Where does pike stand in September? Fishing for pike in September with a spinning rod, everything you wanted to know. We catch pike in September in different regions

September is the time for spinning fishing for pike and other large predators. The behavior of pike in September changes dramatically. It’s cool, the water temperature is leveling out, there’s enough oxygen in it, the peaceful fish are vulnerable and the pike, in anticipation of the approaching winter, is hunting hard and gaining fat for the winter. The autumn feeding of pike ensures successful catching of the toothy predator. A characteristic indicator of the beginning of the autumn feeding of pike is considered to be a massive flight of leaves from a birch tree - a leaf has flown from a birch tree, the pike has gone!

Where to catch pike in September

In warm September, you can still catch pike in its favorite summer places. At the edge of the grass, you can successfully catch decent grass pike using small wobblers and spoons.

However, in September, fishermen are attracted by large trophy pike, for which they should go closer to the depths, to channel edges and dumps, to exits from pits, closer to deep-sea snags and flooded forests on reservoirs. In reservoirs and large bodies of water, pike are caught in September at the tops of sharp changes in depth, where predatory pike, standing at the top of the relief, watches for unwary fish living at medium and shallow depths, awaiting migration to deep wintering grounds. In such places, pike fishing usually occurs from a boat.

It is worth noting that at this time pike often actively moves around the reservoir in search of food, so it is quite difficult to point to a specific place where pike fishing in September will be more successful. During this period, having noticed prey, it actively pursues it, which is not typical for this pike at other times of the year.

How to catch pike in September

If pike fishing in September occurs from the shore, then an excellent option would be rod, the length of which is about three meters and the dough weighs 40 grams. The best equipment for such a rod would be a reliable inertia-free reel However, some fishermen prefer multipliers or regular inertial reels.

In September, pike is very aggressive and lively: once hooked, it will strongly resist, therefore pike fishing line in September should be from a reliable, trusted manufacturer. Typically, the diameter of the fishing line depends on the expected catch, however, the optimal option is a diameter of 0.28 mm, but you can use less - 0.18 mm, using braid.

It is necessary to catch pike in September using leash and its reliability must be guaranteed.

Depending on the conditions of the reservoir, sometimes it is simply necessary to use boat. In this case, the long spinning rod can be replaced with a shorter one, about 2.5 meters. The fishing line and reel do not need to be changed. Additionally, you must have a yoke, an extractor and a flashlight with you if fishing occurs at night.

Small pike are malleable and usually don’t require much effort to pull them out. Larger specimens will struggle, and in order to pull them out of the water, you will need a wide one with a fairly long handle. landing net. Using a wobbler as bait for fishing, you can also use hook, but you should be careful when doing this from a boat.

Lures for pike fishing in September

As noted above, pike fishing in September can be done with almost any bait. Only the body of water itself can influence the choice here. For example, if the depth of the reservoir is shallow and there is a lot of vegetation in it, then small pinwheels with silver petals are most suitable. If the reservoir is open and clean, then standard spoons of various colors and sizes would be an excellent option.

Thus, a wide variety of baits are used for pike fishing in September. Oscillating and rotating spoons, wobblers of all stripes and colors, jigs and other tricky fishing gadgets are used.

The best part is that in September you can catch pike with virtually any size bait, without being shy in choosing large and even giant baits. Huge spinners, large spinners with numbers from 6 to 10, jerk-sized wobblers and other pinocchios. And the rubber on the jig is more suitable for sizes 6 inches and above. The coolest tire sizes for a northern predator would probably be twisters and vibrotails of 10-12 inches. And these are quite big “tails”.

In September, pike do not disdain large sizes and willingly “feed” on really large baits. The best wobbler for catching spotted beasts in shallow water is a jerk, and the best lure for fishing on the upper edges of channel dumps is a decent-sized spoon.

In fact, in September you can successfully experiment with various baits, in particular those that have not yet brought visible results. Experienced fishermen know that each body of water has its own special unspoken rules that must be followed: in some places a wobbler is most effective, and in others, fishing for pike in September is best done with a “spinner”. Each spinner has his own favorite tackle, so it is impossible to clearly say what is best for catching pike. The only thing is that autumn pike fishing with live bait is usually not very successful, since it is very difficult to catch it, because the fish in the water are quite passive at this time due to the cold water.

The beginning of autumn is a fertile time for any angler, whether he is interested in float fishing, spinning, feeder, etc. As the heat drops, the fish not only become more active, but in most species they also begin to eat. Underwater inhabitants try to absorb as much protein as possible in order to quickly gain fat and prepare for a long hungry winter. The water in reservoirs is becoming clearer and cooler every day, the air is gradually cooling and the first frosts and winter are just around the corner. Well, for now...

Features of fishing in September

In September, the fish stops standing in one place, it begins to walk around the reservoir, lingering more and more often in the depths and visiting shallow water less and less. However, the bite in September may be unstable. This is mainly due to atmospheric pressure, to changes in which the fish are very sensitive.

At the beginning of September, all the fish still live according to the usual summer schedule. The algae have not yet died off, and a lot of natural food can be found among them. Insects fly, fall into the water, or are washed into the reservoir by streams of rainwater.

The predator is also more active in the morning and evening. But as soon as temperature changes begin, the behavior of underwater inhabitants changes radically. It either stands close to the shore, then moves to the depths, then begins to actively peck, then becomes lethargic and motionless.

Be that as it may, with the right choice of fishing location and selection of bait, the angler’s success is still guaranteed.

Bait and bait in autumn

While the weather is warm and the water has not yet cooled down, peaceful fish continue to peck perfectly on vegetable baits - dough, bread, corn, pearl barley, semolina, etc. But gradually her gastronomic tastes will change towards baits of animal origin - worms, maggots, bloodworms and others, until they completely replace them. will become animal food.

Mandatory when fishing for peaceful fish. It must meet the fishing requirements of a particular species. For example, to catch large fish, it is better to take bait consisting of large fractions. Small fish should be lured with almost bait dust, which creates a cloud of turbidity in the water.

In addition, it is necessary to add live components to the autumn bait - chopped or ground worms, food bloodworms.

It is better not to experiment with flavorings. The fewer of them there are in the bait mixture, the better. With the onset of autumn, fish begin to react painfully to too strong odors, and strong-smelling bait can simply scare it away.

Catching predatory and peaceful fish in September

The predator begins to be more active, not disdaining artificial baits. From the second half of September, the burbot, a big fan of ruff, other small fish and chicken intestines, begins to bite.

Roaches, white bream, saberfish, bleak and others bite well into the wiring. Towards the end of the month, the pike begins to eat. During this period, it is caught using any tackle - a float, a circle, a spinning rod, a donk, a track, a girder. Fishing with jigs near the shore will be productive, which can catch not only peaceful fish, but also a variety of predators.

Pike fishing

While it’s warm, pike fishing in September is reminiscent of summer. The toothy predator can be found in its usual summer places - at the edge of algae, among snags, near thickets of reeds and sedges. Larger specimens prefer to stay at depth, at the exit of pits, on channel edges.

From the second ten days of September, pike can be caught using any bait - wobblers, spinners, silicone, jig, live bait. Mostly large baits are used, since during the feeding period the predator prefers larger prey.

Perch fishing

The best time to catch perch in September is morning and evening. During the day, he can also take bait, but much worse, and his bite is much more unstable. Perch is caught both with float tackle and spinning rods using small baits. The most productive will be turntables, twisters and wobblers.

You can find the striped predator close to the shore next to a strip of coastal aquatic vegetation or on dumps in the depths. From a boat, perch can be successfully caught vertically using winter spinners or balancers. Don’t forget, the best of which are “devil”, “goat”, “carnation” or uralka.

Fishing for pike perch

Successful catching of the fanged predator occurs throughout the month. The best time of day to hunt pike perch is night. The bite weakens in strong winds and heavy rain.

Artificial baits for catching pike perch should be narrow and long, reminiscent in shape of their favorite objects of hunting - gudgeon or bleak. Foam rubber fish, twisters, and other “rubber” have proven themselves to be quite good. – jig, step, with dragging along the bottom.

Fishing for crucian carp

Carp fishing

In good, established weather, when the sun is shining and there is no strong wind, carp can bite on any bait, be it animal or plant, throughout September. Boilies are mainly used to catch it.

Roach fishing

In September, roach moves to holes with a slight current, bordering the edges, and under steep banks with branches of trees or bushes hanging over the water. You can find it near driftwood, snags, in areas with changes in depth, near thickets of aquatic vegetation.

At this time of year, it feeds mainly on the larvae of various aquatic insects, bloodworms, and worms. After a rainstorm, it can be found near the shore, at the mouths of streams flowing into a reservoir, where it collects insects and other natural food washed away from the shore by rain streams.

It is most often caught with bait of worms, bloodworms, maggots, amphipods (mormysh), caddis or dragonfly larvae and other living creatures.

So the calendar summer is over, it’s September. But the fact that school holidays and vacations have come to an end does not affect fishermen at all - the fishing calendar is in the midst of the harvest season.

The first month of autumn, as well as, is rightfully considered one of the best months that you can spend on a pond with a float rod or spinning rod in your hands.

Whether floaters, circlers, bottom fishers, or spinners, everyone knows that September is the “velvet” fishing season, you just need to have time to visit your favorite bodies of water.

You can also again fish from the shore with a jig, fishing near the channel edges and coastal ditches parallel to the channel. Using small weights and bulky baits, you can get quite decent specimens almost from under the very bank, if the riverbed runs close to the shore.

As for small bodies of water, the transition from summer to autumn is more noticeable. If on a large reservoir or lake the activity of the predator is not very different from summer, then on small rivers or lakes the behavior of pike in September changes very much. This concerns, first of all, the size of baits.

Even from the shore you can catch pike in September using large baits - jerky and bulky wobblers.

If in the summer, from June to August, fishing on small rivers and lakes was carried out with small, sometimes microscopic baits, then in September even in small reservoirs you can fish with “adult” baits.

Large silicone up to 20 cm long, jerky 10-15 cm, large block wobblers 8-15 cm, spinners 4-6 numbers, work well on pike.

Even in ponds, in relatively stagnant water, pike become more active in September and begin to move actively, continuing the August trends. Since the food fish have not yet moved closer to the pond dam, the predator remains where the summer heat found it - on the edges of grass islands on large ponds or along the bed of a dammed river on small ones.

When snow covers the shores, and the ice has not yet formed on the reservoir. When it’s November outside, but the temperature is still high during the day...

  • October is an interesting month. From the point of view of fishing, this is not summer at all and not even the beginning of the autumn spinning Eldorado....
  • The beginning of autumn is the most anticipated time for many spinners. Fishing for pike in September using a spinning rod is rarely unproductive. At this time, the water cools down, becomes clearer, there is a lot of oxygen and grown fry in it, and it’s time for the autumn meal for the predator.

    One of the main indicators showing anglers that the active time for pike fishing is approaching is the beginning of active leaf fall from the birch tree. This folk sign never fails.


    Each fishing trip will be much more productive if the angler determines in advance where the object of his hunt is most likely located now. In September, pike begins to actively move throughout the entire water area of ​​the reservoir in search of food; the cooler the water, the less often it stands still, unlike the summer months, when it waits for its prey in its favorite place under aquatic vegetation or near snags. Moreover, almost everywhere, her the greatest activity occurs at noon.

    She is very willing to fatten during the day. Therefore, fishing for pike in the fall, in September, and even in October, can take place in comfortable conditions, in daylight, which many anglers really like.

    Some of the most promising places where this predator can be found in September are:

    1. Pond areas near flooded trees.
    2. Windows in riparian vegetation, or areas that border vegetation.
    3. Places with sharp changes in depth.

    It should also be noted that pike fishing in September, especially in its first half, can be productive in the shallows where juveniles move. Its location can be easily detected by the fry rapidly escaping in different directions. Only pike or, sometimes, large perch chase it this way.

    A large pike tries to hold on in the fall deep places. Especially when the water has already cooled down enough. It is also often found at the edge of deep holes or near a steep bank, when depth immediately begins. In such places, catching pike in the fall with a spinning rod is often crowned with a victory over a trophy specimen.

    Ways to catch pike in autumn

    Of course, many anglers know how to properly catch pike with a spinning rod in the fall, but, as you know, every business has its own subtleties, which sometimes determine whether the fishing will be successful or not. One of the most important factors is the proper preparation of the angler and equipment for the upcoming fishing trip. Both the tackle, the bait, and the spinning equipment must correspond to the conditions in which pike fishing will take place in the fall.

    Fishing for pike with a spinning rod in September can be done both from a boat and from the shore. For fishing from a boat, you need to choose a spinning rod that is long no more than 2.2 meters, most often a 2-meter fishing rod with dough will be enough from 8 to 25 grams. This can be a fast or parabolic stick. As the main fishing line, it is better to use a “braid” with a diameter 0.15 – 0.2 mm. The leash should be made of thin string, steel, or tungsten, since pike often bite through leashes made of other materials.

    Interesting! It is rare that any other fish can make such a candle after being hooked, when reeling in, as a pike does. In this way, she often manages to get rid of the steel sting that has dug into her and avoid capture.

    The spinning rod is equipped with a corresponding spinning reel. Usually this 2500 or 3000 coils. But many people know how to catch pike in the fall using lighter gear, with reels from 1500 to 2000. With such gear, they usually catch small specimens in very clear water without a current. For example, catching pike in the fall with a spinning rod on a small lake requires the angler to be more careful in movement and more inconspicuous gear.

    Fishing for pike in September from the shore requires more thorough equipment. In such conditions it is better to use a whip length from 2.7 meters, with dough up to 35-40 grams. Although the spinning test depends entirely on the baits used. If your baits are light and have a high windage, like most wobblers, then you can take a rod with a smaller cast, but it should have a medium or slow action. This will make it easier for you to cast longer.

    Also, we must not forget that wherever and whenever you catch pike in the fall with a spinning rod, it is always useful to have with you extractor, landing net, yawner And flashlight. Without an extractor and a yawner, it is often very difficult to free a toothy fish from a hook without getting injured, especially if it is a large specimen. A flashlight can be useful when fishing in the evening, especially if pike fishing takes place in October or November; it gets dark quickly in the fall.

    Autumn lures for pike

    As already mentioned, in the fall the toothy predator becomes very active and pays attention to almost everything that is in its field of vision. Therefore, what to use to catch pike in the fall is not a very difficult question. The most common and effective baits for spinning fishing are:

    1. Oscillating and rotating spoons of various sizes and colors.
    2. Various wobblers.
    3. Silicone baits used for jig fishing.

    The main criteria when choosing baits are their size, which determines its weight, and therefore the necessary spinning test, as well as their color. What’s good is that wherever fishing is done, catching pike in the fall with a spinning rod can be successful when using the most suitable baits. various sizes and colors.

    The autumn predator can attack both small and quite large baits. Sometimes the size of the caught bee-eater is not much larger than the size of the wobbler used to catch it. But it should still be remembered that the larger the bait, the less often small fish bite on it, the greater the likelihood of catching a large specimen of a predator with it.

    Also, large baits most often work when fishing in rivers. Usually, in backwaters or near holes, trophy pikes hide, which need to be hunted only with the help of large, from 10 centimeters, wobblers or using a jig, weighing from 18 grams. Large “oscillators” can also work in such places.

    The color range of baits used is also very diverse. The most important factor when choosing a color is the degree of transparency of the water. The clearer the water, the less bright the bait you can choose. Therefore, if you are wondering what to use to catch pike in September, when the water has not yet cooled down enough and is not as clear as at a later time, then you should pay attention to bright silver, yellow or red baits. Be it a spinner, wobbler or silicone.

    Pike fishing in October, when the water becomes much clearer, can be successfully carried out with less bright baits. The main thing is that they must move correctly and actively. During this period, the brightness of color fades into the background.

    Attention! It is important to remember that in October and November, all small fish gradually change their location to deeper places in the reservoir for wintering. You should also look for pike there.

    However, as many advanced anglers have noticed, the presence of a red tint on the bait attracts pike at any time. To do this, you can choose either silicone, partly red, or a wobbler with a red nose or stripe. Spoonbaits, regardless of their design and principle of operation, are often equipped with red terry, a petal or a tassel. It’s not at all difficult to complete this modification of the bait yourself, using red thread.

    Some fishing features

    It is not for nothing that the pike is mentioned in many Russian fairy tales as a very smart character. She is actually quite careful and notices any mistakes of the fisherman. It often happens that a spinning angler even sees a fish following his bait, leads it literally near its nose, but it does not take it.

    And it happens like this - several runs go in vain, the fisherman, already desperate, simply brings the bait to the shore, not hoping for a bite, and the pike suddenly, at the very end of the drive, greedily attacks the bait. That's why, When fishing for pike, you always need to be on your guard, a bite may follow at the most unexpected moment.

    You should also always remember about the extraordinary resourcefulness of this toothy predator, about her famous "candle". After you have managed to hook it, do not under any circumstances loosen the tension of the fishing line, this will not give the pike the freedom of action it needs.

    Each wiring must be done in accordance with what bait you are operating at the moment. If it is a jig, then the wiring is stepped, and if it is a spinner, then, in most cases, it is uniform. Always, with the help of certain manipulations with the spinning rod, you need to achieve the behavior of the bait for which it is designed.

    Useful video

    The video below shows pike fishing at the very beginning of September:

    Pike fishing, especially in the autumn, is always exciting and unexpected turns of events. Any spinning angler is happy to compete with her in cunning when searching and catching her, and also to feel all her strength and resourcefulness after a successful hook. Pike fishing with a spinning rod has always been considered one of the most exciting fishing experiences.

    Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

    Zoologist, hydrobiologist. Graduated from Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences. I am interested in fishing at a professional level.

    The beginning of autumn is the period when the hunt for the striped predator promises significant results. Fishing for pike with a spinning rod in September brings aesthetic pleasure. Warm autumn weather and the soul-stirring landscape of the surrounding nature put the fisherman in a lyrical mood. Numerous bites from the fattening predator add zest to this beauty. Fishing at the beginning of the month is very similar to summer fishing; the same equipment and fishing methods are used as in the warm season. Starting from mid-September, large spoons, wobblers and large-sized silicone become the main trump card. The main sign of the beginning of autumn activity is considered to be falling birch leaves.

    You can use spinning rods to catch pike in September.

    Conditions affecting the catching of pike

    Pike caught on a spinning rod in September is not a rarity, but rather a pattern. Growing “pencils” gain body weight and attack suitable prey in any water horizon throughout the daylight hours. Large individuals are not inferior to them in gluttony, do not even disdain cannibalism, and hunt for prey from ambush in deeper places throughout the reservoir. The increasing biting activity in early autumn is due to:

    • decrease in water temperature;
    • frequent cloudy weather with drizzling rain;
    • shorter day length;
    • migration of the food supply of predators to winter mooring sites associated with the fall of underwater vegetation.

    At the beginning of the month, the main fish hatches are observed at dawn and evening. It also depends on the weather conditions of each particular year. In case of prolonged rainy weather, this remark does not work. Starting from the third week, bites occur from dawn to dusk, the fish actively moves around the reservoir in search of prey, giving preference to large and light ones. This fact is due to the large number of fish caught using spinning rods.

    Weather conditions affect fish behavior

    Search for promising pike sites

    To detect the location of a freshwater predator in a lake, spinners pay attention to frequent movements around the reservoir and fishing for promising points. The main places for predator ambush in early autumn are:

    • shallow water with thickets of grass from one meter deep;
    • flooded trees, snags;
    • area under the wall of reeds or reeds;
    • areas of exit from deep pits;
    • dumps;
    • areas of steep coast with significant depth;
    • areas of hydraulic structures, bridge supports.

    For large and small rivers, predator hunting areas are:

    • the territory of a reservoir before or after a riffle or spit;
    • places favored by float fishermen;
    • connection of two underwater currents;
    • areas of pits, places with snags.

    You can find pike at this time near trees or among vegetation

    Fishing technique and tactics

    The most effective technique for positive fishing is to constantly move around the body of water in search of the best place. Due to the cooling of the water, the activity of the predator increases, respectively, the bite occurs on the first five casts. If there is no response from her, after 5 - 10 minutes of work at the selected point, it is necessary to change position. To achieve a high-quality result, they use a boat, which helps to reach the most inaccessible places in the reservoir.

    The wiring technique and the choice of bait depend on the location. Preference is given to:

    • fast animation with virtually no pauses when twitching;
    • uniformly at a fast pace, with rare stops of winding the cord;
    • the use of stepped wiring with explosions with a fishing rod and short pauses of up to 2 seconds;
    • connecting summer surface baits in particularly overgrown parts of the reservoir;
    • the use of deep, quiet wobblers (type Zip Baits Orbit 80 DR SP or its copies).

    Gear used

    The autumn period places special demands on the spinning angler and his equipment. Catching a trophy specimen of a predatory fish is accompanied by forceful fishing and extreme loads that the fishing rod experiences during sudden jerks of the fish or when pulling it out of dense thickets of grass. It is not recommended to use ultralight and light fishing rods during this period.

    When choosing gear, you should pay attention to many parameters

    Spinning rod for pike fishing in September is selected:

    • with dough from 10 to 40 grams;
    • fast action required for animation of wobblers.

    These characteristics allow the use of large, heavy and stubborn baits. They perfectly knit the resistance of large fish, quickly tiring them, which allows you to effortlessly remove the trophy from the water. The length of the form is selected based on the fishing conditions:

    • from the shore - 2.1-2.7 m long;
    • from a boat – 1.75-2.10 m.

    The cord is used with a diameter of at least 0.18-0.20 mm.

    Inertia-free reel size 2500-4000 according to the Shimanov classification. It is better to use a quality item from a well-known manufacturer. Her choice allows you to avoid many unpleasant situations at the most crucial moment:

    • throwing off loops;
    • beard formation;
    • shooting expensive baits.

    It wouldn’t hurt to arm yourself with a refill

    • Fluorocarbon, diameter 0.6–0.8 mm. The use of such material is preferable to others because of its transparency in water, which significantly increases the number of bites. The use of a large section thickness practically eliminates shearing.
    • Metal, guitar string number 2 will do.
    • Leading material in the form of a cable.
    • Titanium alloy, with a diameter of at least 0.2–0.25. Choosing a thinner section leads to unexpected kinks in the leader and the loss of caught fish at the most crucial moment.

    You should also have an additional spinning set to facilitate manipulations with caught fish and its transportation. This is:

    • landing net or lipgrip;
    • yawner, which is used to hold the mouth of caught prey open;
    • extractor: medical clamp or pliers with elongated noses - this is necessary for the spinning angler to safely remove hooks;
    • kukan, storage bag.

    Bait selection

    Deciding on the choice of catchable bait in September is quite difficult due to the huge assortment offered by the fishing industry. During this period, summer and autumn types of artificial bait used by spinning anglers are mixed. The fish itself helps in this. It indicates the shape and size of the bait during this period, showing its activity.

    Silicone baits can be used as bait

    Spoons, the color of which is determined based on the situation:

    • spinners No. 4-5, with a long or wide blade and a fly on the hook;
    • vibrators, 8-12 cm in size with slowly crumbling game.

    Silicone snap-ins. Available in various modifications and colors. The size used is medium, large.

    Wobblers. The range of preferences for this season is very wide, from subsurface models to deep options. The following options are popular and in demand for this time of year:

    • Zip Baits Orbit 80 DR SP;
    • Zip Baits Orbit 80 SR SP;
    • Zip Baits Orbit 110 SP;
    • S.P VARUNA 110 SP;
    • S.P VARUNA 130 SP;
    • Jackall Tiny Magallon;
    • Jackall Mag Sguad;
    • Evergreen Faith Custom;
    • DEPS Balisong Minnow 100 SP
    • DEPS Balisong Minnow 130 SP
    • DEPS Balisong Minnow 130 F

    Will also bite on wobblers

    The wiring used is jerky; it is not necessary to withstand a long pause. When choosing the color scheme of a wobbler, you should be guided by the rules of illumination and water transparency. The deeper the sun's rays penetrate into the water, the more realistic bait colors are used. Accordingly, when the light intensity decreases on the street and in the water, a more brightly colored wobbler is required.

    Features of fishing for pike with a spinning rod in September

    During the end of the animation, it is necessary to deliver the equipment closer to the feet when fishing from the shore or to the side if using a boat. Very often, a predator catches up with the bait, not daring to attack it, and makes a throw at the moment of pulling the tackle out of the water. At this time, the spinner, in a hurry to make a new cast, pulls the wobbler or spinner practically out of his mouth, seeing only the waving tail. Therefore, the fisherman needs to be careful during the entire fishing period.

    When you feel a bite, the cord must be consistently taut; slack is unacceptable so that the pike cannot free itself from the hooks when reaching the candle. The reel clutch must be adjusted to prevent the gear from breaking. During fishing, they try to keep the end of the spinning rod closer to the water to minimize the candle exits of the spotted predator.


    It is not for nothing that autumn is considered the peak season for striped hunter fishing. Any spinning angler can catch a trophy specimen, which does not depend on experience, fishing experience and the gear used. It happens that eminent fishermen, equipped with the latest innovative technologies, catch several tails weighing up to 1 kilogram, and a beginner who recently bought a spinning rod uses his grandfather’s spoon to pull out a specimen weighing 5 kilograms from the shore. It's all about luck. In September, everyone has the opportunity to experience their happiness. The weather allows you to relax in comfort, fishing turns into pleasure.

    The video is about fishing for pike with a spinning rod in September: