi, Nahal David, Nahal Arugot. The kingdom of greenery flourishes here; date palms and mango trees are grown. Springs and waterfalls contrast the richness and celebration of water with the scarcity and patience of the desert. Ein Gedi contains a small zoo that preserves the original fauna of the area.

Dead Sea

Dead Sea It has existed in its present shape for more than 5,000 years and its reserves of healing mineral salts and mud are inexhaustible. The weight of metallic sea salts is about 50 billion tons. On the one side Dead Sea - Israel, and on the other - Jordan, it covers an area of ​​​​about 1000 square kilometers. Located 400 meters below sea level, it is considered the lowest place on Earth. The Dead Sea is part of a huge tectonic depression that was formed millions of years ago as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust.

High atmospheric pressure, high air temperatures all year round (30°-40°C in summer, 19°C in winter), 330 sunny days, rare precipitation (50 mm per year), low humidity (35%) create a unique climate here. The air is saturated with oxygen and bromine. The constant light haze produced by intense salt fumes acts as a filter that blocks harmful ultraviolet rays. That is why dosed sunbathing on the shores of the Dead Sea in combination with air baths gives a unique healing effect.
But if not everyone can sunbathe at the Dead Sea, then mineral cosmetics produced with its help will sooner or later attract your attention.
Trade and military routes of ancient civilizations ran along the shores of the Dead Sea, which already appreciated the healing properties of its salts and mud. The famous ancient Roman historians Josephus, Pliny, and Tacitus left their enthusiastic descriptions of the Dead Sea.
The healing properties of the Dead Sea were mentioned in the Bible.
It is known that the legendary Egyptian queen Cleopatra, in search of recipes for beauty and eternal youth, turned her gaze towards the Dead Sea and Mark Antony conquered for her a city on the shores of this no less legendary body of water. Here they built the first “SPA” - water and mud baths for Roman soldiers and established the production of cosmetics, as evidenced by the remains of a factory cleared by archaeologists. The Queen of Sheba also used Dead Sea minerals for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.
For thousands of years, groundwater, numerous thermal springs, mountain streams and the Jordan River carried salts and minerals washed out of rocks, sand and soil into the Dead Sea. During the 330 hot sunny days a year, water evaporated and salts accumulated: it is not surprising that today the concentration of salts in the Dead Sea is 10 times higher than in the water of the seas and oceans.
Beneficial Dead Sea minerals help relieve pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, psoriasis, eczema, stress and other diseases, while nourishing the skin and making it soft.
The geological and climatic conditions of the Dead Sea, this closed lake, also created a special type of mud. It was formed at a depth where air, sunlight and pollution from the environment never penetrated. Dead Sea mineral mud contains more than 100 minerals, salts and trace elements.
It is not easy to list all her “talents”. It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, the activity of the nervous system, endocrine glands, metabolic processes, relieves muscle tension and stress, fights cellulite, strengthens hair roots and eliminates dandruff and seborrhea, relieves joint and rheumatic pain. Dead Sea mud treatment is recommended for various skin diseases and post-traumatic periods.
At first glance, the extraction of raw materials for mineral cosmetics - salts and mud - is a simple process: in the coastal strip, on the shallows, where the water is especially well heated by the sun, the salts themselves precipitate, forming bizarre crystals. However, these crystals are only for tourists to admire.
To produce cosmetics, salts are evaporated in special pools, which are called “frying pans” here. Mud is removed from the seabed using shovels. To prevent it from oxidizing and to preserve its healing properties as much as possible, it is immediately packaged in special containers and immediately delivered to the factory.

The Dead Sea, the lowest place on the globe, is located in Israel. This is where the world's largest mud bath is located. The Dead Sea is famous throughout the world for its unique healing properties. Its minerals help those who suffer from various skin diseases, diseases of the muscles, joints, circulatory system and other ailments. The Dead Sea is one of the world's richest sources of mud and salts. Its water and mud contain high concentrations of magnesium, calcium, sodium and many other valuable minerals.

The concentration of minerals in the Dead Sea is very high: 30% (mass of minerals to volume of water), while the same figure in other seas and oceans of the world is only 2%.

There are 21 types of minerals in the water and mud of the Dead Sea. Since all these minerals are not subject to oxidation, their healing properties are preserved. It is especially valuable that some minerals are lipophilic and can penetrate epidermal tissue.

Chemical composition of the Dead Sea: general information

The Dead Sea is located in Western Asia in Israel and Jordan. It is located in a tectonic depression formed as a result of the so-called Afro-Asian fault, which occurred in a distant era somewhere between the end of the Tertiary and the beginning of the Quaternary period, i.e. more than two million years ago. This area is part of the Syrian-East African Rift Valley. It is surrounded by the Judah Mountains to the west and the Moab Mountains to the east.

The length of the Dead Sea is 76 km, width - 17 km, area - 1050 km2, depth - 350-400 m. The only river that flows into it is the Jordan. The sea has no outlet, i.e. it is drainless, so it is more correct to call it a lake.

The surface of the Dead Sea is more than 400 m below the level of the World Ocean (this is the lowest point on the globe!).

The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world. From the north it is replenished mainly from the Jordan River and permanent springs and springs from the east and west. With no outlet, the Dead Sea is a "terminal lake" that evaporates vast quantities of water into dry, hot air. As a result, a unique composition is created with a high concentration of salts and minerals, which is especially rich in chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, bromine and other elements. The salt chemistry of the Dead Sea influences both the breakdown and cycling of old sediments.
The desalination of minerals from the geological layer also adds some salts to the Dead Sea and the thermal mineral springs located along the coast. By the way, alluvial deposits from the most valuable mineral mud of the Dead Sea are also known as black therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea.

Properties and chemical composition of Dead Sea water.
The water of the Dead Sea is distinguished by a number of features, most notably its high salinity. Water salinity (total salt content) is expressed in ppm (0/00) - grams of substances contained in 1 kg of sea water.

A comparison of data shows that the salinity of the Dead Sea is 8 times higher than the salinity of the Atlantic Ocean, 7 times higher than the salinity of the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, 14.5 times higher than the salinity of the Black Sea and 40 times higher than the Baltic Sea.
In 1819, the French physical chemist J.L. Gay-Lussac examined water samples from the Dead Sea and discovered a high concentration of salts in it. This work served as a signal for further research and, in particular, for the study of the salt composition of the Dead Sea water.

The composition of seawater is sometimes greatly influenced by river discharge. When comparing the content of macroelements in the waters of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, this effect is not visible. It should be noted that the Dead Sea water contains high levels of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and bromine ions - the most important ions of great biological importance: human lymph and blood have the same composition of macroelements.
The concentrations of almost all (with the exception of 20) 92 elements existing in natural conditions have been measured in sea water. However, only 14 elements have concentrations greater than one part per million. To hydrogen, oxygen and ions, add bromine, strontium, boron, silicon and fluorine. The radioactive noble gas radon has the lowest measured concentration. One liter of Dead Sea water contains only 1600 atoms of this gas. Measuring trace element concentrations in sea water requires large water samples and very sensitive chemical equipment. Radon concentrations can only be measured due to its rapid radioactive decay.

Gases found in the atmosphere are also dissolved in sea water. At 0 °C, 1 liter of seawater contains 0.66 millimoles of dissolved nitrogen and 0.36 millimoles of dissolved oxygen. In contrast, 1 liter of air at a pressure of 1 atm contains 34.82 and 9.37 millimoles of nitrogen and oxygen, respectively. Note that while the N2/O2 ratio in the atmosphere is 3.7, the ratio of these dissolved gases in the Dead Sea water is only 1.8. Thus, the solubility of oxygen in sea water is approximately twice the solubility of nitrogen.

A comparison of the data shows that the K+ content in the Dead Sea is almost 20 times higher than in the Atlantic Ocean, Mg 2+ is 35 times higher, Ca2+ is 42 times higher, Br is 80 times higher.

In terms of the composition of its salts, the Dead Sea differs sharply from all other seas on the planet. While in the waters of other seas the sodium chloride content makes up 77% of the total salt composition, in the waters of the Dead Sea its share is 25-30%, and the share of magnesium salts (chloride and bromide) accounts for up to 50%. Nowhere on Earth are potassium salts deposited when seawater evaporates. It is possible to artificially crystallize potassium salts from the water of the Dead Sea; in other places, even in artificial evaporation pools, it has not yet been possible to extract potassium salt from sea water. Since 1930, bromine and potassium carbonate have been mined in the Dead Sea.

Microelements include elements whose content in sea water is less than 1 mg per 1 kg of sea water. The water of the Dead Sea contains microelements such as copper, zinc, cobalt, etc. Ions of these metals are easily adsorbed by various natural sorbents: organic substances, calcium phosphates, iron hydroxyl salts, as a result of which their content in sea water is lower than would be expected based on solubility their connections. Due to hydrolysis, ions of a number of metals are precipitated in the form of poorly soluble basic salts and hydroxides. It should also be noted that deposits of sulfur and natural asphalt were found at the bottom of the Dead Sea. (Let’s remember I. Flavius’ Asphalt Lake.)
Many microelements that make up sea water have a short residence time. As a result, their concentration changes. Salts of bromine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and chlorine were found in the water of the Dead Sea in concentrations that do not allow life.

The high salinity of the Dead Sea water explains its high density. For this reason, you cannot drown in the Dead Sea. One of the legends says that during the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. e. several slaves were sentenced to death, chained and thrown into the Dead Sea. However, the prisoners did not drown: they floated up every time after they were thrown into the water again and again. This amazed the Romans so much that they decided to pardon the condemned.

The density of sea water depends on the salinity of the water and temperature. With increasing depth, the salinity of water increases. In the Dead Sea this increase is significant. Consequently, as depth increases, the density of water also increases. The calculation of the density of the Dead Sea at a water salinity of 2650/00 gave 1.3-1.4 g/cm3, the density of Atlantic Ocean water is 1.023-1.030 g/cm3. The increase in water density with depth apparently creates the pushing effect when immersed in water.

The peculiarities of the Dead Sea water include a high pH value of 9. In this regard, if you stay in the sea for a long time, you can get a burn on sensitive areas of the body. The water tastes bitter and oily.

The Dead Sea is called not because of any sinister killing properties, but because of its very salty water, in which almost no living creatures survive (with the exception of a very limited number of microbes, fungi, viruses and algae). And it is the Dead Sea salt and the mud that is mined from the very bottom that are famous for their healing properties. And therefore For treatment in Israel, thousands of tourists visit the Dead Sea every year to cure many diseases, especially skin diseases and the consequences of injuries.

The concentration of salt in the Dead Sea is 34 - 35%, that is, to put it simply, there is about 350 grams of salt per liter of water. It is interesting that this salt lake is fed by various underground springs and the waters of the Jordan River, but the water has no outlet. More precisely, it does not pour out anywhere. But the hot climate in the Dead Sea area promotes constant strong evaporation of liquid, and thanks to this, the water of the Dead Sea becomes so concentrated.

Due to its density, the sea itself pushes any body located in it to the surface. But this is not the property of Dead Sea water that makes it so special.

The high level of chloride salts of sodium, calcium, magnesium, bromine, and potassium is what gives the Dead Sea water properties that are truly healing for humans.

Possessing such a treasure as the Dead Sea, Israel has many factories and companies extracting Dead Sea salt. Its use is quite wide: from simple bath salts to expensive anti-aging creams.

Benefits of Dead Sea Salt

To enjoy all the healing properties of the Salt Lake, it is not at all necessary to visit the original source in the Holy Land; just go to a nearby pharmacy. And all the benefits of Dead Sea salt will be available at home.

Evaporated under the Israeli sun, it has absorbed many useful trace elements and minerals, which give it medicinal qualities.

  • Iodine is the effective functioning of the endocrine system, normalization of hormonal levels. Iodine also has bactericidal properties.
  • Bromine - stabilizes, has a calming effect on the central nervous system, acts as a stimulator of muscle activity. An excellent antiseptic with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties.
  • Sodium - maintains the required amount of fluid in the human body, delivers nutrients to every cell, an effective shield in the prevention of hypertension.
  • Silicon is a trace element of “youth”. Takes an active part in the rejuvenating processes of the skin, stopping aging. Its presence normalizes osmotic pressure, stimulates regeneration processes, and maintains the water and electrolyte balance of epidermal cells and the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Potassium - maintains the water-salt balance of the body, normalizing the amount of water in the cell. Activates muscle activity, removes toxins and participates in anabolic processes.
  • Chlorine is responsible for tissue regeneration, removing toxins and other harmful substances from the body, helps normalize osmotic pressure, and is indispensable in maintaining the water-electrolyte ratio of cells.
  • Cobalt - a lack of this element inhibits the synthesis of red blood cells, reduces the absorption of vitamin B12, and leads to pernicious anemia, a severe blood pathology.
  • Calcium is necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone tissue, normal growth of nail plates and hair. Its deficiency negatively affects blood clotting and the condition of teeth.
  • Manganese is the dominant element of cellular respiration and protein synthesis. Without it, the processes of fatty acid oxidation, immune, and energy processes slow down. Stagnation begins to appear.
  • Fluorine - a deficiency of this element leads to a “weakening” of bone tissue, which inevitably leads to fractures, cracks, their growth rate slows down (in the case of children, this is rickets), and poor condition of the teeth is observed.
  • Copper is an active component of the synthesis of callagen and red blood cells in the blood; it is involved in the production of epidermal enzymes. Thanks to this element, the process of iron processing is accelerated and the functioning of the cardiovascular system and connective tissues is normalized.
  • Selenium is a “heart” element that supports the work of the heart mouse, minimizing the manifestation of pathology. It provides a real benefit to the immune system in protecting against possible failures and subsequent degeneration of cells into malignant neoplasms. Provides an active blood supply to human skin.
  • Zinc - it is indispensable in the synthesis of many enzymes and is a “vehicle” for genetic information. Zinc activates the body's regenerative functions: wound healing, growth of nail plates and hair. It is a real support for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. Its deficiency leads to prolonged healing of damage, and purulent processes appear. Children with a lack of zinc in the body begin to lag behind in development.
  • Iron - maintains the level of red blood cells in the plasma, saturates all tissues and organs of the human body with oxygen.
  • Sulfur is responsible for the synthesis of callagen and is one of the main elements of rejuvenation.
  • Magnesium is an excellent immunostimulant, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is involved in the process of tissue regeneration.

Treatments with Dead Sea salt:

  • Peeling. Cleanses, rejuvenates, nourishes and stimulates the skin, effectively fights cellulite.
  • Body bath. General health procedure: strengthens, relaxes, stimulates, activates blood circulation. Used for medicinal purposes.
  • Hand baths. Relieves joint diseases, skin diseases (felons, minor wounds, hangnails, “pimples”), makes the nail plate stronger, preventing brittleness and delamination.
  • Foot baths. They stimulate systemic blood flow, relieve rheumatoid pain, relieve fatigue by cleansing pores, and effectively combat excessive sweating. By softening calluses and corns, you can get rid of them with less effort. Heals cracked heels.
  • Dead Sea salt compresses. Helps quickly heal small cuts, wounds after burns, and ulcers. The procedure accelerates the process of resorption of hemorrhages (hematomas), the rapid “maturation” and emergence of boils and other abscesses.
  • Rejuvenating morning cryomassage of the face, neck and décolleté.

Benefits of Dead Sea Sea Salt

Sea water is an excellent healing agent, and the benefits of sea salt from the Dead Sea are simply irresistible, thanks to the high concentration of salts, trace elements and minerals that make up the salt conglomerate.

The list of diseases that this product treats is huge:

  • Diseases of the epidermis:
    • Mycoses I - II stages.
    • Psoriasis.
    • Scleroderma.
    • Ichthyosis.
    • Erythroderma.
    • Lichen planus.
    • And many others.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs:
    • Bronchitis.
    • Asthma.
    • Chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.
    • Pharyngitis.
    • Rhinitis.
    • Laryngitis.
    • Tonsillitis.
    • And other diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Diseases of joints and connective and bone tissues:
    • Polyarthritis.
    • Rheumatism.
    • Bursitis.
    • Osteochondrosis.
    • And others.
  • Gastrointestinal tract:
    • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
    • Colitis.
    • Liver and urinary tract dysfunction.
    • Gastritis.
    • Intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Neurological problems:
    • Sleep disorder.
    • Depressive state.
    • Stress.
    • Neuroses.
  • And much more.

For health purposes they use: shared baths, hand and foot baths, cryomassages, peeling - massage of the face, neck, décolleté, arms and legs.

For baths, it is enough to prepare a solution of 30 g of sea salt and one and a half liters of hot water. It takes 12 minutes to steam your arms (or legs) in this composition. Two such procedures per week are enough to keep the skin of your hands and feet healthy.

Peeling massage is carried out on the basis of fine sea salt mixed with ordinary shower gel and the addition of a small amount of cream. This composition is rubbed into the skin with light movements. The epidermis gets rid of dead skin flakes, and blood flow is activated in it. This procedure is effective for cellulite.

Salt rubbing. It “accelerates the blood”, all internal processes in the body are accelerated, it receives a sufficient amount of oxygen and substances useful for its full functioning. The solution is prepared at the rate of 80 g of sea salt per five liters of water. Rub with a towel soaked in this composition for 12 minutes. At the end they take a shower.

For cryomassage you will need a tablespoon of sea salt dissolved in 600 ml of water. It is necessary to freeze such a solution in molds. A daily morning massage of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté with such a cube refreshes, tones the skin, makes it elastic and healthy.

General baths, which can be taken no more than once every three days, calm the nervous system, tone muscles, and are an excellent prevention of colds. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use them with the consent of the attending physician.

To do this, dilute 200 g of sea salt in a liter of water. The salt should dissolve completely. Only then is it poured into the filled bath.

Benefits of Dead Sea Water

The waters of the Dead Sea are brine - a concentrated solution of various mineral salts, which contains 21 trace elements and minerals. The percentage of suspended matter in water is from 34% to 42%. The benefits of Dead Sea water lie in its unique components: ions of potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, silene, manganese, iron, potassium and many others. It is they who convey to her their excellent healing qualities.

  • Inhalations are perfect for people suffering from chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and the throat-nose-ear area.
  • Rinsing with sea water will encourage faster healing of the wound, will allow you to quickly recover from stomatitis, and will have a beneficial effect on tooth enamel, strengthening and mineralizing it.
  • Nasal drops help thin mucous secretions and make them easier to remove from the nasal passages. The benefits of Dead Sea water are its amazing healing properties.
  • Baths and Jacuzzis with salt sea water are used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

With the current level of development of pharmacology and cosmetology, there is no need to fly to Israel to appreciate the benefits of Dead Sea water. This can also be done at home by purchasing a package of mineralized Dead Sea salt crystals from a nearby pharmacy. But still, the lake itself, its air and climatic characteristics are difficult to replace.

The Dead Sea (lake) is the largest saltwater body of water on Earth. It is located in the east of the Judean Desert, in the territory of Israel, Palestine and Jordan (Fig. 1).

The sea was formed at the bottom of the Syrian-African Rift, a huge depression in the earth’s crust formed due to the movement of continental plates in ancient times.

Currently, the Dead Sea consists of two separate basins with a total area of ​​650 square meters. km, separated by an isthmus, which appeared in 1977.

The Northern Basin is a larger and deeper reservoir, its maximum depth is 306 m. In the Southern Basin, the water level is regulated by humans, the average depth is about two meters. The Dead Sea is located at 423 m below sea level, the lowest point on Earth.

Rice. 1 Geographical location of the Dead Sea

Since ancient times, people have been aware of the unique properties of the Dead Sea and its gifts - salt and mud.

Archaebacteria (from the Greek archaios - “ancient” and “bacteria”) are a group of prokaryotes that differ from true bacteria (eubacteria) in some biochemical features. This allows them to survive in the most extreme conditions. For example, halobacteria live in high-salt environments, including the Dead Sea. They have a special type of photosynthesis, in which light is absorbed not by chlorophyll, but by bacteriorhodopsin. The formation of a characteristic red coating on the coast of salt water bodies is associated with bacteriorhodopsin from halobacteria. Halobacteria are one of the oldest inhabitants of our planet, among which there is not a single pathogen.

The name “Dead Sea” was first mentioned in the works of the ancient Greek scientist Pausanias, who lived in the 2nd century. n. e., he was one of the first to explore this body of water. Pausanias gave the lake this name because it was believed that due to the high salt content it could not contain life. However, about 70 species of archaebacteria and fungi have been discovered in Dead Measure.

Today it is known that about 50 billion tons of twenty-one types of natural minerals are dissolved in the water of the Dead Sea. Moreover, the concentration of these minerals is very high: from 280 to 420 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Because of this, it is impossible to drown in the Dead Sea - the concentration of salts is too high, the water is dense and oily to the touch. Moreover, 12 minerals are unique - they are found only in the Dead Sea. The uniqueness of the mineral composition is determined by the diversity of the surrounding rocks (Precambrian, volcanic, Paleozoic, etc.).

In terms of salt composition, the Dead Sea differs sharply from other seas on the planet (Fig. 2) - for example, the sodium chloride content is 25–30 and 77%, respectively. The share of magnesium salts (chloride and bromide) in the Dead Sea accounts for up to 50%. It is also unique that it is possible to crystallize potassium salts from the water of the Dead Sea (even in artificial evaporation pools, as a rule, it is not possible to extract potassium salt from sea water).

Rice. 2 Salinity of the seas (ppm)
Permille – total salt content in 1 kg of sea water

Partial extract from the balneological report of the Russian Scientific Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Balneology on the therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea, southern coast, Jordan, 25 km from the city of Karak, No. 14/639 dated 12/27/04

“In the samples submitted for research, the sludge has a homogeneous, ointment-like consistency, yellowish-gray with black spots, a fawn color on the surface, a characteristic odor and sediment of the liquid phase. Crystals of salts and other mineral inclusions are not visually visible.

The physicochemical parameters of the silts generally correspond to the salt-saturated variety of sulfide muds and are close in their values ​​to other natural silts of the Dead Sea...

...the mud of the southern shore of the Dead Sea (Numeirah Plant, Jordan), based on their physical and chemical parameters and in accordance with the Classification of mineral waters and medicinal mud for the purposes of their certification by the Ministry of Health of Russia MU No. 2000/34, should be classified as medicinal sludge salt-saturated weakly sulfide bromine dirt. Their balneological value is due to their viscoplastic properties, moderate heat capacity, high content of water-soluble salts, including bromine and boron, as well as the presence of iron sulfides and other colloidal particles, which give the mud increased adsorption capacity.”

The Dead Sea has existed in its current shape for 5 thousand years. During this time, a sedimentary layer of silt 100 m thick, the so-called mud (peloids) of the Dead Sea, accumulated at its bottom. They contain 45% salts, 5% biomass and 50% water.


The Dead Sea is a famous health resort. Closely associated with this place is the concept of “climatotherapy” - treatment based on the use of unique natural, climatic and weather features. The healing properties of the sea and its coast are endowed by an unusual combination of atmospheric, temperature, and chemical factors. Firstly, it is air saturated with microelements. Due to the evaporation of water (about 2 billion cubic meters per year), the oxygen concentration in the air is 10% higher than at sea level itself. Secondly, the sun shines here 300 days a year, and the average air temperature is +22–290 C. Due to the very intense evaporation of water, there is always a dense haze over the Dead Sea, protecting against intense UV irradiation. The haze allows you to increase your time in the sun and saturate your body with micro- and macroelements without diving into the sea. And the third unique component is sea water. All this makes the Dead Sea area a balneological resort created by nature itself.

World and Russian markets for Dead Sea salt and mud

Only two countries export natural salt and mud from the Dead Sea to the world market - Jordan and Israel. Most of the reservoir belongs to Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan); this territory is little developed. The Israeli coast has a more developed infrastructure: there are pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories, fertilizer plants, hospitals, SPA hotels, etc.

On the Russian market you can find salt, mud and Dead Sea water from different manufacturers. However, in order to understand the variety of products presented, you need to understand that the centuries-old exploitation of this natural site began since the time of Cleopatra and continues very actively now. Intensive human economic activity in this region has brought the natural reservoir to the brink of an environmental disaster, the main reasons for which were the economic use of waters that previously flowed into the Dead Sea, pumping out groundwater and climate change (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Shallowing of the Dead Sea and soil failures on the coast

As a result, limited amounts of salt and mud are released onto the market - these natural resources are protected by local authorities to avoid further shallowing and disappearance of the Dead Sea (scientists estimate that with unrestricted use it will completely dry up in less than 100 years). For example, the extraction and sale of Dead Sea salt and mud in Jordan is strictly regulated by the issuance of quotas by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry indicating the extraction basin (limited area) of the Dead Sea, as well as the issuance of a medical license indicating the payment of taxes in the proper manner. If we compare the amount of Dead Sea salt and mud presented and sold on the Russian market with customs data on their import from Israel and Jordan, it becomes obvious that the market is flooded with counterfeits.

Dead Sea Salt

Chemical composition

There are several distinctive features that allow us to determine that this is Dead Sea salt in its natural, natural form. The accompanying documentation must indicate the country of production (Jordan or Israel), the number or location of the pool (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Example of accompanying documentation

In addition, information must be provided on the method of salt extraction (water, cage); methods of cleaning it, if it was used (evaporation, adding table salt, etc.), and, of course, the chemical composition is indicated. The chemical composition of natural salt can vary, as it depends on the mixing of various waters flowing into the Dead Sea, the presence of underground sources, solar activity, wind direction and other natural and technical factors (Table 1). But it is important to remember that the geochemical properties of Dead Sea salt cannot be reproduced artificially. The main difference is the low sodium chloride (NaCl) content of Dead Sea salt, only 10-12% compared to 96-98% NaCl in regular sea salt.

Table 1 Chemical composition of Dead Sea salt


On the modern Russian market there are many companies that sell ordinary (table, sea, commercial) salt under the guise of Dead Sea salt. Therefore, it is necessary to know the signs by which you can identify a real product. Firstly, this is the appearance of the crystals (Fig. 5). They are different in shape and weight, slightly round, semi-moist and transparent (crystals are made transparent by water structured into an ionic lattice). Secondly, the taste is bitter (bitter-salty) due to the high content of magnesium ions (Mg2 +).

Rice. 5 Appearance of real Dead Sea salt crystals

Partial extract from the balneological report of the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology on artificially prepared mineral water from Dead Sea salt (Jordan), No. 14/640 dated 12/27/04

“The Testing Center for Natural Medicinal Resources of the Russian Research Center for Medical Sciences (accreditation certificate of the State Standard of Russia No. ROSS RU.0001.21ПB07) conducted studies of samples of salt from Dead Sea brine (Numeira Mixed Salt & Mud Company). Salt is obtained from the water of the Dead Sea by settling it through evaporation using solar heat and further preparation in special installations.

To study the composition and quality of salt for the purpose of its subsequent use in balneotherapy, 30 g portions of it were dissolved in 1 liter of distilled water and Moscow water supply. The process of complete dissolution occurred instantly, without the release of impurities and sediment.

As a result of the tests, it was established: samples of artificially prepared solutions are bromine (Br ~ 124.0 mg/dm3), highly mineralized (M 17.92 g/dm3) sodium-magnesium chloride (SG 100, Mg2+ 61, Na+ 39 mg-eq. %) mineral waters without color and odor.

In accordance with the Classification of Mineral Waters of the Ministry of Health of Russia, artificially prepared mineral water based on Dead Sea salt can be used in medical practice in hospital and at home in the form of general and local baths or special salt compresses, the optimal mineralization of which should be in the range of 20–60 g/ l".

Mechanism of influence on the human body

Dead Sea salt can be used for baths, applications, compresses and rubdowns. An aqueous solution of salt affects human skin, and it is the largest organ. This is one of the best ways to deliver minerals and trace elements to the body. The saline solution overcomes the transepidermal and transfollicular barriers, penetrating through the skin into the blood, and transfers healing micro- and macroelements to it. Salt also contains natural enhancers (substances that help the transdermal penetration of other beneficial substances). This property allows the Dead Sea salt to be used for the production of cosmetics and body, face and hair care products.

Dead Sea salt is used in balneotherapy (from the Latin Balneum - “bath”). This is the treatment of diseases with the help of natural (or artificially prepared) mineral waters. Artificially created solutions of Dead Sea salt for external use are used by resorts, hospitals and SPA hotels. The use of Dead Sea salt for health and cosmetic purposes helps strengthen the immune system; relieve fatigue; improve the condition of the skin, give it elasticity and silkiness; smooth out wrinkles; reduce weight; improve blood circulation and metabolism.

Dead Sea mud

Over the five-thousand-year history of the Dead Sea, a sedimentary silt layer about 100 m thick was deposited on its bottom. This is the mud of the Dead Sea, which is as unique as its salt. This product is a highly mineralized silt sulfide mud (320.7 g/l), which is why it contains no pathogenic microorganisms. The CFU content in mud varies from 0 to 300 units and depends on where exactly the mud settles on the seabed and on the characteristics of sea water.


Real Dead Sea mud has the following distinctive features (Fig. 6): thick, creamy consistency; gray or gray-black-brown color; earthy smell with notes of iodine, bromine. It is also important that when applied to the skin, real Dead Sea mud does not spread, whereas glycerin, for example, is often added to counterfeit products. An intact sample of this product will have a thick consistency, but will spread when applied to the skin.

Rice. 6 Appearance of Dead Sea mud

The chemical composition of Dead Sea mud is given in table. 2. It also contains 21 natural biominerals, including quartz, kaolin (white clay), bentonite, copper, zinc, iron, lithium, cobalt, iodine, manganese, sulfur and others. Important characteristics of mud are its physicochemical indicators: humidity, volumetric weight, hydrogen index, heat capacity, shear strength, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP, Eh), contamination with mineral particles 0.25–5.0 mm in size, sulfide content , bromine, mineralization of mud solution, sanitary and bacteriological indicators. The content of toxic elements - mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc and copper - in dirt samples must meet the standards (Table 3). There should be no radionuclides in the dirt.

Table 2 Chemical composition and physical and chemical characteristics of Dead Sea mud

Name of product: natural Dead Sea mud

Class: natural as is

Typical chemical analysis

00,50 – 00,90%

03,50 – 09,50%


05,50 – 11,50%


01,70 – 04,00%

30,00 – 45,00%

Physico-chemical characteristics of different samples of Dead Sea mud


Mud off the southern coast of the Dead Sea (Numeira plant), September 2004.

Mud off the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, Jordan, February 1995.

1. Humidity

2. Volumetric weight, g/cm3

3. Shear strength, dynes/cm2

4. Particle contamination 0.25–5.0 mm

5. Miner. inclusions >5.0 mm in size



7. ORP, Eh, mb

8. Heat capacity, cal/g. hail

9. Iron sulfides, % for cheese. dirt

10. Mineralization of mud solution, g/dm

11. Bromine, mg/dm

12. Boric acid, mg/dm3

Table 3 Standards for the content of heavy metals in soils and mud of the Dead Sea

If the Dead Sea mud is real, then it has the following beneficial properties:

  • absorbs excess sebum, cleanses, nourishes, tightens the skin, smoothes wrinkles and slows down the aging process;
  • stimulates blood and lymph circulation processes, improves oxygen supply to the skin, relieves swelling;
  • has an anti-stress effect on the body, relieves pain from radiculitis, neuritis, and spinal diseases;
  • has bactericidal properties, reduces irritation and inflammation, heals wounds, relieves muscle tension after training and physical work.


The complex use of the gifts of the Dead Sea, namely salt and mud, is widely used in balneology, spa treatment, the SPA industry, the production of cosmetics, and dietary supplements. With the correct selection and use of these products, health is improved due to the body’s absorption of unique natural minerals.