The worst plane crashes in the world. The most dangerous planes in the world named (11 photos) Plane crash plane crash

Every day, about 100 thousand aircraft take off and approximately the same number make a successful landing. At the same time, the statistics of fatalities increases by no more than 1000 per year - this is comparatively less compared to those killed in road accidents in just a month around the world.

How often do planes crash statistics?

How many planes crash per year is a question that interests many people, even those who are not planning to fly. The following data can be provided:

  1. Statistics show that about 10,000 airliners take off into the sky every day.
  2. Approximately 4.5 billion people fly on airplanes – that’s more than half the world’s population.
  3. Of these, about 1,000 people die in plane crashes.
  4. In 100 years of passenger aviation, 150,000 people died.

Statistics of plane crashes in the world

According to global statistics of plane crashes, the leaders are:

  1. Russia
  2. Canada

Where are the most plane crash victims?

(from 1945 - 2013)

  1. USA: 763 disasters, 10,514 victims;
  2. Russia: 307 disasters, 7061 victims;
  3. Canada: 173 disasters, 1,755 victims;
  4. Brazil: 172 disasters, 2681 victims;
  5. Colombia: 164 disasters, 2774 casualties;
  6. Great Britain: 102 disasters, 1278 victims;
  7. France: 101 disasters, 2240 victims;
  8. India: 93 disasters, 2341 victims;
  9. Indonesia: 93 disasters, 1902 casualties;
  10. Mexico: 88 disasters, 1226 victims.

Statistics of plane crashes in Russia

Speaking about our country, it is with bitterness that we have to admit that over the past six years we have taken first place in the world in the number of plane accidents.

So during this time, 38 plane crashes occurred in Russia, in which 378 people died, while in the United States there were only 11 plane accidents.

Airplane crash statistics by airline

Which airlines had the most accidents? To answer this question, you need to rank airlines based on the number of plane crashes.

Turkish Airlines

The most popular and popular (especially among Russian tourists) air carrier has not encountered an air accident since the seventies of the last century, but a series of small incidents, as well as the 2009 disaster near the Dutch Schiphol airport, which claimed nine lives, significantly damaged the airline’s reputation.

China Airlines

The Taiwanese airline is considered one of the most unsafe in Asia.

Over the past thirty years, about 755 people have died in accidents involving the planes of this air carrier, which gives reason to suspect this company of an unprofessional approach to the issue of the safety of its customers.

Korean Airlines

South Korea's largest airline has spent more than a billion US dollars on various passenger amenities. The ships of this company constantly get into some small accidents, fortunately, so far there are no casualties. The last tragic incident occurred back in 1997.

Saudi Arabian Airlines

The main airline of Saudi Arabia. Since the year 2000, it has had a reputation as a not very safe company; various incidents often occur with the aircraft of this carrier, although only one person died in them (in a crush that occurred during the evacuation), the frequency of various incidents involving aircraft of this company is very alarming.

Skywest Airlines

A well-known American airline specializing in local transportation. After the 1990s, which dealt a serious blow to the company's reputation, it was only marked by the 2008 disaster in San Antonio. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the carrier's reputation was dealt a serious blow.

South African Airways

The largest airline in South Africa, specializing in domestic and international flights. The company's reputation was ruined by a failed terrorist from Zimbabwe who hijacked a plane belonging to the carrier in 2006. No one was injured as a result of the incident, and although responsibility lies with the airport security service, this did not save the carrier’s reputation from a serious blow.

Aeroflot plane crash

Several dozen airlines are registered in our country. To determine their reliability and safety, a company is assessed according to various criteria, one of which is the technical safety of aircraft. The European Aviation Safety Agency has compiled a rating of the most reliable air carriers, the list of which includes the domestic company Aeroflot.

The company was founded in 1923. After the collapse of the USSR, many small carriers separated from it. In 1992, Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines JSC was created, which marked the beginning of the modern history of the airline. Today Aeroflot is the largest air carrier in Russia. During the period from 1992 to the present, there have been 4 plane crashes that have claimed lives. There is also information about 5 more accidents, which, fortunately, resulted in no casualties.

The most famous disaster that occurred in the entire history of the airline is the tragedy near Mezhdurechensk. In the spring of 1994, a passenger plane en route from Moscow to Hong Kong crashed. During the investigation, it turned out that the crash was due to the fault of the aircraft commander. The man put his fifteen-year-old son at the helm. This disaster claimed the lives of 75 people.

When traveling to another country, people are interested not only in the reliability of airlines, but also in the safety of the aircraft themselves. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to give a rating of the most unreliable and dangerous aircraft.

The Boeing 737 was recognized as one of the dangerous aircraft, since most of the accidents occurred on this type of aircraft.

IL 76 is also considered an unsafe aircraft, since it was on this ship that a major disaster occurred 13 years ago, which claimed many lives

TU 154 was recognized as very dangerous and unreliable; many accidents and emergency situations also occurred on this airliner.

The Airbus A 310 is also notorious; it was on this ship that a disaster occurred on June 30, 2009, which claimed more than 150 lives.

McDonnell-Douglas DC 9, this type of aircraft has not been produced for a long time and is out of production, but during its entire existence there have been several accidents resulting in the death of 44 people.

2016 turned out to be the busiest year in terms of aviation accidents. This conclusion can be reached by referring to the statistics of plane crashes that occurred during this period.

On February 24, a DHC-6 passenger plane crashed in Nepal; there were 20 passengers and 3 crew members on board. As a result of the disaster, no one managed to survive.

A month later, on March 9, AN 26 crashed in Bangladesh, the plane fell into the sea. There were 4 people on board, all of them were citizens of Ukraine. As a result, three people died, and only one managed to survive.

On the night of March 19 of the same year, a Boeing 737 plane crashed in Rostov-on-Don while climbing, the airliner began a sharp descent and crashed onto the airport runway. There were 55 people and 7 crew members on board. As a result of the plane crash, everyone on board died.

Two months later, on May 18, AN 12 B crashed in Dwyer. There were 9 people on board. As a result of the crash, 7 people died, only two technicians managed to survive.

The next day, May 19, another disaster occurred when an Airbus A 320 crashed into the Mediterranean Sea. All 66 people (56 passengers, 10 crew members) on board died.

Two months later, on July 1, while extinguishing forest fires, due to poor visibility, the transport plane IL 76 of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations crashed. All 10 crew members on board died.

Six months later, on 28 November, a BAe 146 crashed in Colombia due to fuel shortage. There were 77 people on board. As a result of the incident, 71 people died and only 6 people were saved.

A month later, on December 7, an ATR 42 plane crashed near the city of Havelian. All 47 people on board were killed.

On December 25 of the same year, a major disaster occurred: the TU 154 aircraft of the Russian Air Force, as a result of an error by the crew commander during landing, crashed and was completely destroyed. All 92 people on board were killed.

In general, looking at the statistics, we can conclude that traveling by plane is much safer than by land; according to estimates, the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1:8,000,000. Therefore, you should not be afraid to fly on airliners, because the risk of dying on the ground is much higher than in the air.

Plane crash statistics for 2017

Over the past months of this year, there have been only 4 plane crashes, which is significantly less than in 2016.

On January 16, a Boeing 747 crashed while landing. As a result of the incident, 39 people were killed and 14 were injured.

Three months later, on March 20, while landing, an accident occurred with the AN 26 aircraft. As a result of the incident, 37 people were injured.

On April 29, AN 26 crashed. There were 8 people on board. Everyone on board died.

Three months later, on June 7, the Y8 airliner crashed, half an hour after the plane took off, the airliner crashed into the Andaman Sea. There were 122 people on board. As a result of the disaster, no one managed to survive.

Statistics is an impartial science. She does not belittle or embellish the details. She presents the picture as it is. The statistics of crashes in Russia are a complete disappointment in domestic aviation. When you start looking at the causes of plane crashes, you often come across the phrase “pilot error” or “crew error.”

It's right. The human factor is the leading cause in Russia and the world. What are the biggest plane crashes in Russia over the past 10 years? Unfortunately, there are many of them. And if in the USA the statistics of crashes is falling, then in Russia it is only growing. What are the main reasons for this?

So, the leader is by a clear margin - human factor. Insufficient and unqualified training of pilots largely leads to such sad results.

Airbus A330-300 from Aeroflot.

Many experts note that old Soviet models are still in use, which are long overdue for decommissioning.

Another reason is the greed of airlines, which skimp on the quality of aircraft maintenance and the purchase of new parts and equipment.

As a result, the equipment wears out, parts are not replaced, and the aircraft becomes unusable. But it is not being taken out of service. There are known cases when the plane flew until it was completely worn out, even to the point of disaster!

List of the largest air disasters in Russia

Over the past few years, Russia has had its share of quite a few very sad disasters. One of the most “recent” is the crash of a TU-154 heading to Syria, December 25, 2016. This is the largest accident in 2016.

TU-154 from Utair.

The causes of the disaster have not yet been clarified due to difficulties in deciphering the black boxes. It is only known that the plane crashed into the Black Sea, taking with it the lives of all passengers and crew.

March 19 of the same year A FlyDubai plane flying to Rostov-on-Don from the UAE crashed. All people died. The causes of the disaster are also still being clarified, but so far only interim results have been announced.

That night there were difficult weather conditions, which forced the plane to land twice. After the second time, it began to decline sharply and simply collapsed into GDP.

The biggest disaster in 2013, Boeing 737 crash near Kazan. All passengers and crew were killed. The accident also occurred during landing.

The reason is said to be negligence and failure of the crew to fulfill their duties, as well as their insufficient preparedness for flights.

Airplane TU-134.

Another terrible disaster that occurred in Karelia, death of TU-134 when landing. The plane collided with trees and crashed. One of the reasons is poor visibility in foggy conditions. 47 people died, but 5 managed to survive.

Plane crash near Yaroslavl of a Yak-42 aircraft led to the death of the entire Lokomotiv hockey team. In this disaster only 1 person survived. During takeoff, the plane crashed into a radio beacon and crashed on the river bank. The reason also turned out to be the unpreparedness of the crew.

Monday - April 2, 2012- turned out to be the last day for most passengers and crew of Utair flight 120. Only 10 managed to survive this disaster. The accident occurred after takeoff, 42 seconds later.

The reason turned out to be the PIC’s refusal to perform anti-icing treatment, which led to a deterioration in the aerodynamic capabilities of the aircraft. Plus, the crew was unable to notice the plane stalling in time.

Which Russian planes crash more often?

In the article on our website, you can see that the IL-76 is already in second place in the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft in the world, and the third is the well-known TU-154. TU-134 takes sixth place.

Three models from Russian manufacturers are included in this list. This says something. However, for example, the same TU-154 was never taken out of service, as a result of which disasters continue to occur.

Every day in the world someone asks the question - what are the statistics of plane crashes? After all, every minute any air transport is exposed to the same risk of crash:

  • passenger;
  • cargo;
  • military.

Statistics of plane crashes in the world note that in recent years most often occurred in the United States. Unfortunately, Russia's rating is second place. The United States is trying to improve the situation, especially with passenger transportation. The Russian government pays more attention to military aircraft.

Under the Soviet Union, aircraft crash statistics were difficult to accurately determine, as they were almost always kept silent. Today this is almost impossible to do.

Why do planes crash?

Every person going on an air trip for the first time tries to find information about the main reasons for flying cars. Despite the fact that airplanes are marked as the safest transport in the world, the future passenger does not even think that on land he is accompanied by danger much more often than in the air.

In the United States, looking at each year since 1945, more than 630 disasters have occurred, killing more than 10,500 people.

In Russia and the USSR during this time, less than 307 accidents occurred, where approximately 7,000 fatalities were counted.

In Canada during this period, there were 173 accidents, where approximately 1,755 fatalities were counted.

Ecuador ranks last among countries. The planes of this country crashed the least.

Aircraft crash statistics

Statistics of aircraft accidents in the world highlight the Boeing brand. These aircraft are considered the most dangerous and are most often found in the zone. The Boeings 747 and 737 are highlighted in particular. They are the most frequently crashed.

The statistics of those killed in plane crashes in Russia and other countries on Boeing aircraft is astounding. To avoid trouble, a special accident assessment service strongly recommends correcting certain errors so that this does not happen again in the future.

Many airlines have already stopped transporting people on the Boeing 737, but some countries still operate this brand of aircraft. Despite its poor performance, the Boeing 737 is considered the safest passenger transport.

The Tu 154 has also been noted for the number of aircraft crashes in the world. During the period of its use, starting in 1973, at least once every twelve months one of these aircraft crashes. However, experts say that this model is one of the most reliable for transporting passengers. The reasons for their accidents are the carelessness of pilots and dispatchers, since the complexity of the structure of this equipment requires appropriate professionalism and attention.

Statistics of plane crashes in the world by year make it possible to evaluate the actions of specialists who are trying to correct all the shortcomings and make sure that planes are exposed to a minimal risk of crashing. This can be seen on Wikipedia, where a table is provided, both with exact numbers and in percentages, showing accidents and the number of fatalities in each of them. The five worst crashes in the last two years:

Year A country Airline Aircraft brand Flight course Number of victims
2015 TaiwanTransAsia AirwaysATR 72Songshan–Kinmen43
2015 GermanyGermanwingsAirbus A320-211Barcelona – Dusseldorf150
2015 RussiaKogalymaviaAirbus-321Sharm el-Sheikh – St. Petersburg224
2016 Russia Boeing 737-800Dubai – Rostov-on-Don62
2016 EgyptEgyptAirA320Paris-Cairo66

Despite all the efforts of the experts, the statistics of plane crashes in the USA and Russia have not changed much. They still rank first. Looking separately at accidents during cargo transportation, we can confidently say that they occur due to improper maintenance and violations of safety rules. Mostly they use old cars, the repair of which no one monitors. And the statistics of plane crashes due to dangerous ones only confirms this.

Often cargo planes are loaded with much more weight than necessary. Considering the still old design, this is the main reason for the crash of such a transport. Airline crash statistics for airlines are difficult to determine. No one can say with certainty which one is better or worse. It all depends on the transport and how its working condition is monitored. The twenty safest airlines today:

Place A country Airline
1 China (Hong Kong)Cathay Pacific Airway
2 UAEEmirates
3 TaiwanEva Air
4 QatarQatar Airways
5 ChinaHainan Airlines
6 NetherlandsKLM
7 New ZealandAir New Zealand
8 UAEEtihad Airways
9 JapanJapan Airlines
10 PortugalTAP Portugal
11 USAJetblue Airways
12 GermanyLufthansa
13 AustraliaQantas
14 Great BritainVirgin Atlantic Airways
15 JapanAll Nippon Airways
16 CanadaAir Canada
17 USADelta Air Lines
18 Great BritainBritish Airways
19 ChinaSichuan Airlines
20 GermanyAir Berlin

As for Russia, it ranks 35th.

Plane crashes in Russia

The statistics of plane crashes in Russia and the USA are in the lead for both airlines and aircraft for one reason. These two countries are most involved in air transport. Considering that there is one crash per million flights, then with such a busy schedule it is difficult to avoid such tragedies.

Statistics of air accidents in the USSR show that at that time air accidents were rare - one every couple of years. The frequency of accidents began after a long period of use of the equipment, when vehicle repair work was ignored.

The considered statistics of plane crashes in Russia by airline are noted by Aeroflot. It is one of the oldest. Perhaps that is why it is considered dangerous for passengers. At the same time, few people pay attention to the fact that these are mainly her “daughters”. In the company itself, accidents have decreased greatly over the past 20 years.

Despite the fact that according to statistics, Aeroflot plane crashes are off the charts, the company is doing its best to correct the situation and reduce the number of accidents to a minimum. To do this, it is modernizing its aircraft fleet and certifying its pilots for professionalism. Such tests help determine how capable an employee is of adequately assessing critical situations.

Judging by Russian airlines and those killed in plane crashes, the statistics of victims at Aeroflot is frightening. Over the entire history of its existence, there have been approximately 130 crashes.

However, over the past 10 years, airlines have proven that flight safety is much better than ground travel. At the same time, over the past 5 years in Russia the number of accidents has decreased significantly. This proves that the country is worried not only about income, but also about security. Experts try to reduce flow disruption to a minimum.

Looking at recent years, 2015 was an unusually quiet year. There were only 16 disasters, killing 560 people. But it was like the calm before the storm. In 2016, there were as many accidents with victims as there were in several years.

But, regardless of the statistics of plane crashes in Russia in 2016, the popularity of air travel has not decreased. Every day there are more and more people wanting to fly.

19.18 Photos from the scene of a plane crash are not for the faint of heart.

17:40 - According to the Mash telegram channel, investigators found that the dispatchers lost sight of the fallen An-148 for 6 minutes - two minutes before the crash and 4 minutes after. At that moment they were talking to each other and did not immediately notice the disappearance of the plane from the radar.

16:48 - So far, search engines have found 715 body fragments and 430 aircraft debris. Work continues.

16.25 Report from the scene:

14.50 Ukraine will still take part in the investigation of the plane crash:

13:43 Important clarification from the Investigative Committee: An-148. The department added that the search for the voice recorder is still ongoing.

12:52 The moment of the disaster was captured by a surveillance camera installed on one of the private houses. A fiery flash can be seen in the recording.

12:50 Meanwhile, the press service of the Voronezh Aircraft Manufacturing Association (it was from its assembly line that the plane came out in 2010) stated that the crashed An-148 had exhausted less than a quarter of its service life in eight years. It is noted that the service life of such aircraft is 30 years of operation, 80 thousand flight hours, 40 thousand flights, TASS reports.

The crashed airliner had flown just over 16 thousand hours and made 8,348 landings. However, soon after the disaster it became clear that the aircraft had been serviced earlier.

12:38 We collected photographs of those killed in the An-148 crash. Some of them published truly prophetic posts before the fateful flight.

12:20 The Ukrainian company Antonov has announced its readiness to join the investigation into the An-148 crash. “We, of course, will take part in this if there is a corresponding request from the Russian side,” the company told TASS.

The airliner that crashed in the Moscow region was manufactured under license in Voronezh in 2010.

12:18 The Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that 200 fragments of human bodies were found in the area where the plane crashed. The department also confirmed the discovery of both recorders.

11:25 Saratov Airlines announced a temporary suspension of operation of An-148 aircraft. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to the company.

10:20 The Ministry of Emergency Situations stated that the condition of the voice recorder is assessed as satisfactory. It is emphasized that we are talking about a second “black box”.

10:13 Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said that the collection of the remains of the dead passengers and crew members will continue for a week. “This process is quite long. Within seven days, the remains will be collected,” TASS quotes her.

10:10 According to the latest data, One of the flight recorders was found at the crash site. The discovery of the “black box” was reported the day before, but subsequently conflicting information began to arrive. In particular, it was reported that an error had occurred and one of the aircraft’s components was called a “black box.”

10:08 It is specified that the area of ​​scattering of aircraft debris was more than 30 hectares.

10:01 The Ministry of Emergency Situations reports the beginning of a massive combing operation in the area where the An-148 crashed. Rescuers lined up in a chain and examined the area in detail. This is done to collect all aircraft debris and body fragments.

09:53 Shortly before the plane crashed, radars detected strange behavior of the An-148. The airliner gained an altitude of 1,800 meters and a speed of about 600 kilometers per hour, after which it sharply dived down to 1,500 meters. Then he gained altitude again and almost immediately crashed to the ground, writes Kommersant. The last time dispatchers recorded the plane at an altitude of 900 meters was at 14:28 Moscow time.

09:27 After the plane crash, the authorities of the Orenburg region thought about changing the carrier on the Moscow - Orsk route. However, they do not intend to close the route completely - it is very popular among residents of the region.

08:41 The authorities of the Orenburg region promised to provide financial assistance to the families of the deceased residents of the region. “We will reach every family. We will help them in other matters if the family finds itself in one or another difficult life situation, for example, loans, paid education, and so on,” said the head of the Orenburg region, Yuri Berg.

08:27 According to RIA Novosti, the last check of the crashed An-148 took place at Penza airport. It was about operational maintenance. It was handled by two specialists who were on board the plane yesterday at the time of the disaster.

08:24 According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, nine unmanned aerial vehicles are currently operating in the area where the plane crashed.

08:02 According to the latest data, out of 65 passengers, 35 were residents of the Orenburg region. Another 10 people lived in Moscow, four in Saratov. Two people each from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Also on board were residents of Mordovia, Udmurtia, Altai Territory, Ulyanovsk, Murmansk, Belgorod, Moscow regions, as well as the cities of Astrakhan, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Norilsk, Perm, Ryazan, Sochi and Tambov. Among the passengers, two were foreigners - citizens of Switzerland and Azerbaijan.

The recording recorded the moment when dispatchers tried to establish contact with the pilots of the Saratov Airlines plane, which disappeared two minutes after takeoff from Domodedovo.

“Saratov-703, answer. Saratov-703, Moscow calls and calls,” can be heard on the audio recording.

4:30 The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov on the completion of rescue work at the An-148 crash site. All the people on the plane died, so the rescue operation moved into the search stage, the minister explained.

“The rescue work has been completed. We note that 71 people on board died,” Puchkov said. The main search work in the Ramensky region can be completed within a week.

02:40 The head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, instructed to organize a transport corridor to the site of the An-148 crash, along which special equipment could travel to the scene of the emergency.

00:40 The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that the study of the plane crash site will be carried out continuously for several days. About 100 experts from the central office of the RF IC and the Office of the RF IC for the Moscow Region are working on site.

23:40 The head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Pavel Klimkin “expressed condolences to the families and friends of those killed in a plane crash near Moscow.”

23:20 Honored Test Pilot According to air crash expert Vladimir Biryukov, the plane crash was due to a technical malfunction, which may have led to an explosion.

22:59 Memorial services for the victims of the disaster will be held in all churches of the Orsk diocese for 40 days.

22:06 The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region has increased the number of police officers at the crash site to 200 people.

22:03 The Russian Embassy in the United States reported that a funeral service was held at the Church of St. John the Baptist in Washington for those killed in the plane crash, as well as for pilot Roman Filipov, who died in Syria.

There is no doubt that man's conquest of the heavens is one of the most significant achievements of progress. But there is no success without defeats, hence the many plane crashes, resulting in thousands of victims. What are the biggest plane crashes in the history of mankind?

USA, September 11, 2001

This terrible, bloody disaster is the result of a terrorist attack committed in New York; it became the most discussed event that has ever happened. 16 years ago, three planes controlled by terrorists deliberately crashed into two skyscrapers, causing them to collapse, and into the Pentagon building.

As a result of the terrible accident, almost 3,000 citizens of different countries were killed at the World Trade Center.

According to official statements, an ultra-radical organization called Al-Qaeda, consisting of Wahhabi Muslims, was responsible for the attack. The version was subsequently confirmed by facts, but not everyone was convinced. A huge number of independent investigations were carried out, the results of which produced documentaries. For example, there is a theory that the Twin Towers acted only as a diversionary maneuver, and that it was not Muslims who ordered the terrorist attack, but the American government.

16,000 people managed to escape from the skyscrapers and subsequently gave interviews and shared their memories. Many of them wrote books and articles about the event.

There is a memorial at the site of the tragedy; Every day flowers are brought to him in memory of the terrible disaster

In all disasters, there is some duality: it is often difficult to understand whether there are those responsible for this event, or whether everything happened due to circumstances beyond human control. The tragedy in Tenerife was no exception. It seems like it's just an incredible confluence of many different factors. At Los Rodeos airport, a collision occurred between two Boeing 747s, the largest passenger airliners of that time. There are 583 people killed, including children.

Airplane passengers were looking forward to a holiday on the sunny Canary Islands

It all started with a terrorist attack in a flower shop on the neighboring island of Gran Canaria, where one person was killed. And then - a whole chain of terrible events. Soon, an anonymous person called the police, reporting explosives planted in the airport terminal. All passengers and staff were evacuated as quickly as possible, scheduled airport flights were canceled and redirected to the airport of Tenerife. Among the diverted planes were two overcrowded charter flights from the United States and the Netherlands.

In addition to the two giant Boeing 747s, there were other flights planning to land at this airport. The small main road was completely occupied. In addition, the weather had turned bad, and the experienced pilots were in a hurry and tired. The last straw was mixed up radio messages, which led the Dutch pilot to believe he had been cleared to take off. All this accumulation of unpleasant moments led to the fact that in dense fog at exactly 17 hours 6 minutes there was a terrifying collision of two giants, one of which opened the other like a tin can. No one had a chance to survive; all the passengers and crew of one plane were burned alive.

61 people survived the plane crash

The world's worst plane crashes most often occur due to technical problems or human error. In August 1985, a Boeing 747 airbus suffered a terrible crash near Tokyo. He lost control, causing him to collide with a mountain peak. 520 people died, and Japan could not recover from the shock for a long time. The press persistently demanded that the airline's owners conduct a thorough investigation and punish those responsible.

A letter was found with one of the victims, describing in detail everything that happened on the plane before the tragedy. The man said goodbye to his family and friends, carefully set the time, then put the letter in his driver's license, which he put in his back pocket.

The cause of the accident was that twelve minutes after the aircraft took off, the vertical stabilizer on the tail fell off. The crew managed to keep the uncontrollable airbus in the air for another half hour, but tragedy could not be avoided.

Only 4 people survived the plane crash

On this day, one of the largest air disasters in the world occurred at the Shymkent airport. An IL-76TD transport aircraft operated by Air Kazakhstan took off into the sky. He was about to take a charter flight to Delhi, India. There were 26 adults, one child and ten airline employees on board. Two hours later the plane requested to land at the airfield. Within fifteen minutes he should have been on solid ground.

Everything was going well, but at 18:47 a Boeing 747 departing for Saudi Arabia began to take off from the airport. Most of its passengers are Indians heading for seasonal work in oil production. Having risen to a height of 3 km, the pilot requested permission for further ascent. The dispatcher refused, but there was no response from the Boeing pilot, and it is still unclear why. However, according to records from the black boxes, it was found that the pilot was warned about an airbus flying towards him.

349 people died instantly

On the screen, the dispatcher saw how the points of the two airliners met. This often happens when one flies under the other. And just a split second later they should have dispersed again, but this did not happen; instead, the dots completely disappeared from the screen. The frightened dispatcher requested both aircraft, but received no response.

As it turned out, the Boeing collided with the IL, ripping the fuselage in the center. More than five hundred tons of twisted iron fell down, narrowly missing the nearest villages.

After the disaster, the wreckage burned for 4 hours

A terrible plane crash occurred on this day. The DC-10 airliner landed at Orly airfield in Paris. It was the day after a significant rugby match and hundreds of fans were now rushing to get home. Fortunately, not all tickets were sold out; there were almost two hundred empty seats. There were 345 people on board including crew members. The landing process took a little longer, so the departure took place 10 minutes later than planned.

At an altitude of 7 km, the rear cargo compartment door opened - the lock was not securely closed. The door was blown away by the wind along with part of the paneling. Due to decompression, a whirlwind rushed into the plane, carrying away two rows of seats along with people. The pilots did not immediately realize what was happening. All three engine control knobs were switched to idle mode. The autopilot has disconnected. After this, the liner was sharply thrown to the left side, simultaneously turning its nose towards the ground.

There were no survivors of the plane crash

The pilots could not control the controls because the mechanisms failed. Just 10 seconds after the start of the accident, the airliner rushed to the ground at a speed of 580 km/h, completely out of control, and after 77 seconds it collided with a mountainside overgrown with trees. The accident was so severe that there was absolutely nothing left of the plane and its passengers, there was nothing even to burn. In an attempt to find the largest parts, one of the landing gear legs was discovered in the forest.

This is the most famous plane crash to occur over the surface of water. No one could escape in it. The Boeing 474 airliner was flying from Montreal to Bombay. When the plane was flying over the neutral waters of the Atlantic, a terrible explosion occurred on board. Everything happened so quickly that the crew was not even able to send a distress signal to the dispatcher. The plane quickly fell apart in the sky.

From the data obtained from the black box recordings, it turned out that terrorists were responsible for the explosion

During hostilities in the Donetsk region, a Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner was shot down, returning from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. The plane crashed to the ground near the village of Grabovo, instantly killing absolutely everyone inside, almost 300 people. This is the worst plane crash since the 2001 terrorist attack in the United States. The Ukrainian side completely denies its involvement in the event, while blaming Russia.

The plane flew over Ukraine at an altitude of 9.5 km, later 10 km. At 14:15 the plane stopped responding to dispatcher requests, this was 50 km before the Russian-Ukrainian border. According to the plan, he was supposed to cross the border at 17:25. No distress signals were issued before the disaster.

Burning wreckage of the plane was found on the territory of Ukraine, scattered within a radius of 15 km

The An-32B aircraft was flying from the airport of the capital of Congo, Kinshasa, in difficult weather conditions. On board were consumer goods, as well as two passengers and, of course, the crew. Takeoff began at 11:40; after 44 seconds, when the front landing gear should have lifted off the runway, this did not happen. Three seconds later, the pilot attempted to interrupt the takeoff process by removing the lever, and then remove the propellers from the stop.

The airfield had no barriers at the end of the runway, and beyond it there is a drainage ditch, behind which there is a city market. Colliding with the parapet of the ditch, the plane drove straight into the market, drove through the shopping rows, and as a result of the collision with them, an unexpected fire occurred. The plane's flight mechanic was killed, and the rest of the people on board were seriously injured. But almost 300 people at the market died on the ground.

The plane was overloaded and therefore could not take off

Shortly after the L-1011 passenger plane took off from the airport in Riyadh and was about to head to the city of Jeddah, a fire broke out on board. The pilots managed to make an emergency landing, but as soon as the plane touched the ground and its doors opened, it was completely engulfed in flames. The door to the passenger compartment was opened only after 20 minutes. According to data received later, the passengers had already died from severe carbon monoxide poisoning at that time.

Five minutes later the fire was extinguished. The plane burned almost entirely, leaving only the wings and the vertical stabilizer on the tail. 301 people died - everyone on board.

Rescuers took a long time to understand the instructions in English, which led to a delay in the rescue operation

Just minutes after taking off from Bandar Abbas airport, the A300 airliner was shot down by a US attack missile fired from the ground. Everyone who was inside died, that's 290 people. The cruiser that launched the missile was in Iranian waters at the time. The US government said the cruiser mistook the A300 for an Iranian plane taking off for military purposes. This version caused a lot of criticism. Be that as it may, the official report justified the incident by citing the stressful state of the cruiser’s crew, as well as the external similarity of the A300 to military aircraft.

According to the Iranians, the attack was completely deliberate, designed to put pressure on the country's government to conclude a truce with Iran. This would be beneficial to the United States.

The disaster is considered the most tragic of those that did not occur due to a fall, collision or terrorist attack

Today, airliners are the most comfortable and fastest mode of transport, allowing you to cross the entire globe in a matter of hours. On terra firma, an airplane seems large and reliable, but it turns out that in the sky it can be almost defenseless. Nevertheless, you should not expose yourself to fears, because according to statistics, plane crashes kill the least number of people out of all types of transport accidents.