Temple of Athena in Side. Antique side - museum and antiquities. Temples of Apollo and Athena

Temple of Apollo in Side (Türkiye) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Temple of Apollo in Side, as the local guides assure, served as the meeting place for Queen Cleopatra and the commander Mark Antony. Which is quite possible if we remember that the building was erected in the 2nd century BC. e., although there is no documentary evidence of the legend. 8 centuries later, it was demolished by an earthquake along with the nearby temple of Pallas Athena (or Artemis). A natural disaster deprived us of the opportunity to admire the beautiful creation of ancient Roman architects on the shores of the azure sea, but even its ruins are admirable.

What to see

The Temple of Apollo was surrounded by 66 columns around the perimeter, only 5 of them survived, the rest lie in rubble that littered the entire territory. White marble 9-meter pillars with Corinthian finials support the corner of the pediment with bas-reliefs of the Gorgon Medusa. The path to the columns through the ruins is fenced with a metal mesh, through which you can see the surviving foundations, fragments of walls and ceilings. The fine work of stone carvers, whose tools were only hammers and chisels, is amazing.

Access to the ruins of the neighboring temple is closed; everything there is hanging on by a thread and could collapse at any minute. In the evenings, the lights turn on, and the columns seem to float above the waves in the beams of spotlights. It looks especially romantic from the side of a boat, and even more wonderful from an expensive yacht.

Practical information

Address: Side, Manavgat, Side Mahallesi. GPS coordinates: 36.764128, 31.386582.

How to get there: by taxi or minibus to the stop. Side Otogarı. Entrance to the Temple of Apollo is free.

The ruins of the temples of Apollo and Athena in Side are located in a picturesque location on the shore of the bay and are rightfully considered one of the most romantic attractions in Turkey. According to legend, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra invited Mark Antony on a date to one of these temples.

Both temples date back to 150 BC and form a single architectural and historical complex. Fragments of white marble columns and stylobates survived from both buildings. But in the penultimate decade of the last century, part of the colonnade of the Temple of Apollo - six columns 8.9 meters high - was restored and became a symbol of the city. The time and reason for the destruction of the temples are not known with certainty. According to the official version, it took place earlier than the fifth century AD.

Temple of Apollo

The ancient Temple of Apollo fits perfectly into the picturesque nature of the Side Peninsula. For the city, Apollo was considered the main god, personifying the sun. In Ancient Greece, the god Apollo was considered the patron saint of teachers and muses, travelers and sailors, art and science.

The temple is a rectangle with equal length and width (30 and 17 meters, respectively). The six rows with columns looked especially grandiose, each containing 11 columns that previously decorated the temple. The columns rose high into the sky, as their height reached 8.9 meters. As for the parapets, they were built in the Corinthian style. Currently, only a few columns remain, but they have been carefully restored and display their original appearance.

The Temple of Apollo was built of white marble, dating back to the second century BC. It served as a place of worship. For lovers of beautiful photos, it is recommended to take pictures of the temple at sunset, because the glare of the setting sun looks good on the old marble columns. Next to the Temple of Apollo is the Temple of Artemis, the goddess of the Moon.

Temple of Dionysus

The so-called "Temple of Dionysus" dates back to the third century BC. In fact, it is not known for certain which deity was worshiped in the temple. However, the location of the temple suggests that it was dedicated to the god Dionysus, the patron saint of inspiration.

Today, it is quite difficult to find the remains of the building - they are lost between the Roman Theater and the columned Harbor Street, near the monumental arch. However, the surviving elements of the foundation make it possible to accurately establish the purpose of the structure and reconstruct its approximate appearance. The interior of the temple had classical Roman proportions, occupied an area of ​​seven by seventeen meters and was located on a special podium. One could ascend to the interior of the temple via a staircase of seven steps. The entrance to the temple was decorated with four columns with red granite bases.

Tyukhe Temple

The Tyche Temple is located in Side on the territory of the agora - a trading area. Tyukhe is the goddess of luck and the guardian spirit of the city.

The Tyche Temple in Side is a pyramid with twelve sides and a dome. The vault once depicted the signs of the zodiac.

The obligatory attributes of Tyukhe are a crown (often stylized as a city wall), a cornucopia filled with fruits, and a child. The commonality of the attributes sometimes evokes associations with the cult of Demeter, the goddess of fertility. However, the personification of the deity is closer to the image of Fortune.

Today, the Tyche Temple in Side belongs to the “field of ruins” and is open to the public along with other architectural monuments of the agora architectural complex.

The city of Side in Turkey is one big attraction. Locals and tourists walk along the streets paved two thousand years ago, between ancient columns, arches and aqueducts... And everything is free! After all, modern Side fits perfectly into ancient Side, and they don’t charge money to enter the city. But even in this museum city there are special places. Let's highlight the main attractions of Side.

Sights of Side: photos, map, how to get there yourself

The main attractions of Side: contents of the article

The city of Side in Turkey: a brief historical background

Before describing the sights of Side, let's briefly talk about the rich history of this amazing place. The city on this narrow peninsula in the Mediterranean was founded by Greek settlers in the 7th century BC. True, before them there was a small village called Side, which means “pomegranate” in the Aboriginal dialect. Over time, Side became the most important port in the area, which did not prevent it from surrendering to Alexander the Great without a fight in 334 BC. e. Two hundred years later, Side became part of the Roman Empire and, as part of it, became a major center of entertainment and trade. Here was the largest slave market. Side later became part of Byzantium, but in the 7th century, due to devastating earthquakes and Arab raids, people left the city.

Only at the end of the 19th century did residents return to the streets of the city - it was settled by Turkish immigrants from Crete. Gradually, Side again became a center of entertainment - but in the modern sense of the word. I am sure many of you, dear readers, had the opportunity to relax in this wonderful open-air museum!

We also spent several days here and stayed in an excellent and inexpensive hotel Sayanora Park. But the generous gifts of the all-inclusive system did not prevent us from seeing and appreciating the main attractions of Side! Which we will tell you about now.

Side Amphitheater

Perhaps, The main attraction of Side is the ancient amphitheater. It is considered the largest surviving amphitheater in Turkey: at one time it could accommodate up to 20 thousand spectators. Built in the 2nd century AD. By the way, on the stage of the theater there were not only comedies and tragedies, but also gladiator fights, and also battles between people and animals. In Byzantine times, the theater building was also used as a city quarry.

Ticket price: 20 liras.

In ancient Rome, the theater began not with a hanger, but with a room under the stands. And only then the real hanging began!

Sights of Side: The local ancient theater is the largest surviving one in Turkey.

20 thousand spectators were placed on all tiers of the theater, including the top (entrance to it is now closed).

Since ancient times, a photo shoot at the ruins has been a favorite pastime for the residents of Side.

Ancient theater in Side: after several centuries of raids and earthquakes, the stage was poorly preserved.

However, some images, carvings and other details are clearly visible.

Fountain Nymphaeum

The Nymphaeum Fountain is located just on the way from the bus station or from many hotels to the Old Town of Side. Built in the 2nd century AD. It used to be three-story and very beautiful: marble, elegant statues, frescoes... Now there are only two floors left. Or rather, one and a half. But the building was still preserved relatively well.

By the way, the fragments with rather interesting carvings, piled up in front of the fountain, are its parts that broke off due to earthquakes.

Entry price: free.

Nymphaeum Fountain in Side: what it looks like now and what it was like almost two millennia ago.

Side attractions: the Nymphaeum fountain is the first thing that will greet you on the way from the hotel to the Old Town.

Gate of Vespasian

This triumphal arch impressed us even more than other attractions in Side. The tall (about 6 meters!) gate was built in the 1st century AD in honor of the Roman Emperor Vespasian. According to legend, the emperor gave the architects the task of creating the Arc de Triomphe with the expectation that in 2000 years a double-decker tourist bus would pass freely under it. So now tourists and cars scurry under it, seeming like ants against the backdrop of the gate. In the niches of the wall next to the gate there used to be statues of noble citizens and, in fact, the emperor (now the monument to Vespasian is kept in Berlin).

Entry price: free.

Sights of Side, Türkiye. Vespasian's Gate: front view...

...and the rear view.

Temple of Apollo

You will see photos of this particular Side attraction on most tourist brochures and advertising posters. However, all that remains of the majestic building of the Temple of Apollo in Side are five columns. Moreover, it seems that they appeared here not without the participation of modern technical means))) And in the 2nd century, when this temple was built, it was a large rectangular building surrounded by 34 columns nine meters high. The Temple of Apollo in Side was destroyed by an earthquake in the 10th century.

Entry price: free.

Sights of Side, Türkiye. The canonical photo of the Temple of Apollo, which is in the album of any tourist who has visited this city.

Take the time to return to the Temple of Apollo at sunset, like we did. You'll have to go through a gauntlet of annoying waiters, but you'll get this as a reward!

Side Ancient Art Museum

Not all Side attractions are open-air. Many interesting exhibits found during excavations in the city of Side are located in the local historical museum.

The Side Museum is located near the Vespasian Gate in a perfectly preserved 5th-century Roman bathhouse. The museum has several rooms divided by theme. And of course, a cozy courtyard with peacocks and the inevitable Turkish cats. By the way, you can take pictures in the museum freely.

Ticket price: 10 liras.

The entrance to the Side Museum is located at the very Vespasian Gate.

Side attractions on the city map

Popular hotels in Side

Many of Side's attractions are located close to the hotels. Therefore, the location of the hotel is not so important - the main thing is to pay attention that the reservation system shows you the hotel in Side, and not somewhere on the outskirts or in neighboring Manavgat, located far from the sea. Food in restaurants in Side is expensive, so we recommend staying in either all-inclusive hotels or self-catering apartments. You can book a hotel in Side using many booking systems:

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In a picturesque area near the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the south of the Side peninsula, grandiose temples were once built. One of them is in the east. It was dedicated to Apollo. The second, western temple, was dedicated to Artemis. These were the main gods of the city, personifying the Sun and Moon. Apollo and Artemis were twins.


In Greek mythology, the god Apollo was a golden-haired young man with a good physique. He always carried a silver bow and golden arrows with him. Apollo was considered a predictor of the future, patron of the sciences and arts, road travelers, sailors, a healer god, leader and patron of the muses. In addition, he knew how to cleanse people who committed murder.
The base of the Temple of Apollo is a rectangle, its length and width are 30 and 17 meters respectively. In ancient times, the temple had six rows with columns. Each row had eleven columns, the height of which reached 8.9 meters. The parapets were made in the Corinthian style. To this day, only a few columns have survived, which have already been restored and reinstalled. The construction of the Temple of Apollo was made of white marble in the 2nd century BC.


The Temple of Apollo was built in the peripterian style; it had the shape of a rectangular building, which was surrounded on four sides by a colonnade. There were 12 columns in front and behind, and 22 columns on the sides of the temple. The architrave on the column was decorated with floral patterns and images of the heads of Medusa.
Nowadays, the temple is still attractive to tourists who come here from different parts of the world to admire its grandeur and beauty. This place is especially interesting for professional photographers who want to capture the marble columns. Experienced tourists and those who are coming here not for the first time are recommended to explore the Temple of Apollo at sunset, when there is an opportunity to catch the gentle rays of the sun playing on the old stones. At night, the temple is elegant, as it is illuminated. According to legend, this place was also a symbol of love between the great Roman commander Anthony and the Egyptian queen and beauty Cleopatra.
The date of destruction of the landmark is still unknown, but it is believed that it was buried in ruins as early as the 5th century. Today, only 5 columns and small ruins remain from its buildings.


Near the temple of Apollo, the temple of Artemis was built around the same time. This is not at all surprising, since in those distant times Apollo symbolized the Sun, and Artemis symbolized the Moon. The temples stood opposite each other, as if symbolizing these celestial bodies, now hiding behind the horizon, now shining, changing each other

It is impossible to go to Side without visiting its most picturesque and famous place - the Temple of Apollo. This is probably the most photographed monument in Side, which is a symbol of the city. The image of the five columns of the Temple of Apollo can be seen almost everywhere - on postcards, advertising posters, tourist brochures and even on sewer manholes! One day we decided to go to this historical place and see with our own eyes what the ancient temple of Apollo in Side looks like now.

Temple of Apollo in Side back in the 2nd century AD. erected in honor of the ancient god Apollo, patron of beauty and art. Unfortunately, this “calling card” of the city was seriously damaged during a powerful earthquake a thousand years ago. This beauty took several decades to build, but it was destroyed in just a couple of hours...

Initially, the temple had a strict shape of a rectangular building, surrounded on all sides by a colonnade of white marble. All that remains of all this splendor are picturesque ruins, the remains of a foundation and five columns.

Today, the remains of the temple are under state protection. Every year a large sum of money is allocated from the budget for its restoration and protection.

The Temple of Apollo is called the most romantic and most photographed monument. According to legend (which, most likely, was invented by local guides), it was built by order of the military leader Anthony in honor of the Egyptian beauty Cleopatra.

2. Useful information

2.1. Visiting time

You can admire the remains of the temple at any time - the attraction is open to tourists around the clock. They say that in the evening they even turn on beautiful lighting here.

2.2. Price

You can look at the ruins absolutely free - the territory is not fenced in any way. Although just a couple of years ago you had to pay 3 liras for entry.

2.3. Where is

The temples are located in the southwestern part of the harbor right on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Location on the map:

Road to the Temple of Apollo. On the left are the undisassembled remains of the columns, on the right is the Temple of Athena:

2.4. How to get there

The nearest bus stop from the nearest cities to the temple is approximately three kilometers away. So it is very inconvenient to travel here by public transport.

  • By taxi. It makes sense to take a taxi to the temples from the suburbs of Side (quickly and conveniently).
  • On foot. The most picturesque road to the Temple of Apollo is through the old town with narrow streets and souvenir shops.
  • Book a tour. A visit to the Temple of Apollo is included in almost everyone's program. The most popular options: “Ancient City” (on foot) and “Sea Voyage” (yacht plus a walk through the old part of Side).

From the sea, the Temple of Apollo looks very impressive:

3. Photo story

Columns once stood on these giant circles:

By some miracle, this column remained in place (most likely, it was installed recently):

The site offers stunning views of the sea:

Crowds of tourists always roam the ruins of the Temple of Apollo:

This is what the Temple of Athena looks like today:

From another angle:

And this fragment of the Temple of Athens seems to have been pulled from the bottom of the sea:

Southern Basilica (5th century AD):

It feels like excavations in Side have only been going on for a couple of years. You constantly come across fragments of statues, buildings and columns, which are simply randomly dumped in one heap.

Undismantled remains of the Temple of Apollo behind the fence:

Most of the attractions are fenced off:

The height of each column is almost nine meters! How could such a colossus be built two thousand years ago?

Initially, the upper part of the columns was decorated with floral patterns:

Even from a small fragment you can appreciate the amazing subtlety of the work:

Remnants of former greatness leave a feeling of some kind of understatement:

List of everyone who helped restore the temple:

To take a photo “without strangers” we had to wait quite a bit:

Remove all people from the frame - and the postcard photo is ready:

You won’t be able to swim here – the coast is too rocky:

4. Conclusions

The Temple of Apollo is the “calling card” of Side. Unfortunately, little remains of the once majestic temple. But it’s still worth looking at this example of ancient architecture with your own eyes: the 2nd century AD!