Bus schedule to Patriot Park. Military-patriotic park "Patriot". What is it and how to get to it. Exhibition complex Patriot-Expo

Under the auspices of Navalny, in which school-age youth played an active propaganda role. It is difficult to say what prompted them to join these “weak-willed” masses?

Perhaps the promised 10,000 US dollars, which they actively “spent” during their broadcasts on social networks from paddy wagons and buses of the Russian Guard.

Perhaps modern parents do not always care about where their child is and what their child is doing, and their absence is perceived as a reason to make their own decisions, as D.A. Medvedev, “selfish” interests.

And perhaps one of the reasons was the insufficiency, among other things, of patriotic education of the modern younger generation.

I will dwell a little on the last assumption. In modern Russia, a huge amount of effort, time and material resources are devoted to the patriotic education of youth.

The main participant in this process for several years now has been the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the immediate manifestation was Patriot Park, which I was finally able to visit quite recently.

From August 21 to 26, the annual military-technical forum Army 2018 will be held in Patriot Park in Kubinka. The forum site will open for public visits on August 24.

Patriot Park is the largest platform in Russia for displaying modern weapons, military and special equipment. Large domestic and foreign enterprises of the military-industrial complex, design bureaus and research institutes take part in the forum.

The main venue of the forum will be the Patriot Convention and Exhibition Center (CCEC). At the Kubinka airfield and the Alabino training ground there are dynamic displays of weapons, military and special equipment.

International military-technical forum "Army-2018"

For the first time, simultaneously with the Army 2018 forum, the Patriot Convention and Exhibition Center will host the first International Forum “National Security Week” with the participation of Russian law enforcement agencies and a number of federal ministries.

Static exhibition at the Army forum

At the land and water clusters of the Alabino training ground, a unique demonstration program will be presented in the format of the military show “Polite People” - an hour and a half action with the participation of heavy armored vehicles, strike aircraft and assault units. The aviation groups “Russian Knights”, “Swifts” and “Berkuts” will demonstrate their skills. The air battle will be shown by Falcons of Russia.

At the Aviation Cluster (Kubinka airfield), a static exhibition of more than 30 units of aviation equipment of the Aerospace Forces and naval aviation of the Navy. Entrance to the airfield is free. Entry restrictions may occur as the airfield parking lots fill up.

Visitors to the forum will have the opportunity to visit the sites of the Patriot Park without purchasing additional tickets (without excursion services): sites No. 1 and 2 of the museum complex and the military-historical complex “Partisan Village”.

How to get to the Army 2018 forum?

If you decide to go to Patriot in your own car, you can leave your car in the park’s parking lot only if there are free spaces. Cost of entry to the parking lot - 250 rub./hour The first hour and the hour after paying for parking upon departure is free, with 17:00 There is no charge for subsequent hours.

By public transport:

By train from the Belorussky railway station to the Golitsyno or Kubinka-1 railway stations. There will be a free bus No. 4 from the Golitsyno station to the park, and a free bus No. 5 from Kubinka-1. Both routes will work with 08:00 before 19:00 at intervals of about 10 minutes.

Another option is a diesel special train RA-2 from the Kubinka-1 station to the Park Patriot station. Train departures: 09:05, 11:15 , 13:00 , 15:12 , 16:57 .

On days of mass visits, the Central Transport Commission will increase the number of trains on the Belarusian route. On August 24, 4 electric trains “Belorussky Station - Kubinka-1” were scheduled, on August 25 and 26, one additional express and 18 electric trains were scheduled, and the routes of seven electric trains were extended.

In connection with the forum, from August 21 to 26, traffic will be limited on sections of roads near the Kubinka-1 and Golitsyno stations.

The Kubinka airfield can be reached from the Kubinka-1 station by free bus No. 5a: from 09:00 before 19:00 , interval 10 minutes.

Directions, Moscow - Patriot Park, Kubinka airfield

To the Alabino training ground - from the Selyatino station of the Kyiv direction of the Moscow Railway by free bus No. 6. The route will operate from August 22 to 26 from 09:00 before 19:00 at intervals of about 10 minutes. Next, you pass through the security check area, for which you will need an entrance ticket.

You can get to the Patriot Exhibition and Convention Center from the Alabino training ground by free bus No. 3, the route of which is: The operating hours of bus No. 3 are the same as those of No. 6.

Patriot Park in Kubinka is one of the few parks managed by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The facility was opened in 2015, and within three years it has become very popular among residents of the capital region.

Every day the park is visited by 300-500 people. Tens of thousands of guests from Russia and abroad arrive at the festivals organized by Patriot. The park hosts the largest domestic military forum “Army”, which received more than half a million visitors in 2017.

The main goal of the Patriot Park is to educate young people in patriotism, love for the Motherland, and create an attractive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Patriot Park hosts interactive exhibitions, holidays, festivals, car races, shooting competitions, weapons training, master classes, reconstructions of historical events and much more.

What to see in Patriot Park

Museum complex No. 1

Museum complex No. 1 of the Patriot Park is a huge exhibition of domestic military equipment of different time stages. More than 268 aircraft, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery installations, support vehicles, etc. are presented here.

The pavilions house exhibitions provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Central Museum of Armored Weapons and Equipment, and the Russian Aerospace Forces.

First, visitors enter the hall of the historical exhibition “Echoes of War,” where equipment from the Second World War is located. Most of the tanks retained damage caused by enemy shells. The exhibition makes us think about what a difficult and terrible path our grandfathers and great-grandfathers went through.

All equipment was obtained by members of the Patriot Park search group. The park annually organizes expeditions throughout Russia. In 2017, a 1942 tank was raised from the Don River. The car is perfectly preserved and can be seen during a tour of the exhibition at Museum Complex No. 1.

Several exhibitions are dedicated to the Great Patriotic War: “Stalingrad”, “Arc of Fire”, “Liberation” and others.

The Space Forces exhibition will demonstrate the capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces in space. Guests will see navigation, telecommunications, geodetic satellites, devices for probing the planet and lunar research. The exhibition includes a collection of models of domestic launch vehicles.

In the hall of retro cars, visitors will see vintage cars: civilian, military, departmental, cars of the country's leadership, etc.

Guests will learn a lot of interesting things about atomic weapons while visiting the exhibition “Atom in the Service of the Motherland.”

Museum complex No. 2

Museum complex No. 2 is a branch of the Patriot Park, the Central Museum of Armored Weapons and Equipment (CM BTVT). This is a colossal collection of military equipment, one of the largest domestic museums.

The museum was founded 80 years ago and is located in Kubinka. For decades, the Armored Vehicles Center has received the best examples of military equipment: both serial and experimental ones.

The museum's exhibitions allow us to trace the development of the Russian and global military-industrial complex over the course of a century. The collection includes more than 350 samples of domestic and foreign technology. Visitors will see the legendary Karl mortar, which became the main weapon of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, a T-35 tank, a tank firing missiles, a SAU-100U self-propelled missile launcher, a Maus tank, etc.

In 2016, the museum was visited by more than 180 thousand visitors from various parts of the world.

Military Tactical Games Center

The Patriot Park includes the largest military-tactical games center in the region. This is a huge training complex with a total area of ​​27 hectares. The Center hosts training for various units of the Russian army. For the general public, sports competitions, airsoft and laser tag tournaments, shooting and training are held here.

At the Center for Military Tactical Games, everyone will feel like a special forces soldier performing a responsible task. During the training, participants will have to free hostages, destroy terrorist bases, and save the world from a variety of threats.

For children, the Center has created a special area with a tank battle stimulator, an area for blaster battles, and a track for radio-controlled cars.

One of the most interesting objects in this part of the Patriot Park is the Scout Town. Here guests will learn all about the equipment and weapons of scouts, and methods of survival in various conditions.

Multifunctional fire center

Patriot Park offers a variety of shooting activities. The Multifunctional Fire Center (MFOC) has 29 open galleries on an area of ​​more than 250 hectares. This is the largest shooting complex in Russia and Europe. The MFOC hosts shooting competitions and training for Olympic athletes.

The Center hosts classes and competitions in practical shooting - a modern sport that allows you to practice shooting skills in accordance with various situations related to the need to use weapons. In the MFC, shooting is carried out from various types of pistols, carbines, and shotguns.

Guerrilla village

The partisan village in the Patriot Park was opened by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S. Shoigu. The tourist complex includes 17 objects, including “Warehouse”, “Dugout”, “Saboteur School”, “Bathhouse”, “Khozdvor”, etc.

The creators of the Partisan Village reproduced as accurately as possible the life of partisans during the Second World War. Guests will tour all the buildings and exhibitions of the complex and learn a lot about the life and exploits of the soldiers.

At Khozdvor, adults and children will get acquainted with a family of rabbits, chickens, sheep, goats, and horses. Animals will gladly accept treats from the hands of visitors.

After a walk through the Partisan Village, guests will be able to refresh themselves in the food block, tasting army porridge with stewed meat, bread and compote.

Equestrian center

Not far from the Partisan Village there is an equestrian center with two arenas. Each of the arenas has stands for 300 people. The venues are used for performances by the famous Stunt Theater - the only equestrian circus in Russia, founded in 1987 by People's Artist of Ossetia M. Kantemirov. The Stuntman show combines horse riding, acrobatic stunts, knightly tournaments, light and noise effects, excellent costumes and a unique environment.

Guests of "Patriot" will be able to ride horses, ponies, and ride throughout the park on a 19th-century phaeton.

Reconstruction zone

The most important object of the Patriot Park is the Reconstruction Zone. Various historical events are reenacted here. In addition, the latest tanks and armored personnel carriers are demonstrated on the territory of the facility: the vehicles overcome the most difficult obstacle course.

In the Reconstruction Zone of the Patriot Park, the events of many battles of the Second World War, the Napoleonic invasion, and the First World War were restored. Filming of feature and popular science films on military themes often takes place here.

Panorama "Conflict in Syria"

A unique panorama exhibition dedicated to Russia’s participation in the fight against terrorist groups in Syria. Hundreds of artists have reproduced in miniature the ancient city of Palmyra, which was badly damaged by militants.

In addition, the exhibition includes the Russian Khmeimim airbase with miniature aircraft models, a medical camp created by the Russian Ministry of Defense to help civilians, and trophies confiscated from militants in battle.

The exhibition demonstrates the daily life of our soldiers and officers participating in a peacekeeping mission that is extremely important for all mankind.


“Patriot” is the largest military-patriotic park complex of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Russia, located in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. The official opening of the park took place in June 2015; from that moment on, many locations, exhibitions, museum sites and exhibition centers opened on the territory of the military-patriotic complex.

The area of ​​the Patriot Park in the Moscow region is about 5 thousand hectares. This territory has still not been completely filled - to date, numerous projects of museums and venues are being developed in it. The territory of the Patriot military park is divided into 22 zones and contains 10 large objects. The park also has site No. 2 - the Kubinka tank museum, which preserves the history of Russian tank forces and many of the most important exhibits on this topic.

According to the organizers, the main goal of creating the park is to educate citizenship and develop patriotism, as well as instill love for the Motherland.

Opening hours and prices at the Patriot military park

From Tuesday to Friday the park operates on schedule from 10:00 to 18:00. On Saturday and Sunday the park is open an hour longer - until 19:00. The purchased entrance ticket includes access to the exhibitions.


  • adult ticket - 500 rubles,
  • children (from 7 to 17 years old) - 250 rubles,
  • children (up to 7 years old) - free,
  • preferential category of citizens - 250 rubles.

Excursions in Patriot Park in 2020

Group excursions are paid according to a separate price list. Prices vary depending on the size of the group:

  • up to 6 people - 1500 rubles,
  • group of 6 people - 300 rubles per person,
  • open excursion groups - 250 rubles per person.

Game center services:

  • “Captain’s Bridge” (ship control) - 200 rubles,
  • “A real tankman” - 200 rubles,
  • electronic shooting gallery "Vega" - 200 rubles.

You can find out more about the prices for visiting Patriot Park on the official website of the facility.

Exhibitions in the Patriot Park

The military-patriotic complex “Patriot” has a huge number of interesting expositions and exhibition objects at its disposal. In order to have time to visit as many exhibitions as possible, it is worth planning your visit in advance. Each exhibition site of the military-patriotic park is a separate museum, many of them are known outside the park.

Guerrilla village

The military-historical exhibition complex “Partisan Village” is a collective image of all partisan villages organized during the Great Patriotic War. The range of objects available for inspection includes:

  • weapons and ammunition warehouse;
  • sleeping dugouts;
  • "Headquarters dugout";
  • “Saboteur School”;
  • "Red Corner" and many others.

According to the organizers, the interior decoration in the exhibition pavilions was recreated with the help of reliable sources, therefore it reflects military realities as much as possible. Participants in the partisan movement themselves and photographs preserved from the Great Patriotic War helped make the exhibition realistic. A visit to this exhibition site will take about 30 minutes - the excursion includes inspection of the objects and a guided tour. It is possible to conduct thematic excursions for various groups of visitors.

Multifunctional fire center (MFOC)

The firing center includes 29 galleries for open shooting. The total area of ​​the multifunctional fire center is about 250 hectares - it is one of the largest in the world. The area and technical equipment of the MFC allow it to host high-level events, training and shooting competitions. The organizers also report that this facility of the Patriot military-patriotic park complex fully meets all safety requirements and is open to organizing training camps, trainings and other types of events.

"Patriot EXPO"

The Patriot Exhibition and Convention Center became part of the Patriot complex in 2015. This location can be divided into two parts - the exhibition area and the congress center. The exhibition complex of the Patriot Exhibition and Convention Center consists of several indoor pavilions designed to host exhibitions and events. The total area of ​​the exhibition center of the Patriot complex is 80 thousand square kilometers. There is also a restaurant on the territory of the Exhibition and Convention Center, which is ideal for catering during VIP events.

The Congress Center of the Patriot Exhibition and Convention Center includes a conference hall, a VIP room and a meeting room. The conference room is the largest room in the convention center and can accommodate 500 participants. It is also equipped with panoramic video screens, stands, modern technology and stage equipment. The VIP room accommodates up to 60 participants and is equipped with modern acoustic systems and duplicate displays. The meeting room with a capacity of up to 100 participants also meets all the requirements of the events. The total area of ​​the congress center in Patriot Park is about 4 thousand square meters.

Temple in Patriot Park

The foundation of the chapel in honor of St. George the Victorious took place in 2016. Divine services are held there every Saturday at 15:00. In 2018, the idea arose to build a temple memorial complex in Patriot Park. This building should become the main temple of the Russian Armed Forces. The model of the temple has already been presented to the government, and work on the project is currently underway. It is known that the architectural ensemble will be based on traditional temple architecture, Byzantine elements and particles of “modern influence”.

Museum complex

Museum site No. 1 is the largest, featuring about 500 exhibitions of equipment of all types and branches of the military (armored vehicles, nuclear energy, space, aviation museum, private collection “Motors of War”, etc.). At Museum Site No. 2 only armored vehicles are presented; the number of exhibits is over 300. A visit to this site will be doubly interesting for guests who are interested in aviation and various types of Russian defensive equipment. The exhibits are divided thematically into five areas: space objects, historical exhibitions, retro cars, scientific exhibition and military vehicles.

One of the most interesting expositions is the exhibition “Space Forces: Through Hardships to the Stars” - it presents samples of rocket assemblies and many spacecraft, for example, for navigation or remote sensing of the Earth

Also presented here are samples of military equipment from the Central Museum of Armored Weapons and Equipment. Visiting exhibitions at museum site No. 1 can be especially useful for the younger generation, for example, groups of schoolchildren - this way they can better understand the past and the level of development of the military complex in the present.

Armored Museum in Kubinka

Museum site No. 2, The tank museum in Kubinka is a national treasure; it is known almost all over the world. There are many unique examples of armored vehicles from different eras on display here. Visitors who are interested in engineering design and construction will especially enjoy the museum complex - by visiting the museum, you can trace the development of military equipment, weapons of different countries of the world and get acquainted with historically famous objects. Among these, the armored museum presents: the T-35 tank, the Karl mortar and other objects.

Equestrian sports complex

This location is located near the “Partisan Village” complex and is an equestrian sports ground with outdoor and indoor arenas. The first is equipped with a stand with 100 seats and one pedestal. The indoor arena consists of two floors and is equipped with a VIP area. Its total area is about a thousand square meters, and its capacity is up to 300 spectators. This venue allows for equestrian competitions, theater performances, re-enactments of gladiator fights and other events.

The list of objects belonging to the Patriot Park includes several more. Firstly, this is the Center for Military Tactical Games, used as a training complex. Its area reaches 27 hectares and is divided into three zones - indoor, forest and sports. Armed Forces units train in this area. The Center for Military Tactical Games also offers the services of a children's play center, where little visitors can plunge into an exciting game. Secondly, in the military-patriotic park complex “Patriot” there is a reconstruction zone in which military battles and displays of structures are reproduced. Also on the territory of the Patriot Park there is an exhibition “Military Actions in Syria”, which tells in detail about the course of action during the conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic. More details about each of the park's locations can be found on the official website of the facility.

Activities in the park

Patriot Park hosts a huge number of events of various formats every month. For this, the park has all the conditions - a large-scale exhibition center, training grounds, exhibition centers. Quite often, large-scale competitions and all-Russian forums are held at the Patriot Park. The park is also an excellent venue for public holidays and folk festivals.

One of the largest events held in the park is the international military-technical forum “Army”. During the forum, Russian and foreign military specialists gather in Patriot Park to exchange experiences. Also at the forum, as a rule, there are numerous exhibitions showing military power and the level of technical development, as well as images of the products of various trading companies in this area.

By the way, a detailed poster of upcoming events can be found on the official website of the facility.

Additional services

Among the services provided by the military-patriotic complex "Patriot" are excursions for groups of schoolchildren and students. Each of the exhibition halls is available for visiting with a group; you just need to choose the desired direction. Visiting an excursion to Patriot Park is an excellent opportunity to get to know and become more familiar with Russia’s legendary military past. The cost of excursions varies depending on the size of the group.

You can also visit the multifunctional fire center by selecting the desired training. The Patriot Park hosts shooting for beginners and sports shooting for professionals. There is also a pneumatic shooting range in the Patriot Park MFC. The gaming center of the complex is also open to the public - every visitor can practice their favorite martial arts using modern simulators with excellent equipment.

On the territory of the Patriot Park there is also a souvenir shop where you can buy memorable gifts for family and friends - things with the symbols of the park, elements of military uniforms, children's toys, models of military equipment and much more.

For those who want to have a snack while visiting Patriot Park, there are several food outlets on its territory. Firstly, there are two canteens - one of them is located in the “Partisan Village” location. The food in this establishment is thematic and corresponds to the name of the exhibition area. Here you can try army porridge, herbal tea, partisan borscht and other dishes that have already become exotic. There are also street fast food points throughout the Patriot Park. According to the organizers, the food court menu is quite diverse and every visitor will be able to find a dish to suit their taste.

Why it's worth a visit

The Patriot Park in Kubinka will be useful for visiting by the younger generation. Interesting and detailed thematic excursions can instill love for the Motherland from an early age. A visit to the park will also be useful for adults - here you can practice the art of war using modern equipment and simulators. According to tourists, there are so many exhibition areas that it is quite difficult to visit them all in one visit. Visitors also note the transport accessibility and delicious food in the food courts.

How to get there

Patriot Park is located on the 55th kilometer of the Minsk Highway in Kubinka. There are several ways to get here. Firstly, by personal car - you will need to drive along the M-1 highway. You can get there from the center of Moscow in 1.5 hours.

You can also get to Patriot Park from the Mozhaisk bus station by bus No. 457. After getting off the bus, you will need to walk about 1.5 kilometers. The journey will also take one and a half hours.

From the railway station Golitsyno, Belorussian direction (in the direction from Moscow, exit along the bridge to the left, towards the Minsk highway, then straight ahead for 100 meters, then turn right and move another 100 meters to the minibus stop near the Prospekt shopping center, runs every day)

Timetable Art. Golitsyno - Park "Patriot" (entrance group, A) - Art. Golitsyno:

7.40-8.00 8.30-9.00 9.30-10.00 10.30-11.00 11.30-12.00 12.30-13.00 14.30-15.00 16.30-17.00 17.30-18.00 18.30-19.00

Patriot Park is not responsible for changes in public transport schedules on external routes. The information provided is for informational purposes only; for detailed advice, please contact the transport company.How to get to Museum Site No. 2:

From the railway station Kubinka-1 of the Belarusian direction by minibus No. 59 (runs every day) to the “Tank Museum” stop, then straight 10 minutes on foot to Site No. 2 of the Museum complex (800 meters);

Timetable for route 59 from the station. Kubinka-1:6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.15, 8.35, 9.10, 9.45, 10.30, 11.10, 11.50, 13.20, 14.05, 14.55, 15.45, 16.30, 17.20, 17.55, 18.30, 19.00, 19.45, 20.25, 20.45, 21.33 On weekends and holidays, free internal transport is organized between Site No. 2 of the Museum complex and Patriot Park (vip parking)

Timetable MK No. 2 - Patriot Park (vip parking) - MK No. 2:

10.00-10.30 12.00-12.30 14.00-14.30 16.00-16.30 18.00-18.30

Directions to Patriot Park from the center of Moscow

Patriot Park on Google Panorama

Patriot Park on video

A place for interesting leisure is very easy. There are all kinds of museums, theaters, well-kept parks and magnificent estates, the famous Red Square, the Moscow Zoo and many other famous places.

Some of them have been familiar to citizens and guests of the capital for many years, while some have appeared quite recently. For example, the military-patriotic park “Patriot” (Kubinka), located in the Moscow region, has been operating for only two years. But at the same time, it has already managed to fall in love with its many visitors.

When did Patriot Park open?

Forming love and respect for one’s country, creating the necessary conditions for attracting young people to serve in the Russian Armed Forces, instilling citizenship in people - all these are the main tasks of the Patriot Park in Kubinka. The plan for its creation was born in the head of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. It was thanks to him that in the summer of 2014, in honor of the start of construction of the park, a special stone was laid, designed to perpetuate this event.

This huge “Patriot” with an area of ​​5.5 hectares received its first visitors in the summer of 2015, namely on June 16. And since then it has been a fairly popular place where guests of all ages come.

How to get to Patriot Park

The patriotic park “Patriot” is located in Kubinka, at the 55th kilometer. It’s easy to get here by car: you just need to follow the M-1 highway from Moscow to the desired sign.

You can also get here by train or train departing from the Belorussky railway station. You need to get off at the stop “Kubinka-1” or “Golitsyno” and change to a minibus with a special “Tank Museum” logo.

Park opening hours

Patriot Park in Kubinka is open almost every day. There is only one day off here - Monday. The rest of the time, this place gladly welcomes all its guests from 10 am to 6 pm.

What to see in "Patriot"

Park "Patriot" in Kubinka is a military-patriotic park of culture and recreation. Here every visitor has the opportunity to see with his own eyes the weapons of various types of troops and their various equipment. The entire territory of the park is divided into special zones, each of which is interesting in its own way.

All available exhibitions and entertainment can be seen below on the schematic plan of the Patriot Park (Kubinka).

Sites No. 1 and No. 2 are undoubtedly of greatest interest to visitors. What's special about them? The open part of the first site presents a variety of examples of domestic armored, aviation, special and armored vehicles that were created both during the USSR and in recent decades. There are also covered pavilions with very interesting exhibitions. On them you can see vintage cars, military and military equipment with all traces of military glory, special historical exhibitions and even a large collection of spacecraft.

Site number 2 is a huge tank museum covering an area of ​​more than 12 hectares. Here is a collection that includes 350 pieces of equipment from 14 different countries. It is very interesting to visit this part of the park on a tour and learn numerous details about each exhibit.

The “Partisan Village” complex gives each guest an idea of ​​how real partisan villages during the Great Patriotic War were built. There are sleeping and headquarters dugouts, ammunition and weapons warehouses, a bathhouse and other facilities. All of them were recreated based on the memories of the participants and surviving photographs of those years.

The “Motoworld” exposition will present to the guests a collection of rare examples of motorcycle equipment. It is worth noting that each of them is in excellent working condition.

There is a huge shooting range on the territory of the park - a Multifunctional firing center with open galleries, each of which is equipped with spectator seats, pyramids for weapons, and spacious shelving. Various practical shooting competitions are organized here. There is also a military shooting range, which is used for training military personnel and soldiers of various special units.

A center for military-tactical games has also been created in the Patriot Park (Kubinka), where members of the Russian Armed Forces can practice various elements of combat training. Also, all kinds of competitions and sporting events can be organized on the territory of this training complex.

How much money to prepare for visitors

Each guest will have to pay to visit the exhibitions of the Patriot Park (Kubinka). However, this pleasure is quite affordable, so do not be afraid of high prices in advance.

Depending on which parts of the complex tourists plan to visit, the ticket price varies. The cheapest one will cost 200 rubles. Such a ticket will only allow you to visit the “Partisan Village” complex or the “Motoworld” exhibition and the military-technical center. For 300 rubles. you can visit site No. 1 of the complex, and for 400 rubles. - only the second one. But after paying only 500 rubles. per person, you can immediately visit the first site and see the “Partisan Village”, and “Motoworld”, and the military-technical center.

At the same time, children who have not yet reached 6 years of age can visit the Patriot Park (Kubinka) absolutely free. And for preferential categories of citizens and children aged 6 to 17 years, any ticket will cost 2 times cheaper.

It is worth noting that you will not have to pay separately for photo and video shooting, since they are already included in the tickets. But you won’t be able to purchase it in advance - all of them are valid only on the day of purchase.

Various events on site

Patriot Park in Kubinka is not just a huge exhibition that anyone can come to. It is also a whole kaleidoscope of all sorts of interesting events, some of which are directly related to combat aspects.

For example, there is a special zone of military-historical reconstruction, where thematic reconstructions of various battles are held several times a year. In addition to people, they involve a large number of aviation units, armored vehicles, cavalry and artillery. Such events are always interesting to spectators, as they recreate the great battles of the Russian people in the smallest detail.

In addition to permanent exhibitions, specialized exhibitions are also periodically opened on the territory of the Patriot Park, one way or another related to wars or military affairs. Also, at numerous sites in the park, various sports competitions and festive events dedicated to public holidays of the Russian Federation are held.

The congress and exhibition center located here hosts important conferences, various meetings and exhibitions of all kinds of modern and promising military models.

Every resident of Moscow and the region must visit Patriot Park at least once. Indeed, in addition to simply inspecting various equipment, here everyone will be able to feel the power of our state and once again remember how our ancestors defended us during the difficult war years.