Switzerland. The education system in Switzerland and study prospects for Russian students

The price of higher education at public Swiss universities ranges from 500 francs to 1,000 francs per year. Private universities are more expensive - usually from 10,000 francs per academic year.

How to enter a university in Switzerland? What documents and knowledge does an applicant need to apply for higher education?

In order to enter a Swiss university, you will need not only a standard list of documents, but also certain language and academic knowledge.

Basic list of required documents for the submitting family:

  • copy of passport
  • for a bachelor's degree - a school certificate and completion of the Foundation program, or the IB, A-level, High School program (recognized at universities in Switzerland)
  • for master's degree - completed bachelor's degree + if required, completion of the pre-Masters program
  • IELTS/TOEFL certificate issued no earlier than 2 years before applying for a student visa, or TestDaf certificate for German universities in Switzerland, Delf certificate for French universities
  • letters of recommendation from English and mathematics teachers, sometimes from the school principal/dean
  • motivation letter
  • Skype interview or personal visit to an educational institution

Universities in Switzerland: higher education, study features

Swiss universities have many advantages over competitors from other European countries, in particular Britain - these include the cost of training. It directly depends on the type of university in Switzerland and the chosen specialty: inexpensive programs in public institutions cost students 600-700 francs per semester, private institutions are more expensive - the price per semester here is 8,000 francs and more.

The history of higher education in Switzerland dates back to the 15th century with the formation of the university in Basel. Today there are 12 universities, eight schools of applied sciences, two dozen pedagogical educational institutions and about 120 colleges in the country. A distinctive feature of Swiss higher education is its inextricable connection with the practical application of knowledge, in particular with the active conduct of scientific and research work. Every year the government allocates about 2.6% of GDP for these purposes and 5.2% for education. These are among the highest rates in the world. It was this close attention to the cultivation and development of scientific personnel that allowed the small European country to achieve an economic miracle and enter the high-tech development market on a par with countries such as the USA, China and Japan.

Like most European countries, Switzerland has signed the Bologna Agreement, and its higher education system today follows this model. The first stage is a bachelor's degree, which involves studying for 3-4 years depending on the specialty, the second is a master's degree (1 or 2 years of study). Postgraduate education - doctoral studies - lasts 2-3 years. More than 50% of students are involved in research work.

Universities in Switzerland

Despite the fact that Swiss universities are funded by the state, management is in the hands of the cantons in which the educational institution is located. This also determines the language of instruction (remember that Switzerland is a multilingual country). The University of Basel, University of Bern, University of St Gallen, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich teach in German. University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, University of Neuchâtel - French-language universities. The University of Friborg is bilingual, and at the Università della Svizzera italiana, studies are conducted in Italian.

It is traditionally believed that economics is best studied at the University of St. Gallen, philology and humanities are strong at the University of Geneva, and for those interested in natural sciences, technical specialties and architecture, go to the University of Zurich and Lausanne.

Swiss University Rankings

All universities in the country are distinguished by the highest level of teaching. This is confirmed by international ratings. According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2017-2018, 10 out of 12 Swiss universities are among the top 500 educational institutions in the world.

University Position in 2016-2017 Position in 2017-2018
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) 9 10
Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) 30 38
University of Basel 98 95
University of Zurich 106 136
University of Bern 110 105
University of Geneva 137 130
University of Lausanne 151 152
University of Friborg 251-300 201-250
University of St. Gallen 401-500 401-500
University of Neuchâtel 401-500 401-500

Hotel Management Schools in Switzerland

In Switzerland there are 25 private schools focused on training specialists in the field of tourism and hotel business. Education in this area received in Switzerland can be considered a reference. After all, it was in this country that it originated. The world's first such school - Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne - opened in Switzerland in 1899. Today, Swiss hotel business schools offer many specialties - from restaurant business to event management, and a lot of training programs of varying duration.

You can view a list of Swiss schools providing education in the hotel business and hospitality industry, as well as learn more about educational programs and training features on this page.

Cost of higher education in Switzerland

Education in the state Universities in Switzerland are quite inexpensive and practically free for both citizens of the country and students from abroad. Students pay about 1-1.5 thousand francs per year, which attracts a large number of foreign applicants to the country and causes difficulties for the Swiss in obtaining higher education. In this regard, in 2011, a number of universities introduced restrictions, for example, the University of St. Gallen established quotas for non-citizens of the country in the amount of 25% of the total number of applicants.

Hospitality schools are private institutions, so their prices are different. Hotel management training in Switzerland will cost from 25,000 francs per year. Costs vary depending on the specific institution and course. A “basic” education traditionally costs less than, for example, an MBA in hospitality, which can cost up to 60,000 francs.

Students will need 15-25 thousand francs per year for living expenses. This amount includes rent or hostel fees, food, travel and small expenses.

How can Russian applicants enter a Swiss university?

Admission to a Swiss state university is quite difficult for Russians. As in many foreign countries, secondary education in Switzerland takes 13 years. That is, a Russian applicant will need to somehow reduce the differences in educational systems: by studying for 2 years at a domestic university or at preparatory courses (foundation) in Switzerland. In addition, you will need good knowledge of the language in which the training will take place. Entrance exams (and their necessity) are determined by each university itself. Some universities admit students without them, but then carry out strict screening based on the results of the first year of study. Others may be asked to take up to 5 exams in core subjects.

Admission to a hotel business school in Switzerland is much easier. All that is required from the student is a desire to learn, good knowledge of the English language (from 550 TOEFL or 5.5-6.0 IELTS points), age from 18 years and completion of secondary education. Many hospitality schools admit students several times a year. Documents must be submitted 3-4 months before the start of training.

General information about the country.

State in Western Europe. It borders on Germany in the north, Italy in the south, France in the west, Austria and Liechtenstein in the east. Population – 7.7 million people. The official languages ​​of Switzerland are: German, French, Italian and Romance (the latter is official only for communication with native Romance speakers). The capital of the country is the city of Bern. The largest cities are Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Bern, Lausanne. Switzerland is a parliamentary republic. The country's territory is 41,284 square kilometers. Switzerland is the richest country in the world and one of the most important banking and financial centers in the world (Zurich is the third world currency market after New York and London).

Higher education in Switzerland.

There are 12 public universities in Switzerland: seven “classical” cantonal universities - in Basel, Berne, Friborg, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Zurich and St. Gallen - two small cantonal universities with university status: University College of Lucerne and Universita della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano, as well as two special polytechnic schools EPF Lausanne and ETH Zurich, where they teach engineering and architecture. There are also private universities, business schools and world-famous hospitality institutes.

Subjects are taught depending on the language region: in German - in Basel, Bern, Zurich, Lucerne and St. Gallen; in French - in Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel; in Italian - in Lugano; in two languages ​​(German and French) – in Friborg.

Swiss universities are subordinate to both the federal government and the cantons, so there is no single educational program. The mandatory minimum exists only for the faculties of engineering, law, economics and management, agriculture and design. Programs for all other specialties vary depending on the canton in which the university is located. Universities regulate the number of students through an exam after the first year of study, the most difficult. After it, up to 50% of students drop out. Students take the same exam after the second year of study. This is followed by 2-3 years of in-depth training, after which they are awarded a licentiate degree (Lizentiat) or diploma (Diploma). These degrees correspond to a master's degree. The next level – doctoral student (PhD) – requires another three years of study. The academic year at Swiss universities is divided into two semesters. The winter semester begins in mid-October and lasts until early March. The spring semester begins in mid-April and ends in mid-July.

Admission to Swiss universities is carried out in accordance with the accepted competitive selection system. The applicant submits documents to the university where he would like to study and waits for the decision of the admissions committee. Since Swiss universities accept students from abroad, the admissions committee analyzes not only the academic performance of applicants, but also the compliance of the level of education they have received with the Swiss level. In some cases, students from abroad are asked to take a preparatory course in order to be accepted into the university.

The percentage of foreign students at Swiss universities is quite high: on average about 18%, and at the University of Geneva up to 33%.

In order to enter a state university, a foreign student must be fluent in German, French or Italian and pass complex entrance exams based on educational standards.

It is almost impossible for a foreign student to enter the medical faculty: the medical profession is so popular that the competition for this specialty is very high. Dental and veterinary faculties are closed to foreigners.

Therefore, private educational institutions are mainly available to foreigners in Switzerland, which are represented by private universities in the hotel, tourism business and private business schools, for example: Les Roches Global Hospitality Education, Glion Institute of Higher Education, EU Business School.

Education in Switzerland at private universities is conducted in English and admission does not require passing exams in the specialty. The main requirement for admission is a Russian certificate or diploma of higher education and knowledge of the English language.

The highest entrance requirements for applicants from Russia are set by universities in the German-speaking part of the country. To enroll in the first year, you must complete at least two courses at a Russian university and pass a special unified exam for foreigners at the admissions office of the city of Fribourg. To enter the universities of Lausanne, Geneva and Neuchâtel, where they teach in French, graduates of a Russian secondary school with a good (no C) matriculation certificate need only pass a unified exam.

The following study programs are available in the Swiss Higher Education System:

  1. Bachelor's degree (duration of study 3.5 – 4 years)
  2. Postgraduate programs (duration of study up to 1.5 years). The programs are designed for those who already have a higher education and who want to change their specialization.
  3. Master's and MBA (Master of Business Administration). Duration of training – 1 year.

Many private universities in the country offer a long-term preparatory program "English in Switzerland", and at public universities in Switzerland you can find summer courses in German or French.

One of the unique and most popular structures for obtaining education abroad. This country is popular among foreign and Russian children, schoolchildren, teenagers and students for one simple reason - here you can get a high-quality European education. The main feature of obtaining a higher education or is related to the fact that on the territory of this country, students from other countries will be able to undergo training not in one language, but in several. Residents of this multicultural country speak fluent French, Italian, German and English. Depending on the canton, one of the official languages ​​is the main one in the region. The rest of the European countries do not have such educational resources, so the question of how to enter a university is asked annually by hundreds of foreigners around the world.

Entrance programs to universities in Switzerland for foreign and Russian students - types and features

Conditions for admission to universities in this country may vary depending on the location of the university, its ranking and prestige. Foreign students have several routes to enroll in a Swiss university.

Depending on the country in which the student plans to receive higher education, this may be an Anglo-American pre-university course for high school (or); in different specializations - humanitarian, technical or social science; French Baccalaureate, where in the second cycle of the course, children 16-19 years old prepare for admission to universities in Switzerland, France and those countries where studying in French is possible; Italian Maturita program, in which high school students choose one of four specializations and prepare for entry into Italian or Swiss higher schools. Also on the list is the most common international pre-university preparation program -. This two-year course, whose certificate is recognized in more than 100 countries around the world, allows applicants to enroll almost anywhere.

Foreign students can get into these programs after 9, 10, 11 grades at a Russian school. In addition, Swiss universities have a one-year training program at the schools of higher education themselves. Having completed such a program, the applicant is guaranteed to enter the first year of a bachelor's degree.

In addition to the first stage of higher education, Swiss universities accept foreign students for the second stage - master's programs. As in other European countries, in Switzerland, to obtain a master's degree, you must complete a bachelor's degree + know one of the previously mentioned foreign languages ​​at a very good level.

Also, when choosing an educational institution, it is worth considering the priority specialization. According to Swiss education experts, economics is best taught at the universities of St. Gallen, law students go to study at the universities of Lausanne, Fiourgues and Nchatel, exact sciences are taught at the University of Zurich, and the humanities, in particular philology, are best taught in Geneva . Swiss universities in the field of tourism and hotel business are especially famous: it is believed that Switzerland is the founder of these areas, therefore local universities are the best in the world rankings of the corresponding specialization.

How to enter universities in Switzerland - admission process and study conditions

It is better to start preparing for admission to a Swiss university or college at least a year before the potential start of the academic year. This is due to the fact that in addition to preparing documents, a foreign student will need to prepare for a language test and successfully pass the general test for all foreign students studying in Switzerland. In total, this entire process will take at least 4-6 months.

So, to become a student at a Swiss university, you need:

  • Provide a certificate of secondary education with good and excellent grades in all disciplines
  • Pass the unified exam for foreign students. It takes place annually in Friborg in September or October. The testing includes 5 subjects: three compulsory (mathematics, history and language) and two optional (chemistry, physics, geography, second language)
  • Provide a certificate of knowledge of one of the European languages ​​(depending on the chosen program)
  • In institutions of the German-speaking part, there are more stringent requirements for foreign and Russian students: applicants must study at a domestic university for at least two years.

If for some reason a student feels that he is not ready to take the exam at the University of Friborg, then he has the opportunity to take training courses and improve his knowledge to the required level. Classes take place starting in June, 2-3 months before delivery.

To confirm the language level, an international student will need one of the following certificates:

  • or – French
  • or – German
  • CELI – Italian language
  • or – English.

To take any of the tests, you need to sign up in advance (1-2 months in advance), then wait for the results (after 1.5-2 months), and then fill out documents for an application to universities.

Such documents will need to be prepared by a foreign student who wants to enroll in universities in Switzerland at the first stage of higher education (bachelor's degree):

  • completed application form for admission to the university (online on the website or manually)
  • international passport and study visa
  • statement of the student's academic performance for the last 2-3 years
  • certificate of secondary education (Russian or foreign sample)

But the following documentation will be required for admission to universities in Switzerland for the second stage of higher education (master’s degree):

  • bachelor's degree certificate
  • completed application for training
  • extract with the student's grades for the last 2-3 years
  • a certificate confirming confident knowledge of a foreign language according to the chosen curriculum
  • recommendations from teachers from the previous place of study (2-3 reviews)
  • motivation letter of the candidate.

Tuition fees at universities in Switzerland, list and ranking of educational institutions

Higher educational services can be obtained only on a paid basis (the condition applies to both local and foreign students) regardless of whether the educational institution is public or private. In this case, the price will be almost the same for all students. On average, the annual cost of training will be 1000-2000 Swiss francs. Studying for foreign students at a university in the Italian part of the country will cost a little more - about 5-8 thousand francs. An academic year at private Swiss universities will cost even more. Separate expenses will include payment for accommodation, food, pocket and transportation expenses (including air travel in both directions).