Adygeis Territory of residence Adygeis (self-name Adyghe) people in Russia and abroad, the indigenous population of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory, including. Adyghe people: culture, traditions and customs Folk culture of the Adyghe traditions and innovations

Presentation on the topic: History of the Circassian people
Presentation prepared by:
Student of group No. 12a
Belimgotov Islam Beslanovich
Project manager: Eremin
Vladimir Nikolayevich

moral and social rules that
complied with in all circumstances.
It was these rules that determined the rights and
responsibilities of each person, group or
of people.
provisions had to be adhered to
them, since any deviation from them
was considered shameful and inadmissible.
However, these rules were supplemented or
changed according to circumstances.
“Adyge Khabze is a measure of behavior
people, as a result of repeated and
giving positive results to society
and family - this is the custom.”

National clothing and Kabardian horse breed

Beautiful and comfortable clothes of the Circassians consist
from beshmet or arkhaluk, cherkeska, buttons,
duvets, burkas and hats trimmed with galloon, with
a bashlyk reminiscent of a Phrygian cap.
There were strict rules for wearing it.
The manner of wearing a Circassian coat was also very important. Her
worn buttoned and belted with a narrow
a belt on which hung a dagger,
the most striking detail were the gas bottles
- chest pockets with small compartments,
which contained tubes with charges for
weapons - gazyrs.
The Kabardian horse breed (Adygesh) is one of the oldest horse-drawn breeds. Got into everything
world reference books on horse breeding. A distinctive feature of Kabardian horses were strong legs and
a special “cup” shape of the hooves. "In such horses, the muscular part of the sole lay deep, as if at the bottom
an inverted glass, and it was almost completely surrounded by a horny formation, strong as a bone" (S. Mafedzev).
And that’s why the Kabardian breed of horses was not forged.

Like other peoples, in Circassian cuisine
Cereal crops predominated. This can also
explain such an interesting fact that all dishes,
prepared from cereals, began with “khya” - in
translated from Circassian as “cereal”: hyelyue, hyetyk,
Khyegulyve and many others.
The most popular cereal among the Circassians is corn.
(nartykh). Corn reached the Circassians in the 16th century from
North America. The Adygs liked it so much
this cereal that they gave it its own name nartyhu (“nart food”).
When it comes to Circassian cuisine, you need
be sure to pay attention to this
An important fact is that sunflower oil
Circassians began to be used in the 20th century, and before that
time, all dishes were prepared exclusively on
sour cream, butter, lamb fat, which they
were made at home.
The Circassian table and all those rules that had to be strictly observed at the table were firmly rooted and not
They are not subject to any changes; moreover, they are brought to perfection. This includes sitting at the table, dividing
food between those present, and the head of the table, Tjemade, who oversees the meal. He has
an assistant, uneut or shkhegeryt, who makes sure that there is no dirt on the tables; they bring and take away dishes with food.

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Traditions and customs of the Circassians

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I would sit forever and listen to Shepherd's pipe, which is playing with love now. It’s a pity, there is no voice, otherwise the Mountains, rivers, and valleys of the Caucasus would sing about you. But I will try to correct my mistake, If there is no voice, then you can sing in your soul And besides, I want to add this - Everyone can have a pipe in their heart. And I, listening to the song of the shepherd’s pipe, I begin to repeat to myself only one thing - I am so happy, MY HOLY KABARDA, That I am yours, and that I have been given to live on you! Kabardian, which is the native land of my heart. Where my great-grandfather lived, my grandfather, where my father lives. A highlander’s string is stretched in my heart. Touch her and she will sing about you.

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The famous Caucasian historian of the early 19th century, P. Butkov, wrote the following about the highlanders: “In home life they are meek, respectful of old age, moderate in food, sober, and observe the rules of hospitality even against their enemies.”

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Ethics of Kabardians
The Adyghe cultural ethnos (the sum of ideas about how to act in certain situations) is completely subordinated to the Adyghe - a system of moral principles, traditions, and customs inherent only to the Adygs. Adygag'e translated into Russian means “Adyghe ethics”. The word ethics means a set of norms and principles by which people live.

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The Adygs built their way of life on the following principles: 1. Personal moral example of the older generation, storage and transfer of experience. This is evidenced by the Circassian folk proverb “ShIeblem ebgyelaagur and guegushch” (What kind of example you show to the young, that’s how they will be). 2. Protecting your gene pool from negative influences. “ShchykIyr - embankment ukIyzhsch, schikIyr ikIe mekhyu” (He who transgresses moral laws will be the last person, he kills his happiness). 3. A way of life that does not run counter to religious values. 4. Etiquette known for orderliness, ceremony, politeness, courtesy, hospitality. 5. Study of nature, traditional medicine. 6. Hard work and entrepreneurship. 7. The sanctity of kinship and tribal ties. 8. Code of honor, principles of mutual assistance, etc.

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Adyghe folk proverbs
“He who does not value his elders will not receive authority” “They do not call out to the elder - they catch up and speak to his face” “Place of honor goes to the elder” “Having shown honor to the elder, you will earn respect” “He who does not have intention will not find happiness” “Happiness follows the intention” “If you do namys, then you are doing honor to yourself.”

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Requirements of Adyghe ethics in relation to elders.
Elders, according to the requirements of Adyghe ethics, are in a special position, regardless of status or gender. In the presence of elders, the younger one does not sit down. In the presence of a father or older brother, the younger one does not engage in conversation. In the presence of strangers, young people do not speak freely or laugh. Modesty and taciturnity are the heritage of Adyghe ethics. The younger ones do not call out to the older ones, but they overtake them and treat them with respect. They do not cross the road until the elder crosses or passes by. They listen to the elder’s speech with respect, without interrupting.

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Kabardian wedding
This is how Khan-Girey describes the wedding: “Young Circassians, having a free relationship with the girls, have the opportunity to please each other and make their feelings clear. After such an explanation, the man asks the chosen girl to be his wife from her parents through their attorneys. If the parents agree, he gives the girl’s father or brother a gift, which corresponds to a betrothal or an agreement. After this ritual, the chosen girl belongs to her groom (that is, others should not seek her hand and heart).”

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A wedding for the Circassians has always been a joyful event. And not only for the family whose son got married, but for the entire family, clan and even the whole tribe.

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The wedding ceremony is complex, but beautiful.

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Joyful events were accompanied by music, songs, poetic wishes, and dancing.

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Territory of residence Adygeans (self-name Adyghe) people in Russia and abroad, the indigenous population of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory, including the Black Sea coast from Anapa to Sochi, a collective term for Western Adyghe subethnic groups. Adygheans (self-name Adyghe) people in Russia and abroad, indigenous population of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory, including the Black Sea coast from Anapa to Sochi, a collective term for Western Adyghe subethnic groups. Russia Adygea, Krasnodar Territory Anapa, Sochiadygsky Russia Adygea, Krasnodar Territory, Anapa, Sochiadygsky

History On July 27, 1922, the Circassian (Adyghe) Autonomous Region was formed with its center in Krasnodar, which was not territorially part of it. From August 24, 1922 to August 13, 1928 Adygea (Circassian) Autonomous Region. From August 2, 1924 to December 28, 1934 as part of the North Caucasus Territory, then until September 13, 1937 as part of the Azov-Black Sea Territory. With the formation of the Krasnodar Territory on September 13, 1937, the Adygea Autonomous Okrug was included in its composition, remaining there until 1990. On July 27, 1922, the Circassian (Adygea) Autonomous Region was formed with its center in Krasnodar, which was not territorially part of it. From August 24, 1922 to August 13, 1928 Adygea (Circassian) Autonomous Region. From August 2, 1924 to December 28, 1934 as part of the North Caucasus Territory, then until September 13, 1937 as part of the Azov-Black Sea Territory. With the formation of the Krasnodar Territory on September 13, 1937, the Adygea Autonomous Region was included in its composition, remaining there until 1990. Cherkesskaya (Adygea) Autonomous Region of KrasnodarAdygea (Cherkessia) Autonomous Region of the North Caucasus Territory of the Azov-Black Sea Territory of the Krasnodar Territory Adygea Autonomous Region of Cherkessk (Adygea) autonomous region of KrasnodarAdygea (Cherkessia) Autonomous Region of the North Caucasus Territory of the Azov-Black Sea Territory of the Krasnodar Territory Adygea Autonomous Okrug On April 10, 1936, the administrative center of the Adygea Autonomous Region was moved to the city of Maykop, which was also included in the Autonomous Region. On April 28, 1962, the Tula (now Maikop) district of the Krasnodar Territory was annexed to the AO. On April 10, 1936, the administrative center of the Adygea Autonomous Okrug was moved to the city of Maikop, which was also included in the AO. On April 28, 1962, the Tula (now Maykop) district of the Krasnodar Territory was annexed to the joint-stock company. composition of the Krasnodar region. On July 3, 1991, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the transformation of the ASSR into the SSR Adygea. On March 24, 1992, the Republic of Adygea. On October 5, 1990, the Adygea Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed, thus separating itself from the Krasnodar Territory. On July 3, 1991, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the transformation of the ASSR into the SSR Adygea. Since March 24, 1992, the Republic of Adygea.Adygea ASSRKrasnodar Territory President of the RFSSR Adygea Republic of Adygea Adygea ASSRKrasnodar Territory President of the RFSSR Adygea Republic of Adygea

Religion Residents of Adygea profess various religions. Believing Adyghe people are Sunni Muslims. Tatars are also Sunni Muslims. Along with the Koran, they also recognize the Sunnah, that is, the legends about the actions of Muhammad that are recognized as reliable. Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians mainly profess the Orthodox religion. It arose in 395 with the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern. Christianity penetrated into the territory of Adygea in the 16th century. Orthodoxy was widespread among the Adygs. Residents of Adygea profess various religions. Believing Adyghe people are Sunni Muslims. Tatars are also Sunni Muslims. Along with the Koran, they also recognize the Sunnah, that is, the legends about the actions of Muhammad that are recognized as reliable. Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians mainly profess the Orthodox religion. It arose in 395 with the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern. Christianity penetrated into the territory of Adygea in the 16th century. Orthodoxy also spread among the Circassians.

Culture The culture of Adygea is now experiencing a real cultural renaissance. In recent years, a symphony orchestra, a chamber musical theater, and a professional orchestra of folk instruments “Russian Prowess” have been created here. In the Republican Drama Theater, the creative team “Kvadrat” works on the small stage. The art gallery introduces lovers of fine art to the work of famous masters of painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, folk crafts of Adygea, Kuban, Russia, near and far abroad. Adygea is now experiencing a real cultural renaissance. In recent years, a symphony orchestra, a chamber musical theater, and a professional orchestra of folk instruments “Russian Prowess” have been created here. In the Republican Drama Theater, the creative team “Kvadrat” works on the small stage. The art gallery introduces lovers of fine art to the work of famous masters of painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, folk crafts of Adygea, Kuban, Russia, near and far abroad.

Traditions Traditional occupations are arable farming (millet, barley, since the 19th century the main crops are corn and wheat), gardening, viticulture, cattle breeding (cattle and small cattle, horse breeding). Domestic crafts include weaving, weaving, burochka, leather and weapons production, stone and wood carving. Clothing and household items of the Adyghe people have long been decorated with embroidery with gold and silver threads, silk, cord, and appliqué. The patterns are dominated by large plant motifs that sparsely fill the background. Traditional occupations are arable farming (millet, barley, and since the 19th century the main crops have been corn and wheat), gardening, viticulture, cattle breeding (cattle and small cattle, horse breeding). Domestic crafts include weaving, weaving, burochka, leather and weapons production, stone and wood carving. Clothing and household items of the Adyghe people have long been decorated with embroidery with gold and silver threads, silk, cord, and appliqué. The patterns are dominated by large plant motifs that sparsely fill the background.

Traditional clothing Traditional clothing Traditional clothing Clothing of the general North Caucasian type, for men - an undershirt, a beshmet, a Circassian coat, a belt with a silver set, trousers, a felt cloak, a hat, a bashlyk, narrow felt or leather leggings. For women - bloomers, lower. shirt, For women - trousers, lower. a shirt, a tight-fitting caftan, a long swing dress with a silver belt and long sleeve and long sleeve pendant blades, a high cap trimmed with silver or gold braid, a scarf.

Livestock "Circassians keep large herds of cattle and sheep; the wealth of the family is estimated by the number of heads of cattle and horses. Cattle are small, but strong and unpretentious. Bulls are harnessed to carts and plows. Sheep make up almost all the wealth of the Circassians and are the most important the basis of their economy. Sheep are milked and cheese is made from their milk. In the summer, the sheep are driven to pastures in the mountains."Circassians keep large herds of cattle and sheep; The wealth of a family is estimated here by the number of heads of cattle and horses. Cattle are short, but strong and unpretentious. Oxen are harnessed to carts and plows. Sheep constitute almost the entire wealth of the Circassians and are the most important basis of their economy. Sheep are milked and cheese is made from their milk. In summer, sheep are driven out to pasture in the mountains. Since the Circassians are excellent horsemen, they pay a lot of attention to breeding horses that are light, hardy and have very strong legs. "Because the Circassians are excellent horsemen, they pay a lot of attention to breeding horses that are light, hardy and very strong legs."

A. de la Mautray, French traveler “It is almost impossible to believe the huge number of wild animals and game that are found in this land, despite the fact that they are killed here in large numbers, since the entire population is hunters, and hunting here is just as much permitted as much as it is plentiful." It is almost impossible to believe the huge number of wild animals and game that are found in this land, despite the fact that they are killed here in large numbers, since the entire population is hunters, and hunting is just as permitted here , how abundant."

- people in the Russian Federation,
living in Karachay-Cherkessia, as well as in
Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Adygea,
Kabardino-Balkaria and other regions.
The number is about 73.2 thousand.


Traditional male
Circassian costume
single breasted kaftan with
open chest, long
just below the knees, with
wide sleeves.
Young men in
aged warrior wore
Circassian shorts
sleeves - no matter what
restricted movement in

Circassian style strictly differed among men according to
class affiliation color:
white for princes;
red for the nobles;
gray, brown and black among peasants;
(blue, green and other colors are usually
not used).

The cut of the beshmet resembled a Circassian coat, but
was with a closed chest and a stand-up collar,
narrow sleeves, its length was slightly higher
knee, was usually sewn from light and
thinner material, often beshmet was
quilted on a cotton or wool base.

with wide steps they narrowed towards the bottom.
The hat was made of sheepskin, white, black or
brown in color, height varied.

sewn from thin homemade cloth or
purchased material, decorated with basonic
products, rarely embroidered, usually white
but there were also dark shades.

Burka - a long, felt cloak, black,
rarely white. Stacked belt. Buckle
it was used as a carving chair

Shoes - dudes were made of red morocco,
usually found among the upper class,
peasants wore boots made of rawhide or
felt Legs - made of thin leather or morocco,
decorated with braid with garters under the knee with
silver buckles.

Mandatory items of a man's suit were
dagger and saber. Dagger - hilt and scabbard ornate
decorated with silver, usually blackened - that
would not unmask the owner, just like the handle
checkers, but the scabbard of the checkers was decorated with galloon and
gold embroidery (this work was done
young girls of the highlanders). Now only a few
have a full set of national costume and
appear there on holidays.

the clothes were very varied and
richly decorated. Like men's clothing it
varied in class variations. In a suit
women included a dress, caftan, shirt,
pants, a variety of hats and shoes.


KCR speak the Kabardino-Circassian language of the Abkhaz-Adyghe family


summer season are used as food
mainly dairy products and vegetables
dishes that predominate in winter and spring
flour and meat dishes. Most
unleavened puff bread is popular
dough, which is used with Kalmyk
tea (green with salt and cream).
Yeast bread is also baked. Wide
Corn flour and grits are used.

A national dish

dish, libzha - chicken
or turkey with gravy, seasoned
crushed garlic and red pepper.

waterfowl eat
only fried. Lamb and beef
served boiled, usually with
seasoning made from sour milk with crushed
garlic and salt (bzhynykh shyps).

Must be served after boiled meat
broth, after fried - sour milk. From
millet and corn flour with honey for the wedding and
On major holidays they prepare behysyme
(national low-alcohol drink).

on holidays they make halva (from
roasted millet or wheat
flour in syrup), bake pies and pies).

Main activities

livestock breeding (sheep, goats,
horses, cattle);
breeding occupied a special place

were merged into independent
rural communities that had organs
self-government. Their members were tied
mutual guarantee, enjoyed common
land and pasture lands, rights
voices at public assemblies.

Patrilineal kinship groups persisted
(whose members sometimes formed special
quarters in villages), customs of blood feud,
hospitality, kunachestvo. The marriage was strict
exogamous. Marriage prohibitions applied to
all relatives on both lines, for descendants
people who were related by milk. There were
levirate and sororate, atalyism. Marriages took place
through payment of dowry.


had wicker walls on a post frame,
coated with clay, two- or hipped roof
made of wattle, covered with straw, adobe floor.
Consisted of one or more rooms (according to the number in
family of married couples) adjacent to each other in a row
friend, the doors of each room opened onto the courtyard.

served as one of the rooms or a separate one
construction At the wall between the door and window
set up an open fireplace with a wicker smoker,
inside which a crossbar was installed for
hanging the boiler. Outbuildings
also made of wattle, often had a round
or oval shape. Modern Circassians
They are building square multi-room houses.

Culture and religion

ancient culture of the Circassians (Circassians)
the central place is occupied by the moral, ethical and philosophical code “Adyghe”
Khabze", formed under
influenced by the ancient religious system
Circassians and brought to perfection
centuries-old history of the people. In folklore
the central place is occupied by the Nart epic,
whose positive heroes serve
a model of compliance with the Adyge Khabze code.

the art of storytellers and performers
songs. Songs of lamentation are common,
labor and humorous songs. Traditional
musical instruments - violin,
pipe, rattle, various tambourines,
which were played with hands and sticks. At the end
XVIII century became widespread

Circassians in the USSR

In 1921 in the North Caucasus
Gorskaya was formed
Autonomous Soviet
Republic within the RSFSR.
Formed in January 1922
autonomous region in
composition of the RSFSR. 26 April
1926 Karachay-Cherkess
JSC is divided into
Karachaevskaya Autonomous Okrug and
Circassian national
Family tradition.

The basis of family organization in the Caucasus is the superiority of men and the unquestioned authority of elders. Many associate the secret of longevity in the Caucasus with respect for the older generation. It is worth noting that, despite the obvious dominance of the elders, the somewhat free behavior of young people, who always had their own gathering places, was also considered normal at all times.

Birth of a child.

When a child is born in a family, a flag is hung on the roof of the house in honor of the birth of the child. If a girl is born, then the flag is made of variegated fabric, and if a boy is born, then the fabric is plain, usually red. The flag symbolizes that the child is alive, the mother is alive, that everything is fine. Everyone celebrates the birth of a person. This is the price of a person's birth when he is born. In honor of the birth of a child, a tree is planted throughout the year. The tree is planted by my paternal grandfather in my father's yard. The child will water the tree, take care of it, rejoice when it blooms, bears fruit, and sheds leaves.
Only after birth is a cradle made of wood in which the baby is rocked. The Adygs do not prepare anything in advance until the birth of the child. The bedding is prepared by the mother's parents, it is said that if the bedding is prepared by the father's family, then she or he will not be happy in marriage. The cat is placed first in the cradle, not the baby, so that the baby also sleeps soundly. As a rule, the child is placed in the cradle by his paternal grandmother, two weeks after his birth. Everything in the life of the Adygs is sung from birth to death. The lullaby sings about images of the future Adyghe! Grandmother rocks the cradle and sings a song about how brave he will be, how generous he will be, what a good hunter he will become. They sing to the girl, what a beauty she will be, what a smart girl she will be, what a needlewoman she will be, what a kind mother she will be, this is sung in a highly poetic form.

First steps.

When the baby begins to walk, the family organizes the “First Step” ritual. Many guests are invited to this solemn event, a festive table is prepared, games and dances are organized. The baby’s legs are tied with a ribbon, and the eldest representative of the family cuts it with scissors with the words: “Grow strong and healthy baby.” This is done so that in the future nothing will prevent the baby from moving forward. Next, a ceremony is carried out to determine the baby’s future profession. Various objects are placed on the table - books, pens, money and various tools. Then the baby is brought to the table three times and if in all cases he takes the same object, then this is a sign when choosing his profession. Round, sweet, hard bread is baked with milk, but not yeast - this is a symbol of the Firmament. This bread is placed on a round ritual Adyghe table with three legs and the baby is placed with one leg and carefully cut out around the leg. This piece of bread is given to the baby to eat, and the rest of the bread is divided into small pieces by children and adults. Everyone should try a piece of this bread to support the baby’s confident life so that he does not stumble in life.

The first tooth fell out.

Until all baby teeth fall out, they cannot be thrown away just like that. The fallen tooth and one piece of charcoal are wrapped in a plain white rag and thrown over the roof of the house. No one is watching the bag, it hits the roof or flies over the roof.

Wedding tradition.

Residents of rural areas observe wedding traditions and rituals most zealously. And in wedding rituals, respect for elders is clearly shown. It is absolutely not customary for a younger sister or brother to get married before the older one. Oddly enough, at a wedding the bride and groom play a rather symbolic role. After all, the newlyweds do not even see each other in the first days, since they celebrate this event, as a rule, not only separately, but often in different houses. They do this in the company of their best friends and acquaintances. This tradition is called "wedding hiding." The wife must enter the new house on her right foot, always with her face covered. The bride's head is usually sprinkled with sweets or coins, which should ensure financial well-being. The main tradition at a wedding, which is strictly observed, is gifts prepared for each other by families that have become related. A very curious and symbolic gift that is still given today is a pair of warm, beautiful woolen socks for the groom. This gift indicates that his young wife is a good needlewoman. It is quite natural that the new century has made its own adjustments to wedding celebrations. Naturally, registration with the registry office is now a mandatory procedure. Brides also liked the white wedding dress, which gained great popularity in the 20th century and gradually replaced the traditional Caucasian bridesmaid dresses.