Artek is an international children's center. Free vacation in Artek - rules for obtaining a voucher Apply to the official Artek camp

1. Why was the application for a shift at Artek MDC rejected?

1) Duplicate applications registered for 1 person are rejected.

If two or more applications are created for one person, then the one with the maximum rating is automatically left out of all applications. Other applications are rejected.

2) Applications without characteristics are rejected.

At the application stage, you must upload a scanned copy of the specifications.

4) Incorrect information in your Personal Account.

5) A ticket for the current year has already been issued.

2. Why are the achievements loaded into the application rejected in the AIS “Putevka”?

Achievements uploaded to an application may be rejected for several reasons:

– black and white scanned copy of the achievement,

– there is no date, signature or seal on the scanned copy of the achievement,

– low-quality scanned copy of the achievement (blurry image, darkened or brightened, low resolution),

– “cropped” scanned copy of the achievement,

– a scanned copy of the group achievement without confirmation.

A scanned copy of the group achievement must be confirmed by a Certificate from the organization in which the child is studying.

A scanned copy of the group achievement and a Confirmation Certificate are uploaded in PDF format, two documents in one.

– scanned copies of group achievements, if their number exceeds 6. No more than 3 group achievements in the “Awards” category and no more than 3 group achievements in the “Other” category are allowed in the application.

– a scanned copy of the achievement in a foreign language without translation.

An achievement in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation into Russian in Word format, presented in free form.

– date of achievement older than 36 months at the beginning of the shift.

– images of medals, cups, pennants without confirmation of individual participation;

– achievement without indicating full name.

– the achievement was used in an application with the status “Completed”;

– the file is not an achievement;

– the status of the event is unclear;

– achievements at the school level are not considered;

– the achievement belongs to others.

– discrepancy between the place indicated in the achievement and the category of achievement.

– the level of achievement does not correspond to the level of the declared category.

The status of the competition or competition (city, regional, etc.) must be reflected in the text of the signature on the achievement and correspond to the level of the declared category.

The specific reason for rejecting the achievement is specified by the operator in the comments.

1. Awards: all achievements that have a digital designation of place (1st degree laureate, 2nd degree diploma, grand prix, etc.)

2. Other: all achievements without designation of place (diploma winner, participant,

4. How are achievements checked?

Verification of achievements on the Artek.Children portal takes place in 2 stages.

Stage 1– selection of applications that have characteristics and a maximum rating (if two or more applications are created for 1 person, then of all applications the one with the maximum rating is retained).

Stage 2– secondary verification of achievements.

Before the secondary verification stage, applications for shifts are no longer accepted. After completion of the secondary verification, applications of candidates for the main quota are considered according to the maximum rating according to age, gender and number of quotas.

5. Are there any chances to get into the Artek International Children's Center if the application did not qualify for the main quota list in the rating competition?

6. How are candidates for the main quota selected?

The selection of candidates for the main quota group is made based on the maximum rating of applications in each age group. The number of quotas for shifts at the Artek MDC in each age group can be viewed on the website, in the section “AIS Voucher. Schedule for consideration of applications.”

7. How are candidates for the additional quota selected?

The selection of candidates for the additional quota group is carried out in the AIS Voucher from the group of applications that have the status “Did not pass the rating” also according to the maximum rating in each age group after the selection of candidates for the main quota group.

8. How to get a ticket to the Smena All-Russian Children's Center, the Orlyonok All-Russian Children's Center, and the Artek International Children's Center?

There are several ways to obtain vouchers to Children's Centers.

At the All-Russian Children's Center "Smena":

1) commercial voucher.

2) win a portfolio competition organized by local education authorities.

3) get a ticket from a partner:

At the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok":

1) commercial voucher.

2) win one of the competitions announced on the website of the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok"

3) win a portfolio competition organized by local education authorities.

In MDC "Artek":

1) commercial voucher.

2) receive a voucher from a regional partner based on a ratings competition in the AIS Voucher.

3) receive a voucher from the thematic partner

9.What should be included in the confirmation of a scanned copy of a group achievement?

Help confirmation

Dana ______________________________________________________________,

(child's full name)

that he (s) is engaged in ___________________________________________________________________

(name of team/team)

since ____________ by ____________ and as part of a team/team took part in competitions/competitions (list competitions/competitions for which scanned copies of achievements were uploaded to the Application):

Date Manager's signature

10. Status “Voucher received” means that the child received a voucher to the Artek Medical Center?

The status “Voucher received” does not mean that the child is guaranteed to receive a voucher to the Artek Medical Center. A candidate’s application that has received this status is checked by specialists from the Artek MDC; documents sent from the educational institution of the municipality in which the candidate lives are checked. After this, the status of the application changes to “Voucher issued.”

11. You can Should I bring my child to the Federal Children's Center or pick up my child from the Federal Children's Center myself?

All delegations are formed centrally with group booking of air tickets and organized transfer from the airport to the FDC and back.

Transfer to the airport and back is carried out accompanied by parents.

If a child who has received a ticket to the Federal Children's Center under a regional quota does not need a transfer, then, in order to avoid misunderstandings, parents must, within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the package of documents for the trip to the Federal Children's Center, write an Application for Refusal of the Transfer (samples of applications) and send scanned copy to the address [email protected] marked with the name of the FDC and shift number.

At the same time, in your Personal Account on the Artek portal. Children" in the application for which the voucher has been issued, in the "Transfer" tab, you must check the boxes "Arriving on your own" and "Departing on your own" and be sure to indicate the dates and approximate times of arrival and departure from the MDC.

If a child independently travels from (to) the place of residence to the point of departure (from the point of arrival), it is necessary to issue a notarized Permit for independent movement within the territory of the Russian Federation with a mandatory indication of the child’s route of movement. In the absence of the specified document upon arrival at the airport of arrival and the absence of meeting parents (legal representatives), the minor is sent to the police department of the airport of arrival. The original Permit for independent movement of the child must be submitted to the GAU “Meteor” to the coordinating methodologist to certify a copy of this document no later than 2 working days before the date of arrival of the child.

If a child is met by a third party (who is not a parent or legal representative), then a notarized Power of Attorney to accompany the child must be drawn up, which must be submitted to the Meteor State Autonomous Institution to the coordinating methodologist to certify a copy of this document no later than 2 business days before the child’s arrival date.

12. What mean the status of applications in the AIS “Putevka” system?

Applications submitted in the AIS “Putevka” system have the following statuses:

“New” – the application has not been processed.

“Accepted” – the application has been verified by the regional operator and accepted for participation in the competitive distribution.

“Rejected” – the application was rejected by the regional operator.

“Appeal” is an application in which the applicant disagrees with the reason for the rejection of the application or downgrading of the rating and requests its reconsideration.

You can upload characteristics to an application that has the “Appeal” status. There is no ability to adjust achievements.

“Voucher received” – the application is automatically approved by the system.

“Refusal of the applicant” – the applicant has refused the submitted application.

“Filled” - the application is finally approved, the child goes to Artek.

13. Is it necessary to upload scanned copies of completed documents to your Personal Account in the AIS “Putevka”?

In accordance with the Agreement on the referral and admission of children to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "MDC "Artek", the MDC "Artek" does not accept and are subject to referral to a place of residence at the expense of the Sending Party, children who do not have documents formalized in the appropriate manner in the Personal Account of the AIS "Putevka" way.

14. How much does this or that achievement “weigh” in the application?

Name Level Odds
International (full-time): First 30,1
Second 28
Third 26
The Grand Prix 30,1
International (correspondence): First 5
Second 4
Third 3
The Grand Prix 2
All-Russian: First 26
Second 24
Third 22
The Grand Prix 26
Interregional: First 22
Second 20
Third 15
The Grand Prix 19,5
Regional: First 18
Second 16
Third 14
The Grand Prix 18
Zonal: First 18
Second 16
Third 14
The Grand Prix 18,1
District: First 14
Second 12
Third 10
The Grand Prix 14
Urban: First 10
Second 8
Third 6
The Grand Prix 10
Leadership: All-Russian and higher 30,1
Region 20,1
City 10
Social activity: All-Russian and higher 30
Region 20
City 10
Other certificates: All-Russian and higher 30,1
Region 20,1
City 7.5

Over the past few years, Russian schoolchildren have had the opportunity to relax in the Artek children's camp in Crimea. Holidays in “Artek”, as in Soviet times, are a certain privilege that must be earned - 95% of vouchers to the camp are issued by the state free of charge, but not everyone can get them. To go on a three-week free holiday at Artek, a student must have excellence in studies, sports, and creativity. These differences should be supported by diplomas, won Olympiads and other similar documents. How to get a free trip to the Artek camp in 2018, which schoolchildren have the right to apply for a free holiday in Artek, what age restrictions exist.

How are free trips to Artek distributed?

Most of the free trips to this camp are distributed according to regional quotas. Each Russian region, depending on the size of its population, is allocated one or another number of vouchers.

It is clear that there cannot be many such vouchers. For example, in 2017, for the entire year (and not just for the summer season), only 900 vouchers were allocated for the whole of Moscow. And this is the largest region by population. The quota for other regions, regions, territories or republics of Russia will be even smaller.

Several hundred of the best schoolchildren in the region can receive a free trip under the regional quota.

The second way to get a free trip to the Artek camp in 2018 is to become the winner of a competition held by one of the thematic partners of the camp. Such competitions also select the best of the best schoolchildren.

Current information about partners and the competitions they hold, including dates and conditions, is provided on the Artek camp website.

Who can go on vacation to the Artek camp?

The children's camp itself operates year-round, with a total of 15 shifts held throughout the year. Depending on the season, the camp has various age restrictions for children on vacation:

  • in autumn, winter and spring - students in grades 5-11,
  • in summer (June to August) - children from 8 to 17 years old.

As you can see, in the summer, children of primary school age can also relax in Artek. During the school year - only children starting from the fifth grade. The fact is that during the school year classes continue at Artek, and children go through the school curriculum in order to keep up with their classmates. There is no primary school in the camp.

How to get a free trip to Artek in 2018

In order to get such a permit, as we noted above, there are two ways. If you do not participate in one of the special competitions from camp partners, then you can try to pass the regional quota.

To do this, you need to register on the special website “Artek.Children” and fill out an application there. When filling out, you need to indicate a lot of data, up to the size of the student’s clothing (schoolchildren on vacation in the camp are given a special Artek uniform).

The main thing you need to get a ticket is personal achievements.

Such achievements in studies, creativity or sports are confirmed by certificates that need to be uploaded into the system. The more such certificates and other documentary evidence of his achievements a student has, the greater his chances. Each of the certificates gives certain points, and based on the total amount of points, those schoolchildren in the region are determined who then go on vacation to “Artek” for the next shift.

Learn more about how to correctly fill out an application for a free trip to Artek in 2018 in the video at the end of our article.

How much will it cost parents to have a child’s free holiday in the Artek camp?

When applying for a free trip, parents should soberly realize that the vacation will not be completely free. They will have to allocate money in the family budget for:

  • flight or travel to Simferopol,
  • child's pocket expenses during vacation.

As for how much a flight to Simferopol costs, it all depends on how far you live from the western regions of our country and Crimea itself. Typically, each region sends a delegation of children on separate flights, so the cost of the flight can be clarified with the regional coordinator.

As for pocket expenses, those parents who have already sent their children on vacation to Artek talk about the optimal amount of 10,000 rubles per child for the entire shift.

It is advisable to give money to the child in more or less small bills - there will be nowhere to change them in the camp. It is better to give money in cash, since it is not a fact that the child will be able to withdraw it from the card.

These ten thousand are usually spent by the children on souvenirs, clothes with Artek symbols and the purchase of some sweets. Of course, you can get by with a smaller amount, especially if the child is still small. The main thing is that the child does not feel disadvantaged against the general background.

As for the things you need to take with you, a recommended list is provided on the camp's website.

Summer is the most favorite time of the year for most adults, but its onset is especially pleasing for children, who spend their time having fun and forget about annoying activities for three whole summer months. Summer holidays at the same time are a reason for many parents to think about how to organize a vacation for their child. In this case, it is difficult to find a more acceptable and worthy alternative to the Artek children's health camp, where amazing nature is harmoniously combined with historical sights. At the same time, knowing how much a trip to Artek costs, you will definitely want to send your baby there.

What is Artek children's camp like?

Artek is nine children's autonomous camps:

  1. Nautical– a new capital building located on the beach;
  2. « Crystal», « Amber" - hull - a ship located at the foot of the Bear Mountain;
  3. « River», « Ozerny» - three-story summer buildings located a few minutes walk from the beach;
  4. « Forest», « Field» - summer houses in the center of the camp;
  5. « Cypress», « Azure» - dachas in Russian luxury resorts, simultaneously hosting up to 4 thousand children in summer and almost 2 thousand in winter. On its territory there are 70 buildings, and more than 300 species of shrubs and trees grow. The camp also has its own fleet and port, there are exhibitions and 4 museums, 5 libraries and 20 clubs.

Spending the summer in Crimea in this summer camp means becoming much more independent, seeing many unknown and interesting places, making friends, plunging into a completely different world, but the most important thing for a child is to swim in the Black Sea, sunbathe and gain strength for the next school year. Such a youth camp, located in Russia, is attractive, first of all, for its program, as well as the surrounding attractions.

By sending their child to Artek, each parent will give their child the opportunity to learn more about the sights and history of Crimea, as well as enjoy the clean mountain air of the peninsula. Your children will be able to get acquainted with various architectural sights, such as the Vorontsov and Livadia Palaces, Swallow's Nest and so on. They will learn an interesting story about the construction of the Foros Church and visit the Tauride Chersonese Nature Reserve, where Vladimir the Great was baptized.

Why “Artek” cannot bear the costs of preferential stay for children

To date, only a couple of cities and regions have written statements of their desire to send their children to Artek, including Buryatia, Tatarstan, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk and so on. By the way, for many children from organized groups it will be possible to purchase discounted vouchers, that is, the region pays, as a rule, up to 90% of the cost of the voucher. Unfortunately, Artek cannot yet bear such expenses, since the economic situation is very difficult. However, in 2019, Russian schoolchildren can visit other camps, not only private, but also commercial.

As you know, a year ago 95% of places at Artek were distributed free of charge, but how much will vouchers cost in 2019?

The cost of a trip to Artek and what it depends on

In Russia, the sale of vouchers to children's health and pioneer camps has begun. This year, as it turned out, parents will have to pay about 17 thousand rubles for a child’s three-week stay in a budget camp, and in a private camp for two weeks up to 38 thousand. The management of Artek also announced their prices.

So, it will be possible to purchase a ticket to the famous Crimean camp for at least 27 thousand rubles, said Alexander Ryabinin, head of the representative office and deputy general director in the capital.

The cost itself will depend on the camp (there are 9 of them in Artek), the program of stay and the shift. The maximum price will be 59 thousand rubles. In this case, paid vouchers will be distributed in an amount of no more than 5% of all places. All the remaining vouchers will be for the winners, and specifically their owners will be gifted teenagers and children who managed to win various Olympiads, achieved outstanding heights in study, art or science, and also participated in various competitions and became winners.

It is planned to take about 4 thousand Russian children in the first race, their number will increase further, but it is not yet clear who will be involved in forming the list of guys and how they will get to Artek. The thing is that trains may no longer run through Ukraine, but it is not yet possible to obtain permission from airlines for free flights for children. Among low-cost flights for 600 seats, an agreement was signed only with Transaero and Aeroflot airlines. Negotiations are also underway with other airlines, but there is no confirmation to date, but other alternative ways for children to travel by ferry and train are being developed.

How can I get a children's budget voucher?

The first and most basic option to get a children's ticket to Artek is to purchase it! If you want to book a budget place in the camp, then contact the executive service authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and provide them with all the necessary documents for incentives. If you are not part of the budget group, then the tour can be purchased at a commercial price, but you will have to fill out an application indicating:

  1. Camp name;
  2. Change dates;
  3. The baby’s details – place and date of birth, full name, as well as the number of his document with which the child will go to Artek;
  4. Passport details of the payer of the voucher.

After you pay for your trip to Artek, you will receive the original contracts and, of course, the trip itself by registered mail. However, they are far from cheap, so initially carefully “weigh” all the positive and negative sides, in case there are cheaper options for spending an unforgettable children’s summer holiday in Crimea. Although, what could be better for your child than to spend the holidays in Artek.

The difference between Artek and Orlyonok



How to get


It consists of 10 children’s camps: “Azure”, “Yantarny”, “Crystal”, “Morskoy”, “River”, “Ozerny”, “Lesnoy”, “Polevoy”, “Mountain” and “Cypress”. Each camp has its own profile and focus of interests. .

Artek accepts children all year round


How to get

No more than 5% of the number of applications is distributed on a commercial basis - about one hundred vouchers per shift.

How to get a ticket to Artek

The price range in 2017 varies from 55,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Children's camps in Crimea

How to send a child to Artek?

Created in 1925, a small summer tent camp of the Artek International Children's Center over the past nine decades has turned into a country of childhood - a complex of 10 children's camps with developed infrastructure, its own educational technologies and cultural traditions.

How to get to Artek

How to send a child there? Details in the article.

Who can qualify for a free trip to Artek?

Vouchers are provided as an incentive to talented children aged 8 to 17 years. To send your child to the camp, you should contact the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation; the list can be found on the Artek website. In the Altai Territory, each of the regions of the region forms its own list of applicants for a holiday in Artek. All submitted applications are reviewed by the General Directorate of Education and Youth Affairs. Vouchers are allocated in accordance with the quotas allocated to the region. The official website of the camp states that for 2016, the Altai Territory has been granted quotas for 218 vouchers. Also, participants in competitions of camp partners can receive a trip as a prize, including: Roscosmos, Russian Geographical Society, Russian Tennis Federation, Cheerleading Federation of the South of Russia and others.

How to buy a ticket to Artek?

Sales of camp vouchers for the sixth season started on May 23. The season is designed for 22 days and will last from May 27-28 to June 17-18. The cost of a trip for one child is 68 thousand 100 rubles. To purchase a voucher, you must fill out a special application on the opening day of sales and send it to [email protected]. Applications are processed in the order they are received. All questions you may have can be asked to specialists by phone: 7-978-734-11-44.

What documents must be provided to the camp?

  • two copies of the child’s birth certificate or copy of the passport;
  • application from the parent (legal representative) for enrollment in the camp;
  • medical card of the established form;
  • informed voluntary consent to medical intervention of a parent (legal representative);
  • a certificate of sanitary and epidemiological environment, issued no earlier than three days before departure to the camp;
  • a copy of the child’s medical insurance policy;
  • completed Form 5 questionnaire in one copy per child (for submission to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation);
  • copies of IDs, certificates, diplomas, certificates of awarding the title of winner, laureate or diploma holder of competitions at various levels for the last 3 years (in electronic form).

Samples to fill out can be found here.

How to get to Artek for free in 2018

Artek and Orlyonok are two legendary children's camps, known since Soviet times. Many parents wish their child to visit such a place at least once. After all, this is not only the acquisition of new knowledge or the disclosure of creative potential, but also teaching a culture of communication with peers and adults, active recreation on the Black Sea coast, as well as cultivating a respectful attitude towards a person: his work, personality, experience.

Children's health camps have a very rich cultural program

Artek or Eaglet?

If you are faced with such a dilemma, then you need to choose based on the interests and age of the child in accordance with the thematic program of the visit and the focus of the Artek or Orlyonok children's camps. More information about shift programs can be found on the official websites of these organizations.

After the renovation, the bedrooms in Artek became even more comfortable

The difference between Artek and Orlyonok

The concept and spirit of both camps are the same. This is not surprising, because Eaglet was built in the image and likeness of Artek. Many counselors from Artek worked in Orlenok when it first opened, passing on experience and knowledge to the young camp. Therefore, today the fundamental difference between them is only in the location and method of purchasing the voucher.

The eaglets must take care of the cleanliness and order in their bedrooms themselves.


In total, Orlyonok includes 9 camps. Four of them operate all year round: “Zvezdny”, “Spiritual”, “Stormovoy”, “Solnechny”, the rest open their doors in the summer: “Dozorny”, “Komsomolsky”, “Olympic Village”, “Olympic” and “Solnyshko” " Each camp has its own thematic program for each session.

Houses DL Solnechny in the All-Russian Children's Center Orlyonok


Orlyonok is located on the Black Sea coast in the Krasnodar Territory, 45 km from the city of Tuapse. The area of ​​the children's center is 217 hectares. The length of the sandy beach is 3.7 km.

Close circle of eagles on the Black Sea shore

How to get

To get to Orlyonok you need to purchase a ticket in advance. The cost depends on the shift and for 2017 is 46,000 - 60,000 rubles.
Also, the Orlyonok children's center holds competitions, the winners of which receive a free trip. The list of competitions is posted on the official website of Orlyonok.


Artek accepts children all year round

Since 2014, Artek has been reconstructed and modernized. By 2017, 9 out of 10 camps (except for the Gorny camp) welcome children in an updated form.


The camp is located in Crimea on the Black Sea coast, 12 km from the city of Yalta in the village of Gurzuf. The territory of Artek is 218 hectares. Children's beaches, strewn with medium and large pebbles, occupy 7 km of coastline.

Children's beaches of Artek are strewn with pebbles

How to get

A trip to Artek is given to children and teenagers as a reward for outstanding achievements in creativity, study, sports and social activities. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions for submitting applications on the official website of Artek.

Meals in Artek are comprehensive, five times a day

No more than 5% of the number of applications is distributed on a commercial basis - about one hundred vouchers per shift. The price range in 2017 varies from 55,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Children's camps in Crimea

Artek, although the most famous, is still not the only camp in Crimea. There are other, no less prestigious, comfortable and popular children's health organizations: Children's recreation center "Friendship Island" (Evpatoria), Children's center "Pearl Coast" (Gurzuf), Children's center named after. A.V. Kazakevich (Peschanoe), DOL "Avtomobilist" (Sea of ​​Azov), DOL "Brigantina" (Peschanoe), International Youth Recreation Center "Star Coast" (Orlovka village), "ACTIVity" (Sea of ​​Azov), "FishKA "(Alushta), Sports Center "Evolution" (Evpatoria), DL "Mandarin" (Peschanoe) and others.

In the Brigantina camp, children are always having fun and interesting

By the way, DL “Mandarin” is part of the network of children’s camps in the Republic of Crimea “Terra Unique”, which in 2016 received the Government of the Russian Federation award in the field of quality.

Memo for travelers

Necessary documents for sending a child

    2 copies of passport or birth certificate certified by the school

    A copy of the medical policy on both sides certified by the school

    A certificate from the school confirming studies at this school and class

    Certificate of achievements

    SCAN files to address lev r 19@ yandex . ru + copies of IDs, certificates, patents, diplomas, diplomas, etc. on awarding the title of winner (1st – 3rd individual or team place), laureate or diploma holder of a competition, festival, competition, Olympiad, regional, national or international show – for the last 3 years no more than 7 pieces. Files must be archived and signed: last name and Khakassia (for example: Ivanov_Khakassia)

Necessary documents to be submitted AT THE MEETING:

    Original passport or birth certificate

    Medical card

(established sample) and SEPARATE inquiries:

— certificate of the epidemiological environment (2 days before departure)

- certificate from the dentist

All doctor's notes in the medical record must be certified by the doctor's seal!

A medical card form is issued when paying under the contract for the cost of the road at the State Budgetary Institution of Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation "RCDO", by the address:

Abakan, st. Saralinskaya, 26, office. 8

The medical card must be filled out no earlier than 10 days before departure.

If you do not have a flu shot, you must attach to your medical card a form for refusing the shot or a certificate stating that you are allergic to the vaccine.

If a delegation member is registered with a dispensary, an additional certificate is required stating that he did not have any exacerbations within 6 months before departure.

How to prepare a child for a trip to the Artek Medical Center?

Luggage weight – no more than 20 kg. The weight of hand luggage is no more than 10 kg.

Time difference – 4 hours

Calls are timed, phones are in the storage room or with the counselor.

Money – from 5000 (for souvenirs, excursions). Money is kept in the cash register. A personal account is opened for each child.

First of all, parents (persons replacing them) need to familiarize themselves in detail with the information about the Center and an extract from the charter. Full information is presented on the Center's website.

MDC "Artek" has the right to terminate a child's stay in the camp early and return him to his place of residence for a gross violation of the rules of stay in the center, namely: the child commits actions and deeds that insult and degrade the dignity of another person, harming the health of the child himself and others, smoking tobacco, using narcotic and psychotropic substances, alcoholic beverages, including beer.

3 .9. During your stay at the Artek Medical Center children are provided with uniforms according to the season (except for underwear, shoes, headwear).
3.10. The center ensures the safety of items deposited in the storage room of each camp, which children can visit during the day.

— Children are prohibited from using personal mobile phones; In case of violation of this rule, MDC "Artek" is not responsible for the safety of mobile phones.

— Money brought by children is deposited at the cash desk in the child’s personal account and is issued upon his request. The amount of money allocated to children is determined by the parents, taking into account the costs of photography, purchasing souvenirs, visiting children's cafes and the return journey.

Clothing required for the summer season (May-September):

    tracksuit and closed sports shoes;

    sneakers, shoes, sandals with a fixed heel, flip flops for the beach;

    baseball cap, scarf or sun hat;

    swimsuit, swimming trunks (it is better to have two sets);

    5-6 pairs of socks;


    pajamas, nightgown;

    2-3 T-shirts;

    shorts (2-3 pcs)


8.00. – 8.30. Getting up, morning hygiene procedures, morning exercises

Many parents want to know how free trips to Artek are distributed

8.30. — 9.15. Visiting the medical room for outpatients, individual psychological sessions with children in a children's camp

9.45. – 12.00. Swimming pool (outdoor) at air temperature not lower than 23;

Beach (with the opening of the beach season) at sea water temperature not lower than 20;

Before the opening of the beach season - conducting general camp and squad affairs; boat trips, exhibitions, outdoor games

12.00. – 12.45. Free time; conducting musical, sports, individual and group psychological classes; classes in clubs

The camp for children Artek in 2018 is strikingly different from the small sanatorium that was built in the twenties of the last century near the village of Gurzuf. Initially, the camp was planned as a hospital for children suffering from tuberculosis. Moreover, the guys from the very first shift had to live in large canvas tents, in conditions that were very far from comfortable. Today, Artek is a facility with a rather complex structure, uniting 9 camps and including several hundred different structures and buildings.

The international children's center is spread over an area of ​​more than 200 hectares, of which half is reserved for various parks and green spaces. In addition to the general education school, there are more than 40 specialized studios of scientific, technical and creative fields, tennis courts, rope courses, climbing walls, gyms and an impressive stadium designed for seven thousand people.

Artek is distinguished by its combination of magnificent Crimean nature, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and immunity, with beautiful sandy beaches. The length of the coastline located at the camp is more than seven kilometers. In the capital of Japan in 2000, a competition was held for the best children's health center, in which several tens of thousands of camps from all over the world took part. It was Artek who won first place in it.

In 2009, Artek was on the verge of closure, but in 2014 the Russian government developed and implemented a project called Reboot, which involved a large-scale reconstruction of libraries, swimming pools, sports grounds, museums and all buildings. Several billion rubles were allocated to carry out the work. And if in 2014 the camp was able to accept just over 5,000 children, then in 2016 the number of children who visited Artek exceeded 31,000. The camp’s management claims that during the 2018 season it will be able to host at least 40,000 young guests.

Features of purchasing a voucher

How can you get to Artek in 2018? About 5% of all vouchers go on free sale, most often purchased by foreigners. Parents of Russian children who have certain merits but did not pass the main competitive selection also have the right to buy such vouchers. A week and a half before arrival, the number of unclaimed places is published on the official Artek website. They are sold at a budget cost of about 69,000 rubles.

Since 2017, the rules for distributing vouchers to the international children's center have been changed. For everyone, there is an automated system called Voucher, which calculates the various achievements of a particular child, assigning points to him. Those children whose rating is the highest receive priority right to rest in one of the largest camps in the world. Work with the “Putevka” system is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. First, profile data is filled in, which includes the child’s name, year of birth and other information.
  2. Next, you need to talk in as much detail as possible about your school achievements, grants won, victories in city and regional Olympiads and competitions. You also need to attach scanned copies of diplomas and certificates received over the last three years.
  3. Submit an application indicating your most preferred shift. Then all that remains is to send it and wait for a decision.

Girls and boys aged 8 to 17 years are allowed to participate in the competition. The quota for vouchers is distributed by region, taking into account the number of children living in them. If your child fails to score the required score, you should not be upset. You can re-apply or wait for the information from the unclaimed fund to be released. There is a way to get to the Artek children's camp in 2018 by taking part in a competition under the patronage of Russian Post. In it, children must describe and reveal as much as possible the reason why they want to relax in one of the best camps in the world.

How to buy a ticket to Artek in 2018

In 2017, there were no vouchers for free sale. They could only be obtained by contacting the bodies exercising executive power at the local level or by taking part in one of the drawings conducted by the official partners of the camp. A trip to Artek in 2018 will not be available from any private travel agency. However, parents of children who were not included in the winners can buy a commercial option by contacting the official tour operator of the MDC, which is Mosgortur, or other partners. Information about them can be found on the website

How much does it cost to relax in Artek?

Currently, most of the vouchers are distributed through the above-mentioned automatic system. Children who are among the lucky ones will spend three weeks for free at the IDC, where the best teachers, coaches and counselors will work with them. Everyone else will have to pay the full cost of the camp ticket. The final price varies depending on the time of year within the following limits:

  1. From the beginning of winter until the end of spring 2018, a three-week stay for a child will cost from 29,000 to 40,000 rubles.
  2. In September or June, a similar stay will cost from 36,000 to 55,000 rubles.
  3. July and August are traditionally the most popular holiday months in the MDC. The trip will cost from 68,000 to 92,000 rubles, depending on food and additional wellness treatments.

The price is also affected by the comfort of the room in which the child will live. The difference between a “luxury” and a “junior suite” is about 2,000 rubles per week.

A huge number of various seminars and training courses from the best world-famous specialists are constantly held on the territory of the international children's center. Those who are lucky enough to get into Artek in 2018 will be able to join a football squad under the auspices of the famous Spartak club or a dance squad led by a team of famous choreographers. In three weeks, the child will have time to master the basics of shipping, take part in a regatta on a real yacht, or significantly improve his knowledge of a foreign language by communicating with native speakers (both teachers and children).

In 2018, Artek will be visited by one of the most famous Russian travelers, Fyodor Konyukhov, who will make an exciting rowing trip along the Crimean coast together with young sailors. It is important to know that if you receive a positive answer after a certain period of time after submitting your application, you will need to collect a number of documents, namely: a copy of your passport or birth certificate, a copy of your insurance policy and a medical card. All changes in the rules for submitting applications and documents are published on the official website, as well as on the MDC Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Watch a video about the Artek camp: