Sri Lanka: nightlife of the island. Nightlife in Sri Lanka Retro music club

This coast in the 70s of the last century was a favorite place for hippies, and since then, for almost half a century, Hikkaduwa (Sri Lanka) has been popular as a resort and an excellent place for surfing. Stretching along the coast of the Indian Ocean, the small Sri Lankan town was severely damaged by the tsunami that occurred in 2004. It had to be rebuilt almost anew, but now the entire infrastructure has been restored, and the population, as before, is focused on serving tourists and almost everyone is employed in this industry.

General information and how to get there from Colombo Airport

Tsunami Honganji Vihara

The resort town on the southern coast of the island now has a population of just over 100 thousand people. And the monument at the entrance and the white ribbons that local residents knit on the trees next to it, in memory of the dead, remind us of those sad days.

From the city of Colombo to Hikkaduwa is about 100 km, the administrative center of Galle is 17 km away. The A2 highway runs through the entire city parallel to the first coastline - the noisy and busy Galle Road, along which the entire life of the resort is built. The Colombo-Mattara railway, which connects the capital with the southernmost point of the island, is also very close.

From Colombo Bandaranaike Airport to Hikkaduwa 140 km, you can get there by car, bus, train and combined methods.

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Taxi - fast but expensive

The fastest and most comfortable option, but also the most expensive - 11,500 rupees ($75) if you take a taxi at the airport. This price is fixed for all taxis near the terminal counter. You can bargain with private taxi drivers and the trip will be slightly cheaper - $55-60.

Ordering a transfer in Sri Lanka online will cost a little more, but clients will be met at the airport with a sign and taken to the specified location. A minivan for a group of tourists (6-13 people) costs less (per 1 person).

Bus and train - longer, but budget-friendly

First you need to get to Colombo by bus number 187, the ticket costs 110 rupees, the travel time is about an hour. In Colombo, before reaching the final station Colombo Fort, get off at the bus station near the Petah market - Bus Station. There, change to any bus going in the direction of Galle, Mattara or Tangalle. They all travel through Hikkaduwa, departing at intervals of 15 minutes. The ticket price is 130-300 rupees and depends on the comfort of the bus. The journey will take 2-3 hours. In Hikkaduwa, get off at the main bus station or at your desired stop in the resort area along the main road.

Combined option: take bus number 187 from the airport to the Colombo Fort terminal station and take the train there. The cheapest ticket costs about 85 rupees, in 2nd class - 160 rupees, the journey takes 1.5-2 hours. Trains do not run as often as buses, but there are up to ten services in any season. All of them stop in the northern part of the resort (Hikkaduwa railway station), and three trains a day also stop in the south (Thiranagama railway station).

The schedule and current ticket prices can be viewed on the Sri Lankan Railways website

Trains here can be packed during the day, with people standing in the vestibules and hanging on the handrails. But after 17 o'clock. the evenings are already almost empty. Therefore, before choosing this option, you need to weigh the pros and cons of such a decision.


At the dawn of its glory, this resort in Sri Lanka was considered the most democratic and cheapest. In the last decade, Hikkaduwa has acquired the features of some respectability; many new hotels are being built here, but at the same time the former opportunities of this accessible place for recreation are preserved. The resort is not yet perfect in everything, but admirers of this coast return here year after year.

Transport around the city and transport links with other cities

The resort stretches along the coast for more than 5 km, but city buses do not go either along the coastline or along the eastern part of the city deep into the island - they simply do not exist. But there is a bus station and bus stops; all intercity buses passing along the highway stop there, and tourists vacationing in Hikkaduwa can take advantage of this circumstance when moving around the city or between beaches.

Other ways to get around the city and sightseeing in Hikkaduwa and the surrounding area:

  • Taxi, tuk-tuk (there is no such thing as a meter here, everything is on a contractual basis)
  • Bicycle (20 rupees/hour or two hundred per day for old models, and 300-350 rupees for a good new one)
  • Motorbike (700 rupees or more per day)

There are rental shops everywhere in Hikkaduwa, but they open almost by lunchtime, so if you want to go somewhere from your hotel in the morning, you need to rent a vehicle in the evening.

And many people enjoy walking around the city and along the wonderful endless beaches, which sometimes seem deserted. After all, along the way you can meet and see so many unexpected and interesting things!

Beaches in Hikkaduwa

The beach line here is long, but there are, in principle, only two beaches with an official name: Hikkaduwa Beach (Hikkaduwa Beach) stretches for about 1.5 km in the northern part of the town and a long one, about 4 kilometers Narigama Beach (Narigama), if you move to the south .

Almost every 200-300 meters of the coastline differ in their characteristics and have their own recognizable sights, which are noted by tourists who have visited here. What places on the Hikkaduwa beach are most convenient for swimming in the high season - January and February, and what unusual things can you see here?

Hikkaduwa Beach

Let's start with the fact that the sand along the entire length of the many kilometers of coastline is clean, light, the color of coffee with milk and soft. Palm trees almost everywhere separate cafes, hotels and guesthouses from the shore, and grow on hotel grounds too. Palm trees, like surfing, are a distinctive feature and calling card of Sri Lanka and Hikkaduwa, and photos of tourists relaxing on these beaches abound in them to the fullest.

Hotel Blue Note

Here there is warm and clear water and a gently sloping shore, no stones or sharp shells. Small newborn turtles can be seen running into the ocean in schools and individually.

A little further there is a coral reef, here you can swim and watch the colorful fish that swim in schools below. Through a mask or just wearing swimming goggles, it’s interesting to look at these different colors at shallow depths, or you can just swim with them without a mask. The activity delights both children and adults. Small children from shallow waters feed these schools with bread crumbs and also swim among the fish with pleasure. There are several such tiny pools formed by the natural line of reefs.

Turtle Beach

A unique place next to the Hikka Tranz hotel, where you will see huge sea turtles almost right on the shore. There is no full-fledged swimming here, there is a large reef nearby, but playing on the Hikkaduwa beach with turtles in the water you will splash around to your heart's content. They come here every day in the morning and swim out to sea in the evening. The turtles are petted, fed with algae and grass, and daredevils dive under them in the hope of capturing unique footage with their cameras.

But first-timers need to be careful—these cute tortillas have impressive jaws.

And you can swim on the beach of this hotel, which is also the public beach of Hikkaduwa Sri Lanka. The Coral Rock by Bansei hotel is separated from the shore only by a line of palm trees. Although the water here seems calm, there is a danger of reef currents, and it often happens that unwary swimmers are brought to the shore by lifeguards.

In the central part of Hikkaduwa Beach, all restaurants and cafes are open during the day, there is a lot of noise and music. Further south the beach becomes wider, the coast opens to all winds.

You can light it in "Blue Elephant"- the most luxurious club in the city Colombo. For ladies, by the way, entry there is absolutely free, and young people pay 500 rupees. The exception is club members and invited guests. True, Blue Elephant does not offer food, but there is a fairly wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, among which you can find a classic recipe for a mojito with mint and much more!

Retro music club

Among the clubs in Sri Lanka, you can also find options where they play not a club, but retro music or jazz, for example a nightclub "Hut". Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 70s by dancing to reggae, dance to the rhythms of the 80s or to the techno music of the 90s. At the end of the week you will be greeted with real live music. And there is the opportunity to have a light snack with well-prepared snacks here. Spending time in this club is well suited for people of the older generation, because the music of their youth is played here... Although sometimes young people come here in the form of teenagers - retro fans.

Youth club "My Kind of Place"

And so, young people can rush into "My Kind of Place". She will certainly be attracted by the entertainment programs offered there. After all, theme parties are held here! And apparently all this is being done at a decent level... How else can we explain the enormous popularity of this place?! Another name for this club "The MIX". This name is explained by the fact that within the walls of “My Kind of Place” there is a mix of hip-hop rhythms with Bollywood classics. And it turns out... original! In general, no one will let you get bored there, neither the animators nor the DJs!

Live music in Sri Lanka

Or maybe some of you are attracted by the opportunity to listen to jazz performed live? In one of the clubs in Sri Lanka you can definitely hear it from 23.00 to 02.00 am. This Echelon Pub- a place where jazz performers perform, and are widely known throughout the world.

Fans of rock music will relax and rest their souls in "Rock Cafe". Here at their service - 3 in 1: disco, bar and cafe. On the walls hang photos of rock musicians who visited here with their autographs. But the most shocking thing is undoubtedly the delicious dishes named after world-famous musicians: the Michael Jackson vegetable salad, a sandwich named after the well-known Liverpool band. I think everyone immediately guessed which one...

Features of Sri Lanka clubs

By the way, it is necessary to mention one important point. In the above places there is no special dress code, but this does not mean that such an order prevails in all clubs in Colombo. IN "Cascades", for example, you are unlikely to be allowed in wearing mini-shorts and sandals. So, when going there, look for different clothes. A guy can wear jeans, and girls can be seen there dancing to RB and hip-hop in dresses.

As it becomes clear, Sri Lanka's clubs are designed for a completely diverse audience. Whatever your preferences in music, finding something that fully reflects them is quite possible in Colombo!


  • sri lanka nightlife

sri lanka nightlife

Nightlife in Sri Lanka is mainly concentrated in hotels. Nightclubs and discos in Sri Lanka are often open until the morning and fill with visitors after 10:00. Most hotels along the coast also have discos or host entertainment events. There are about 20 casinos in Colombo.

The most famous clubs in Sri Lanka (Colombo city):
Rock Cafe - disco, cafe and stylish bar with a waterfall.
The walls are covered with autographed photographs of famous musicians.
The cafe's signature dishes are named after musical idols. For example, Tom Jones chicken salad, Michael Jackson vegetable salad and Beatles sandwich. Open from 23.00 to 04.00.
Club address: 43 Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 3.

Echelon Pub is a club where world famous jazz players often perform.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure of listening to truly “live” jazz.
Open from 23.00 to 02.00.
Club address: Colombo Hilton, Echelon Square, Lotus Road, Colombo 1.

My Kind Of Place is one of the biggest discos in Colombo.
The best DJs in Sri Lanka perform here. On Saturdays it is very crowded and noisy.
Entrance fee is 300 rupees, for women and hotel guests admission is free.
Open from 21.00 to 04.00.
Club address: Taj Samudra, 25 Galle Face Center Road, Colombo 1.

Blue Elephant is the city's most exclusive club with a superb sound system. Modern furnishings, bar, disco.
In theory, entry is only for club members and hotel guests. For almost everyone else, entry costs 500 rupees (free for women).
Open from 21.00 to 03.00.
Club address: Hilton Colombo, Lotus Road Echelon Square, Colombo 1.

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Colombo, the capital and commercial center of Sri Lanka, may not be considered one of the best holiday destinations, but the nightlife here is the liveliest on the island. This town has a large selection of sophisticated bars and nightclubs, including rooftop clubs, something you won't find in the smaller coastal resorts. Moreover, in the resort areas of Sri Lanka there is practically no nightlife, and tourists rarely leave the hotel premises in the evening.
In this article, we will introduce you to the most famous clubs, discos and disco bars in Sri Lanka.

Sky Lounge

Located above the Kingsbury Hotel and open from dusk to dawn, the rooftop bar offers live entertainment, delicious food and stunning views of the Indian Ocean. Guests can enjoy two happy hours: from 17:30 to 18:30 and from 23:30 to 00:30.

Breeze Bar

This bar, which is located at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel, is a little different from the other bars on this list as it is located by the hotel pool. For guests of the Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Breeze Bar, with its relaxing atmosphere and soothing live music, is a great place to start a long night in Colombo.


For those of you who love listening to live music while sipping on a cocktail, this place is one of the best. After enjoying a cocktail or other drink, you can join the dancing crowd.

41 Sugar

This beautifully designed rooftop disco bar is definitely a great place to have a fun evening and night in Colombo. Good drinks, live music and a great atmosphere make 41 Sugar the perfect place to start your night. If you want to continue the night and go dancing, you don't have to go far as Silk Nightclub is just one floor down.


This is one of the oldest nightclubs in Colombo. There are a lot of young people and those over 30 in the Silk club. This is not surprising, since the DJs at the Silk nightclub play a variety of music: from golden hits of yesteryear to modern music.


This is a great place for those who want to party until the early hours. A lot of people come to the R&B club who have previously spent the evening in some bar or other club. After a recent renovation, the R&B nightclub is looking much better. Today it is one of the most stylish and most famous clubs in Sri Lanka, which attracts mainly young people.


If you're looking for a place with a lot of young people where you can dance until the early hours to the latest pop or electro music, then Disque is a great place for you. Located inside the recently renovated Colombo Race Course, the club is a must-see for nightlife lovers. Offering views of the white dome of the Colombo Municipal Council, the nightclub has two dance floors. The first dance floor features modern pop and hip-hop music, and the second dance floor features house and electro music.

Island Sri Lanka- this is, first of all, the extraordinary exotic nature and numerous attractions of natural and architectural significance. But, as a rule, active young people are looking not only for cultural education and relaxation on the beach, but also for fun, incendiary entertainment after sunset. In recent years, the nightlife sector has Sri Lanka has grown significantly, and now you will find places where you can have more noisy fun, visit nightclubs and dance until dawn.

Mostly nightlife Sri Lanka concentrated in hotels. Nightclubs and discos in Sri Lanka often open until the morning and filled with partygoers after 10 p.m. The most luxurious and famous nightclubs, of course, are located in the capital city of Colombo. Disco Rock Cafe will surprise you with good drinks, stylish interior and a real waterfall. The walls of the establishment are covered with autographed photographs of famous musicians. Signature dishes on the menu are also named after musical idols. For example, you can try the Tom Jones chicken salad, the Michael Jackson vegetable salad and the Beatles sandwich. Open from 23.00 to 04.00. Club address: 43 Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 3.

Blue Elephant Club considered the most exclusive club in the city with an excellent sound system. A modern, comfortable environment, an excellent bar and a comfortable dance floor will be at your disposal. In theory, entry is only for club members and hotel guests. Practically, for everyone, entry will cost about $10; it is also worth mentioning that on certain days entry is free for the fair half of the population. Opening hours from 21.00 to 03.00.
Club address: Hilton Colombo, Lotus Road Echelon Square, Colombo 1.

My Kind Of Place is rightfully recognized as one of the largest discos in Colombo.
The best DJs often perform here Sri Lanka. On Saturdays it gets very crowded and noisy. You can meet interesting people and make new acquaintances. Entrance fee is around $5-7, for women and hotel guests admission is usually free. Open from 21.00 to 04.00.
Club address: Taj Samudra, 25 Galle Face Center Road, Colombo 1.

Those who like a more relaxing pastime will like it Echelon Pub is a club where world famous jazz players often perform. Here you will have a great chance to enjoy truly “live” jazz. Open from 23.00 to 02.00.
Club address: Colombo Hilton, Echelon Square, Lotus Road, Colombo 1.

Well, for tourists who do not want to travel far beyond their hotel, many establishments open during the season, both in the hotels themselves and on the coast.
And for gambling lovers the capital Sri LankaColombo has more than 20 casinos to offer, most of which are open 24 hours a day. The most popular - CONTINENTAL CLUB And RITZ CLUB.

The most "party" regions of Sri Lanka rightfully recognized Unawatuna And Hikkaduwa. Here nightlife lovers will find various nightclubs and discos.
Unawatuna, a small village in the south of the country, is where various discos and parties are held. Every Friday at the club Unawatuna entitled " Happy Banana"a disco is organized, and every Saturday lovers of good music go to the club" Riddim". "Happy Banana" is a hotel, bar and nightclub on Fridays. During lunch, you will find a variety of dishes and excellent tables with magnificent views of the ocean, and after sunset you can order a cocktail and enjoy music played by a local DJ, right on the beach. Nightclub open until late and considered one of the best places in Unawatuna for youth recreation.

"Riddim" is another must-visit place for nightlife lovers. This is a great bar and nightclub located on the beach. It serves Sri Lankan cuisine and also makes very tasty freshly squeezed juices. During dinner, you can admire the beautiful sunset against the backdrop of the ocean, which gives special atmosphere to this place.

Also, do not bypass such places as: " Kingfisher", "Diving Center", "Lucky Tuna", "UBR" And " Comaran Beach Club"All of these establishments are located right on the beach, and are both a bar and a nightclub. Here you can meet people from different parts of the world, as well as listen to DJs from Colombo from abroad.

"Kingfisher"located in an excellent location, very close to the temple, on the beach of the same name. Parties at the club are held every Saturday. "Diving Center" will delight its visitors with excellent service and music on Sundays and Wednesdays." Chili" is a new beach bar where cocktails cost from $4-5. Discos are held every Thursday night.

Once a year at the resort Unawatuna large-scale beach parties, where partygoers from all over the world come: “I Love Una” and “32 Degree”.
In addition to discos, Unawatuna is known throughout the world for its beautiful sandy beach with palm groves, which is one of the best in the world.
In January 2013, the "I Love Una" party was held at the "Lucky Tuna" nightclub. The entrance ticket was T-shirts with the name of the party, which were sold for about $15-20. A large number of T-shirts are sold out before the event even begins, and a limited number were sold directly at the entrance to the nightclub. The party featured DJs such as Marius Del Mar, Asvajit, Javy Vibes, Muku and Rev.

Hikkaduwa- second resort Sri Lanka, where nightlife is developed all year round. The most popular nightclubs are " Mambo's", "Top Secret" And " Vibrations". Logically, we should start with " Vibrations"where parties are held on Fridays, the next night the partygoers move on to " Mambo's"and after the first and second club everyone attends" Top Secret".

What and where to eat in Sri Lanka? Prices in cafes and restaurants. Nightclubs in Sri Lanka. Shopping - shopping centers, markets, prices, etc.

The main part of evening and night entertainment venues concentrated in the largest city of the island - Colombo, which is considered the de facto capital of the country. On the beaches, which attract foreign tourists with the warm Indian Ocean and mild weather, there are few discos and nightclubs. There are many hotels, many cozy cafes and restaurants overlooking the ocean, but there is nowhere to dance. On the west coast, only two beaches offer nightlife: Unawatuna and Hikkaduwa.

Unawatuna town at one time it was considered the favorite among all beaches due to the lack of waves in the sea. This makes it possible for even children to swim safely. There is a whole group of devotees of this beach, who annually come from all over the world and organize crowded beach parties with dancing until the morning, called “I Love Una”. The entrance ticket to these discos is a T-shirt with a similar inscription. T-shirts are purchased in advance and are more expensive than regular ones.

By now and Hikkaduwa beach wins over its audience. This place is noisier than Unawatuna. It attracts young tourists who prefer active activities. Hikkaduwa Beach is located near Unawatuna, higher up the coast. In one trip you can visit both places and compare beaches and discos.

Widely known in Unawatuna and the hotel is popular Happy Banana. This hotel has a good restaurant and bar. Every Friday there are discos that last all night. Hotel guests who do not like night music should choose rooms away from the dance floor. On other days, this is a pleasant restaurant that serves delicious and well-prepared dishes. In the evenings, you can admire the ocean views while sipping a juice or tropical cocktail.

If Friday isn't enough, then on Saturday night it’s worth going to the club Riddim. The disco opens on Saturday evening and continues all night. The repertoire includes famous world hits. Local DJs select the right compositions and skillfully manage the mood of vacationers. The dancers' thirst is quenched with freshly squeezed juices and other healthy drinks. When the disco is closed, you can simply sample local dishes made from fresh seafood.

Other beach restaurants are worth a look, who organize dance evenings for their visitors. Dancing on the ocean is always great and unusual!

In the bar-restaurant Kingfisher, which is located in a beautiful location near the local temple, dance parties are held on Saturdays. Diving Center guarantees excellent service and invites you to dance on Wednesday and Sunday. Chili opened relatively recently and holds discos every Thursday. Cocktails at the bar are inexpensive. Lucky Tuna, UBR And Comaran Beach Club are also located on the beach and are also open at night. They invite DJs from Colombo and even from abroad. Here you can meet people from all over the world.

The most popular nightclubs in Hikkaduwa are Mambo's, Top Secret And Vibrations. On Fridays, parties are held at vibrations, and on Saturdays at Top Secret and Mambo's.

The best discos in Sri Lanka

IN Rock Cafe The walls with photographs of music stars, many of which have autographs, and the waterfall, which fits well into the interior, attract attention. The menu is also offered with a musical twist: many dishes are named after world-famous musicians and performers. You can order the Abba appetizer or the Madonna fruit salad. The disco opens at 11 pm and is open until 4 am.

Club address: 43 Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 3.

Club Blue Elephant - an exclusive establishment frequented by club members and hotel guests. A cozy bar with a wide selection of drinks and a dance floor create a relaxing environment for vacationers. The impression is enhanced by the excellent quality of the sound reproduction system. Outside visitors, if they really wish, can also get into this club. A one-time visit for men will cost $10, and entry is free for their female companions. Opening hours from 21.00 to 03.00.

Club address: Hilton Colombo, Lotus Road Echelon Square, Colombo 1.

This disco has the largest dance floor in Colombo and is called MyKindOfPlace(This is my spot). Many dance lovers think so. On weekends it is especially crowded and fun. People come to watch the country's famous DJs, dance, and meet new friends. Men pay about $5 for entry, women and hotel guests enter freely. The club is open from 9 pm to 4 am.

Club address: Taj Samudra, 25 Galle Face Center Road, Colombo 1.

Those who like to enjoy good music more than just dance choose Echelon Pub. World-famous jazzmen regularly play at the club. High-quality jazz performed by them brings true pleasure.

The club's opening hours are from 23.00 to 02.00.

Club address: Colombo Hilton, Echelon Square, Lotus Road, Colombo 1.

A typical club environment and excellent leisure activities are offered in GlowBar. Friendly staff greets every guest with a smile and is ready to fulfill his every desire. Prices are available.

Glow Bar located at: 3rd Floor, Automobile Association Building, 42A, Sir Mohamed Marcan Marker Mawatha, Colombo 3.

Fans of nightlife, who are partial to surprises, will visit this club with great pleasure. Decorators ZanziBar Each time they design it in a new way: either in some Persian style, or in modern technocratic minimalism. Every visit turns out to be a surprise: guests have no idea what they will see today. The club has a bar with a rich selection of drinks and a good restaurant.

The club is located at 1/1 Sir MohamedMacanMarkar Mw.,Colombo 03.

Club The Library on the shores of the huge Beira Lake, next to the Trans Asia Hotel, is considered one of the most prestigious places in Sri Lanka. During the day, it is a convenient place to hold a relaxed business meeting over lunch. It features separate offices and a cozy living room. In the evening the atmosphere changes and everyone who wants to have a good rest comes here. Incendiary music, songs and dances last until four o'clock in the morning.

Opening hours: 22.00 - 04.00. Club address: Trans Asia Hotel 115, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner M, Colombo-2.

Club Rhythm & Blues has earned a reputation as a gentlemen's establishment. Business people of the city visit it after finishing their working day to distance themselves from daily problems and worries. Young people play billiards, older people discuss the latest news from the press. There are no strict rules regarding clothing, but tourists are not encouraged to wear flip-flops with shorts.

The men's club is open until 5am and is located at 19/1, Daisy Villa Avenue, Duplication Road, Colombo 4.

New nightclub Mawby's Clillout Pub attracts fans of Western culture. The decor is kept in the most modern style with unpainted brick walls and a large projector showing popular videos and concerts of world stars. Visitors relax on comfortable sofas, enjoying hookah and listening to rock music. The bar serves well-chilled beer.

Address: 112, New Buller's Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka.

The youth of Colombo consider the nightclub to be the best place for dancing and a fun party. Cascades, located at the Plaza Hotel. There is always little space here, but this does not bother anyone, it only makes it more fun. Every evening there is a different musical theme. The club has a dress code.

The club is located at: The Colombo Plaza Hotel, Steuart Place, Colombo 3.

One of the most famous and popular nightclubs in Colombo is the club Hut. It is famous for its variety of musical performances. Music of different styles sounds here: either reggae (back in the 70s), then disco of the 80s, or techno of the 90s. On weekends everyone relaxes to modern music. The most visited days are Friday and Saturday. An orchestra plays these days. The cost of visiting the club is 500 rupees. It includes the cost of one drink, chosen by the guest himself. A large selection of light snacks is available.

The club opens its doors to visitors from 21.00 and is open until 04.00 in the morning. His address is: Mount Lavinia Hotel, 102, Hotel Road, Mount Lavinia.

Visiting gambling enthusiasts are not left unattended either. More than two dozen casinos are open at their service in the capital of Sri Lanka. All establishments are open 24 hours a day. Most visited CONTINENTALCLUB And RITZCLUB.

Top 5 popular nightclubs in Colombo:

1.The biggest club in the city is the club Amuseum. It's always crowded on weekends, but empty at the beginning of the week. The party starts closer to one in the morning, and that’s when it’s worth coming. DJs play mixes that everyone knows. There is no need to sway people.

2. A club with no less popularity - Clique. On weekends there are parties with a DJ. Cover bands perform midweek.

3. Club R+B love because it is open until the morning. You can dance here when other places are already closed. Popular among visitors aged 30+. Famous music from the 90s is often played. Sometimes musical groups perform.

4.Sugar 41 – popular restaurant-bar on the roof of the building. There is an indoor hall and an open veranda. In the evenings there is a DJ or live music. The bar is usually visited by those who like to drink a cocktail before further night trips to discos.

There is a nightclub on the lower floors of the building Silk and restaurant Floor by O, having a dance floor.

5.In a new nightclub Studio 4 gay people gather. Parties are held regularly. The place is gaining popularity.

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